Posts by category
- Category: Media Coverage
- Mitacs to Announce 2022 Award Winners for Innovations in Medicine, Environment, Technology, and More
- CTV News: Saving Canada’s Indigenous languages
- The Suburban: Montreal start-up launches first-of-its-kind smart arm bracelet to help save kids’ lives in busy emergency rooms
- Times Higher Education: Canada joining the rush to create a Darpa
- CTV News: Protection against COVID-19 transmission
- Financial Post: ‘Almost like Star Trek’: New startup helps miners stare deep into the earth with cosmic rays
- Global News: Dal researcher wins award for first-ever National Ocean Literacy Strategy
- CTV News Winnipeg: New app empowering First Nations with data
- CityNews Montreal: Montreal researcher makes potential life-saving breakthrough in eye cancer research
- SaltWire: Dalhousie researcher recognized for her national ocean literacy strategy
- Global News: USask professor’s app lets online shoppers try on clothes virtually before buying
- GuelphToday: Guelph researcher develops new antiviral material for face masks
- Castanet: UBCO researcher creates antiviral material for face masks to stop COVID-19
- National Post: Award winning work done by Winnipeg Indigenous knowledge app developer
- National Post: U of S researcher pioneers solution for ‘trying on’ online purchases
- Business in Vancouver: Rogers, UBC re-up 5G partnership with $5m commitment
- Calgary Business Podcast: Dr. John Hepburn, CEO of Mitacs (episode 324) | 3 November 2021
- CanadianSME Small Business Podcast: In conversation with Mitacs Change Agent Entrepreneur Negin Ashouri
- The Hill Times: Attracting international talent key to Canada’s future as an innovation nation
- Toronto Star: Toronto test subjects try out smart underpants to monitor cardiovascular health
- CBC News: How one Sask. university is working with elders to further scientific research on traditional medicinal plants
- Policy Options: Let’s do more to leverage Canada’s diversity for a stronger digital research infrastructure field
- Global News: Women In Politics, Western Economics Solution Taskforce, Mitacs and Ellen Parker
- Business in Vancouver: B.C. tech-sector diversity program gets ‘revamp’ with $29m in hand
- Vancouver Sun: B.C. announces $29 million in funding for women, minorities in the technology sector
- University Affairs: Where can a PhD in STEM lead?
- Global News: Concordia students find a way to make surgical masks more effective
- CTV News: Why Should We Watch The Paralympics?
- Global News: Global News Morning speaks with a professor about a lack of inclusivity in the Paralympics
- The London Free Press: ‘An athlete is an athlete’: Academics set to examine Paralympics coverage
- CBC News Radio: A call for more inclusive parasport competitions
- CTV News: Queen’s University developing device to flag disease-infected ticks in just a few hours
- City News Montreal: Montreal designing aircraft flight deck of the future
- CBC Radio: Ontario Morning from CBC Radio with Julianne Hazlewood
- Times Colonist: UVic lab working low-cost, effective test for arsenic detection in drinking water
- Global News: Queen’s University researchers are developing rapid test to detect Lyme disease in ticks
- Victoria News: University of Victoria collaborates with Georgia researcher on cellphone arsenic tester
- The Globe and Mail: Harvard student, Queen’s professor collaborating to rapidly identify Lyme-infected ticks
- CBC Radio Ottawa: All in a Day with Alan Neal Interview with Queen’s Researchers
- CTV News Ottawa: The Growing Tick Problem In Ottawa
- Global News: Back on the Beat Interview with Hossein Kamali
- CityNews Montreal: Iranian-Canadian inventor changing women’s health
- Canadian SME Business Magazine: Five Up-And-Coming Entrepreneurs Recognized For Breakthrough
- BIV: Vancouver’s Autonopia preps to deploy its window-washing robots
- Daily Hive: Vancouver startup’s roomba-like robot tower window cleaner could replace humans
- Global News: Indigenous student animator obtains valuable internship with animated TV production
- Global News: Halifax Innovator wins prestigious environmental award
- Canadian Healthcare Technology: Breakthrough device for pelvic organ prolapse
- CBC News Calgary: The search for a summer job: ‘The competition is fierce’
- Toronto Star: AI to help Toronto Zoo’s residents, starting with the orangutans
- Vancouver Sun: Animation internship offers chance to portray Indigenous life on screen
- Canadian SME Business Magazine: Turning The Innovation Lens Inward
- Toronto Star: Majority of Canadians say new technologies are vital for the health of the country
- CBC: Federal budget has met expectations, Conestoga student association leader says
- University Affairs: Federal budget provides relief to postsecondary students, makes some investments in research
- National Newswatch: Canada’s economic recovery will depend on the next generation of innovators
- Vancouver Sun: B.C. launches $45 million youth employment program
- Vancouver Sun: Joy Johnson and John Hepburn: Investing in talent of new post-secondary grads will accelerate B.C.’s economic recovery
- CTV Windsor: Local business get matched with UWindsor students
- CTV News: 6. N.B. team develops breakthrough innovative screening tool for lung cancer
- IndigiNews: Gitxsan woman named one of 2021’s most inspiring women entrepreneurs and business leaders by B.C. magazine
- Global News: Moncton tech firm teams up with UNB to work on new way to detect lung cancer
- The Hill Times: Why our economy must hang onto PhD graduates
- CTV News: Windsor’s COVID-19 sewage surveillance project gets $540K funding boost
- Canadian SME: Most Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders — Candice Loring
- Canadian SME: Message To Women Entrepreneurs By Candice Loring On International Women’s Day
- Joel Matlin Entrepreneur Show: MITACS: Innovation & Success
- London Free Press: Work by Ontario manufacturers to hire more women pays off: Study
- Yahoo! News: New study looks at dramatic impact of COVID-19 on Kamloops restaurant industry
- London Free Press: Ivey students reaching out to help COVID-clobbered local businesses
- CTV News: Program pairs businesses in need with student interns and helps cover costs
- Global News Radio: Western University students get real life work experience while offering support to local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Global News Radio: Western University Ivey students to offer support to local businesses amid COVID-19 pandemic
- iHeartRadio: Windsor Business Students step in to help local organisations
- Vancouver Is Awesome: Vancouver non-profit’s one-of-a-kind program benefits both businesses and business students
- BIV: How business students are helping companies navigate COVID-19
- CTV News: Beyond ‘check-marking a box’: Getting Indigenous students into jobs paramount, advocate says
- BC Business: Kelowna’s Candice Loring is on a mission to advance Indigenous businesses and communities
- University Affairs: a one-stop shop to bring researchers and industry partners together
- Castanet: Helping First Nations thrive
- CBC Radio North: An Indigenous is entrepreneur trying to help others
- Global News Radio: 43. Can First Nations businesses and organizations benefit from university-level academic research?
- CBC Radio One: New program from national research organization for Indigenous-owned business
- Global News: MacKenzie Art Gallery hires John Hampton as permanent executive director, CEO
- CTV News: ‘We try to be their voice’: Families of Iran plane crash victims searching for answers on anniversary
- Academia Top Ten: UoGuelph, Mitacs partner to establish MCTI internships
- Canadian SME: This B. C. Woman is on a Mission to Advance Indigenous Communities and all Canadians Stand to Gain
- CBC: 45. Taylor Jamieson-Datzkiw is hoping to change the narrative about viruses with her now award-winning research
- CTV News: Using viruses in the fight against cancer
- Global News: Health Matters: Made-in-Edmonton salt masks win national recognition
- Forbes: Promising Anti-Anxiety Treatment Targeting The Endocannabinoid System Gains Steam In Canada
- CTV: Your Morning: Canadian scientist receives Mitacs Prize for using viruses to treat cancer
- CBC Radio: As It Happens: This Ottawa PhD student creates viruses for the forces of good
- Global News: Back On The Beat: What’s happening inside the lithium battery in your car?
- CTV News: Face mask game changer
- CBC Radio: As It Happens: Mask innovation award
- iHeartRadio: Up-and-coming toronto researcher earns award for addressing sensory experiences for children and youth with special needs
- 630 CHED Radio: Talking to the Alberta researcher behind the new facemask that incorporates COVID-killing salt particles
- Prince George Daily News: Prince George professor earns award for breakthrough work to conserve Canada’s northern lands
- CBC Radio: Interview with Pamela Wright and John Hepburn
- The Globe and Mail: COVID-19 mask innovation lands Alberta researcher an award from Mitacs
- National Post: Alberta researcher gets award for COVID-19 mask innovation
- Yahoo!News: A cancer killer? Canadian researcher wins award for virus that could potentially destroy ovarian and breast cancer
- Vancouver Sun: UNBC professor’s Wright stuff recognized in northern conservation leadership
- Radio Canada International: Mask uses salt coating to kill pathogens, garners award
- Yahoo! News: Alberta researcher develops salt-coated mask that can stop the spread of COVID-19
- Ottawa Citizen: The Ottawa Hospital helps fill vaccine talent gap with training program
- Entrevestor: Mitacs, NBIF Launch Intern Program
- BetaKit: Canadian universities offer new program to help commercialize deep tech research
- CTV News Edmonton: $15M-investment to create 3,800 internships for Alberta students
- The Globe and Mail: Learning curve: Business schools are in a race to learn new survival skills
- Canadian SME: Why Investing In R&D During A Slowdown Can Help SMEs Rebound
- The Hill Times: Entrepreneurs hold key to stronger post-pandemic economy
- Vancouver Sun: Vancouver startup brings big-data twist to craft of wine, winning accolade for co-founder
- Halifax Today: Local entrepreneur’s company aims to reduce seafood waste
- BCBusiness: Vancouver-based company seeks to revolutionize wine industry one barrel at a time
- CTV News Montreal: Montreal inventor’s smartwatch could help in battle against COVID-19
- The Chronicle Herald: Startup uses tech to streamline fishery supply chain
- Ottawa Business Journal: U of O PhD student’s smartwatch a timely innovation in COVID fight
- Yahoo News: PhD candidate’s invention was called ‘bulls—t’, but can now detect early signs of COVID-19
- The Hill Times: Why Canada can’t afford to lose a generation of top talent
- Food in Canada: Award-winning Vancouver innovator develops new wine-making tech
- CTV News Ottawa: UOttawa PhD student develops new smartwatch
- The Telegram: St. John’s startup hits milestone in extracting pure active ingredient from old drugs
- Regina Leader Post: New Regina podcast explores intersection of art and disability
- Global News: The Concordia researcher developing a COVID-19 vaccine from home
- Canadian Healthcare Technology: Concordia collaboration for vaccine making progress
- Canadian Industry Online: SME’s: Using R&D to navigate through and beyond the current crisis
- Business in Vancouver: Public-private cooperation in a post-pandemic world
- Canadian Consulting Engineer: What’s flushed away could help uncover the second wave of COVID-19
- Lethbridge Herald: Grant to help U of L-API partnership develop COVID-19 treatment
- Durham Radio News: Ontario Tech researchers trying to predict COVID-19 outbreaks by testing wastewater
- Global News Radio Vancouver: John interviewed on $40 M
- CTV News Channel: Alexis of Dialogue with MILA and Mitacs shout outs
- Forbes: University Of Toronto, Canadian Biotech Company Collaborate On Cannabinoid-Based COVID-19 Treatment
- The Hill Times: How to restart our economy? Boost an entrepreneurial mindset
- CTV News Saskatoon: Sask. prof wants to bring major technological advancements to Indigenous, rural communities
- Regina Leader Post: Digital app to assist northern Saskatchewan fight against COVID-19
- Northern Ontario Business: Lakehead researchers teaming with high-tech firm on medical scheduling software
- Techcouver: Innovate BC Partners With Mitacs To Drive COVID-19 Business Solutions
- Business in Vancouver: Oilsands company helps develop COVID antibody test
- Canadian Manufacturing: Got a business idea to help combat COVID-19?
- New Brunswick Telegraph: Suncor research being used to develop antibody test
- Financial Post: Suncor, Western University team up to make COVID-19 tests using wastewater tech
- CBC News: How new technologies could protect industrial workers from COVID-19
- MSN News: Migrant workers face further social isolation and mental health challenges during coronavirus pandemic
- Calgary Herald: Suncor research being used to develop COVID-19 antibody test
- CTV News London: Western student key to Ontario company’s COVID-19 pivot
- The Suburban: Not-for-profit organization can help get support, funding for business ideas that help combat COVID-19
- CTV News London: Mitacs featured in CTV News London April 23,2020
- Saskatoon Star Phoenix: Young Innovators: U of S advances new technology that turns waste into “green” fuel
- Kitchener Today: U of G helps develop new way to sanitize N95 masks
- Canada One: Mitacs increases intern wage subsidy for Canadian businesses working on products to fight Covid-19
- London Free Press: Western University researcher designs mobile medical module to screen COVID-19 patients
- Hamilton News: Hamilton’s AVL Manufacturing turning shipping containers into mobile triage units to assist coronavirus pandemic
- Alaska Highway News: Research organization wants ideas to beat virus pandemic
- BCBusiness: Nonprofit offers funding and other support for SMEs pursuing COVID-19 solutions
- Canadian Industry Online: In the race for talent, Canadian business must go global — or be left behind
- The Hill Times: Academic research underpins sound policy
- BetaKit: Hockeystick launches list of active funders as COVID-19 creates cash crunch for Canadian startups
- Edmonton Journal: U of A researcher developing surgical mask to keep coronavirus at bay
- Canadian Manufacturing: CUTRIC launches research group for autonomous mass transit
- The Globe and Mail: It’s time for Canadians to get uncomfortable: Emerging markets aren’t waiting for us
- IT World Canada: Mitacs placing 400 interns with ENCQOR 5G network projects
- Toronto Star: The secret ingredient in this face mask that could prevent the next coronavirus? A dash of salt
- Huffington Post: Alberta Scientists Pioneer Mask That Kills Viruses in Mere Minutes
- Narcity: An Edmonton Lab is Making A Face Mask That Kills Coronavirus Instead of Spreading It
- CTV News: A salt-coated mask that kills viruses? Albert researchers working on it
- The Globe and Mail: If not used properly, masks can actually promote the spread of viruses
- CTV News: Here’s what you should know about wearing that face mask
- New Atlas: Salty masks could kill coronavirus
- CBC News: Scholarship created in name of promising U of Manitoba scientist who died in Iran plane crash
- Northern Ontario Business: Lakehead U researcher receives grant for new breast cancer detection system
- CBC News: ‘Virtual biopsy’: Thunder Bay researcher helps develop new PET-scan technique to find breast cancer
- Calgary Herald: Compelling Calgarians: Douglas Kondro
- Times Colonist: Cameras reveal how animals change behaviour when people move in
- National Post: Fishing for the future: Canadian professor gets noticed for growing cannabis inside microalgae
- CBC News: Teen parents struggle with housing discrimination and isolation, study finds
- Edmonton Journal: U of A researcher receives award for work to house teen parents
- Northern Ontario Business: Lakehead medical researcher is an innovation star
- TB News Watch: Lakehead researcher wins award for breast imaging medical device
- The Chronicle Herald: Dalhousie, Nova Scotia Lung Association study backs benefits of plain cigarette packaging
- Global News: Research scaled to support walleye population
- CTV News Ottawa: Tapping into the science of Maple Syrup
- CTV News London: ‘Buddy’ is no friend to the Ontario Maple Syrup Producer’s Association
- The London Free Press: Need a phone charger? Maybe not too often, thanks to Western University, 3M researchers
- The London Free Press: Sweet! Fanshawe College student’s test could save maple syrup from bad ‘buddy’ flavour
- Global News: Dalhousie researcher wins award for work that finds plain cigarette packaging is effective
- The Edmonton Journal: ‘Men’s workwear is not appealing’: Local start-up develops workwear for women in trades
- The Vancouver Sun: From hydrogen to yeast: B.C. tech startups get a helping hand
- CBC News: Bee-harming pesticides make migrating songbirds sick too, study shows
- Winnipeg Free Press: Oil spill-fighting bacteria under Experimental Lakes microscope
- Edmonton Journal: U of A augmented reality project highlights the science behind sports
- Canadian SME: Business Magazine: Q&A With Mitacs CEO and Scientific Director, Alejandro Adem
- Global News: Alberta researchers create wearable sensors to track athletes’ movements
- CBC News: U of A lab developing wearable technology to prevent athletic injuries
- CTV News: First-of-their-kind wearable sensors to help UofA athletes perform better, avoid injury
- The Daily Courier: UBCO researchers aim to develop better battery
- CBC News: B.C. university, companies collaborating to develop next-generation battery
- Global News: Zenbo, a robot learning empathy from a team including Mitacs Globalink intern
- The Oshawa Express: Changing the future of artificial intelligence
- Yorkton This Week: The Muskrat Hut
- Kelowna Capital News: Cleaning combustion with hydrogen: UBC Okanagan researchers
- The Suburban: Hundreds of world’s brightest young minds spending summer in Canada
- CBC News: Kamloops researchers develop software to help prevent lone-wolf shooter attacks
- Montreal Gazette: International students study honey bee viruses with Quebec scientists
- Kamloops Matters: A Kamloops professor and his student are working to help police stop lone wolf attacks
- The Star: B.C. researchers developing simulation that could predict and prevent mass shootings
- Sackville Tribune Post: NovaResp aims to improve treatment for sleep apnea
- The Chronicle Herald: NovaResp aims to improve treatment for sleep apnea
- The Suburban: Concordia pulls back the curtain on the creative process of contemporary circus
- Global News: Kelowna entrepreneur develops low-cost aviation video black box recorder
- CBC News: Fredericton company develops all natural preservative using mushrooms
- Winnipeg Sun: Local company is helping change face of rural roads
- Betakit: UBC launches blockchain, distributed ledger program for graduate students
- Trail Times: Trail engineering firm shares research on international stage
- Canadian Healthcare Technology: Nova Scotian wins award for CPAP device
- Science and Technology Research News: New Technique for Studying Rusting of Steel Benefits Mining Industry
- Betakit: Element AI signs HSBC, it’s third partnership announcement in four months
- Huddle: Fredericton Company Creates Award-Winning Natural Food Preservative
- Halifax Today: Halifax entrepreneur wants to revolutionize sleep apnea treatment
- The Suburban: Montreal-based start-up Element AI receives prestigious award
- Global News Halifax: Interview with Hamed Hanafi, Founder & Director R&D, NovaResp Technologies Inc.
- News 1130: B.C. entrepreneur creates new flight recorder for small planes, filling market void
- The Daily Courier: Young Kelowna entrepreneur receives award
- CTV TV: Building a better gravel road: How Manitoba researchers are paving the way
- Winnipeg Free Press: Dust-busters
- Saskatoon Star Phoenix: Young Innovators: Real women, better ads
- Regina Leader-Post: U of R, RPL partner on new app to help Arabic-speakers learn English
- Saskatoon Star Phoenix: U of S researchers, local company aim to save injured horses with special lift and harness
- Prince George Citizen: Modified minerals can kill bacteria in contaminated water, UNBC research indicates
- CTV: Getting the horse back in the saddle
- Times & Transcript: UdeM [Université de Moncton] partners with developer on AI project
- The London Free Press: Ottawa tornado breaks new ground for London researchers
- Calgary Herald: University of Alberta researcher devises strip of paper to detect explosives
- The Packet: St. John’s-based totaliQ inks deal with Cahill Group
- CTV News Channel: Detecting bombs with a piece of paper
- CBC: Paper strip that detects explosives could shake up airport security, Edmonton researcher says
- CBC Radio Edmonton: Postdoc invents test strip for explosives
- C.D Howe Institute: Future Skills, Future Work
- The Hill Times: Canada’s economy needs workers with global learning experiences
- The Telegram: Striking gold
- The Sault Star: No buddy of ours
- Vancouver Sun: UBC salmon tracking studies find mortality hotspots, migration bottlenecks
- Global Maritimes: Halifax researcher is the brains behind new MRI diagnosis technology
- CTV Calgary: Local researcher develops CO2 conversion technology
- CBC Radio, HomeRun: Montreal postdoc develops new hearing protection technology
- Salmon Arm Observer: UBC Okanagan alumna earns national research prize
- Business in Vancouver: Advocates float hydrogen export industry idea
- The Chronicle Herald: DeMONT: Dad’s death steered PhD student to neuroscience
- Vancouver Courier: Vancouver salmon researcher receives national nod
- Rossland Telegraph: Dams and Earthquakes: Austin Engineering Honoured Again
- Winnipeg Free Press: Bees remind us we all have a role in innovation
- The Chronicle Herald: COMMENTARY: Nova Scotia shows how to keep women in science
- The Globe and Mail: Entrepreneurial spirit is thriving at Canada’s postsecondary campuses
- Prince George Daily News: Fatimat Shidi first UNBC student to win Mitacs Globalink Research Award
- Globe and Mail: Why youth skills development must go national now
- CTV News Vancouver: A quick home test for salmonella
- Vancouver Sun: We don’t know what skills Canada will need in the future — and that’s the point
- The Sou’Wester: Designing the snack of the future
- Winnipeg Sun: International students put summer break to good use
- StarMetro Vancouver: B.C. scientists develop affordable, hand-held tool for testing salmonella
- CTV News Winnipeg: Young minds in Winnipeg this summer contributing to health research
- Global News From the lab to your lunch: Manitoba students cooking up scientific culinary treats
- CBC Radio, Early Edition: International student helping develop artificial skin for robots
- City TV Breakfast Television: The creation of human-like skin for robots
- Global News BC: International student helping UBC research robotic skin
- StarMetro Vancouver: B.C. engineers develop artificial-skin technology for robots
- CBC News Vancouver: Students create robotic skin
- CBC Radio, On the Coast: Teaching students mental health literacy
- Vancouver is Awesome: Program teaches Vancouver students about mental health and well-being
- Atlantic Business: Don’t segregate the entrepreneurs, embrace them
- Toronto woman wins prestigious honour for ‘green’ charcoal
- Global Winnipeg: Up-and-coming researcher earns prestigious award for game-changing solution to in-hospital nutrition
- IT Mitacs researcher using tech to improve Canada’s canoe and kayak teams
- The Canadian Jewish News: Winnipeggers win award for developing new dietary supplement
- Winnipeg Free Press: Winnipegger thrives with tasty supplement creation
- CBC Radio, Homestretch: Calgary carbon entrepreneur recognized for his start-up
- Huddle: Meet the Saint John Researcher Helping Bring Life-Saving Drugs to Market Faster
- Winnipeg Sun: Young entrepreneur honoured for better-tasting hospital food replacement
- Chronicle Herald: Smokers wanted for study looking at link between smokes packaging, behaviour
- Business in Vancouver: Initiative links academia, private sector to drive innovation
- Halifax Dalhousie researcher trying to improve Canadian kayak and canoe racing times
- CBC Halifax: Halifax researcher hopes to give Canadian paddlers a competitive edge
- Halifax researcher hopes to give Canadian paddlers a competitive edge
- The Chronicle Herald: Stroke science stokes Olympic medal hopes
- StarMetro Halifax: Halifax researcher developing technology to help canoe and kayak athletes reach the podium
- Global News Radio 770 CHQR: PhDs put business to use
- Edmonton Journal: Aurora Cannabis and Mitacs partner to fund U of A research on effects of cannabis use in health care
- Mississauga startup company finds new way to monitor heart disease
- The Canadian Jewish News: Israeli researcher develops home heart test in Canada
- CTV News Kitchener: UW researcher finds faster test for heart failure
- 570 News: UW researcher creating device to measure your risk for heart failure in 20 minutes
- CBC Morning Edition: Waterloo researcher finds faster way to test for heart failure
- CBC Kitchener-Waterloo: Waterloo researcher finds faster way to test for heart failure
- The Guardian: Federal money for computer model to assess energy demand, storage potential on P.E.I.
- The Guardian: Turning pesky sea lettuce into something good – research at UPEI
- The Chronicle-Herald: LU graduates to work alongside radiologists
- TB News Watch: LU gets $400K grant for project to develop enhanced medical imaging detectors
- Thunder Bay News Hour: TU students receive grant for medical imaging technology
- Caledon Enterprise: Caledon native behind unique VIA Rail podcast series
- Inside Q&A: Ryerson and Carleton journalism students talk to VIA Rail passengers
- CBC Ottawa Morning: Stories about what matters most to Canadians captured on board VIA Rail trains
- Calgary Herald: Calgary sleep specialist helping maximize athletes’ performances
- The Daily Gleaner: A health breath test? UNB innovators honoured
- CBC Shift – NB: UNB researchers selected as part of top 150 in Canada
- Yahoo News: Canadian student’s discovery could prevent cancer and HIV
- BBC Radio: Canadian PhD student discovers breakthrough in cancer research
- National Post: Canadian researchers develop technique that finds unwanted animal products in beef
- Daily Hive: Federal government invests over $70 million to create more jobs for students
- Global News Toronto: PhD student makes groundbreaking cancer discovery
- CKWS Kingston: Canadian PhD student makes groundbreaking cancer discovery
- Global News Regina: URegina research wins national award for heavy oil research
- CTV News: Cancer research breakthrough
- CTV Your Morning: Student makes discovery that could stop cancer from spreading
- CBC News Network: Canadian cancer breakthrough
- CTV Calgary: Getting Olympic calibre sleep
- CityTV Breakfast Television: Helping athletes sleep better
- The Globe and Mail: Attract top talent with internships, not jobs
- Salmon Arm Observer: Kids, the great outdoors and technology
- Global News: UBC Okanagan research determines technology and outdoor play can go hand-in-hand
- Niagara Buzz: PhD student discovery may prevent cancer spreading
- Crowd control research nets national award
- CBC Home Run: McGill nursing student’s cancer research wins award
- 660 News: Calgary researcher awarded for sleep study with Olympic athletes
- Global News Canadian PhD student makes groundbreaking cancer discovery
- Regina Leader-Post: New software promises greater heavy oil recovery
- Oil Sands Review: U of R researcher’s computer model allows producers to ‘see’ solvent-oil front in the reservoir
- Kingston Whig-Standard: Cancer research breakthrough ‘promising’
- Metro Calgary: Calgary researcher creates tool to help athletes snooze better
- CTV PhD student makes groundbreaking discovery that may prevent spread of cancer
- 660 News: U of C researcher awarded for work with athletes and sleep
- Vancouver Sun: Connecting Canada’s research and innovation agendas
- Construction Canada: Using 3D to help projects leap into the future
- The Guardian: P.E.I. start-up targets body piercing risks with new technology
- The Eastern Graphic: Summer residents collaborate with UPEI researchers to create infection fighting technology
- CBC PEI: A P.E.I. company aims to make body piercings safer
- IT Business: PEI startup using 3D printing to reduce risks of body piercing, pet and livestock tagging
- CTV Your Morning: International intern helps develop self-driving wheelchair
- Richmond News: Robot designed to help seniors at home
- Saanich News: Mexican student brings galactic expertise to UVic
- CBC News BC: Aether the robot a welcome addition to B.C. group home
- CBC Early Edition: Group home robot lends a helping hand
- CBC News: Care home droid provides new hope
- Global BC: Robots help group home residents
- City TV Vancouver: Robot helps patients with developmental disabilities
- City TV: Winnipeg team shoots for the robot Olympics
- Winnipeg Free Press: U of M’s humanoid lab recruits new talent
- Vancouver Sun: Robot lends people with disabilities a helping arm
- Metro Winnipeg: Nothing but net: U of M develops AI to compete in international robot competition
- Winnipeg Free Press: University’s robotics team ready to shoot some hoops
- CTV News Winnipeg: Research team collaborates with international students to compete in robot Olympics
- Global Winnipeg: International intern developing basketball-playing robot
- IT Business: Self-driving wheelchair, IoT tourism app tap into foreign research talent with Mitacs program
- Hamilton Spectator: Student recreates Spencer Creek flooding with 2D simulation
- Vancouver Sun: Microwave-based system takes stink out of manure management
- Toronto Star: Toronto researchers develop technology for self-driving wheelchairs
- The Canadian Press: Canadian researchers develop technology for self-driving wheelchairs
- CTV Toronto: U of T research team developing autonomous wheelchair
- An affordable, self-driving wheelchair may soon roll onto the market, thanks to this student
- Vancouver Sun: Talent for growth, Canada’s window of opportunity
- Edmonton Examiner: Construction planning taken to new dimension
- Global Edmonton: Edmonton company partners with UofA to develop 3D construction tech
- 630 CHED: Edmonton company teams up to speed up construction
- Alberta Construction Magazine: Ledcor, UofA researchers blend virtual with real world imagery for remote project management
- CTV Montreal: PhD students winning awards for 3D printing advances
- Inside Toronto: Livelihood Project helps newcomers get ‘job ready’
- How the Livelihood Project is giving refugees looking for a career a helping hand
- Kingston Whig Standard: Queen’s grad develops program for refugees seeking work
- CBC Metro Morning: Livelihood project helps refugees develop job-readiness
- Business News Network: Vancouver startup makes waves treating manure and sewer sludge
- Now Toronto: The Livelihood Project job-hunting app for newcomers earns a Mitacs Social Entrepreneur Award
- The Globe and Mail: Canada’s uniquely co-operative culture is a boon to tech innovation
- Huddle Today: Thermopak and UdeM Researcher Adding Value and Efficiency to Plastics Recycling
- The Globe and Mail: When luring foreign investment, don’t forget the human factor
- Edmonton Journal: University of Alberta math whiz helps develop robotic sprinkler technology
- CTV News Channel: Canadian company fighting child sexual abuse material online
- IT World Canada: RCMP turns to AI to help rescue victims of child sexual exploitation
- The Globe and Mail: Canadian universities aim to help students, faculty stranded by Trump order
- Kelowna Daily Courier: Local company developing software to stop uploading of child porn
- Winnipeg Sun: U of M students working to end child porn problem
- Metro Winnipeg: Using technology to fight technology
- CTV News Winnipeg: U of M students developing software to prevent child sexual abuse material from hitting the internet
- CTV News Winnipeg: U of M students working to prevent child sex abuse images from hitting the internet
- The Globe and Mail: New program allows scientists to get involved in federal policy-making
- CTV Edmonton: New test to screen for colon cancer
- Dinner TV: Edmonton researcher develops new test for colon cancer
- Global Edmonton: New urine test for colon cancer
- Exchange Magazine: Up-and-Coming Toronto Researcher Earns Award for Groundbreaking Approach to Fighting Viral Outbreaks
- Global BC1: UBC PhD student fights food fraud
- CBC Vancouver: Vancouver scientist lauded for catching food cheats
- CKNW: Award winning UBC researcher sheds light on ‘food fraud’
- Toronto Star: New approach to Ebola, SARS leads to research award
- Vancouver Sun: UBC student to be awarded for inventing new method of detecting contaminated food
- Our Windsor: UWindsor researchers studying 3-D technology to improve working conditions at Ford
- The National: Governor General visits Israel to strengthen bilateral relations
- AM 800 News Windsor: Local researchers use video game tech to boost Ford assembly lines
- BT Calgary: App gives celiac sufferers new tool for managing symptoms
- AM 660 News Calgary: UCalgary researcher develops app for celiac sufferers
- Windsor Star: 3D video game technology, University of Windsor research to help Ford improve assembly line design
- Global Calgary: App helps manage symptoms of Celiac disease
- CBC Windsor: UWindsor research helps unlock efficiencies for Ford
- CBC Windsor: Ford partners with Windsor researchers to study assembly line workers
- Metro Calgary: Calgary app helps those with celiac disease
- Winnipeg Sun: Best and brightest testing next big ideas in Manitoba
- CTV Winnipeg: Drone to help fly food to remote communities
- Metro Winnipeg: Autonomous drone brain being tested at University of Manitoba
- CBC Calgary The Homestretch: Canada’s Olympic women’s eight team hopes extra sleep converts to Olympic gold
- Huffington Post: How We Can All Sleep Like Canadian Olympic Athletes
- Calgary Herald: Better sleep means a better shot at a medal for Canada’s rowing team, UoC study finds
- Edmonton Journal: Researchers use robotics to improve mobility for children with physical disabilities
- CBC Nova Scotia: Dalhousie researchers pair with international students to solve complex research problems
- News Talk 770 Calgary: University of Toronto professor discusses robot supported by Mitacs Globalink research
- London Free Press: A study looked at Olympic-bound Canadian women rowers who train on Fanshawe Lake in London and found they perform better when they sleep better
- CFJC Today: Counter-terrorism simulator taking preparedness to next level
- Omni Focus Mandarin: Ludwig the robot supported by Mitacs Globalink intern at UofT
- CTV Go: Canadian-made robot aims to help with Alzheimer’s disease
- National Post: Meet Ludwig: a boyish robot that can analyse dementia patients by talking with them
- CTV Toronto: Meet Ludwig: Robot helps seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia
- Toronto Star: Canadian-made robot helping assess dementia at retirement home
- CBC Toronto: ‘This little guy is really cute’: Ludwig the robot designed to help Alzheimer’s patients
- The Londoner: Canuck rowers catching more Zs
- CTV Calgary: You snooze, you win!
- Breakfast Television Calgary: More rest, more wins
- CJBK News Talk 1290 London: New study helps Olympic rowers edge ahead in their sleep
- Victoria News: Unique project creates concert hall experience through headphones
- Halifax Chronicle Herald: Halifax researchers team up with students to tackle health care, environment projects
- Metro Halifax: Accessible care, climate change and more being studied in Nova Scotia by international students this summer
- The Globe and Mail: Business leaders are increasingly urged to embrace failure. Don’t believe it.
- The Globe and Mail: Group wants workplace stints for all postsecondary students
- Winnipeg Free Press: Creating a buzz
- Metro News: University of Manitoba technology helps local beekeepers compete against imports
- The Globe and Mail: Overconfidence and isolation can sink your startup
- The Globe and Mail: More PhDs are leaving academia to launch their own businesses
- Edmonton Journal: Lakes created ‘from scratch’ try to replace fish habitat in Alberta’s oilsands region
- Corporate Knights: Make me a match
- Global BC: BC government invests in research internships for students as part of BC Tech Strategy
- Global Minister in Kelowna to announce $6-million for research internships
- Castanet: $6M boost for tech
- Kelowna Capital News: Province talks cash investment in tech sector
- Kelowna Now: B.C. Government Gives Research a $6-Million Boost
- The Exchange: Canada lags on innovation
- CBC New Brunswick: Saint John native wins award for biomedical engineering work
- Radio Canada International (Spanish only): George Conidis, Premio a la Mejor Innovación Mitacs – PhD
- CTV Atlantic: Local researcher wins national award for ultrasound technology research
- CBC The Current: Only 1 in 5 Canadians with PhDs land a tenure-track job in their field
- Daily Planet: Toronto researcher wins award for software to scan cosmic neighbourhoods
- CBC Halifax: Local researcher wins award for ultrasound technology
- Radio Canada International (Spanish only): Alberto Solís Serrano, premio Mitacs
- CBC Radio Windsor: Windsor’s dandelion tea researcher Pamela Ovadje recognized for anti-cancer work
- Global Toronto: Canadian PhD student wins award for discovering galaxies can be bullies
- Windsor Star: Dandelion cancer treatment research leads to award
- CTV Windsor: Local researcher recognised for work on dandelion cancer remedy
- CBC Nova Scotia: Dalhousie graduate wins $15K grant for ultrasound technology research
- Toronto Star: Toronto innovation award winner talks galaxies, existentialism and life on Mars
- CBC Windsor: Windsor’s dandelion tea researcher Pamela Ovadje recognized for anti-cancer work
- Halifax Chronicle Herald: Halifax medical engineer wins national prize for new ultrasound technology
- CTV Calgary: Diagnosing Sleep Disorders
- Winnipeg Sun: Winnipeg study aims to help child refugees integrate
- Toronto Star: International students add brainpower to research projects
- Radio Canada International: Prestigioso matemático mexicano-canadiense se distingue en Canadá
- Global Regina: U of R robot to benefit offshore oil safety
- Dinner Television Edmonton: “Summer camp of geniuses” brings international researchers to Alberta
- CTV Calgary: Calgary researchers develop app to solve neighbourhood mystery
- CBC Calgary: Calgary researchers work to solve neighbourhood mystery
- Calgary Herald: Researchers develop app to record Ranchlands hum
- CFRA Ottawa: Mitacs Globalink attracts top talent to Ottawa universities
- AM 630 CHED: International interest in Canadian universities
- Fairchild TV: Chinese students conducting research at UBC through internship program
- CBC Fredericton: Mitacs Globalink at the University of New Brunswick
- Ottawa Citizen: Small farmers’ crops the focus of Mexican student’s drone project in Ottawa
- The Daily Gleaner: International internship brings world’s top students to UNB
- Newstalk 1010 Toronto: Internship program brings world’s brightest minds to Toronto
- The Kings County Register: Computer science student from India working with Valley apples in Kings County
- The Chronicle Herald: Data seeds apple research
- CTV Atlantic: Federal internship program brings top talent to Nova Scotia research
- CBC Halifax: Nova Scotia apple growing goes high-tech with bar code data collection
- News 95.7 Halifax: Mitacs Globalink at Dalhousie University
- ShawGo Edmonton: Edmonton entrepreneurs receive prestigious Mitacs award
- National Post: Are there too many PhDs? Turns out, maybe not: A look at where PhDs end up after leaving the Ivory Tower
- CFRA Ottawa: Mitacs Entrepreneur Award winner Richard Beal
- Victoria Times Colonist: Cascadia founder honoured with Mitacs award
- 1310 News Ottawa: Mitacs Entrepreneur Award winner Richard Beal
- The Globe and Mail: Academics plant seeds of revolution in the Ivory Tower
- Edmonton Examiner: Edmonton entrepreneurs behind Alieo Games honoured by Mitacs Awards
- The Edmonton Journal: U of A students recognized for educational startup
- The Edmonton Sun: Game helps students improve their writing fluency
- Vaughn Citizen: Federal program that pairs researchers with businesses kicks off in Vaughan to the tune of $10M
- Kelowna Daily Courier: Mitacs bridging town-to-gown gap in B.C.
- Vancouver Sun: Mitacs head has high hopes for innovation
- Calgary Herald: Golden handshake
- Ottawa Citizen: Boeing provides funding for Canadian Satellite Design Challenge
- City Centre Mirror: UofT postdoctoral fellow Ricardo Jota promises to make the digital world even faster
- Lethbridge Herald: U of L internship leads to Mitacs Award
- CFRA Radio: Ottawa researcher honoured for innovative defense research
- CBC Early Edition: BC Researcher honoured for her work on Chinese immigrant settlement
- CBC Ottawa: Ottawa researcher’s work could protect Canada’s borders
- CTV London: London-based water treatment company recognized
- London Community News: London tech firm Trojan receives leadership award for water treatment efforts
- Canadian Security Magazine: Ottawa researcher receives award for helping to protect Canada’s borders
- Metro News Ottawa: Ottawa researcher to be awarded for innovative border security technology
- Vancouver Sun: University of BC boss hates miss opportunities
- Calgary Herald: Super students from around the world work at U of C this summer
- Go Saskatoon Campus Life: Mitacs Globalink interns at the University of Saskatchewan
- The Record: Sherbrooke students help spur growth for local businesses
- Victoria Times Colonist: University of Victoria benefits from overseas students program
- The Star Phoenix: Top global scholars lured to U of S
- Global Saskatoon News Hour: Program attracts young international researchers to Saskatoon
- Global Saskatoon: Mitacs Globalink attracts top undergrads to the University of Saskatchewan
- Kelowna Daily Courier: Making wine a greener enterprise
- CityTV Edmonton: Canadian program attracts bright minds to Edmonton
- The Daily Gleaner: Student’s digital game aimed at human brain
- Edmonton Journal: International students contribute to U of A research
- CBC Toronto: Program aims to bring young academic talent to Canada
- The Globe and Mail: Case study: Shoe retailer was born after Zappos left Canada
- Global Toronto: Top international students studying in Canada
- OMNI National: Mitacs Globalink Interns at the University of Toronto
- CBC Fredericton: Mitacs Globalink Interns at the University of New Brunswick
- CBC Radio Fredericton: Mitacs Globalink Interns at the University of New Brunswick
- Calgary Herald: Performance at low cost the goal for tech trio
- CTV Vancouver: Province of BC funds health care innovations through Mitacs
- Saskatoon Star-Phoenix: Everything future rockstars need to know is now at their fingertips
- New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal: Researchers at UNB taking giant steps in linking robotics with human body
- Globe and Mail: See the World. But see Canada too
- Maclean’ When PhDs realize they won’t be professors
- CBC The National: Incoming UBC president Dr. Arvind Gupta speaks with Peter Manbridge on challenges facing today’s students
- CKRM AM Regina – Saskatchewan graduate students get extra boost from the government
- Global News Regina – Saskatchewan invests $365,000 in research internships for graduate and international students
- Metro Regina – Saskatchewan invests $365,000 in research internships for graduate and international students
- Georgia Straight – Incoming UBC president Arvind Gupta reinforces university’s global brand
- Vancouver Sun – UBC’s innovative new president
- Vancouver Sun online – Arvind Gupta named next UBC president
- Globe & Mail online – Arvind Gupta, innovation expert, named next president of UBC
- Business Standard: India, Canada ink Letter of Intent to collaborate on research exchanges
- Halifax Chronicle-Herald: Glue may help healing; Dal project testing adhesive for use in cranial, facial operations
- Nature Jobs – Canada needs managers
- Hill Times Op-Ed: Innovation is a people business
- Lethbridge Herald: Program looks to attract more international students
- Lloydminster Source: International Education Strategy launched
- Postmedia News: Ottawa aims to double number of international students
- CKNW AM 980’s Bill Good Show – Interview with Mitacs CEO and BC Minister of Advanced Education
- SNAP Kitchener Waterloo – Up-and-Coming Waterloo Researcher Receives Award for Commercialization
- SNAP Halifax – Up-and-Coming Halifax Researcher Receives Award for Outstanding Innovation
- Huffington Post BC- Emily Morris, UBC Student, Wins Mitacs Award For Outstanding Innovation
- CBC Kitchener-Waterloo – Interview with Mitacs Awards winner Adam Metherel
- Halifax Chronicle-Herald – Big leap in imaging tiny things; Dalhousie researcher’s ultrasound innovation wins national award
- Waterloo Record – UW researcher wins award for innovation that saves labs money
- CBC Radio Vancouver’s Early Edition – Interview with Mitacs Awards winner Emily Morris
- Victoria Times-Colonist – UBC student wins national research honours
- Vancouver Sun – UBC researcher’s work on mental health stigma recognized
- Chronicle-Herald: Op-Ed by Colin Dodds – Canada can become international education powerhouse
- Fairchild TV – Globalink Research Interns discuss their research at York University
- Nature Jobs – Postdocs dissatisfied
- Science Careers – Canada’s Postdocs Happy With Research, Dissatisfied With Pay and Status
- Chronicle of Higher Education – Canadian Postdocs Need Better Pay, Benefits, and Training, Report Says
- University Affairs: Low pay and ambiguous job status frustrates Canadian postdocs
- University Affairs – Mitacs paid research internships are still among the best
- Globe & Mail – Canada aggressively courts foreign students: How to help them fit in?
- Ming Pao – Article on Mitacs Globalink
- Lethbridge Herald – University of Lethbridge goes global with its research
- CTV Lethbridge: Mitacs Globalink student at University of Lethbridge
- CTV Canada AM: Three Mitacs Globalink students discuss their research on national morning television
- Edmonton Journal – Research internships bring students from around world to Alberta universities
- The Vancouver Sun – Bright brains at UBC work on new safety technology for trains
- Victoria News – Reversing the Canadian brain drain
- Sing Tao Toronto – Article on Mitacs Globalink
- CKNW 980’s Bill Good Show – Mitacs Globalink
- Hamilton Spectator – Mac program targets top talent; School part of effort to attract and retain world’s best researchers
- Waterloo Record – Internship program gives international students a taste of Canadian life
- London Community News: From thousands of miles to a fraction of an inch
- Kingston This Week: Queen’s University working with Mitacs Globalink to bring brilliant international minds to Canada
- Metro News: Reverse brain drain brings bright minds to London
- Waterloo Chronicle – Global exchange
- CFRA Sunday Morning Blend – Mitacs Globalink at the University of Ottawa
- CKWS – TV – Program draws international students to Queen’s
- Plant Magazine – Taking the heat
- The Kingston Whig-Standard – International students check in at Queen’s
- 570 News – U-W and Laurier hosting international students this summer
- Global TV Calgary – Mitacs Globalink at the University of Calgary
- Ottawa Citizen – Canadian research industry boosted by international interns
- The Daily Gleaner – UNB looks to attract best and brightest across the globe
- Toronto Star – Decoding Canada’s ‘skills crisis’: What’s the solution?
- Globe & Mail – Internships benefit scholars and industry
- Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal – Research assesses heat stress on older miners
- Saanich News – Prying doctors from their pagers
- Waterloo Record – Program that matches interns to businesses gets funding boost
- Financial Post online – Funding opportunities for the academic and research sector
- Georgia Straight – B.C. government is investing in technology sector
- Vancouver Sun – For some, inventing is easier than selling their idea
- Halifax Chronicle-Herald: Grads, firms get hand from Mitacs
- Financial Post – Research organization successfully takes on role of R&D matchmaker
- GlobalTV BC – Feature story on Mitacs Globalink
- Globe & Mail: Flaherty’s message to business: use tax cuts to create jobs
- Vancouver Sun – Kids’ ebook start-up finds success with crowdfunding
- Globalink students making notes of their visit!
- Surrey Now – ‘Math Out Loud’ for Teens
- BCL-TV – Mitacs Globalink students in Victoria meet Minister Naomi Yamamoto
- TechVibes – A Match Made in Digital Philanthropy
- OMNI News, Punjabi Edition – Mitacs Globalink students meet BC Minister Naomi Yamamoto
- Global TV BC – Story on Mitacs-Accelerate
- CKWS TV Kingston – Story on Mitacs Globalink
- CFRC 101.9FM – Interview with Mitacs Globalink student
- Global TV Saskatoon – Story on Mitacs Globalink at the University of Saskatchewan
- Metro London – On the bright side
- BC Tech Magazine 2012 – Compete clause: Fixing lags in productivity
- CTV Edmonton – Story on Mitacs Globalink students in Alberta
- Indian Express – Canada must raise profile to attract the best students, says panel
- Vancouver Sun – Training is key to innovation
- Nanaimo News Bulletin – Province gives international education a boost
- Vancouver Sun – B.C. sets sights on 47,000 international students
- Vancouver Sun – Building bridges from B.C. to Brazil
- Guelph Mercury – We need to do more to attract top foreign students
- Waterloo Region Record – We need to do more to attract top foreign students
- Troy Media – Canada losing out for foreign students
- Vancouver Sun – Innovation, international collaboration go hand in hand
- Nanaimo Daily News – Student, VIU prof gain acclaim
- Westender – An award-winning formula for teaching
- St. John’s Telegram – Research funds announced
- – Analytical method will help prevent occupational allergy and asthma in seafood processing workers
- Manufacturing Business Technology – Inspiring the Next Generation of Female Engineers
- Nungai Times – Mitacs, Canada, lnvites Applications from lndian Students for Research Internships in the summer of 2012
- Times of India – Platform for perfection
- The Hindu – Immense research possibilities in Canada
- Morning Post Exchange – Ontario Cross-Border Technology Innovation Ecosystem Report Finds Start-Ups With Larger Social Networks Receive More Venture Capital $
- New Brunswick Business Journal – Literacy, Technology and Hope
- Vancouver Sun Op-Ed – Roll of the red carpet for foreign students
- Times of India Jaipur: Going International
- Vancouver Sun – The puzzles of autism
- US Chronicle for Higher Education – Canada Prepares Young Researchers for Nonacademic Careers
- Digital Media Wire – Zite Acquired by Former Adversary CNN
- CTV’s Canada AM – Story on the role mathematics plays in our world
- New York Times – Surge in Number of Indian Students Heading to Canadian Colleges
- Montreal Gazette – Industry-university co-operation is key to better research climate
- Edmonton Sun – Indian student wowed by Edmonton opportunities
- 24 Hours Edmonton – Globalink program attracts elite students
- Globe & Mail – Canada seizing a ‘market moment’ in recruiting students from India
- Category: News Release
- Mitacs Announces Dominique Bérubé as New Chair of University Advisory Committee
- New AMCTO-Mitacs Municipal Innovation Internship Program Promotes Talent Development in Ontario
- Mitacs-Backed Lab2Market Secures Government of Canada Grant to Drive Innovation and Commercialization Nationwide
- Mitacs Innovation Awards Celebrate Canada’s Top Talent
- Mitacs and IBET Expand Partnership and Opportunities for Indigenous and Black Researchers
- Honourable Renée Cable Joins Mitacs and Research Manitoba for Health Innovation Talent Tour at Riverview Health Centre
- Mitacs Welcomes Bing Cao, Nabila Mohammed, Karen Shaw, and Paul Smith to Board of Directors
- Mitacs Announces Dr. Stephen Lucas as Chief Executive Officer
- Mitacs Strengthens Innovative Canadian-Southeast Asian Research Collaborations
- Program Update: Accelerate International Discontinuation
- 2024 Mitacs Innovation Awards: Call for Nominations is Open
- City of Regina Partners with Mitacs to Launch Indigenous Student Internship Program
- Government of Yukon Renews Partnership with Mitacs, Continuing Investment in Developing and Retaining Crucial Talent in the North
- FRQ renews its agreement with Mitacs to ensure success
- Mitacs Releases First Progress Report on Inclusive Innovation Action Plan
- Unilever Partners with Mitacs to Accelerate AI Innovation
- Government of Canada Invests in Mitacs to Support Cutting-Edge Research and the Next Generation of Scientists
- Mitacs and the FRQSC Renew their Agreement and Relaunch the Accelerate Program
- Research Manitoba continues partnership with Mitacs, invests $4.8 million to advance research and workforce development in Manitoba
- Mitacs Training Launches Accessibility Update, Prioritizing Access for All
- Mitacs and Kenjgewin Teg Demonstrate Commitment to Inclusive Innovation Supporting New Indigenous Research
- UK–Canada Partnership Creates Artificial Intelligence Safety Exchange Program
- Mitacs and PTRC Announce Four-Year Agreement to Fund Sustainable Energy
- Connecting the Brightest Minds to the Right Opportunities for a Healthier British Columbia
- ISED renews support to Mitacs through Strategic Science Fund
- Mitacs Reveals Brand Transformation
- Prestigious Mitacs Awards Celebrate Canada’s Top Innovators
- New agreement fosters Canada-Taiwan research collaboration
- Enhanced support for Indigenous students in BC’s tech sector
- 2023 Mitacs Awards call for nominations opens
- Industrial engineering interns to solve health system challenges
- Mitacs launches Inclusive Innovation Action Plan, 2023–26
- Mitacs and Let’s Talk Science partner to re-launch the Indigenous Mentorship Program
- Banting Research Foundation announces 2023 Discovery Awardees
- Eighth annual Mitacs Entrepreneur Awards recognizes top Canadian talent and breakthrough innovations
- Saskatchewan Post-Secondary Students Benefit from Mitacs Partnership
- Mitacs and IBET expand program for Indigenous and Black PhD students
- Mitacs internship funding to help connect students, employers
- Government of Canada invests in Mitacs through the National Quantum Strategy
- Innovation leaders bring a wealth of experience to judge 2023 Mitacs Entrepreneur Awards
- Ontario budget announces exciting new investment in talent and innovation
- Mitacs marks one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
- New agreement between Mitacs and the Embassy of France in Canada will connect start-ups to new markets
- Quebec invests 64.6 million dollars in Mitacs to support innovation internships
- Additional Funding Supports Thousands More High-Skilled Internships
- Saskatchewan Funds Research and Innovation Opportunities for Post-Secondary Students
- Renewed Mitacs – Newfoundland and Labrador Partnership Connecting Top Post-Secondary Talent With Local Businesses
- Mitacs and Hon Hai Research Institute announce new Canadian quantum research project
- Ontario Supporting More Paid Internships for Postsecondary Students
- Mitacs–Innovation PEI partnership empowering Island companies to grow, innovate, and make impact
- Mitacs salutes small business successes rooted in innovation
- Mitacs launches first-ever podcast: The Edge
- VMware Launches Next G-AI Research and Innovation Centre in Montreal
- Unique Hands-on Training Program in Biotherapeutics Manufacturing Expanding Across Canada
- Mitacs and the Brookfield Institute release first Skills for Innovation report
- Government of B.C. announces new funding for Mitacs
- Mitacs and University of King’s College joining forces to support social sciences and humanities research
- Mitacs and Universities Australia sign renewed agreement allowing for expanded mobility opportunities
- Mitacs and Veyond Metaverse collaborate to make industrial metaverse a reality
- Remembering Doug Mitchell
- Mitacs partners with Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy and the Kyiv School of Economics to ensure ongoing public policy talent pipeline for Ukraine
- Banting Research Foundation announces winners of the 2022 Awards, including the Banting-Mitacs Discovery Award
- Mitacs concludes successful mission to France
- Mitacs signs new agreement with Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, announces additional measures to assist students and postdoctoral fellows in Ukraine
- Five Up-and-Coming Canadian Entrepreneurs Recognized for Breakthrough Innovations in Health, Robotics and Industry
- Mitacs and Mastercard announce new partnership to power innovation in cybersecurity
- From idea to impact: local researchers bring innovative offerings from lab to market through new ventures, with support from Mitacs
- Mitacs welcomes new members to the Research Council
- With an exceptional line-up of candidates, our independent judging panel for the 2022 Mitacs Entrepreneur Awards will have some tough choices to make
- Mitacs partners with the FRQNT to offer internships to CEGEP and college students in Quebec for the third year in a row
- Mitacs Year in Review 2021-22
- Transforming Canada’s Innovation Ecosystem — Mitacs strategic plan campaign
- Mitacs–Hanseo University agreement strengthens university research collaborations between South Korea and Canada
- Mitacs–Korea Aerospace University agreement strengthens university research collaborations between South Korea and Canada
- Mitacs supports the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry’s call to restrict collaborations that benefit Putin’s regime
- 2022 Entrepreneur Awards: Call for applications now open
- Mitacs stands with Ukraine
- New Mitacs-Banting fellowship program will address health inequities due to climate change
- New Mitacs-Banting fellowship program will address health inequities due to climate change
- Mitacs continues to inspire Indigenous innovation in Canada
- Mitacs continues to inspire Indigenous innovation in Canada
- Mitacs and Denendeh Development Corporation partner to advance innovation in the Northwest Territories
- Mitacs and ArcticNet announce partnership to strengthen opportunities for the new generation of Arctic researchers
- New partnership between Mitacs and Atlantic Colleges Atlantique to bring enhanced research and innovation support to colleges and businesses in Atlantic Canada
- New cohort of Mitacs Policy fellows use scientific data to address challenges
- Nicole Janssen and Wendy Luther join Mitacs Board of Directors; Philippe Gervais becomes Chair
- Game-changing Canadian innovations to be celebrated at Mitacs Awards ceremony in Ottawa
- Transforming Canada’s innovation ecosystem – Mitacs launches bold Strategic Plan
- Mitacs helps Canadian SMEs emerge stronger post-pandemic
- Ontario Labour, Training, and Skills Development Minister McNaughton closes out Small Business Month with focus on investment in talent and innovation
- Mitacs partners with B.C. government to provide innovation skills opportunities for underrepresented people
- Exceptional U.S. students win prestigious Fulbright Canada–Mitacs research award
- Mitacs opens second call for proposals for the Scotiabank Economic Resilience Research Fund
- 2021 Mitacs Awards call for nominations opens
- Mitacs-funded project urges Canadians to reimagine their perception of parasport athletes
- Mitacs renews initiative to support Indigenous innovation for second year in a row
- Mitacs and Germany’s GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research formalize partnership
- Research program supporting Yukon’s COVID-19 recovery and economic growth extended
- Business Strategy Internship program once again connecting Canadian students and businesses
- Kids Brain Health Network-Mitacs research awards to support children with disabilities
- New Canada-India partnership supports student mobility in the water management, infrastructure, and public health sectors
- Mitacs–CNRS create new opportunities for researchers in Canada and France
- Mental health innovation funding for master’s and college students
- Mitacs and IMII partnership building highly qualified people for Saskatchewan’s minerals industry
- Mitacs and the Banting Research Foundation announce winners of the 2021 Discovery Awards
- Mitacs backs Pow Wow Pitch to support innovative Indigenous businesses
- Five up-and-coming entrepreneurs recognized for breakthrough innovations
- The Government of Canada and Mitacs announce $2.5M in funding for student internships to drive innovation
- Mitacs helping Canadian small- and medium-sized businesses drive innovation and economic recovery
- Mitacs partners with Digital Health and Discovery Platform to launch innovative program
- South Africa’s National Research Foundation formalises partnership with Mitacs
- Mitacs-Max Planck Society agreement expands Canada-Germany collaboration
- Mitacs nominee Dr. Sheila Wang receives 2021 Governor General’s Innovation Award
- Media advisory: Mitacs Post-Budget Showcase with the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne
- Mitacs joins Ontario to help business develop and protect ideas
- Innovation leaders judge 2021 Mitacs Entrepreneur Awards
- Budget 2021 invests in Canada’s next generation of innovators
- Mitacs Year in Review 2020–21
- Mitacs welcomes 1QBit CEO Andrew Fursman as Chair of the new Mitacs Industry Council
- Founder and CEO of Indigenomics Institute Carol Anne Hilton joins Mitacs’s Board of Directors
- Partnership with Hong Kong to support research, training, and knowledge-sharing
- NSERC and Mitacs offer streamlined opportunity to support university R&D
- CEGEP and college students eligible for internships in Quebec
- Canada-Israel partnership strengthens research connections
- Mitacs and OpenHW Group partner on $22.5M first-of-its-kind open-source research program
- Ontario supports hands-on training opportunities for post-secondary students
- Mitacs creates new opportunities for Canada’s COVID-19 generation thanks to $40M
- New program for social sciences and humanities innovation in Quebec
- Scotiabank and Mitacs launch the Scotiabank Economic Resilience Research Fund
- Mitacs commemorates flight PS752 victims on one-year anniversary
- Mitacs and Indspire offer research internships for Indigenous students
- Mitacs launches new innovation opportunity for Indigenous students and businesses
- New Brunswick businesses and post-secondary institutions to benefit from collaboration between Mitacs and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
- Up-and-coming Canadians recognized for breakthroughs in medicine, computing, environment, COVID-19 protection, and more
- Vaccines and viral immunotherapies: unique Canadian program provides training to manufacture biotherapeutics
- Mitacs partners with Canadian Intellectual Property Office to increase protection, awareness, and use of ideas
- Mitacs Awards shine light on innovation brilliance; sponsors show great vision for 2020
- New Brunswick advances innovation by continued investment in Mitacs
- ADRIQ and Mitacs partner to promote innovation, research, and growth in Quebec
- New fellows to solve policy challenges with evidence-informed research
- Mitacs and New Brunswick Innovation Foundation partner to accelerate R&D
- New partnership engages Vancouver Island students and employers
- New Mitacs-Banting Discovery Awards invest in early career researchers
- Saab and Mitacs to grow Canadian innovation links
- Alberta expands partnership with Mitacs, creates more hands-on learning opportunities for students
- New funding for college-based research fosters community innovation
- Nova Scotia investing $1 million in Mitacs for economic growth and innovation
- Innovation PEI invests in future by renewing — and reinforcing — partnership with Mitacs
- Canadian municipalities gain access to Mitacs funding, talent, and solutions
- Ontario funding for Mitacs leads to skills investment in fight against COVID-19
- October is Small Business Month: Mitacs helps kick-start economy by investing more than $20M to support Canadian innovation
- Mental health innovation funding for master’s students
- New joint Mitacs-NSERC-CCI application eases access to funding for college-based R&D
- Mitacs and KBHN partner to fund $140,000 in COVID-19 research internships
- Industry-focused internships created by new India-Canada agreement
- Award-winning entrepreneur training program celebrates inaugural year and expands
- Canada and Colombia strengthen research and innovation ties
- Canadian start-ups recognized with Mitacs’s Entrepreneur Awards
- Seniors and caregivers to benefit from Mitacs and AGE-WELL funding for new technology during COVID-19
- Mitacs Awards call for nominations opens
- College students eligible for new research awards
- Brazil-Canada partnership creates opportunities for research and innovation
- Yukon offers Mitacs internships to study impact of COVID-19
- The Fonds de recherche du Québec — Nature et technologies and Mitacs renew partnership for two-way international research exchanges
- Mitacs partners with Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) to support students and businesses in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador
- NSBI-Mitacs partnership drives COVID-19 economic recovery solutions
- Innovative Virtual Medical Assistant Uses AI to Direct Canadians on all Things Pandemic-Related
- Federal government invests $40M in Mitacs to create 5,000 new internships
- Mitacs and Universities UK International (UUKi) advance partnership for undergraduate internship program
- Mitacs, USask and U of R to support Indigenous and northern communities with new digital technologies in fight against COVID-19
- Message from the CEO and Scientific Director
- The Fonds de recherche du Québec and Mitacs partner to train next generation of researchers and support Quebec’s economic recovery
- Innovate BC-Mitacs partnership drives business solutions for COVID-19
- Business Strategy Internships connect business students with small businesses during COVID-19
- Mitacs and Kids Brain Health Network partner to support children with disabilities during COVID-19
- Artificial intelligence: Quebec supports the creation of 500 internship units to drive collaboration and innovation
- Suncor, Western University, and Mitacs partner to quickly develop better COVID-19 testing
- ENCQOR 5G and Mitacs join forces to support Quebec SMEs and 5G innovation to tackle COVID-19 pandemic challenges
- New partnership between ENCQOR 5G and Mitacs to drive Canada 5G technology innovation
- Thanks to $40M from Government of Canada, Mitacs proudly supports post-secondary students during COVID-19
- SFU Beedie entrepreneurship program wins global award, expands with Mitacs partnership
- Mitacs and NSERC partnering to rapidly fund innovation for COVID-19 solutions
- Getting research talent to companies faster: new industrial postdoctoral funding to address COVID-19
- Mitacs and AGE-WELL collaborate to fund innovation supporting seniors during COVID-19
- College interns primed to accelerate Mitacs COVID-19 research projects
- Mitacs links companies, organizations, networks, researchers for COVID-19 solutions
- Programmatic update on COVID-19 (coronavirus) – March 13, 2020
- Mitacs internships create emerging opportunities for industry in Manitoba
- CICan and Mitacs partner to drive innovation with 1,000 research internships for college and institute students across Canada
- Mitacs named one of BC’s top employers for 2020
- Speeding Towards Canada’s 5G Network
- Coronavirus eye-opener: If not used properly, surgical masks and respirators can actually promote the spread of viruses, says leading Canadian researcher
- John Hepburn appointed CEO and Scientific Director of Mitacs
- Colleges Ontario and Mitacs partnership creates new applied research opportunities
- New On Board Powers Innovation
- First-of-their-kind Canadian innovations celebrated
- Mitacs-UKRI agreement further advances largest Canada-UK graduate research partnership
- New fellows champion evidence-based government strategies
- Mitacs to collaborate with Vector Institute to accelerate placement of AI interns into Canadian industry
- Mitacs–Ericsson Global Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (GAIA) will welcome 80 research interns
- Mitacs teams with Mila, streamlines AI research access for businesses
- Mitacs funding enables hands-on experience for Kwantlen Polytechnic University student
- India-Canada partnership opens borders to research and innovation
- Hundreds of world’s brightest young minds spending summer in Canada to help advance leading-edge Canadian research
- Université de Lorraine and Mitacs partner for scientific and economic progress
- Innovate BC and Mitacs power tech start-up innovation
- Japan-Canada partnership creates opportunities for research connections
- France-Canada partnership shows shared commitment to talent development and economic growth
- Wallonia-Brussels and Canada partnership supports researchers’ mobility
- Building a better future with marine additive manufacturing research
- Mitacs and IMII strike gold with student talent in Saskatchewan mining
- UBC launches Canada’s first graduate blockchain training path with support from Mitacs
- Leveraging social science and humanities to achieve top career goals Mitacs supports career development at Congress 2019
- Canadian Mathematical Society announces Mitacs Innovation Lecture series
- Hacking into science: Making government research more open and accessible to Canadians
- Mitacs partner SmartICE receives Governor General’s Innovation Award
- Up-and-Coming Calgary Researcher Earns Prestigious Award for Innovative Work to Combat Global Crisis of Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Up-and-Coming Kelowna Researcher Earns Prestigious Award for Innovative Work to Bring Advanced Flight Monitoring to Small Aircraft
- Up-and-Coming Halifax Researcher Earns Prestigious Award for Innovative Work to Help Respiratory Patients Get Better Zzzz’s
- Up-and-Coming Fredericton Researcher Earns Prestigious Award for Disruptive Work to Develop First-of-its-Kind All-Natural Food Preservative
- Up-and-Coming Quebec Researcher Earns Prestigious Award for Innovative Work to Accurately Assess the Risk and Impact of Flooding
- Entrepreneurs awarded for innovations in food, health, environment, aviation, and AI
- Montreal-Based Start-Up Element AI to Receive Prestigious Award for Explosive Growth, Entrepreneurial Spirit
- Business leaders share insight to select 2019 Mitacs Entrepreneur Awards winners
- Research internships shine in Saskatchewan
- Fulbright Canada and Mitacs foster international research exchange
- Mitacs partners with Ericsson to provide talent for Global Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (GAIA)
- New UK-Canada partnership opens Canadian research internships to UK students
- Research Manitoba, Mitacs partner to showcase intern research projects
- Agreement with University of Ottawa provides new international research exchanges
- Federal Budget 2019: Investment reinforces future capacity and competitiveness
- Mitacs and Innovate BC to leverage funding, expertise, and connections across British Columbia
- Research mobilization success leads to continued Canada-France partnership
- New agreement with Lakehead University increases Canadian student mobility with Latin American countries
- New partnership with École Polytechnique furthers global research
- Mitacs chosen as one of British Columbia’s Top Employers
- Université de Montréal and Mitacs announce new partnership for international research
- Mitacs Research Council member Professor Emeritus Jo-ann Archibald Q’um Q’um Xiiem recognized with Order of Canada
- Canadian farmers use disruptive technology to fight Bovine Respiratory Disease
- Dr. Forough Khadem Scholarship memorializes Mitacs staff member and University of Manitoba alumna
- New partnership provides students with skills training for international volunteer experiences
- From bionic ears to brain-injury blood tests, annual awards recognize innovators
- Innovative organizations partner on annual Mitacs Awards
- Canadian start-ups eligible for international commercialization program
- Partnership enables 200 new research exchange opportunities with France
- From rope-climbing robots to the mechanics of movement: Globalink interns showcase research across Canada
- Manitoba announces new path to permanent residency for international students
- From laboratory to legislature: Fellowship deploys 22 researchers to government
- U of T students fostering international research through Mitacs
- Entrepreneurial skills key to navigating economy: report
- New research and education partnership to foster innovation in Cascadia
- Entrepreneurship exchange program to boost Cascadia connections
- Doug Mitchell, Bruce MacDougall, and Kelly Lendsay join Mitacs board of directors
- Concordia University and Mitacs announce new partnership for international research
- Mitacs announces year-end highlights for 2017–18
- Nominations now open for 2018 Mitacs Awards
- Canadian farmers, entrepreneurs, and health care workers to benefit from new investment in research
- Mitacs and Brazil’s CAPES announce new research initiative for graduate students
- Vancouver high-school students get top grades in mental health literacy
- Internship programs help spark innovation for students, industry
- Canada and France to expand higher education research collaboration
- Canadian entrepreneurs recognized for innovations in health, food, and environment
- Canada and the European Commission announce new research partnership
- Mitacs and Mexico’s ITESM renew partnership for international student research
- The doctor is in…industry
- Mitacs announces co-location with Startup Canada for entrepreneurial hub in Ottawa
- Canada and Saudi Arabia expand research partnership
- New internship opportunities for Canadian students will lead to skills development, jobs
- Quebec and Ontario universities join Mitacs to increase capacity for innovation
- Canadian business leaders judge 2018 Mitacs Entrepreneur Awards
- GTA company teams up with Waterloo researcher to develop first-of-its-kind finger prick test to detect heart failure
- Northern Métis and First Nations communities working on long-term project with University of Saskatchewan
- Mitacs partners with Lakehead University and Health Research Institute scientists to improve outcomes for patients
- Federal Budget 2018: New investments in researchers provides foundation for Canadian innovation
- Mitacs formalizes new research partnership with India as part of Prime Minister’s state visit
- Mitacs named one of BC’s top employers for 2018
- Canada’s superclusters to be supported by Mitacs internships
- Mitacs and Mexican state of Guanajuato invest in cross-cultural university partnerships
- Stories about what matters most to Canadians captured on board VIA Rail trains
- Mitacs expands research opportunities to the US, the UK, and EU member countries
- Federal government creates 10,000 paid internships for Canadian students and recent graduates
- Up-and-coming researchers honoured for breakthrough discoveries at 7th annual Mitacs Awards
- Canada and India strengthen R&D networks with Mitacs
- Mitacs and CIHR partner to advance innovation in health care
- Photo contest winners showcase research experiences across Canada
- Twenty-one academic researchers participating in Canadian Science Policy Fellowship
- Mitacs partners with University of Calgary and Kerui Group to advance energy research
- Mitacs leader selected for premier entrepreneurial launch program
- Social inclusion in Canadian communities to be studied by Mitacs and five United Ways
- Mitacs congratulates Dr. Mona Nemer as Canada’s Chief Science Advisor
- Industry and academic leaders appointed to Mitacs’ board of directors
- PEI start-up targets risk of body piercing with cardiology technology
- Mitacs research internships are strengthening the Canadian economy, government report finds
- Mitacs appoints Catherine Chick as Chief Information Officer
- Group home residents gravitate towards ‘at-your-service’ robot
- Luring top talent to Canada with leading-edge projects
- 2017 Mitacs Awards nominations now open
- Innovative use of 3D technology leaps construction projects into future
- Pilot initiative helps Canadian companies recruit up-and-coming talent
- Mitacs announces year-end highlights for 2016–17
- How are industry-academia partnerships advancing research in Canada?
- New agreement to strengthen Ukraine-Canada research networks
- Canadian start-ups propelled by cooperation with competitors
- Canadian entrepreneurs recognized for helping to solve critical health care, employment, and environmental issues
- Social science and humanities critical to informing Canada’s policy decisions
- Robotics whiz partners with Montreal company on software for humanitarian aid workers
- Quebec investment in innovation supports skills development and job creation
- Mitacs’ Policy Hackathon develops solutions to Canada’s policy challenges
- Mitacs and France expand R&D partnership for economic growth
- Canadian business leaders lending industry acumen to judge 2017 Mitacs Entrepreneur Awards
- New gold standard: Memorial international students bring research expertise to Baie Verte mining project
- New Brunswick business gets smart about milk jug recycling
- Ontario boosts work-integrated learning opportunities for students
- Canada as a world innovation leader, goal of Fundamental Science Review
- Mitacs provides research awards to students with status concerns
- Mitacs partners with Startup Canada on fourth annual awards
- Federal Budget 2017: Targeted investment in work-integrated learning
- Entrepreneur Awards provides $25K to researchers-turned-entrepreneurs
- Investment in innovation to boost British Columbia’s economy
- Mitacs and the China Scholarship Council expand relationship
- Indigenous communities initiative combines traditional knowledge with university-based research to address social and economic issues
- Student researchers fight online child exploitation using artificial intelligence
- The Government of Nova Scotia: Internships Help Young Nova Scotians Gain Experience, Spur Innovation
- Mitacs’ innovation strategy founded on diversity
- Student start-ups now eligible for national research funding
- New agreement to strengthen Korean-Canadian research networks
- Mitacs and SSHRC partnership marks 100th internship supporting researchers with vital skills and training
- Grad students and postdocs to foster research partnerships Down Under
- Norway and Canada to collaborate on R&D internships
- Mitacs releases Target 10,000: Talent, Ideas, Networks, a five-year strategic plan
- Canada’s up-and-coming innovators honoured at 6th annual Mitacs Awards
- New partnership will promote research between Canadian and Israeli universities
- Industrial research partnership signed on Governor General’s Middle East visit
- Mathematicians to solve industry challenges in Atlantic Canada
- New genomics project aims to reduce co-infection in Atlantic salmon
- Government of Canada invests in new genomic applications projects
- New leaders appointed to Mitacs’ board of directors
- Government, researchers discuss role of evidence-based decision making
- Quebec-based partnership to develop global R&D opportunities in food and nutrition
- Accomplished researchers named in new Mitacs fellowship
- Mitacs leader appointed to advise on innovations in Canadian healthcare research
- Academics and federal policy-makers work together through new Mitacs fellowship initiative
- Mitacs partner wins the 2016 National Energy Globe Award for Canada
- New scholarships help Nova Scotians study in China
- Mitacs announces winning entries to annual photo contest
- Brad Bennett, Mitacs’ former chair, reflects on five years of inspiring innovation
- Gut Health 101: First-of-its-kind app clears up gluten-free misconceptions, brings much-needed support to celiac disease sufferers
- Halifax gets summer boost from world’s brightest young minds
- Internships pair mathematics researchers with organizations to solve R&D challenges in Quebec and Ontario
- Mitacs announces year-end highlights for fiscal 2015–16
- Sleep on this: Canadian women’s rowing team counts on improved shut-eye to bring home Olympic gold medal
- Diane Gray appointed new chair of Mitacs
- Mitacs and Genome Canada announce innovative genomic projects
- Mitacs and the Quebec Metro High Tech Park to use R&D internships for innovation
- First-ever bilateral industrial internships for Canada and Mexico
- Mathematicians to address industry challenges through internships
- Research internships will allow mathematical scientists to address big data, statistics, and analytics challenges for business
- Universities from Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec join Mitacs to foster innovation and research in Canada
- Mitacs internships help create jobs and retain skilled workers in Nova Scotia
- University professors critical to supporting new era of innovation in Canada
- Mitacs announces 1,000th social sciences and humanities internship
- University graduates need skills and training to succeed in changing economy
- UBC and industry partnership spurs metallurgical sector development in BC’s Interior
- Mitacs and NSERC announce new, streamlined joint application process
- Mitacs partner receives the Governor General’s Innovation Award
- Mitacs partner University of Calgary celebrates 50th anniversary
- First-of-its-kind Mitacs project uses cutting-edge technology to offset environmental impact of Alberta’s oil sands
- Mitacs and the Consortium for Aerospace Research and Innovation in Canada join forces to advance aerospace research
- Mitacs and Université de Sherbrooke to advance innovation through Doctorate in Business Administration program
- Federal Budget 2016: Investment in global research networks boosts Canadian innovation
- Philosophy researchers to address ethical and social challenges through industry internships
- Emerging tech researchers receive millions throughout the province
- Mitacs partners with Mexico’s CONACyT to foster R&D internships
- Canadian business leaders identify essential ingredients for global competitiveness
- Two Mitacs leaders appointed to the Order of Canada
- Partnership between DAAD and Mitacs to strengthen German-Canadian research networks
- Research Manitoba and Mitacs announce funding to support innovation, job creation, and skills development
- Top international students choose Canada as research and study destination
- Evidence-based policy-making supported by new national program
- Canada’s up-and-coming innovators honoured at 5th annual Mitacs Awards
- Quebec and Mitacs announce investment in industry-academic partnerships
- Mitacs launches survey to understand program’s impacts on Canadian postdocs
- Mitacs and Compute Canada partner to support innovation in advanced research computing
- Mitacs announces new members to Research Council
- University of Toronto’s Ridha Ben-Mrad appointed Mitacs’ Associate Academic Director
- Université de Sherbrooke names Mitacs as 2015 “Ambassador Partner”
- Mitacs appoints new members to Board of Directors
- Mitacs congratulates University of British Columbia on its centennial year
- Mitacs named nominating partner of Governor General’s Innovation Awards
- Mitacs announces largest Accelerate internship project to date, valued at $2.19 million
- Mitacs partner Simon Fraser University celebrates 50th anniversary
- Mitacs announces year-end highlights for fiscal 2014–15
- Mitacs internships help expand economy and create jobs in Saskatchewan
- Mitacs announces six new university partners
- Mitacs CEO named one of 10 Most Influential Hispanic Canadians
- Canadian seniors to benefit from technologies developed by AGE-WELL and Mitacs
- Universities Australia partners with Mitacs to advance international research collaborations
- Three Mitacs partners recognized at annual Quebec Entrepreneurship Contest
- Two Mitacs leaders awarded honourary doctorate degrees
- Mitacs and Mexico expand opportunities for research collaborations
- University of Victoria to establish satellite ground station with Canadian Satellite Design Challenge prize
- Mitacs and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada sign national partnership
- Mitacs contributes to Social Sciences and Humanities discussions at Congress 2015
- Mitacs Board Member Announced as Next Lieutenant Governor of Alberta
- Mitacs Partners with Public Policy Forum on Winning Global Mandates Report
- Mitacs Entrepreneurs recognized for their contributions to solar energy, coastal engineering, nutrition, and gaming
- Western Economic Diversification Canada: Government Partners with Mitacs to Support Growth of Western Businesses
- Provincial government supports 36 research internships in Saskatchewan industry
- Mitacs partners with Germany on undergraduate research mobility
- Mitacs CEO wins 2015 Canadian Mathematical Society Jeffery–Williams Prize
- Federal Budget 2015: Targeted investment in R&D to improve Canadian innovation
- Canada and India partner to advance international research collaborations
- Mitacs launches Globalink survey
- Mitacs partners with Western Economic Diversification Canada for WIF 2015
- Mitacs and Tunisia work together to advance international research collaborations
- Industry Canada: Government Supports Training Next Generation of Canadian Business Leaders
- Mitacs professor wins two Grammys
- How do Canadian Companies Drive Innovation?
- Mitacs internships diversify economy and create jobs in Alberta
- Former Mitacs professor wins Technical Achievement Oscar
- Mitacs opens research funding to not-for-profit organizations
- Dr. Alejandro Adem starts as CEO and Scientific Director of Mitacs
- Boeing Backs Canadian Satellite Design Challenge
- New Entrepreneur Awards honour achievements of emerging researchers
- Dr. Alejandro Adem appointed CEO and Scientific Director of Mitacs
- Mitacs joins Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance to collaborate on environmental performance
- Mitacs and Brazil’s CAPES collaborate for undergraduate research
- Mitacs and Centre of Excellence in Financial Services Education address labour market needs
- Government of Canada announces science, technology, and innovation plan
- Mitacs to join Startup Canada Task Force
- Canada’s brightest up-and-coming researchers honoured at 4th Annual Mitacs Awards Reception
- Mitacs launches Accelerate industry partners’ survey
- Canada–France research exchange agreement signed during President Hollande’s visit
- The power of partnerships prevails: Five Canadian Organizations join forces in support of applied sport science research
- Government of Canada announces new research projects to bring genomics solutions to industry challenges
- NEOMED and Mitacs announce first partnership project
- Mitacs pre-budget submission outlines opportunities for R&D investment
- Mitacs and Inria foster international research collaborations
- Proteocyte Diagnostics initiates a cost-effectiveness analysis with support from Mitacs
- Tunisia and Mitacs agree to foster international research exchanges
- Mitacs announces strategic R&D partnership initiative with universities in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario
- Government funding for B.C. researchers’ business and science skills
- Mitacs congratulates Dr. B. Mario Pinto on his appointment as President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- Mitacs announces year-end highlights for fiscal year 2014
- U of S, Indie Ink, local artist collaboration unveils “New Rockstar Philosophy” app at MoSo
- Canadian Light Source partners with Mitacs
- Government of New Brunswick to invest in research and development through Mitacs
- Mitacs and Sorbonne Universités join forces to support two-way student mobility between Canada and Sorbonne Universités
- Study of Mitacs program outcomes reveals significant skills development, job creation, and retention of highly qualified personnel in Canada
- Western Innovation Forum to showcase Western Canada’s innovation leaders
- IMII, Mitacs and U of S partner to lead minerals industry innovation in Canada
- Mitacs extends condolences to family and friends of Jim Flaherty
- Interim CEO & Scientific Director Announced for Mitacs
- Government of Saskatchewan to invest in research and development internships and international collaboration through Mitacs, Inc.
- Mitacs congratulates its CEO Dr. Arvind Gupta on his appointment as 13th President and Vice Chancellor of the University of British Columbia
- Mitacs, India sign Letter of Intent to foster two-way student mobility
- Banff International Research Station puts down roots in Mexico
- From Federal Budget 2014: Mitacs to train next generation of R&D managers, promote not-for-profit innovation
- Mitacs congratulates the Government of Canada on the launch of its international education strategy
- Government launches comprehensive International Education Strategy
- Mitacs and Embassy of France announce Letter of Intent for greater student mobility
- Students, industry discuss technology training with government
- Mitacs & Communitech extend partnership to support technology companies in southern Ontario
- Mitacs applauds the Government of Canada’s investment in the economy of southern Ontario
- New device developed through Mitacs Accelerate reduces cravings and cronic pain
- Mitacs, Queen’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering partner on Mitacs graduate internship program
- Mitacs and SSHRC form unique partnership
- Outstanding up-and-coming researchers honoured at 3rd Annual Mitacs Awards Reception
- SIM-one and Mitacs partner on Accelerate Program
- Mitacs receives support from the Government of Canada to boost innovation and economic development among SMEs in the province of Ontario
- Mitacs applauds Government of Canada for new support for technology commercialization and business growth in western Canada
- Mitacs thanks Minister Pierre Duchesne and the Government of Quebec for new funding to continue to prepare the next generation of talented researchers
- Postdocs in Canada face mismatch between skills training and future careers
- NEOMED and Mitacs Become Strategic Partners
- Mitacs receives support from the Government of Canada to boost innovation and economic development among SMEs in the province of Quebec
- Mitacs receives support from the Government of Canada to boost innovation and economic development among SMEs in Atlantic Canada
- Mitacs congratulates new federal cabinet ministers
- People development at the core of innovation, reveals forum in Ottawa
- Mitacs thanks Government of Ontario for new funding to build a highly-skilled workforce
- New report offers insights on how universities can help as grad students face job market
- Bright Ideas, Smart Business Spur Innovation
- Mitacs thanks Government of Canada for $13M budget investment to build a globally-competitive workforce
- Mitacs CEO named to federal Science, Technology and Innovation Council
- Southern Ontario Water Consortium signs MOU with Mitacs to access graduate student research expertise
- Mitacs congratulates Suzanne Fortier, McGill University’s new Principal & Vice-Chancellor
- Building the knowledge economy through partnerships
- More training opportunities for Ontario graduate students
- Boeing, Mitacs create visual analytics research consortium
- Voucher program drives products to market faster
- Outstanding up-and-coming researchers honoured at 2nd Annual Mitacs Awards Reception
- University of New Brunswick announces full partner MOU with Mitacs
- Government of Canada announces support for Mitacs Accelerate and Elevate in Atlantic Canada
- Mitacs applauds Government of Canada for $13.8M investment in new Canada-India Research Centre of Excellence
- OCAD University partners with Mitacs
- Mitacs launches Conference Services to serve academic community
- Mitacs supports recommendations in new report on Canada’s international education strategy
- $5M to move research from lab to patient bedside
- Attracting & retaining international students: Canada is on the right track
- Government of Canada supports business growth and global connections
- International Education Strategy a roadmap for B.C.’s future
- Brazil mission sees $6.74 million invested in Canada-Brazil university partnerships and scholarships
- Mitacs applauds Government of Canada for $14M budget investment to develop new industrial internships
- Government of Canada connects science grads and students with businesses in Southern Ontario
- Mitacs announces the launch of its Academic Partnership Strategy
- Math Out Loud premieres, prepares for BC tour
- New funding to help researchers acquire valuable work experience in the private sector in Newfoundland & Labrador
- Federal R&D panel releases report
- Globalink expands research reach to China
- “Kon-Yay” West and Christopher Columbus bring math to life for BC high school students
- Mitacs Inc. and Mprime Network launch new era for innovation in Canada
- New funding means more research, training opportunities for B.C. grad students
Business Developments
Innovation Insights
- Can Extracting Oil from Plants Be Eco-Friendly?
- How Canadian Businesses Can Secure Research Grants with Mitacs to Fund Innovation
- Turbulence and Opportunities for Aerospace: “if we don’t innovate, we won’t make it”
- How a BC Researcher is Tackling Water Challenges
- The Future of Secure Communications: How Quantum Technology is Transforming Connectivity
- How Does Anti-Fog Innovation Improve Endoscopy?
- 10 Reasons Why Mitacs is the Innovation Partner You Need in 2025
- Empowering Canadian SMEs in a Shifting Economy
- Giving New Life to Canola Meal
- Innovative Resources for Canadian SMEs in a Shifting Economy
- Could Fungi Compounds Combat Neurodegenerative Diseases?
- Transforming Ultrasound Access in Remote Communities
- Redefining Safety with Ethical AI in Aviation and Beyond
- From Roots to Ambitions: Sustainability and Cooperation in Forestry Innovation
- 5 Small Businesses Making a Big Impact in Canada
- Diversity and Inclusion at the Heart of Tech
- How is Carbon-Free Hydrogen Creating Clean Energy?
- How is quantum technology shaping innovation in Quebec?
- Anne Spence: Innovation Opportunities in Atlantic Canada
- Digital health: innovation and recruitment challenges worth tackling
- Making Waves and Building Homes: The Impact of Mitacs in Atlantic Canada
- Osprey Inspiration and Mitacs Unite to Address Housing Crisis
- The AI Express Is Here. Why Aren’t More SMEs On Board?
- Mitacs ramps up investment in AI training and helping Canadian businesses adopt AI
- How are Indigenous Youth Addressing Canada’s Housing Crisis?
- Meeting recruitment challenges in innovative sectors in Québec’s regions
- Climate Carnage: How to Build Resilient Cities in Canada
- Climate Action Plans and Impact by City
- From Invention to Innovation: Redefining Canada via Entrepreneurship
- Quantum Horizons in Québec: linking business, talent and research
- What are the Possibilities of Solar Energy?
- Could Hydrogen be the Future of Freight?
- Can Artificial Intelligence Help Detect Osteoporosis early?
- How Canada’s Research Partnerships are Addressing the Productivity Problem
- Theron EV: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Mobility
- How is AI Revolutionizing the Dairy Industry?
- Portable technology to process biomass can help prevent forest fires
- Mitacs Impact Report 2023
- Innovator tackles menstrual cramps with ground-breaking device
- Using self-flying cargo planes to lower costs for remote communities
- Researcher turned entrepreneur develops game-changing cancer test
- Halifax researcher’s simple urine strip test measures muscle health
- Providing clean water to Atlantic Canada’s First Nations communities
- Diverse Nation: Unlocking the potential of inclusive innovation
- Growing Indigenous skincare company’s sales through online presence
- Analyzing watershed health to build a more resilient city
- Advancing social, economic wellbeing through community internships
- Using gaming to change behaviour and make roads safer
- Balance Biogas: fueling the future, naturally.
- Family healthcare reimagined
- Game-changing disinfectant combats harmful bacterial, revolutionizing the food industry
- “Greenlighting” research to advance Canada’s hydrogen strategy
- What is the secret to meaningful innovation?
- Smart sensor technology “de-risking” food animal transportation
- ‘Growing’ colours to reduce fashion industry’s environmental impact
- Young vision science graduate helps advance inclusive technology
- Investing in research for economic equity
- Breakthrough discovery points to new treatment for aggressive cancers
- Researcher addresses service gaps for families living with aggression
- ARF works with Inuit community to solve urgent challenges
- New app provides volunteer ‘matchmaking’ for people with disabilities
- Natural solution protects land, groundwater from toxic substances
- Québécois researcher develops technology to detect heart disease
- Is Canada ready to take the quantum leap?
- Indigenous knowledge and Western science unite to protect B.C. caribou
- Halifax company developing next generation of prosthetics
- Quebec innovator’s start-up will help get vaccines to market faster
- Enhancing athletic performance through AI
- Breakthrough tool predicts likelihood of stroke
- Cleantech robot does industrial dirty work for humans
- Mitacs Innovation Challenge
- Indigenous ways of knowing: the path to mental wellness
- How some of Ukraine’s brightest minds are advancing Canadian innovation
- Strawberry fields will be forever thanks to summer intern from Mexico
- Mitacs Skills for Innovation
- Leveraging AI to enhance the lives of Toronto Zoo residents
- The Internet of the future is closer than we think
- Queering Canada’s tech ecosystem: Community-based research on lived experiences
- Mitacs Innovation Intermediaries
- The COVID-19 pandemic: It’s also a mental health issue
- Consortium removes barriers to drug discovery, raises hope for rare disease cures
- Why cybersecurity matters more during a global pandemic
- Researcher shifts work, finds “silver bullet” for COVID-19 protection
- Mobilizing multidisciplinary research to support health equity
- Montréal start-up takes the guess work out of pediatric care
- Five must-seize opportunities for agri-business innovators
- A deep dive on Canadians’ relationship with the ocean
- Research team’s breakthrough work helps revitalize Indigenous languages
- Is Canada equipped for a biomanufacturing revival?
- Nothing about us, without us: Indigenous data sovereignty
- New research on Bohemian queens wins master’s student Mitacs Award
- Fighting climate change while putting carbon emissions to good use
- Yes, Autonopia does do windows
- Innovator combats algal bloom that may kill fish
- Startup develops device to support women’s pelvic floors
- When classical computers reach their limits, quantum to the rescue!
- Intern works to simplify detection of arsenic in drinking water
- Smart drones designed by intern from India get to root of farm problem
- Atomic Cartoons internship helps undergrad follow her dreams
- Intern works on device for rapid screening of tick-borne pathogens
- Life-saving early detection of lung cancer is just a breath away
- Tech pioneer traces roots through partnership
- Student work for start-up making waves in maritime innovation
- Increasing food security for Northwest BC Indigenous communities
- Collaboration with biotech incubator creates jobs for researchers
- Artificial intelligence is key to advancing cleantech
- Pivoting from bones to bread during COVID-19
- Cleantech’s audacious global goals
- Robot generates images to prepare the soil for the future of agriculture
- Best gift ever: a fully staffed lab-in-a-box
- Returning vegetation to Yukon mines with Indigenous knowledge and data
- Time for COVID-19 early detection and monitoring
- Using 3D printing to accelerate production of protective gear during COVID-19
- Pets have reason to smile thanks to start-up innovation
- Canada’s first self-driving truck company disrupts how goods are moved
- From humanitarian crises to pandemics: technology to the rescue
- A community-based approach to managing impacts in northwest BC
- Researching how algorithms ‘fail’ at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
- Special bracelet provides key to COVID-19 monitoring and contact tracing
- App helps translate stories in multiple Indigenous languages
- CO-Away: a digital tool to help northern communities address COVID-19
- What do researchers do when stuck abroad? Work on a COVID-19 vaccine
- Young entrepreneurs improve medical storage for reliable transportation
- Mitacs research fellow helps pivot decontamination from fruit to N95 masks
- How Internet of Things can support radio infrastructure
- Intern works to protect IP for COVID-19 vaccine development
- Wellness for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Using an autonomous bus to reduce food insecurity
- Research intern key to company’s COVID-19 pivot
- Intern works to advance global health and COVID-19 solutions
- Feeling warm outside? Look at the buildings around you
- Icy solutions to treating mine-impacted water
- Can cannabinoids be grown in algae? Yes — according to Mitacs-supported research team
- From Tunisia to Canada: Mitacs intern works to improve voice recognition technology
- A cold basement? A hot upstairs?
- Revitalizing Indigenous languages using digital tools
- Canadian youth access mental health support from evidence-informed policy
- Turning the tide on groundwater contamination
- Cracking the code of financial success
- Water, water everywhere!
- Inuit knowledge and technology work in tandem to address global warming
- Research scaled to support walleye population
- Tapping chemists to solve maple syrup’s buddy mystery
- Femme Fit-All
- Speeding towards the 5G highway
- Ahoy! Research-in-a-box ships from Kelowna to Montreal
- It’s alive! Improved methods for growing human cells can lead to new cures
- Calgary-based spin-off turns green idea to gold
- Dam good research: New 3D-printed dam models enable better prediction and reduce costs
- User-friendly app for gauging autism
- Adding Rock ‘n’ Roll So Buildings Withstand Earthquakes
- Fueling Cars, Lighting Up Towns – On A Battery
- Counteracting colony collapse; research team seeks to solve honeybee mystery
- Robots gain empathy skills thanks to Ontario Tech team and international intern
- Advancing hip fracture recovery without complex technology
- Innovative app enables accessible buildings
- Exorbitant food-recall costs face reduction thanks to tiny proteins
- The Muskrat Hut
- ‘Lone wolf’ terrorism could face extinction thanks to new computer software
- Brain Drain got you down? Try Brain Retain
- Online Depression Treatment Gives Patients Courage and Hope
- New DNA technology expected to cure genetic diseases
- Celebrating 1,500 interns in 2018 and 20 years together
- Mitacs supports USask team developing unique harness to help save injured horses
- High-tech partnership explores human perceptions of chatbots
- Saskatchewan potash producer advances safety
- Manitoba collaboration results in innovation that stabilizes rural roads
- Newfoundland mining company strikes gold with local students
- BC gets a jump on the big one
- Postcard from Uganda: Researching an elusive wetland antelope species
- Quantum start-up explodes traditional airport security
- Natural beauty start-up goes more than skin deep
- New AI-based video system helps seniors stay safe and independent
- Quebec company drives a billion miles to test the future
- Universities should focus on these two things to support entrepreneurs and start-ups: Panel
- Universities could be missing a key piece when they encourage entrepreneurship
- PEI start-up takes aim at the risks of piercings
- International students gain research experience at USask
- Addiction management in the palm of your hand
- The science of stigma
- Computer co-pilot helps you navigate changing streets
- New app creates shared experiences for friends and family
- Immersing wastewater treatment in digital models
- How a taste for waste makes sustainable food
- Construction planning gets new eyes on the road
- Sounding the right alarm in a noisy ICU
- A world of difference: the life-changing impact of one professor’s support
- Cancer patients receive easy access to treatment information
- Digital insole helps visually impaired wearers take a step forward to the future
- Entrepreneurs on Campus: University-Based Support for Start-ups
- Slashing sea lice infection
- New Brunswick company fights food invaders, naturally
- Articulating my skills in Project Management
- Wearable tech takes the heat off wildfire-fighting pilots
- A meeting of the minds meets the challenges of deadly disease
- Digital Skills Training in the Workplace: A Canadian Report Card and Five Recommendations for Companies
- Kids with heart disease hit the court
- Postcard from China: Making a global impact on clean energy research
- Seven tips for managing any project
- Confident networking: how to stop selling and start connecting
- Finger prick test exhibits early detection of heart disease
- Brewing up innovation
- Cross-cultural leadership from Canada to France to China and back: My Mitacs journey as a global citizen
- Mystery or romance? How Big Data can help you pick your next book
- Putting woodland conservation into the social media conversation
- High-tech headphones silence hearing loss on the worksite
- Seeding frenzy
- New video game helps kids fight online dangers
- A New Method for Educational Assessment, Inspired by Big Data
- Swimming upstream: Hamilton tech start-up aims to keep Ontario’s lakes and rivers safe
- Why Canadian Tech should start hiring Chief Diversity Officers
- SFU lab and Chilliwack company are buzzing with tech advances
- New bone glue fuses success for Halifax start-up
- Finding the bigger picture in microscopic algae
- Ryerson intern clears the air in Toronto
- Drone research takes flight for visiting student
- Pregnancy and malaria, a deadly combination
- Canadian Tech: Diversity Debt Begins Gradually And Happens Suddenly
- Ensuring seismic safety, one beam at a time
- Self-driving wheelchair rolls out at University of Toronto
- Songs in the key of brain health
- Allergy research that’s nothing to sneeze at
- No humming and hawing here: Australian researcher tracking mysterious sound in Calgary
- Manitoba researchers investigate link between diabetes and dementia
- International intern’s star simulations shoot for success
- The missing jigsaw in women’s health: Can gender and migration lenses help?
- Three ways to find a professor for a Globalink Research Award collaboration
- Blown away: Brazilian intern takes her research to Saskatchewan wind farms
- Disease diagnosis and prosthetic limbs to benefit from muscle research
- Research that tunes into emotions
- Flooding simulation software to help Canadians keep their heads above water
- Mitacs Entrepreneur Awards: Making an impact on wastewater treatment
- Smart factories hail the next industrial revolution
- Sweeter dreams are on the horizon thanks to a Halifax researcher and entrepreneur
- Reflecting on the Mitacs Policy Hackathon
- International students explore U of S with Mitacs
- Discovery holds new promise for children with inflammatory bowel disease
- Once a Mitacsian, always a Mitacsian
- Kelowna company making noise with smartphone technology
- David Naylor is right. Scientists need to speak with a unified voice
- Brazilian systems analyst finds her footing in Toronto’s IT sector
- “Research and innovation are important here”
- Star Trek-like glasses reveal new sights for the visually impaired
- Stop. Evaluate and Listen: a discussion with Mitacs’ Evaluation team
- The science of decision-making
- Humanitarian efforts aided by drones
- Milking RFID technology for all it’s worth
- Hearing aid technology sings a different tune
- A sweet discovery
- Social sciences research helps digital marketing firm transcend click rates and page views
- Ontario start-up engages employees with video games
- Saskatchewan to battle absenteeism rates by linking health & wellness to productivity
- Canadian Science Policy Fellows’ Corner: Overcoming our scientific hubris
- UNB postdoc combines engineering and computer science to improve quality, performance, and safety in factories
- Scaling the Ivory Tower
- Postcard from India: University of Waterloo student’s nanocomposite both detects and scavenges mercury in contaminated water
- Scan-to-skate’ technology brings customized comfort to the ice
- Drug education takes a philosophical route
- Mathematician fights water waste with robotic sprinklers
- Canada’s top researchers discuss career development at leadership retreat
- Canadian Science Policy Fellows’ Corner: Considering values in science policy
- Postcard from Brazil: water resource management in Porto Seguro
- Canadian Science Policy Fellows’ Corner: Avoid the Terminator! Consider the ethical implications of disruptive technologies before it’s too late
- Canadian Science Policy Fellows’ Corner: Redefining research, a new approach to knowledge generation in Canada
- Canadian Science Policy Fellows’ Corner: Where is the evidence on achieving diversity in STEM education?
- Postcard from Brazil: applying data analytics to Brazilian soccer clubs
- Taking a close look at familiar faces
- Cracking the genetic code of high performance athletes
- Video game tech brings auto assembly into the 21st century
- Steve’s Week in Policy: September 14, 2016
- Biotechnology partnership transforms safety in blood donation processing
- Long-range drone to deliver food and medicine to Canada’s North
- Researchers attack spruce budworm using chemistry
- Research into Quebec’s rivers aims to improve Atlantic salmon habitats
- Food safety gets a boost thanks to development of allergen detectors
- Big data takes a shot at crime in Saskatchewan
- Well-being of Indigenous youth enhanced by arts and culture activities
- Research at Wilfrid Laurier University explores migrant women’s challenges
- Smart technology advances safety and comfort in the home
- Self-replicating technology will enable a new era of space exploration
- Anthropologist studies Indigenous land use
- Four steps to a confident interview
- Chemistry and physics research to improve drinking water in remote communities
- New indoor mapping app helps you find your groceries
- Steve’s Week in Policy: June 23, 2016
- Previous Alberta floods to provide essential data for prediction software
- Giving families the tools to care for children affected by Zika
- Driving fuel cell technology in cars of the future
- Postcard from Brazil: UBC PhD student travels to Southern Amazonia to find the water footprint of local farms
- Steve’s Week in Policy: May 11, 2016
- Beehive data creates buzz with farm-to-table technology
- Communicating science
- Inspiring young writers
- Reclaiming the future
- Sowing the seeds of success
- Shielding the brain from injury
- From data to dollars
- Positioned for Success
- Robots in the oil sands
- From research to robots
- Innovation through a gender lens
- Harnessing the power of the ocean
- Putting graduate research into practice
- Networking to create opportunities: tips from a graduate student
- Steve’s Week in Policy: March 24, 2016
- Steve’s Week in Policy: March 16, 2016
- 2015 Mitacs Industry Award for Exceptional Leadership: TandemLaunch
- Preventing outbreaks of foodborne illness before they spread
- Steve’s Week in Policy: March 11, 2016
- Postcard from France: Investigating the history of French sequential photography
- A gut reaction that’s creating opportunities
- Steve’s Week in Policy: February 25, 2016
- Robotic arm to aid with mental health treatment
- Five steps to finding an industry partner
- Turning Passion into a Profession
- 2015 Mitacs Master’s Award for Outstanding Innovation: Hugo Vihvelin, Dalhousie University
- 2015 Mitacs Postdoctoral Award for Outstanding Innovation: Pamela Ovadje, University of Windsor
- Postcard from Toronto: A former Globalink research intern makes a new home in Canada
- Postcard from Mexico: why galaxies spin
- Doctoral student partners with children’s gaming start-up to communicate social issues
- Postcard from India: Carleton University “Fish Woman” Brings New Tools to Fisheries Conservation
- A visual way to understand and analyze large quantities of scientific data
- Sensitizing compounds for cancer-treating viruses find new use in vaccine production
- Research impact: New water management tools for small communities
- Calgary medical start-up taps into research talent through Mitacs
- Postcard from India: UBC student investigates social and cultural change in Buddhist art
- Developing water-tight solutions for Quebec’s construction industry
- New product benefits from Accelerate intern’s expertise
- More PhDs, fewer professors: Anne Krook discusses the PhD in—and beyond—the academy
- Protecting children and teenagers from cyberbullying
- Postcard from China: UVic PhD student improves wireless monitoring
- Giving Canadian companies a real-world advantage
- Driver behaviour gets analyzed in the fast lane
- Postcard from India: Graduate student studies how 400,000 rural fishers adapt to climate change
- Intern has his sights set on space
- Research impact: Improving treatment for prostate cancer
- Research project aims to increase access to autism therapies
- PhD Perspective: What I learned at Mitacs Step workshops
- Sustainable transportation planning from Wuhan to Winnipeg
- Indigenous communities and international trade consultations
- An Introvert Attempts to Network
- The thrill of the ride
- Cultural collaboration comes to life through music
- Getting a handle on high blood pressure
- Postcard from Brazil: anthropology PhD student uncovers the history of ancient indigenous communities
- University of Lethbridge: Mitacs Globalink students gain research experience while sampling local culture
- Creating a new road map for diagnosing and treating heart disease
- Intern developing facial recognition app for Google Glass
- Developing the groundwork for improved earthquake safety
- Research impact: Stopping the spread of sea lice
- Strengthening families in need from Hanoi to Halifax
- Modelling air traffic plans for fuel efficiency and lower fees
- Confident conversations: how to avoid those awkward silences
- Sorbonne Universités: A conversation with a Mitacs Globalink Research Award recipient
- Improving liver disease diagnostics with elastography ultrasound
- Developing diagnostic tools for aggressive skin cancer
- Postcard from China: PhD student’s research builds a bridge between disciplines
- Using wind tunnels to develop improvements for airplane design
- Postdoctoral fellows share program benefits at Mitacs Elevate retreat
- Capturing and cataloguing artifacts from Central America
- Robotics research project safely measures structural integrity
- Postcard from Vietnam: grad student researches the human and environmental risks of agricultural growth
- Researching the cutting-edge of Canadian technology for the home
- Engineering student from Mexico is making strides in prosthesis design at Polytechnique
- Biomedical engineering intern integrates rehabilitation, robotics, and social media
- A recruiter’s top three tips to jumpstart your job search
- Contributing to prostate cancer research in Canada
- Intern from Brazil is helping improve outcomes for children with hearing loss
- Finding new uses for existing drugs
- Scorpion device takes the sting out of earthquakes
- Keeping an eye on climate change
- The dollars and sense of choosing a new drug
- Investigating the philosophy behind near-living architecture
- Taking the fast track to brain health
- Making connections improves wireless connectivity
- Where are they now? Student turns her internship into a rewarding career
- Small company makes big advances in fighting antibiotic-resistant diseases and cancer
- Gaining skills for the present, making connections for the future
- Where are they now? A Globalink research intern finds new possibilities in Québec
- Postcard from Turkey: Ryerson graduate student proposes a model for environmental sustainability in ICT
- Where are they now? Former Accelerate intern spreads the word about Mitacs
- Postcard from Turkey: University of Ottawa master’s student helps contain greenhouse gases
- Getting an edge in your job hunt
- Postcard from Turkey: Ryerson PhD candidate harnesses the sunshine of Izmir for his research project
- Postcard from Brazil: UBC student brings laser experiment to Rio de Janeiro
- Where are they now? Former intern leads a new generation
- London-based company sees the value in research partnership
- Paying it forward pays off
- Teledyne DALSA leverages Mitacs grants for high-tech success
- Innovation that goes bone-deep at University of Alberta
- Postcard from China: Western University student is establishing pest control strategies
- Taking innovative crowdsourcing to the next level
- Mitacs Award winner interview: 2014 Globalink intern Pragya Chawla
- Mitacs Accelerate intern helps launch publishing app
- Postcard from Vietnam: Supporting sustainable fisheries with GIS
- Mitacs Globalink student contributes to cyber security research in Canada
- Quang Ong picks a Canadian experience
- Helping businesses take a green turn
- Mitacs Globalink intern finds her niche at the University of Manitoba
- Ray Pan creates a home in Canada
- Postcard from India: McGill student takes research to India
- Gerardo Martinez Narro aspires to a sustainable future
- USask students harvest experience for Farm At Hand mobile app
- César Maldonado Monter fuels a dream in Canada
- Paulina Ramirez Niembro connects to culture in Victoria
- Step workshops prove out of this world
- Transitioning from academia to other careers – advice from three PhDs
- Jesùs Carrillo Valdez brings his heart to Canada
- Aishwarya Roy: Launching a research career in Canada
- Rodrigo Araujo de Medeiros: Developing pipeline reliability
- Research dreams take flight
- Postcard from Vietnam: UBC student investigates impact of fishing on wild seahorses
- Meet Hamza Khan: Returning to Canada to find cures for disease
- Boosting innovation in the ICT industry
- Postcard from China: McGill student takes her research to the Tibetan plateau
- Taking Construction to New Heights
- Postcard from Brazil: UBC undergrad takes her research to Curitiba
- Linking to London’s Storied Past
- Can procrastination be your friend?
- How research internships impact grad student and postdoc careers
- Beating oral cancer with Mitacs research
- Refining innovative technologies
- Getting tax credits for your R&D
- Should you keep your innovation a trade secret?
- Increasing prostate cancer survival rates
- Improving high speed signals of data transmission hardware
- Avoid a patent headache with a simple search
- Mitacs Accelerate stimulating research and development in small businesses
- Pursuing a Master’s degree through Mitacs Globalink
- Creating research pathways in Canada
- Reducing high school dropout rates in Canada
- Should you patent your idea?
- More thoughts on innovation in Canada
- Improving childhood literacy
- How can Canada become a nation that innovates?
- How innovative is Canada?
- Why is innovation so important for Canada?
- Calling Canada home
- Can the crowd help fund your research?
- Analyzing First Nations well-being under self-governance
- Gaining career insight one step at a time
- A Knowledge broker’s perspective on research
- Strengthening international research collaboration
- Pursuing an education in Canada
- Improving pain treatment
- How to take innovation from concept to practice
- Optimizing software security
- The road to commercialization
- Research into remote sensors inspires interns to start their own company
- Award Winner Interview: Liang Feng
- Award Winner Interview: Cindy Chamberland
- Award Winner Interview: Emily Morris
- Award Winner Interview: Andre Bezanson
- Meet the Mitacs Awards winners!
- Award Winner Interview: Adam Metherel
- The future for postdocs
- Mitacs-Accelerate funds over $900,000 in research into cloud computing
- Pushing the boundaries of digital media technology
- Expanding her research horizons
- Algorithms for public health
- Clearer eyes in the sky
- Stepping towards a dream job
- Fueling a greener tomorrow
- A passion for medicine
- A path to understanding cell migration
- New waves of communication
- Using technology to fight disease
- Natural healing with Kisameet clay
- Surveilling the threat of ovarian cancer
- Giving his all to cancer research
- Dreams of a cure
- Finding solutions for wastewater treatment through Mitacs Globalink
- Furthering cancer research through Globalink
- Signaling a change in elderly care
- A positive impact on Alzheimer’s disease
- Professor Profile: Professor Bozena Kaminska – SFU
- Helping children find their way
- Boosting stroke research through Mitacs Globalink
- Mitacs Globalink student facilitates growth in Toronto communities
- Globalink Research Intern contributes to international health initiatives
- Research from the heart
- Global research exposure lures student from India to Quebec
- A step forward in computer security
- Radiating a love for Canada
- Measuring the health of our oceans
- Mitacs Accelerate Professor Profile – Dr. Stephen Chen, York University
- Companies unleash power of mathematics to boost productivity and create jobs
- CORS recognizes Mitacs contribution to operational research in Canada
- Globalink Professor Profile: Dr. Irene Herremans, University of Calgary
- Growing a healthy environment with native trees
- Mitacs-Accelerate Professor Profile: Dr. Jon Rokne – University of Calgary
- Globalink Professor Profile: Dr. Yonghao Ni, University of New Brunswick
- Improving earthquake safety with Mitacs-Accelerate
- Improving wheelchair safety
- Globalink Professor Profile: Dr. Christian Desrosiers of École de Technologie Supérieure
- Globalink Professor Profile: Dr. Elizabeth Croft from UBC
- Mitacs-Accelerate interns help navigate the way to revolutionary positioning software
- Tapping into technical talent
- Mitacs-Accelerate Professor Profile: Dr. Afzal Suleman
- Mitacs-Accelerate on display for British Columbia’s technology industry
- Globalink Professor Profile: Dr. Pierre Sullivan from UToronto
- Starting a research career through Mitacs Elevate PDF
- Growing a brighter future with Mitacs-Accelerate
- Lighting the way to an energy-efficient future
- Revolutionizing breast cancer treatment
- Canadian pharmaceutical company given start-up strength
- Cultivating children’s creativity
- Fighting fires before they start
- Stepped up networking skills
- Advancing into the next stage of the business world
- Collaborating on a vaccine for cancer
- Planning for growth in First Nations communities
- Intern innovation drives business forward
- Freedom to flourish
- Intern’s innovation accelerates global expansion!
- Navigating the waters of new technology
- Discovering “La vie en rose”
- Discovering an engaging international community via Globalink
- Applying Step skills in the real world
- Award Winner Interview: SayedMasoud Hashemi Amroabadi
- Award Winner Interview: Sachin Goel
- Award Winner Interview: Joanna Triscott
- Award Winner Interview: Oualid Haddad
- Award Winner Interview: Lisa-Marie Collimore
- Diamond Jubilee Medals awarded
- Bright minds bridging borders
- Coming full-circle to Canada
- Improving energy efficiency through innovative design
- Driving innovation through research collaboration
- A chance to excel in Canada
- Making security systems smarter
- Announcing the Mitacs Yu October Winner!
- Kick-starting a career in Southern Ontario through Mitacs Enterprise
- Magical Innovation in 3D
- Taking the pulse of new life-saving Smartphone application
- Solidifying the foundations of community causes
- Canada is his oyster
- A Canadian science adventure
- On the forefront of green technology
- AllerGen boosts annual trainee event with Mitacs Step workshop
- A chance to grow through Globalink
- Landing a dream job through Mitacs-Accelerate
- A dynamic and diverse experience of Canada
- Soaring towards medical breakthroughs
- Mitacs Accelerate partnership leads to development of high-tech diabetic insoles
- Amplifying knowledge into a new Canadian experience
- Taking home fond memories of Canada
- A match made in digital philanthropy
- Falling in love with Canada
- Using his “brains” to make a difference
- Launching a good team takes skill
- Making real-life connections to Canada
- Starting a research career on stable foundations
- Tracking seafood from fish harvesters to consumers
- Finding “green” pastures in Canada
- Mitacs Accelerate intern models success for her future
- Mitacs collaborates with research partners to investigate innovative therapies
- Globalink student making a difference in global health
- Step student making a difference in cancer research
- Elevate Fellow succeeds with a dream
- Elevate fellow fine tunes access to innovation
- Alumnus now looking to make new participants benefit from Mitacs experience
- Elevating the interplay of art and science
- At the heart of the Quartier des spectacles’ projections
- Outstanding young researchers honoured at Mitacs’ inaugural awards ceremony
- You don’t know what you’re missing until you take that Step
- Let’s talk about optimization
- Connecting to Cascades
- Monte Carlo, Northern Saskatchewan
- Mitacs intern gains useful insight into industry
- Globalink focus on industry seals the deal
- Mitacs Accelerate research project pushing boundaries in Canada’s “green” commitment
- Portrait of a past landscape to chart the future
- Mitacs Elevate fellow plays role in important medical breakthrough
- Modeling, design, analysis, and control of a parallel hybrid electric vehicle drivetrain including optimal drive mode operation
- Artificial intelligence-powered approach for strategic pharmaceutical portfolio management based on a priori estimation of clinical trial success evolution
- Design of an EV Charging Infrastructure: DC Grid for High Density Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging and other DC Loads
- Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater using Nanotechnology
- Farming Diversity: Womens Past, Present, and Future in Canadian Egg Farming
- Transitional REM Sleep Brain Connectomes and Seizure Susceptibility
- Modelling excessive scour in river channels
- Annual survey of Ontarios publicly funded education system
- Upgrading of heavy and high-contaminant Hydrofaction™ Renewable Crude Oil, to transport fuel blendstock.
- Upgrading of heavy and high-contaminant Hydrofaction™ Oil, to fuels blendstock with the use of Catalytic Steam Cracking
- Upgrading of Hydrofaction™ Oil to transport fuel blendstock
- La sécurité des protocoles de routage
- La reconnaissance des tendances et son application à la détection de la composition familiale des clients
- La modélisation mathématique des structures poreuses et le fonctionnement des couches catalytiques cathodiques dans les piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons
- La modélisation mathématique dans le développement pharmaceutique
- La gestion de portefeuille et les options dans le domaine de l’énergie
- Dispersion et dépôt de particules émises par des modules
- Modélisation et analyse statistiques de traits caractéristiques complexes
- Fondements algébriques de la prévision structurelle
- L’ordonnancement optimal de la chirurgie et de la chimiothérapie dans le traitement du cancer ovarien
- La modélisation et le calcul des défauts de croissance dans les cristaux d’antimonure d’indium
- Apprentissage statistique pour la gestion technique de portefeuille
- Un modèle mathématique de la dissociation du gaz naturel au moyen du plasma non thermique à la pression atmosphérique
- Caractérisation de l’Historique d’Opération des Groupes Turbine Alternateur de la Centrale de Beauharnois
- Test Automation with TTCN-3
- La programmation par contraintes au service de l’établissement d’horaires pour les employés
- Un modèle génétique putatif de la schizophrénie
- Développement d’un paramètre pour l’interprétation des mesures de l’observance thérapeutique
- Le langage de balisage FOAF : un langage de règles pour le réseautage social dans le Web
- Estimation de la distribution combinée à partir de totaux marginaux et applications au marketing par bases de données
- L’analyse des données de transactions sur structures graphiques
- Modélisation géométrique paramétrique hiérarchique pour les formes aérodynamiques
- Visualisation cartographique automatique pour la coordination sociale au moyen de dispositifs mobiles conscients de l’emplacement
- Estimation de la densité bivariée pour des données recueillies par recensements d’intervalle dans le cadre d’enquêtes complexes
- Technique de localisation et de mappage simultanés (SLAM) pour l’exploitation autonome de robots miniers
- Statistiques formelles non linéaires pour l’analyse de structures et d’anomalies musculosquelettiques
- Analyse mathématique et informatique des formes dans les images par résonance magnétique : étude de la sclérose en plaques
- Modélisation statistique pour les ressources humaines dans le domaine des soins infirmiers
- Estimation du temps de survie et des distances de déplacement de poissons munis de radioémetteurs : projet de surveillance de la plate-forme du Pacifique
- La modélisation géostatistique de la variabilité et de l’incertitude liées à l’atténuation naturelle dans les sites contaminés en amont au gaz et au pétrole
- Propriétés physiques et corrélations géophysiques des kimberlites du Lac de Gras et des roches indigènes dans les mines de diamants de Diavik
- Tendances dans l’abondance des sébastes dans l’Atlantique Nord-Ouest et importance relative des variables liées aux pêches et à l’environnement
- Calcul efficient des grecs pour le taux d’intérêt des options exotiques au moyen du mode d’évaluation BGM
- Modèle d’optimisation du transport
- Comparaison d’essais sur le terrain de la version enfichable de la Toyota Prius avec les prédictions de simulation de véhicules à énergie renouvelable
- Caractérisation et prédiction de marqueurs de résistance aux médicaments anticancéreux à partir de l’exploration de données dans des profils de microréseaux
- L’intégration de graphes non orientés dans des quadrillages étendus
- Étude de modélisation numérique directe et d’illumination dans le domaine sismique
- Modélisation d’un organe virtuel au moyen d’outils sophistiqués de transport et de visualisation
- Étude des avantages de la diversification des ressources dans un portefeuille dominé par l’énergie hydroélectrique d’accumulation
- Repérage des poses de la tête en vidéo stéréoscopique pour corriger les mouvements en reconstruction TEP
- Mise en correspondance d’images de médicine nucléaire et d’images anatomiques pour la correction des atténuations et la localisation de l’activité
- Rehausser l’efficacité de l’émission de lumière dans des applications de signalisation
- Une méthode en pavage de modélisation acoustique d’équations paraboliques 3D
- Composants logiciels
- Analyse dynamique non linéaire des amarres en eau profonde et peu profonde
- Analyse de la résistance au dendroctone du pin ponderosa dans les pins de Murray clonés : une occasion d’orienter le choix de cultivars pour créer une forêt plus résistante aux dendroctones
- Étude et développement de méthodes globalement convergentes pour la résolution de multiples fonctions non linéaires
- Analyse non linéaire de séries chronologiques pour la prévision et la caractérisation des activités épileptiques du cerveau
- Conception d’antennes à bande ultra large (BUL) pour l’imagerie hyperfréquence
- Algorithme d’acheminement sémantique pour le routage de contenu
- Stratégies d’investissement optimales
- Un système de défense contre les attaques par saturation
- La modélisation des stratégies de jeu pour l’amélioration du rendement
- Analyse du profil de la clientèle de TD
- Établissement du prix des options dans le marché de l’énergie en Alberta
- Le rôle de la fertilisation des ruisseaux dans le rétablissement des populations de saumon atlantique dans l’intérieur de la baie de Fundy
- La détection rapide d’espèces de salmonelle dans des biosolides de compost au moyen de réactions en chaîne par polymérase en temps réel
- Infrastructure mobile IP pour la transmission de données médicales
- Décomposition de problèmes à variables multiples au moyen de la programmation génétique
- Modélisation de la mortalité de la forêt boréale
- Couverture des risques liés à l’assurance incendie, accidents et risques divers
- Modélisation mathématique du mouvement d’un petit bateau
- Évaluation de l’état de santé musculosquelettique des conducteurs d’engins forestiers
- Exploration efficace de données agrométéorologiques
- Le FOCI et son application dans l’industrie
- Mise au point de modèles mathématiques pour l’écoulement dans un milieu poreux
- Application d’une technologie de logiciel d’ordonnancement sous contraintes pour une gestion efficace des services d’intervention
- Modélisation et calcul du risque de crédit et des dérivés de crédit
- Modélisation de la cinématique et conception des trajectoires pour les physiothérapies du bras et de l’épaule effectuées par des robots de réadaptation
- Caractérisation de la charge de lecture en continu et regroupement multiniveau de la clientèle
- Modélisation de la performance des cyclistes professionnels au moyen de cartes autoorganisables
- Modélisation de matériaux d’entreposage de l’hydrogène
- La diffraction des vagues par des structures flottantes dans des eaux partiellement gelées
- Meilleur agrandissement des défauts à l’aide d’un réseau à commande de phase ultrasonique
- Détection de changement dans les flux de données réseau pour Alcatel
- Vérification d’assertions de sécurité et contrôle à l’aide de moniteurs
- Optimisation du Power Resonator de SyncWave
- Dynamique des fluides computationnelle pour les jeux sur ordinateur
- Pratiques de conservation et risque infectieux de zoonoses transmises par les tiques dans le sud de l’Okanagan
- Correction de couleur ACL du rétro-éclairage LED
- Une approche novatrice d’architecture de réseau modulaire pour la technologie des réseaux
- Ajustements d’intensité pour un affichage et une perception réalistes dans l’imagerie à haute portée dynamique
- Le programme de surveillance de la résistance aux antibiotiques
- Architectures sans fil pour des jouets intelligents en réseau
- Modélisation numérique du lit de biomasse d’un gazéifieur
- Mise en corrélation des scénarios d’intrusion avec un modèle d’apprentissage non supervisé
- Exploration des données dans la banque de données d’essais cliniques VISTA
- Projection des effectifs de médecins de famille en Saskatchewan
- Système d’imagerie par couplage de techniques d’imagerie panoramique et de rétrofléxion
- Une approche physique de modélisation dynamique des régions hydrologiques sensibles et des apports en eau dans les zones de ruissellement des bassins soumis à la fonte des neiges
- Modélisation des prix de l’énergie
- Amélioration du débit de traitement de l’algorithme de compression LZ77 et de l’algorithme cryptographique AES
- Fondu des imageries structurelles, fonctionnelles et des IRM en tenseur de diffusion pour les troubles neurologiques
- Détection et localisation avec des réseaux de capteurs
- Calcul précis de l’atrophie du cerveau due à des lésions focales chez les patients atteints de sclérose en plaques : modification d’un algorithme d’enregistrement non linéaire
- Calcul des forces des vagues de second ordre sur les ouvrages en mer
- Les évolutions de l’état cognitif et fonctionnel des personnes atteintes de formes bénignes ou modérées de la maladie d’Alzheimer, traitées avec la Galantamine : une étude rétrospective
- Méthodes de séparation des nanotubes de carbone et du carbone amorphe
- Interaction des log-probabilités et des hiérarchies taxonomiques
- Optimisation du taux de distorsion d’un flux de séquences vidéo extensibles à grain fin
- Opérations sur les graphes
- Modélisation du comportement de l’utilisateur et analyse d’extensibilité du réseau VoIP
- Stratégie d’affectation de la réserve de segments
- Un analyseur d’images automatisé de dimension n pour classifier les lésions et les tissus cérébraux chez les patients à partir d’images RM
- Animation en temps réel d’objets déformables pour les jeux d’ordinateur
- Plans d’échantillonnage et stratégies d’analyse pour l’évaluation environnementale de l’impact des mines de diamants dans le Nord du Canada
- Etude des temps de correspondances chez Air Canada
- Application des techniques de lissage des données à l’analyse des tendances au sein des données d’enquête à grande échelle
- Décomposition convexe d’une soupe de triangles
- Apprentissage actif des politiques à paramètres hiérarchiques
- Rendu 3D de la contrainte, de la déformation et du cisaillement dans les simulations de cytosquelettes de TensegriCell
- Translittération de l’arabe à l’anglais
- Modélisation de la croissance et de la qualité des tiges d’avenir 20 ans après une pratique d’espacement moyen à l’échelle d’un peuplement de feuillus tolérants au Nouveau Brunswick
- Application d’algorithmes de mouvement sur quadrillage 3D
- Système équivalent pour simulateur numérique en temps réel
- Superposition d’images fluoroscopiques 2D pour la localisation des cibles et la surveillance des patients dans la radiothérapie guidée par l’image
- Regroupement de flux de données sur les réseaux pour Alcatel-Lucent
- Impact, sur l’assurance, des catastrophes liées au réchauffement climatique
- Prédictions d’insolvabilité des compagnies d’assurance dommages
- Évolution d’un réseau d’accès
- Modèles améliorés de machines électriques pour des simulations numériques en temps réel
- Reconstruction et mise au point des images hyperfréquence en 3D du sein
- Mise au point d’algorithmes logiciels pour l’acquisition et l’exploration efficaces des données de radiométrie spectrale imageante
- Le dégagement et l’établissement de priorités pour des produits de qualité
- Facteurs physiques à grande échelle associés à la sécheresse de 1999-2005 dans les Prairies
- Optimisation des processus de fabrication de pâte kraft et de pâte pour dissolution
- Comparaison de différentes prothèses de l’oreille moyenne en ce qui concerne la transmission des vibrations mécaniques pour la reconstitution de l’audition
- Calcul de la distance anisotrope véritable entre des points
- Apprentissage en ligne pour Pinpoint Selling
- Les politiques sur les médicaments canadiennes et leur incidence sur les résultats économiques, cliniques et humanistes : un examen systématique
- Application d’un modèle de la structure par âge au détroit de Northumberland
- Amélioration des prévisions de croissance et de rendement à l’aide de modèles combinés axés sur les arbres
- Vers une échelle optimale pour la surveillance des blessures : l’évaluation de l’influence de l’espace et du contexte socioéconomique communautaire sur les blessures intentionnelles et non intentionnelles en Colombie-Britannique
- Stratégies de protection des têtes de puits sous-marins à proximité d’icebergs
- Détermination d’un ensemble d’attributs à partir des données d’opération des clients en vue d’en faire le classement
- Détection et télémétrie par ondes lumineuses à haute résolution (LiDAR) et leur application à la restauration des marais salés
- Techniques de modulation avancées pour les convertisseurs de puissance et les systèmes de propulsion de véhicules
- Forme et langage pour l’étude astronomique de l’hydrogène (FLASH)
- Influence des virus sur les procaryotes marins dans les eaux arctiques du Canada
- Reproduction en temps réel des charges de travail des systèmes statistiques distribués
- Détermination de la cinétique de l’autoassemblage de polypeptides à îlot amyloïde dans le diabète de type 2
- Modélisation de la composition corporelle axée sur l’adiposité viscérale et sous-cutanée
- Géochronologie minérale détritique du Supergroupe de Wernecke au Yukon : l’amélioration du cadre de travail pour l’exploration minérale
- Besoins des grues du Canada lors de la nidification dans leur habitat forestier de la côte de la Colombie-Britannique
- Méthodes statistiques pour la cytométrie de flux à débit d’alimentation élevé
- Quantification des réponses des oiseaux chanteurs et des pics aux changements dans l’habitat au niveau du terrain et des peuplements : établissement de seuils et de cibles en matière de gestion
- Mesure et modélisation de la résilience écologique
- Profils pétrologiques et géochimiques de la minéralisation cuivre-or dans la région Iron Range de la C. B.
- Phénomènes de transfert dans la production en série du CdTe
- Vérification et assurance des assertions de sécurité au moyen d’appareils de surveillance
- Faire fond sur la compréhension des processus opérationnels liés à la prestation et à l’assurance des services chez Bell Canada
- Extraction de caractéristiques communes dans les flux de données sur les réseaux
- Le risque d’incendie et les effets des perturbations naturelles et anthropogéniques sur les tendances précoces de succession des forêts ICT de la C. B.
- Évaluation de la santé de l’écosystème d’un bassin hydrographique à usage agricole à partir de l’état des insectes
- Modélisation mathématique des mouvements des coques planantes dans les vagues
- Modèle statistique pour l’évaluation des capacités cognitives
- Modèle de dispersion de l’agrile du frêne
- Gestion de l’actif et du passif – prévision du volume et de la durée des dépôts à vue de base
- Recherche sur les matières organiques en vue de contrôler la nouaison des pommiers
- Analyse des données et vérification d’hypothèse pour les données relatives aux carcasses de bétail et aux polymorphismes de nucléotides simples
- Minimisation des déchets de matériaux de construction résidentielle
- Optimisation, à l’aide de méthodes de l’apprentissage machine, du rendement de l’apprentissage en présence d’éléments multimédia
- Mise au point de modèles statistiques pour l’évaluation de propriétés résidentielles à Saskatoon
- Algorithme statistique basé sur des paramètres pour la production de questions de mathématique en enseignement multimédia
- Élaboration d’un modèle d’information pour l’automatisation de la conception et de la construction de résidences
- Cartographie régionale et géochimie des roches volcaniques du groupe Chilcotin, région sud-centre de la Colombie-Britannique
- Modélisation météorologique numérique en vue de prédire les situations dangereuses pour les réseaux de transmission d’électricité
- Caractérisation statistique de charges de travail de systèmes repartis du monde réel
- Surveillance des impacts du changement climatique sur les écosystèmes côtiers dans la réserve de parc national des Îles-Gulf
- Recherche, au moyen de modèles de circulation générale, sur l’incidence des contrôles physiologiques et moléculaires sur la distribution biogéographique des taxons de phytoplancton
- Contrôle de la pollution atmosphérique et modélisation des émissions de navires de croisière et de la circulation associée dans le quartier de James Bay, Victoria, C.-B.
- Fertilisation en vue d’augmenter la séquestration du carbone par les sols et atténuer le changement climatique
- Reconnaissance archéologique de Kweh-Kwuch-Hum
- Sédimentologie, stratigraphie et provenance du supergroupe de Purcell supérieur dans le sud-est de la C.-B. : implications pour le diastrophisme synsédimentaire
- Prototypage virtuel de l’architecture avancée de groupe propulseur de véhicule hybride à des fins d’optimisation de la conception
- Modélisation mathématique et simulation numérique de systèmes d’alimentation avancés pour véhicules hybrides avec différents paramètres et configurations de système de stockage d’énergie
- Rétablissement de l’écosystème après une perturbation : seuils pour les indicateurs de biodiversité et de résilience
- Analyse de CV au moyen du traitement du langage naturel
- Système intégré d’évaluation et de planification à l’appui de la gestion durable des ressources en eaux souterraines
- Modélisation stochastique des préventes et des sous-processus de fourniture de demandes réseau chez Bell Canada
- Élaboration de modèles de planification de la production
- Méthodes mathématiques de surveillance et de contrôle des acariens des vergers de pommiers
- Le traitement d’images par l’algèbre de Lie et son application à l’imagerie optique intrinsèque
- Analyse et classification de données provenant d’évaluations cliniques morpho-fonctionnelles 3D
- Cadre mathématique pour la modélisation de la propagation des incendies de forêt
- Prévision du rendement de salons de jeu
- Établissement des prix d’assurance à l’aide de renseignements commerciaux de nature exclusive
- Transformation de modèles
- Solution de protection cryptographique de portables
- Développement de modèles d’oxydation microcinétiques
- Prévision de structures moléculaires complexes au moyen de simulations de la dynamique moléculaire guidée par la spectrométrie de masse HDX – Partie II : généralisation et paramétrisation
- Développement d’un modèle constitutif élastoplastique dépendant de la température pour métaux et alliages
- Optimisation de l’utilisation des arbres
- Effet des variations de la pression interstitielle dans la stabilité des descenderies : une étude de cas
- Modélisation numérique de torches à plasma DC à air soufflé dans un réacteur de gazéification
- Approches novatrices pour le dépistage de l’insuffisance cardiaque à partir des signaux de ballistocardiographe
- Surveillance des irrégularités respiratoires pendant le sommeil au moyen de techniques de vision par ordinateur
- Mise en œuvre d’OpenVL sur une plateforme à multiprocesseur
- Optimisation des stratégies d’empoissonnement en truites arc-en-ciel dans les lacs à espèces mixtes
- Développement municipal : des incitatifs politiques pour les investisseurs
- Simulation numérique du procédé de séparation vibratoire des fibres et du cœur du chanvre
- Perception et sélection des liens commandités
- : Conception d’une interface-utilisateur à partir de connaissances contextuelles hyperlocales afin de (re)construire un espace de rassemblement et de renforcement communautaire
- Parallélisation des objets de jeu
- Développement de modèles microcinétiques de l’oxydation
- Convivialité de systèmes de caractérisation de la compressibilité des vaisseaux basés sur l’imagerie par ultrasons
- Exigences pour un service collectif de renseignements pour les équipes de conception
- Développement d’algorithmes pour un système multi-caméra de localisation de personnes dans un magasin
- Développement d’un modèle pharmacocinétique et physiologique des différentes formulations d’un agent antitumoral
- Essais, en laboratoire, sur la vibration liée à l’accélération pour éléments du compartiment à bagages d’autocars, orientés à la verticale
- Enregistrement et fusion multimodaux d’images médicales fonctionnelles et structurelles
- Application d’une démarche informatisée de dynamique des fluides et d’une démarche expérimentale pour l’optimisation de l’humidification des piles à combustible
- Segmentation et classification de carottes de sédiments au moyen de la tomographie par ordinateur
- Modèles de planification pour le fonctionnement des services médicaux d’urgence
- Conception de bancs de filtres symétriques à phase linéaire et image miroir pour le codage de la compression d’images
- Compression sans perte asymétrique par le biais de structures auto-organisées algorithmiques
- Modèles informatiques pour l’analyse des structures d’aéronefs
- Conception et implantation de réseaux MMR IEEE 802.16j
- Transfert d’un gène non viral aux cellules souches de l’intestin
- Algorithmes de traitement des données fournies par une caméra laser
- Modélisation des soins à domicile et en milieu communautaire
- Des algorithmes pour l’inversion non linéaire en imagerie médicale
- Méthodes novatrices de dépistage de l’insuffisance cardiaque basées sur des signaux de ballistocardiographe
- Construction du tiers secteur de voisinage : une trousse holistique d’outils de formation et de développement de la gouvernance organisationnelle
- Évaluation des protocoles de gestion des pêches pour les populations de poisson à structure spatiale
- Un modèle de sensibilisation aux ITS pour les jeunes du Nord-Est de la C. B.
- Simulation ab initio de la morphologie et réactivité des nanoparticules de platine supportées
- Conception d’un système robotisé efficace pour la fabrication de modèles à échelle variable
- Un algorithme pour la détection efficace des blogues poubelles
- Analyse multivariée pour la détection des anomalies de fabrication avec de l’équipement complexe contenant des sous-systèmes
- Analyse des collections archéologiques lithiques Katzie
- Protocole informatique et expérimental pour le développement d’un agent thérapeutique contre la tuberculose
- Mise au point d’une formule des éléments finis espace-temps pour le calcul des pertes de puissance rapides dans les supraconducteurs haute température critique
- Algorithme de modélisation des toits inclinés
- Détection d’objets 3D basée sur des composants
- Segmentation de l’activité de la clientèle à des fins de marketing
- L’outil pédagogique Gem Cutter
- Modélisation d’anticorps au moyen d’un protocole informatique et expérimental combiné
- Stratégie de changement climatique de Vancity
- Considérations fondamentales pour la conception d’antennes implantées et intégrées
- La modélisation du régime des vagues autour de l’île de Vancouver à partir de données sur des vagues multidirectionnelles obtenues par bouée
- Distribution de l’équipement de vidéo sur demande
- Nouveaux polymères pour la fabrication de papier ignifuge et de bois ignifuge et résistant à la dégradation
- Le potentiel du drainage pour l’amélioration du rendement des forêts en régénération dans le Nord de l’île de Vancouver
- Nouvel outil d’aide à la décision pour le traitement de patients souffrant d’une rupture du ligament croisé antérieur
- Modèles de classification multi-classe et multicritère
- Surveillance en temps réel de la durée d’arc électrique d’un disjoncteur à haute tension par l’analyse des émissions électromagnétiques
- Développement d’un spectromètre-imageur à transformée de Fourier dans le domaine visible et détermination de gradients d’abondance dans des galaxies spirales barrées
- Analyse et quantification de l’information de texture dans les lésions cutanées pigmentées
- Gestion de portefeuille en utilisant la théorie de portefeuille stochastique
- La santé et la sécurité des enfants vivant dans des installations de culture de la marijuana
- Établir des liens au profit de la préservation : la restauration de l’écosystème de dunes littorales d’Island View Beach et de Cordova Spit
- Évaluation de la faisabilité d’un système automatisé de prêt de bicyclettes publiques dans l’agglomération vancouvéroise
- Stratégie d’épandage optimale pour traiter les boues de raffinage
- Capture de mouvement vidéo semi-automatique : élever les estimées 2D à 3D
- Dresser la carte du « kinéome » et du phosphoprotéome humains
- Simulation numérique de l’interaction fluide-structure dans les métaux liquides
- Systèmes de reconnaissance d’objets dans les caméras numériques
- D’un élément de passif à l’électricité – l’énergie géothermique dans les contreforts des Rocheuses de C.-B.
- Amélioration des soins pour clients déprimés au sein d’un programme d’aide aux employés et à leurs familles
- Modélisation de l’écoulement et de la sorption des métaux lourds dissous à travers un lit-filtre à base de compost afin de prévoir la durée de l’entretien courant en fonction de diverses conditions de charge
- Estimation de l’abondance et d’autres paramètres de population des arlequins plongeurs
- Élaboration de recommandations en vue d’améliorer le secteur des minéraux industriels
- Rehaussement de l’évaluation du risque pour le compte de Vancity
- Modèles mathématiques simplifiés pour la description de l’activité et de la sélectivité catalytiques de l’oxyde d’éthylène
- Modélisation des chemins de données d’un élément de réseau
- Détermination des interactions gènes-environnement dans le lymphome non hodgkinien
- La traduction automatique au service des jeux en réseau
- Synthèse mathématique et statistique de la dynamique des populations de poux du poisson et de saumons dans l’archipel Broughton
- Développement et évaluation d’une approche intégrée de modélisation de l’analyse des risques associés à de nouvelles stratégies de remise en état des sables bitumeux
- Prototypage de plateforme pour la recherche sur la conduite haptique
- Développement de la technologie d’orthèses endobuccales pour le traitement de la respiration irrégulière pendant le sommeil chez l’enfant
- Magnétomètre ultra sensible
- Architecture de réseau pour le réseau de surveillance de la plate-forme continentale du Pacifique
- Évaluation des critères de risque de disparition pour les unités de conservation du saumon sauvage du Pacifique
- Cerner l‘habitat convenant aux coraux des grands fonds en C.-B.
- Les grues du Canada des côtes centre et nord de la C.-B.
- Prévision des changements relatifs aux apports d’eau sous forme de fonte nivale après une invasion de dendroctones du pin et ce, durant la saison de croissance précoce
- Définition des caractéristiques de roches dans le secteur du triage de minerais
- Système de prototypage accéléré pour jeux électroniques
- Améliorer la sécurité des patients en développant un algorithme permettant de surveiller la fonction respiratoire des patients lors de l’administration de Remifentanil lors d’une lithotripsie
- Faisabilité d’un programme d’énergie verte à Merritt
- Évaluation des risques d’incendie de friches dans les îles Gulf du sud
- Où sont-ils aujourd’hui? Examen et actualisation du projet du millénaire de leadership de la jeunesse de S.U.C.C.E.S.S. qui entre dans sa 10e année
- Examen de la relation entre l’expérience subjective et les résultats pour le patient chez les individus atteints de maladie mentale et de toxicomanie
- Outil d’évaluation clinique de l’efficacité des procédures chirurgicales utilisées pour traiter l’incontinence urinaire
- Optimisation d’un système hybride de récupération de l’énergie
- Évaluation d’une approche régionalisée à la fourniture des services médicaux d’urgence en Colombie-Britannique : la distance des services est-elle un facteur critique de la mortalité attribuable aux blessures?
- Compendium des stratégies de conception d’environnements favorisant la guérison
- Différenciation des sources de contaminants dans deux lacs du nord ontarien
- Les aveugles et le milieu de travail : examen des obstacles à des emplois valorisants pour les aveugles du Canada
- Optimisation des risques de crédit
- Système automatique de détection de symboles en temps réel
- Mise au point d’un outil d’analyse pour la mise en correspondance cognitive
- Conception d’un système à faible consommation pour une plateforme ambulatoire de capteurs physiologiques
- Effet de la condition des plantes sur la pollinisation par les bourdons des pieds de tomates de serre
- L’arithmétique polynomiale en différé et ses applications
- Surveillance d’exécution de conversations entre services Web : problèmes de sécurité et d’échanges de données
- Optimisation d’un réseau d’entreposage et de distribution
- Analyse d’un marché européen pour le compte de SpeechBobble Inc.
- Dégagement des possibilités de développement liées aux propriétés historiques
- Surveillance minimale de DB2
- Réduire les dépôts liés à la poix dans une usine de papier
- Mise au point de méthodes d’analyse de la cohérence optique des images de tomographie
- Essais ultrasoniques non destructifs de composés améliorés de polymères renforcés de fibres
- Transmission de CC haute tension au moyen de convertisseurs de sources de tension
- Mise en œuvre et expansion d’un réseau cyclable public dans la métropole vancouvéroise
- Mais je croyais que j’avais de l’asthme – Et maintenant? Évaluation de la faisabilité d’un programme de traitement pour les patients atteints de dyspnée fonctionnelle
- Optimisation de l’angle de la radiothérapie à modulation d’intensité par le biais d’algorithmes d’apprentissage
- Modélisation DFN d’un moteur à révolutions
- Utilisation des flottes de Diageo
- Importance des techniques traditionnelles de gestion des Kwakwaka’wak sur la productivité des jardins estuariens de légumes-racines
- Modélisation du placement dans une fracture de multiples fluides de rhéologie différente et d’agents de soutènement polydispersés
- Avantages pour les intervenants de la chaîne de valorisation des volailles de l’offre de nouveaux incitatifs aux producteurs pour l’amélioration de la qualité
- Parcours éducatifs postsecondaires des jeunes du Nouveau-Brunswick
- Modélisation des utilisateurs et sélection de caractéristiques pour une recherche locale personnalisée
- Établissement de communautés végétales indigènes dans des sites gravement perturbés : examen des facteurs limitant la restauration des cicatrices des brûlis
- Détermination de débouchés pour les nouveaux produits de détection du cancer, LungSign™ et OralAdvance™
- Applications de la théorie des portefeuilles stochastiques
- Étude du trafic de réseau pour la modélisation et la simulation d’attaques
- Approche algébrique pour la vérification de programmes
- Détection efficace des blogues poubelles grâce à l’analyse graphique locale du Web
- Évaluation des méthodes de collecte des exigences d’analyse visuelle
- Confection des calendriers de matchs pour les sports universitaires au Québec
- Exécution du moteur d’analyse Quartz sur une grappe d’unités de traitement par cellule
- Étude des éclosions de cyclosporose en Colombie-Britannique
- Un multidétecteur portable sans fil pour applications physiologiques multiparamétriques
- Modélisation de la dispersion des rayonnements THz à travers le bois
- La couverture de surfaces avec des bandes
- Attelage et aiguillage automatiques de wagons
- Mise au point d’outils multicritères d’analyse et d’aide à la décision afin de faciliter le développement économique communautaire et la planification environnementale
- Prévision des lieux de survenue de pannes de courant dues au mauvais temps et aux impacts avec des arbres sur les lignes de transport d’électricité de BC Transmission Corporation
- Stratégies d’évolution de l’organisme Kintama Research Corp.
- Effets d’une nouvelle gestion forestière sur les plantes de grande valeur culturelle et sur les communautés végétales du sous-bois dans les forêts de zone montagnarde à épinette touchées par le dendroctone du pin ponderosa, région de Kamloops, C.-B.
- Stratégie basée sur l’association au niveau du génome entier pour une sélection sans biais des gènes candidats associés aux maladies inflammatoires
- Gestion des capacités afin de maximiser les recettes prévues
- Développement et évaluation pharmacologique de nouvelles formulations orales d’amphotéricine B pour le traitement d’infections fongiques systémiques expérimentales : fournir une nouvelle approche thérapeutique pour un besoin médical non satisfait dans des
- Accroître le nombre visé de visiteurs uniques à en utilisant la publicité contextuelle et le référencement
- Investigation mathématique d’une mesure Web d’équilibre en utilisant des hypergraphes : trouver une relation papier, roche, ciseaux entre la tenue des scores des jeux et les stratégies de jeu
- Modèle de données Zeros 2 Heroes : expérience de l’utilisateur
- Comparaison entre la corrélation de l’analyse échelonnable et la corrélation classique en finance à haute fréquence
- Circuit de commande de DEL à compensation de température
- Développement d’un instrument intelligent de détection de la douleur pour des applications médicales à visée diagnostique
- Intégration de données à caractère ontologique pour la médecine translationnelle
- Expansion commerciale : applications dans l’industrie alimentaire pour Earthcycle Packaging
- Une technique améliorée équivalente à un système dynamique à large bande pour la simulation numérique en temps réel
- Utilisation de matériaux composites dans les pales de turbines marémotrices
- Analyse comparative des comportements de choix des consommateurs atteints de la maladie cœliaque
- Tomographie par champ d’ondes complètes pour un suivi quadridimensionnel
- Vers une compréhension du processus de conception technique
- Impact éventuel du changement climatique sur les vents de surface dans le sud de la Colombie-Britannique : analyses au moyen d’un modèle climatique régional haute résolution
- Analyse des groupements et des discriminants pour la détection de véhicules
- Modélisation du chemin de données pour un élément de réseau
- L’utilisation des statistiques spatiales pour quantifier le mélange et le potentiel de réaction
- Mesurer la valeur de la télésanté
- Les effets du poids et de la distribution du poids des armes d’assaut sur l’activité musculaire et la posture du torse
- Système de classification des signaux transitoires en temps réel
- Un système de contrôle novateur pour les commandes haptiques
- Mise au point d’un nouveau détecteur de position rotationnelle sans contact pour la détection de problèmes dans les boîtes de vitesse
- Surveillance intelligente des biens mobiles
- Diversité culturelle et imaginaire matériel dans l’architecture canadienne
- Mise au point d’une étude systématique et objective visant à améliorer l’exactitude diagnostique de la simulation chez les patients qui soumettent des demandes de prestations d’invalidité
- Analyse numérique des dalles de fondations chauffées par rayonnement à partir du plancher
- Contrôle de la stabilité de l’eau pour l’optimisation de l’épuration aux stations de traitement d’eau de Portage la Prairie et de Sanford
- Création et mise en application d’un détecteur d’intrusion à fibre optique
- Utilisation de LUMINEX et de dispositifs d’écoulement latéral pour mesurer les antigènes fongiques
- Sources et séquençages de l’écoulement des fluides : genèse de dépôts aurifères par métamorphisme dans la sous-province de l’Abitibi, au Canada
- Détection des problèmes dans DB2
- Détection de mots clés dans les documents écrits à la main
- Écoute spatiale, déficiences auditives et appareils acoustiques
- Mise en œuvre et validation d’une méthode de simulation des courants tourbillonnaires détachés (DES)
- Gestion d’un nouveau processus de fabrication de l’acier à teneur moindre en fer : opérations, finances et risques de litiges liés aux brevets
- Mise au point d’enveloppes architecturales cinétiques intelligentes
- Système d’évaluation des risques de catastrophes
- Lien entre la réduction de la variabilité posturale et l’incidence accrue de blessures liées au travail dans les chaînes de montage automobile allégées
- Extraction d’information dans des données non structurées
- Un système semi-autonome d’injection intracytoplasmique de spermatozoïdes
- Classification de signaux acoustiques au moyen d’architectures d’apprentissage profondes
- Pouvoir d’achat : enquête sur les marchés éthiques en Ontario
- Gestion du risque financier
- Cadre analytique pour l’évaluation des baux commerciaux
- Portail Achats respectant l’environnement et renforçant le tissu social
- Création d’un code de dynamique des fluides numérique pour les applications maritimes
- Électrocatalyseurs anodiques à faible teneur en platine
- Visualisation scientifique des tendances parmi les adeptes du divertissement
- Développement économique communautaire durable en Colombie-Britannique
- Effets et avantages de la transformée cosinusoïdale sur les décompositions polarimétriques : application à la reconnaissance d’objets artificiels
- Transfert des coûts des produits pharmaceutiques des services publics de prestations-maladie aux services privés
- Segmentation des clients en fonction de données sur les transactions
- Système de soutien pour la gestion des pannes dans un environnement de jeu électronique
- Corrélats neuraux des effets de la valorisation de la marque dans divers médias
- Détection et suivi de mouvement vidéo pour les applications de surveillance
- Amélioration de l’affinité des ligands peptidiques pour les anticorps liant les glucides grâce à la conception par ordinateur
- Estimation de l’effort requis pour des projets en technologies de l’information
- Explorer 100 ans de l’histoire de la C.-B. en analysant les annales du Times Colonist
- Exploitation des technologies de positionnement sans fil dans les jeux vidéo mobiles
- Allocation des produits aux usines
- L’avantage régional et l’innovation en Asie de l’Est : analyse de l’exode inverse des compétences et de la transformation du secteur régional de la haute technologie
- Gaspillage des énergies renouvelables et émissions négligeables de gaz à effet de serre dans les réseaux électriques canadiens
- Transport des aérosols dans les pièces équipées de systèmes de ventilation par déplacement d’air
- La stabilité d’un système économique virtuel
- Conception du réseau de transport multimodal
- Qualité des aliments pour animaux à l’Aquarium de Vancouver – optimisation de la qualité des aliments à l’approvisionnement et pendant l’entreposage
- Clarification du concept et de la mesure du climat scolaire
- Simulation de l’usure d’un instrument aratoire en utilisant la méthode des éléments discrets
- Intégration de la technologie à l’appui de la pratique des soins infirmiers : une initiative de la Saskatchewan
- Algorithmes approximatifs pour le reséquençage du génome humain en utilisant les séquences courtes obtenues grâce aux technologies de séquençage à capacité élevée
- Analyse des mesures du rendement et du développement du leadership
- Analyse de la métrologie des systèmes d’aide à la décision
- Conception et synthèse des copolymères destinés aux nouveaux matériels hybrides photoélectrochromiques
- Corrélats neuronaux des effets de la valorisation de la marque et de la préférence de marque
- Système de recommandation de pages Web
- Cycle de conception des systèmes d’électronique de puissance : de la simulation à l’implantation matérielle
- Variations structurelles des génomes humains en utilisant les séquences courtes des technologies de séquençage à capacité élevée
- Estimation fiable et efficace de l’utilisation d’énergie
- Visualisation en temps réel et fusion des données de capteurs incorporés à des lunettes protectrices pour les sports de combat
- Traitement des effluents des eaux usées de l’usine de TODA à Sarnia
- Amélioration du traitement aux rayons ultraviolets des fluides grâce à l’instabilité macroscopique
- Évaluation de la qualité des images médicales compressées en format JPEG et JPEG 2000
- Un examen des algorithmes actuels dans l’optimisation de la ventilation des mines
- Élaboration d’une architecture de logiciel de contrôle pour un système robotique automatisé de traitement des échantillons
- Élaboration d’un appareil et d’un protocole de surveillance du rendement des chauffeeau solaires
- Utilisation des sites de décharges désaffectées pour faire pousser des cultures énergétiques; exclusion du biogaz issu de la rhizosphère en utilisant une doublure d’argile géosynthétique (DAG)
- Répercussions hydrodynamiques sur la distribution et la survie des œufs et des larves de doré jaune (Sander vitreus) dans le Lac Érié Ouest
- Système souple d’acquisition, de surveillance et de présentation de données intégrées pour la recherche sur l’archétype de maison durable et l’installation d’enseignement du TRCA
- Rectification d’image pour les visiocasques stéréoscopiques 3D
- Surveillance de l’aqueduc à l’aide de réseaux de capteurs sans fil ‐ Partie II
- Réussir à mieux comprendre le processus d’optimisation de portefeuille
- Remise en état des sites d’enfouissement pour produire des cultures bioénergétiques
- Évaluation des critères analytiques dans les avantages socioéconomiques de la justice électronique
- Examen du lien entre les milieux de travail, l’épuisement professionnel et la satisfaction du personnel infirmier
- La pose de spires métalliques pour le traitement endovasculaire des anévrismes de l’artère communicante postérieure entraînetelle une augmentation de la fréquence des crises du lobe occipital?
- Étude sur l’état actuel de l’infrastructure civile pour le système de transport urbain rapide
- Dépistage de la consommation à risque de cannabis dans le cadre d’une enquête portant sur la population canadienne
- Élaborer et évaluer la technologie de production des portraitsrobots
- Prévenir la résistance des microbiens sur les surfaces pour prévenir les infections
- Conception et contrôle d’un robot manipulateur intelligent pour un service d’entretien en orbite
- Optimisation à grande échelle de centrales solaires en Ontario
- Simulation d’attaques de réseau
- Étude des perceptions des infirmiers et des infirmières relativement à l’imputabilité individuelle dans l’exercice de la pratique clinique
- Dynamique des variations régionales du zooplancton dans Atlantique NordOuest : évaluation des effets environnementaux à l’aide d’un modèle centré sur chaque espèce
- Évaluation et amélioration de la performance énergétique de centrales éoliennes en phase d’exploitation
- Les mathématiques au Canada jusqu’en 1980
- Modèles de conception paramétrique
- Éducation communautaire : trouver sa place dans le village global
- Modélisation d’un émulateur de réseau sans fil
- Ordonnancement des activités de manutention aéroportuaires
- Adaptation du logiciel Sigma° pour l’extraction de l’information sur les routes à partir des
- Étude de la réponse diélectrique provenant d’essais de montée en tension progressive sur des enroulements statoriques de grandes machines tournantes.
- Technologies vertes : le rôle d’une administration municipale
- Systèmes fondés sur des règles dans la modélisation paramétrique
- Visualisation des processus, communication et collaboration au sein des équipes de design
- Modélisation des risques de déversements mineurs d’hydrocarbures par les navires sur la côte Pacifique du Canada
- Nanocapteur « laboratoire sur processeur » pour la détection de vitamines
- Évaluation des recruteurs internationaux dans le contexte de la migration de travailleurs temporaires étrangers en Colombie-Britannique
- Autoévaluation par les patients des résultats de l’implantation d’un défibrillateur à synchronisation automatique implanté (DSAI)
- Le béton aéré dans les environnements non soumis au gel-dégel exposés aux chlorures
- Modélisation, filtration et contrôle pour les hélicoptères Draganfly
- Optimisation d’un système de transactions en devises multiples
- Le rôle du père dans le traitement de la toxicomanie
- L’importance du moment d’épandage des pesticides, la volatilisation des composants des pesticides botaniques sur les surfaces et les effets des pesticides sur les animaux nuisibles
- L’économie créative : la ressource inexploitée de Vancouver
- Algorithme et modèle pour assister les décisions de chirurgies de remplacement de la hanche et du genou.
- Systèmes robotiques, véhicules sous-marins, navigation, télédétection et manœuvre du câble d’attache
- Reconstruction de tomographies micro-ondes du sein à l’aide d’images radar à bande ultralarge
- Amiantose, fibrose, changements de la fonction pulmonaire et tomodensitométrie dans une cohorte exposée à l’amiante
- Utilisation de wollastonite pour améliorer les propriétés humides et mécaniques du béton
- Modelisation statistique de la tomographie par coh¨¦rence optique avec source balayee et des effets de diffusion multiple dans les tissus
- Facteurs cellulaires influençant le potentiel de développement d’embryons de bisons purs et hybrides
- Influence des interactions nucléocytoplasmiques sur le potentiel de développement des embryons de bisons produits par le transfert de noyaux de cellules somatiques interspécifiques
- Étude de cas sur l’optimisation du flux des patients dans les services d’urgence
- Amélioration des prédictions statistiques et syntactiques des mots
- Étude de faisabilité de la mise en réserve d’habitats
- Le potentiel d’influence du réseau de conseils du bâtiment durable sur l’élaboration d’une politique nationale sur le milieu bâti et la durabilité de l’environnement
- Mesure des propriétés nucléaires de matériaux en analyse par activation neutronique et spectroscopie gamma rapide
- Intégration d’une unité de traitement automatique de spécimens selon une approche fondée sur les réseaux de Petri pour le contrôle, le diagnostic et la prévention des défaillances de systèmes
- Contrôle secondaire de microréseaux fondé sur la fonction potentielle
- Conception de biodétecteurs ultrasensibles pour la détection des bactéries SARM
- Extraction de profil à ligne laser accélérée par FPGA
- Développement d’outils d’analyse des risques fondés sur l’AEC
- Contrôle du mûrissement des fruits à noyau – une perspective moléculaire
- Mesures et modélisation de canaux de relais sans fil dans des environnements microcellulaires urbains
- Détection automatique et non invasive des pathologies aviaires par thermographie infrarouge
- Évaluation du risque de feu associé à des installations récréatives dans le centre de l’Ontario
- Comprendre et réduire la menace des réseaux zombies
- Favoriser une croissance intelligente au moyen des engagements de l’Ontario en matière de lutte contre les changements climatiques
- Simulation d’attaques contre les réseaux
- Soutien à la mise en œuvre du système de gestion des risques de Kamakura
- Développement d’une nouvelle approche pour la production de quantités élevées d’acide stéaridonique (ASD) au moyen d’une culture complémentée d’inoculants microbiens
- Modelisation numerique de la dynamique des fluides dans un projet de fosse septique
- L’utilisation des produits cosméceutiques par les femmes
- Augmentation de l’échelle de production de nouveaux polymères pour des applications pharmaceutique et cosmétiques
- Gestion du changement en recherche et innovation dans l’industrie canadienne de la construction
- Modèle de fiabilité de conception pour un pipeline de haute résistance
- Suivi intelligent des biens mobiles
- Augmentation de la performance du progiciel MESH par une amélioration des méthodes numériques et une parallélisation du code
- Séquençage à haut débit au moyen d’un processeur graphique pour le reséquençage de courtes séquences
- Analyse du contenu en rutine dans des cultivars d’asperges pour le développement de produits à valeur ajoutée
- Détection des munitions non explosées : magnétostriction due à la démagnétisation d’impact
- Technologie novatrice pour la biorestauration ou le compostage de déchets de bois de construction et de démolition
- Incorporation d’un élément de stochasticité dans le simulateur d’incendie PROMETHEUS
- Étude mathématique de paramètres d’équilibre au moyen d’hypergraphes : deuxième partie
- Application à l’industrie des jeux des applications d’exploration de données sur les réseaux sociaux
- L’initiative verte de Mattamy Homes
- Le rôle des peptides carboxy-terminaux de la téneurine dans la cocaïnomanie induite par le stress
- Évaluation et compilation des publications et des bases de données sur l’évapotranspiration en Ontario, Canada
- Développement gazier et abondance des oiseaux chanteurs dans les terres herbeuses du sud-ouest de la Saskatchewan : impact des puits de gaz naturel et effets cumulatifs
- Vérification, validation et expansion du concept de séquestration du carbone par la restauration des terres et le boisement
- Répondre aux besoins des jeunes réfugiés africains dans le Vancouver métropolitain
- Développement et application de la technologie de simulation de l’intestin du lombric (SIL) pour les essais de toxicité des sols
- Les avantages de la détection électronique en chromatographie liquide à haute performance (HPLC) : essai comparatif avec la détection optique dans le spectre UV et visible
- Résister à l’intimidation
- Travaux préliminaires de modélisation des effets des changements climatiques sur le développement hydroélectrique du bas Churchill
- Traitement des eaux usées municipales de petites collectivités en Saskatchewan, Canada, au moyen de plantes indigènes
- Élimination de l’emploi du mercure et amélioration de la récupération de l’or dans une exploitation artisanale
- Planification d’une gestion communautaire durable des forêts avec la Première nation Katzie dans les forêts provinciales Blue Mountain et Douglas
- Évaluation de la faisabilité de l’incorporation à l’échelle de l’industrie de l’éco-certification à l’initiative Sustainable Winemaking Ontario
- Programme d’évaluation et d’amélioration des processus d’analyse visuelle pour l’analyse de données sur la durabilité, la fiabilité et la sécurité – première partie
- Determination du module reversible anisotrope in situ du sol de chaussee au moyen d¡¯un pressiometre autoforeur
- Visualisation des données pour le tracé d’itinéraires favoris vers des points d’intérêts choisis fondée sur un modèle local abstrait pour les appareils mobiles localisables
- Analyse des véhicules hybrides rechargeables dans les réseaux de distribution
- Développement de modèles tridimensionnels pour l’analyse de bâtiments à ossature en bois de hauteur moyenne
- Analyse des paramètres d’un système de soutien décisionnel
- Architecture et application d’un module de support décisionnel innovateur en soins primaire intégré au dossier patient électronique
- Conception et réalisation d’une source de puissance pour le Plasma
- Estimation des tendances relatives de l’abondance et de la distribution des cétacés à partir de données recueillies pour un réseau d’observations anecdotiques (BCCSN)
- Communications sans fil pour les réseaux de capteurs en milieu perturbes: application aux vehicules
- Etude des relations entre les anneaux de croissance des arbres et le climat dans la forêt boréale
- Modélisation des processus de choix des consommateurs dans un environnement dynamique et concurrentiel
- Développement intelligent d’une enveloppe architecturale cinétique
- Études des effets de la désinfection aux UV sur l’activité œstrogène dans les eaux usées
- Évaluation d’un système de vision artificielle combinant un réseau neuronal et la logique floue pour l’inspection intelligente
- Reconstruction tridimensionnelle d’un bâtiment/structure à partir de photos aériennes multiples
- Étude sur le moment d’épandage des pesticides botaniques, la volatilisation de leurs composants sur les surfaces et leurs effets sur les ravageurs
- Evaluation des impacts économiques du secteur de la technologie du Victoria métropolitain
- Efficacité de la végétation indigène dans des sols miniers et analyse des dépôts de sol à Huckleberry Mines, Houston, Colombie-Britannique, Canada
- Déterminants écologiques d’une aquaculture durable en Colombie-Britannique
- Effet du stress sur la perception visuelle dans une perspective d’analyse visuelle
- Développement d’un tampon de conservation des échantillons et d’extraction d’ADN pour C-POD
- Modèle d’analyse et d’évaluation financière des plantations de saule de la grappe agroénergétique du Secteur des Coteaux
- Etude et mise en place d’une methodologie pour transformer un modele des exigencies en un modele d’analyse dans l’approche MDA
- Les Chimiokines : Une nouvelle approche thérapeutique pour le traitement de la douleur.
- Adaptation du logiciel sigma0 pour la détection des terrains vacants à partir des images du satellite RADARSAT en milieu urbain et périurbain
- Étude sur l’évaluation des couts et éléments d’efficacité de la combinaison Acticoat‐VAC chez
- Développement d’un outil d’analyse modale portable avec prétraitement EMD
- Modélisation numérique de torches à plasma DC à air soufflé / 2e Partie
- Caractérisation du procédé de thermoformage en continu de contenants en bioplastiques, en plastiques et en mousse plastique
- Biotechnologie des symbioses végétales en restauration écologique des écosystèmes dégradés à Madagascar
- Polymères biocompatibles pour des formulations d’agents thérapeutiques à administration par voie orale: la catalase
- Endexation d’annotations vocales dans un contexte de gestion documentaire
- Etude de la gestion stratgique de mecanismes d’ouverture de l’innovation de l’Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec
- Étude de l’expression de Pax-5 et de sa régulation dans le cancer du sein
- Le Modèle Régional Canadien du Climat reproduit-il la variabilité de Régional Canadien du Climat reproduit-il la variabilité de l’hydrologie observée?
- Modélisation du concept d’aménagement écosystémique dans la région administrative des Laurentides
- Prédiction de l’orientation des fibres dans des suspensions semi-diluées et concentrées
- Amélioration des capacités d’analyse video et d’interaction humain/ordinateur d’un système de suivi optique et d’analyse des traces des patineurs
- La conduite des arbres en milieu urbain : expérimentations pour harmoniser l’arbre et le réseau électrique
- Fouille de texte a partir de reseaux sociaux pour la recherche de cadre dans le domaine du recrutement
- Mesure du capital de marque pour le secteur des produits recreatifs
- Mesure des ultrasons rétrodiffuses dans des plaques brasées avec des joints a recouvrement
- Analyse et optimisation du système de récupération de chaleur et de géothermie des résidences universitaires de l’ETS
- IMAGE: A Computer-Aided Cognition Capability for Understanding Complex Systems
- Implantation d’applications sur un modele de treillis de calcul pout FPGA
- Optimisation d’un service express sur une ligne d’autobus.
- Technologie de parametrage adaptatif des pilotes radio l
- Optimisation d’un procédé de pyrolyse du « fluff » de voiture dans un tambour rotatif en régime batch
- Intégration de pratiques de conception intégrée et de technologies de l’information dans un contexte de travail multidisciplinaire et disperse afin d’accroitre la performance a générer des solutions innovatrices et durables pour le développement du cadre
- Laboratoire sur puce pour la détection de Listéria dans des échantillons d’aliment
- Un électrocautère équipé d’un système d’évacuation de la fumée efficace et facile à utiliser pour le chirurgien
- Conception et construction d’un simulateur de rafales destiné à tester des éoliennes
- Emploi des valeurs de mesure de l’érodabilité dans l’évaluation de l’affouillement sous les ponceaux
- Modélisation adaptative multi-échelles et méthodes numériques pour débits de puissance réactive
- Tension physiologique et psychologique subie par les pompiers lors d’intervention d’urgence
- Mécanique de soudure parallèle informatisée
- Caractérisation et amplification des cellules sanguines dérivées de fibroblastes cutanés humains
- Design évolué d’antennes compactes et d’antennes à large bande de communication sans fil pour véhicules
- Modélisation de systèmes intégrés de gazéification de biomasse et de piles à combustible à oxyde solide
- Impressions et expériences de jeunes adultes issus de l’immigration au Canada
- Télésanté et perte auditive : effet de la programmation à distance d’appareils auditifs et soutien à la rééducation au moyen de ces appareils
- Les pratiques des ressources humaines et la performance organisationnelle
- Développement d’un modèle empirique de la régénération en peuplier faux‐tremble dans les peuplements dégradés suite à l’épidémie de livrée des forêts 1998‐2003.
- Preuve de concept, validation par simulation de la performance d’un nouveau mode d’érection
- Modèle d’aide à la décision pour déterminer le meilleur choix entre le transport du personnel et l’établissement de camps forestiers
- Développement d’un système d’aide au diagnostic de pathologie du genou et son intégration dans la pratique médicale
- Amélioration de la méthodologie de résolution de problèmes chez Bombardier aéronautique – Challenger.
- Modélisation de la dépendance entre différentes lignes d’affaires
- Projet de démonstration de la technologie TI-SmartLamp à faible consommation électrique sur une production à grande échelle chez HydroSerre Mirabel producteur de laitues.
- Amélioration de la méthodologie de résolution de problèmes chez Bombardier aéronautique – Challenger
- Évaluation des coûtes réels de la populiculture au Québec
- Validation d’un modéle de systéme antigivre base sure le transfert de chaleur conjugué utilisant ANSYS-CFX, FENSAP-ICE et CHT3D pour le couplage thermique
- Caractérisation diélectrique de nano-composites polymériques
- Développement de modèles de prévision et proposition d’heuristiques pour la commande temps-réel du centre d’appels d’Hydro-Québec
- Mise en place du processus de gestion des connaissances pour documenter les connaissances liées aux produits spéciaux.
- Classification de documents basés sur l’utilisation d’un thésaurus
- À partir des méthodologies de gestion des connaissances actuelles, identifier les traitements possibles des informations présentes dans les systèmes d’informations à des fins d’innovation
- Fabrication et contrôle de qualité de transformateurs d’instrumentation
- Réalisation d’une alimentation pour luminaire à DELs
- Systèmes bonus-malus pour modèles de comptage avec hétérogénéité dynamique
- Étude de la gradation de la conductivité électrique des matériaux diélectriques nanostructurés
- Supervision et adjustment dynamique des taches deployees dans un context de virtualisation sur un parc informatique heterogene
- Croissance du mélèze hybride assujetti à différentes méthodes de préparations de terrain
- Simulations magnetothermiques en regime transitoire des limiteurs de courant supraconducteurs a base des rubans a couches minces
- Gestion combinee de l’allocation des ordres de fabrication aux usines et des routes de livraison aux clients chez Toiture Mauricienne
- Developpement D’Architecture Logicielle pour Camera Numerique Ultra Sensible
- Essais de performance du système Desableur et capteur d’hydrocarbure dans une pièce monolithique dans le contexte québécois
- “Last Planner” comme outil d’amelioration dans la chaine d’approvisionnement dans une centrale hydroelectrique au Quebec
- Détection de l’état des roulements avec des mesures ultrasoniques
- Optimisation de la gestion d’une flotte de vehicules de services specialises
- Realisation d’un vaccin sous-unitaire contre les infections a Salmonella et a Streptococcus suis chez le porc
- Analyse et interpolation spatiale de champs de deformations sur les aubes de turbines hydrauliques
- Lames de plancher d’ingenierie densifiees pour usage intensif
- Étude de la composition et du comportement des boues résiduaires des étangs aérés lors de leur entreposage en vue d’élargir leurs avenues de valorisation
- Élaboration d’une mesure de la communication responsable
- Validation de divers algorithmes de reconnaissance de cristaux appliqués à la tomographie d’émission par positrons.
- Catégorisation des charges de projet: outil d’aide à la décision
- Developpement experimental d’outils de traitements et d’analyses de thermogrammes pour l’evaluation non destructives des materiaux par thermographie
- Évaluation de la rentabilité de la populiculture
- Modification d’une embouteilleuse automatisée, amélioration de l’utilisation des ressources énergétiques et des résidus d’une micro-brasserie
- Analyse des méthodes participatives et collaboratives pour appliquer de meilleurs pratiques à la réalisation de projets de développement durable en aménagement
- Couplage de la dénitrification autotrophe sur soufre aux systèmes de traitement biologique des eaux usées domestiques applicables au secteur de l’assainissement décentralisé
- L’optimisation de l’utilisation d’une plateforme BIM dans la gestion des équipements de la Ville de Montréal
- Fonctionnement de l’érablière à la limite de son aire de distribution
- Caractérisation du vieillissement de l’isolation de masse de barres d’alternateur soumises à des décharges partielles d’encoche sous différentes contraintes
- Analyse de la stabilité des ouvertures souterraines à l’aide de la modélisation des systems de fractures: le cas de la Mine Raglan
- Élaboration et test d’un outil d’autodiagnostic multicritère permettant aux entreprises québécoises d’analyser les risques et opportunités liés à leurs dépendances et impacts en matière de biodiversité et de services écologiques
- Application, évaluation et comparaison d’une méthode d’évaluation des impacts liés à l’utilisation de l’eau en ACV
- Suivi des mouvements de terrain en zone de pergelisol par interferometrie radar
- Systeme de vision artificielle pour inspection d’inventaire dans un contexte de soins de santé
- Utilisation de techniques de modelisation alternatives aux GLMs dans un context de segmentation du risque assurance
- Valorisation de particules fines provenant de sols contamines traits: Reconstitution de la texture et amelioration des proprieties-physico-chimiques des sols agricoles appauvris
- Optimisation de l’extraction de co-produits de l’agro-alimentaire canadienne pour les marchés nutraceutiques
- Production de bioproduits commerciaux dans un réacteur biologique aérobique d’une industrie papetière
- Planification de personnel pour le commerce de détail
- Etude des strategies de mise en marche europeen pour un nouveau medicament analgesique colique, GIC-1 001, pour la coloscopie sans sedation
- Modelisation de la thermodynamique et de la cinetique de formation etde stabilisation de I’austenite de reversion dans un acier inoxydable martensitique parI’approche CaiPhaD
- Backtesting de strategies en finance
- Développement et Optimisation d’une bioraffinerie des Hémicelluloses Intégrée et Verte
- Nanotraceurs Raman à nanotubes de carbone fonctionnalisés pour l’imagerie Raman hyperspectrale
- Baromètre canadien des achats responsables – édition Québec
- Alignement strategique des technologies de I’information par I’utilisation de tableaux de bord
- Étude et optimisation des operations de mise en forme courbée de conduits en matériaux composites thermodurcissables
- Modélisation et tarification des coûts en assurances dommages
- Validation de l’AMERA G8 comme outil d’évaluation et d’entraînement de l’articulation du genoux chez des adultes sains
- L’effet de l’orniérage sur la productivité forestière
- Élaboration d’un guide de bonnes pratiques permettant la manipulation sécuritaire des nanotubes de carbone mono-paroi
- Rôles des technologies langagières dans les organisations
- Évaluation du logiciel de dimensionnement de Cogeco pour la simulation des tendances vidéo futures du réseau Internet
- Évaluation de l’immobilisation de l’arsenic dans un remblai minier en pâte cimenté entreposé en milieu salin
- Proposition d’un modèle prédictif pour les elections provincials du Québec
- Outil decisionnel pour I’exploitation miniere : Val d’Or, Quebec
- Développement d’un matériau ignifuge non toxique pour le procédé de rotomoulage et d’un protocole de test permettant d’évaluer les caractéristiques de combustion de ces résines
- Dynamique spatiaIe de la tordeuse des bourgeons de I’epinette
- Culture d’algues hautement calorifiques dans des eaux usées industrielles enrichies d’un rejet industriel complémentaire et riche en carbone organique
- Analyse des réponses gravimétriques en forage du système Gravilog
- Fatigue des assemblages conducteurs aériens – pince semi-rigide
- Conception et optimisation du réseau logistique d’ÉLECTROBAC
- Industrialisation des méthodes de compensation d’erreur d’usinage
- Modélisation de la température minimale normalisée pour la prédiction de la charge électrique sur le réseau d’Hydro-Québec
- Développement d’une expertise génétique pour établir les liens de parenté dans la population captive de guillemots marmettes
- Production d’acide succinique à partir de bio-méthanol en utilisant Methylobacterium extorquens comme mini usine cellulaire
- Modélisation numérique du comportement mécanique de matelas de réception utilisés lors de performances acrobatiques
- Développement d’un amortisseur de motoneige semi-actif ajustable à commande électromécanique
- Planora – Confections d’horaires
- Développement d’un outil numérique améliorant la versatilité des impulseurs en vue de réduire le nombre de pompes intermédiaires, et conception d’un plus gros impulseur pour les pompes centrifuges multiétages
- Transfert des connaissances et technologies développées pour la détection semi-automatique des bâtiments et l’évaluation des dégâts sur des images de catastrophe
- L’outil des carnets de compétences: analyse et recommandations
- Dynamique de la régénération du peuplier faux-tremble suite aux opérations de remise en production de peuplements dégradés.
- Enjeux et décisions stratégiques dans un processus d’innovation ouverte : etude longitudinale d’un cas réel selon une approche de recherche-intervention
- Modélisation de l’absentéisme chez les pilotes d’une compagnie aérienne
- : Modélisation statistique de l’érosion de cavitation selon les paramètres d’opération des turbines hydrauliques
- Validation numérique du logiciel de simulation GHE_SIM
- Diminuer le chauffage électrique pour augmenter la productivité québécoise : Évaluation conséquentielle de l’utilisation du gaz naturel pour le chauffage résidentiel
- Modélisation du comportement des sables améliorés par vibro-remplacement
- Optimisation de la cédule du programme CSeries
- Impacts des changements climatiques sur les modèles de conception des liaisons hertziennes
- Système de marketing électronique pour téléphones intelligents
- Effet des greffes racinaires sur la réponse des arbres aux coupes partielles
- Optimisation des tournées de ramassage du lait
- Critères de conception d’une unité mobile de traitement des lampes au mercure
- Le fluff: matières résiduelles plastiques issues de l’automobile; caractérisation et utilisations écologiques
- Évaluation de différents protocoles de mise en diapause pour Trichogramma brassicae
- Suivi expérimental qualitatif et quantitatif d’un jardin de pluie en climat nordique
- Influence des paramètres de forge et de traitements thermiques sur la taille de grain de l’austénite primaire et les propriétés mécaniques d’un acier forgé
- Montage d’un systeme de production continue de nanoperles de carbone
- Conception d’un impulseur, diffuseur et corps de pompe basée sur les modèles numériques crés lors de la phase I (1er stage)
- L’effet de l’oniérage sur la productivité forestière
- Étude paramétrique de stratégies d’injection sur les émissions polluantes
- Détermination des substrats optimaux favorisant la germination à effet allélopathique
- Numérisation tridimensionnelle d’un véhicule et détermination automatisée de trajectoires robots
- Modélisation et simulation du comportement dynamique de turbines hydroélectriques
- Amelioration d’un code de mesure de champs de deformation par correlation d’images
- Étude sur l’influence d’une vis hélicoïdale dans un épaissiseur de boue rouge à fond conique
- Impacts des changements climatiques sur les modèles de conception- 2ème partie
- Génération de nanoparticules dans le but de developer un vaccin universel contre la grippe
- A cognitive approach to intelligent gaming: Analysis of eye movement
- Évaluation des coûts socio-économiques reliés aux bris au Québec
- Gestion des sédiments de dragage et processus bio-physico-chimiques impliqués
- Réinterprétation structurale du gisement de Persévérance, Camp minier de Matagami, QC
- Développement d’une méthode de segmentation semi-automatique des structures hépatiques
- L’arrimage entre le Building Information Modeling (BIM) et deux autres processus
- Recherche documentaire et analyse prérecherche sur l’organisation des milieu cliniques en première ligne
- Transformation de l’α-spodumène en β-spodumène par torche de plasma à différentes atmosphères
- Phytoremédiation des sites contaiminés par des composés de préservation du bois
- Association feuillus – résineux dans les plantations d’épinettes d’âge intermédiaire de la forêt boréale mixte
- Gestion des sédiments de dragage et processus bio-physico-chimiques impliqués 2
- Intégration dans la plateforme logicielle OTB d’une interface utilisateur graphique et des algorithmes de traitement des images satellitaires de catastrophes
- Développement d’un support d’enzyme pour application au contrôle de l’acide cyanurique
- Recherche de traceurs chimiques dans l’huile isolante permettant de déterminer indirectement la vie résiduelle des transformateurs de puissance
- Analyse et optimisation des operations logistique d’Electrobac suite a I’implantation de son reseau
- Conception et fabrication d’une matrice de micropropulseurs à combustible solide
- Planification et coordination d’actions en présence d’adversaires avec contraintes discrètes et continues
- Évaluation du potentiel de croissance et de rendements d’une culture de tomates biologiques cultivées dans une serre climatisée à l’aide d’un système géothermique
- L’expérience de marque : La Distillerie
- Nouvelles solutions innovantes de cartographie à partir d’images hyperspectrales acquises depuis un drone
- Identification des facteurs-clés du succès de l’implantation d’une démarche d’amélioration continue en milieu hospitalier
- Effets de l’intensité d’éclaircie commerciale et de la fertilisation sur la croissance et la production ligneuse des pinè des grises del’ouest du Québec
- Étude et modélisation des processus thermodynamiques et cinétiques de stabilisation de l’austénite de réversion dans des aciers inoxydables martensitiques
- Développement de membranes nanocomposites pour application en génie civil
- Adaptation et optimisation d’une machine de dépôt et degravure par pulvérisation cathodique
- Modélisation d’un classificateur hydraulique pour l’enrichissement d’un concentré d’oxyde de fer
- Développement d’algorithmes de cotations de défauts et de gestion des alertes en mode opérationnel
- Vérification numérique de forme
- Caractérisation expérimentale et simulation numérique du comportement mécanique de matelas de réception utilisés lors de performances acrobatiques
- Process design and optimization of a bioethanol plant
- Optimisation multi-objective de I’utilisation du gaz de synthese issu de la gazeification de la biomasse dans Ie contexte de la bioraffinerie forestiere integree et verte
- Caractérisation et mise à l’échelle de mélangeurs horizontaux pour poudres propulsives
- Conception et validation d’une unité de dénitrification des eaux résiduelles de biométhanisation avec objectif de les recycler
- Traitement de décarbonatation électrochimique et de désinfection simultanée des eaux des tours de refroidissement
- Optimisation d’algorithme d’analyse d’empreintes olfactives
- Proposition d’un outil de planification pour la gestion de projets
- Développement d’un procédé automatisé pour la mise en forme d’une préforme textile pour les matériaux composites
- La participation des dirigeants au capital-actions a-t-elle une influence sur la performance de I’entreprise et sur son prix en bourse?
- Calibration d’un indice physiologique chez la larve de pétoncle géant (Placopecten magellanicus) et caractérisation d’un régime alimentaire optimal
- Analyse de données textuelles et comportementales pour le placement publicitaire web
- Étude de segmentation du marché de la maintenance des moteurs d’avion etdéveloppement de stratégies marketing conséquentes
- Vers une culture d’affaires coopérative : du modèle marchand au modèle coopératif
- La mise en oeuvre en pratique d’un plan strategique de developpement durable
- Construction 2.0 : L’efficacité par le numérique
- Analyse et dimensionnement du système DVC
- L’importance des caractéristiques granulométriques sur l’érosion interne des ouvrages en remblais
- Implantation d’un système de gestion des stocks avec système de reapprovisionnement continu
- Analyse d’un systeme de stockage thermique residentiel par masse d’eau
- Optimisation du transport de messagerie-colis
- Design d’antennes microstrip 24 GHz
- Prise de mesures à distance pour de fins de dimensionement de vêtements et costumes de dance baladi
- Analyse des processus de communication de Show-Canada
- Elaboration d’un système intégré de management des processus de production industrielle
- Développement d’application mobile pour la carboneutralité
- Réduction du bruit dans la ventilation minière souterraine
- Algorithme de résolution de conflits pour l’application dynamique de règles commerciales
- Comment réaliser du Datamining en temps réel?
- La vitesse de propagation des ondes de cisaillement dans les argiles de l’est du Canada; mesures et corrélations
- Modélisation de la corrélation des pertes pures par chapitre pour l’assurance-auto au Québec
- Conception et mise en oeuvre d’un profil SysMLpour le support de la méthodologie ASAP
- Conception d’un dispositif de protection pourporteur de colonne humaine
- Analyse socioéconomique de la situation des acteurs de la chaine d’approvisionnement de l’industrie du rechapage du pneu au Brésil
- La collaboration à distance chez Hydro Québec
- Simulation temps réel de véhicules intelligents en conduite collaborative
- La mise en place du BIM chez un entrepreneur. Interférences, Coordination et Simulation 4D
- Developpement d’un modele de classification probabiliste pour la cartographie du couvert nival dans les bassins versants d’Hydro-Quebec a l’aide des donnees de micro-ondes passives
- Étude du cycle biogéochimique du soufre issu des panneaux de placo plâtre
- Étude de la compatibilité de l’utilisation des espèces Trichogramma brassicae et Trichogramma ostrinae
- Application du laser terrestre et modélisation 3D en archéologie
- L’optimisation des horaires dans le secteur de lavente au détail
- Modelisation du comportement des sablles ameliores par vibro-remplacement (renouvellement)
- Corrélation entre les propriétés rhéologiques et physiques d’un élastomère
- Modélisation et caractérisation à la pression atmosphérique de lentilles électrostatiques à focalisation forte de type quadripolaire
- Élaboration d’indices et de modèles prédictifs
- Interaction entre les facteurs permanents et temporels qui déterminent la productivité du Tremble
- Conception d’une trousse d’analyse d’opportunités pour l’implantation d’une solution enrichissant les systèmes de GMAO existants
- Température de Conducteurs; Développement des relations expérimentales pour Ie dimensionnement des connexions flexibles des alternateurs
- Caractérisation géochimique de la halde à stérile de la mine Essakane-IAMGOLD et support au coordonateur environnement de la mine Westwood
- Optimisation des chantiers d’abattage du projet Upper Beaver d’Osisko
- Effets de combinaisons des fusariotoxines: la zéaralénone (ZEN), le déoxynivalénol (DON) et la fumonisine B1 (FB1) sur le fonctionnement cellulaire et les voies de signalisation : Étude préventive
- Optimisation de la rentabilité économique des échangeurs de chaleur géothermiques
- La phase de creation-demarrage : une lecture de l’accompagnement entrepreneurial autour du concept de Business Model
- Ensemble de recettes réseau pour les services IAAS
- Quantification de l’erreur d’échantillonnage
- Optimisation de deux unités de traitement pour la dénitrification de la fraction liquide de l’effluent de biométhanisation
- Optimisation des conditions de traitement par fermentation d’un rejet de I’industrie de la transformation laitiere et developpement d’un procede d’hydrolyse de la biomasse microbienne
- Optimisation d’une batterie imprimée à base de Zinc
- Développement de methodes analytiques pourquantifier le niveaux d’oxydation des lipids dansles membranes biologiques
- Fusion de mesures de capteurs pour l’estimation des mouvements du corps humain
- Développement du système de traitement des eaux usées COLDFIXE : essais de validation en conditions contrôlées de laboratoire
- Hydrogéologie et conservation des milieux humides
- Évaluation non-destructive de l’effet des coupes partielles sur les propriétés mécaniques du bois de l’épinette noire
- Informatisation du processus de géneration des rapports de proposition et de solutions des clients de S3R avec hébergement dans le cloud
- Développement d’une plateforme de médiation pour la Chambre nationale des huissiers de justice (France)
- Développement d’un nouveau produit d’amendement des sols à base d’algues
- Optimisation de la conception de la machine à ligaturer
- Optimisation du procédé de fabrication d’éléments chauffants à base de fibre de carbone
- Effets de l’intensité d’éclaircie commerciale et de la fertilisation sur la croissance et la productivité des pessières noires de l’ouest du Québec
- Optimisation d’algorithme d’analyse d’empreintes olfactives
- Application et développement avancé d’un code de mesure de champs de déformation par corrélation d’images
- Caractérisation des stations d’épuration des eaux usées municipales nord-américaines et de leurs conditions environnementales exogènes en vue d’analyser les procédés de contrôle des odeurs qui peuvent faire l’objet d’un contrôle dynamique
- Développement et validation ergonomique d’une gamme de deuxième génération du HiTrainer Pro 100
- Le Big Data chez HQE : Identifications des opportunités en intelligence d’affaires, analyse des exigences informationnelles et mise en place de deux prototypes
- Développement d’un bioréacteur à base de macroalgues pour la régulation des concentration en azote et en phosphore dissous dans les systèmes d’élevage marins en recirculation intensive
- Optimisation de matériau de scellement de fissures etde matériau de réparation de chaussées souplescontenant des matériaux recyclés fabriqué dans uneunité mobile
- Fiabilité en fatigue des turbines hydrauliques en présence de données incertaines et dans un contexte imprecise
- Formalisation d’arguments de sécurité
- Traitement des lixiviats de site d’enfouissement par couplage d’un procédé de bio-filtration sur support organique (BIOSOR) et d’un procédé d’électrocoagulation (ECOTHOR)
- Élaboration de modèles d’estimation de projets basé sur un historique de productivité
- Enquête sur la commercialisation des nanotechnologies au Canada
- Conversion du glycérol en acroléine et acrylonitrile
- Amélioration et standardisation de l’extraction des nitrates à partir de co-produits de céleri et laitue produits au Canada pour le marché des aliments biologiques
- Valorisation des matières résiduelles textiles(de l’entreprise Certex) envoyées au sited’enfouissement
- La mise en oeuvre en pratique d’un plan stratégique de développement durable
- Analyser et utiliser un canal de propagation dans unenvironnement de haute tension
- Revégétalisation des résidus miniers à l’aide de Biochar
- Modèle de réserves stochastiques incorporant le jugement actuariell
- Heuristiques pour la gestion des créneaux horaires de livraison
- Développement de nouveaux algorithmes de recherche et comparaison
- Détermination de la qualité de l’acier liquide par imagerie stochastique
- Identification des métabolites secondaires d’intérêts provenant de cultures énergétiques et extraction en continu à l’aide d’émulsions ultrasoniques
- Surveillance permanente de l’état des machines travaillant à basse vitesse
- Dégradation aérobie du mazout diesel n°2, bunker diesel n°6 et de l’huile à moteur
- Création d’un positioneur vertical autonome pour excavatrice
- Plannification des horaires des agents enfonction des prévisions des arrivées d’appelsdans les centres d’appels d’Hydro-Québec
- Traitement biologique des contaminants dans les eaux de ruissellement de mines d’or
- Impact du gel des sols d’infrastructure sur les chaussées rigides en béton de ciment
- Amélioration du bilan nutritif de la chicouté par fertilisation et enracinement hâtif des rhizomes transplantés
- Adaptation et validation d’un logiciel pour la formation des infirmières
- Intégration de la gestion des idées dans le processus de gestion de l’innovation technologique de l’IRÉQ
- Capturing expert model in crisis management using SYnRGY
- Optimisation de processus de remplissage des bacs au mezzanine du centre de distribution de Boucherville de Rona inc
- Étude de cas : Le rôle de l’intermédiaire GoExport dans l’internationalisation des PME québécoises au Brésil
- Construction et mise en place d’une compétence de décision et de gestion de crise au sein d’une équipe de direction : une approche ethnographique
- Guide de conception intégrée processus facilitateur pour l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments
- Évaluation de l’efficience des institutions de microfinance (IMF) comme moyen de financement du secteur privé. Etude de cas au Panama
- Effet de l’intégration du temps depuis le dernier feu sur les courbes de productivité et le calcul de la possibilité forestière de l’unité d’aménagement 85-51
- Développement d’un nouveau moteur de positionnement de mannequin en 3D
- Validation de l’immplantation d’un programme d’entraînement à haute intensité à l’aide du HITrainer chez des élèves du secondaire
- Composantes de l’efficacité des équipes de direction
- Étude de l’ablation laser en régime d’absorption linéaire
- Identification des déterminants de l’évolution d’une culture en SST au sein d’une organisation
- Détection automatique de semences de résineux pour l’évaluation en temps-réel de l’efficacité d’un semoir
- Simulation, conception, fabrication et mise en oeuvre d’un dispositif permettant l’acquisition de flux d’énergie et de puissance électrique pour fourgonnettes de livraison commerciales
- Méthodes participatives et collaboratives pour une écoresponsabilité à la réalisation d’aménagements durables
- Développement d’un microscope miniature pour l’étude de l’activité neuronale dans des animaux se déplaçant librement
- Optimisation de l’enroulement amortisseur et de l’épanouissement polaire des grands alternateurs hydrauliques
- Création d’un agent structurant de type polymère à partir d’unecombinaison philo-silicate et extrait végétal
- Configuration d’un CRM chez Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Détection et caractérisation de la désagrégation du béton par Géoradar
- Développement d’une solution intégrée de gestion des formulaires électroniques clients/fournisseurs dans un contexte de libre-service
- Évaluation de la pathogénicité d’une souche d’entomopathogène Beauveria bassiana sur l’abeille domestique (Apidae : Apis mellifera)
- Développement de membranes à matrices mixtes pour des applications en énergie renouvelable
- Valorisation des poussières de four à arc électrique (EAF) issus de la fabrication de l’acier
- La recherche par pertinence avec l’utilisation d’un moteur d’intérêts à représentation visuelle
- Traitement des matériaux de gypse
- Immobilisation de lipases industrielles pour la production de biolubrifiants
- Développement d’un outil d’évaluation générique d’un système cadastrale, basée sur la norme ISO 19152:2012. Cas de la Colombie.
- Impact du traitement Forcyl® sur les Campylobacter et les E. coli fécaux chez le bovin
- Réalité virtuelle sur circuit logique reconfigurable appliquée aux troubles du comportement alimentaire
- Étude du milieu collaboratif en organisation dans un contexte technologique
- Les partenariats publics privés en sécurité au Québec : un état de la situation
- Développement d’une approche de conservation systématique pour les milieux humides nordiques intégrant les services écologiques
- Narrations augmentées en littérature jeunesse : processus créatifs multimodaux et mécaniques collaboratives
- Évaluation du potentiel de croissance du mélèze hybride et laricin en région boréale
- Comment opérationnaliser la mobilité interne à la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
- Principes de logiciel de nouvelle génération d’assistance à la mise au point de procédés industriels
- Cibler laneuploïdie dans le cancer épithélial de lovaire par la modulation de la GTPase Ran. Implications thérapeutiques
- Ciena OPn – WP 3.2.6 A Secure and Verifiable Storage Cloud Architecture for Online Applications
- Diagnostic des risques et des opportunités liés aux changements climatiques pour le secteur touristique de Québec et de Charlevoix
- Estimation des niveaux marins extrêmes au Canada pour développer un produit d’assurance contre les inondations côtières
- Les défis de l’intégration professionnelle des Autochtones au sein des organisations de régions éloignées du Québec
- Intégration de lévaluation dimpact sur la santé (EIS) dans les procédures daménagement du territoire de la Ville de Québec
- Développement et implantation d’un modèle d’intervention pour le soutien à l’innovation dans les PME
- Conception du système de la logistique inverse pour la valorisation et le recyclage des équipements de télécommunication en fin de leur vie utile
- Le capital stratégique : développement du construit et évaluation dans un contexte de communauté intelligente et innovante
- Le guide sur le BIM et la gestion des actifs
- Évaluation du niveau de développement des maquettes numériques du BIM pour les sous-traitants de la construction au Québec
- Histoires locales et fonctionnement interne des coopératives de la Fédération des coopératives du Nouveau-Québec
- Amélioration de la stabilité et des performances du catalyseur de carbonylation du méthanol en phase vapeur
- Intégration des contraintes légales sur les horaires des chauffeurs de camion dans une solution de planification de la chaine logistique – Year two
- Intégration de la réalité augmentée et de la réalité virtuelle dans un contexte de formation
- Analyse des pratiques des utilisateurs de Classcraft
- Balancement des lignes de production chez un prestataire de services logistique
- Stratégies durables d’adaptation aux changements climatiques à l’échelle d’une MRC
- Optimisation du support de biofilm « packed bed filler » d’un vinaigrier artisanal sur copeaux de bois de hêtre
- Développement dun prototype pour séquestrer le CO2 à la cheminée dun grand émetteur par carbonatation minérale de résidus miniers de silicate de magnésium
- Impact d’un extrait d’algues brunes sur le contrôle glycémique chez des prédiabétiques en surpoids
- Modélisation et analyse technico-économique de la cavitation et de la fissuration d’une roue de turbine hydraulique
- Développement de composites bois-polymère avec une haute stabilité dimensionnelle
- Développement d’une plateforme graphique pour géoréférencer et illustrer les données d’input et d’output du logiciel HDM-4 pour lanalyse technico-économique desprojets routiers
- Application des algorithmes intelligents pour la classification des flux de données (RSS, Alertes Gmail) : Une étude de cas de l’autisme
- Panorama environnemental 2017 Une enquête dEcoAnalytics
- Documentation des attentes et des besoins de divers groupes dactrices et dacteurs sociaux lors de létablissement dun partenariat de réciprocité à long terme entre un milieu déducation formelle et un milieu déducation non formelle
- L’utilisation des cellules dynamiques pour améliorer la performance d’une ligne d’assemblage mixte d’une entreprise réseau et des membres sa chaîne de valeur
- Desensitization of aero-engine performance and stall margin to tip clearance gap increase
- Minéralisations aurifères liées à des intrusions tonalitiques archéennes dans la zone centrale de la ceinture de roche verte Lower Eastmain (Baie James)
- Développement d’un outil de stratégie marketing basé sur la fouille de données historiques
- Développement dune méthode de conception des sols ciments et des fondations stabilisées au ciment pour routes à laide de lessai de plaque française
- Développement dun procédé novateur de traitement des lixiviats hautement chargés issus du procédé de compostage
- Caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques de pièces daluminium AA356 réparées à laide du procédé de fabrication additive par dépôt sous énergie dirigée (DED)
- Development of a spectroscopy light transport simulation software for absorption, fluorescence, elastic & inelastic scattering optical contrast in biological tissue
- Étude du lien entre la reproduction des oiseaux et l’entomofaune terrestre et aquatique de la forêt d’enseignement et de recherche Macpès
- Appariement hétérogène entre nuage de points LiDAR et images SAL : vers une nouvelle méthodologie de calibrage
- Lisibilité des lois et des contrats
- Les barrières rencontrées lors de l’implantation d’un entrepôt de données dans le secteur de la fabrication d’équipements industriels
- Development and evaluation of an autonomous UAV-photogrammetry system for metric infrastructure inspection
- Étude de viabilité technico-économique d’un véhicule poids lourd multi-source et multi-moteur
- Vision Aéronautique Québec 2030 : Key Science and Technology Drivers
- Modélisation et commande d’un vélo à assistance électrique (VAE) afin d’améliorer sa performance et sa stabilité
- Mise à niveau des étangs aérés facultatifs au Québec
- Étude de la relation entre les données d’imagerie thermique acquises par drone et des indicateurs agro-météorologiques de stress hydrique dans la culture de pommes de terre
- Création d’une application mobile visant le développement des habiletés perceptives et productives musicales des enfants
- Évaluation des modalités d’un outil de collaboration d’aide et de soutien à domicile
- Amélioration de la digestibilité des fourrages et diminution de la production deméthane chez les ruminants par l’optimisation de l’efficacité des protozoairesdu rumen
- Évaluation en flexion et en tension de tenue de structures de bouleau assemblées avec des connecteurs métalliques
- Analyse expérimentale et numérique d’un assemblage FSW dissimilaire de type 2196/2024
- Effet de la contamination de la biomasse sur les processus contrôlant le compostage
- Coupe partielle en forêt boréale mixte et coniférienne : Évaluation des impacts sur les communautés de sous-bois, la dynamique successionnelle et l’environnement de croissance des arbres
- Forêt s’Adapter : Pour le développement d’une sylviculture favorisant l’adaptation des forêts de la Vallée du Haut-St-Laurent aux changements globaux
- Intégration de biohuiles dans des bitumes
- Évaluation expérimentale de la traînée aérodynamique d’un camionsemi-remorque
- Les défis de l’intégration professionnelle des autistes ayant des compétences clés
- Influence de l’imidaclopride et du stress sur la reproduction et les capacitésmétaboliques des oiseaux.
- Analyse biométrique de la tolérance au risque : étude expérimentale sur des professionnels en finance
- Soutenir le transfert des savoirs d’expérience dans le secteur aéronautique : le cas des mécaniciens chez Lockheed Martin
- Favoriser la créativité et l’innovation par les espaces physiques
- Contrôle de l’incertitude par une approche géostatistique en temps réel des sites contaminés
- Expérimentation et évaluation d’un dispositif de récolte des laminaires de culture et élaboration d’un programme de travail intégré sur la mécanisation de l’algoculture.
- Habitudes d’utilisation de thermostats à tension de secteur
- Développement d’alimentation de puissance intelligente pour DEL
- Système de balise à faible consommation pour des équipements de désinfection mobiles aux ultraviolets
- Développement d’un modèle prédictif de la valeur globale future d’un client dans le secteur b
- Cartographie de l’offre et de la demande des services juridiques au Québec
- Réautomatisation des interactions avec une interface bancaire suite à une transformation majeure de l’interface
- Développement d’un nouveau procédé d’amélioration de la stabilité dimensionnelle du bardage en bois massif pour usage extérieur
- Info-Archéo: Environnement numérique de consultation des connaissances du patrimoine urbain enfoui
- Combinaison synergique de levures, enzymes et acides organiques comme alternative efficace, écologique et économique à l’utilisation d’antibiotiques dans l’élevage de poulets
- Modèle prédictif d’évaluation de la valeur marchande des joueurs de l’UEFA
- Étude historique et patrimoniale du Chalet Wootton/maison Joseph Minot dit Labrie
- Segmentation automatique des artères coronaires dans les séquences angiographiques par apprentissage profond
- La redéfinition des relations économiques par l’administration Trump et son impact sur le secteur de l’aluminium au Canada
- Développement de formulations pharmaceutiques à base de silice pour le secteur de l’oncologie
- Développement du procédé de soudage laser fil froid oscillatoire pour la fabrication de composantes ferroviaires
- Mesure en imagerie à comptage de photon
- Développement d’un outil d’Analyse du cycle de vie simplifié pour l’opérationnalisation de l’écoconception dans les PME
- Classification de produits pour l’optimisation des stratégies d’approvisionnement chez Stelia
- Construction et suivi de deux réacteurs passifs biochimiques pour le traitement du drainage minier en climat nordique
- Conception d’algorithmes de contrôle et protection dédiés à un filtre actif hybride de type shunt pour améliorer la qualité de l’onde
- Développement de solutions éco-énergétiques pour les secteurs institutionnel et municipal
- Les dimensions d’évaluation des projets d’innovation : le cas d’un outil de pilotage de la valeur étendue des initiatives du nouveau laboratoire d’innovation de l’entreprise GSOFT
- Revues de techniques non-traditionnelles en analyse de données actuarielles
- Évaluation de la performance du système de traitement des eaux usées “ELAPS/EVC” dans l’élimination de la toxicité de produits organiques persistants
- Réalisation d?une analyse de regroupement de conseillers financiers selon l?exposition au risque de leur portefeuille comme nouvel outil de mesure de performance
- Développement de revêtements retardateurs de flamme auto-stratifiant
- Les conditions de vie, les trajectoires d’emploi et les parcours d’aide des personnes assistées sociales au Québec au 21e siècle
- Étude comparative sur la numérisation des PME en France et au Québec
- Développement d?outils pour l?évaluation opérationnelle des flux de nutriments dans les petits bassins versants alimentés par les eaux souterraines
- Création d’un algorithme dynamique pour raffiner le Plan d’expérience pour améliorer l’efficacité de la production de protéine de Tenebrio Molitor
- Digestion anaérobie des matières organiques municipales en deux étapes
- Valorisation des données générées par les robots de traite pour appuyer la gestion de troupeau dans les fermes laitières du Québec et des provinces Atlantiques – Year 2
- Ãtude de lâimpact des activités humaines sur les taux dâazote et de carbone dans les sédiments du lac Saint-Charles (Québec)
- Étude sur l’intégration des enjeux d’étalement urbain et de changements climatiques dans les stratégies de planification du territoire à l’échelle supra-municipale.
- Conception d’oreilles artificielles dédiées à l’étude de l’atténuation et l’effet d’occlusion d’un bouchon d’oreille à partir d’images IRM
- La détection hyperspectrale aéroportée des émissions de méthane par les systèmes aquatiques
- Prototype de « chatbot » pour aider les jeunes face à l’anxiété occasionnelle
- Formulation d’une colle auto-collante et respirante pour les membranes d’étanchéité pour les bâtiments
- Lutte antisalissure : développement de techniques non-biocides pour la mariculture
- Variabilité spatio-temporelle des propriétés du manteau neigeux et détection des couches faibles dans un contexte opérationnel de prévision des avalanches, Gaspésie, Canada
- Évaluation de l’érodabilité hydraulique dans les canaux d’évacuation de crues excavés dans le roc
- Modélisation numérique de scénarios de restauration du parc àrésidus A du site Manitou
- Revue systématique et méta-analyse en cancer rénal métastatique et impact clinique de la médecine de précision
- La flexicurité sur les marchés du travail au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord : une comparaison entre la Tunisie et le Liban
- Une nouvelle approche hydro-limnologique appliquée pour quantifier la contamination provenant des eaux usées domestiques: le cas du lac Saint-Charles. – Year 2
- Développement d’un mélangeur de résine automatisé à composé de moulage en feuille pour l’industrie automobile
- Utilisation de filtres à scories pour l’enlèvement du phosphore des eaux usées domestiques dans les applications décentralisées
- Analytique prédictive de l’état de santé des actifs technologiques
- Potentiel de l’Hyper-Cam Méthane aéroportée pour la détection des émissions surfaciques de méthane sur les lieux d’enfouissement sanitaires
- Linking the eco-systems of Montreal’s aerospace and ICT/AI clusters: Implications for Innovation
- Sécurité urbaine : entraînement, soutien opérationnel, protection des infrastructures et analyses prédictives
- Style de vie et main-d’oeuvre en tourisme d’aventure et écotourisme sur le territoire québécois
- L’internet des objets comme outil pour la prise de décision stratégique aux stations-service
- Application de l’apprentissage automatique pour l’analyse de données dans le contexte Industrie 4.0
- Développement d’une méthode intégrant la modélisation numérique et les résultats expérimentaux de nanoindentation permettant d’extraire les propriétés élastoplastiques des aciers de turbines hydrauliques
- Identification des critères de sélection des gestionnaires de portefeuille externes et développement d’une procédure systématique de sélection
- Modélisation et Optimisation d’un Système de Stockage d’Énergie Thermique à Haute Efficacité
- Métallogénie et exploration (Au) de la propriété Ménarik, région d’Eeyou Istchee – Baie James
- Amélioration et développement d’un modèle de distribution de promotions croisées basé sur un graphe de produit à produit
- Utilisation des tubes à vortex pour le traitement de l’air en milieu industriel
- La perception du sens au travail chez les milléniaux
- Impact de la représentation visuelle des recommandations basée sur l’intelligence artificielle en contexte de prise de décisions d’assortiment
- Reconstruction de la microstructure de l’acier inoxydable martensitique S41500
- Puissance Dys : projet-pilote préventif pré-scolaire utilisant des interventions éducatives intermodalitaires
- Détection de compromission dans un réseau IoT
- Conception et validation de tableaux de bord et d’une aide à l’interprétation des résultats de consultations citoyennes dans le cadre d’une application de ville intelligente
- Les familles d’emploi au service de la gestion de relève : Approche empirique basée sur 40 années de recherche appliquée
- Vulnérabilité des populations de crevette nordique aux changements climatiques et globaux le long de la côte Est du Canada
- Conception d’un livre blanc pour la création écosystème d’innovation dans le secteur aérospatial québéc
- Analyse statique du code logiciel : Réduction des fausses alertes
- Les mécaniques de jeux sérieux et la didactique de la grammaire du français
- L’adoption de l’Automatisation Robotisée de Processus : Une approche par l’analyse de processus d’affaires
- Développement d’une procédure non intrusive basée sur la propagation des ondes élastiques pour l’évaluation de l’état des structures en béton enfouies du réseau de distribution d’Hydro-Québec
- Élimination des contaminants émergents lors du traitement d’eaux usées par unprocédéd’électro-peroxone (E-peroxone)
- Projet EPICEA2 : Enfant et Parent en Interaction avec le Chien Engagé dans l’Assistance de l’Autisme
- Past, present and future land-use in the Adirondack – Laurentians Ecological Corridor: Identifying risk areas for loss of connectivity due to roads and development and proposing proactive mitigation measures
- Modèlisation des catégories de blessures en considérant la présence d’un représentant légal
- Intégration de l’évaluation d’impact sur la santé (EIS) dans les procédures d’aménagement du territoire de la Ville de Québec – Year two
- Développement d’un procédé bio-électrochimique pour le traitement, la récupération et la réutilisation de l’azote à partir des eaux résiduaires
- Purification du graphite naturel pour son application dans les piles lithium ion
- Modélisation et mesures thermofluides de l’écoulement d’air dans une maquette alternateur
- Restauration des parcs à résidus potentiellement générateurs de drainage minier: effet des recouvrements et/ou amendements organiques sur la stabilité des résidus contaminés à l’arsenic
- L’industrie canadienne et les accords de libre-échange : les cas du Brexit et de la renégociation de la gestion de l’offre dans le cadre de l’ALENA
- Prédiction de la durée de vie résiduelle des transformateurs de puissance à partir de traceurs chimiques générés par les papiers isolants (cellulosiques, polymériques et hybrides)
- Développement des procédés d’extraction des métaux présents dans les peintures résiduelles à base d’eau
- Stagiaire en gestion de portefeuille TI
- Étude expérimentale et modélisation numérique par les éléments finis de l’interaction entre le pneu / chenille hors-route et les sols
- Développement d’une tour de refroidissement en aluminium anodisé antibactérien
- Communication multi-FPGA émetteur-récepteur incluant les modèles des composantes de puissances
- Conception et évaluation biomécanique d’une ceinture lombaire innovante pour sportifs
- Étude du comportement hydrodynamique et diphasique d’un classificateur à lit fluidisé
- Transmission hydraulique pour interaction homme-machine
- Analyses des communautés microbiennes de la sève d’érable par barcoding moléculaire
- Cibler l’aneuploïdie dans le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire par la modulation de la GTPase Ran. Implications thérapeutiques – Year two
- Design, manufacture and mechanical evaluation of a click interlock system for wall panels
- Reconnaissance et affichage en réalité augmentée des attributs d’un paquet de bois d’oeuvre dans une cours à bois
- Évaluation du potentiel éco-énergétique d’un bassin hydrodynamique souterrain combiné à des panneaux solaires thermiques et une pompe à chaleur pour la production d’eau chaude, le chauffage et la climatisation de bâtime
- Métaheuristiques pour la planification de la production hydro-électrique à court-terme
- L’impact des changements climatiques sur l’industrie du ski alpin au Québec : une analyse économique de la perte de bien-être des skieurs
- Mini manche haptique actif
- Milieux de vie en santé – À vos ruelles vertes
- Étude de la résistance au broutement de plants forestiers dans un contexte de migration assistée en forêt mixte tempérée
- Étude des paramètres qui influencent la séparation des composés de fer compris dans les résidus de bauxite calcinés
- Développement d’un nouveau procédé d’amélioration de la stabilité dimensionnelledu bardage en bois massif pour usage extérieur
- Étude et optimisation des flux de marchandises dans un centre de distribution
- Développement d’un indice d’intégrité biotique pour le bassin versant de la rivière Saint-Charles
- Développement d’un outil intégré d’aide à la décision pour la gestion des événements affectant la qualité de l’eau potable et l’intégrité du réseau de distribution
- Conception basée sur l’essai à la plaque des sols et fondations routières traitées aux liants hydrauliques
- Évaluation de la valorisation d’un modèle d’affaires dans un processus de servicisation basé sur l’Internet des Objets : Une étude de cas dans une entreprise manufacturière québécoise
- Optimisation des séquences de chargement ETL
- Développement d’outils automatisés permettant la cartographie de l’hydrographie surfacique et linéaire et des sites avec contrainte de drainage aux opérations forestières
- Étude des déterminants de la détresse psychologique et du bien-être chez les avocats membres du Barreau du Québec
- Développement dun système amortisseur intégré dans le système de navigation inertiel d’un autopilote dédié à l’opération de drone léger
- Domaines géo-métallurgiques dans un gisement aurifère : le cas du dépôt Whale Tail, projet Amaruq, Nunavut
- Implémentation et réalisation dun amplificateur de puissance quatre quadrants
- Improving the knowledge on the integrity of welded joints of hydraulic turbine runners via a better estimation of the probability of occurrence (POO) and the probability of detection (POD)
- Mise au point d’une méthode de mesure objective de l’effet d’occlusion basée sur la voix
- Mise en place d’un processus de mise à jour de la norme ISO13485 et application aux systèmes de gestion de la qualité du Lio et de Emovi Inc
- Maintien de la productivité des pinèdes grises en forêt boréale
- Développement d’un béton modifié au latex adapté aux exigences de performance en milieu nordique
- Développements et validations numériques d’outils de diagnostic et d’optimisation pour la conception de ventilateurs – Year two
- Développement d’un prototype pour séquestrer le CO2 à la cheminée d’un grand émetteur par carbonatation minérale de résidus miniers de silicate de magnésium – Year two
- Développement d’un imageur ultra-rapide pour déterminer la minéralogie dans des carottes de forages
- Characterization and Strength of New High-Strength GFRP Bent Bars by Developing New Testing Protocol
- La réalité virtuelle : une façon novatrice de favoriser lapprentissage socio-émotionnel chez les adolescents
- Analyse d’une nouvelle configuration d’éolienne à axe vertical adaptée pour opération à basse vitesse de vent
- VAIA : Vente assistée par Intelligence Artificielle
- Évaluation de la capacité d’adaptation aux changements climatiques des communautés canadiennes dépendantes de la forêt
- Impact du comportement d’un avatar sur le sentiment de présence lors d’une simulation multi-utilisateur utilisant la réalité augmentée
- Valeur à vie des membres d’un programme de fidélité
- La vitesse de propagation des ondes de cisaillement pour la caractérisation des enrobés recyclés à froid
- Tomographe à positrons à ultra-haute résolution pour l’imagerie d’animaux intermédiaires et du cerveau humain
- Modèle de prévision d’actes frauduleux en entreprise
- Évaluation de la forêt urbaine de l’île de Hull : état actuel et possibilités face aux changements globaux
- Effet des changements climatiques anticipés sur les bryophytes en forêt boréale mixte
- Évaluation de la bioaccessibilité pulmonaire de métaux traces présents dans des terreaux horticoles produits à base de sols décontaminés
- Chaines dapprovisionnement durables en biomasse forestière pour une bioraffinerie – Year two
- Identification des caractéristiques du comportement dynamique des roues de turbine hydroélectrique par l’étude des régimes transitoires
- Développement d’un outil d’interpolation entre les régimes de fonctionnement d’une turbine hydraulique
- L’impact des décisions prises pendant la conception architecturale sur le fonctionnement du bâtiment : Le cas de la Maison du développement durable à Montréal
- Efficacité des amendements alcalins et cimentaires à stabiliser les résidus miniers problématiques dans des conditions de terrain
- La concertation en faveur de la petite enfance : expériences municipales inspirantes et pistes d’action
- Étude du comportement mécanique d’une cornière en carton
- Développement de nouveaux adhésifs à base de lignine organosolv issue des écorces des érables (rouge et à sucre)
- Impact de différents collecteurs sur la flottation de la pyrite : application aux deux zones minéralisées de la mine Goldex
- Vers la détection de micropolluants dans les eaux municipales entemps réel par fluorimétrie avancée
- Développement d’une SnapChip multiparamétrique pour l’étude du diabète – Year two
- Impact des changements climatiques sur l’écophysiologie et la biogéographie du nerprun bourdaine dans l’est du Canada
- Évaluation de l’acceptabilité sociale des projets d’aménagement forestier par les parties prenantes : préférence, tolérance et seuils d’acceptabilité
- Stratégies pour le contrôle des contaminants microbiens dans un procédé de fabrication de panneaux à partir de fibres de bois
- Cartographie des zones à risque de glissements pelliculaires dans le parc national de la Jacques-Cartier
- Importance du frêne pour la biodiversité dans les forêts ripariennes sous influence du castor et de l’agrile du frêne
- Les facteurs influençant les décisions en matière de retraite ou demaintien en emploi des professionnels âgés de 50 ans : une étudedans le secteur de la finance et des assurances au Québec
- Identification et validation automatiques des modèles de simulation dun système de régulation de vitesse-puissance, incluant la turbine
- Caractérisation des communautés de joueurs pour le jeu vidéo Dead by Daylight
- Modeling of ASTM A27 carbon steel hydraulic turbine runner degradation by synergistic effects of erosion-cavitation and corrosion under dynamic turbulent flow
- Conception, implantation et évaluation d’un programme de formation destiné aux intervenants scolaires favorisant le développement positif des élèves-athlètes (Programme de formation DPEA)
- Calibration de têtes d’abattage-façonnage Ponsse H7 : efforts et bénéfices
- Minéralisations aurifères des intrusifs déformés du secteur de Mitsumi (Baie James, Québec)
- Outils d’aide à la décision pour la planification et la prestation des soins et des services à domicile
- Développement dun procédé bio-électrochimique pour le traitement, la récupération et la réutilisation de lazote à partir des eaux résiduaires – Year two
- Modélisation de la probabilité dun cyberincident pour une organisation et construction dune cote de cybersécurité
- Contrôle qualité de réservoirs polymères injectés/soudés par méthode ultrasonore
- Développement d’une procédure non intrusive basée sur la propagation des ondes élastiques pour l’évaluation de l’état des structures en béton enfouies du réseau de distribution d’Hydro-Québec – Year two
- Projet EPICEA² : Enfant et Parent en Interaction avec le Chien Engagé dans lAssistance de lAutisme – Year two
- Effets des pratiques dorganisation spatiale de la récolte forestière sur la performance financière via une approche de benchmarking
- Quel modèle de conception innovante au XXIe en architecture au Québec ?
- Étude des pratiques de gestion favorisant lintégration de la robotique collaborative en contexte manufacturier
- Vieillir chez soi, possible fiscalement parlant?
- Prédiction de la durée de vie résiduelle des transformateurs de puissance à partir de traceurs chimiques générés par les papiers isolants (cellulosiques, polymériques et hybrides) – Year two
- Mise en œuvre de travaux d’aménagement forestier afin de diminuer la vulnérabilité des peuplements forestiers du sud du Québec aux changements climatiques et de favoriser leur adaptation ou résilience dans un contexte de densité élevée de cerfs
- Mise au point par génie tissulaire d’un modèle de cicatrisation cutanée contenant des cellules
- Conception d’un procédé pour évaluer l’effet des taux d’occupation dynamique sur la productivité des chantiers de construction
- Estimation du prix de vente de véhicules usagés
- Les valeurs et les attitudes durables comme prédicteurs des pratiques en matière de gestion énergétique chez les PM
- Étude comparative de points d’opérations sans charge sur une turbine hydraulique de moyenne chute à échelle prototype
- Représentations sociales des phoques de l’Atlantique
- Méthodes de programmation dynamique stochastique pour la planification hydro-électrique moyen-terme sous incertitude
- Développement algorithmiques en imagerie Raman appliqués en génie pharmaceutique – Year two
- eQuiet Étude et développement dun bouchon doreille intelligent pour chevaux
- ERGO4ALL: Validation d’un algorithme d’analyse des postures et applications de force
- Facteurs dinfluence pour ladoption dune innovation technologique pour lestimation du risque dinondation en milieu résidentiel
- Matériaux organiques pour les systèmes de stockage électrochimique
- Vers le remplacement des antibiotiques facteurs de croissance chez le poulet : approche par méta-analyse
- Potentiel d’utilisation du bois d’essences indigènes nordiques imprégné au méthacrylate de méthyle (MMA) pour les boiseries de canots
- Programme danalyse des troupeaux de boucherie du Québec
- Développer une intelligence daffaires pour les campagnes de financement
- Élaboration dun programme de suivi des ouvrages de gestion des eaux de ruissellement du bassin versant du lac Saint-Charles à Québec
- Amélioration de la digestibilité des fourrages et diminution de la production de méthane chez les ruminants par l’optimisation de l’efficacité des protozoaires du rumen
- Développement de modèles multi-capteurs pour le suivi de la turbidité issue des effluents miniers de la région de Schefferville
- Influence des milieux humides sur le tracé des chemins forestiers
- La perception du temps : un prisme pour comprendre le processus entrepreneurial chez les séniors
- Utilisation des lymphocytes B humains, pour l’activation de lymphocytes T in vitro, dans une perspective thérapeutique
- Développement et applications d’une source X dans la fenêtre spectrale de l’eau
- Développement d’une méthode de mesure de l’exposition sonore effective intra-auriculaire pour une utilisation en milieu de travail
- Apprentissage profond pour la reconnaissance de marques et de types de véhicules
- Electrocatalyse dhydrogène avec des catalyseurs moléculaires inorganiques
- Développement d’outils minéralogiques pour l’amélioration de l’efficacité de la séparation magnétique
- Bien-être et productivité des truies logées en large groupe : impact de la lignée génétique et de la hiérarchie sociale
- Intégration de la fabrication additive pour accélérer le cycle de développement de simulateurs médicaux
- Modélisation numérique de lérosion éolienne sur le parc à résidus de la mine Éléonore et dispersion atmosphérique des poussières
- Amélioration doreilles artificielles dédiées à létude du confort acoustique et physique
- Conception de lextension en porte-à-faux de la corde supérieure des poutrelles en acier
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of photonovel versus standard online information on knowledge, attitudes and practices of parents about healthy screen-time use and management of stomach ache among preschoolers: a Mixed Methods pilot study
- Évaluation du système dautomatisation MOBILE dans un centre de décontamination et de préparation des instruments chirurgicaux
- (Co-)Habiter dans les quartiers historiques : dynamiques de cohabitations des usagers et processus de négociation des usages dans le Vieux-Montréal et ses anciens faubourgs
- Facteurs de contrôle sur la minéralisation aurifère du gisement Philibert, corridor de déformation de Guercheville, district minier de Chibougamau-Chapais
- Analyse de l’erreur du positionnement assisté par la métrologie 3D
- The International Dimension of Canada’s Museums
- Evaluation of the No size fits all public health educational tool
- Les effets de lintelligence compétitive et de la capacité dabsorption sur la performance de linnovation des PME canadiennes (extension)
- Effects of dietary glutathione precursors on cellular redox and mitochondrial efficiency in adults consuming a defined hypocaloric diet (Optifast-900; Nestlé Canada) – Year two
- Développement dune méthode danalyse chromatographique des vitamines A et E pour les algues fraîches et transformées et autres produits marins
- Conditionnement microbien du biogaz issu d’un LET pour sa valorisation en biométhanol
- Le renouvellement des outils de développement agricole et rural : une perspective par filières régionales
- Évaluation de la toxicité d’effluents miniers sur la daphnie
- Réduire le taux de rejet des sondages effectués avec des panels Web : Évaluation de la validité discriminante de la technique de rejet des erreurs de réponses liées au temps de complétion versus l’expérience des panélistes
- Paramètres de la gestion pré-abattage et leurs effets sur la qualité de la viande de porc
- Caractérisation en fatigue dun enrobé à module élevé (EME) suivant une toute nouvelle méthode de caractérisation (AASHTO TP 107-14 (2016))
- Mesure en temps réel de la cognition, de laffect et de lapprentissage dans les jeux vidéo
- Living lab sur ladaptation des PME touristiques aux changements climatiques
- Étude historique et banque de données du Chemin du Portage
- Caractérisation de la diversité et de la phénologie des punaises Pentatomidae dans la culture du pois au Québec dans le but de développer une technique de dépistage fiable
- Amélioration d’un simulateur du système ferroviaire par la valorisation de donnéeshistoriques réalisées
- Analyse de solutions logistiques innovantes pour lapprovisionnement en biomasse forestière dune bioraffinerie implantée sur le territoire de la ville de La Tuque – Year two
- Caractérisation des poudres alimentaires lors de lensachage industriel en vue dune prédiction des cadences optimales des équipements
- Intégration et exploitation de la technologie LoRa pour les services de la Ville Intelligente
- Cycle de sondage de l’engagement chez Videotron: Comment soutenir les gestionnaires pour passer à l’action avec leurs équipes?
- Human Heart Phantom for Catheter Navigation Assessment
- L’intégration de la culture, des attitudes et des pratiques en matière de gestion énergétique comme dimension du profil de durabilité chez les PME
- Développement d’une formation en ligne au travail avec interprète pour le réseau de la santé de la ville de Québec
- La construction d’un écosystème pour l’innovation sociale
- Évaluation de la qualité de vie au travail des employés de commerce de détail spécialisé en produits et services pour les animaux
- Évaluation du potentiel du rinçage à l’air automatisé des conduites de distribution d’eau potable
- Étude sur lutilisation des jeux vidéo chez les enfants de 4 à 12 ans
- Optimization of a hybrid membrane/enzyme CO2 capture process
- Conception danalytique avancée à la Banque Nationale (BNC)
- Ergo4All : Comment informer et guider les utilisateurs au sujet des risques ergonomiques associés aux postes de travail?
- Valorisation de lextrait de Camerise pour le secteur des cosmétiques
- Projet danalyse géotechnique et géomorphologique des risques de glissement de terrain et possibilité de faire reconnaitre le site de Saint-Jean-Vianney comme un GéoSite/GéomorphoSite
- Transmetteur d’énergie sans fil à haute puissance
- Recherche-création en « Storytelling immersif » : interfacetangible de réalité mixte pour environnements partagés (sharedenvironments)
- Mettre en oeuvre l’économie circulaire dans la filière laitière : la biométhanisation du lactosérum
- Étude sur certains déterminants et indicateurs de santé organisationnelle
- Analyse structurale prédictive des pegmatites aurifères, projet Cheechoo, Baie James
- Les impacts des pratiques de gestion en santé et mieux-être au travail sur le profil de réclamations d’assurance des entreprises
- Analyse des impacts environnementaux et économiques du cycle de vie des voies de valorisation des résidus agroalimentaires dans une perspective d’économie circulaire : Cas des résidus de chocolat
- Identification et quantification de phytohormones dans les macroalgues de l’est du Canada
- Collaboration dans un contexte de réadaptation au travail: développement, implantation et évaluation d’un outil web interprofessionnel
- Évaluation de l’éco-efficacité par simulation de procédés dans le domaine de la transformation laitière.
- Développement et validation de nouvelles cibles épigénétiques de la douleur chronique chez l’animal arthrosique
- Modélisation et caractérisation des capteurs Lidar embarqués dans les véhicules intelligents et leurs applications en détection/reconnaissance dobstacle par fusion multi-capteurs Lidar-Vision
- Contrôle de la croissance des arbres en milieu urbain et péri-urbain
- Validation du modèle darthrose provoqué par la MIA chez la souris
- Hydroponic configurations and biological nutrient solutions for shipping container plant factories
- Desensitization of axial compressor performance and stall margin to tip clearance gap increase
- Installations et aménagements participatifs comme outil touristique
- Potentiel pesticide des liquides pyrolytiques
- Développement de stratégies de séparation des constituants de farines de larves de mouche de soldat noire pour la production de fractions à haute valeur ajoutée
- Facteurs influençant l’utilisation et l’efficacité d’une technologie d’assistance nouvelle génération pour le membre supérieur: le bras robotisé JACO
- Conception d’un système de mesure et de suivi de la performance pour une entreprise intégrée du domaine de l’immobilier et de la construction
- Évaluation de l’analyse hiérarchique de tâche pour déterminer des exigences permettant de concevoir des technologies numériques basées sur l’intelligence artificielle
- Étude sur la gouvernance et lattractivité touristique de la piste multifonctionnelle cyclable Saint-Joseph-de-Coleraine – Sherbrooke.
- Planification des permutations de véhicules chez Téo Taxi
- Outils daide à la décision pour la planification, lordonnancement et la gestion de la production de solutions textiles
- Application dune analyse de sélection au comportement de jeu des joueurs de jeu vidéo
- De la vulgarisation scientifique à lexpertise des organisations à but non lucratif : les défis et enjeux du communicateur professionnel dans la production de contenu sensible grand public.
- Évaluation de la capacité de dépuration chez le homard américain (Homarus americanus) après une contamination aux hydrocarbures pétroliers en relation avec un indice détat de santé du homard
- Caractérisation et valorisation de la fibre du bois et de la biomasse contaminée
- Modélisation et optimisation du remplacement préventif des composantes de terminaux de paiement
- Détection de la fraude à l’assurance
- Optimisation de lécorçage des billes des bois de lest du Canada
- PROJET ANÉMONE. : Algorithmes daNticipation des dÉfauts, de leurs MOdéliation et de leurs Neutralisation anticipée.
- Pratiques sylvicoles permettant la séquestration du carbone dans les forêts du Québec
- Soutenir les entrepreneurs : peut-on faire mieux ?
- Développement d’une nouvelle cellule de caractérisation de l’hydrophobicité naturelle et induite sur une faible quantité de minerai industriel selon les principes de la flottation pelliculaire
- ERGO4ALL: Intégration de l’aspect temporel dans l’évaluation du risque de TMS
- Cartographie des énergies renouvelables et leur chaîne de valeur sur le territoire québécois
- L’ADN environnemental comme outil d’inventaire rapide de biodiversité
- Innover en acrobatie au trampoline pour Paris 2024 par la synthèse optimale et un simulateur en réalité virtuelle
- Conception dun système intelligent pour lanalyse en temps réel des efforts dans la main
- Conservation et gestion des habitats de nidification de la sauvagine et dautres oiseaux aquatiques en lien avec les changements climatiques
- Maturité en gestion de projet Industrie 4.0.
- Extraction et analyse des objectifs de sollicitation client
- ERGO4ALL: Conception d’un processus d’intervention en ergonomie virtuelle
- Les enjeux éthiques et juridiques en intelligence artificielle appliquée à la santé
- Origine et dynamique plurimillénaire des peupleraies à la Forêt d’enseignement et de recherche (FER) de Macpès au Bas-Saint-Laurent
- Étude du comportement sous basses températures des composés en élastomère utilisés dans les appuis sismiques de ponts
- Établir un processus de conception-construction intégrée
- Modélisation et optimisation de fonctionnement de la tour de traitement thermique REVTECH
- Apprentissage automatique pour la construction de diagrammes de décision
- Classification automatique de données d’indicateurs de performance de projets de Partenariat Public Privé et analyse de tendances
- Filtration hyperbare d’une suspension de chaulage au moyen d’une presse à vis
- Impact du mentorat des Grands Frères et Grandes Soeurs
- Analyse du cycle de vie de la clientèle de Énergir
- L’adoption des pratiques de menus durables dans les établissements de santé québécois : une étude de faisabilité
- Injection de mousse générée in situ pour le lavage de sols contaminés
- Le management stratégique des feuilles de route à Hydro-Québec: Accompagner la stratégie à développer une capacité d’action collective pour générer, travailler et prioriser les champs d’innovation dans une grande entreprise en mutation
- Pertinence et perception sociale du nouveau concept d’aire protégée polyvalente dans le cadre de l’inscription de l’île d’Anticosti comme site du patrimoine mondial
- Optimisation des ressources informatiques pour robots autonomes et systèmes intelligents distribués: Un modèle mathématique basé sur l’approche des frontières stochastiques de production
- Validation d’une approche de modélisation d’espaces d’agriculture intégrée au bâtiment (eAIB) à l’aide d’études de cas
- Les caractéristiques des emprunteurs et leur influence sur le processus de défaut
- Adaptation du modèle d’affaires aux différentes turbulences externes
- Création de valeur dans les projets defficacité énergétique de bâtiments grâce aux données dopération
- Développement doutils de valorisation de données pour lamélioration des performances logistiques
- Villes et mobilité intelligentes : technologie et société
- Développement dune nouvelle approche quantitative afin dévaluer la vulnérabilité des services écosystémiques rendus par les lacs canadiens aux changements globaux
- Développement de méthodes multivariées pour lanalyse de données comportant des variations spatiotemporelles
- Développement dun outil de calcul du coût du cycle de vie de ponts routiers pour la Grappe industrielle AluQuébec
- Soudage laser avancé sur extrusions daluminium
- Lapport des innovations sociales dans le développement territorial des destinations en périphérie- Le cas de CulturAT en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
- Développement de traitement de surface des FC et de lamidon
- Impact de lajout de granulats bitumineux recyclés sur le vieillissement des enrobés
- Élaboration d’approches et d’outils pédagogiques novateurs basés sur les apports des recherches empiriques récentes – Year two
- Étude structurale et géologique du projet Odyssey, Malartic; implications pour la modélisation des zones aurifères
- Les évolutions des négociations commerciales et le droit international économique : questions choisies
- Projection hydroclimatique de la teneur en eau des sols et des faibles débits en milieu forestier
- Étude de l’erreur humaine dans le processus d’assemblage de moteurs d’avions
- Étude des vulnérabilités sanitaires aux évènements météorologiques extrêmes et élaboration de seuils dalerte pour le Québec
- Performance et optimisation de coagulants inorganiques préhydrolysés pour la production deau potable
- Système de gestion des traversées piétonnes aux intersections munies de feux de circulation et virage à droite au feu rouge: étude comparative entre Québec et Montréal
- Lévolution de la virulence des punaises ternes en réponse à la sélection exercée par les méthodes de lutte
- Conception dune méthode pour déterminer la capacité dun complexe manufacturier dentretien, de réparation et de remise à niveau, avec application dans un contexte de turbines industrielles
- Impact zootechnique, économique et génique de l’âge au sevrage des caprins
- Caractérisation des propriétés ultrasonores de métaux mis en forme par technologies de fabrication additive (impression 3D)
- Caractérisation des variables abiotiques et de l’hydrodynamique près des sites de fraie du touladi dans le lac Témiscouataa
- Optimisation des méthodes de dépistage de la légionnaire uniponctuée (Mythimna unipuncta)
- Développement de techniques analytiques de pointe pour lanalyse déléments traces dans des solutions concentrées à base de lithium
- Analyste SEM chez Click & Mortar
- Développement de mycofiltres à partir de déchets textiles pour la décontamination des eaux de surface polluées par les hydrocarbures pétroliers
- Méthodologie didentification des facteurs et schémas responsables de la baisse de productivité
- Développement de biocides à base d’extractibles végétaux pour le contrôle des maladies et de la germination lors de l’entreposage des pommes de terre.
- Méthodes d’estimation du retour sur les investissements en marketing
- Mise en place d’une méthodologie de modélisation statistique spatiale dans le but de bonifier la contribution dun SIG dans une démarche dintelligence daffaires dans un contexte marketing
- Recherche-action provinciale et interdiocésaine sur la formation à la vie chrétienne
- Soutenir les restaurateurs et le développement de la gastronomie québécoise par la recherche : GastronomiQc Lab
- Données, décision et commerce électronique: le cas du commerce de détail
- Maturation technologique de lasers ultrarapides à base de fibre optiqueémettant dans l’infrarouge moyen
- The validity and reproducibility of web-based questionnaires assessing diet and psychosocial factors in adult men and women
- Développement dun inventaire thermoénergétique et optimisation technoéconomique du potentiel des rejets thermiques et de la gestion énergétique dans une entreprise spécialisée en usinage
- Effet de la sévérité des feux sur la dynamique forestière en pessière noire et évaluation du rendement forestier 10 ans après une coupe partielle en pessière à mousses
- Évaluation de lefficacité de diverses formulations de produits naturels contre différentes bactéries pathogènes animales
- Potentiel antimicrobien et anti-biofilms dextraits de coproduits du concombre de mer (Cucumaria frondosa)
- Évaluation dun guide dactivités et dun chariot sensoriel pour répondre aux besoins spirituels et émotionnels de résidents atteints de démence avancée
- Définition et étude dune solution permettant le partage et la mutualisation des chargements entre transporteurs routiers.
- Établissement de liens entre les changements climatiques anticipés et la classification écologique d’une portion de la forêt boréale et tempérée de l’Ouest du Québec
- Dérisquage technologique des applications d’un microscope à grandchamp de vue pour l’imagerie volumétrique avec la technique HiLo
- Emploi de BIOXY PLUS comme alternative à l’utilisation de formaldéhyde dans les éclosoirs des poussins
- Matériaux carbonés pour les systèmes de stockage électrochimique
- Développement de bioplastiques compostables avec fibres naturelles
- Identification de marqueurs de stress biologiques chez Chionoecetes opilio, pour vérifier la qualité du crabe des neiges de la pêche au débarquement
- Développement de nouvelles structures en béton avec fibres synthétiques de pneus usés armé de barres en matériaux composites de polymère renforcé de fibres (PRF)
- Replanification dynamique des traitements de radiothérapie
- Comparaison de configuration de systèmes CVCA pour un espace dagriculture intégré au bâtiment afin dassurer une performance énergétique.
- Robotisation du procédé de peinture à séchage UV pour lindustrie automobile
- An outcome evaluation of the Family Services Ottawa Long-Term Counselling Program
- Soutenir ladoption de comportements favorisant lefficacité énergétique des familles québécoises par lapproche ludique
- Analyse des décisions des ménages pour les assurances contre les catastrophes naturelles au Canada
- Sélection dun ensemble damorçage pour lapprentissage actif appliqué à la prédiction structurée
- Intégration de scénarios de climats futurs dans la planification de la conservation et de la restauration de milieux humides dans un but de protection de la ressource en eau de la Ville de Québec
- Algorithme décisionnel intelligent pour systèmes de stockage énergétique.
- Efficacité du débit réservé à préserver le saumon atlantique juvénile et ses habitats
- Développement dune nouvelle turbine hydroélectrique permettant le passage des poiss
- Approches d’identification des systèmes et estimation des paramètres
- Analyse de performance et potentiel des secteurs manufacturiers de l’Estrie
- Intégration de technologies innovantes pour l’optimisation du positionnement des cyclistes
- Reconnaissance automatique de produits à partir des requis dans les appels d’offres
- Détermination des facteurs limitants de la performance du triathlète
- Rôle de la tique dhiver de lorignal dans la dynamique des populations dorignaux dans lest du Canada
- Modèles destimation a priori des efforts de développement de logiciels embarqués pour les communications dans les mines
- Caractérisation génétique de souches sauvages dalgues (Saccharina latissima), issues de régions géographiques différentes au Québec et tests en algoculture de souches dintérêt sélectionnées.
- Développement de modèles prédictifs pour la détection de défaillance sur les pièces prioritaires de turbines éoliennes.
- Clustering de questionnaires de satisfaction clients
- Évaluation d’impact en santé intégrée aux procédures d’aménagement du territoire: guide d’aide à la décision
- Recharge des eaux souterraines dans la région des Laurentides
- Revitalisation de la mutualité au sein de SSQ MDG : Réflexion – Dialogue -Engagement – Action
- Effets bénéfiques de produits naturels contre les bactéries responsables de la maladie parodontale et de l’halitose chez le chien et le chat.
- Analyse et recherche doptimisation dun logiciel dingénierie
- Étude de la fiabilité opérationnelle des pompes centrifuges soumises à des hautes pressions
- Évaluation et développement de stratégies pour améliorer la qualité de l’air, la santé et le bien-être des poules pondeuses dans des systèmes de production d’œufs en volière
- Méta-analyse sur l’effet d’un extrait de plante sur les performances des poulets en croissance et identification des facteurs de modulation
- La réalité virtuelle : une façon novatrice de favoriser lapprentissage socio-émotionnel chez les adolescents (deuxième partie)
- Production dhydrogène par dissociation de la molécule deau par champ électrique pulsé
- Production et viabilité des graines d’épinette noire dans la forêt boréale du Québec
- Évaluation du comportement et des propriétés mécaniques dune cornière en carton
- Quantification du carbone séquestré dans les sols forestiers (secteur de la rivière Romaine)
- Conception d’une procédure automatisée permettant de récupérer et d’intégrer les informations nécessaires pour cartographier le potentiel de lotissement de secteurs urbains déjà bâtis ou terrains vacants
- Mieux communiquer pour participer: une formation pour les intervenants en loisir
- Projet pilote de maintien à domicile de personnes âgées des Chaudières- Appalaches grâce à des senseurs et à un soutien du système de santé et de la communauté
- Innovations dans la formation en manutention par approche pédagogique basée sur des exercices pratiques incluant une rétroaction augmentée
- Multiphysics modeling of novel electrical powertrain for medium-duty trucks
- Development and experimental study of a vibration controller for a robotic system interfaced with machining operations.
- Développement d’outils pour le pilotage de la production fromagère artisanale du Québec à l’ère de l’industrie 4.0
- Changements projetés des courbes Intensité-Durée-Fréquence des précipitations au Québec
- Réduction des risques liés aux troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS) et aux vibrations main-bras lors d’activités d’ébavurage chez Héroux-Devtek Inc.
- Accompagnement à la croissance des PME: Études du cas ID Gatineau
- Prédire les changements de voracité et de la résistance des punaises ternes en réponse aux insecticides et bioinsecticides.
- Au-delà des aspects opérationnels, quels sont les enjeux stratégiques de l’Industrie 4.0 sur les donneurs d’ordres du secteur aéronautique?
- Amélioration du processus d’identification des camionneurs au sein du port de Montréal
- Création de stratégies démonstratrices hybrides de conception et fabrication d’outillages aérospatiaux
- Evaluation de techniques de collage secondaire pour des pièces aéronautiques structurales
- Système damortissement des impacts lors de la réception de sauts en patinage artistique
- Qualité de leau souterraine dans la région des Laurentides et la MRC Les Moulins aux échelles régionale et locale
- Économie sociale et économie circulaire : potentiels de synergies et modèles d’affaires porteurs
- Labo Climat Montréal
- Etude de l’impact sur le potentiel éducatif et sensoriel d’une technologie immersive : modélisation 3D de la ville historique de Paris
- Étude et développement d’approches permettant de comprendre les différents profils clients au sein d’une industrie touristique qui adopte une stratégie d’offre verticale
- Intelligence artificielle appliquée pour l’analyse, l’optimisation et l’innovation
- Développement d’une plateforme laser pour la démonstration d’applications scientifiques et industrielles
- Le pain et la farine, de denrée essentielle à patrimoine immatériel. L’évolution de la meunerie à St-Roch-des-Aulnaies
- Contrôle qualité et détection de défauts pour des systèmes d’ensachage industriel par l’utilisation du Deep Learning
- Guide virtuel pour la Maison du Frère-Moffet
- Dimensions de l’adoption et stratégies de valorisation de la 5G auprès des entreprises et organisations du Québec
- Le parcours alimentation de la navette autonome de la Petite Bourgogne
- Conception d’un système d’imagerie grand champ de biomarqueurs sur tissus biologiques
- Ordonnancement des opérations de mise à niveau d’une flotte de navires
- Planification et développement d’algorithmes d’interprétation d’images spectrales
- Obtention et caractérisation de mélanges de polymères dans le cadre de la valorisation du polyéthylène recyclé
- Analyse de la diversité fonctionnelle des arbres de petites municipalités et mise en place d’une approche pour en améliorer la résilience
- ADAJ- Pratiques juridiques controversées
- Évaluation des pratiques de communication du Festival de musique émergente en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
- Optimisation de la Fonction de distribution de la réflectance bidirectionnelle (FDRB) à partir d’un cube de données de télédétection multi-sources et multi-temporelles
- Phase de transfert de la recherche sur de développement de la Relation de coopération au sein d’établissement d’enseignement au niveau des collèges privés non-subventionnés du Québec
- Prédiction de maladies génétiques à partir des forêts aléatoires et régressions logistiques
- Valorisation de biomasses marines et subjectivation d’ingrédients bioactifs
- Chaire de recherche industrielle dans les collèges du CRSNG en fabrication de composantes aérospatiales en matériaux composites
- Développement d’un système d’acquisition de données sportives & gestion informatique de la clientèle pour les centres sportif
- Gestion des établissements d’enseignement à l’ère de l’implantation du numérique
- Apprentissage profond semi-supervisé pour la segmentation et l’analyse d’images d’équipements de réseau électrique
- Harmoniser les exigences contractuelles BIM en fonction des besoins du client: Faciliter la production et le transfert de l’information utile à la gestion des actifs du bâtiment
- Livre blanc sur les registres distribués et les chaînes de blocs au Québec
- Don d’organes au Québec : étude des moyens normatifs d’optimisation
- Dynamique des peuplements feuillus marginaux dans un contexte de changements globaux: apports de la paléoécologie et de la modélisation
- Domaines géométallurgiques dans un gisement aurifère : le cas du dépôt Whale Tail, projet Amaruq, Nunavut – Volet 2
- Le potentiel des techniques d’écriture de la chanson pour les méthodes de communication des consultants en management
- Traitement in situ subaquatique par stabilisation/solidification des sédiments contaminés
- Tensions et rétention en PME : une approche communicationnelle
- Improvement and automation of the aircraft painting process using autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
- Prédiction par éléments finis du craquage de cartons ondulés lors du pliage
- Smart building data analytics
- Prix du carbone et élasticités
- Analyse structurale des formations de fer au nord-est du réservoir Manicouagan
- Lames de patins de haute performance fabriquées par impression 3D
- Géométrie 3D du socle rocheux de l’ile de Montréal – développement d’outils de corrélation stratigraphique et d’analyse structurale basés sur les strates de K-bentonite
- Analyse d’un processus de recyclage de plastiques post-consommation
- Application mobile pour collecter en temps réel les données de blessures post-traumatiques des pompiers
- Utilisation de Bois Raméal Fragmenté (BRF) pour faciliter le recrutement et la croissance d’essences de la forêt boréale sur des roches stériles minières non génératrices d’acides
- Modélisation du marché d’espaces publicitaires en ligne avec des séries temporelles
- Analyse d’impacts économiques et fiscaux d’une politique d’achat local par des organismes du secteur public à Sherbrooke
- Intelligence artificielle appliquée dans l’industrie du bois
- Encapsulation efficiency and viability of phage-coated implants for the prevention and treatment of periprosthetic joint infections in high risk patients
- Testing and applying machine learning techniques in monitoring and detecting anomalies in membrane cell electrolyzers at R2
- Modélisation d’un pont à thyristors dédié à l’excitation des machines synchrones dans le référentiel qd0
- Analyse et mise en place d’un processus de gestion et d’optimisation de campagnes publicitaires sur les médias sociaux dans le cadre de petites moyennes entreprises
- Optimization for business systems and conversational analytics
- Real-time visual detection for robotic inspection
- Développement d’un outil d’analyse de texte assistée par ordinateur permettant de classifier les entreprises dans l’écosystème de la 5G au Canada
- Increasing real-time video streaming performance over Wi-Fi networks
- Système d’intelligence marketing pour promouvoir la transformation numérique du marketing dans le secteur
- Optimisation de la puissance et de l’énergie spécifiques des cellules au lithium-ion par métaheuristique combinée à la modélisation
- Diagnostic et recommandations d’améliorations du processus de gestion de la performance de CGI
- Hydrodynamic and catalytic reactions of multiphase processes
- Quantifying the economic value of accurate price forecasts in the French intraday electricity market
- The role of digitalization and value chain management for competitive advantage in forest industry transformation to the bioeconomy
- Favoriser le dialogue entre chercheurs et praticiens autour du développement d’une structure alternative de scolarisation (le Lab école Agora) au secteur de l’éducation des adultes
- Le(s) rôle(s) de la communication stratégique dans le développement de startups : les priorités à mettre en place dans un contexte de démarrage
- Génération d’anticorps inhibant la dissémination de gènes de résistance aux antibiotiques
- Outils de diagnostic et de prévention de l’insatisfaction des employés
- Pistes d’améliorations de la logistique du commerce électronique au Québec par l’implantation d’un réseau de casiers intelligents
- Acquisition de connaissances sur la dynamique sédimentaire de la Rivière-à-Mars pour la pérennité de la ressource saumon
- Investigation of the effects of whole hemp seed dietary supplementation on the microbiome-endocannabinoidome axis and its implications in diet induced obesity
- Digitalisation d’un four à arc pour la production de FerroSilicium
- Outils et méthodes de planification du transport adapté
- Cross Domain Recommendation System for the food industry
- Removal of Micropollutants from Wastewater by Immobilized Laccase on Hollow Silica Embedded Plastic Packing Reactor
- Conception et cartographie d’un indice de suivi de l’état des écosystèmes riverains applicable à l’échelle du Québec méridional
- La collaboration municipalité – économie sociale en Outaouais : études de cas et transfert d’apprentissages
- Modélisation d’un système composé d’une machine synchrone de forte puissance entraînée par un actuateur thermique
- Evaluation and improvement of Streptococcus suis bacterins
- Vers la production de protéines animales durables : optimisation de l’utilisation de l’azote alimentaire chez le porc et le poulet
- Analyzing neuroprotective properties of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HA114 in models of age-dependent neurodegeneration
- Faisabilité et caractéristiques d’un Parcours innovation visant à développer les compétences en management de l’innovation des PME dans un contexte régional
- Inférence causale pour mesurer le retour sur les investissements publicitaires
- Évaluation de l’Initiative Sherbrookoise en développement des communautés (ISDC) : Historique et choix de territoire
- Facteurs influençant l’utilisation et l’efficacité d’une technologie d’assistance nouvelle génération pour le membre supérieur: le bras robotisé JACO – Year two
- Efficient and low-complexity video coding for virtual reality and 360-degree video streaming – Year two
- Vers le développement d’une plateforme de mesure automatisée en gestion d’impact social
- Mitigating heat stress effects on lactation via nutrition in dairy cows
- Automated Monitoring and Orchestration of Cloud Native IMS VNFs.
- Projet Lab-Aventure : Observation des habiletés motrices fondamentales en situation de jeu en fonction de l’environnement extérieur et des matériaux de jeu chez des enfants de 8 – 9 ans
- Biparental haploid cells to generate genomically designed offspring
- Ré-optimisation en temps réel pour la réfection de navires
- Development of Computational Fluid Dynamics Methodology for Management of Oil Tanks and the Separation of Air and Oil in an Aero-Engine
- Traçage isotopique des flux d’eau et d’azote en contexte minier
- Recycled HDPE/wood composite foams
- Reconnaissance et estimation de la pose de différents types de boulons sur les parois de mines souterraines par apprentissage automatique
- Intégration d’enjeux de gestion durable des milieux riverains en aménagement forestier
- Étude cinétique du durcissement de formulations époxys
- Evaluation of polyclonal antibodies for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis
- Amélioration de la résistance à la corrosion de réfractaires par des alliages d’aluminium en fusion (partie 2)
- Analyse et développement de fonctions autonomes intelligentes à un dispositif d’éclairage pour véhicule (récréatif ou autre)
- Effet de la présence de contaminants sur la biodégradation de la biomasse au cours du compostage
- Portfolio management by reinforcement learning
- Self-optimizing Fabric for ENCQOR Network
- Study of the Mechanism of Action of Fluorescence Biomodulation in Tissue Regeneration and Acceleration of Wound Healing
- Élaboration de recommandations stratégiques de communication pour la fidélisation des donateurs de la Fondation cancer du sein du Québec
- Détermination des caractéristiques géométriques d’une soudure à partir de données ultrasonores en trois dimensions à l’aide de l’intelligence artificielle
- Traitement de l’azote ammoniacal par ozonation et de la salinité résiduelle par filtration membranaire sur des effluents miniers réels par des essais en écoulement continu
- Unsupervised language modeling with tensor networks
- Correcting specular reflections for computer vision in collaborative robotics
- Les microplastiques et contaminants associés dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent : caractérisation environnementale, sociale et bioaccumulation ou dépuration chez les bivalves
- Amélioration de la résistance en fatigue des joints par recouvrement soudés au laser par modification de la trajectoire du faisceau laser.
- L’anxiété de performance en milieu scolaire : état de la situation et évaluation d’un programme d’intervention pour y répondre
- Développement d’une nanoémulsion alimentaire séchée sous forme de poudre pour la protection de cannabinoïdes extraits du cannabis
- Stations as Living Labs: Converting an environment into an ecosystem
- Conservation de la cohérence physique inter-variable dans la correction de biais multivariée des simulations climatiques
- Évaluation de l’éco-efficacité par simulation de procédés dans le domaine de la transformation laitière. – Year two
- Multi-Document, Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of Political News Articles
- Building and renewing competitive advantage in emerging technological domains: technology startups and innovation communities
- Extraction et purification durable du lithium à partir du spodumène : étude de la variabilité du spodumène du gisement de lithium Whabouchi
- BI tools and the improvement of user experience
- Noise reduction, dereverberation and binary neural networks for improved automatic speech recognition
- The Cellular Role of Double-Stranded Break Repair Protein, Endo-exonuclease (Trmt2a,b), in Cancer Therapy and in Inflammatory Response
- Classification automatisée des déchets de forages par apprentissage supervisé
- Pour en finir avec les labyrinthes: vers une complémentarité des services en violences sexuelles soutenant les survivantEs LGBTQ+ et Two-Spirit
- Processus d’amélioration continue dans les mines – optimisation de la gestion des stériles miniers
- Évaluation de la conscience de la situation des pilotes de navires du Saint-Laurent et des Grands Lacs
- Dynamique forestière contemporaine et passée des érablières nordiques
- Impact du patron d’oscillation du faisceau laser dans le procédé de soudage hybride laser-arc sur la qualité, la robustesse et la métallurgie du joint de soudé.
- Establishment of bovine embryonic cells derived from blastocyst for producing high quality cloned embryo
- Ionomer-coated filtration membranes as an alternative to ion-exchange membranes for demineralization by electrodialysis
- Definitions of schizophrenia relapse as a study outcome and impact on the comparative effectiveness of oral versus injectable antipsychotics in the real-world setting
- WP1.1.4 – Digital Compatible Modeling of Analog/RF/Optical Circuits
- Évaluation des services écosystémiques de 25 milieux humides dans le bassin hydrographique désigné Iroquois-Blanchette à l’aide du nouveau protocole d’évaluation WESP-AC
- Optimal Selection of Data Augmentation Transformations
- La Grande Tournée
- Improving Primary Care in Older Patients: a Focus on Safe and Appropriate Medications – Year two
- Viscoplastic Displacement Flows for Well Cementing Operations
- Élaboration de valeurs seuils de gravité de l’asthme chez l’enfant par la technique d’oscillométrie
- Comment la mobilisation des employés peut augmenter le recrutement et favoriser la rétention du personnel dans une PME ?
- Comment optimiser les impacts du bâtiment durable en gestion immobilière ?
- La mise en art de la montagne comme facteur d’attractivité touristique
- Plateforme de démonstration, de développement et d’essais de dispositifs sécuritaires de pêche au homard
- Attraction et rétention de la main-d’oeuvre manufacturière : repenser les pratiques et mesures de gestion pour favoriser l’engagement organisationnel
- Recherche et développement d’un nouveau système de monorail à traction hélicoïdale HubTrack® commercialisable
- Characterisation of subcutaneous buprenorphine depot (NSublocadeTM)-associated adverse events during the first months of use across Canadian populations; a comparison with US data
- Nouveau cadre d’évaluation de l’INESSS : impact sur les recommandations et l’accès aux médicaments
- Attitudes, beliefs and knowledge of Canadian physicians and patients towards medical cannabis 18 months after the legalization of cannabis in Canada
- Développement d’un essai multiplex pour l’étude de la signalisation intracellulaire de l’insuline sur la plateforme SnapChipMC.
- Handling of statistical heterogeneity in meta-analyses of observational studies on treatment comparative effectiveness
- Caractérisation de la viabilité et de la fonction des granulocytes destinés à la transfusion
- Amélioration de la gestion des coûts avec le BIM 5D dans une entreprise intégrée verticalement
- La réalité virtuelle au service de l’adaptation psychologique des jeunes en réadaptation physique
- Développement de composantes logicielles intelligentes pour la gestion des flux de trésorerie
- Automatisation des achats dans les PME
- Development of antibacterial medical devices using Ag-Cu nanoparticles to prevent nosocomial infections
- Drone hélicoptère de surveillance maritime
- Conception d’un circuit d’extraction des caractéristiques de commutation des transistors SiCMOS et GaN
- Convergence of Agile and DevOps in ENCQOR 5G Software Development
- Étude de faisabilité d’une solution « Blockchain » pour la sécurité et la ges-tion de l’information dans l’industrie du jeu
- Essais de restriction-réalimentation cycliques à grande échelle chez Salvelinus alpinus et S. alpinus X S. fontinalis avec l’étude des effets de la supplémentation en nucléotides sur la physiologie et la croissance de S. alpinus
- Automatisation du système de récolte DeLeaves
- Optimisation de la qualité des images et visualisation des tissus mous en Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)
- Modèle d’occupation individualisé pour le secteur résidentiel – Partie 2
- Système de vision de robots industriels pour manipuler des pièces sur une chaine d’assemblage industrielle
- Géologie et genèse du gisement aurifère rhyacien de Dorlin dans le contexte du Bouclier Guianais, Guyane Française
- Élucidation des mécanismes d’action anti-C. difficile des souches probiotiques Bio-K+
- Automatisation de la classification par magnétométrie quantique de failles en présence d’erreurs de mesure
- Effet de la structure spatiale intra-peuplement sur la modélisation de la succession en forêt boréale mixte
- Traitement du langage et Résumé automatique de documents
- Incorporation de matériaux écologiques dans les skis alpins
- Développement et évaluation de nouvelles préparations pharmaceutiquesmagistrales et mise à jour d’une base de données de formules maîtresses
- Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP) Challenges for Canadian-based Pharmaceutical and Natural Health Product (NHP) Manufacturers: A Small Business Perspective.
- Ciena OPn Innovation WP 1.1.6 – High Speed Low Power Transceiver
- Correction du biais de la sous-captation des précipitations et séparation des précipitations et séparation des précipitations solides et liquides
- Les meilleures pratiques d’accompagnement entrepreneurial entre un incubateur et des start-up
- Développer un modèle d’apprentissage automatique pour déterminer des stratégies de transactions virtuelles dans le marché énergétique de MISO « Midcontinent Independent System Operator »
- Freewalker: Développement et évaluation d’un dispositif pour favoriser la marche et l’activité physique chez des patients hospitalisés et sous oxygénothérapie
- Modeling of wall-pressure fluctuations induced by pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer
- Toward Building a Technical Engineering Smart Search
- Metamorphic Testing of Deep Neural Networks
- Effet des structures modulaires reconfigurables et des cellules dynamiques sur la performance des PME manufacturières au Québec
- Deep learning-based drug discovery and molecule generation
- Bioraffinage des sous produits marins et forestier: comparaison de méthodes pour l’extraction de composés phytochimiques bioactifs et étude de leurs potentiels antimicrobiens et antibiofilms
- Développement de réacteur électro-membranaire pour la production d’hydroxyde de lithium
- Terahertz Distributed Sensing Platform Based on Waveguide Bragg Gratings – Year two
- Nutrient balances (phosphorus and nitrogen) in Lake St. Charles, Quebec, and the evaluation of effectiveness of remediation scenarios for nutrient reductions on the lake’s water quality – Year two
- La prévention de la maladie de Lyme chez les travailleurs d’Hydro-Québec, dans le contexte des changements climatiques
- Drug Repurposing for Neuromuscular Diseases
- oN DuTy! – Innovative Program on NonDestructive Testing (NDT) – Part 2
- Development of Solar Micro-Reactors for Steam Methane Reforming
- Intégration des technologies et thérapies associés aux soins de santé personnalisés (SSP)
- Towards an Intelligent and Secure 5G Ecosystem for the Transformation and Digitalization of Societies Through Artificial Intelligence
- Production of cannabinoid in bioengineered microalgae
- Fine-grained Classification and Segmentation for Fashion Images
- Impact de la culture dans le développement local et social du quartier Centre-Sud, quartier des Faubourgs
- Intelligent Non-Person Agent to Play a Game
- Data fusion strategies for reducing the uncertainty of point cloud data
- Comparaison des effets d’une stratégie d’apprentissage par problème avec les rétroactions vidéo sur la prise de décisions de jeunes hockeyeurs de 12 ans
- Need Definition and Need Mapping Methods for Innovation Projects
- Amélioration des protocoles de cryoconservation des semences de taureau en utilisant des protéines de blé comme agents de cryoconservation
- Algorithme décisionnel intelligent pour systèmes énergétiques
- Inverse Drug Design via Multi-Objective Curriculum Learning
- Development of a double-lumen femoral catheter for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation systems
- Software architecture and electro-mechanical development of wireless connected products for pets
- Évaluation de l’utilité d’une méthode de dépistage de glucose dans l’urine chez le chat : une étude pilote
- Unsupervised Anomaly detection using Deep Learning
- 7000XR flight simulator airflow study
- Développement de surfaces aluminium superhydrophobes antibactériennes par procédés plasma
- Technologies innovantes pour une intelligence urbaine au service des citoyens
- Développement d’une technologie de réfrigération par réaction chimique endothermique pour le transport de vaccins
- Medical cannabis and cancer: A qualitative exploration.
- Dimensionnement mécaniste empirique de chaussées
- Development of a neural network algorithm to quantify chronic osteoarthritic pain in rats
- Development of machine learning and artificial intelligence based tools to improve efficiency in financial services
- Développement d’un modèle mathématique thermo-hydrodynamique transitoire de la trempe thermique pour la production d’aciers de haute dureté
- Evaluation of a radiomic approach based on hyperspectral retinal imaging to predict the cerebral amyloid status for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
- Designing Machine Learning algorithms for clinical level high-precision predictions of off-target mutations in CRISPR-Cas9
- Development of rheological methods to investigate the viscoelastic behavior and stability of paints
- Social impacts on users and community : methodological approach and a sustainable building case study
- Procedural Character Animation for Heavy Equipment Training Simulation
- Design and Prototyping of a Power Logger for Power Quality Monitoring
- Development of New Chromophores for Soil Detection on Surgical Instruments (part 2)
- Non-invasive automated assessment of tonic attention (vigilance) of commercial airline pilots during simulated flights
- Réduction de l’incidence de la gale commune chez la pomme de terre par l’utilisation des extraits d’écorce
- Profil économique de l’agriculture urbaine commerciale au Québec
- Impact de l’utilisation d’un modèle périodique autorégressif et à moyenne mobile dans la gestion moyen-terme de la production hydroélectrique
- Analyse dynamique de bâtiments industriels supportant des équipements vibratoires attachés avec des supports flexibles
- Machine/Deep Learning applied in P&C insurance representations
- Facteurs de contrôle sur la minéralisation aurifère du gisement Philibert, corridor de déformation de Guercheville, district minier de Chibougamau-Chapais, phase 2
- Enhancing TIL-mediated anti-tumour immunity by reducing the immunosupressive effects of TGF-beta and limiting effector T-cell exhaustion using intrabodies against negative intracellular down-modulators
- Optimization of specific Frizzled Receptor-targeted antibodies signalling responses
- Development of a wireless mini-microscope for the study of brain function
- Développement d’essais multiparamétriques quantitatifs sur la plateforme SnapChip pour accélérer la recherche sur le diabète
- Teneurs en métaux dans les liquides de cigarettes électroniques et détermination de leur potentiel oxydatif
- Evaluation of vascular normalization effect in the tumoral microenvironment
- Contrôle des contaminants biologiques dans des cultures de microalgues
- Modeling and Validation of the Oil Control Ring Performance for Orbiting Face-Sealing Applications
- Évaluation des processus dominant le comportement géochimique de résidus miniers en conditions restaurée et non-restaurée par la modélisation de transport réactif
- Étude du développement d’une plateforme de test et de validation des infrastructures routières intelligentes et communicantes
- Composing without forgetting
- Vers une redéfinition de l’agenda de négociation à l’OMC ?
- Établissement de liens entre les changements climatiques anticipés et la classification écologique d’une portion de la forêt boréale et tempérée de l’Ouest du Québec – Year two
- Impact de la réalité augmentée sur l’expérience de consommation et les intentions d’achat de produits industriels
- Characterization of the lateral hypothalamic neural outputs using camera-based multi-fiber photometry
- Apprentissage et efficacité des équipes de travail
- Effets du temps de sevrage sur la santé, le comportement et le développement du rumen et son microbiote chez les chevreaux de race alpine
- Évaluation précoce de la bioproductivité d’un système agroforestier sur les rejets miniers aurifères en région nordique canadienne
- Design et synthèse d’acides aminés biosourcés pour la préparation de nouveaux triterpènes fonctionnalisés et de peptides conjugués
- Controls on the formation and geometry of veins and vein arrays at the Tiriganiaq gold deposit, Meliadine project, Nunavut
- Parameter optimization for washing operations in livestock buildings to improve sanitary status and reduce water consumption
- Identification des protéines cellulaires impliquées dans l’effet antiviral des polymères d’acides nucléiques (NAPs) lors d’une infection par le virus de l’hépatite B (VHB)
- Visualization of multi-omics data in microbiome research
- Diversité fonctionnelle des forêts du Québec
- Prédiction en temps réel du nombre d’occupants d’un bâtiment en vue d’améliorer l’opération des systèmes CVCA
- Identification des préalables à l’implantation de l’Industrie 4.0 dans les PME manufacturières du Québec
- Approximate Online Bilevel Optimization for Learning Data Augmentation
- Ground Truth
- Création et validation de l’Échelle d’attitude envers l’argent (EAEA)
- Impact sur le microbiote de fractions d’hydrolysat de semence de hareng et étude de l’écoefficience du procédé de fractionnement
- Création d’un panel pharmacogénomique et élaboration d’une base de données translationnelle
- Quel modèle d’affaires et positionnement permettra à NÉOMED de créer de la valeur pour ses partenaires?
- Développement de règles de rétroaction pédagogique pour un logiciel de simulation de l’évaluation clinique destiné aux étudiantes infirmières
- Étude sur l’efficacité énergétique et la stabilisation biologique et chimique de la technologie ATAD optimisée. Applications aux résidus domestiques et aux résidus verts
- Promouvoir la coopération économique entre communautés autochtones et industrie forestière
- Création d’un parc d’eau-vive à Montréal
- La politique d’influence des entités supranationales : corrélation et délégation des capacités d’attraction des États membres au sein de l’Union européenne
- La place des agriculteurs et des pêcheurs dans le développement touristique de Hôi An, Vietnam
- Évaluation du rendement humain lors de l’utilisation d’écrans tactiles dans un poste de pilotage
- OVOGEN : Co-culture autologue embryon-endomètre versus milieu conventionnel dans le traitement de l’infertilite : essai clinique contrôle randomisé en double insu
- Développement d’un prototype de système intelligent pour la prédiction de la durée de vie des structures en bétons d’ajouts cimentaires
- Promotion de la sphère entrepreneuriale Montréalaise
- Évaluation de la faisabilité d’utiliser et d’implanter le programme Jintronix à domicile dans le but de prévenir le déclin fonctionnel chez des aînés encore autonomes qui consultent les urgences
- Identification des mécanismes moléculaires et prévention de la toxicité reproductive mâle causée par des combinaisons de fusariotoxines (déoxynivalénol (DON), zéaralénone (ZEN) et fumonisine B1 (FB1))
- Optimisation d’un biosenseur visant la détection de pathogènes bactériens
- Évaluation de l’utilisation du BIM pour deux aéroports au Québec
- Studio d’enregistrement nomade et recherche-création participative; vers un ethnomusicologie appliquée
- Financement innovateur pour des municipalités efficaces
- Système de détection automatique de graines de résineux pour l’évaluation de l’efficacité d’un semoir
- Synthèse de composés hétérocycliques aromatiques destinés à l’industrie de l’électronique organique et étude de l’efficacité de scavengers supportés sur résine développés par Matrix Innovation
- Religion and Post-Secularism in Michel Foucault’s Herméneutique du Sujet
- Baromètre de l’approvisionnement responsable – édition Québec et Ontario 2015
- Recherche de linfluence des paramètres de fabrication sur la performance lors du cyclage thermique des barres dalternateurs hydrauliques
- les minéralisations magmatiques et structurales de la faille Cadillac (Abitibi)
- Narrations augmentées en littérature jeunesse: processus créatifs multimodaux et mécaniques collaboratives
- Modélisation hydraulique et des sédiments pour la conception des bassins de sédimentation des sites de récolte de tourbe
- Relations entre le climat, les feux, la végétation et la dynamique du carbone organique du sol (COS) dans un contexte des changements climatiques de la pessière à mousses du Québec
- Les parcours éducatifs et les représentations de la science chez les jeunes
- Modification chimique de la lignine et de la cellulose pour le renforcement de composite
- Optimisation du procédé dassemblage des connecteurs métalliques en cuivre
- Prying of a Large Span Plate Undergoing a Large Moment Load and Small Shear and Tensile Forces
- Dépistage des champignons causant les maladies foliaires dans les productions darbres de Noël
- Élaboration d’un outil daide a? lévaluation de la performance en SST des PME cas de ASSIFQ-ASSPPQ
- Formulation dun produit de santé naturel anti-herpétique
- Comparaison entre le produit de scellement par Bande bitumineuse (typer Denso) et la technique conventionnelle par liant daccrochage dans le liaisonnement entre deux surfaces denrobé bitumineux.
- Advancing Innovations in Affordable Housing Development in Ottawa
- Mise en valeur des matières textiles récupérées postconsommation
- Procédure de vérification multicritérielle des façades de bâtiments incluant lanalyse structurale des points dancrage.
- Évaluation de la performance à léchelle préindustrielle du procédé délectro-oxydation avancée pour le traitement des eaux résiduaires des centres de transfert et de décharge de déchets dangereux
- Mise au point dun microscope miniature double pour imagerie bihémisphérique de cerveaux de souris.
- La gamification : le pouvoir du jeu au service des organisations et des utilisateurs
- Étude de lefficacité environnementale de différents systèmes de production dans les élevages de poules pondeuses
- Méthodologie de validation des modèles numériques utilisés lors de la prédiction des contraintes sur les aubes de turbines hydroélectriques.
- Amélioration de la compacité des bétons ordinaires et bétons à hautes performances contenant la poudre de verre
- Algorithme de jumelage multimodal pour loptimisation des options de covoiturage dynamique de la plateforme Netlift
- An assessment of agricultural stream designs used in maintenance operations in Quebec
- Community dynamics in restored salt marshes
- Déterminer le connecteur optimal pour joindre un pontage métallique à une charpente en bois
- Documentation de lutilisation du QFD dans un projet de conception ergonomique d’un casque VR
- La transformation de la culture organisationnelle dune caisse Desjardins: le cas de la Caisse de Granby-Haute-Yamaska
- Effet d’une deuxième fertilisation avec boues de chaux et biosolides papetiers sur la croissance du peuplier hybride dans le Sud du Québec, et interaction avec la végétation compétitrice.
- Prestations de services logistiques dans la filière de commerce en ligne : Consultation auprès d’entreprises actives en eCommerce
- Assemblage et évolution de la structure de génomes anciens et actuels
- Environmental perceptions, traditional ecological knowledge and land use change in Vietnams northern uplands
- Modélisation hydrologique à laide de réseaux de neurones pour des bassins à réponses hydrologiques rapide de la région centrale de Veracruz
- Holographie acoustique en champ proche en régime transitoire et application à la détection de défauts dans les plaques
- Stage de recherche en bibliographie matérielle : le genre littéraire du caquet aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles
- Modélisation hydrologique à laide de réseaux de neurones pour des bassins à réponse hydrologique rapide de la région centrale de Veracruz
- Effets de l’exposition chronique au glyphosate chez A. mellifera;lien entre perturbation cholinergique et comportement
- Translation as a Productive Cultural Space: Gao Xingjian in Translation
- L’aménagement des lacs dans un contexte de gestion de l’eau pluviale, Hanoï, Vietnam
- Formation et transport de poudres dans des plasmas basse pression magnétisés
- Le rôle du Canada dans la conception de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), et l’influence du Commonwealth of Nations: critique et étude comparée.
- Application de la modélisation et lanalyse statistique au traitement des données utilisées pour estimer le statut opérationnel denvironnements informatiques
- Conception d’un convertisseur de puissance électronique dédié à la production distribuée d’énergie solaire
- Notes de programme numériques
- Conception d’un système polyvalent d’intégration des vélos dans différents types d’intérieurs de train
- Écosystème de l’immobilier dans la grande région de Montréal : programme de cartographie et d’étalonnage
- Développement et diversification touristique du secteur de l’île-Verte/Isle-Verte
- Modélisation 3D par éléments finis des échauffements par courants de Foucault dans des matériaux non-linéaires et hystérétiques
- The Designed Vernacular- The Universal Indigenous-Positing vernacular architecture in a global world
- Urbanisation dans les montagnes du nord du Vietnam : de la planification centralisée à la production locale
- Biogéographie et diversification du genre Crudia (Leguminosae)
- Analyse concurrentielle et planification stratégique dans une PME lors dune acquisition
- Révision du processus de prise de rendez-vous et de gestionde la cour des centres de distribution de Sobeys Québec
- Développement dun guide sylvicole basé sur les traits fonctionnels
- Élaboration dune méthodologie didentification du contenu à valeur ajoutée au sein dune organisation dans un contexte de système de gestion de contenu dentreprise.
- Réduction de lutilisation des substances extrêmement préoccupante (SVHC) dans les ateliers de costumes du Cirque du Soleil.
- Défis et tendances dans la gestion des talents-clés dexpérience dans le secteur de la finance et de lassurance
- Étude de lalgorithme de quantification de lessai de montée en tension progressive de létat du système disolation des enroulements du stator des alternateurs hydrauliques
- Développement dun module danalyse multivariée pour un système dacquisition de données
- Valorisation des hydrolats en cosmétique et étude de leurs impacts sur les propriétés des produits formulés (odeur, apparence, hydratation et conservation)
- Développement de détergents ou mélanges de tensioactifs/surfactants biodégradables à base dalkyles polyglucosides
- Identification et caractérisation de triterpènes à partir du thé du Labrador (Rhododendron groenlandicum) et leurs applications cosmétologiques
- Justice sociale et enjeu ethnolinguistique dans le travail dorganisation communautaire à Montréal. Etude en sociolinguistique urbaine dun organisme de larrondissement Verdun
- ALS due to C9orf72 mutation: Pathological consequences of lowered C9orf72 expression in motor neurons.
- Assainissement et accès à l’eau propre en milieux défavorisés
- Le pouvoir des femmes kaingangs pentecôtistes
- Réduction de la traînée aérodynamique d’un camion semi-remorque
- Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing for Landing Gears
- Développement dapproches statistiques pour l’analyse de portefeuilles d’investissements alternatifs
- Nouvelles technologies de fabrication et réparation de rouesde turbines hydrauliques et équipements connexes
- Objectif croissance pour femmes entrepreneures
- Aération des turbines hydrauliques pour une augmentation du taux d’oxygène dissous dans l’eau en aval : étude d’une méthode numérique prédictive
- Mesures PIV et simulations numériques de l’écoulement et des transferts de chaleur dans un alternateur
- Amélioration de la performance des systèmes du découpe de bois de plancher grâce à l’utilisation de techniques d’optimisation et de simulation
- Caractérisation des propriétés thermophysiques de nanofluides et de leurs performances dans les échangeurs
- Positionnement et intégration des médicaments biosimilaires dans le système de santé canadien
- Évaluation d’une méthode de traitement de l’azote ammoniacal d’eaux d’industries minières par voie de fixation sur un média zéolitique
- Contrôle de la qualité du remblai sans retrait
- Méthode stratégique de rinçage et de suivi de réseaux de distribution deau potable
- Développement d’un protocole de ciblage appliqué à l’exploration minière à l’aide de l’algorithme Hypercube
- Modélisation 3 D et potentiel réservoir de la Formation de Sayabec dans le secteur du Bas-Saint-Laurent / Gaspésie
- Caractérisation de la composition de poudre de topinambour et de betteraves crus déshydratés et évaluation de leur effet prébiotique
- La mobilité quotidienne des enfants et adolescents : une exploration des données des enquêtes origine-destination de Montréal
- La machinerie moleculaire catalysant les processus post-transcriptionnels
- Detection of the HIV-1 ASP protein in infected cells/Détection de la protéine ASP du VIH-1 dans lesc cellules infectées (Nouveau)
- Développement d’outils de détection des algues / Tool development for detection of algal blooms
- Musulmans convertis au christianisme au Québec et au Canada
- Developper un laboratoire de pratiques sociales et d’education populaire en sant? (Nouveau)
- Development and validation of highly specific antibodies against O-GlcNAcylated epigenetic regulators
- Changements climatiques et productivité forestière
- Développement de nouveaux processus de transfert et de mobilisation des connaissances en vue d’en accroître l’appropriation par les producteurs pour le bénéfice des secteurs agricole et agroalimentair
- Amélioration de capteurs à effet Hall pour la mesure précise du courant et du facteur de puissance
- La gestion du changement de l’implantation d’une solution de gestion de la relation client
- Architecture Hybride : du vernaculaire au paramétrique. Un dôme pour Mornag
- Enquête ethnographique de terrain en Tunisie sur la circulation des images de Street art exprimant les tensions arabo-occidentales
- Épreuves d’État et épreuves de la Police en Tunisie
- Think Playgrounds: Émergence d’unmouvement d’urbanisme Do-it-yourself au Vietnam
- Think Playgrounds: Émergence d’un mouvement de l’urbanisme Do it yourself au Vietnam
- Marchés publics traditionnels et transition dusystème alimentaire de Hanoï, Vietnam
- La gestion coopérative d’immeubles d’habitations à Hanoï : un nouveau mode d’appropriation de l’espace par les citoyens
- Think Playgrounds : Émergence d’un mouvement d’urbanisme Do it yourself au Vietnam
- Étude des rapports entre le droit international des droits de la personne et les constitutions post printemps arabe (Égypte, Maroc et Tunisie)
- Conception d’outils informatiques pour le suivi de la performance d’éolienne
- Coupes partielles dans des peuplements de la forêt boréale mélangée : Réponses à l’échelle du peuplement, de larbre et du sous-bois à un gradient dintensités sylvicoles
- Les figures grand-parentales dans le soutien autour de la naissance
- Gouvernance des territoires côtiers soumis aux changements –analyse comparée Canada-France
- Évaluation de filières de traitement/valorisation des rejetslaitiers issus de l’industrie de production de fromages
- Le Web Sémantique pour la modélisation et lenrichissement des contenus dans DITA – Year two
- Contribution à loptimisation des opérations de maintenance basée sur la fiabilité en fatigue des turbines hydrauliques
- Implication de nouveaux produits biologiques sur la réponse du stress au réticulum endoplasmique chez les cellules myéloïdes humaines
- Influence de l’environnement moléculaire de complexes métalliques sur leurs propriétés de luminescence
- Analyse de l’offre de soins de santé et de bien-être dans une paroisse protestante historique à Paris
- Thomas Hobbes et le scepticisme
- Modélisation thermodynamique des équilibres de phases impliquant le cuivre dans le cadre du développement d’anodes inertes pour l’électrolyse de l’aluminium
- Support à la conception de robots souples
- Développement de méthodes numériques pour l’analyse d’écoulements instationnaires en aérodynamique externe transsonique et application à l’étude du tremblement (buffet) transsonique
- L’impact de la gouvernance sur la réaction des actionnaires aux émissions obligataires
- Building on an Innovative Platform: Tuning Guanine Quadruplex Recognition for Anticancer Applications
- Analyse du processus de passage à l’échelle d’initiatives innovantes développées dans le cadre des reformes du système de santé en Tunisie
- Développement par génie tissulaire de peau humaine innervée, vascularisée et immunocompétente pour l’étude des réactions inflammatoires cutanées
- Santé mentale globale: Accroître la capacité d’intégrer la santé mentale dans les soins primaires en Tunisie
- Comparative Analysis of Pedestrian Movement and Behaviours in Shanghai and Montréal
- Vers une description à l’échelle nanométrique des interactions du peptide A?1-42 et mutants avec les membranes
- Étude du potentiel des substances allélochimiques à être utilisées comme bioherbicide dans un contexte d’agriculture urbaine au Brésil
- Développement de la technique d’oxydation électrolytique pour la décontamination d’effluents agricoles contaminés par pesticides
- Babillage et Oralité Alimentaire
- Optimisation de la conception de lempileuse à simple fourche afin daméliorer sa performance et sa productivité
- Développer et calibrer un outil de prédiction aéroélastique d’ailettes assujetties à des excitations vibratoires induites par les sillages amont et aval des redresseurs adjacentes dans un compresseur
- Optimisation de l’ordonnanceur dynamique de la plateforme Notixia
- Outils daide à la décision pour la planification et la prestation des soins à domicile.
- Synthèse et implémentation de correcteurs robustes dun microréseau électrique
- Fast screening of Adsorbents for gas separations of commercial interest
- Inversion de la zone convective et assimilation des données de la granulation solaire
- Influence de la fatigue du trapèze inférieur sur les ajustements biomécaniques de lépaule
- Développement dun analyseur portatif pour lor : caractérisation de minerais dor
- Étude en lipidomique : comparaison des profils en sphingolipides de peaux saines et psoriasiques
- Développement dalgorithmes InSAR et DInSAR pour lexploitation de linformation interférométrique fournie par les images SAR
- Valorisation des données générées par les robots de traite pour appuyer la gestion de troupeau dans les fermes laitières du Québec et des provinces Atlantiques
- Développement dune méthodologie globale permettant lélaboration de systèmes pronostics intelligents
- Développement de membranes pour latmosphère contrôlée
- Optimizing Forest Resource Management and Small Scale Wood Manufacturing – A case study with Chief Isaac Inc. business arm of the Tr’ondëk Hwëchin First Nations, Yukon Territory
- Amélioration de l’interactivité en réalité augmentée pour applications en jeux vidéo
- La mesure de la contribution des aménagements physiques, sociaux et technologiques à la performance des équipes de production de jeux chez Ubisoft
- Intégration des contraintes légales sur les horaires des chauffeurs de camion dans une solution de planification de la chaine logistique
- Étude de lutilisation de lumières et de vibrations tactiles comme interface utilisateur dun système porté non muni décran
- Approches génétiques à haut-débit appliquées au métabolisme microbien pour la prévention et le traitement des défauts de saveur du sirop d’érable
- Étude différentielle et prédictive du succès universitaires chez les francophones au Nouveau-Brunswick
- Support à la mise en place du protocole dévaluation du programme de Fillactive
- La rémunération des dirigeants : un enjeu de gouvernance et de société
- Traitement de l’azote ammoniacal dans les effluents miniers au moyen de procédés d’oxydation avancée
- Impacts sociaux du Réseau d’Investissement Social du Québec
- Identification et aide à l’implantation d’un modèle d’écosystème entrepreneurial pour l’arrondissement Saint-Laurent de Montréal
- Diversité et leadership au sein de la Banque Nationale
- Développement de technologies dassemblage avancées en aluminium pour la fabrication ferroviaire
- Évaluation de différentes biomasses pour lélevage pilote de larves de mouches
- Le modèle coopératif comme moyen de reconnaissance identitaire. Le cas des coopératives de la Fédération des coopératives du Nouveau-Québec
- Une formulation par équation intégrale volumique pour la tomographie par induction magnétique de tissus biologiques
- Problème de conception d’horaire en sécurité aéroportuaire
- Distribution et rôle des gènes codant pour le pilus de type IV chez des souches de Clostridium perfringens d’origine aviaire
- Développement de tests pour évaluer l’efficacité de mélanges de substances naturelles et transformées d’origine naturelle, sur des bactéries pathogènes et commensales animales
- Formulation d’un actif cosméceutique à partir d’un extrait de feuilles de Brasenia Schreberi
- Développement d’un enduit pour les membranes d’étanchéité respirantes
- Implantation et validation d’une nouvelle approche de navigation chirurgicale en chirurgie orthopédique
- Enviromètre
- Développement d’outils technologiques pour maximiser la performance de patins sur glace
- Identification et prévention des risques en santé et sécurité du travail pour les conducteurs de véhicules transportant des matières dangereuses
- Impact de la navigation en milieu lacustre sur la qualité de l’eau et le relargage de polluants
- Applications 3D optimisées sur appareils mobiles pour le coaching sportif
- Adaptation de la procédure SSFR aux exigences industrielles
- Développement d’un simulateur virtuel d’abdomen pour la recherche et le developpement en herniologie
- Études du développement dune plateforme informatique de test et de validation pour les moyens de communication embarqués dans les véhicules autonomes
- Procédé de densification en continue du bois de plancher
- Larrimage de la gestion de changement et la gestion de projet et/ou programme lors du déploiement de progiciel de gestion intégré (ERP) et de solutions technologiques majeures
- Fabrication additive de composantes daluminium de haute performance par soudage ultrasons
- Élaboration dune grille dévaluation des stratégies de communication sur la conciliation travail-famille dans les organisations
- Amélioration des protocoles et des architectures de communications inter-FPGA
- Réalisation d’un laser à fibre haute puissance (kW) sans épissure
- Instrumentation de deux chantiers à remblayer à la mine Westwood et suivi des mesures
- Conception et réalisation dun système dimagerie des tissus biologiques marqués avec des nanosondes Raman
- Design and Innovation: Academic-In-Residence Project
- Modélisation des alternateurs hydro-électriques dans leur environnement incluant le circuit dexcitation
- Développement dun système de diagnostic pour la maintenance des ouvrages du génie civil
- Optimisation de formulations de mousses de polyuréthane pour des applications en génie civil
- Tuning in to emotions of non-communicative persons
- Communications sans fil en poste électrique
- Effets de la quantité et distribution des coupes partielles sur les aspects écologiques et économiques de laménagement écosystémique
- Le Music Legacy Project – Bibliothèque des performances musicales du monde en Réalité Virtuelle
- Comprendre et valoriser lécosystème de la créativité numérique à Montréal : un levier pour le développement local et le rayonnement international de la métropole
- Modélisation de la compaction dune boue rouge sous laction dun râteau
- Tarification et provisionnement du risque dinondation : banc dessai sur la rivière Chaudière au Québec
- Development of Tissue-Based Biomarker Panels for Breast Cancer Treatment
- Amélioration des techniques de fabrication des aides techniques (orthèses, prothèses) dans le milieu hospitalier pédiatrique par l’utilisation de la fabrication additive (impression 3D)
- Impact du contrôle des plantes aquatiques invasives sur les invertébrés aquatiques
- Impact des fongicides foliaires du soya sur les ennemis naturels du puceron du soya
- Dynamique de laccroissement dérablière à la suite de coupes de jardinage
- Synthèse et implémentation de correcteurs robustes dun microréseau électrique sur simulateur temps-réel
- Assemblage assisté par la métrologie tridimensionnelle sans recours à des gabarits
- Le Triticum aestivum L. var Major. : Étude comparative du rendement, de la fusariose et des taches foliaires dans deux régies de cultures (biologique et intensive)
- Effet de la maintenance prédictive sur la rentabilité économique de certains actifs critiques dune entreprise
- Optimisation de bétons fibrés à ultra-hautes performances et caractérisation de leurs propriétés en contexte industriel
- Caractérisation des propriétés thermomécaniques des panneaux en nid dabeille et optimisation de leurs configurations dans le design des réflecteurs dantenne spatial
- Agent TALStat
- Optimisation du remblai en pâte cimenté selon la zone minéralisée de la mine Westwood
- Établissement de critères dadjudication, pour des contrats publics réalisés en mode Conception-Construction
- Chaines dapprovisionnement durables en biomasse forestière pour une bioraffinerie
- Développements et validations numériques doutils de diagnostic et doptimisation pour la conception de ventilateurs
- Investigations phytochimiques de la flore nordique du Québec : isolation de produits naturels bioactifs et dingrédients actifs
- La problématique au Québec de juridiction des métiers dans le domaine de lélectricité bas voltage, introduit par les nouvelles technologies : état actuel et recommandations
- Prédistorsion non-linéaire pour la correction de haut-parleurs graves
- CARIC LEAN-702_TRL4+ Développement d’un démonstrateur de chiffrage de pièces usinées
- Conception d’un véhicule autopropulsé
- Essais normalisés pour identifier les sensations de conduite de véhicules hors route
- Développement dune chaîne de traction électrique pour vélo
- Biomass pyrolysis in a vertical auger reactor and the valorisation of co-products: An energy balance based on the life cycle approach
- Traitement de l’arsenic dans des lixiviats d’arsénopyrite et caractérisation environnementale des précipités
- Ciena OPn – WP 3.2.3 6500/CPL Network Virtualization
- Structuration et analyse de bases de données dessais de fertilisation
- Habiter le Vieux-Montréal et ses anciens faubourgs : Enjeux, conflits et perspectives de développement résidentiel dans les quartiers anciens
- Development of Additive Manufacturing Post-fusion Processes for Landing Gears
- Coordination et optimisation des opérations entre un manufacturier et un prestataire logistique
- Étude d’optimisation du système de transport du minerai vers la surface à lamine Matagami
- Potentiel minéralisateur des suites magmatiques liées aux indices de tungstène (W) dans le district de Chibougamau-Chapais
- Une solution hybride basée sur les services web et la technologie RFID/NFC pour la gestion daccès et de présence
- Simulation thermomécanique des barres pour hydro alternateurs etcaractérisation des interfaces
- Conception d’un algorithme pour déterminer en temps réel l’affectation d’une flotte de taxis
- Comparaison de l’efficacité de décontamination déléments traces métalliques de 8 combinaisons symbiotiques plantes-mycètes-bactéries
- Traitement à la source des résidus médicamenteux des eaux usées dhôpitaux par couplage dun bioréacteur à membrane et dun procédé délectro-oxydation
- Optimisation de la qualité des images etvisualisation des tissus mous : mise au point denouvelles approches en CBCT
- Système dintendance (Stewardship) de Recyclage des cartons de lait vides au Nouveau-Brunswick
- Évaluation et validation en analyse des structures : conformité du calcul automatique aux normes canadiennes
- Création dun algorithme doptimisation des tournées de navires-vraquiers pour une entreprise de transport maritime canadienne
- Développement dune caméra grand angle miniature
- Développement et élaboration dune stratégie de gestion intégrée de processus normatifs : cas dapplication dun OBNL de production de boîtes de carton
- Système daide à la décision pour la gestion de portefeuille de projets basée sur un modèle de sémantique des jeux utilisant XPath
- Stratégies pour améliorer la production denzymes dintérêt industriel
- Évaluation en laboratoire de la préfissuration de bases granulaires traitées au ciment pour des chaussées non revêtues à faible trafic
- Vers un nouveau style de gisement dor perigranitique néo
- Étude de l’efficacité de deux modalités de coaching exécutif et examen de certains de ses déterminants
- Étude de l’effet de l’expérience utilisateur sur l’intention d’utiliser un progiciel de gestion de la relation clientèle (CRM) dans une PME
- Méthodes de lutte intégrée contre la cécidomyie du chou-fleur dans le canola au Québec
- Développement d’un modèle technico-économique de bioraffinerie forestière régionale et intégrée à La Tuque (QC, Canada)
- Development of novel bacterial plant growth promoting formulation
- Le casse-tête de la manutention des produits atypiques : contribution de l’ergonomie participative à la santé des travailleurs et à la qualité de la production
- Les « occasions manquées » de la Prophylaxie pré-exposition du VIH : étude qualitative au sein de la Clinique l’Actuel à Montréal
- Reconstitution des conditions paléoécologiques et paléohydrologiques en lien avec la dynamique du carbone des tourbières dans le bassin versant de la rivière Romaine, Côte nord
- Une etude numirique du comportement sismique dun parc a residus
- Elaboration d’une plateforme virtuelle en soins de proximite
- Recherche-Développement et amélioration du processus de dotation chez Fibrenoire
- Amélioration de la densification des bétons ordinaires, bétons à hautes performances et des bétons ultra-hautes performances contenant la poudre de verre – Year Two
- Phytoremédiation de sites miniers générateurs dacide préalablement restaurés avec des recouvrements
- Modélisation inverse grise de létat thermique et de la charge de chauffage dun bâtiment résidentiel
- Processus décisionnel et facteurs de choix de lemballage primaire des produits périssables
- Outils pour laide à la recherche dinformation et de veille au CRIQ
- Stratégie analytique pour la résolution de problématiques reliées à la présence de fondant dans une solution préparée par fusion
- Ciena OPn – WP 2.1.2 Advanced, Intelligent, Analytics Driven Apps for Software Defined and Functionally Virtualized Networks
- Conception et validation dun guide de surveillance de chantier des travaux d’infrastructures municipales
- Développement d’un biosenseur pour la détection de Legionella pneumophila dans les eaux de procédés industriels
- Development of transparent materials to be used as screen for glazed windows
- Réseaux entrepreneuriaux pour faciliter l’expansion rapide d’une entreprise agroalimentaire
- Analyse et recommandations sur la mise en place d’une infrastructure d’innovation ouverte en cybersécurité
- Elsie Reford – Dans ses propres mots
- La prévention primaire des chutes chez les personnes vieillissantes autonomes : développement d’un programme interdisciplinaire multifactoriel
- Extraction et analyse de modèles numériques de terrain par interférométrie radar à haute résolution
- Diversité floristique et gradients environnementaux dans les tourbières du Québec
- Profil, pratiques et comportements alimentaires dusagers de Moisson Montréal
- Étude minéralogique et métallurgique du gisement dor de la mine Kittilä dans le but daugmenter le taux de la récupération de lor réfractaire
- Modélisation avancée des cuves d’électrolyse et l’efficacité énergétique
- Bibliothèque d’intelligence artificielle pour la simulation de la dynamique des opérations dans un centre d’électrolyse
- Recherche sur la dynamique de transport de la pomme de terre au Québec
- Élaboration dune approche de modélisation géoenvironnementale de stériles miniers à létape de mise en valeur dun projet dexploitation dune mine à ciel ouvert : application à un gisement Au-Cu de
- Potentiel datténuation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre des forêts québécoises
- Caractérisation biophysique et structurale des particules pseudo-virales issues de la technologie PAL
- Travaux préliminaires à l’implantation du Learning Analytics Lab pour optimiser et monitorer l’engagement et l’apprentissage dans des environnements numériques
- Mise au point d’un modèle d’analyse visant à identifier la qualité d’un parc d’installations sanitaires autonomes
- Relations entre les processus inflammatoires et la perméabilité d’un modèle de BHE aux nanoparticules
- Évaluation des méthodes diagnostiques actuelles dans la création de nouvelles applications pronostiques
- Nouvelle approche pour l’optimisation quadratique sous contraintes de bornes
- Projet de recherche : Mise à lépreuve des conditions dimplantation dune démarche dinnovation par le Design Thinking au sein dune PME
- Analyse de la perception et de la gestion des risques dans lindustrie maricole québécoise
- Optimisation du transfert dinformations entre Primavera P6 et Hard Dollar
- Projet d’optimisation de la taille des contenants chez Air Liquide Canada
- Decomposition methods for the maintenance scheduling problem in hydropower systems
- Utilisation des outils de simulation énergétique des bâtiments par un bureau de génie conseil dans un processus de conception intégrée
- Algorithmes de recommandations pour rencontres déchanges de connaissances chez E-180
- Méthodologies, processus et outils pour l’implantation d’un processus de gestion de l’innovation dans une entreprise manufacturière traditionnelle
- La microfinance comme alternative pour l’accès aux services financiers pour les entreprises du milieu manquant. Deux perspectives au Québec et en Zambie
- Développement d’un prototype pour séquestrer le CO2 à la cheminée d’un grand émetteur par carbonatation minérale de résidus miniers de silicate de magnésium
- Mesure en temps réel de lapprentissage dans les jeux vidéo
- Évaluation et maîtrise des expositions professionnelles au chromate de strontium dans lindustrie aérospatiale
- Amélioration de la capture des visages pour lindustrie du Jeu Vidéo
- Yogurt consumption in children: characterization and health-related impact
- La coordination 3D dans le BIM
- Une nouvelle approche hydro-limnologique appliquée pour quantifier la contamination provenant des eaux usées domestiques: le cas du lac Saint-Charles.
- Amélioration de la résistance à la corrosion de réfractaires par des alliages d’aluminium en fusion
- Identification des risques liés aux bris d’infrastructures souterraines pour la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs
- Maladies chroniques et santé au travail : un partenariat pour favoriser le bien-être collectif au travail et la productivité
- Développement et adaptation d’un outil multi-modules de prévision hydrologique et thermique dans un contexte d’assimilation de données
- Optimisation de la valeur à vie d’un joueur à travers son expérience de jeux
- Utilisation de bois raméal fragmenté pour faciliter la recolonisation forestière sur roches stériles d’une mine d’or
- Implication de nouveaux produits biologiques sur la réponse du stress au réticulum endoplasmique chez les cellules myéloïdes humaines – Year Two
- Caractérisation des communautés de joueurs pour le jeu vidéo For Honor
- Accident de la route au travail : quen est-il des travailleurs piétons?
- Détection et classification automatique des défauts de surface de pièce aéronautique
- Estimation des précipitations extrêmes aux postes de transformation exploités par Hydro-Québec – Year two
- Utilisation des matrices biosourcées pour la production de composites bois-polymère (CBP)
- Optimisation de la consommation énergétique reliée au chauffage dun bâtiment multirésidentiel
- Développement dun modèle de gouvernance et de gestion pour la mise en oeuvre du concept de forêt communautaire au Québec
- DÉVELOPPEMENT DUN INDICE DE MATURITÉ NUMÉRIQUE : Mise en oeuvre dun outil de diagnostic de la maturité numérique des entreprises au Canada
- Évaluation de communautés piscicoles par ADN environnemental
- Integrating insights, expanding knowledge: supporting the community strategy to prevent and end youth homelessness in Ottawa
- Caractérisation in situ du parc à rejet de Joutel en vue de limplantation dune technique de stabilisation/solidification
- Contribution à la modélisation et la prédiction de la fiabilité résiduelle dune roue de turbine hydraulique
- Chiffrement basé sur les attributs (ABE) des données privées dans les applications mobiles des villes intelligentes
- Développement et étude du comportement mécanique des roues et rondelles en composite de fibres naturelles
- Conception et développement doutils automatisés pour caractériser, modéliser et quantifier la morphologie et la fonction des systèmes ostéo-articulaires en trois dimensions à partir de plusieurs radiographies
- Efficacy and insect resistance management of new insecticidal proteins targeting western bean cutworm in Ontario, Canada – Year two
- Immersive Visual Analytics for Large Industrial Data
- Design of Low-Loss Plastic Optical Fiber based on Fluorinated Polymer
- Characterization of floc properties in mineral tailings
- Developing solutions for safer harvesting techniques on steep terrain – Year two
- Adaptive Slicing for Intelligent Network Automation
- Flexible Electronic Implant for Visual Rehabilitation
- Changing children’s awareness and behavior toward environmentally sustainable practices through educative programs
- Modeling and Optimization of the milling process of compressor rotors
- Indigenous Co-Led Reclamation Research Project
- A multiplatform comparison of blood biomarkers in concussion research
- UAV-assisted wireless communication system in remote areas
- Safety assessment and toxicity profile of a Manganese-based contrast agent
- Photo-curable Polysiloxane Resins for Engineered Ferroelectret Films
- Tensor based machine learning with human computer interaction applications
- Optimizations of AC/DC Converters for Powering 5G Network
- Vibration Analysis: Fault detection, classification, prediction
- Defining the Transmission Season and Determining the Gastropod Intermediate Hosts of Crenosoma vulpis, the Fox Lungworm
- A Regular Solution Based Model for Evaluating Asphaltene Stability of Upgraded Heavy Oils – Year two
- Intelligent Analytics for Dynamic Events in a Smart City
- Design and development of a grating-based flow-cytometer
- Development of Technologies and Methods for Metabolite collection and processing
- Comprehensive Study on Dielectric Properties of Rat Brain Tissue Following an Ischemic Stroke at 0.5-10 GHz.
- Characterizing the Mode of Action of Novel Boron-Containing Antifungal Agents for Crop Protection
- Stability and antioxidant properties of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products
- Assessment of indoor environmental quality in the school building
- Gated and RGB Fusion for Robust Perception
- Synthesizing the State of Practice of On-Demand Transit in Canada
- Enhancing exercise adherence in people with persistent musculoskeletal pain using a behaviour change approach
- A Mobile Dual-Arm Robot for Autonomous Cooking Operation
- Automotive detection of urban features from multi-scale imagery using Deep Learning
- Next generation cannabinoids for chronic pain and opioid withdrawal syndrome – An alternative to opioid treatments and stemming the opioid crisis in Canada
- High temperature wear of sand cast and die cast Al and Mg alloys for continuously variable transmission (CVT) and other applications
- The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Defense Policy
- Maximizing Oil Recovery from the Hibernia Oil Field
- Alberta Soil Carbon Quantification Project
- 3D Model-Integrated Automatic Change Detection
- Developing a framework of best practices for multi-sector collaboration fostering integration in child and youth mental health systems.
- Apelin Analog Therapy as an Innovative Treatment for Cardiovascular Diseases
- Tackling Food Insecurity through Innovations in Collaborative Food Systems Governance
- Therapeutic Strategies for Restoring Palmitoylation and Autophagy in Neurodegeneration
- Building ecologically robust lakes for offsetting fisheries productivity – part 2
- The Role of Natural Background Radiation on Neurological Development and Processes
- Towards a Theory of Blockchain as a Socio-Informational-Technical System
- Cognitive Powertrain and Metaveillogrammetric sensing for transportation
- Bioorthogonal spin labeling approaches for high sensitivity electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
- The interplay between mental health, mental illness, sport culture, and athletic performance in Olympic and Paralympic sport
- Investigation and development of strategies for performing constrained inversions of geophysical data for mineral exploration
- Hydrogen Production From Utility-Scale Electrolysis for Fuel Cell Electric Bus Supply in Ontario
- Innovations in Collaborative Food System Governance
- A data-driven framework for integrating visual inspection into injection moulding pipeline
- Evaluation of Clustering Methods on Game Play Data
- Production of renewable fuels from biomass pyrolysis using a dual spinning-disc reactor
- Automatic Verification of Comparators and Hash Functions
- Integration of Machine Learning and AI Based Optimization from IoT Datastreams and Business Information Systems
- Non-destructive Testing of Backfill Strength in Support of Continuous Mining
- Surface water motility due to an imposed air flow for vehicle drying applications
- The nexus of high frequency, big, and long-term data – catalysing new opportunities to support drinking water treatment
- Development of Smart Analytics Software for Remote Water Quality Assessment
- Optimizing the prebiotic profile of donor human milk for preterm infants:feasibility of a new donor milk matching strategy based on maternal secretorstatus
- Design and implementation of plasmonic-enhanced ultra-high frequency terahertz transmitters and receivers
- Pollinator Steward Certification Program
- Upgradation of Bio-crude oils and its fractions into transportation fuels
- Alloy and process optimization for improved mechanical properties in age-hardenable and work-hardenable Al sheet manufactured via a new production process termed thin strip casting, TSC
- 3-Dimensional Construction Printing: Materials and Robotics
- Speaker Diarization for Audio Transcription
- Topology and handover management scheme for satellite networks toenable seamless terrestrial and satellite networks integration
- Balancing organic nutrient solution for hydroponics using specific ion monitoring.
- Exploring Small Vessel Interactions with Cetaceans in the Salish Sea
- Preclinical development of monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of AL cardiac amyloidosis
- Adsorbent screening for CO2, N2, and O2 for Landfill Gas separation by Adsorption
- Constrained Batch Estimation for Train Positioning with Inertial Sensors
- Powered Hip Prosthesis
- Modeling Dune Roughness in a Large Sand-bedded River – Year two
- Development of a next-generation in vivo human gene-editing therapeutic platform – Year two
- A mass balance modelling framework for chemicals and their primary metabolites for ecological and human health assessment – Year two
- Development of an antibacterial membrane for purification of floodwater
- Production of isomalto-oligosaccharides with tailored technological and nutritional functionalities
- Conversion of Greenhouse Gases to Value Added Products
- Accelerate development of new technologies and applications for advanced water treatment – Year 2
- Defining and Targeting Autoimmune Liver Disease
- Improving the Reliability of AI Systems from a Software Engineering Perspective
- Development of safe storage guidelines for Canadian Flax
- Detection and Prediction of Network Vulnerabilities with Machine Learning Models and Algorithms
- Advanced Applied Probabilistic Programming
- Modeling the effects of probiotics in Parkinson’s disease through human stem cell derived midbrain organoids
- Designing for AI/ML Human Interactions in Industrial Condition Monitoring
- Microalgae for the production of plant specialized metabolites of interest – Industrial PDF Fellowship Revision
- Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Service failure in Supply Chain
- Quantitative Security Metrics in 5G Environment
- Erosion studies of southern Ontario tills and St. Lawrence Valley marine clays and assessment of an extreme precipitation prediction approach
- Experimental investigation of allowable engineering properties of regular and composite glulam columns
- Optimal Orientation of Projection Components for an Augmented Reality System
- Coupling the liquid pool and wellbore hydraulic module of the “Prediction and Optimization Software Package” – Part 3
- Development of an Enhanced Ground Control Station Equipped with an Advanced Stand-Alone Virtual Reality Headset
- Investigation of the solubility and tissue distribution of cannabinoids
- Investigation of Low-Ductility Geogrid Reinforcement for Ground-supported Concrete Structures
- A study on soil-pipe interaction: effects of slope grade
- Low-cost Portable Impedance-based Biosensor for Tuberculosis Test
- Microfluidic-based Detection of Chlorine for Future Early Warning of Water Quality Deterioration in Distribution System
- Link Prediction on Knowledge Graphs with Graph Neural Networks
- Real-Time Flood Forecasts using Parallel Cloud Computing and Intelligent Algorithms
- Evaluation and Improvement of High Voltage Module (HVM) of X-ray Generator
- Fostering Indigenous Small-scale fisheries for Health, Economy and food Security in Cree communities of northern Quebec (FISHES)
- New therapeutics against T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Narrowing the Gap Between Software Requirements and Tests
- Soil-structure interaction and design limit states for large-span Ultra-Cor steel bridges
- Innovative Sustained High Strength Silicate Based Shotcretes
- Microwave Sensors Packaging for Liquid Materials Characterization in Harsh Environments
- An Accurate Screening Technique for the Study of Sub-synchronous Controller Interaction in a Power System having Multiple Wind Generators
- End of Life Studies of Coated Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries
- Production Planning and Optimization in Eden Valley Poultry
- Acoustic Emission Testing of Fibers Exposed to Different Environmental Conditions
- Investigation of the effect of UV-LEDs on plant secondary metabolites
- Turbulence flow mapping and wave interactions in the tidal channels of Bay of Fundy
- Using wearable sensor-based technologies to detect changes in health status for prevention of adverse health events and to improve overall quality of life – Year two
- Development of Emergency Response Technologies and Eco-Rehabilitation Framework for Brine Spills
- Developing a mobile screening tool that could predict impairment by leveraging the power of machine learning models
- Network security and machine learning development projects
- Mechanical design of prototype down hole products, test rigs and manufacturing equipment for oil and gas sector
- Translational Oncology Research Data Analysis and Quality Assurance
- Investigating the affect of chlorine carbides on fracture toughness in zirconium alloys used for nuclear applications
- Pacific sand lance habitat management framework
- Crowdsensing-based Wireless Indoor Localization using an Innovative AI & ML Algorithm
- Strategic BC Salmon Health Initiative: effects of pathogens on the health and conservation of BC’s Pacific Salmon- Part 2, Coho salmon
- Accelerating discovery through high-throughput experimentation and machine learning
- Development of the Global Matrix 4.0 Physical Activity Report Card Grades for Children and Youth
- Antimicrobial Coatings Development
- Determination the effectiveness of drought resilient bioretention bed in stormwater management
- Reducing Waste in Seafood Supply Chains to increase Sustainability
- The development of a serum-free media formulation for cultured meat production
- An Integrated Multi-Case Study Approach to Advancing Business-to-Business (B2B) Online Marketing Strategies In an Expanded Multi-sector Study with 15 Companies
- An Integrated Multi-Case Study Approach to Identify Employee Training Best Practices to Drive SME Business Development
- The effect of an affective music recommendation system and auditory beat stimulation on anxiety in the student population
- A community-based ethnography on multiculturalism in practice in a Canadian context
- 2020 International Ice Hockey Federation Women’s World Championship: Legacy Development Project
- Just-In-Time Scaling of Cloud Based Video Games using Machine Learning
- Contactless Length Measurement System for Forestry Applications using Optical Flow
- Green technology for the derivation of pharmaceutically important compounds from marine invertebrates and subsequent development of platform for controlled drug delivery
- Ensemble-based Dimensionality Reduction Model for Wireless Time-Series
- Design of foot orthosis with customized variable stiffness structure using 3D printing techniques
- Promoting Water Stewardship Through Citizen Science with Water Rangers
- Building Navigation Skills Through a Health Literacy Program for Immigrants Living in Rural Communities
- Enhancing Electrical Neuromodulation of Bladder Function in Anesthetized Rats
- Indirect effects of predator control: Examining predator habitat selection and competitive interactions following wolf control in northeastern Alberta
- Augmenting Visions of Public/Access: Critical Disability Studies and Publishing
- Digital Finance Institute Fintech Chatbot Project
- Advancing methods and understanding: Status and drivers of mammal populations in Alberta
- An optical function analysis for thin-film device structures
- The effects of grapevine microclimate manipulations on Pinot Gris glycoside aroma compound abundance and diversity
- Equine Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Ability to Help Fight Bacterial Infections
- Mechanistic characterization of voltage sensor-targeted Kv7 activators
- Fluvial Geomorphology Experiments in support of the Lynn Creek Flood Risk Assessment and Reduction Plan
- Quantum Algorithms on NISQ Devices
- Design of Fast Charging System with Flywheel Energy Storage for Integrated Transportation Electrification and Industrial Facilities
- Adding value from coffee waste: low oxidized sterols in silverskin
- Implementation of a low barrier hydromorphone distribution program to prevent fatal overdoses – Year two
- Automating Configuration and Performance Management of Data Centers – Year two
- Data Science in Pilot Performance Assessment
- Developing Gaze and Movement Key Performance Indicators for User Experience Assessment
- Water Penetration of Brick Veneer Walls Made of Clay Bricks with Large Voids
- Internet-based mental state monitoring using patient’s textual data
- Achieving consistently flavoured sour beers through better chemical understanding
- Developing a Technique for Characterization of Upper Airway and Screening of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Tracheal Breathing sounds
- Developing ‘all-natural’ approaches to food-grade Malic acid production
- Detecting Attacks on Connected Vehicles
- Research on Fast and Accuracy Photonic Integrated Devices and Circuit Simulation Method
- Development of cold anesthetization and packaging technologies for waterless transportation of live shrimp
- Optimization and modeling of BioCord fixed-film technology for nutrient and organic carbon removal from domestic wastewater
- Developing high-capacity composite adsorbents for gold mill processes
- A pilot study to examine the effect of pea protein on limiting the loss of muscle mass during weight loss
- The development and feasibility/acceptability testing of an online mind-body wellness program for primary biliary cirrhosis
- Numerical investigation of the seismic performance of various types of bridge configuration using advanced analysis tools
- Graph-based learning and inference: models and algorithms
- Automatic Adjustment of Photometric Camera Parameters to Improve Visual Motion Estimation
- Development and use of ezrin biosensors for high-throughput screening of novel ezrin inhibitors as anti-metastatic and immune-checkpoint blockade agents
- Deep Learning Technologies for Acoustic Echo Cancellation in Dynamic Environments
- Investigation of Power System Performance with integration of Inverter based Generation
- Predicting aerothermal heating in complex high-speed flows
- Using Technology to Combat Social Isolation
- Design and Fabrication of a dynamic heater on thermochromic PVC with inkjet-printing of silver ink
- Development of upper-arm wearable 24/7 electrocardiogram (ECG) monitor device
- Cell Designs for High-Energy Electrically Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries
- Promoting economic development and vitality of rural communities in Ontario
- Production of in vitro and in vivo bison embryos derived from sexed semen
- Modeling Exfiltration Events in Sunlife Cybersecurity Data
- Development of a softab nutraceutical formulation
- Upgrading of heavy and high heteroatoms containing Hydrofaction™ Oil, to fuel blendstocks via Hydroprocessing and in-situ hydrogen production
- Investigation of cybersecurity issues in using electric vehicle fleets with battery exchange infrastructure
- Determining the value of community based police teams
- Advancing municipal natural asset management through monitoring & engagement
- A New Way Forward: Using Biocultural Approaches to Conservation in Key Biodiversity
- Developing Additive Manufacturing Engineering Design and Analysis Tools for Machine Tool and Robotic Based Bead Deposition Systems
- Case Study Scenarios and Videos for Intercultural Competence Acquisition
- Characterization and Techno-economic Feasibility of Physical Separation of Rare Earth Elements in Coals from East Kootenay Coalfields, British Columbia
- Development of the Metaplex Immuno-Oncology Platform – Immuno-Oncology Component
- Imaging MAO-B in Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorder with Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
- Optical Fiber Communications Systems
- Optimization of Bioink Composition for Efficient Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Chondrogenic Differentiation in an Animal Component-Free Culture
- Evidence-informed Planning and Evaluation of Community Transitions: Impact on Health and Quality of Life (Phase II)
- Exploring the economic impacts of Human-Centered Design in the context of a non profit organization
- Probiotics in pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders
- Tuning the Front End: Increasing Ion Generation for Enhanced Sensitivity in Mass Spectrometry with Multiple ESI Emitters
- Exploration of Hybrid Bio-Nanocomposite Materials for Smart Textiles and Wearable Health Technology
- Health Equity and Barriers to LDKT in South Asian Communities
- Risk assessment and population viability for the critically endangered Taiwanese white dolphin
- Quantitative modelling of habitats for fish, macroinvertebrates, and macrophytes: Assessing potential impacts of hydropower’s proposed environmental flows and climate change in the Saint John River
- Modeling local tone-mapping for raw image reconstruction-aware deep image compressors
- Feasibility assessment and development of knowledge, technology, and tools for mercaptan natural gas odorant monitoring
- The virtual fitting of clothing to a custom avatar
- Adapting Human Performance Techniques, Illusion Aesthetics, and Specialized Apparatus from the World of Stage Conjuring to Contemporary Circus Disciplines – Year two
- Health Records over Blockchains
- Retrofit of Switcher Locomotive: Clean Energy Hydrogen Fuel Cell/ Battery Hybrid (Hydrail) with Innovative High Density H2 Storage
- Advancing municipal natural asset management in engineering practice and beyond
- Ice Hazard Drift Model Study #4 (IHDM4)
- Increasing winter wheat selection efficiency via genomic selection
- Extension of feature selection with a ML algorithm for wireless network traffic prediction
- Interactive, place-based mapping of climate analogs in Yukon’s mountain regions to inform tree species selection in areas of rapid climate change.
- Evaluation of novel approaches to improve the medical information consumption experience for physicians
- Mitigation strategies for acrylamide formation in the bakery sector
- Presence of AM dikaryosis in a culture collection and its impact on plants
- Improving Service Life of Graphite Component Through Advanced Coating
- A reconciliation of the top-down and bottom-up approaches to risk capital allocations
- Hard Anodising of A205 Aluminum Alloy
- Development of an innovative UV-LED based platform for horticultural applications
- Blockchain-based data integrity verification scheme for cloud storage
- Developing an affordable north seeking gyroscopic compass for aerospace, construction, mining and tunneling applications
- Acoustic Emission Testing for Damage Assessment of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipes
- Remediating the AIDS Archive: Networks of AIDS Video Activism
- Novel sensing and actuating technology for gaseous fuel systems
- Industrial Safety Management using Control Theory and Machine Learning
- Graphics Processing Unit Solutions for Power Systems Computer Aided Design: Advanced Development with the University of Winnipeg
- Nutrient removal using a solid state glass adsorbent for treating agricultural waste, waters, and public effluents
- Predicting Warfarin Sensitivity after Cardiovascular Surgery
- Assessing and Identifying Clinical Dead-ends in Intensive Care Settings
- Understanding Montreal festival soundscapes
- Classifying Innovation Management Forms Using Ontology Reasoning
- Preliminary investigation into the use of biocomposites for a solar panel support truss system
- Accelerate development of new technologies and applications for advanced water treatment
- Stratifying colorectal cancer liver metastases using unsupervised clustering of quantitative imaging phenotypes
- Evaluate and improve crop yield estimation models by assimilating UAV and satellite remote sensing data – Year two
- Automating Configuration Management and Deployment in Large-scale Data Centers Augmented with Edge Data Centers – Year two
- Development of MCT4-targeting small molecule inhibitors for management of castration-resistant prostate cancer
- Extraction and identification of potential active ingredient from expired pharmaceutical drugs
- Visualization Analysis of eBus Routes and Facilities
- Deep-Learning for Distributed Intelligent Systems with Applications in Robotics and Computer Vision
- A comparative study of microwave-assisted rock fragmentation versus other explosive-free rock breakage technologies
- Plant community responses to climate change in the northern boreal mountains
- Workplace Resilience Training: Evaluating the impact of the Be Fit at Work program on individual and organizational outcomes
- Voice pitch cues in speech intelligibility, prosody, and memory consolidation, for cochlear implant users
- Development of a microfluidic point-of-care diagnostic device for the discrimination between viral and bacterial infections as a means to reduce antibiotic resistance
- Micro- and Nanofluidics to Measure Fluid Performance in Unconventional Hydrocarbon Extraction
- Machine learning-based optimization of a small-molecule suppressor of the cellular prion protein
- Surface property optimization of an insulation coating for glass
- A Novel AI-Based LED Grow Light
- Evaluation of CH148 Rear Crew Hoist Mission Training Simulator
- Implementation and deployment of a multi-modal underwater network
- Assessing the impact of cell positioning via micropatterning on throughput, precision, and reproducibility of cell-based tests
- Validation of SIMBA capsules for small intestine sampling
- Embedded Computers for Next-Generation DNA Sequencing
- Development and validation of natural source zone depletion quantification protocols for sustainable remediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated sites
- Scaling up remote camera surveys to inform human-wildlife coexistence
- Landfill Odour Management Strategies
- Insight into killer whale habitat quality
- Winter Ecology of Chinook Salmon in the Canadian Salish Sea
- Probabilistic mapping of wetland ecosystems and connectivity in the Okanagan Basin to support wetland conservation and restoration
- Identifying the Key Factors in Adopting Digital ID Service and Profiling the Early Adopters
- Mechanical study and failure analysis on steel spirally tungsten inert gas (TIG) welded tubes
- Evaluating Gradients of Natural and Induced Stress on Fish Blood Parameters; Developing more accurate results from Point-of-Care Devices
- Surveillance and improved control of American foulbrood (AFB) in honey bees in Saskatchewan
- An investigation of the occlusive properties of smart polymeric particles usingquantitative image analysis of dentin microtubules
- Developing a Compact, Medium Range 3D Imaging LiDAR System
- Development of Lignin-based Polymers and Nanomaterials for High Performance Engineering Applications
- Testing Mechanisms for Electrical Distribution Systems in Buildings
- Development, simulation and validation of hybrid energy generation-based isolated microgrid models suitable for the minimization of fuel expenditure and CO2 emissions of an oil and gas drilling rig
- Statistical machine learning for urban transportation system
- Investigation and design of large supercapacitor banks for grid energy storage system
- Automated Identification, Classification, and Measurements of Pipe SurfaceDefects in Different Manufacturing Steps at Evraz
- Identifying Questions for Game-Based Learning through Deep Learning
- Attribute-Driven Automatic Generation of Realistic Face Textures
- Investigations on amino acids for optimal gut health and productivity in broiler chickens raised without antimicrobial growth promoters
- Phytotechnologies Monitoring Impacts and Resilience of Native Species and Northern Climates
- Unified Estimation of turbulence eddy dissipation rate of atmospheric Turbulence for effective flight plan management
- Canadian Oil and Gas Production, Supply Costs, Economic Impacts and Emissions Outlook
- The Great River Rapport
- Scaffolding immersive, non-fiction storytelling collaboration: experiments in live journalism
- Statistical machine learning methods applied to ATB data for debt collection optimization, small business lending decision modelling, and open banking initiatives
- Reinforcement Learning for Predictive Sports Analytics
- Using RTLS and Computer Vision to Extend Worksite Safety
- Microwave Radar System for Stand-off Hazardous Gas Detection and Material Characterization
- Supercritical carbon dioxide processing for the production and standardization of isoflavone extracts from red clover
- Localized cooling of the lower body to maintain core body temperature in Paralympic athletes during heavy exertion
- Optimization Design and In-lab characterization of Optical Phased Arrays (OPAs)
- Sequence Stratigraphic Mapping of point bar deposits in the MU2 and MU3 units of the McMurrayFormation, Sunrise Lease, Athabasca Oil Sands
- Thermal imaging for conservation and restoration success
- Urban microclimate modeling for sustainable building design
- Evaluation of Plant Promotion Growth Promotion and Antifungal effects through the application of the novel strains KGS-2 and KGS-3
- Connecting watershed-scale land-use with coastal wetland ecologicalintegrity: The tributary – coastal wetland nexus in Durham Region
- Comparison of biological effects of Ceylon cinnamon water Extract and metformin
- Optimisation of multistage mixer-settler solvent extraction process for the recovery of value metals in leaching of low-grade ores and secondary materials
- The digital e-commerce logistics and supply chains management using block chain technologies
- Advanced Algorithms and Development for Four-Dimensional Flight Trajectory Optimization for Airline Route Planning
- Mechanisms of Antibacterial Activity of Kisameet Clay, A Natural Clay Mineral from British Columbia, Canada
- Novel treatments for inflammatory bowel disease
- Establish relationship between productivity and raw material properties to control of a Ferrosilicon furnace
- Development and stabilization of novel cannabis oil-derived products for pharmaceutical applications
- An Evaluation of Targeted Physical Environmental Interventions in Louis Brier Home & Hospital
- Simulation of food delivery network
- Development and Understanding of ‘old’ and ‘new’ initiators for cationic polymerization
- Preparing Mountain Tourism for a Warmer and Decarbonized Canada
- Optimizing Return to Sport and Return to Performance After Knee Injuries in Winter Slope Sports: Evidence Based Timelines for Return to Sport and Return to Performance
- Photocatalytic Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air
- Development of new approaches to identifying priority contaminants and evaluate their biological effects in the endangered St Lawrence Estuary Beluga population
- Catalytic oxidative desulfurization of tire pyrolysis oil, fuel oils and their distillates
- Development of Methods to Increase Funding for Scaling-up Climate Solutions
- Synergistic Ionic Liquids – Chitin Nanowhiskers (CNWs) – Epoxy Nanocomposites for Improved Mechanical Properties
- Developing A Framework and Tools for Strategic Management of Invasive Species in Greater Toronto Area, Ontario
- The Future of Ontario’s Manufacturing Workforce: A Roadmap to Assess Needs and Capabilities
- Characterization of a Biolubricant Based on Sulfated Polysaccharide Derived from Brown Algae
- A Virtual reality (VR)-based yoga exercise program targeting upper and lower extremities function in stroke survivors who are discharged home
- Healthcare Utilization in Chronic Pain Patients: A Prospective Examination of Using Cannabis for Therapeutic Purposes
- Wind Field Estimation, Exploitation and Guidance for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Radar Signal Processing and Machine Learning Methods for Human Activityand Fall Event Detection
- Applying design thinking to urban planning: A case study of the Red Deer environmental master planning process
- Probiotics to prevent the Progression of Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis to Cirrhosis
- Development of tools to assess genetic and age structuring of the Atlantic Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)
- Development and Optimization of a Pile Integrated Geo-Exchange System
- Synthesis of graphene and graphitic films
- Paving the way to concrete 3D printing for sustainable housing in cold regions
- Development of experimental test facilities and rigorous testing protocols to characterize non-linear pitot probe measurements in the vicinity of a deformable bluff body to be used at AeroLab Technology
- Seismic performance of helical pile groups and their cost efficiency as alternative to driven piles
- Plotly + PyFR: Real-Time Visualization for Extreme-Scale Aerodynamics
- Innovating Corrosion Measurement for Your Vehicle
- Chronotype-based recommendations for shift workers to improve sleep and work performance
- CCREST: Cold Cracking by Resonance Energy for Sustainable Technologies – Year two
- Sensor Development and System Intelligence for Smart Hive and Apiary Management
- Meta-information Extraction from Large-scale Streaming News for Entity-level Media Intelligence and Reporting
- Application development for use of “CLiC” single-molecule imaging in pharmaceutical sciences
- Impact of early life nutrition on nutrient utilization, physiology, and health status of piglets
- Medication Adherence Using HomeEXCEPT’s Non-Intrusive Monitoring Platform
- COOL WORLD:Researching the intersections of community collaboration, technology, and social justice
- Decolonization, engagement and multi-sectoral collaboration from an urban Indigenous perspective.
- Modeling of membrane fatigue in fuel cells
- Development of the library of nanoparticle contrast probes for tissue clearing 3D microscopy compatible with multi-modal imaging in fluorescence, dark field, MRI, CT and electron microscopy modalities
- Investigation of the therapeutic benefit of phytocannabinoids and Cannabis extracts in Alzheimer’s disease using a novel 3D in vitro model.
- Optimizing acclimatization of in-vitro produced Cannabis genotypes for enhanced survival and long-term performance
- Best Practice Framework for Healthcare Innovation Infrastructure, Implementation and Learning Campus
- Developing, Refining, and Implementing Specialty Additive Manufacturing Tool paths and Development of a Heat Transfer Framework for Bead Based Deposition Systems
- Genetic mapping and characterization of loci controlling resistance to powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum) in Cannabis sativa
- Solar Based Energy Solution for Zero-Carbon Transportation
- Production of animal feed using Methylophilus methylotrophus
- Developing methods to isolate regulatory innate lymphocytes
- Building the capacity of mainstream services to support newcomers to Alberta
- Systematic Conservation Planning in Tsay Keh Dene Territory: Incorporating Climate Change and Bridging Traditional Ecological Knowledge
- Effect of chemical composition on machining of Inconel 625/718 components by machine learning and microstructural analysis
- Orpheus VR – Exploring Intersections of Narrative and Sound in Virtual Reality
- Assessing the Sustainability of Snowmobiling Trails across Ontario
- Biosensing JFET platform with printed graphene gate and customizable functionalization
- Translation for educational change: Translator identity and the Global Storybooks project
- Automobile Purchasing Behaviorial Data Collection, Management, and Analysis
- Improved process modeling and optimization of the Birla Carbon Process
- Optimum landmark placement for improving accuracy of pedestriandead reckoning in indoor localization
- Detection of enumeration attacks in cloud environments using infrastructure log data
- Affine Multivariate GARCH Models
- Few-shot Generative Adversarial Networks
- Numerical modeling and optimization of the coagulation-flocculation process for seawater pre-treatment
- Key standards, Industry Best Practices, Future Development for Cyber Security Strategy on BC Hydro’s Industrial Control Systems
- Humic Land, a biological promoter of crop growth and the soil microbiome
- Evaluation of self-sovereign identity and ethics of data in public safety
- Understanding factors limiting Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) abundance in the foothills of Alberta
- Development and application of a field method that evaluates propulsive force generation and transfer in Canoe Kayak Sprint
- NetRepAIr: Making networks reliable for next-generation applications using AI/ML techniques
- Selection and Standardization of a Metabolite Profile for Diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
- A Novel Treatment for Emphysema by Radiofrequency in Rodents and Large Animals
- Optimization of Biodistribution and Efficacy of Fusogenix Nanoparticles in Mouse Model
- Groundless MEMS DC Voltage Sensors for Electric Power Utilities
- Application of Machine Learning to Vision-Based Pose Data for Exercise Classification
- Development and testing of novel antimicrobial fabrics
- Automated clinical note generation from clinician-patient dialogues
- Impedimetric Sensor for Detection of ?9 -Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
- Advanced rechargeable zinc lithium-ion battery – Part 3
- Developing and evaluating multi-functional rain gardens
- Transcritical CO2 Pulverization
- Performative Construction: Configuring a Computer-controlled Robotic Manufacturing Setting for Composite Wood Buildings
- Her Own Boss! Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Newcomer Visible Minority Women
- Safe and Effective Enclosure for Electric Baseboard Heaters
- The function of estuarine habitat in the life history of juvenile ChinookSalmon: physical habitat, prey availability, and their relationship to fishbehaviour.
- Machine Learning-Assisted History Matching for Light and Tight Oil Reservoirs
- Separating Syntax and Semantics for Semantic Parsing
- Rapid scaling of viral spike protein production for SARS-CoV-2 testing using Phaeodactylum tricornutum
- Social Innovation Language and Narratives in Edmonton, Alberta: An Intersectional Approach
- Carbon cycling, transport, and fate in Canada’s forests under a rapidly changing climate: Scale matters in systems with short biogeochemical attention spans
- Synergistic Effects of Environmental Factors on Electrochemical Corrosion and Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) of a High?Strength Pipeline Steel
- Machine learning in the operating room: focus, performance, and the medical record
- The real world of environmental pollutants: New approaches to identifying priority contaminants in the Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale food web
- Employing Raman Spectroscopy for monitoring a vaccine manufacturing process
- Forecasting Ability of Non-consumer Scorecards and their Ability to Predict Probability of Default
- Dynamic Credit Scoring
- Drivers of Time to Resolution, Application of LASSO Regression and Random Forest
- Graduating from the Integrated Periphery: Turkey’s Attempt to Becomea “Core” Automotive Nation and Its Implications for Non-CoreAutomotive-Producing Countries like Canada
- Multi-scale direct measurements and source determination of methane emissions in Montréal
- Evaluating anthropogenic impacts on arctic breeding raptors
- Extensive post treatment monitoring project: barrier remediation on salmonid streams in British Columbia
- Nano-engineered concrete and composites with advanced graphene-based 2D nanomaterials
- Work, Family, Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Using Additive Manufacturing to Minimize COVID 19 Transmission – Product & Process Development Support
- British Columbia – A History
- Accelerating eVTOL Research Outcomes (AeRO)
- Discovery and characterization of a new platform of drugs to address multi-drug resistance in pathogenic bacteria
- Hans Kai Trial: an Evaluation of a Peer-led Preventative Health Intervention
- A Needs Assessment of Community Resources and Services for People with Cancer and Their Families in New Brunswick
- Single fit bespoke bra for atypical breast dimension and shape
- Spatio-Temporal Human Activity Recognition on Manufacturing Floors
- Wearable Technologies for Inferring and Enhancing Vestibular Balance Function
- Screening of Adsorbents for Lithium Extraction from Saskatchewan Brine Deposits
- Water Quality and Waste-Solids Dewatering at a Zero-Exchange Recirculating Aquaculture System
- Scaling Security Architecture
- Synthesis of Fluorinated Cannabinoids
- Constrained dynamic pricing for airport parking reservations
- Development of Applications of Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Year two
- Natural products for Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) pest management
- Impact of garlic supplementation and Residual Feed Intake profile on the occurrence of liver abscesses in feedlots
- Development of a handheld water quality monitoring platform incorporating a low-cost electrochemical sensors array
- Milk spectral signature of transition success or failure
- Assessing and managing acoustic disturbance to bowhead whales in the Canadian Arctic
- The development of a smart, fast and reliable engineering design software package for applications in structural and geotechnical engineering design
- Predicting physiological activity using sensor networks
- Developing a visual analytics system for predicting AKI and identifying its risk factors among hospitalized patients
- Development of a platform for the passive transdermal delivery of macromolecules possessing a wide range of physicochemical properties
- Eng/aging and HIV: Knowledge Exchange Between Administrative Data Project and Aging Individuals with HIV/AIDS in British Columbia
- Edge Streaming for 360-degree Videos
- Monitoring and Suppression of Smallmouth Bass in Cultus Lake, BC
- Evaluation and development of a waste heat utilization strategy for the Hamilton Bayfront Industrial Area
- Habitat security mapping for improving human-wildlife coexistence in the Bow Valley
- Insecurity of tenure as a lesser known health and wellbeing crisis: Health and wellbeing perspectives of young families and children living without security of tenure
- Covalent and non-covalent interactions self-supervised representation of molecules for chemotherapeutic drug design
- Research into Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Explainability
- Development of Inexpensive Bio-based Insulation Foams from Crop Residues and Agricultural Wastes
- Storytelling for Justice: Documentary, Semi-Documentary, and Fictional Media
- Enhancement of Canine Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Immune-Modulatory Properties and In Vivo Feasibility Testing in Elbow Dysplasia Patients
- Mesurer l’impact socio-économique d’initiatives en éducation financière dans un pays en voie de développement : Méthodologies proposées
- Classification and Anomaly Detection of Network Traffic at the edge using Transfer Learning
- Effects of Cattle Grazing Intensity on Soil Nematode Communities in Wet Meadow Rangelands
- Integration of hippocampal subfield measurements into a streamlined MRI volumetry pipeline using deep learning
- Geographic Risk Visualization for Unmanned Traffic Management
- Support cases resolution retrieval
- Relevance of security intelligence data for cyber insurance risk quantification
- Achieving energy efficiency and quality control during veneer drying with data-driven approaches
- Additive manufacturing of high-performance polymer parts for aerospace application
- Development of a Novel Flow Diverter Design for the Treatment of Cerebral Bifurcation Aneurysm
- Coupling the liquid pool and wellbore hydraulic module of the “Prediction andOptimization Software Package” – Part 4
- Effects of Coating Pre-treatment on the Filiform Corrosion of Aluminum Finishes
- Numerical modeling of a novel bucking coil for time-domain electromagnetic geophysics
- Mass Timber Material Estimation Tool for Use in Early Stages of Project Design
- Oat Conversion to Milk and Nutrient Recovery Optimization
- Developing a regional approach to modelling the co-benefits urban forest ecosystem services provide.
- Role of Wetlands in Carbon Export from Forested Watersheds
- Novel Microwave Welding for Thermoplastic Polymer Components
- Development of compact and portable vibrometer for microfluidics cantilevers for blood diagnostics
- Development and Improvement of Solantro Self-Forming Nano-Grid (SFnG)
- Prototyping and testing of novel facemasks for protection against SARS-CoV-2 aerosol transmission
- Building an active learning module to accelerate the validation and qualification of image-based biomarkers for blinding eye disease
- LiDAR-based object detection and tracking for real-time parking availability monitoring
- Free-Piston Direct-Drive Thermal Engine for Waste Heat Applications
- Securing elastic radio access networks – Year two
- A Multi-Case Study to Advancing Accounting, Financial Reporting, and Performance Management Strategies
- Addressing Knowledge Gap in Sustainable Financing and Investment for Climate Conscious Canadian Investors
- Research on Wideband Tunable Semiconductor Laser
- Project #160018b: Automated and Connected Electric Vehicle Integration- Detection of Trojan Hardware by Using Machine Learning
- Developing cannabis-specific bioinoculant for sustainable organic production
- Development and Assessment of Cognitive Workload Toolkit for Atlas Copco Operators in Manufacturing
- Identifying High-Risk Medications Associated with Acute Kidney Injury in Older Patients: A Visual Analytics Approach
- Expecting the Unexpected: Disaster Vulnerability and Evacuation Planning
- 3D imaging of solid state batteries
- Addressing the Needs of Homeless Youth: The Implementation of ‘Housing First’ in a Medium-Sized Canadian City
- Multiplexed confocal FLIM microscope for Drug Discovery
- Understanding the Operational, Human, and Policy Implications for a Roadmap to Canada’s Next Generation 9-1-1 Services
- The/La Collaborative Social Innovation. Developing capacity building oportunities for community service agencies
- Comprehensive study of oil refinery corrosion by Naphthenic Acid: A chemical approach
- Producing LiOH from low-lithium bearing brines
- Improved Radiative Recombination in Silicon Carbide Through Neutron Irradiation
- Advantages of Automation of Communication between Security Platforms
- WiFi-based Driving Activity Recognition in Vehicles
- Multi-source data fusion to assess the impact of roadworks on secondary travel demand
- System Design and Integration in Residential Student Housing
- Reporting Automation Platform (RAP)
- How do people labelled with intellectual disabilities experiencing care in the developmental services sector define person-centered care?
- Secure Business Transformation and Enablement Services
- Digital Fabrication and Design using Ultra-High Performance Concrete
- Data collection to support an oyster aquaculture development area
- Deep retrofit strategies for long-term care facilities and multi-unit residential buildings
- Test-taker perceptions of an occupation-specific language proficiency test: Evaluating workforce access for internationally educated nurses in Canada
- Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety and Depression
- Work, Family, Life of Police Offices and Their Families During and After a Pandemic – Examination of an Extreme Case
- Adapting to COVID-19: Private Business, Public Infrastructure and the New Normal
- Designing and Evaluating Information Visualization Techniques to Increase Privacy Policy Comprehension in Multi-Device Environments
- Chemical and biological characterization of the non-tetrahydrocannabinoid profiles of medicinal plants
- Portable Low-cost Fast Impedance-based Point-of-care Diagnostic Device for COVID-19
- Gas-Diversion Detection Techniques using Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing
- Assessment and Validation of a Controlled Indentation Probe for Intraoperative Measures of Bone Quality and Humeral Implant Stability
- Using atomistic simulations to better understand the performance of materials in various space environments
- Data-Centric Approaches for Vertical Agriculture
- Corrosion assessment of pyrolysis/hydrothermal liquefaction bio-oils: effects of upgrading treatments by catalytic hydro-de-oxygenation (HDO) in supercritical methanol/ethanol
- Real world testing of online cognitive training and rehabilitation programs
- WiFi Indoor Localization and Geofencing
- SOTI SNAP Widget Enhancement
- Road Accident Severity Detection using Telematics and Environmental Data from Connected Vehicles
- An Investigation of Service Mesh(es) and Security Models Within and Across Multiple Distributed Systems
- The Short- and Long-Term Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Ontario Manufacturers, Manufacturing Employees, and Supply Chains
- Photodynamic Therapy for Annihilating COVID-19 Virus
- Does cannabidiol mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and potential therapies for COVID-19?
- Rural Response to COVID-19: A case study of Perth Huron, Ontario
- Effect of Hydrostatic Testing Pressure on High-temperature Fatigue Life of Boiler Wall Tubes
- Advancing Community Energy Transitions in BC with Online Tools
- Understanding the impact of microfinance on women’s wellbeing: A case of Vietnam
- An Integrated Decision Support Framework for Off-site Construction Supply Chain
- Joule M&V AI
- The Efficacy of Goal Management Training for Cognitive Remediation among Public Safety Personnel with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Using OMICs to assess contaminant related exposure and effects in Fraser River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
- Capturing change: Understanding the physical and psychosocial impacts of adaptive bikes
- The Psychometric Development and Validation of the Canadian Reconciliation Barometer
- Development of Green Ceramic formulations, testing and manufacturing process from Alberta oil sands tailings – part 2
- TBIFinder : A new approach to identify and properly assess mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) – Part 2
- AI based acoustic signal processing and analysis and its applications
- Implementation of an ice load / structural integrity assessment tool in a real-time ship operations training simulator
- Greening the Canadian Landscape
- Climate Change Adaption for Masonry Material, Construction and Design
- Modeling semi-batch reactive crystallization processes for particle sizecontrol and process scale-up
- User-Friendly Design Charts for Optimizing the Evaluation and Repair ofConcrete Beams using Fiber Reinforced Polymer
- Identification of plant immunity activators that protect cucumbers from bacterial and viral pathogens for commercial use in the agriculture sector
- Development of AI-enabled Tools for Advanced Clinical PET/CT Imaging of Cancer Patients
- Development of a biocompatible coating for an implantable magnetic marker
- Estimation Methods for Geospatial Data Management
- Development of Energy Flow Emulators for Greenhouse and Industrial Facilities
- Accelerated Time-Stepping for Computational Aerodynamics
- Development of a Methane Flux Sensor
- UV Mapping Assistance through Deep Learning
- CO-Away: A Rapid Response Digital Tool to Tackle COVID-19
- A robust, device agnostic client platform for EMR integration: A proposed architectural model and UI/UX design for a mobile health client portal
- Developing a tool to identify epitopes for drug therapy using semi-supervised and supervised machine learning
- Cardiac sensor to detect changes in heart dysfunction related to COVID-19 virus
- Exploring the modern possibilities of AI Directors
- Chemical targeting of HDAC6 as a strategy for anti-viral drug discovery
- COVID-19 Monitor: a rolling public opinion study on the dynamics of the pandemic
- Tooliaba Tool Rental Platform SAAS UX/UI Testing and Development
- A Study of social enterprise innovations in business tools and structures to support greater affordability and increased access to cohousing in Canada
- Development of Technologies for Treatment and Management of OTSG and Evaporator Blowdown Wastes from Oil Sands Operations
- Tracking the parasympathetic nervous system, emotions, and wellbeing in chronic pain conditions
- Targeting Semaphorin 3C in Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer
- An automated system to identify and extract key structural components in academic written texts or genres
- Breaking Biofilms with Ordinary Polymers – Light-Activated Antimicrobial Crosslinkers
- A Community-Based Participatory Action Research Project to Examine How People Who Use Drugs are Represented in Anti-Stigma Campaigns and How Anti-Stigma Work Can be Made More Inclusive
- Portable Colorectal Screening Colorimetric Metabolite Biosensor
- Spinning Multi-Beam LiDAR (VLP-16) new mapping scheme and the effect on the generated 3D point cloud : Point density and Thin features extraction in a Mobile mode of operation
- Optical device for accurate and real-time assessment of liver fat content in human subjects
- In-clinic wearable sensors for total knee replacement recovery analysis
- Engineered Biofilms for Detection & Degradation of Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater
- Portable Thermo-Photonic Device for On-Site Detection and Quantification of Cannabis Consumption
- Development and Commercialization of Photoresponsive Red-Shifted Gene-Silencing Agents
- Precision Phosphene Control Through Non-invasive Cutaneous Stimulation
- Monitoring System for “Flushable” Consumer Products in Urban Wastewater Collection Systems
- Product Development of 65W Digital PD Adapter
- A Window into the Future: Dye?Sensitized Solar Cells in Buildings
- Hybrid low-Inertia Turbine Storage System (HITSS)
- Robust, Efficient, and Scalable Control of Hybrid Energy Systems usingArtificial Intelligence Planning
- AutoMate: A physiological fatigue detection system for drowsy driving prevention
- Rapid bioprinting of ring structures using primary lung epithelial cells for drug screening and wound healing assay
- In-field real time phosphate monitoring system for algal bloom prevention
- A scalable lab-grown meat with tuneable fat content using tissue engineering techniques
- Commercial-Scale Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition Technology
- Network-wide bicycle monitoring
- Complete destruction of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water and by-products minimization via a novel Boron-Doped-Diamond anodes electrochemical oxidation
- Development of High-Fidelity Computational Continuum MechanicsSoftware
- Genomic tools development for international high sea salmon research
- Advancing Clean Energy in Remote Communities
- Moose responses to anthropogenic forest disturbance
- Wahkohtowin Northeast Superior Guardian Program
- Incorporating fish movement and sensitive benthic habitat in the ecosystem approach to fishery management of Canada’s sablefish fishery
- Pattern Recognition in an Internet of Personal Health (IoPH) Platform
- Consequence assessment of potential tailings storage facility failures within the Canadian context
- Rapid detection of Salmonella in fresh produce using a paper-based microfluidic device based on recombinase polymerase amplification and lateral flow immunoassay
- Applying Data Science and Machine Learning Techniques to Canadian Oil and Gas Extractions
- Part 2 (extension): Long-term evaluation of corticosteroid-releasing formulations to suppress implant device- related foreign body reactions and fibrosis
- Low-order Model of Supersonic Fluidic Oscillator for Superplastic Forming
- Creating a machine learning model to predict activity in playgrounds across North America
- Analysis of Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Text Conversations collected during a pandemic and the adaptation of TxtSquad’s Technology Platform for Community-based organizations and small businesses
- SOTI SNAP Digital Signage
- A rapid detection test (RDT) to determine surface contamination by the SARS-CoV2 virus
- Cellular inflammatory and anti-viral effects of BOLD-100, a novel therapeutic agent in development for COVID-19
- Ultraviolet inactivation of Covid-19
- Economic Impacts and Influence of COVID-19 on Syrian Refugee Settlement and Integration in Rural Canada
- Investigating Photocatalysis using Visible Light for inactivation of the virus SARS-CoV-2
- COVID-19 and the Future of Ontario’s Agricultural Workforce
- Exploring and Improving Self-supervised Methods for Large-scale Video Recognition
- Determining the antiviral properties and mechanism of actions of BOLD-100 against SARS-CoV-2 in 2D and 3D cell culture systems
- The development of SARS-CoV-2 lateral flow strip using genetically engineered viral antigen
- PGX-processed yeast beta-glucans as an inhalable immunomodulating therapeutic for COVID-19 patients
- Therapeutics and Catalysts for the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A 20 minute molecular diagnostic of COVID-19 within a “swab”
- Targeting SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) methyltransferases (nsp10-nsp14 and nsp10-nsp16 complexes) toward developing small molecule antiviral therapeutics
- Mine Revegetation in the Yukon
- Stand-alone Low-cost Millimeter-Wave/Terahertz Security Inspection Imaging System
- Validation of a weighted wearable training system for hockey skating
- Air Quality and Heat-Related Health (and Death) Effects of Increasing Green areas: the case study of the Greenbelt’s Urban River Valleys
- Spatial Dynamics of Narwhal in a Rapidly Changing Environment
- Measuring the Contribution of Equipment to Performance: Using portable inskateinstrumentation to optimize skate boot/blade set up, training andperformance in world class speed skaters.
- Advanced Analytics for Diesel Flash Point Inferential
- Data use for HIV Prevention in Malawi
- Supporting broadband, transportation, and trade policy using quantitative and qualitative tools
- Detailing the Life-History, Biology, and Population Ecology of Phorodon cannabis
- Design and development of a big data analytics system to accommodate dynamic risk modeling of emergency responder delays at active rail crossings
- Urban Indigenous Housing in BC: Means of and barriers to addressing Indigenous housing need in municipal housing policies and plans
- Design of Advanced Control Systems for Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing
- Evaluating the Long-Term Sustainability of Natural Systems in Ontario’s Greenbelt
- Evaluating Tile Drainage/Water Management Effects on Wheat, Canola and Soybeans productivity in Heavy Clay Soils
- Advanced photogrammetric data capture and data analysis for improved rehabilitation planning and infrastructure spending
- Material Formulation and Sheet Extrusion of Thermoplastic-Graphite Composites for Compression Molding of PEMFC Bipolar Plates
- Testing, Integration, and Optimal Control Strategy of Residential Hybrid HVAC System
- Detection for Smart Home Devices’ Environment with Neural Network
- Data Science: From Principle to Practice
- Development of targeted degradation of Nuclear Receptor Binding SET Domain Protein 2 (NSD2) by Proteolysis-targeting chimera (PROTAC) for the study of its role in SARS-CoV-2 infections
- Explore efficiently automated parallel hyperparameter search for optimizing machine learning models over large scale cloud cluster
- Towards a lab-on-a-chip-based rapid-screening system for pathogens
- Investigating strategies for optimizing immunity to COVID-19: examining the impact of probiotic lactic acid bacteria-derived secretomes on epithelial cell and macrophage immune activity
- Biomarkers of susceptibility for COVID-19 in wastewater for the purpose of epidemic forecastin
- Helping Servus Members Reach Financial Goals via Transfer Learning
- Diversity and abundance of and effects of anthropogenic development (forestry harvesting) on crepuscular aerial insect populations (primarily lepidoptera, coleoptera) and how they influence an aerial insectivore (Eastern whip-poor-will)
- Extraction of alternative biomarkers from a functional description of homeostasis
- Methods to improve SNR of a small-scale NMR system forin-vivo biomarkers monitoring
- Development of easy-to-prepare pulse-based meals for consumption by office workers to combat the negative health consequences of a sedentary work environment – Year two
- Enzymatic nano-immobilisation facilitated by 2D materials for antifouling coatings – Year two
- Forced Air Ozone Reactor and Advanced Oxidative Process as an Alternative to Post-harvest Washing for Decontaminating Fresh Produce – Year two
- Radon: Building a BC Based Response – Year two
- Charging/Discharging Mechanisms of Manganese Oxide Positive Electrodes in Zinc-Ion Batteries
- Brainstem and cerebellar seizures: novel measures, modulations, and relationship to SUDEP
- Machine Learning for Cancer Treatment Plan Benchmarking
- A Wide Bandgap Based Step-up Power Converter With Enhanced Self-Reconfigurability for Medium Voltage Renewable Power Network
- Development of ballistic/knife resistant composite panels for personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Using Social Media to Address Misinformation about HPV and Influenza Vaccines: An Intervention on Facebook
- Towards quantum?encoded optical communications over existing fiber networks
- Artificial Intelligence in Mass Transit
- Multi-SNP prediction model for lung function decline
- Grid-Forming Techniques for Converter-Dominated Power Systems
- Hardware and Software Integration for Automated Drone Surveillance
- AI in Ophthalmology triage automation
- Graduate Research Assistant for the TRANSFORM Project
- Casting and Production of HT9 for Advanced Reactor Fuel Cladding
- Detection and Characterization of the Synovium in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
- CFD simulation and analysis of gas separation using dual-spinning disk reactors
- Identification of Key Microbes from Spontaneous Beer to Improve Mixed Fermentations
- Getting to Work: Investigating Labour Market Challenges in Saugeen Shores, Ontario
- Applied Machine Learning for Early Detection of Retinal Toxicity
- Forum Representation for Cross-Domain Recommendation
- Recommending Benefits Utilization to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle
- Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning
- Analysis and optimization of a novel thermal storage system for ground-source heat pumps
- Learning Discussion Thread Representations to Empower Conten-based Recommendation
- Designing ‘Zero credit touch’ (ZCT) pre-approved credit underwriting program for retail customers
- Using NLP models to fetch SQL data via voice command for SOTI SNAP Analytics (NL-to-SQL)
- Multilingual B2B Supplier Detection and Information Extraction
- iStandardize: Recommendations for Healthcare Form Standardiz
- Applications of Quantum Monte Carlo Sampling
- Learning to Rank through User Interest Mining: Towards Search Personalization
- Improving Q-RT-PCR screening for COVID-19 by tracking viral variants
- Spoken Language Identification for Children
- SOTI SNAP Blockly – Building Apps Without Programming
- Design and Development of COVID-19 Automated UV Object Disinfection Cabinet
- SOTI SNAP SDK For creating third-party widget
- The design and implementation of a gamified eHealth movement and mindfulness solution for school-aged children
- To develop an AI algorithm for continuous monitoring of mental health status using publicly available datasets
- Youth Employment & Education and the COVID-19 Impact
- Short Text Similarity Calculation and Related Question Recommendation in Customer Service Chatbots
- Monitoring Vital Signs and Location for COVID-19 detection
- Indoor Mapping based on recorded videos
- Intelligent physiological monitoring platform to safeguard the health and safety of workers during heat stress and COVID-19
- Development of an at-home diagnostic test for COVID-19 using a multi-layered tablet
- Integration of Data Mining into a Homomorphically Encrypted System: Enabling COVID-19 Researchers to Discretely Mine Sensitive Data
- Characterization of antiviral coatings: Wetting studies and efficacy
- Enhanced Content-Based Similarity Detection for Book Recommendation
- Mobile Data Usage & Signal Strength – Manage, Analyze and predict estimated data usage and signal strength to conduct automatic cause analysis using deep neural network and unsupervised learning techniques
- Exploratory pharmacokinetic and preliminary efficacy modelling of select orally administered antiviral compounds following DehydraTECH formulation enhancement
- Infection and Immunity Screening
- Engineered Polymers for siRNA Therapy of COVID-19
- Asset Information Modelling for Non-Urban Environments (AIM-NUE)
- Wise Practices in Indigenous Entrepreneurship Education
- Development of Functional Calcium Imaging with Quartet®, for studying odor memory circuits
- Optimizing the use of recycled treated fines in eco-efficient concrete mixtures
- A blood test to diagnose western red-cedar asthma
- Wearable Continuous Health Monitoring Device Capable of Early Detection of COVID-19 in Patients and Tracking Their Health Condition
- Automated Part Numbering for 3D Printed Medical Devices for Covid-19 Response using Generative Design Methodologies
- Analysis, design, and implementation of a recommendation engine to suggest charities
- Ovarian Cancer Research Program
- A combined fluid dynamic and strain analysis approach for non-invasive estimate of local aortic wall properties and aortic wall strength mapping
- Novel Perovskite Nanoparticle Water Quality Sensor
- Integration of Indigenous Knowledge and Western science to produce value-added fishery products in northern Manitoba
- Improving Resource Estimation with Machine Learning
- Hydrogel Ionotronic Solar Cell
- “Transit Gender Sunshine List”: Assessment of Representation of Women as CEOs and Directors of Canadian Transit Systems
- Wireless charging based on capacitive-inductive resonance
- Toward Net Zero Transportation – Validating environmental benefits of Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles
- Evaluating the impact of culturally-sensitized brokerage or coaching on refugee newcomers’ nutritional acculturation in a pilot program
- Design of Novel Catheter Systems for Local Drug Delivery and Cryogenic Lung Biopsy
- An integrated system for gear condition monitoring and predictive maintenance
- The correlation and validation of functional markers and biomarkers for m/sTBIpopulations during simple and complex tasks – Year 1
- Investigation into molecular mechanism of CRV431, a cyclophilin inhibitor, for anti-fibrotic and anti-oncogenic potential in various animal models
- Gelatin coated self-made manganese dioxide as cathode material in aqueous rechargeable zinc-ion battery
- Constructing New Statistical Approaches with CRM to Determining Membership Value to Customers: Evidence from CBA Data
- Novel healthcare focused videoconferencing system and Congenital Anomaly detection using Deep Learning
- The Representation of Visible Minorities, Indigenous Peoples and Women in Senior Leadership Positions in London, Ontario
- Work Improvement and Data Analytics for Industrial Steel Fabrication
- The Development of Anti-gingivitis Probiotics Derived From the Human Oral Microbiome
- Ultrasound image analysis for identifying blood in an existing effusion in knee joint
- Innovations in Marine Food Systems
- Ex-vivo Device for Screening the Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccines and Producing Antibodies
- Heavy Gauge Line Pipe Development with The Thermomechanical Processing Model Implementation
- Mitigating Snowy Owl Aircraft Collisions by Relocation
- Machine learning and the COVID Black Box: Safe monitoring of COVID-19 ICU beds, assessment centres, and surgeries
- Pricing model from econometric perspective and visualizing promotion cannibalization effect on promotion activities
- Developing a Remote Search Engine for Histopathology Scans
- Understanding the Mechanism of Probiotics for Oral & Respiratory Health
- Combined relational and BERT-ranking for multilingual ad hoc document retrieval
- Rural community pandemic research response at the Applied Research and Innovation Center – Selkirk College
- Development of paper-based Rapid Diagnostic Kit for COVID-19
- Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: Identifying and analyzing inter-systemic cascades
- Development of bead-based detection of SARS-CoV-2 IgM/IgG in a multiplex POCT platform
- Distributed Learning over Edge Computing to Support Covid-19 Modelling
- Analysis of Emotional Well-Being via CheckingIn
- Managing Mental Health: A Survey-Based Research Evaluation of a COVID-19 Emergency Mental Health Counselling Program
- Development, characterization and Life Cycle Assessment of Smart Marine Coatings
- Gather: Testing and upscaling a Referrals Management Tool
- Developing a Multiphysics FEA Model of an Inductive Conductivity Sensor
- Back to Basics: A Sustainable Response to COVID-19
- Project Yellow Cricket: Fantasy hockey data analysis and pattern recognition
- Going On-line with Cognitive Rehabilitation: Testing and Implementing Web-based Goal Management Training at Clinical and Commercial Levels – Year two
- Noninvasive blood glucose monitoring system by midinfrared spectroscopy
- The use of an affect-based music selection algorithm and embedded auditory beat stimulation as an intervention for high-anxiety populations
- Athletes Embodied: Developing and disseminating a sport-specific body image program
- Automation of the manufacturing process design
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Habitat use of Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) in Amazonian Streams Using Remotely Sensed Imaging and Radio Telemetry
- A Novel Methodology for Online Measurement of Fly Ash Degradation of Amine Solutions
- Applying Machine Learning to Develop Meaningful Rail Condition Indices
- A Framework for Enhancing Fire Safety Engineering Education in Quebec
- Monitoring the sustainability of agricultural system for Ontario’s Greenbelt
- Interpretable dimensionality reduction of multivariate time series data using LSTM based autoencoders
- Development and Characterization of COVID-19 vaccine candidate
- AAV Vectored Immunoprophylaxis for Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 in the Elderly and Immunocompromised
- Low cost wearable and continuous temperature sensor for COVID-19 pre-screening with remote monitoring (TEMPOS)
- What are the factors influencing the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 among Canadians?
- An examination of gamification methods to improve user engagement: A case study of a system to manage expertise during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Development and optimization of durable, non-release antiviral coatings for public spaces
- Assessment of anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of metal-ion-filament laced 3D-printed personal protective equipment
- Novel Portable Sensor to Reveal “Hidden” COVID-19 Infection
- Improving avalanche forecasts in data-sparse areas with physical snowpack modelling – Year two
- Total Versus Bioaccessible Soil Sterilants (Bromacil and Tebuthiuron)
- Predicting the Fair Market Value of a Real Estate Asset
- Energy Optimization Design Tool for Data-driven Building Massing
- Frontline organizations and emergency planning in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Development of an assay for personalized synergistic blockade immunotherapy treatment of COVD-19 patients using CytoFind™
- Development and evaluation of the OptiSolve Pathfinder optical assay for viral particle detection on surfaces in environmental monitoring
- Deciphering the catalyst-ionomer interface in fuel cells: Molecular dynamics simulations of local transport properties
- A Step Towards a Lower Carbon Future: Integrating Closed Loop Geothermal Technology in District Cooling Applications
- Changes in the impact attenuation performance of field-used hockey helmets over time
- Development of the Metaplex Immuno-Oncology Platform – Formulation Component
- Next generation cannabinoids for pain, inflammatory response, and cancer – Utilizing allosteric pathways in GPCRs to achieve greater specificity and bias
- Radiofrequency coil design for intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Obstacles and Opportunities in Improving Social Service Intake Referral Processes
- Exploring barriers and facilitators in achieving positive sexual health among trans-femme youth
- Enhancing the Economic and Social Impacts of Community Foundations in Rural Manitoba
- An appliance and methodology for making customizable food bars with optimal textural properties
- Reliability evaluation of strain-based design for pipelines using probabilistic demand/capacity models
- Interaction between dietary fiber fermentation kinetics and consequences for protein and mineral metabolism in growing pigs
- Catalytic Heavy Oil Upgrading Using Natural Gas
- Water-based “Ink” Formulations for Metal 3D Printing
- Synthesis and characterization of a new generation of bone targeting anabolic prodrugs
- Understanding how river bank side slopes and sediment size control failure thresholds in steep streams
- Next Generation Canadian Satellite-based Positioning Technology
- A new tool for managing introduced Phragmites australis in Ontario: assessing invasion impacts and implementing biological control
- Investor Behaviours, Canada’s investment suitability regulations, and Robo-advising
- Evaluating nutritive value of low-lignin alfalfa at multiple physiological stages
- Social Influence and performance in a simulated clinical scenario and evaluation of the validity of simulation for team training
- Machine Learning for Increasing the Speed and Quality of Service in Online Medical Services
- Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion of Source-Separated Organics and Municipal Sludges to Produce Renewable Bioenergy
- Designing and developing a real-time medical data transfer system for space health usage
- Online economic tool to quantify the health benefits of municipal investments in urban greenspaces
- Described Video and Language Detection on Audio-tracks Using Machine Learning
- Quantum Key Infrastructure
- Optimal and heuristic optimization methods for large-scale naval refit operations
- Prevalence of mental health disorders among public safety communicators; Preparedness for COVID-19 and its impact
- AI for delivering product recommendation in retail consumer categories
- Toward Net Zero Transportation: Environmental benefits of Hydrogen-fuelled Trucks
- Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO); A novel technique for gold recovery from mercury-contaminated tailings from artisanal and small-scale gold mining
- Measurement-based Optimal Dispatch of Distributed Energy Resources in the Power Distribution System
- Towards developing inhibitors to treat CoVID-19
- Continuation of Characterization and Design of Additively Manufactured Components for Materials Integrity
- The COVID-19 infodemic : Telling Facts from Fakes
- Grief, Memorials, and Loss through COVID-19: Resources for caring while physical distancing
- Validating a new lateral flow assay for COVID-19
- Examining backcountry recreationists’ understanding and use of the avalanche danger scale: insights from qualitative interviews and responses to an online survey
- Structural characterization and mechanism-based inhibition of TMPRSS2, a human protease that activates SARS-CoV-2
- Optimizing the COVID-19 response capacity at the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) through technical and evidence-based support to CRC’s Global Health Unit
- Investigating SARS-CoV-2 Spike interactions with the cellular Ezrin protein as a potential novel therapeutic target for COVID-19
- 3-D Nanoscale Imaging of Coronavirus Analogues at Various Stages of Cell Infection
- Mechanism of CoVID-19 induced hyperinflammation
- Smart Particles to Prevent COVID-19 Infection & Complications
- Design and Evaluation of Microfluidics Based RT-LAMP Device
- “Dinner in the Street”: dining outdoors safely in the post-Covid city
- The effects of COVID-19 on inequality in Canada and abroad
- Engineering Nanotechnology Formulations of Cannabinoids for Treatment of COVID-19-Induced Lung Inflammation
- Automated Escalation and Incident Management in Healthcare during Mass Casualties and Pandemic Events
- COVID-19: Assessing Non-Profit Resilience in the Context of COVID19
- Formulation d’un cadre d’analyse des politiques culturelles de soutien COVID-19 pour la diffusion dans le secteur culturel au Québec et application sur les musées québécois
- Field Review: Covid-19, Arts and Wellness in BC
- Bio-Stream COVID test
- Macrophage modulation to reduce disease progression in hospitalized patients with COVID-19
- Active deep learning for coding medical notes with applications to infectious diseases
- Discovery and validation of SARS-CoV-2 epitopes
- COVID-19 Grocery Response NDG
- High-T2hroughput Rapid Detection of Infectious Diseases such as COVID-19
- Development of wearable QR-RFID trackers for prevention of spreading of COVID-19
- Development of Thin Polymer Strips for COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery
- Novel mechanisms and anti-platelet therapies of COVID-19-associated thrombosis
- Broad Spectrum CoV Therapeutic; rhACE2 Immunoadhesin to treat COVID19
- Hunt for the Super-Spreaders — A Complex Networks Approach
- Development of hand hygiene disinfectant using natural and non-flammable active ingredients
- Remote health monitoring and rehabilitation of patients with neurological conditions to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spread in Canadian hospitals
- Development & manufacture of a scFv antibody therapy for COVID-19
- Simulating consumer demand and automaker compliance under climate regulation: Developing the Automaker-consumer Model
- Smart Data Fusion for COVID-19 Patients
- Smart Textiles for the delivery of neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy (NMES)
- Storying Access: Reconciling the Effects of Betterment Discourses in Southern Ontario’s Early 20th Century Domestic Science Education – Year two
- Understanding Disengagement from Early Psychosis Intervention Services – Year two
- Management and conservation of polar bears in Davis Strait: An integrated population modeling approach to estimating population size, growth rate and Total Allowable Harvest of a priority species in Nunavut, Canada – Year two
- The design and fabrication of a novel pediatric bileaflet mechanical heart valve
- Studies on uptake and translocation of patented active ingredients in plants
- Development and Optimization of Immune-Evasive Capsules for Cell-based Therapies
- Smart Dashboard for Sustainable Destination Decision Making
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Effect of Manufacturing Defects on Propeller Cavitation and Efficiency Performance
- CO2-responsive agents for uses in protective coatings
- Research and Development of Urinary Metabolome-based Personalized Health Assessment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Autism and Environmental Exposure – Year One
- 100% Ontario wines from Vidal and Marquette: Quality improvements to Increase Domestic Market Share
- An integrated watershed-lake framework for water quality assessment in Toronto Harbour and Region Waterfront
- Experiences and perceptions of newcomer women navigating sexual and reproductive health in Metro Vancouver: Facilitators and barriers to access for screening, treatment and care of HIV & STI
- Genomic studies for fertility, health, and efficiency traits in dairy cattle
- Development of a novel cost-effective microfluidic platform for screening ophthalmic drugs and novel ophthalmic materials
- Portrait des organisations économiques privées offrant des services de soins au Québec et impacts socioéconomiques de leurs transformations
- Smart Greenhouse: Applied computer vision and machine learning in greenhouse cultivation
- Connecting atom-scale bentonite clay models to macroscale mechanical and transport models for spent nuclear fuel storage
- Assessing cumulative effects of development and climate change to inform land use planning in Yukon
- Improve workplace wellbeing using AI and organizational behavior software platform
- Process Analytical Tools, Flow Cytometry and Raman Analysis for Cell Viability Studies
- Developing a lipid nanoparticle-based gene therapy approach for the treatment and prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection
- Development of New Infrared Spectroelectrochemical Products
- Optimal Non-glare zone Width of Adaptive Driving Beam Based on Different Driving Scenarios and ADB Design Improvement recommendation
- Multi-OMIC biomarkers to predict neonatal vaccine response
- Intelligent Card Detection for Automatic Documentation & e-Commerce
- SOTI SNAP Widget SDK Front-end and User Interface Toolkit
- SOTI SNAP Widget SDK Back-end Deployment
- Investigating inclusive blood donation policy options for sexual and gender minorities
- State Estimation and Active Equalization of Lithium-ion Batteries for Application in Battery Management System (BMS) for Electric Vehicles
- Quantifying the Effects of Stress and Mycorrhizal Relations on the Production of Phytocannabinoids in Rhododendron dauricum and its Fungal Symbiont Albatrellus ovinus
- Creating Safer Cities for Salmon: A case study of how Indigenous, Federal, Provincial, and Municipal policies align with standards and objectives of the Salmon-Safe eco-certification in Vancouver, BC
- Discovery of natural products with activity against coronaviruses
- An essential resource: Policy and planning for single-room occupancy housing
- Power electronics drivers for high-speed PM BLDC and SRM motors for ventilators
- Assessment of grid-side energy storage systems for electric bus charging infrastructure
- Remote Monitoring of Production Operations During COVID-19 using a Smart Gateway Device
- Development of SARS-CoV-2 antibody test technologies suitable for on-site diagnosis
- Direct[Message]: Understanding Mediated Engagement in the Arts for Marginalized Older Adults in Hamilton, Guelph, and London, Ontario
- Development of an intelligent surveillance solution that supports safe re-opening practices to public and private areas through social distancing enforcement and occupancy detection technology
- Supporting Non-Profits through COVID-19: Online Social Innovation Labs
- COVID19 viral genome sequence analysis to track viral transmission, to understand evolution of viral genome, to develop novel diagnostic tools as well as to identify novel therapeutic targets
- A Systemization of Knowledge on the Dual Nature of Technology in Providing Support to Sexual Assault Survivors
- Improved Commentary Prediction on Financial Data
- Design Analytics Interface for Generative Design
- The impacts of human activity and landscape change on Rocky Mountain mammal communities
- Drug Safety and Effectiveness in Canadians During Viral Pandemics
- COVID19 and Disclosure of Risk in Energy Exposed Sectors
- Detection of PPE in healthcare settings using machine learning
- Standardization and validation of a point-of-care RT-qPCR test in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- AI-enhanced lung ultrasound to detect lung involvement in COVID-19
- Development of a robust armoured RNA standard for the rapid clinical diagnosis of COVID-19
- Supporting the mental health of Canadians in times of pandemic: Exploring the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on wellbeing and validating context-appropriate e-mental health interventions
- Tracking community movements through real-time visualization and predictive analytics to manage the spread of COVID-19
- Real-time Optimization of Freshwater usage in Aquatic Facilities based on Occupancy and Water Quality data Using Machine Learning Methods.
- Development of DNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine platforms
- Testing Potential COVID-19 therapeutics & Development of Rapid IC test
- COVID-19 and Bridging the Social and Physical Gap: Dynamic Digital Resources to Meet the Mental Health Support Needs of Children, Youth, and Families
- Automated escalation and incident management in healthcare during mass casualties and pandemic events (Part 2)
- Towards disability inclusive COVID-19 policy
- Enzyme-free, one-step nucleic-acid detection for point-of-care COVID-19 diagnostic screening
- Development of Welding Alloy Formula for Wear-Corrosion Resistant Overlay
- Evaluation of a small, gas powered, patient-responsive automated resuscitation/ventilation device adapted to pandemics of respiratory failure
- Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on quality of life in families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in British Columbia
- An Integrated Knowledge Approach to Communicating the Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Caregivers and Available Resources for Families Living with Autism
- The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response for People who are Marginalized
- Participatory Cities Every One, Every Day: Toronto
- Immunotyping of COVID-19 patient sera using novel protein complementation-based assays
- Youth Engagement in Social Enterprise and Co-operative Development: Supporting Economic Adaptation in Rural Communities in Atlantic Canada in Context of Covid 19
- Novel technology for multiplexed chemical assays of blood at the point of care
- Understanding and reducing the impacts of COVID-19 on personal support workers in an Ontario long-term care home
- Mitigating the social consequences of COVID-19 in a retirement residence
- Signal in the network: Measuring public opinion without polls
- Development of a point-of-care medical instrument for detection of COVID-19 virus in saliva
- Micro Transit Demand Management (microTDM) with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Leveraging Community Support Services to Support Integrated Health and Social System Response to COVID-19
- Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic challenges for families with children impacted by Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Development and validation of a questionnaire predicting individual differences in time to return to work after injury
- Development, optimization and production of fiber-based strain sensors for aerospace, automotive and health
- Sparse array photodetector in multiplexed confocal FLIM
- Assessment of compression breakage test methods for rock hardness characterization
- Production of semi-synthetic jet fuel
- Assessing the viability of low-pass whole genome bisulfite-sequencing for epigenetic age prediction
- Supercritical water gasification of bio-oils for synthetic jet fuel
- Targeted genetic diagnosis of microbiologically influenced corrosion
- Benefits and Challenges of using a Digital Health Platform for Remote Delivery of Allied Health Provider Services
- Up-scalable production of high efficiency perylene diimide (PDI)-based organic light emitting devices using slot die coating methods
- Best Practices and Models for Open, Collaborative Scholarship in the Arts & Humanities
- Farms of the Future – Evaluating the impacts of regenerative farming practices on soil biodiversity
- Investigating the mechanistic links between cannabinoid and pain-related gene variants and functional measures of musculoskeletal pain
- Investigating the potential role of algal-derived astaxanthin for improved health and performance in AquAdvantage Salmon
- Structural performance of Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) reinforced concrete tilt-up wall panels under out-of-plane loads
- Modeling and predicting the thermophysiological comfort of clothing using an advanced multi-sector sweating torso
- Two case studies in the public history of international development policies in Canada: the Lebanese Special Measures Program (1975-1990) and The Life of Lewis Perinbam (1925-2008)
- Hybrid bacteriophage platforms for the production of non-invasive, self-adjuvanted, and targeted DNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
- Examining Let’s Talk Science’s Canada 2067 Learning Roadmap in evolving approaches to STEM education in a digital world
- Development of Optical Clearing Materials Towards Oral Lesion Pathology Screening with Optical Coherence Tomography
- Open innovation in Ontario healthcare facilities: an analysis of two different approaches
- Deposition modeling, generalized process planning, and Design for Additive Manufacturing for fabrication of large scale and radial components by robotic large-scale additive manufacturing
- Passive acoustic monitoring as a tool to measure spatial and temporal distribution of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) and other marine mammals in the Western Canadian Arctic
- Powder Functionality in Laser Powder-Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V
- Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) in Canadian high performance athletes: Prevalence, health and performance implications
- Building the Evaluation Capacity of the Alberta Mentoring Partnership
- New designs for Bayesian adaptive cluster randomized trials for an individualized clinical support tool with capacity to support distance follow up and treatment of depression
- Creating a Predictive Financial Model to Optimize Digital Marketing Budget of SMEs Post COVID-19
- Geochemical implications of soil covers for oil sands sulfide tailings
- Ongoing Development of Energy-Economy Climate Policy Models
- Optimization and Analysis of an Adhesion Radial Turboexpander
- Validation of blood-brain barrier imaging as a biomarker for neuropsychiatric symptoms
- Smart Over-the-Road Loading Matching Suggestions
- Formulation of Environmentally Sustainable Growing Media Using Industrial Waste Streams as Nutritious Amendments
- Development of online rapid cognitive-motor assessment tool to monitor COVID-19-related dysfunction post-discharge
- Develop a web based geospatial artificial intelligence framework to track, visualize, analyze, model, and predict infectious disease spread in real-time.
- AI Modelling for Chat-text and Biometric Data Collection and Analytics for a Cloud-based Medical Advising Platform
- Evolutionarily guided rational design of vaccines, antibody therapeutics, and accurate serological assays for COVID-19
- Detecting and Mitigating Adversarial Attacks on Covid-19 Monitoring Solutions
- R&D agenda in Data Science for emergency response
- Characterization of aerosols generated by various dental procedures
- Agricultural Anomaly Detection using Temporal Dynamics of Remote Sensing Data
- Modelling Potential Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Fish Habitat Offsets
- Rapid deployment of AI-assisted COVID-19 detection for radiology
- Participator Cities. Every one. Every day: Toronto
- Development of a Product to Prevent Binding of SARS-COV-2 within the Respiratory Airway and Cardiovascular System
- Development of Resources for a National COVID-19 Information Website for Families of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
- kitatipithitamak mithwayawin: Indigenous-Led Countermeasures to Coronavirus (COVID-19) and other Pandemics Then, Now, and Into the Future
- Using Big Data to Chart Workplace Learning during COVID-19
- Improving protein-ligand binding models using multidimensional, mixed-confidence training data
- Development of Airborne COVID-19 Isolation and Elimination Device
- Future Safe: Designing Efficient Face Masks in the Era of COVID 19
- Filling the learning gaps caused by the pandemic: Supporting teachers and their diverse students with digital technology
- An efficient heuristic algorithm for laboratory analysis profile selection
- Examining Water Quality Parameter Testing Processes at Ontario Public Pools and Spas: Opportunities and Barriers
- Generating a COVID-19 vaccine using ministring DNA and virus-like particles
- Radiation Mapping from Aerial Data
- UVPD of DMS-MS-selected SARS-CoV-2 peptides
- Using semi-supervised learning for classification of sport images
- Post discharge after surgery Virtual Care with Remote Automated Monitoring technology (PVC-RAM) Trial
- The Epidemiology of Fabry Disease and Metabolic Acidosis in Manitoba – Year Two
- In-line Method Development for Vaccine Production
- Peptide-Functionalized Graphene Oxide Nanocarrier for Targeting Drug Delivery and Cancer Treatment
- Controlling the Recoil of .50 Calibre Sniper Rifle
- A Pilot Study: Integration of the skills of New Canadian farmers to improve functional food production and secondary product development in the agriculture sector in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Rates of Change in Organizational Identification During Organizational Integration
- Hand Pose Reconstruction with Advanced Sensor And Deep Learning
- Assessing and Identifying Indoor environmental Quality Gaps in Commercial Buildings using Wireless sensors and Big Data Analysis Tools
- Using AI to generate mining algorithms
- Quantifying the oxidization of polysaccharides and optimizing dextran-bovine serum albumin glycation conditions for development of a new pneumococcal vaccine
- Enhancement of the process validation via characterization and optimization of mixing operations in the Sanofi Pasteur cutting-edge manufacturing facility designed for the production of 5-component acellular Pertussis, Diphtheria, and Tetanus vaccines
- Impact of oil and gas activities on shallow aquifers in the Fox Creek area
- Utilizing Materials Informatics to Predictively Engineering the Micro-Mechanical Properties of Hydraulic Turbine Steels
- Additive Manufacturing of customized imaging instrumentation for SARS-CoV-2 viral research
- Semi and weakly supervised clinical data labelling for deep learning NLP
- Impact analysis of how COVID-19 will affect the Canadian Precast Concrete and Canadian Construction Industries
- Sales Skills for the Modern Sales Environment
- Model for assessment of risks of going missing in persons living with dementia during and post COVID-19 pandemic
- The Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) COVID-19 Cohort and COVID-19 Home-isolation Activities Together (SPIN-CHAT) Trial
- Remote Activity Monitoring and Fall Detection System
- Assessment and Information Dashboard of COVID 19 Readiness for Canadian Businesses
- Numerical Performance Assessment of Modular Two-Way Precast Slab Systems
- Validation Techniques for an Application Program Interface for Artificial Intelligence Agents Operating on an Internet of Things
- Monitoring and Analysis of COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome on Ventilators
- Uplift pipe-soil interaction under inclined ground surface
- Improving Data Usability and Identification of Inconsistencies in a Unified Healthcare System
- Small and Medium Enterprises in a Covid19 context: Ecosystem business intelligence for increased resilience
- Farm Field Coverage Path Planning for Autonomous DOT Vehicles using Reeb Graphs and Reinforced Learning
- Digitizing the End-of-Life Final Document Service
- Tuktu – Peer to Peer Elderly Caregiving platform
- Polyamide-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for High Performance Energy Harvesting & Self Powered Sensing Applications
- Privacy-preserving Federated Learning Algorithms and Dashboarding to enable COVID-19 health analysis
- Validation of a Computer Vision-Based Basketball Training Application
- Agroecology and Food Security: The role of Community Seed Banks
- Wirelessly COVID-19 Patient Tracking and Risk Assessment Using Edge AI Platform
- Modelling COVID-19 in humanized lungs ex vivo
- Leveraging a social learning space for disability sport to mitigate the impact of Covid-19
- Positive Youth Development and Youth Sports during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- PCR lab-on-chip system for rapid and sensitive identification of SARS-CoV-2 infected case
- Development of the early immune response assay in saliva
- The Impact of Sustained Time in Human Care on the Migratory Behaviour of the Endangered Loggerhead Shrike
- Development of a New Family of Agri-based Flocculent for Optimized Water & Nutrient Recovery from Anaerobic Digestate
- Evaluation, optimization and modeling of sequencing batch reactors (SBR) operation for treatment of municipal wastewater
- The Power of Peer Support: The Development and Evaluation of JAVAGROUPS-digital
- Artificial Intelligence-based COVID-19 Radiology Image Analytics and Beyond
- Development of polymer bonded / sintered permanent magnets for a wearable NMR sensor
- Investigating the effect of the Virtual Meditative Walk on brain in chronic pain conditions: A longitudinal fMRI study
- Integrating state-of-the-art sustainable design with heritage conservation through an online information system
- Medicinal Chemistry Studies on Small Molecule Glucocerebrosidase Inhibitors
- Intelligent Piezoelectric Transduction System for In-situ Health Monitoring of Concrete Elements
- De-risking A Vitreous Substitute Hydrogel for Retinal Detachment
- Developing a facility-level energy load shape simulation method for utility planning
- Empowering a Collaborative Service Robot Prototype for Long-term Care Facilities
- Pan-disability COVID-19 data leadership and coordination initiative
- Characterization and regulation of new proteins in COVID-19/SARS CoV-2 by cannabinoids
- Design and development of a miniature tool changer mechanism for adesktop PCB fabrication system
- Mental Wellness Application for Current and Post COVID 19 Self Help Training and Assessment
- Robust Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Short T2 Tissues – Part 2
- R&D of Cannabis extraction and purification technologies
- Extraction, chemical analysis, and formulation development of potential anti-viral plant isolates against SARS-CoV-2
- Climate Risk Valuation – Mapping climatology to macro-economic indicators
- Smart and Low-Cost Face-Shields Capable of Protection, Prevention and Detection for Essential Workers Fighting COVID-19 Pandemic
- Challenge and Virtual Environment Research to support Social and Economic Recovery from the Coronavirus Crisis
- An analysis of the impact of FRTB SA Market Risk Capital rules on various Capital Market trade types
- Development of tools for high performance biospecimen collection to serve COVID-19 pandemic
- Guidance and Control of a Tandem-rotor Helicopter Landing on a Moving Platform
- A novel water-based air filtration technology using cryogel biomaterials
- Self-tuning servers within IBM cloud
- Sources and sinks for potentially hazardous elements in mine waste
- Efficient Deep Learning Methods that Only Require Few Labeled Data
- Eliminating weight stigma in prenatal health care: Development of sensitivity training modules for prenatal care providers
- Using Food Bank Client Data to Better Understand the Impacts of COVID-19 in Saskatoon
- Influence of rearing and adult housing of laying hens on the behaviour and stress reactivity of offspring
- Canada and Snow Goose Herbivory Effects on Tidal Marsh Recession in the Fraser River Estuary
- BCCSA Silica Control Tool Gap Analysis
- Polymer Nanoparticle-Based Vaccines for COVID-19
- Plant oil based resins for hemp biocomposite materials
- Design and Construction of a Low-Cost, High Step-Up, High Isolation AC/DC Converter
- Rethinking Housing Market Financing in the Aftermath of COV?D-19: Lessons from and Responses to the Pandemic
- Development of an AI-controlled closed-loop neuromodulation system form chronic conditions
- Connected Communities in a time of Physical Distancing: Community-led responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the city of Toronto.
- Development of an Al-controlled closed-loop neuromodulation system form chronic conditions
- Demand estimation in consumer-packaged goods market using BLP method
- Data Ethics & Privacy by Design: Unlocking Health Innovation
- Reviewing the effectiveness of video as a means of delivery and consumption of macro data in digital media
- A Survey on Application of Visualization and AI Algorithm-Driven Technology for Healthcare
- Effectiveness of using Engineered Floating Treatment Wetlands to reduce nutrients, pharmaceuticals, and antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes in wastewater
- Control of Line Complications with KiteLock (CLiCK) in the Intensive Care Unit
- Computational Biochemistry Platform for Crop Health
- Advanced Oxidation Process in Fresh Produce Processing: Reducing water usage, extending shelf-life and enhancing food safety
- Preparation of Sentinel Wraps for Detection of Pathogens in Food Packages
- Development of a solution to assess the quality and to optimize AI-based video codecs
- Development of Structural Health Monitoring Strategy for Port Cranes using a Sensor Network
- Let’s Do This Together! Developing a Knowledge-based Documentary Media, Community of Practice and Institute at the University of New Brunswick
- Emergency Management Planning for Indigenous Communities
- A Principled Approach to Developing Machine Learning Models for the Synthesis of Structured Health Data
- 3D Foot Scanner from Single View Smartphone & 3D Shoe Fit Computation
- Autonomous Stair-Climbing Domestic Service Robot
- Impact of Livestock Grazing on Grassland Herpetofauna
- Deep learning-driven strategies for COVID-19 Detection and Risk Stratification
- Utilization of high pressure processing (HPP) to deactivate viruses and pathogens
- SARS-CoV-2 Genomics for COVID-19 wastewater tracking
- Development of advanced planning and estimating model for scaffolding manhour
- Semantic Search and Visualisation using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
- Design, Development, and Control of the Battery Management Systems (BMS) for Off-road Vehicles Built by Dumur Industries
- Digital Distribution and Online Resources for e-Learning
- Understanding customer behavior in usage of secure and reliable IoT devices: Industrial, commercial, and residential approaches
- Food Convergent Innovation Canada Start-Up:Developing data and methods to support the digital backbone of the agri-food system in the Covid19 context
- Therapeutic Properties in Landscape Design
- Development of Machine Learning Algorithms for Inferring Biomarkers Underlying Multi-Modal Physiological Signals of Patients with COVID-19
- North Perth Ontario: Developing a Response Plan
- Myant Response To COVID-19 Pandemic – Research and Technology Development for Smart Textile Solutions
- Elucidating the pathogenesis of COVID-19-related coagulopathies and evaluation of medical countermeasures
- Health Data Visualization and Interaction on Smartwatches
- Effective and Improved Telerehabilitation in Physical Therapy
- Supporting Municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador in navigating COVID-19
- Advancing Autonomous Thermalling of Unmanned Aerial Gliders
- Surdité et sécurité en situation d’urgence : le cas de l’Outaouais
- Improving & Evaluating Aerosol PPE & Containment Devices for COVID-19 Virus
- Modelling beneficial management practices in agriculture to analyze effects on greenhouse gas emissions and environmental sustainability
- Understanding Performance of the Swale in Phosphorus Removal from Lagoon Effluent
- Computational performance enhancement of hand-held spectrometer
- Record Keeping on Canadian Cow-Calf Operations
- Low-speed computational aerodynamics and stability analysis of fuselage modifications in support of autonomous aircraft
- An updated nutrient budget for the Lake of the Woods and options for management
- Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) from brine solution using electrochemical method
- Implementation of an Optimal System for the Detection and Avoidancesystem on an Unmanned Aircraft System
- A computer-aided decision-making tool for Powder Bed Fusion AdditiveManufacturing (PBF-AM) process selection using Multi-Criteria DecisionAnalysis (MCDA)
- Long-term rattlesnake population trends in response to land management regime changes
- Weed and Crop Leaf Area Estimation for Variable Rate Applications
- Nanophosphor-based coatings for high resolution microLED displays.
- Effect of carboxylated cellulose nanocrystals on the mechanical properties oflatex-based pressure sensitive adhesives
- Microbial carbonate precipitation by autotrophic and heterotrophic bacterial species for crack prevention of overlaying concrete
- Investigation of interactions between biobased wax emulsions and pMDI wood adhesives
- Geometric Deep Learning of Volatility Surfaces
- Algorithmic and Interface Advances in Computer Algebra
- Geomicrobiological assessment of advanced customizable leach columns
- VT-19: Continuous Calibration-free SPO2 Monitoring for COVID-19 Using Deep Learning
- Development of numerical algorithms to customize acoustic treatment
- Real-time Transcription and Knowledge Extraction of Video Consults
- Impact of Bioavailable Peptides Generated from Collagen Hydrolysates on Bone Remodeling
- Bioorthogonal spin labeling approaches for high sensitivity electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy – Part 2
- Novel, Low-Cost COVID-19 Point of Care Monitoring and Triaging Device
- COVID-19 and System Responses to Homelessness
- CAN-BIND12: Effects of Probiotics on Symptoms of Depression (EPSD)
- Inventory optimization model to support customer needs while meeting business targets
- ALS in a dish: development of an in vitro human 3D model of the neuromuscular junction with functional readouts
- Rapid Implementation of a Shared COVID-19 Tracking and Response Platform for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Populations in Canada
- Co-designing the Governance of Natural Climate Solutions in Canada’s Agriculture Sector
- Proof of concept testing of a bead-on-string polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous air filter for indoor air cleaners
- Optimizing the productivity of the whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus vaccines’ manufacturing processes: software and hardware-based solutions
- The role of historical Indigenous burning patterns in reducing risk to mountain communities
- Accelerating database storage engines using Processing In Memory
- Molecular diagnostics for temperature stress and pesticide stress on queens
- Daily Question Assessment Methodology: The Development and Validation of Industrial-Organizational Constructs and Methodologies for Business Intelligence Application
- Development of Deep Learning Models for Amylose Estimation in Cereal Grains with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Deep Neural Networks for applications in public safety
- Combating loneliness at the neighbourhood level: Developing a Community Cohesion Index
- Development of an optical sports monitoring sensor and method for non-invasive evaluation of muscle metabolic fitness and function in elite athletes
- Mapping Social Media Use in Kyrgyzstan: A Pilot Study
- The Fluid Dynamics of Flow Control Devices
- Development of applications of the NanoCleanSQ surface coating in the fight against COVID-19
- Novel service delivery models for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Development of a rapid and sensitive test for food spoilage bacteria
- End-to-End Vulnerability Analysis of a No-Trust IoT Security Ecosystem
- Design Analytics and Design Reporting Tools
- Respiratory Health System and Pandemic Early Warning System
- Modeling Aerosol Dispersion in Dental Offices
- Quantification of climate change impacts of selected construction material supply chains
- Validation of Novel, Tumor Microenvironment-targetedImmunomodulatory Biological Therapeutic
- Efficient Screening Method for Novel Fluorescent Emitters
- Machine-learning-based posture identification from dynamic seat sensors
- Tightly coupled visual-inertial-LI DAR SLAM for real time application
- Model Calibration and Optimization of Oil Sands Tailings Electrokinetic Dewatering
- Automatic Generation of Career Advice Articles
- Towards joint inversion of seismic and muon tomography data for reservoir monitoring
- The Diagnostic, PCR-based Test to Detect SARS-CoV2 RNA (COVID-19): Solving the Global Shortage of the Key Organic Building Block Using Flow Chemistry
- Sour and Sweet Corrosion Resistance of Alloys and Coatings
- Microemulsion technologies for the extraction and delivery of herbal oils and oleoresins
- Large Scale Simulations of Photonic Quantum Computers
- Development of simulation-based training modules for the SGI graduated licencing program
- Computer Vision Algorithms for USV mounted Real-Time Marine Vessel Detection Systems
- Interfacial Engineering of High Energy Density and Safe Solid-State Li Metal Batteries for Electric Vehicle Applications – Year two
- Silicon Quantum Dot Trace Explosive Sensor – Year two
- Localization, Monitoring, and Motion Coordination of Autonomous Indoor Service Robots
- Creative Artificial Intelligence in Interactive Mobile Systems
- IoT device fingerprinting and anomaly detection using ML
- New Method for Delivering Protectants into Honey Bee Hives
- Advancing Strong-Scaling CFD Simulations on Manycore HPC Hardware
- Management practices to improve sustainability and profitability of cow-calf operations across Canada
- Development of a salmon diet using alternative protein and lipids suitable for land-based recirculation farming systems
- Surveillance of potential wildlife and domestic animal reservoirs for SARS-CoV-2
- Graphene-based Corrosion Protective Coatings
- Estimating Apple Crop Yield using Images
- Technology for Assessing Neurocognitive Functioning; Validation of Mobile Cognitive Assessment Technology using fMRI
- Modeling Ekona’s H2 production and carbon capture process
- Enhancement of Virtual Synchronous Machine Algorithms with Energy Storage
- Development of Energy-Efficient Means for Intensifying Mass Transfer Rates in Multiphase Reactors
- COVID-19: Indoor light-activated, self-cleaning surfaces for continuous decontamination of air in HVAC systems
- Effect of carboxylated cellulose nanocrystals on the properties of water-based latex coatings
- Finding an optimized contact material for interconnect layers in reversible solid oxide fuel cells for the conversion of CO2 and H2O to syngas
- Investigation of effectiveness of sewage-based activated carbon (SBAC) for removing poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from aqueous environmental media
- Nanostructured ceramic catalysts for fuel cells
- Real-time surrogate safety analysis solution using Lidar technology powered by artificial intelligence
- Performance mapping, modelling, and development of membrane-based energy recovery ventilation exchangers
- Novelty Detection in Lunar Analogue Terrains
- Multilingual Semantic Search Engine using Multilingual Semantic Similarity
- Multilingual Semantic Similarity of Unstructured Enterprise Content
- Shipping Container Code Classification and Prediction
- Development of Broad Spectrum Hand Sanitizers and Disinfectants for the Fight Against COVID-19 Pathogens
- Solid Fermentation of Barley
- Can deep learning algorithms be trained to automate the classification of information held in historical and repeat photographs?
- Determining Impacts of Harvesting on Clam Beds in the Nanoose Bay Recreational Shellfish Reserve
- Digital Storytelling for Social Justice: Impact assessment, Producer Approach, and Strategic Communication in an age of New Media
- Data Visualization of GIS Data at Scale
- Sustainable Management of Abandoned, Lost, or Discarded Fishing Gear in British Columbia: Through the Lens of Local Stakeholders
- Optimizing Machine Learning to Increase Relevance in Photo Selection for Private School-Based Social Media
- Evaluating Latency in Virtual Production Pipelines with Integrated Prediction Model for Motion Capture Data
- Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of a Small Scale and Low Cost Vertical Garden Hydroponic System
- Coda Continuous Delivery AI Platform
- Advancing Climate-mediated Wetland Assessment and Change Detection using Earth Observation Data Fusion and Advanced Analytics
- Understanding Toronto’s Historical Watercourses
- Using adaptive management to reduce fishing pressure on Golden Cod near the Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA)
- Automatic matching of service offers to calls for tenders
- Evaluation of biological-based source control methods for preventing constituent release from mine wastes
- Biomarkers for detection of breast cancer and multiple myeloma using liquid biopsy
- Exploring how climate change, gender, and tailored mental health services impact help-seeking and mental health outcomes among Canadian farmers
- Synchrotron imaging of Saskatchewan amber and dinosaur fossils
- Establishing a Standard of Proof for Public Health Threats: Exploration of the Use of Precaution and Weight of Evidence
- Human Motion Library and Predictive Capabilities for Digital Human Ergonomics Simulation Solution
- Additive Manufacturing of Molds for the Mass-Production of Mechanical Ventilators during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Climate Finance and Youth Unemployment for COVID19 Recovery
- Forest Disturbance Effects on Hydro-Geomorphic Processes in Large Watersheds
- Rational Nanoparticle Design for Efficient Transmucosal Gene Delivery
- Upgrading Locally Available Sanitizer Ingredients for Health Services in Canada
- Moving Beyond BMI: Cardiovascular fitness as biological marker of reproductive health
- Optimizing Pretrained Clinical Embeddings for Automatic COVID-related ICD Coding
- Development of a Low-Cost Air Purifier for use in First Nation Houses to Improve Indoor Air Quality Affected by Mould, Smoke Particulate, and Air-borne Viruses such as COVID-19
- Predicting risk of unplanned hospital readmission within 30-days of discharge using machine learning approaches
- Studying Empathetic and Emotive User Interfaces for Data Collection During Disasters
- Leveraging machine learning to improve trauma-related health outcomes
- Enhancement of an AI-driven space situational awareness platform for more robust predictions
- Ice coverage prediction for the St-Lawrence River
- Scaling up CO2 electrocatalysis
- Effect of mixture proportions and constituents on the material and structural performance of ECC link slabs
- Exploring The Effects Of Functional Connectivity To Depict Key Differences Between Stages Of Sleep To Determine Why REM Protects Against Seizures
- A Serious Approach to Sickness Prevention in Motion Base Simulators
- Study of the Field Plate Design and the Packaging Parasitic Effects on GaN HEMTs
- A scenario-based modelling framework for projecting COVID-19 infections and deaths
- A conversational assistant for accessing Covid-related benefits
- Combination of multi-horizon models for demand forecasting
- How can hormone monitoring can improve women’s health?
- Machine Learning for Modeling Soil-Tool Interactions
- A new design approach for mine haul road pavements with stabilized layers
- AI-Based Fault Detection system for Mine Dewatering Systems
- Autonomous Mission Planning and Simulation Software Design for Unmanned Surface Vehicles
- Development and Validation of a Protein-Protein Interactions Modeling Platform for Rapid Affinity Predictions and Pharmaceutical Applications
- 3D Reconstruction of sub-sea assets using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
- Autonomous Motion Planning for a Safe and Efficient Last Mile Delivery Robot
- Kinetics study of Recycling Process of Spent Lithium Iron-phosphate Batteries
- Pickup and Delivery with Smart Service Times
- Whales from Space: Surveying Baleen Whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence using VHR Satellite Imagery
- Development of mathematical models/applied AI for estimation of compressive strength of concrete using non-destructive testing methods
- Single-view 3D tracking and trajectory classification of road users at intersections
- HI-DSR: Hyperspectral Images enhancement via Deep Sparse Representation model
- Architectural and Design Modelling for Blockchain-Intensive Systems
- Security Analysis of POLARIS
- Development of an Oral Reovirus-Based Vaccination Platform for COVID-19
- Anion Exchange Membranes for use in Industrial Electrolysis Systems for Salt-Splitting
- Synthesis and evaluation of Antibody conjugated to cyclical peptide toxin drug for the treatment of multi-drug resistant cancer cells
- Improving Financial Health in Canada
- Maternal Augmentation and Digital Empowerment Initiative in Tanzania (MADE-IT)
- Characterization and numerical simulation of precipitation in the climatic wind tunnel at Ontario Tech
- Subsurface Mapping and 3D Reconstruction of Silurian Clinton-Medina Groups, Southwestern Ontario
- Sustainable Shipping – A roadmap to zero emission ambitions
- Integrity and Analytics of Energy Market Data
- Building Systems Operational Dashboard and Analysis
- Hidden Champion Businesses: The Way to Revitalize the Economy of Newfoundland and Labrador for Post-Covid-19 Era
- Flexural behaviour of strengthened prestressed hollow-core slabs with bonded and unbonded prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) plates under various prestress levels…
- Interaction between cannabinoid drugs and sodium channels in diabetes/high glucose induced oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neurotoxicity – Year two
- The Effect of Degenerative Spine Disease on Neuromuscular Pain and Function
- Dual-ion doped vanadium oxide nanobelts as the cathode in rechargeable aqueous zinc ion battery
- Exploring applications of Machine Learning and Quantum Computing in optimization, finance, and the healthcare industry
- Simultaneous Functional Calcium Imaging with Quartet® for studying odor memory circuits and developing second generation Quartet®
- Market Analysis of Next-Generation Lithium Batteries
- Next-Gen Amplified Sustainable Agriculture (NASA) – Its’s About Space
- Interpretable Machine Learning for Predictive Analytics in Employee Benefits Insurance
- Journalism Product Innovation and Audience Engagement at The Conversation Canada
- Smart Controls for Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems in an Era of COVID-19
- Application of multi-omics and pharmacological studies to discover potential new therapeutics for COVID-19
- Overcoming the Challenge of COVID-19: How entrepreneurs in Rural NL can understand and face the pandemic
- Establishing best practices for generating synthetic pediatric health data
- Multifunctional anti-viral membranes for removing pathogens
- Development of a UV-LED based surface disinfection system
- Computer-Aided Detection of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), Steatosis and NASH, using Raw Signals from Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Deep Learning
- Engineered genetic traceability solution for commercerical ale yeasts and methodology for rapid dectection and identification of diastatic yeast contamination in beer fermentation
- Enhanced carbon capture in manipulated mine tailings
- AI powered mobile application to detect plagiocephaly and craniosynostosis in infants
- Topologies and Linearization of High Peak-to-Average Power Amplifiers for Digital Broadcast Radio Applications
- Pilot Plant for Lithium Extraction from Saskatchewan Brine Deposits
- Responsive polymer-based sensing system for COVID-19 infection
- Building Standards for Online Voting: Safeguarding the Industry
- Towards an Elastic and Reliable Cloud Resource Management
- Integrated Optimal CLT Building Design Considering Energy Performance and Structural Performance
- Small molecule agonists of SHIP1 for treatment of inflammatory disease
- Deployment of motion platform control architecture for a high-fidelity driving experience in simulators
- Development of a polishing treatment process (PTP) for anaerobic digester centrate
- Design Development for Prefabricated Building Components using Hemp and Lime
- SPT-based Methods for Estimating Installation Torque and Capacity of Helical Piles
- Assessment of aeration performance and energy consumption of different biological wastewater treatment systems for small communities in Ontario
- Development of Deep Learning-based Speech Recognition Algorithm for FPGA
- Portable COVID-19 diagnostic system using saliva sample
- Climate-related Disclosure Best Practices
- Identification of potential resins in hemp fast pyrolysis oil
- Computational Modelling of Cannabidiol Fluorination
- Standardized ginseng polysaccharide extracts for immune health
- Accelerated and sensitive detection of (bio)chemical analytes through active capture on Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) chips
- Comparison of “Maxwell” Plate Electromagnetic Modelling and General, Full-Physics Modelling for Thin, Conductive Mineral Exploration Targets
- Application of time-frequency based techniques to assess Auditory Brainstem Responses in newborn hearing assessment
- Development and Optimization of Fish Hydrolysate Fertilizer Formulation
- Translucent photovoltaic blinds: a novel solution for solar energy harvesting using perovskite
- Freeze purification of mine-impacted water: laboratory study and mathematical modeling
- Design of Reliable Resource Management Solutions in Cloud Environments for Medical Analytics and Beyond
- Evaluation of Treatment Processes for Greenhouse Wastewater Streams
- Comparative analysis of real-time weld quality monitoring camera systems working in visible, IR and NIR spectra
- Developing cultural practices to produce dry beans in Quebec
- Bingo Impact Management: A Social Impact Management Platform for Sport
- Improving Craft Brewing through Optimization of Yeast Function
- Measuring the contributions of non-crop areas to precision canola yield: Phase 2
- Validation of the Rootd App for Reducing Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Mood state and outcome prediction in mood disorders using digital phenotyping andmachine learning
- An Integrated Renewable Power and Transportation System for the Caribbean Region – Possible COVID-19 related death reduction through reduced MP2.5 emissions
- “Virtually” connected: Can virtual reality technology foster closeness and intimacy in romantic relationships? – Year two
- Development of Artificial Intelligence Powered Technologies in Computational Pathology to Enable Automated Slide Screening in Whole Slide Imaging – Year two
- Subjective Evaluation of Vehicle Semi-Active Suspension for Improved Ride and Handling
- Assessing risky driving among Alberta teenagers: A developmental- and context-sensitive approach
- Brainstem Arousal System and Chemosensitivity: Novel measures, Modulations, and Relationships to SUDEP
- Do socio-demographic and parenting factors moderate the impact of the HIPPY program on children’s school readiness?
- Using a mobile application to support at-risk student re-entry into post-secondary education in the era of COVID-19
- Constructing an Integrated Platform that Maps Neighborhood COVID-19 Cases with Census and other Open Data
- Innovating Technologies for Reducing Falls Risk in COVID-19 Healthcare Settings
- A novel carbon dioxide redox flow battery: Stack design, modeling and performance testing
- Development of Porous Rubber Pavement for the Canadian Climate
- Monitoring Interactions of Southern Resident Killer Whales with Recreational Boats and Commercial Vessels in Boundary Pass
- Optimal Design of Switch Reluctance Motor Drives
- Gut loading crickets (Gryllus sigillatus) to improve their nutritional value for use in pet foods
- Multi-sensor long-range object detection & classification under challenging perceptual conditions
- Development of Advanced Graphene-Based Antiviral Nanocomposites against COVID-19
- Elucidating the safety and efficacy profiles of hypervalent antimicrobial agents towards combatting antibiotic resistance
- Fracture patterns and their control on erosion and geohazards on the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton, Ontario
- Studying the oxygenation of 3D printed pancreatic tissues
- COVID-19 Teaching and Learning Transition Project
- Geological and Geochemical Controls on the Source of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) in the Early Triassic Montney Tight Gas Reservoir, Northeast British Columbia, Canada
- Carbon sequestration through 3 novel biomass-based methods and opportunity for integration into carbon offset markets.
- Integrated Amino Analyzer
- Induction Heating Supply
- Diagnostics and Explainable Machine Learning Models
- Therapeutic efficacy of tryptamine analogues in a PC12 Cell as a model of depression via assessment of neurite outgrowth and enhanced cellular viability
- An automated manufacturability analysis system
- Observing Microdosing: Effects on Cognitive Performance and Mental Health
- Sensor-based Collision-Free Motion Planning and Control for Autonomous Cart Pullers at Advanced Intelligent Systems (AIS)
- Assessing the immune response to stem cell-derived beta cells and associated bioprinted devices for diabetes cell therapy
- Advanced AI for Demand Forecast in Fashion and Apparel Retailing
- Design and development of piezoresistive MEMS sensors for applications in life sciences
- StreamSight: General Purpose Algorithm for Estimating Waste Weight at the Waste Collection Stage
- User research, design, and creation of an inclusive digital physical and mental wellness game
- Investigation of Enhanced Superplastic Behaviour of AA5083 Aluminum Sheet for Vehicle Weight Reduction
- Automatic detection and classification of abnormal human blood cells using computer vision and deep learning
- 100% Canadian Sourced Enhanced Antiviral Medical Masks for COVID-19 and PPE Innovation
- Advancing a novel therapeutic for the prevention of hypoglycemia inType 1 diabetes and establishing proof of concept in Type 2 diabetes
- Evaluation of Solar Technologies Combined with Insulated Wall Panel and Air Source Heat Pump
- Design and development of a SLAM algorithm for the tractor-trailer type vehicle at the AIS
- Design an integrated circuit for a solar powered wireless charger compatible with plastic injection molding process
- Slice Finder: Application to Stress Testing
- The paradigm of management: Investigating the link between Indigenous-led contemporary clam management systems and clam diversity in an industrialised ecosystem
- “Missed Connections: Encouraging social encounter, connection, andengagement through time- and location-sensitive playful interactionand games among users/players of public space.”
- Hemp-based biodegradable polymer composite for cosmetic products packaging
- Study of the performance of borehole thermal energy storage systems for provision of renewable heating
- Testing Tile Drain Phosphorous Removal with a Novel Carboxymethylcellulose-iron Hydrogel Filtration Matrix
- COVID19 tools to enable contact free advanced microscopy, remote training and technical support while maintaining physical distancing
- Baseline inventory of key biophysical and geomorphological features along the Lulu Island foreshore and the potential effects of sea level rise on marsh vegetation communities and restoration efforts
- Automatic Question-Answer Generation from Educational Texts
- Point-of-Need Microfluidic Biosensor for Detecting Airborne Viruses using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Towards COVID 19 Virus Monitoring
- Understanding 3D Spatial-Data from Health, Trade and Customer Service VR Training Simulator
- Evaluation of microbolometer-based imager for wildfire radiometric imaging
- Brazing Metallurgies and Processes for Attaching Sintered Carbide Tiles – Year two
- Translation of recent evidence on the effect of sugars on cardiometabolic health – Year two
- Determination of oxygen stability and shelf life of cannabidiol oil formulations.
- The human dimensions of wetlands and waterfowl conservation: Developing measures of stakeholder involvement in conservation activities and nature-based recreation
- Bacterial biosensors for detection of naphthenic acids and as high throughput bioremediation screening tools
- A Toolkit for Analyzing Online Conversations for Solutions Based Policy Development
- Assessing the impact of restoring semi-natural habitat on farmland on agricultural productivity
- Probiotic Reduction of Biofilm and Viral and Microbial Spread in Built Environments through Air Purification and Humidity Control
- Concrete Masonry Unit Geometry for Improved Structural Efficiency, Sustainability, and Constructability
- The Auxilium Network
- Design and development of a hybrid aerial and ground robotic solution for environmental disinfection using ultra-violet radiation
- Intelligent Production Optimization in Real-Time by Implementing Hybrid Data-Physics Simulation
- Discovery of ligands for disrupting the SARS-CoV-2 interactome with human proteins using multipronged genetically encoded technologies
- Impacts of invasive European Cattail on Invertebrate Communities in the Fraser River estuary
- Mobile Applications to Facilitate Physician-to-Physicain Consultation
- Advanced coupled geomechanical tool for design and performance analysis of infrastructure affected by frost action
- Nutrient removal using using a glass-base engineered adsorbent for treating public effluence and agricultural wastewater: designing of a portable continuous setup and study of an agricultural application of the saturated adsorbent
- AI enabled audio-visual annotation for endoscopic procedures
- High Performance Cold Spray Process Development
- Flexible and semitransparent solar cells
- Sustainable and Reusable Face Masks for Combating the Spread of COVID-19
- Workers’ Specialty Legal Clinic (WSLC): Ensuring Access to Justice for Disadvantaged Workers
- Exploring the state of the art deep learning algorithms in computer visionand voice recognition for applications in RF signal processing
- Gulo Gulo Vision-based navigation for autonomous vehicles
- Electrophysiological studies of medical cannabinoids on 3D human cerebral organoids and neuroglial cultures
- AI-enhanced Automated and Large-scale Real Estate Valuation
- Oilseed with Depleted Glycosides
- A hybrid two-way recommender system for candidate and job search
- Indigenous Engagement and Consultation Protocols in a Natural Resource and Mineral Rich Region: A comparison of the guidance from Indigenous Nations, Public Governments and Industry in the Golden Triangle Region
- AI-Based Fault Detection Development for Tele-robotically Controlled Mining Equipment
- Investigating Machine-Learning-Based Mocap Data Augmentation for Live Performance
- Investigating the use of various methods of marketing collaborations, and their success criteria and limitations, of business-with-business and business-with-influencer collaborations in North America.
- Optimization of organic nutrient solution using ion and bacterial community monitoring for plant oil production
- High power density motor and converter for electric cars
- Production and Purification of Titanium-45 for Positron Emission Tomography Imaging
- What makes for high performing teams in technology start-ups?
- First Time Home Buyers in a Post-COVID World
- Helping Ontario Meet its Environmental Goals- Hydrogen Adoption report for Ontario
- Custom root-analogue dental implant manufactured by direct metal laser forming
- Virtual Agent Emotion Modeling for Interactive Human Training Bots
- Viability of fiber optic sensors for borehole measurement of in-situ stresses and stress change monitoring
- Cross cell type inference of TF binding by integrative analysis of TF ChIP-seq and chromatin accessibility profiles
- Business Development for Value-added Fishery Products in Grand Rapids / Misipawistik Cree Nation
- Design and prototype of a robotic system to avoid food security risk inCOVID-19 like situations
- Development of Lightweight Thermally Conductive Products Reinforced with Graphene Nanoplatelets for Automotive Industry
- Putting the science of literacy into the hands of Canadians
- Setup for Success: Improving pathways for talent retention
- Vehicle Dynamics Modelling and Simulation for Use in the Development of a Self-Healing Auto Cyber Security System (SHACS) Proof-of-Concept
- Examining the role for intimal cell communication in early atherosclerosis
- Investigation of supportive policy for Active School Travel: Evidence-based recommendations for policies to promote active transportation for school journeys
- Automated Generation and Integration of AUTOSAR RTE Configurations
- Designing Asymmetric structures to Generate Oblique Surf Waves in Rivers
- Statistical perspectives on the use of pharmacovigilance data and electronic health records to verify predicted chemical hazards of drugs from in-vitro toxicological data
- Integration of multiple modalities and radar modules for vitals monitoring
- Automatic Mapping of Residential Rooftops using High-Resolution Thermal Imagery and Machine Learning
- From bedside to research bench: Informing the development of an m-health intervention to predict illness risk
- Adapting Retail Practices to the Post-Pandemic
- Antioxidants render silicone elastomer surfaces antiviral
- Evaluating the Impact of Cannabis Legalization in Canada on Risk-Taking Behaviours
- Virtual Energy Analysts & Transitioning Commercial Buildings to Net Zero
- Structural and Thermal Analysis of an Insulated EPP Wall Panel System Design
- New Brunswick’s food security potential in CEA horticulture
- Failure analysis on X-750 CANDU spacer material using bulk mechanical test and ion-irradiation – Year two
- Embedding Project
- A participatory approach to redeveloping coach and volunteer online training modules: A Special Olympics context
- Next-Generation Precision Medicine Solutions – Diagnostics
- Canadian Zeolites for Integrated Desalination, Nutrient Recovery and Bioremediation
- Deep Language models for Visual analytics of diversity and inclusion
- Measuring up? Assessing approaches used to measure the effectiveness of protected areas at conserving biodiversity
- Engineering a new biosynthetic pathway for the production of minor cannabinoids
- BIM-based Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings for Post-Earthquake Rehabilitation
- Digitized neuroanatomical map of the human saphenous nerve
- Resili, a case study: An evaluation for improved user experience in DBT skills apps
- Visual Analytics Methods to Support Sensemaking under Ambiguity in Avalanche Forecasting
- Investigation of a Helical Pile Reinforced Railway Embankment over Soft Soils
- Understanding Empirical Risk Minimization via Information Theory
- Development of Prophylactic Therapy to Reduce COVID-19 Infections
- Fall Self-Recovery Lift Assist to Reduce Exposure to COVID-19 Among Seniors in Assisted Living & Long-term Care by Enabling Independent Living
- Determining how to create and measure engaging cultural learning through experiential digital media
- Navigating the COVID crisis: reimaging business models and reporting mechanisms to enhance the resiliency and sustainability of small and medium sized enterprises
- Using Communications Theory to Enhance Indigenous Employee Recruitment and Retention on Vancouver Island
- Developing and Validating a Robust Sample Preparation, Separation and Quantitation Method for Pesticide Residues in Cannabis
- Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis of Modular Indoor Micro-farms
- Arctic Research Foundation UX/UI searchable database
- Material and Structural Performance of Nano-Carbon Based Ultra-High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete
- Success story ‘Cabot Link’ – Can luxury tourism development, and the inclusion of non-academic learning activities as a travel experience, help economically neglected regions in Nova Scotia to prosper?
- Inclusion of Genetic Information to Better Inform Coffee Choices
- Predict and Recommend Conditioning Programs for Coaches and Athletes
- Neurorehabilitation of the hand post-stroke or brain injury
- Lynx Population and Landscape Genetics in NW Boreal Landscapes
- In-Kind Student Edition: Skills and Services Impact Study
- Porous materials as a filtration method for ship exhaust
- A real-time wideband underwater localization system using passive acoustic monitoring
- Plasmonic Nanoparticle Enhanced Seawater Desalination
- Development of an aligned rolling footgear to reduce seabed impacts of bottom trawl fisheries
- Ocean wind and wave parameter estimation using X-band marine radar images with rain mitigation
- Fiber Optic Hydrophone Array
- Shipborne Sea Ice Classification Using Neural Networks
- Development of ice-load simulator for offshore wind turbine towers
- SWASH (Shallow Water Autonomous Surveying Hovercraft) System
- Sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa) processing discards (viscera): Potential nutritional supplements (powder and liquid extract)
- Development of Decision Support System for Dynamic positioning Control of Vessel
- Advance WAAM for hybrid manufacturing and additive repair purposes
- Porous polymeric extraction devices for fast, convenient, and portable monitoring of organic contaminants in marine environments
- Wind Powered Heat Generator
- Marine Oil Spill Tacklers
- Image segmentation of foliage and man-made objects in aerial RGB images
- Supporting Evidence-Informed Practice and Policy Making in the British Columbia Community-Based Paediatric Rehabilitation Sector
- Intelligent Orchards: Redefining the Production and Management of Tree Fruits
- Electricity Trade with Quebec to Integrate Renewable Energy in Ontario: An Integrated Investment Appraisal Analysis
- Enabling next generation cardiac therapeutics with genetic engineering and novel in vivo models for cardiomyocyte transplantation – Year two
- Effectiveness of an electronic technique and adherence monitoring device on the clinical outcomes of patients with asthma: an exploratory pilot randomized controlled trial
- Assessing Equipment and Technologies for use in the Development of Dykelands and Upland in Atlantic Canada for Sustainable Agricultural Production
- Perioperative Opioid Usage Quality Improvement [CDTS-PDF1]
- Perioperative Opioid Usage Quality Improvement [CDTS-PDF2]
- Radar-based Real-Time Detection of Overdose Incidents in Small Public Spaces
- Development of Freshwater Forecasting System using the SWAT-MODFLOW total water budget model
- Handheld intraoral ultrasound for assessment of tooth-periodontium complex
- Maximizing Intrinsic Learning in an App-Based Approach to Language Learning
- Mobile Field Analytics Integration
- A Feasibility Study on the Development of Oshawa Hydrogen Economy Hub
- Application of Actigate Targeted Performance Technology for the Treatment of Wheat Rust
- Investigating the performance of ultra-thin graphene oxide films for natural gas dehydration
- Follow up of horses treated with stem cells at eQcell Inc.
- Assessing temporal and spatial patterns of bowhead whale presence and underwater noise in the western Canadian Arctic
- An Investigation of Potential Market Entry for Novel Medical Devices ina Pandemic Environment
- Impact of dark chocolate consumption on glucose levels of people with diabetes
- Risk Assessment of Riverbank Stability Subjected to Construction Induced Vibrations
- Skill – An AI-generation resume standard
- Simulation and modifications of an industrial scale dehydrator
- Dynamic Modeling of Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in the Presence of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors
- Improved data driven sgRNA design for use in bacteria
- Red Sucker Lake First Nation traditional land use and land guardianship
- Making Healthcare More Accessible in Long Term Care Facilities through a Robotic Platform
- Exploration of attitudes, motivations and behavioural patterns of social media users in relation to winter backcountry recreation and its effect on avalanche safety behaviour
- Granular Jamming-based Mechanism for Robot Fish Actuation
- Cost-Effective Computer Simulation for the Offshore and Marine Industry
- Methodology development and implementation of a platform for non-destructive evaluation of both butt-fused and electrofused polyethylene pipe joints using ultrasound and deep learning
- Creating and testing effective teacher curriculum guides for the educational versions of Ubisoft’s Assassins Creed games
- Caring for the caregiver: Exploring the “lived” caregiving and self-care experiences of family caregivers of persons with scleroderma during COVID-19
- Perennial grains for fall grazing of beef cattle
- Biphasic CO2 extraction/stripping of bioactive compounds from fermentation overlays
- Efficacy and feasibility of online cognitive training platforms for older adults with subjective cognitive complaints: A randomized controlled trial
- Bioprocessing strategies for enhanced production of heme in Escherichia coli
- Developing genomic and transcriptomic tools for analysis of cannabinoid producing yeast strains
- Community Energy Profiles and the CASES Toolkit
- Chemically upgradation and hybrid biocatalytic valorization of lignin into green aviation ligno-jet fuel and paraffinic hydrocarbons
- Intelligent Systems Data Ingestion and Analytics
- 360 Live ID for Livestock
- Developing a rapid point-of-care COVID-19 detection test with the potential to collect and transmit data
- Validating Existing Understandings of National Nonprofit Environments
- Data analysis and image processing for livestock identification
- Multimodality thermal cancer treatment using targeted liposomes and temperature monitoring using photoacoustics and ultrasound
- Canadian History Through the Lens of Indigenous Women: Indigenous History and Cultural Awareness Training
- Effectiveness of Cannabis strains at reducing seizure rate in a zebrafish model of epilepsy
- Long-Term Prevention of Catheter Infections Using Chemical Coatings – Year two
- Nutrition, Genetics and Athletic Performance – Year two
- Engineering Research to Advance Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Strategiesin the Swine Transport Industry
- An exploratory study of Asian International Students‘ experiences in Ontario Schools
- Abolitionist Dream-Mapping
- Mobilizing the beneficial microbiome of Ontario wheat against Fusarium
- A rational data-driven probabilistic approach for assessing the condition and performance of RC structures
- Effect of Diesel Exhaust Exposures on the Respiratory Microbiome in COPD Airways
- Stress Detection for Plants Grown in a Controlled Environment
- Biogeographical modeling of coronavirus dispersal
- Private Equity and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)
- Machine Learning Engineering and Optimization for Improving Seafood Production
- Investigating the use of mixed reality technologies as a solution to help mitigate the challenges under the COVID-19 restrictions for artistic collaboration and education
- The use of a fast platform to design and develop anti-SARS-CoV-2 peptides for a therapeutic intervention of COVID-19
- Waste Heat Recovery for High Energy Efficiency: Simulation-Based Analysis and Design
- Accelerated development of a recombinant protein vaccine against COVID-19 by integrating the SARS-CoV-2 S-protein antigen with a new delivery system
- Design and simulation of robotic assembly cell for mass timber offsite construction facility – Phase 1
- Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation using the StimaWELL 120MTRS system on multifidus muscle morphology and function in patients with chronic low back pain
- Retail Supply Chain Predictive Analytics
- Enhancing Reach and Penetration of Global Potato Industry Using Multi Channel Data Driven Strategies
- Testing the biofiltration capacity of a hydroponic green wall system for airborne VOCs
- An AI-based climate impact assessment framework for infrastructure in northern Canada
- Driver motion prediction using behaviour classifications of vehicles
- Automatic Annotation of Vertebral Heart Score and Tibial Plateau Angle in X-ray Images
- AI Powered Adaptive Assessment
- Next Generation candidate screening and assessment platform featuring psychological profiling though gamification
- Nature Based Outdoor Recreation ROI Framework
- Identification of high-frequency periodic acoustic fish tags with deep learning
- Automated diagnosis of liver fibrosis and steatosis using deep-learning algorithms applied to conventional liver ultrasound
- Development of a CSA Standard on Geotechnical Design for Buildings
- Concrete Slab-On-Grade Analysis for Slab-Mounted Jib Cranes
- Field Test and Model Validation of an Actively Controlled Seat Suspension System
- High Efficiency GaN RF Power Amplifiers for 5G and Beyond Applications
- Bond dependent shear behaviour of hollow core plank core plugs
- Path planning, Navigation, and Control of the tractor-trailer type Autonomous Vehicles at the Advanced Intelligent Systems (AIS)
- Measuring Charity Impact Value Using Social Return on Investment: The Value of Implementing Experiential Sustainable Development Goal Learning into Children’s Activities
- Study the recovery of gold from mine tailings using a novel clean technology.
- Understanding Erosion Sensitivity in the Etobicoke Creek Watershed
- Test package for digital microfluidic electrochemiluminescence assays
- Structural modeling for glycosaminoglycan/peptide complexes
- Low-Cost UAV imagery systems for Precision Agriculture
- Real-time COVID-19 detection in wastewater from long-term care homes
- Enhancement of methane oxidation in bio-based landfill covers by increasing aeration
- Building a Mobile Platform to Identify Factors that Impact Student Success and Mental Health Related to Their Living Arrangements
- Countermeasures for Hardening Embedded Security
- APEX Total Compensation Study
- Development of antiviral surfaces to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19
- Improving the magnetic properties of electrical steels – Year two
- Optimiz AIOps data normalization and visualization
- Exploring the Impacts of a Community-Based Post-Secondary Education Award
- Traffic Estimation and Stable Resource Allocation Using Distributed Machine Learning
- Applicability and Utility of the PHEMI Secure Clinical and Multiomics Platform for Precision Medicine
- Optimal design of composite structures
- Plant-sourced high-performance fibres for the production of novel textiles
- Multifunctional Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the HubTrack helical transmission system for its application in transportation sector
- Exploring the Determinants for Start-up Success
- Investigation on a scalable platform for modular robotic systems development: Case study on AISCartPuller robot
- Understanding and designing the female pelvic anatomy, a measuring device and an intravaginal device using 3-dimensional modeling techniques and Artificial Intelligence
- Saltmarsh and dykelands in Atlantic Canada: implications of biological and socio-economic change for conservation
- Applicant Anxiety in Structured Interviews
- Optimization of Bacteriophage Production for use in Treatment and Prevention of Bacterial Diseases in Swine
- Measurement and Modeling of Pandemic Effects on Door-to-Door Bottle Recycling
- Fin whales of the Gitga’at First Nation: Site fidelity, distribution, and abundance within a proposed shipping lane
- Attacking Transaction Relay in Cryptocurrencies based on Dandelion++
- Development of microneedle array patch for COVID-19 vaccine delivery
- Biophysical characterization of synthesized fluorescently labeled biologically relevant phospholipids
- Musculoskeletal Model Development and Biomechanical Evaluation of the Levitation Knee Brace
- Microstructure Evolution and Thermomechanical Fatigue of Service-Exposed Coke Drum Materials
- State space models in credit and operational risk management
- Research and Data Analysis of Aycoutay Wellness Device user scans
- Evaluation of pollinator restoration and management in The Meadoway
- Early Warning Potential of Ambient Seismic Noise: Monitoring Tailings Dams
- Machine Learning for Default Prediction of Private Pension Administrator
- Towards the Development of a Prognostic tool for Harmful Algal Blooms – Year two
- Effect of Music on Interbrain Synchrony: A Close Look at Triad of Disabled Children, Parents and Music Therapist – Year two
- Long-term effects of tillage, crop rotation, cover crop, and fertilizer nitrogen on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen storage – Year two
- Evaluating and optimizing rural and urban lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQI2S) engagement with hospice and palliative care in the Island Health Region – Year two
- State-of-the-art Battery Cycle Life Extension
- Long-Term efficiency of horizontal closed-loop geothermal systems for seasonal freeze-back stabilization of permafrost
- Multi-chip Integration of Lasers and Silicon Photonics
- Synthetic Aperture Sonar as a tool for fine-scale geological characterization
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Drive Motor Thermal Performance
- A Novel Bone Anabolic Treatment in Mouse Models of Pediatric Bone Fragility Disorders
- Collaborative Robot for Vertebral Fusion with a Quality of Fusion Estimation Model
- Fall and Head Impact Acceleration Monitoring of Short Track Speed Skaters
- Adventure Tourism in the TOTA Region: A COVID-19 Recovery Strategy
- Similarity detection on female pelvic anatomy imaging data usingMachine Learning methods and develop a first version of a measuringdevice prototype
- Development of a Smart Wearable Yoga Device for Activity Monitoring
- GaN Modelling for the EV Application
- Quality Assurance and Safety Tools for Emerging Drone Technologies
- Autonomous next generation wireless communication network optimization
- A Usability Study of Teacher Help: Classroom Management
- Enhancing horticultural production through carbon dioxide enrichment and heat recovery from municipal organics composting
- Innovating a crop assessment system using a real-time, hardware-based drone image processing system to support on-the-spot decision in agriculture
- Beyond processing waste of sea cucumber: cosmeceutical potential of North Atlantic sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)
- Reconfigurable Legged Robot for Structural Inspection with Confined Spaces
- Infra-Climate Hybrid Bridge Design System
- Repurposing poultry industry wastes to generate high value microbial metabolites for plant growth promotion
- Modular Energy Storage and Control Systems
- Harnessing the potential of land-based Aquaculture by-productsthrough the use of aerobic bioreactor technology
- Forecasting Single Detached Residential Heat Demand byMonitoring Central Thermostat Response to Weather Conditions
- A low-power remote IoT device to sense ultrasonic signals for multiple channel system
- Optimized Controllers for Second-life Battery Energy Storage Systems
- Radiant Energy Spectrum Converter for Enhanced Thermophotovoltaic Systems
- Developing a Smart Tool for Enhanced Oil Recovery Screening Based on Artificial Intelligence
- Passive Airborne Sensor Platform
- Show and tell: Testing an alternative simulation-based method for assessing demonstrated soft skills
- Developing Digital Brain Assessment Tools for the Home
- Investigating Machine Learning Techniques in Performance Improvement for the Next Generation Wireless Networks
- A constitutive model for the cyclic degradation of clays
- Fast Awake OSA Screening and Characterization using Anthropometric and Sound Features
- From pipeline inspection data to insight
- Using drone and remote sensing technology to increase profitability and climate resilience of potato production
- Turn-Key Robot Motion Planning Solutions
- Detection of Human Presence/Activity through Radio Frequency Signals with Artificial Intelligence
- Evaluation of best practice police resources to assist in the rapid response of missing persons with dementia
- Improvement and validation of the integrity of a novel commercial software for utility pole design
- Biodegradable Polyurethane Elastomers Comprised of Bio-based Plasticizers
- Establishing the Enabling Conditions Required to Facilitate Indigenous-led Nature Based Greenhouse Gas Offset Projects in Canada
- Mentorship Needs in the Ontario Manufacturing Industry
- Dynamic Deep Generative Graph Models for Financial Forecasting
- Plausible Futures: What economic and labour market trends might the City see over the next 3-5 years?
- Enhancing interpretability of gaze-tracking convolutional neural networks
- Food Catering Ontology to Enhance UEAT’s Recommendation System
- Semi-supervised and unsupervised method to increased database labels in the case of classes imbalances
- Quantum Resistant High Speed Blockchain Project
- Preliminary Design of Distributed Hydroponic Grow Systems in Residential Buildings as a Means of Addressing Market Interest and Food Supply Chain Disruption Due to COVID19
- Watershed Modelling for Stormwater Infrastructure Planning and Design Under Climate Change in Pouch Cove, NL
- Structural and thermal performance of optimum 3D printed parts from continuous carbon fiber-Poly Ether Ether Ketone composites
- Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC) Research Hub: Synthesizing the last decade of Canadian research on specific learning disorders
- Cannabis pest complex in Ontario, Canada, and the use of companion crops in outdoor cannabis production
- Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 Isolation Policies on Public Wellness using IoT – A Public Health and Work from Home Perspective
- Study of swine metabolism in a cell line model
- Broken Promises: Museum Exhibit Development during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Advanced AI for Demand Forecast, Assortment Planning and Plan Monitoring in Fashion and Apparel Retailing
- Anatomy Detection of Cats and Dogs using Localization
- Characterization of a DTI Tractography Pipeline for 3D Visualization of Spinal Cord Pathology
- Accelerating Technical and Market Readiness of Solid-State Nanopores
- Research into an Implementation Framework for National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) in NL
- Examining the effectiveness of a feminist framed transformational leadership development program for young female coaches in university/college athletics
- Redesigning the organization of the future: an investigation and experimentation of new impact-driven business and operational models.
- Applied Flood Modelling System for Flood Inundation Simulation
- Using machine learning to identify and contextualize residential rainwater downspouts and guide stormwater outreach programming
- Deep Learning based Real-time Object Recognition and Tracking for Immersive Training and Maintenance Applications
- Mass spectrometry analysis of beneficial compound profiles of medicinal mushrooms
- Effects of cannabinoids on ACE2-rich cells
- Lives with Houseplants in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Application of Topology Optimization for Efficient Composite and Additively Manufactured Structures
- Species traits as clues for who will win or lose: Large mammal responses to landscape change
- Indigenous peoples’ representation in the Greater Toronto Area construction industry
- Life Cycle Assessment Tool for Comparative Assessment of Sewage Sludge Technologies
- Leveraging linked, person-level health information to inform resident safety and a risk management framework within retirement homes in Ontario, Canada
- Over-The-Air (OTA) Testing System For 5G Wireless Devices – Year two
- A Preliminary Overview of the Impacts of COVID-19 in the Republic of Malawi
- Enhanced rock formation characterization using Gas Expansion Induced Water Intrusion Porosimetry
- Feasibility Assessment and Development of Knowledge, Technology, and Tools for a Reliable Touch Interface for Metallic and Non-Metallic Surfaces
- Studying Gameful Design for Bite-Sized Information Consumption
- The Impact of Cultural and Economic Factors on Play and Purchase Decisions for Tabletop Games
- To the root of the problem: preventing excess copper waste and remediation, by targeted treatment of downy mildew in grape crops
- Development of a Simulation Pipeline for Validating and OptimizingElectrically Tunable Liquid Crystal Zooming Systems
- Ultrasonic characterization of permafrost using an integrated machine learning poromechanical technique
- Instrumented based bridge evaluation
- Optimizing Wall Formwork Shuttering Design Using Prefabricated Panels in Concrete Construction
- A Raman spectral characterization of thin-film carbon
- Sensors data transmission with the Internet of Things (IoT) for water purification systems in indigenous communities
- Measurement and modelling of stream thermal regimes in the Ottawa River watershed
- Accelerating Neural Networks on FPGAs through High-Level Synthesis
- Health benefits of living in a wellness-centred community
- Network anomaly detection of Building Automation Systems
- Costing, rewards, and SEM analysis: Application to a B2C platform launch
- Identifications of various defect types during a fused deposition modeling process based on deep learning technology
- Automating Asset Management Solution for Electric Utilities’ Industrial Control Systems: An Integrated Approach
- Reinforcement Learning for anomaly detection in real-time camera feed
- Development of a breeding database for the application of omics technologies in canola variety development
- Determining recreation and protection values of old growth forests on Vancouver Island
- Green Solvents for Isopropyl Alcohol Replacement
- Change point detection algorithms to assess pilot’s reactions to malfunctions
- Development of An Outsourcing Accelerator Platform for the Biopharma & Pharma Industries
- Quini Machine Learning Wine Recommendation Engine
- Advancing Climate-Ready Fisheries in BC and Canada
- Learning from extreme weather: Developing the capacity of social science researchers to conduct quick response research
- Optimization of an Industrial-scale Water Atomization Process to Produce High-Grade Metal Powders
- Well-being in Nova Scotia’s communities: Applying a community well-being framework to track provincial health
- A Deep Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning Framework for Portfolio Management
- Feasibility Study for Indigenous Women’s Second-stage Housing in Canada
- Toward Operation Improvement of HPGR and Ball Mill Circuits Through the Dynamic Optimization and Mill Speed Control in Response to Variation in Measurable Process Variables
- Strengthening Process Efficiencies in a Changing Industry
- Applying machine learning techniques for demand forecasting in retail
- Investigations into the mechanism of action and potential in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis of the novel ruthenium based therapeutic BOLD-100
- Developing fluorescent viability stain compounds and uses for anti-cancer drug screening
- High performance robotic drilling and inspection systems for aerospace composite manufacturing
- Applying real-time virtual reality and artificial intelligence for risk-based safety assessment of autonomous operations in a shared airspace
- Deep neural networks for floorplan vectorization and feature tagging for first responders
- Improving User Experience and Accessibility of Online Medical Test Data via Gameful Design
- Feasibility of the Get A-Head® App for Clinical Psychology Research and Training in Emotion Focused Family Therapy
- Non-Invasive Real-time Glucose-Monitoring Smart Textiles
- Exploiting wild tomato genetic resources and pathogen effector diversity for resistance
- Research on Optimal Interaction Engagement Strategies between the “The Thingery” Community Sharing Platform and Its Users with a Focus on Mobile Development
- Recovery of culturally important forest plant communities after wildfire in interior British Columbia
- Development of a serological test for early diagnosis and monitoring of cancer
- Condemnation to Collaboration: An Examination of Relationships between Canadian Governments and the Cannabis Sector
- Implementation of a validated home tele-rehabilitation intervention for geriatric patients: perspectives of stakeholders
- Determining the carbon footprint and lifecycle assessment of magnesium oxychloride cement building materials
- Durham Region District Energy Assessment and Feasibility Study
- Parking Utilization Assessment Using Deep Learning
- Zero+ Fleet Energy Simulation Tool
- Efficient edge inference benchmarking for AI-driven applications
- Assessing COVID-19 Impacts on Urban Travel and Activity Patterns Employing Cellphone Travel Data
- Effectiveness of hypochlorous acid for eradicating coronavirus on hard surfaces
- Electrical Material Characterization and Non-Destructive Diagnostics on Power Cable Dielectric Materials subjected to Thermal Aging – Phase III
- COVID-19 Infection and Epithelial Cell Markers
- Synthesis of CO2-Based Polymers for Carbon Capture – Phase II
- Aging In Place Ergonomic Kitchen Design
- False Data Injection Attacks on AC Power System State Estimation Using Cosimulation
- Evaluation of terminal complement cascade inhibitors using in vitro and in vivo models of age-related macular degeneration and in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Protected Areas in Canada
- Application and optimization of molecular methods as an early predictor of cannabinoid content through the growing process of select cannabis cultivars in an industrial starter plant production
- Thermodynamic Modeling and Optimization of Pressurized Liquefied Natural Gas in the Presence of Solvent
- Decentralized Services for Sharing and Searching User Generated Data
- Development of a camelid single-domain antibody-fragment targeting phosphoTDP-43 for in vivo molecular imaging applications
- Biaxial technology for ultrasound therapeutic devices in preclinical research for brain disorders
- Visualizing how Physiology affects Tactile Audio
- Application of Data Analytics in Industrial CFD
- Smart disinfection in a nosocomial setting: Requirements capture and operation design.
- IoT, AI and Analytics for Smart Urban Water Systems
- Architecture of Opportunity with 3D Printing Technology
- Characterizing the Neural Network Method of Solving Differential Equations on Low-Dimensional Parametrized Problems from Biophysics
- Can targeting substance misuse risk in university students be an effective strategy for injury prevention?
- AI Optimized On-Board Computer for Edge computing in Aerospace Applications
- Augmenting Movies with Interactive Narrative Agent
- Quo Vadis? Ontologies for Geospatial Question Answering and Consumer Behaviour
- Development of an Al first molecular database to accelerate drug discovery
- Multiparametric Analysis of Brain & Lung Imaging from COVID-19 Patients
- Stronger Together: Social Infrastructure for Community Health
- Fusing Terahertz and MWIR Technologies to Recycle E-waste Black Plastics
- Digital Audio Multi-Effects Platform for Eurorack Modular Synthesizers
- Decision-making environment for optimal envelope retrofit of the office building
- Reliability Improvement of Gallium Nitride (GaN) Devices
- Organic cathode materials for alkali-ion batteries
- Aerial drone to perform adaptive in-water sampling in marine environments
- Building capacity in support of wastewater-based epidemiology to aid public health decision-making in southwestern Ontario
- Exploratory Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease Detection Using Eye Scans
- Development and Testing of an Augmented Reality First Aid Training Program
- Marine Protected Areas and Economic Development in Nunavut
- Security Risk and Control Modeling for Deep Learning using the SAGETEA Methodology
- Thermal characteristics of viruses in humans, specifically COVID-19
- Expanding Web-Based Educational Opportunities for Canadian Students in STEM
- Evaluation of recombinant bovine herpes virus-1 as a platform for novel cancer immunotherapy development
- The use of aquatic therapy to manage musculoskeletal pain in Canadian military veterans
- Modeling the phenotypic effects of neuromodulatory agents on human neuronal cells using cerebral organoids
- Evaluation of the effects of pipe-soil interaction on the stress based design of buried pipelines using advanced numerical modeling
- High-Performance Sulfide-Electrolyte-Based All-Solid-State Lithium-Sulfur Batteries for Safe Electric Vehicle Applications
- Signalling Bodies as Resistant: Coded Queerness in Visual Culture
- Development of a quantitative framework for methane emissions from soil gas migration issues in the oil and gas sector
- Integrating multiple deep learning models to track and classify at-risk fish species near commercial infrastructure
- Biological sources and the persistence of aerosols generated by variousdental procedures
- Finding position and characterization of the defects in 3D point cloud
- Use of Mobile ADCPs towards 4-D flow mapping at the FORCE tidal stream site
- Delineation of Soil Management Zones for Subsoiling to Mitigate Soil Compaction Effects on Soil Properties and to Optimize Crop Yield
- Physiological Data Analysis and Credibility Assessment
- Development of an efficient coding for CDMA-based passive RFID tags
- Beneficial Reuse of Sulphur Impacted Soils to Remediate Cement and Concrete Contaminated Sites
- Advanced Image-guided Therapy Software for Image-guided Focused Ultrasound Research with Integrated Data Curation for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Investigation of IL-5R? expression on ILC2 as a target for Benralizumab
- Optimal Design and Performance Analysis of Building Level Microgrids with Battery Energy Storage
- Drivers and early warning signs of biodiversity change in urban ecosystems
- Complementary and competitive interactions between wild and managed bees – Year two
- Diversity and Abundance of Beneficial and Pest Insects in Canadian Prairie Agroecosystems – Year two
- Using/An application (with) Artificial Intelligence in Telemedicine and Telehealth
- Explore Remote Virtual Technologies Using Real-time Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)
- Placentia Bay Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Project
- Good Decisions, Diverse Voices: Developing Tools for Equitable Decision Making
- IoT-based Rental Item Location Tracking System
- DARSA (Deep-learning Assisted Radiological Software Application):Innovative Machine Learning approaches for Detecting Pathology inImages
- Encoding Bi-specific T cell Engagers into oncolytic vaccinia virus
- Engineering Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus to Remodel the Tumor Microenvironment and Improve Efficacy of Combinational Cancer Therapies
- Engineering virus-based cancer therapeutics to drive a systemic anti-cancer immune response
- Shaping the immunogenicity and efficient range of oncolytic vaccinia virus by the programmed release of therapeutically active, self-amplifying RNA containing virus-like-particles
- Investigating the Role of Novel Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (FABP) Inhibitors as Treatments for Anxiety Disorders
- Blocking assembly of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors to inhibit growth and increase immunogenicity of human fungal pathogens
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the Interpretation of Wide-Complex Tachyarrhythmia
- Evaluation of nutrition (growth medium) on terpene production in Cannabis sativa
- Fast Catalytic Pyrolysis of Sewage Sludge for Producing High-Grade Bio-Oil and Effective Sorbent for Capturing Emerging Contaminants
- Copper and nickel stable isotopes in overburden and transported cover as exploration tools for buried magmatic sulfide deposits
- MRI Estimates of Repeated Demyelination and Tissue Injury as Markers of Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
- Dissolvable Glass Technology
- Evaluating synergism effects of selected plant extract compounds with metal-based antimicrobials for their antibacterial and anti-biofilm potency.
- Using priority effects and soil amendments to optimize ecological restoration of the Fortis pipeline right-of-way.
- Measuring the fate of naphthenic acids in wetlands using Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Samplers and Solid-Phase Microextraction
- Revitalizing Indigenous fire management and fire-resilient forests in northern British Columbia
- En Route to Discovery of Potential ‘Green’ Refrigerants
- Innovative Telerehabilitation and Tele-research platform for movement disorders
- Development of a market prototype of a smart toothbrush for individuals with advance dementia
- Demystifying Maritime Governance:Analysis of the frameworks and emerging issues for the governance of shipping in Canada
- Optimization and validation of collagen fiber manufacturing
- Considerations for an exercise training program for women living with obesity-related infertility: a community-based feasibility study
- Modelling and Simulation of District Energy Networks
- Sectoral use of ammonia as a clean solution
- Determining the Community and Sub-Population Structure of West Coast Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales in the Northeastern Pacific
- Novel image processing techniques of standard DXA scans to better predict hip fracture risk
- Identifying Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs When Starting and Growing Businesses in Cambodia
- On-Chip True Time Delay Optical Beamforming for RF Phased Arrays
- Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Opportunities in Lloydminster Post-chops Heavy Oil Reservoirs and Underlying Aquifers
- Comprehensive Waste Management Plan and Assessment
- Electroplated Phosphonate Quaternary Ammonium Antimicrobials for Corrosion, Wear and Antimicrobial Resistant Metal Surfaces
- Integration of Electromagnetics in Potash Mining Geohazard Analysis
- Effect of off-bottom oyster aquaculture on coastal bird populations
- In Vacuo Glycation of Insulin
- Marine resilience in the Anthropocene: understanding the adaptive capacity of marine social-ecological systems to change
- Closed loop cementous mixing and feeding system development
- Life Cycle Assessment to Inform Potential for Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes in Canada’s LNG Industry
- Tunable Metal-Organic Frameworks for Detection and Capture of Phosphine and Other Hazardous Gases
- An IoT Hot Cold Sensation Device
- Preparing Asphaltene-based Carbon Fibres by Electrospinning for Optoelectronic Applications
- Coronavirus adhesion to contact lenses
- Innovative Business Strategies: Business development and export opportunities and challenges associated with small Canadian companies
- Beyond Covid-19: infusing interactive multi-sensory physical movements to a new model of children’s adaptation for the new normal
- Holocene fire history as a predictor of watershed responses to future wildfires in southwestern British Columbia
- Validating Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Breast Cancer Detection
- A novel consumer’s behaviour analysis platform to enhance customer engagement
- A Sustainability Evaluation of Post-harvest Fisheries Opportunities for First Nations in Nova Scotia
- Revision of Socio-Spatial Conceptions for Designing Public Spaces and Built Environments in Post Pandemic Alberta
- Understanding the Role of Ex Situ Conservation to Enhance Public Understanding, Awareness, and Support for Biodiversity
- Development of advanced electrochemical techniques for the production of graphene-based nano-materials from graphite
- Development of COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Test
- Role of cannabinoids on fast-inactivation of cardiac Nav channels
- Understanding the gaps in the adoption of animal care practices in Canada
- Epigenetic Regulators of Anticancer Drug Response
- Development, implementation and evaluation of a bulk tank milk surveillance program for infectious and emerging diseases on Ontario dairy farms
- Quantitative Trading in North American Power Markets
- Enhancing the development and sustainability of Greenland halibut fisheries in a rapidly changing Arctic.
- In Vitro Fundamental Dispersion Studies of Allergens and COVID-19 Sized Particles
- Development of biomarkers to assess health impact of exposure to algal toxins in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and effectiveness of mitigation measures at marine open-pen salmon farms
- The application and validation of predictive models to establish indices of protein quality in companion animal feed ingredients
- Project ABCI: Authorization, Booking and Coordination Internships for widespread Testing and Vaccination for COVID-19
- Evaluation of the mechanical properties of the bone-implant interface in dental implants
- Reducing Debt Sentences: Evaluating the Use of Human Rights Discourse by the Canadian Federation of Students in Support of Universal Higher Education
- Mindfulness for Mental Health: Tailoring the DeRose User Experience
- Activity recognition and workload estimation algorithm development using the Kinetyx SI insole system
- Hydrogen-diesel dual fuel engines for heavy-duty commercial vehicles: modelling and analysis
- Impact Evaluation and Developmental Evaluation Planning with a Community- Based Not-for-Profit Organisation Focussed on Poverty Reduction
- High solid content wood foams for thermal insulation
- The role of regulatory T cells in blood during acute heart transplant rejection
- Portable Detection and Characterization of the Synovium and Effusion inMusculoskeletal Ultrasound
- Identifying Opportunities and Barriers for Local Food Infrastructure in Yellowknife, NWT
- Effect of harvest time on cattail (Typha) fibers for non-woven applications.
- Estimation of Disease Severity in Rice with Deep Learning Neural Networks
- Formulations & Production Methods for Plant-based Salmon Fillet
- Investigating mycelial-plant biomass mat application to reduce early-colonizing weeds in row-crop agriculture
- Multi-Gram Scale Synthesis, Purification and Formulation of Psilocybin
- Applying social psychological research to improve hearing rehabilitation outcomes for persons with hearing loss – Duplicated
- Economic forecasting with Agent based model under Bayesian framework
- Channel Propagation Study
- Photonic Cognitive Processor for Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Hardware
- Interrogation of small RNAs in MSC chondrogenic potency
- Modelling of Compaction Profiles and Slurry Sliding Velocities Inside High Density Thickeners
- Surveillance of therapeutic control and prevalence of Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae in the Saskatchewan beekeeping industry
- Development of Computational Tools for Multiphysics Analysis of Small Modular Reactors
- Enhancing Blockchain Security and Performance for Health Records
- Characterization of adverse events, health-care costs and real-world survival outcomes with the introduction of ibrutinib for chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma patients in British Columbia
- Feasibility of physiological assessment for objective confirmation of non-invasive electrical recruitment of the saphenous nerve
- Prediction of biological age based on DNA-Methylation patterns
- Co-creation of a comprehensive support pathway for the learning and mental health needs of youth in care
- Exploring Mental Wellness Services: By and For Indigenous Peoples in British Columbia, Canada
- The utility of ergonomic monitoring on affecting health behavior in the workplace
- Assessing the mental health impact of Covid-19 on Canadians: a longitudinal study
- Development of Conversational Agents and Applications in Playful Environments
- Earth Diver: Digital Land-based Worlding
- City of Markham Inclusive Community Engagement Research Project
- Developing the local economies of food in northern Indigenous communities
- Exploration of neuronal hyperexcitability in human spinal cord tissue models of pathological pain
- Ontario’s Digital Research Infrastructure Needs Assessment And Capacity Building
- Yóntstha Ka’nikonhrí:yo (Using a Good Mind)
- An innovative antimicrobial packaging to control Campylobacter jejuni in raw poultry meat
- Data driven predictive control for geothermal heating-cooling system with standing column well
- Traditional Land Use Mapping and Environmental Assessment with Maawandoon
- Filtering Process Optimization
- An optimized relay for interoperating between ledgers
- User Experience Design of Next-Generation Electronic Pocket Notebook for Law Enforcement Agencies
- Alberta Soil Carbon Characterization Project
- Novel Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Strategies to Investigate Separation of Various Oil Contaminations from Wastewater Systems Using Functionalized Membranes and Magnetic Nanoparticles
- Active children today, healthy adults tomorrow: Getting serious about physical activity and physical literacy in our schools
- Assessing the impact of implementing the new draft regulation in Quebec Construction Code for thermal bridge calculation
- Fundamental Review of the Trading Book. A Factor Analysis
- Development of a novel microwave-assisted synthesis and functionalization method of magnetic nanoparticles for nucleic acids extraction/purification optimized by Machine Learning
- Open Data Guidelines and Policy
- Data analytics on city 311 information requests
- Evaluating the potential of using a combination of bioremediation and phytoremediation for a hydrocarbon and metal contaminated site
- Evaluation and validation of end users’ perception, attitude and behaviour toward iAccompany online healthcare services
- Kinetic and Thermodynamic Analysis of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Process: Parametric Modelling, Optimization and Solvents Screening
- Evaluation of Resiliency in Community Youth Empowerment Programs – Year two
- Characterizing Total Knee Replacement Biomechanics using a Novel Muscle-Driven Joint Motion Simulator
- The experiences of Indigenous school psychology trainees working with Indigenous communities
- Quantifying the financial benefits of technological solutions for improved water and tailings management
- Strategies for Mitigation and Management of Water Risks in Mining
- Flow Optimization for Wormhole Regions of Post-CHOPS Reservoirs
- Smart wireless power transfer system
- Navigation and Control of Drones over 5G networks: Enhanced Communication, Adaptive Control and Drone Swarm Collision Avoidance
- Software Engineering Framework for Users in Indigenous Communities
- Symbolic Model-Based Design of a Semi-Autonomous Vehicle Prototype Implementing Independent Wheel Torque Vectoring for Training an Advanced Driver Assistance System
- Wild bee pollinator habitat restoration through dietary breadth, nutrition and microbiome characterization across Canada
- Development of Enhanced RF-ICP thermal torch for waste to energy and radioactive waste material treatment
- Natural Health Products to Manage Cancers of Dogs
- Validation and application of porous polymeric sorbents in sample preparation and analysis
- Parallel computing of particle-laden flows with applications to energy processes
- Building Intergenerational Solidarity Around the History of HIV
- BC Pulp and Paper Bioproducts Alliance: Development and demonstration of forest residues to renewable natural gas technologies
- Identifying leading safety culture improvement practices to drive innovation to assist in the prevention of workplace injuries
- Telehealth group interventions for addictions in a community mental health setting during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Mapping DeFi projects of Ethereum blockchain
- Improved Phenotyping of Macrophages Using Cell Line Models, Gene Expression Signatures, and Protein Secretion Data
- Seabed mapping for improved modelling of ocean circulation and glacier-ocean interactions in the Canadian Arctic
- Development of Ultra High Strength (>1GPa) Vanadium Microalloyed Dual Phase Steels For Automotive Lightweighting
- Integration of Safety Analysis into Model-Based Systems Engineering
- Assessment of the Stoko Novel Supportive Tight
- Effects of host, pathogen, and environmental factors on increased incidence of European foulbrood in honey bee colonies pollinating blueberries
- The simulation of multiple interacting garments as an outfit on a tailored avatar
- Removal of phosphorus (P) runoff from agricultural lands in the Napanee and Wilton Creek watersheds with passive reactors
- Mass transfer mechanisms in solvent bitumen recovery processes
- Enhanced bitumen recovery from thin and low quality oil sands formations
- Quantifying community-level responses to anthropogenic landscape disturbance and management using multi-array camera trap data
- Quantifying Environmental and Anthropogenic Impacts on Coastline Instability at Point Pelee National Park (PPNP) and Peninsula
- Integrating Symbolic Reasoning and Statistical Perception in Task and Motion Planning
- A Realistic Machine Learning-based Model for Failure Prediction and Propagation in Smart Grid Networks
- The Black Equity in Alberta Rainforest (The B.E.A.R)
- Cumulative effects of climate and land cover change on river flows in mountain catchments
- Investigating the influence of metallic impurities on the properties of Cu coatings intended for used nuclear fuel containers
- Healthy and Sustainable Housing in Indigenous Communities
- Development of Pharmacological Probes for Road-Mapping WD40 Domain Proteins
- Muscle Oxygenation characteristics of elite middle-distance runners
- Field evaluation of bacilin 20: Herbicide stress and accelerated flowering
- Development of carbonaceous adsorbents from Moringa Stenopetala Seed Waste for removal of heavy metals and organic contaminants from aqueous solution
- Employing Data Mining and Visualization Strategies for the Analysis of Well-being Indicators
- Evaluating the knowledge attitudes and perceptions of new users toward different exoskeletons
- Real-Time VLT Player Data Personae Classification
- Improvement to the tool for Reliability-based Quantitative Analysis of Dents in Pipelines
- Development of a High Efficiency LC-FAIMS-MS/MS Solution for Enhanced Lipidomic Analysis
- Automated Guidelines and Standards Compliance Checking in Oil and Gas Industry
- Influencing buyer behavior with Intelligent Marketing and team performance with digital coaching.
- Risk classification over time for individuals who have diabetes
- Moving evidence into practice: using knowledge transfer to improve the care of individuals with lymphedema
- Leveraging lessons learned from the front lines to inform policy and practice in hospital and community healthcare settings in the context of COVID-19
- Improving high-quality lipid production in the commercially important microalgae, Euglena gracilis
- Novel Linearization Techniques for Ultra-Broadband 5G Power Amplifiers
- Improving Aveer RFID technology for real-world scenarios
- Data-Driven Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring for Farm Facilities based on Smart NeatMeter Devices
- Feasibility Study of Wave Energy Conversion with Grid Connectivity
- Predictive Models for Customers’ Engagement in a Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise’s Business Ecosystem Network
- Use of nanoparticles, phase change materials, and antifreeze admixtures for cold weather concreting
- Further improvements of image analysis for multiplexed microarrays – Part 3
- Integrating thermal storage in hybrid renewable mine energy systems; a techno-economic feasibility assessment
- Accelerating discovery through high-throughput experimentation and machine learning – Year two
- Multi-agent reinforcement learning for decentralized UAV/UGV cooperative exploration – Year two
- Program evaluation for JUMP Math: An empirical assessment of a resource for math education – Year two
- Understanding the impact of changes to blood donation deferral screening and criteria for men who have sex with men – Year two
- Internet-based mental state monitoring using patient’s textual data – Year two
- Exploring race representation and the racial wage gap in Southern Ontario’s Tech Industry
- An electrochemical microfluidic sensor for cannabinoid detection
- Thin-film photocatalyst development for Solar-Driven GHG Conversion to Fuels
- Applied research in dynamic risk analytics using machine learning
- A Novel Passive Wireless Printed Circuit Board Cavity Sensor for the Measurement of Electric and Magnetic Fields
- Nothing About Us Without Us: People with Cognitive Disabilities Evaluate the Accessibility of Non-Curricular Documents on Three Nova Scotia University Websites
- Redesign of a commercial across-breed genetic evaluation system and in-silico investigations of resulting system performance and flexibility.
- Efficacy of online games for ocean career education
- Relation between biometrics and traumatic brain injury risk: developing a data analysis procedure for concussion risk assessment and management
- In-situ performance verification of the Pizza Oven Waste Energy Recovery (POWER) System within Restaurant Environments
- Scaled Physical Modeling of Geomechanical Implications of Wormholes During CO2-Based CSI in CHOPS Reservoirs Part A: Centrifuge Testing of 3D Printed Specimens
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Optimization of Very High Lift Coe?cient Airfoil
- Simulating dynamics of flux qubits with charge and hybrid flux noise
- Standardization and optimization of saliva sample processing for SARS-CoV-2 detection without nucleic acid purification
- Exploring the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion of the Canadian Sport Industry
- The politics of clinical trials in a pandemic: The role of the blood service indeveloping a treatment for COVID-19
- Next-Generation Coating Materials for Architectural Lighting
- Solar Simulation for Real-World Conditions and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Efficiency Characterization
- Deep learning-based illuminant estimation for mobile devices
- Requirement Engineering Support for Machine Learning Development – A Workforce Management Application
- Assessing Sport Performance Using Mobile EEG
- “Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds”- Gender Transformative Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Program Implementation in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)
- Structural Geology and Controls on Gold Mineralization, MaginoDeposit, Wawa Subprovince, Northern Ontario
- Developing a watershed approach to manage anthropogenic and environmental stressors in an eastern Lake Ontario watershed
- Novel Corrective and Training Procedures for Neural Network Compliance
- Autobot: Data-driven metadata tagging of building automation systems
- Evaluating the role of summer forage quality and quantity on cow moose condition, fecundity, and survival in WMU 3-18
- Geothermal Optimization Software – Part 1
- Using Machine Learning to Predict 30-Day Risk of Hospitalization, Emergency Visit or Death Among Albertans Who Received Opioid Prescriptions
- Performance map of effect of composition and heat treatment on the work output from shape memory alloys.
- Schedulability Analysis of Real-Time Systems Using Metaheuristic Search and Machine Learning
- Investigation of techno-economic feasibility and environmental benefits of mine waste heat recovery systems for an underground mine in northern british columbia
- Examining the operation of Public Pools and Spas in the COVID-19 Era
- Anaerobic biodegradation of complex aromatic pollutants by indigenous microbes from a contaminated site in Brazil
- Intensifying Mass Transfer and Flotation Rates in Multiphase Contactors/Reactors
- Using community science to protect the butterflies of Canada
- Oilsands Mine – Pit wall design optimization
- Development of a UV-LED air purifier for indoor air
- Efficient Learning Methods for Multimodal Understanding
- Does Intervention Work? Assessing the Effectiveness of Business Innovation and Growth Support in Canada
- High-Energy-Density Solid-State Li Metal Battery enabled by High-Performance Composite Electrolyte and Protected Li Metal Anode
- Investigation of rut and moisture damage resistant additives for asphalt mixtures
- Design Energy Harvesting Circuit and its System-on-Chip Implementation
- Development and Applications of Cement Composites Made of Various Forms of Basalt Fibre – Year two
- Developing BioInteract technology to identify therapeutic drug targets in genetic disease models
- Innovation in Tax Filing: Identifying Barriers and Increasing Access
- Modelling and Assessment of Cloud Based Smart Dual Fuel Switching System (SDFSS) of Residential Hybrid HVAC System for Simultaneous Reduction of Energy Cost and Greenhouse Gas Emission Under Smart Grid
- Prioritization and Optimization of the Sewer Flushing Program for Municipal Wastewater Collection Systems
- Process Development of Atomic Layer Deposition Cobalt and Ruthenium Metal Films – Year two
- Development, implementation and validation of new anti-E6 therapeutics for the treatment of HPV-associated cancer – Year two
- Anomaly detection using AI/ML for Network Correction
- Multiple functional nanoscale MOF particles for anticancer drug and siRNA delivery system
- Soil Stabilization with DFI
- Marine based antiviral coatings with bioamask applications towards SARS-CoV-2 virus
- Machine learning assisted quantum chemistry for Orquestra
- TRUSTSPHERE (a Trusted, Secure and Privacy-respecting Healthcare Environment Realized for Everyone): Building the trust layer connecting everyone to digital health
- From Form to Structure and Space
- Multi-spectral Forestry Mapping for First Nations using RPAS
- Uniting the Métis Nation of BC through values based leadership and strategic culture
- The PAC App: Evaluating a Nationally Promoted Physical Activity App
- Investigating employees racial bias in the workplace using neurophysiological and behavioral measures
- Evaluation of Suncor Experimental Photodynamic Insecticides
- Solid Waste Management Best Practices: cost effective options to sustainably manage solid waste in the Peace River Regional District
- Understanding the Rise of the Right: A Podcast Series
- Enabling Vehicle Fleet Electrification in British Columbia: Understanding the trends, barriers and opportunities
- White Sturgeon Movement and Habitat Use in the Lower Columbia River
- Effectof face covering functional design on cardio pulmonaryresponses and athletic performance
- RPAS acquired full motion video analysis and anomaly detection
- Lithium ion battery systems for decentralized solar photovoltaic storage in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Reliability Analysis for Bridges Under Autonomous Truck Platooning Loads
- Ontario Back To Play Research Project
- High-heat-flux microprocessor cooling using microgaps
- Offline Digital Twin for ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s No. 2CC using 3D THERCAST® modelling to predict macrosegregation & cracking
- Modeling the Ekona’s natural gas pyrolysis pulse reactor for the coproduction of blue hydrogen and carbon nanoparticles
- Production of FDCA directly from glucose/fructose in a continuous-flow two-stage reactor system and study of reaction kinetics
- Immune Cell Tracking of immunotherapy Response in Orthotopic Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Model
- An Investigation into the Role of Fe Mineralogy in Hydrocarbon Remediation in Western Canadian Soils
- Characterizing Geotechnical and Hydraulic Properties of a Novel Nano-Graphene-Based Adsorbent (Grafta®) used in Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs), using Experimental Tests and Numerical Analysis
- Improving the efficiency of the Thermal Energy Exchange and Storage systems: A dynamic modelling approach
- Assessment of local air filtration in hospital wards to prevent spread of SARS-CoV2
- Bio-based Latexes using Switchable Hydrophilicity Solvent (SHS)
- Developing soft, penetrable nanogel-based anti-infective coatings
- Optimizing cellulose nanocrystal performance via in situ surface modification
- Examining intimal cell types in hypercholesterolemia and atherogenesis, at single cell resolution
- Shear-induced coalescence for controlling emulsion stability
- Thermomechanical Methane Pyrolysis for Production of Hydrogen with Solid Carbon
- Short-term Stability of Liquid Crystal Wavelength Selective Switches
- Multiplexed POCT detection of inflammatory biomarkers for disease diagnosis and stratification
- IoT based Image Processing Analytics and Network Connectivity for Automated Drone Surveillance
- Implementation, Parameterization and Validation of a Confinement-Dependent Constitutive Model for Brittle Failure of Rock
- Change detection of wetland vegetation under contrasting water-level scenarios in coastal marshes of eastern Georgian Bay
- Building Performance Evaluation of Leading Energy Efficient Homes in Southern Ontario
- Simultaneous localization and mapping using a magnetic quantum sensor
- Temporal soft clustering for profiling and predictive analytics in elderly care homes
- In Tune with Global Youth Mental Health
- Development of an advanced Control Strategy for chemical dosing in sewers
- Defining epigenetic drivers of primary and metastatic medulloblastoma – Year two
- Resistant Starch Prebiotic Effects in Chronic Kidney Disease (ReSPECKD) study – Year two
- Data – Driving Recovery in the aftermath of COVID-19’s 1st Wave, Steadying for the 2nd
- Workforce Innovation Through Social Enterprise
- Development of a Deep Learning algorithm to improve the image quality of the pictures taken by Quartet® real-time
- Development and implementation of an Edge AI IoT device with domain specific architecture to autonomously monitor children around pools
- Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis for Production of Synthetic Jet Fuel
- Floodplain maps inventory and pathway for flood-induced risk assessment in BC
- Development of new methods for screening bioilogics by means of Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) coupled with Mass-Spectrometer (MS) via novel Open Port Probe Sampling Interface (OPP)
- Safety and effectiveness of Mifegymiso® offered through different service delivery points: a national prospective cohort study
- An improved pipeline for processing and analysis of facial surface images in medicine
- Air microfluidics enabled edema sleeve
- Assessment of freshwater mussel species at risk translocations due to river infrastructure works: A case study of Argyll Bridge and the Grand River
- Microchemical techniques to evaluate priority contaminant sources along the migration routes of Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
- Accelerated Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage in Mine Tailings
- Identification of Physiologic Biomarkers in Patients with ObstructiveSleep Apnea (OSA): A Step Towards a Precision Care Approach
- Implementation of Photonic Computing Chip (IPCC)
- Exploring perceptions on the QUIT smartcase to guide continued development of this digitally enhanced technology for reducing and quitting dependence on e-cigarettes.
- Data-Driven Control of an Ultracompact Industrial Robot
- Complex Gill Disease Initiative
- Multi-Physics Modeling and Characterization of Thin-Film Piezoelectric-Layered Polymer Composites under Mechanical Loading
- Smart Battery Management System by Integrating Physics-basedModeling and AI-based Methodology
- Bioprocessing of Cellulose-Based Plants for Beverage Fermentation
- Construction site safety: Real-time personnel counting and personal protective equipment recognition
- Supporting Canadian families: A national review of the F&ST program
- Elastomer composites as functional binders for lithium sulfur batteries
- Rural Philanthropy: Mapping Patterns of Charitable Giving in Newfoundland and Labrador and Canada’s Atlantic Region
- Size Spectra Modeling to Assess Productivity, Recovery, and Sustainable Levels of Community Harvesting of Eastern Canadian Marine Shelf Ecosystems
- Catalyst development and characterization for microwave reactors
- Developing an interfacing platform technology for silicon-micromachined JFET biosensors
- Ultra-high-quality optical coatings fabricated using plasma-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering
- Community-based water monitoring and two-eyed seeing in the St. Marys Area of Concern
- Reducing the effect of magnetic disturbance in inertial measurement based indoor localization
- Advancing TTC Ridership Analytics and Revenue Forecasting Tools for Improved Transit Planning
- Using long-term monitoring data to quantify the impact of white-tailed deer reduction on vegetation and avian communities at Long Point, Ontario
- Threats to urban-forest sustainability in Halifax Regional Municipality
- Developing an Efficient Ensemble Machine Learning Model for Evaluating Construction Project Bidding Quality and Optimal Winning Strategies
- Root associated microbiome of trees growing in a fractured bedrock toluene phytoremediation site – Year two
- Synthesis and Development of Low-Cost and High-Quality Graphene Nanostructures
- Smart Work Zone Management – Year two
- Production of in vitro and in vivo bison embryos derived from sexed semen – Year two
- Indigenous and Northern Centre for Innovation
- Development and Evaluation of Interventions for Farm Machinery Operators to Improve Musculoskeletal and Cognitive Health
- Development of innovative approaches for the extraction and recovery of resources from gold-bearing materials
- Genes to affordable medicines – Stream 2-L
- Land capability modeling for the Canadian prairies towards ecosystem services offset protocols
- Bullying Purposely Left Out?: Canada’s amended Labour Code and its potential impact on Indigenous workers
- Advancing Tele-Rheumatology Platform
- A Phase 2, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Microbial Ecosystem Therapeutic-2 (MET-2) in Patients with Major Depression
- Application of Light Detection and Ranging in Right-of-Way Management Program
- Additive Manufacturing of Automotive Components
- Development of a Quantitative and Inexpensive Opioid Detector for Clinical Use
- Development of digital technologies for wild blueberry cropping system to lower production costs and increase berry quality
- Assessing student (dis)engagement: Interrogating how access and equity factor into the university experience
- Plant growth response to growth promoting rhizobacteria
- Mechanisms involved in triggering the rapid antidepressant effects of ketamine
- Development of Electronically Tunable and Fixed Filters for TVWS and 5G Wireless Systems
- Development of an assessment tool for individualization of a smoking cessation protocol using a smart pulmonary inhaler and a mobile self-care application
- Development of Novel Aluminum Alloys and Metal Matrix Composites Strengthened with Rare Earth Elements and Nano Ceramic and Carbon Particles
- Environmental DNA samplers for aquaculture decision making
- Facilitating Indigenous co-management of wildlife in Manitoba through collaboration on sustainable camera trap monitoring
- Longitudinal effects of aripiprazole on enhancing memory and brain connectivity in first-episode psychosis
- Design of biodegradable bioplastics utilizing hemp
- Electronic Data Capture in the Care of Chronic Pain: Identifying Barriers and Improving Usability
- Clinical translation of carbohydrate nanomedicines for gene therapy
- Robust Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Automotive Vehicles
- Design of High-performance LDPC-based Forward Error Correction Codes for Fiber Optic Communications Systems
- Control Scheme for Smart Combiner in Large-Scale Solar Farms
- Investigation of the liquefaction potential for variably unsaturated tailings
- Obfuscation and Homomorphic Encryption in the Quantum Setting
- Use of Nanocellulose for Treating Fines Dominated Oil Sand Tailings Deposits
- Disruption of swine production and marketing in Ontario due to infectious diseases in swine and human populations: impact and mitigation strategies
- Assessment of Prototype Scour Data
- Optimising Reptile Conservation Interventions: Testing the Impacts and Efficiency of Commonly-used Methods to Improve Outcomes
- CASI Platform, Environment pillar: Benchmarking the environmental and climate performance of Canadian Agriculture
- New electrolyte design for Li-ion batteries based on metal-based anodes
- Modulating HMGB1 in COVID-19-associated inflammatory response
- Modeling the climatic impact of lakes in Tsay Keh Dene Nation and Carcross /Tagish First Nation territories of northwestern Canada
- Human-Based Study to Characterize the Biomechanical, Physiological and Comfort Impact of Alternative Torso-Borne Loads and Load Distributions
- Optimization of Oat Beverage Process Conditions for Nutrients Recovery
- Managing the transportation of hazardous materials with disruptions and uncertainties
- Optimising Green Rainwater Infrastructure for Rain City Strategy Targets
- Governing innovation and knowledge sharing to increase adaptive capacity of forest industry in Quesnel, British Columbia
- Mental Health Series: Addressing the mental health concerns of medical radiation technologists in Canada
- Stochastic Optimization Approach for the Multi Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem
- Ecology and Conservation of Grassland Songbirds in the Waterton Park Front Area
- 3-D Mesoscale Imaging of Turbine Runner Alloys
- Harm reduction-based programming and services for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) in a novel clinical care setting: the opportunities and challenges for clinicians, clients, donors and fundraisers – Year two
- Evaluation and Improvement of High Voltage Module (HVM) of X-ray Generator – Year two
- Health Records over Blockchains – Year Two
- Fault Detection in Cables: A Machine-Learning Approach
- Selective Dissolution of Alloys 400 and 800 in CANDU Steam Generator Environments: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies
- Validation of the Babbly language development app
- Marine ecosystem changes in Atlantic Canada: drivers of altered abundance and habitat use by waterfowl and marine birds?
- Pulsating Airlift Pumps for Vertical Farming Applications
- Integration of molecular tools with technological evaluation to improve the performance of starter cultures for yogourt
- LIDAR urban scene infrastructure asset feature extraction
- Ozone Disinfection of Commercial Goods at Global Scale
- Moisture accumulation in a cavity-insulated thick-wall assembly with an exterior air barrier system as a result of natural convection in cold climates
- Detoxification of oil sands process-affected water
- Portable Device for COVID-19 Nucleic Acid Tests
- A Data-Driven Automation Framework for Chromatography-based Purification of High-value Biotherapeutics
- Toronto Ambient Air Quality Impacts from COVID-19
- It takes a village: Investigating the scaffolding strategies of writing development employed by ANS communities to support early literacy development.
- Targeting SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) methyltransferases (nsp14 and nsp10-nsp16 complex) toward developing small molecule antiviral therapeutics – Part 2
- Development of a software module for integrity analysis of subsea pipelines facing ice-induced geohazards
- Integration sound considerations into the Montreal nightlife policy
- Verification methodologies for autonomous agents to enable safe marine autonomous surface ships (MASS)
- In-Situ X-Ray Imaging of Carbon Fibre Composite Manufacturing Processes
- Advanced non-destructive testing solutions for mass concrete and deepfoundations
- The development of nanoparticle-doped redox active hole transport materials for next-generation solar cell cathodes
- Development of Dynamics models for Turbo machinery Squeeze Film Dampers
- Evaluation of Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Mass Timber Panel
- Engineering the marine microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum for production of diagnostic and therapeutic proteins
- Dynamic multi-type multi-priority emergency surgery scheduling with accurate service duration estimation
- Developing low-intensity pulsed ultrasound circuits to enhance cellulosic bioethanol yield for renewable energy
- Self-powered nasal wearable sensor for diagnosis of Coronavirus 2019
- Optimizing crop production while minimizing environmental nutrient losses using struvite: An assessment of different mixtures of readily soluble fertilizers and less soluble struvite phosphorus recovered from wastewater
- Environmentally friendly adhesion promoter compositions for multilayer coating applications
- Integration of Hybrid Distributed Resources in Three Different Systems With and Without Global Adjustment
- Evaluation of value-added lignin-based bioproducts for commercial applications
- Betulinic acid derivatives as a new agents for pediatric cancers
- Long-term effects of the administration of botulinum toxin BoNT-A, in a pre-clinical model of Parkinson’s disease
- Cytology-based DNA measurement for oral cancer screening
- Evaluation of PLO Micelles for Transdermal Peptide Delivery to Superficial Bone
- Measurement of Tailings Particles Transport Driven by Wind Erosion at Porcupine Tailings Storage Facility
- Towards development of a biodegradable polymer for use in single-use surgical gloves
- Design of real-time a localization algorithm for high-flow environments on embedded processor
- Freight consolidation and container loading optimization
- Improving the collection performance and reducing the complexity of cyclone systems using a rotary classifier in a dynamic cyclone particle separator
- Development of a noncontact PPG (ncPPG) system for oxygen saturation clinical analysis to increase the data reliability of SpO2 detection through consumer-level cameras
- Development and Validation of a Needle Decompression Simulator to Support the Acquisition and Maintenance of Advanced Care Paramedics Skills
- Discover anomaly signatures from time series data of telecommunication networks
- Développement d’un algorithme de reconnaissance d’images de papillons tropicaux
- Characterization of Parasitic Lead Inductances of E-mode pGaN HEMTs to Debug the Early Drain Breakdown Problem
- The role of wearable technology in a community-based program for language development and the impact of virtual program delivery.
- Eco-Friendly Styrofoam Substitute for Sustainable Food Packaging
- Weakly supervised representation learning for sequential and composite actions.
- Sniffing Line in Mass Spectrometry for Direct Analysis
- Development of a novel methodology for predicting reliability of battery energy storage in marine applications
- Development and Optimization of a Multiple Slice Cardiac Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Method for Monitoring Perfusion within Infarcted Tissue
- Quantum and Quantum-inspired Optimization for Intractable Industry Problems
- Infrastructure Corrosion Assessment Magnetic Method (iCAMM) technology for macro and micro defect detection of rail track
- Understanding Coastal Ecosystem Response to Nature-Based Climate Adaptation Methods in a Cold Climate
- Genes to affordable medicines – Stream 1-A2
- The Development and Implementation of a Data Management Strategy for a Community Mental Health Organization
- Unit Commitment Problem Integrated with Plug-in Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy Sources
- Design Automation and Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning for Practical and Scalable Regression Test Selection and Prioritization
- Dino Island: Improving Executive Functioning in Very Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Establishing productivities of violacein production in recombinant E.coli using CSTR batch processing
- Non-thermal sono-treatment improves the liquefaction and saccharification process and presence of phytochemicals of Cannabis sativa
- Practical implementation of an anisotropic rock mass strength model for rock slope stability analysis
- Multi-Camera Calibration and Stitching Under Automated Scenarios
- Investigating the benefits of natural habitats and farmland heterogeneity for the diversity and abundance of insect pollinators in southern Ontario
- Integration of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) to improve workflow of reconstruction projects and space utilization
- The Affect of Fun on the Adoption of Micromobility
- Characterization of Free/Bound Water of Mature Fine Tailings Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm Collaboration for Weed Control in Field Crops
- Documenting Existing and Potential Models for Virtual Pharmacist Care in North America and Europe
- Lanthanide nanoparticle-based ink formulations for aerosol printing on miniaturized optical sensing platforms
- Autonomous deployment, operations and recovery of underwater sensors
- Developing Sustainable Aquaculture by Intensifying Seawater Gas Transfer
- Optimizing a Gauze Dressing that Effectively Delivers Tranexamic Acid, Thrombin and Calcium for Severe Hemorrhage
- COVID-19, Women’s Mental Health and Therapeutic Recreation in Yukon Territory.
- Structural investigation of a bispecific antibody for treatment of HER2-expressing cancers
- Economic and technical feasibility assessment of decarbonizing British Columbia’s building, transport and industrial sectors with electrification and power-to-gas transitions
- Development of model-based control and autonomy for a screw-propelled unmanned ground vehicle
- The role of complement factor D (adipsin) in the pathogenesis of the Stargardt phenotype in Abca4-deficient mice
- Development of Nickel-Rich and Lithium-Rich Layered Cathode Materials for High-Performance All-Solid-State Pouch Cells
- Anomaly detection and action recognition for mobile cameras
- Public Transit Feasibility Study for the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay
- Employment Transitions of Refugees: Refugees, Employer, and Sponsorship Group Perspectives in Pictou County
- Development of Biodegradable Soft Bait Fishing Lures from Natural Materials
- An Assessment and Ranking of Sustainable Material Alternatives to the Soon to be Banned Single-Use Plastic Products
- A Review of Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Centre Frameworks for the Nshwaasnangong Child Care and Family Centre in the City of London, Canada
- A novel multi-echo MRI technique for prostate cancer detection and grading
- Equity in Rural Transit: Investigating the Feasibility of Permanent Public Transit in Wellington County, Ontario
- Optimal recharging scheduling for urban electric buses
- bridgeVUE – leveraging emerging technologies for safer and more efficient marine navigation.
- Machine Learning Methods for Behavioural Biometrics- ON-372
- Rare-earth element doping of dielectric thin films using ion implantation
- Advanced Plastic Recycling: New generation catalyst development for direct synthesis of lower olefins using waste derived syngas
- Innovations in Municipal Bylaw Adjudication
- Exploring the effectiveness of a pilot parasport coach mentorship program.
- Cloud Native Big Data Engineering and Automation
- Secure blockchain technologies
- Multi-institute domain adaptation by adversarial constrained medical time series representation learning
- The Acquisition of Land for Community Benefit: Dynamics of Organizational Structure and Management
- Computational Pipeline Monitoring leak detection on multiphase fluid pipelines
- Exploration of Hydrogen Silsesquioxane (HSQ) Formulations and the use of HSQ as a Precursor for Silicon Quantum Dots for Use in Polymer Coatings
- Development and Application of Marine Mammal Density Estimation Methods for Directional and Omnidirectional Hydrophones
- Infrastructure Services Requirement for Sensor based Well-Being Monitor on a Telecommunications Network
- Explorations into the mechanism and potential of the antiviral activity of BOLD-100 as a treatment for COVID-19
- Unsupervised Learning Based Approach for Insider Threat Analysis
- A Framework for Assessing an Innovation Nexus on Social Inclusion
- Probabilistic based Ultra-low Supply Voltage Noise Tolerant Circuits and Systems Design
- Earth Data Store – A Networked Ecosystem for Earth Observation Data Analytics
- The role of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes in reducing global carbon emissions: Developing theoretical foundations and overcoming implementation challenges
- Crystal Engineering of Energetic Materials: Co-crystals and Ionic Salts with Enhanced Performance and Improved Chemical and Thermal Stability
- StreamSight: Deep Learning Techniques for Managing Contaminants in Residential Curbside Recycling
- Effect of Pea Protein and Pea Resistant Starch Consumption at Breakfast on Glycemic Control in People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- A novel cell-pairing microchip for transcriptional profiling
- 5G-enabled Smart Buildings for Energy and Space Management
- Catalysing Network Change: Exploring Practical Tools to Spark Food Network Action
- Validation of the Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) in a student-athlete population
- Organizing Digital Film Festivals During and After COVID-19
- Prototyping and Industrial Testing of Novel Non-Consumable Thermocouples/Sensor Holders in Molten Steel
- Opportunities for and impacts of community-scale biomass and waste heat district energy systems in Canada
- Identifying and quantifying entrained larval fishes using eDNA and metabarcoding
- Liquid accelerated cold spray for copper deposition
- Expanding chemical oxygen demand (COD) profiles to validate contaminant specific degradation in freshwater environments and indicators of ecosystem function
- An Environmental Management System for the Town of Georgina’s Wastewater Collection System
- Reactive extrusion process development for silane modified EPDM
- Low Latency Myoelectric Controlled Interface for Finger Click Detection
- Effects of human and natural habitat factors on wolverine density and connectivity
- Speeding up Federated Learning Convergence using Transfer Learning
- Modelling the Non-Condensable Gas (NCG) in SAGD infill wells– Part 1
- High-throughput linguistic content comparison and sentiment analysis
- Fully Automated End to End Analysis of Non-small-cell Lung Carcinoma using Deep Learning Techniques.
- Improving Monitoring and Decision-making with Uncertain Sensor Data
- Soil, Water and Topography Maps as a Management Tool to Improve Profitability and Sustainability within the Potato Industry
- Generative models for controlled generation of synthetic sequence-based datasets
- An Integrated Software Suite for Rail Condition Analysis using Machine Learning
- Inspiring mass stakeholder groups to self-alter their normative patterns and thrive through self-interest and self-direction
- Exploring the Reconciliatory Potential of Marketing Processes in the Book Publishing Industry
- Solving the integration problem for loyalty programs
- Simeio: Anomaly Detection for Building Automation System – Year two
- Simulation of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from native pasture at large spatial scales
- Multi-Season Assessment of Indoor Microbiome and infectious agents to Manual Shading and Dynamic Glass in a Healthcare Environment
- SmartBody, SmartMind: Exploring the effectiveness of an online interoceptive training program on physical and emotional well-being.
- Ultrasound-driven “on-demand” pulsatile delivery of chemotherapeutics or chemotherapeutic delivery vehicles to tumours
- Implementing lessons learned from the pandemic to support our vulnerable populations
- Automatic Tracking, Localization, and Action Recognition of Hockey Players, Using Broadcast Videos (Phase 2)
- PATH: Program to Accelerate Technologies for Homecare
- Solid state electrode development for Li-ion batteries
- Chemistry, manufacturing, and control (CMC) assessment of Manganescan
- The effect of the MyoStorm heated vibration ball on pain andperformance with an examination of underlying mechanisms
- Impact of Lystek Process Treatment on Co-digestion of Food Wastes and Municipal Wastewater Biosolids
- Optimization of Computer Assisted Arrhythmia Intervention
- A Data-driven Approach to Model Viscous Fingering in Imbibition vs. Drainage at the Pore Scale
- Metamaterials for Selective Spatial Solidification
- Feasibility Study for Wastewater Collection and Treatment System at Aubigny community
- Intelligent Lawn Mow Routing using Automatic Vehicle Locator Technology for Smart City
- Building sustainable midwifery associations: Application of an evidence-informed framework for midwifery professional association strengthening
- Sustainable development of solid waste management in the Municipality of Roblin
- Enriching firefighter training through the development of a novel virtual reality training simulation
- AI-powered Wearable Health Patch for Non-Invasive Respiratory Illness and Infection Symptom Detection
- Endoscopic Laser Raman Spectroscopy for Colorectal Cancer Detection in IBD Patients
- Label-free Multiphoton Microscopy Imaging for Guiding the Surgery of Skin Basal Cell Carcinomas
- Investigating therapeutic potentials of milk microbiota for controlling mastitis in dairy cows
- Applications of Fiber Bragg Gating (FBG) Sensing Technologies on Power Utility Systems
- Development of durable hydrocarbon-based proton exchange membrane for fuel cell applications
- Detargeting Protein-Protein Interactions For Cellular Design Applications, Using 3D Structure-Based Deep Learning Models
- Investigation of Water-in-Oil Emulsion on CSI Solvent Dissolution and Ex-solution Performance for Heavy Oil
- Improving Construction Permitting Process using Predictive Analytics
- Financial Portfolio Reconciliation using Deconstructed Deep Learning
- The Impacts of Roads and Farming on Raised Bog Hydrology
- Waterloo Affordable Housing Living Lab (WAHLL)
- A Novel Cognitive Remediation Intervention for Public Safety Personnel with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Year two
- Promoting economic development and vitality of rural communities in Ontario – Year two
- Stability Testing for Cannabis Products
- Bacterial proteolytic function in inflammatory bowel disease
- Developing secure platforms for sharing First Nations owned information
- Cities Adapt to Climate Change: Celebrating Local Leadership
- Development of Durable Ultra-low-Pt-loading Catalyst Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
- Enhanced Modelling of Exfiltration Events in Sun Life Cybersecurity Data
- Diagnostic Software for Mapping Blood-Brain Barrier Pathology
- Broadening the vascular diagnostic service continuum of Koven Technology Canada through the development and validation of a novel in vitro diagnostic technology to diagnose peripheral arterial disease
- Developing and validating population models to estimate wildlife densities and inform land-use management in industrializing boreal landscapes
- Optical Trapping of Nanoparticles in X-Ray Photodynamic Therapy
- Single-molecule analytics of RNA/DNA drug constructs interacting with RNA targets and with lipid nanoparticle delivery vehicles
- Effects of off-road vehicle activities on plant and soil properties in Canadian ecosystems
- Impact of heat accumulation pattern on the enological potential of Vitis sp. berries
- Investigation of Zebra Configuration in Light-Weight MagentoRheological Dampers
- Targeting granzyme B with a novel inhibitor for the treatment of radiodermatitis
- Optimizing a food wastage stream at the consumer level of the Food Supply Chain through Machine Learning and the Internet-of-Things.
- Structural Integrity Assessments for Strain-Based Design of Pipelines
- Development of a rapid, point of care, COVID-19 detection system using proximity-based electrochemical principles
- HeliCat Canada Indigenous Relations Strategic Engagement Plan
- Assessing the Validity and Reliability of a Client Risk Profile Assessment Method
- High-Precision Imitation Learning for Real-Time Robotic Control
- The ParticipACTION App: Disability Content Development and Knowledge Translation
- AI Enabled Subnetwork Selection
- Co-developing a Bio-cultural Framework for Fish Habitat and Water Assessment with Lower Fraser First Nations
- On-board gaseous fuel compression for low greenhouse gas commercial vehicles
- Evaluation of geomorphic assessment methods and geomorphic performance of river restoration designs in mountain streams in British Columbia
- Artificial generation of optimum whitewater waves in rivers for kayaking
- Establishment of an X-ray CT and FTIR mouse brain reference atlas
- Risk aggregation beyond the normal limits
- Atlantic Canadian Beef Success and Opportunities
- Agricultural Multi-Layer Data Fusion to Support Cloud-Based Agricultural Advisory Services
- Dynamic, real time quality optimization of streamed video
- Performance Based Design of Viscoelastic Coupling Dampers in Mass Timber Buildings
- Investigating contaminant-related health effects in killer whales (Orcinus orca) using omics
- Stochastic Electrodynamics Simulations using the Xanadu Quantum Cloud
- Livelihood Fisheries and Indigenous Rights in Atlantic Canada: An Examination of Netukulimk Principles in Action
- Awechigewin: Developing a Virtual Approach to Community-Based Planning with Michipicoten First Nation
- Wastewater Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Nova Scotia
- Vapor-phase metal additive manufacturing
- Experimental and numerical evaluation of the electromagnetic ,mechanical and thermal behaviour of Kimberlite under microwave irradiation
- Her Own Boss! Bridging Settlement and Economic Security for Visible Minority Newcomer Women in BC
- Creating a migration utility for a SaaS Content Management System (CMS) platform
- User Adaptive Systems for Behaviour Change in Health And Wellness
- Sensor Rank and Selection to Determine the Best Sensor to Increase the Efficiency of a Garbage Disposal Service.
- Strategic Management – Transitioning from the Red Ocean to the Blue Ocean: A Case Study of Blueprint Residential Property Management Company
- Data Analytics to Optimize Drinking Water Quality
- COVID-19 and ultraviolet-C disinfection of porous and non-porous surfaces: modeling, validation, and performance of new devices
- Mobilizing public sector investments in vaccine R&D to address emerging viral threats
- Development and Implementation of an Embedded Algorithm for Essential Ocean Variable Monitoring
- Advancing Deep Knowledge Integration
- Tracking the parasympathetic nervous system, emotions, and wellbeing in chronic pain conditions – Part 2
- Using soil nematodes as indicators of soil health in wet meadow rangelands
- Visualization and Characterization of Novel Coronavirus Structure using Ultrasonic-Atomic Force Microscopy Targeted for anti-COVID-19 Therapeutics
- Linearization of High Peak-to-Average Power Amplifiers for Digital Broadcast Radio Applications
- Integrated Thermal Control Methods for Use in Scalable Battery Systems
- Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea a Novel Risk Factor for Cancer?
- COVID-19 and long term care workers: Staffing shortages and diverse pathways to entry
- A novel intraocular injectable platform for long-term treatment of retinal diseases.
- Effect of agro?climatic conditions on the cannabinoid quantities in hemp crops
- AR Marine Visualization System
- Application of machine learning techniques to control surface quality of as-printed wire arc additive manufactured components
- Evaluation & sensitivity study of behind-the-meter load disaggregation methods
- Multi-channel Fluidic Cartridges for Parallel Nanopore Sensing
- AttentionTrip: a gamified tool for measuring the networks of attention
- 3D-Printing for Remote Industries (3DPRI) in Harsh Environments: On the post-processing of a wire arc additive manufactured 420 martensitic stainless steel for enhanced functionality and service life
- Phenols-Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as a New Class of Antioxidants for the Prevention of Degenerative Diseases
- Biosurfactant Production from Seafood Processing Waste
- Technological advancements for data collection in animal research
- Assessment of the feasibility of manufacturing and marketing carvacrol-incorporated natural health products
- Development and market assessment of a reliable and efficacious anthocyanin-based healthy food ingredient
- Tunable, High Throughput UV Exposure Device
- Point-of-care breath analyzer for early-stage disease diagnosis
- Microfluidic Hydrogel-based Biomolecule Detection Through Novel Advection Transport
- Sustainable Development of Late-Life post-SAGD Reservoirs for Energy Recovery
- Experimental and Analytical Study on Sustainable Sandwich Structures made from Recycled Plastic Core and PET FRP facing
- Automated Driver Drowsiness Control Technology Using Artificial Intelligence-based Decision Support System
- A mobile soil-flushing and enhanced oxidation (MSFEOP) system for the remediation of petroleum brownfields
- Challenges of integrating machine learning in rock engineering design
- Implementation and evaluation of a surface estimation algorithm to modify the control of ADAS features
- Multi-modal learning of human pose representation for conditional motion synthesis
- STRATUM: A Digital Field Notes Tool for Archaeologists
- Developing an aptamer, graphene based electrochemical biosensor for early detection of Alzheimer disease.
- Examining the effect of biochar on C sequestration, greenhouse gas production, and soil biogeochemistry in different agricultural operations in Alberta
- Adaptive multi-horizon models for probabilistic demand forecasting
- Wije’winen – Envisioning the New Mi’kmaw Friendship Centre through Participatory City and Principles of Reconciliation
- The Economic Transitions of Refugees Resettling in Rural Nova Scotia Since 2015: Learning from Refugee Newcomers, Sponsorship Groups, and Employers
- Integrity Monitoring of Motion Estimation and Hazard Detection Algorithms in Environmentally-Impacted Scenarios
- Advanced Building Performance Analysis Tools for Computation Design of Building Envelopes
- Robust Non-contact RF Sensing for Human Vital Sign and Activity Monitoring
- Toward the development of a framework for research collaboration between public libraries and universities
- Investigating the geomechanics and public safety risks associated with the instability potential of popular geotourist sea stack rock formations
- Characterization and behavioural studies on Psilocybe mushrooms and related psychotropic compounds
- Analysis of the potential application of the shortwave infrared and near-infrared cameras to the weld temperature measurements
- Optimizing Virtual Care Solutions Capabilities to Address Cognitive Impairment
- Real-time food analysis using deep learning for Diabetes Self -Monitoring
- Continuous calibration, interpolation and predictive analytics using Machine Learning
- Characterizing Offshore Lobster Biology and Estimating Tag Recaptures and Reporting Rates in Lobster Fishing Areas 33 and 34
- Investigating a dispersive process of nanocellulose reinforced silk protein bone screws to increase its strength
- Discovering new microbes and metabolisms in deep sea sediments using metagenomic sequencing
- Evaluating Oil Sands Process-Affected Water Seepage to Waterbodies by Implementing Traditional Knowledge and Western Science
- Model-Based Security Compliance-By-Design for Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Operations Segments
- Indoor Virtual Tour and Virtual Object Display in 360 Degrees
- Assessing cumulative hydrological impacts from forest disturbance and climate change in Duteau Creek community watershed
- Technology Innovations to Improve Patient Outcomes After Spinal Cord Injury
- Machine Learning Aided Self-Estimation of Device Position in Cellular IoT Networks
- Design and simulation of an automated robotic solution for the installation of Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing components in wood-framed walls
- Characterization of insoluble minerals in the conventional potash mines of Saskatchewan: Implications for the origin and paragenesis of the Prairie Evaporite Formation
- Aeration design and bioreactor optimization for nutrient recycling systems
- Textile Embedded Vital Health Signs Monitor
- Reducing Training Data Requirements with Cognitive Cues
- Development of alternative technologies to assess muscle functionality
- Modeling pipeline-soil interaction in dense sand using nonlocal Mohr-Coulomb model in a Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian finite-element code
- Enzyme-like nanoparticles for preventing lipid oxidation: implications for increasing asphalt lifetime
- A Community Needs Assessment of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Advancing sustainable management of construction, renovation and demolition (CRD) waste
- Digital interventions to improve social connectedness and mental wellbeing of vulnerable older adults during COVID-19 and beyond
- Dietary mercury and declining Leach’s storm-petrel numbers: toxicological and spatial implications
- Evaluating the Implementation of Goal Management Training Cognitive Remediation Therapy among OSI Clients in Quebec City
- 3D foot motion Kinetyx Sensor Validation
- Vital Sign Monitoring for Overdose Detection and Emergency Notification
- Bid, Evaluate, Award (BEA) Cycle Analysis & Visualization
- Examining the effectiveness of interactive digital media on children’s self-regulation through game-play and movement.
- Assessment of Thermionic RF Electron Gun
- Walking With Elders: Resistance and Development in Winnipeg’s Inner City 1960-2000
- Indigenous Front Line Workers: Mapping Future Directions in the Resolution Health Support Workers and Non-Insured Health Benefits Navigator Programs in Atlantic Canada
- Investigation into methods and materials to simulate neuroanatomical structures for MR Imaging applications
- Machine Learning based System Suggested Critiquing for in-car Conversational Recommendation
- Laura Secord Campus Commons Material Deconstruction and Reuse
- Formulating and solving the multi-calendar resumable and non-resumable Naval Surface Ship Work Period Problem
- Detecting defect inducing changes
- Scaling up Land2Lab:Intergenerational community action research promoting Traditional Mi’kmaw Foodways
- Connecting ecological dots: striped bass diets, DNA barcoding, stable isotopes and contaminants – Part 2 (of IT15410)
- Data Driven Intrusion Detection in Autonomous/Connected Vehicles
- Adaptive techniques to predict the N2O emission in a corn field under different fertilizer management practices and external factors.
- Risk Analysis of Affordable Housing Mortgage Models
- Atlantic Salmon Smolt and Habitat Assessment in the Medway River
- GaN applications in high efficiency, high power density AC adapters
- Ground Disturbance and Downed Woody Materials following Diverse Timber-Harvest Methods in the Pockwock Watershed
- AI-based Platform for Population-level Social Isolation Detection and Prediction
- Pumped hydroelectric vs utility-scale battery energy storage solutions for Alberta: A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment approach
- Life Cycle Assessment of Lithium Extraction and Refining from Saskatchewan’s Brine Deposits
- Analyzing Decentralized Identity Management Based on Distributed Ledger Technology
- Juvenile western rattlesnake movement patterns and habitat use on the Osoyoos Indian Reserve
- The potential to co-process biogenic feedstocks in commercial oil refineries
- Post-breeding movement and survival of adult and first-year Bank Swallows in the Great Lakes ecoregion
- A lab-on-chip fish welfare sensor for application in aquaculture
- The Next Generation Agriculture: Role of Functional Microbiome in Cannabis Breeding strategies against biotic stress
- Assessment of AI integration opportunities into consulting business operations
- At the intersection of a global pandemic and social justice movement: Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement on the development of passion for a cause, mental health and well-being of Black young adults in Canada.
- Genes to affordable medicines – Stream 1-A1
- A Community-Focused Pilot Project to Control the Impact of the Invasive Green Crab on the Native Lobster Population in Fortune Bay
- Enhancing visualization of manufacturing complexity highlights on CAD file
- Evidence-driven strategies for successful schooling outcomes of learners of African descent in Nova Scotia
- Understanding Failed Forensic Science: A Research-Based Radio Documentary Series
- What does the extant literature and needs assessment determine is the most effective mentorship model for low SES Black children?
- Process study, simulation and optimization of direct conversion of biomass to ethyl evulinate
- Development of improved EIS circuitry for PEM fuel cell module diagnostics systems and incorporation of on-board EIS in fuel cell dc/dc converters
- Low-Cost Sensor System for Remote COVID-19 Patient Monitoring
- Development of Nanostructures Embedded Early-Warning Electronic Sensing Device for Roadside Ultra Low Level Detection of Cannabis, cocaine, opiates, and Alcohol in Saliva
- Evidence Integration and value of information
- Transforming Experiences into Solutions: A Multiphase Interdisciplinary Study on Recruitment and Retention of Women in Saskatchewan Engineering and Mining
- Developing nature-based interlocking barriers for protection against climate change-induced erosion and flooding
- Pairing Meteorological and Power Data for Marine Hybrid Electric Boats
- Water Protection and Participatory Film Making: Empowering connections among intercultural groups, Indigenous youth, water, culture, tradition, and technology
- Developing a machine learning-based diagnostic strategy to detect early onset of double negative prostate cancer by integrating SEMA3C-associated genomic variations and blood biopsies
- Nano-Structured Adsorbents for Water Remediation systems: Removal and Biodegradation of Contaminants
- Improving Competency-Based Medical Education through Technology
- A low-cost wearable tele-health monitoring system for chronic and infectious diseases
- A Unified Hardware / Algorithm Approach to Secured Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems: Applications in Autonomous Vehicles and Connected Autonomous Vehicles Networks
- Utilizing Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Improve Poultry Farm Productivity
- Infrastructure Sensor-based Automated Driving: Development and Demonstration
- Mapping Indigenous Businesses in the Agriculture/Agri-food Sector in Canada
- Understanding Indigenous Graduate Students and Their Motivations to Pursue a Career in Research
- Metabolic Targeting of Inflammatory Pathways for the Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- Development of a Sustainable Program Quality Improvement Framework using a Balanced Scorecard Methodology at Family Services Ottawa
- Star Salvager: A Remote Games User Research Toolkit for Small Teams
- Model Development for Ground-Engaging Tools using Real-Time Numerical Terramechanics and Discrete-Element Method
- Mapping anthropogenic noise in Alberta using passive acoustic monitoring data
- Assessing Consumer Preferences for By-Catch Fishery Products
- The Effects of Release Size, Location and Timing on Chinook Salmon on the West Coast of Vancouver Island
- Fault Diagnosis for Gas Turbine Engine Systems Using Model-Based Techniques
- Ownership of Content in an Overlay Platform
- Kitigay: Indigenous food systems research with Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, Manitoba
- Kisik clean energy solar photovoltaic power with Sayisi Dene First Nation
- Piece of Mind: arts-based knowledge translation of Parkinson’s disease research and lived experience
- Documenting Indigenous Ecological Knowledge to examine Atikameg (lake whitefish) and Namegosag (lake trout) interactions in Saukiing Anishinaabekiing
- Development of AI-enabled Intelligent NDT Platform
- People, Places, Policies and Prospects: Affordable Rental Housing for Those in Greatest Need
- Dynamic Scheduling of NPC Behaviours in Modern Video Games
- Exploring the Potential of Convalescent Plasma Therapy as an Intervention in the Pandemic Response
- Development of sustainable technology based on natural clay mineral
- Prevalence of moderate-to-severe Osteoarthritis pain of the hip and knee by Index Joints in Canadian Primary Care: A proof of concept study from the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network
- Wire arc additive manufacturing and post-fabrication heat treatment of PH 13-8Mo martensitic stainless steel
- Development of an Interoperable Microgrid Control Unit
- Implementation Framework for AAL Technologies to Support the Continuum of Care in Smart Communities
- Reliability Analysis of Gallium Nitride (GaN) Devices Using Data Analysis Methods
- Nonlinear Section Model Tests in the Wind Tunnel for Cable-Supported Bridges
- Novel Adhesive For Use In Sternal Fixation and Application
- Accelerated Maturation of Rye Spirits
- Intraocular Pressure Monitoring Microfluidic Contact Lens
- Silicone-mounted fiber-Bragg grating sensor for cardiac pulse-waveform monitoring
- Saccade Concussion Diagnosis System
- Improving glycerol utilization in E.coli for heme biosynthesis
- Remediation and recovery of metals from mine effluents using genetically engineered microbial systems
- Machine Learning for Auto-Scaling Corda Node Containers
- Agri-food processing opportunities for Indigenous farmers -Optimization of fish waste fertilizer sourced from local integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) operations
- Hidden Champions Businesses II: A Survey of Recent Theory and Empirical Evidence
- An image-guided, highly tunable hydrogel delivery device for novel minimally invasive therapies
- Intelligent Query and Learning System (IQLS)
- Cloud-based analysis platform for in-house DNA sequencing: plasmid validation
- Design and Prototype of Hybrid Battery Management System (HBMS) to Supply Economic Energy Storage Solution in Ultra-Cold Climate
- Enhancing the charge speed, useable capacity, and cycle life of lithium-ion battery packs using a novel health-conscious fast charging and active balancing strategy
- Design of a Wearable Soft Sensor to monitor Skin Health
- The Pharmacokinetics Evaluation of HDAC6-selective Inhibitors for Use in Therapeutic Strategies
- Washable wearables for affordable and aesthetic augmentation of visuo-tactile sensory-perception enhancement in mixed reality
- Thermal analysis of heat capture and upgrade systems for thermochemical hydrogen production
- A combination host-pathogen rapid diagnostic technology for decentralized monitoring of respiratory infections
- Building a Digital Development Readiness Tool with Indigenous Communities
- Development of the McMaster Cough Monitor (MaCough)
- Printable/sprayable anti-infective and anti-fouling coatings based on biomedical-grade polymers
- To Discover Potential New Antidepressant Compounds from Mushrooms Native to British Columbia
- Bio Window Knowledge: Personalizing Most Relevant Content from Big Data
- Further on the design and fabrication of a novel and passive hand tremor attenuator
- Evaluation of a Blockchain-Based Identity Management System: An Exploratory Multiple Case Study Approach
- Joint Research on the Architecture of the Future Internet of Vehicles and Internet of Things
- InterGenNS [Intergenerational North Shore] Project: An Inclusive Vision for Facilitating and Sustaining Intergenerational Community Building Strategies
- Software and Algorithms for Quantum Computational Chemistry
- Determining Canadian Healthcare Providers’ Intentions to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine and Improving Current Health Communication Strategies
- Supporting adaptive grizzly bear population management in British Columbia using dietary profiles
- Exploring the geometry of hybrid classical-quantum algorithms optimization landscapes.
- Modeling and experimental studies on a pneumatic propulsion system for vehicular applications
- Investigating the affect of chlorine carbides on fracture toughness in zirconium alloys used for nuclear applications – Year two
- Photo-curable Polysiloxane Resins for Engineered Ferroelectret Films – Year two
- Towards a patient-centered eHealth system through the integration of cloud services into OpenEMR
- Ultra-low-power sensor interfaces for next generation IoE
- Design and fabrication of a power-efficient AI-Processor for Edge computing
- Environmental Scan of Regulations for Autonomous Drones
- Determining spatial and temporal overlap of migratory fishes with areas proposed for in-stream tidal turbine development to inform the tidal power Risk Assessment Program
- Arsenic in soil removal and beneficial reuse
- Lithium titanate nanocomposites for hybrid supercapacitors
- Moment Connections to RHS Columns
- Silicon photonics-based biosensor for multiplex detection
- Making Data Science Easy for Everybody
- Structural Controls of Mineralization of the Sixtymile, Yukon Gold project
- Suitability of indigenous wine yeast strains identified from spontaneous fermentation as wine fermentation starter cultures
- Quantum Proofs for Skeptical Verifiers
- The activation of Vitamin B12 from different seaweed species
- Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Traffic Signal Control To Reduce GHG Emissions
- Optimization and automation of the imaging and analysis of Ananda Device’s high-throughput NeuroHTSTM microplate
- Machine Learning Valuation of Quebec Housing Market
- COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance and Vaccine Effectiveness Tracking
- Pre-arrival services: The missing piece in the immigrant integration puzzle?
- Conservation of Plant-Pollinator Relationships in the Lower Columbia Region Program
- Hope 24/7: A community based evaluation of clinical services for diverse women who have experienced violence
- Deep Learning Inspired Profiling, Predictive Analytics and Optimization of Employee Schedules
- The effect of probiotic supplementation on sleep, depression-like behavior, and central glucose and lactate metabolism in male and female pubertal mice exposed to chronic sleep disruption.
- Detecting noise and artifact in CW ultrasound signal processing using machine learning and cloud-based tools
- Mobile energy efficient tissue culture laboratory for northern agriculture development and crop improvements
- Development of MXene/Graphene composite electrodes for high performance capbattery
- Prediction of AL Amyloidosis Using Machine Learning
- Digital Readiness: An Evaluation of Rural Broadband Models in British Columbia
- Smart Dashboard for Sustainable Destination Decision Making Part 2
- Cold active Enzyme Booster Technology (EnBooT®) for decontamination of petroleum hydrocarbons
- Digitization of supply chain routing decisions for freight transportation
- Exploring the role of an innovative lean visual management technology in enhancing the efficiency of construction sites in Quebec
- Conditional Flow-based Speech-Driven Gesture Synthesis
- Development of a lymphatic in-vitro model to study drug uptake
- Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of Hop aqueous extracts
- Cozy Games and Character-Driven Narratives as an Effective Tool for Pediatric Voice Therapy
- Manufacturing the smart Acoustical/Thermal Insulation (ATI) ceiling tile with recycled plastic for building applications
- Design, Development of an Automated Hipot and Continuity tester for Novel Catheter
- How to set up effective incentivization to scale open banking usage in Canada
- Modeling the Grid Impact of Long Haul Electric Vehicles (LHEVs) in Ontario
- Operator space situation awareness in space object tracking tasks
- Prototyping of a large-area heater on a PVC membrane with inkjet-printing of silver ink
- Automating an Infosec Question Answering Function
- Investing in Recovery: Strengthening Employer and Policy Roles in Labour Market Integration of Canada’s Immigrant Women in STEM
- Who’s at the Top? How racialized female newcomers ascend to top management teams
- Advancing Fatigue Risk Mitigation with EEG Fatigue-Detection: A Field Study
- Effects of reducing the omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio in milk replacer on intestinal health in neonatal calves
- Deposition rate and solidification behavior of novel silicon bronze and aluminum consumables
- Fingernail-attachable electronics with integrated, NFC controlled, flexible displays for decorative purposes
- Examining the benefits of interactive learning as a function of decreased mind wandering
- Research in Support of New Orthotropic Steel Bridge Deck Provisions for CSA S6:25
- Developing Alternative Career Decision-Support Tool for Internationally Educated Health Professionals
- Stress Monitoring in Potash Mines
- Real-time Automated Security Report Generation
- Creating a comparison and alert methodology for managing the CCTX feed
- Building and Evaluating a Consolidated SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) Threat Identification
- Automation & Orchestration for Improved Security Communication
- Network and Data Security Access Control
- Anomalous DNS Query Detection Using Machine Learning Approaches
- Research and Development of Urinary Metabolome-based Personalized Health Assessment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Autism and Environmental Exposure – Year Two
- Optimization of an Engineering Information Retrieval System using Topic Models and Knowledge Graphs
- Developing computation tools for the rational design of cyclic peptide therapeutics
- Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE)-based Framework for Net-Zero Home Construction- Wilden Living Lab (Phase II)
- Opportunities for Sino-Canadian Collaboration in Global Health Governance and Multilateral Pandemic Response
- Advancing an Intelligent Transportation Data Platform and Environmental Sensing to Promote Sustainable Cities
- Access to Urban First Nations Wellness Services
- Flow control and efficiency: Improvement of fluid-driven actuators to build soft gloves for rehabilitation
- Assessment of soil quality and mycorrihzal communities and their relationship to the recovery of forest plant communities after wildfire in interior British Columbia
- Enhanced Graph Convolutional Networks using Local Structural Information
- S’oh Sin geez (Breathing Properly): Optimizing COPD Virtual Care in First Nations Communities
- Developing A Drug-Protein Interactome for Identifying Potential Drug Targets In-situ
- Positive pombe: engineering anti-depressant molecules in fission yeast
- Use of an alternative source of dietary nitrogen on amino acid requirements and utilization in growing pigs
- Determining the antidepressant effect of 2-bromo-LSD (TD-0148A)
- Examining access to and use of internet and risk of social isolation during COVID-19 pandemic among both younger and older adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Manitoba
- Semi-Supervised Learning for NLP Text Classification
- Trusted Records in TAPESTRY Approach
- Learning from the Experiences of Recovery College Stakeholders to Inform the Implementation and Evaluation of an Innovative Model of Mental Health and Substance Use Care in Vancouver
- Applying Machine Learning Methods to Air Emission Monitoring
- Autotaxin inhibition as a novel treatment to improve outcomes from chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer patients
- Evaluating the impact of training on dysfunctional exercise management on the knowledge and self-efficacy of eating disorder clinicians
- Fish use of restored and natural salt marshes in Maritime Canada
- Prediction of NOx formation by a DC Plasma Torch
- Post-quantum secure cryptography for blockchain
- Restoring the Historic Fire Regime in the Chittenden Meadow, Skagit Valley Provincial Park, BC
- Thermal Management for High-power-density Airborne Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Terminals
- Zipstall – On-line and Off-line Parking Availability Prediction
- Building the Durham Region Food System Report Card: Assessing the opportunities and gaps in attaining a sustainable and just regional food system
- Dual-language development of minority speakers from face-to-face to remote delivery
- Aeration of hydraulic turbines for increased dissolved oxygen
- DC Bus Capacitor Condition Monitoring for Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Power Cells
- Programmable light for microscopy
- Arts’ Civic Impact: Researchers in Residence
- Brand Positioning Strategy using Hedonic Pricing Analysis: A Study of Facial Recognition and Identity Solution Market
- Predicting Hydrological Impacts on Remote Infrastructure Using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning
- Does intensive tree maintenance increase microhabitat diversity in old urban trees?
- Assessment of metabarcoding eDNA as a strategy for risk evaluation and biomonitoring at disturbed environmental sites in Canada
- Sa?nya?ola Project: Being Creative Together-Indigenous Language Revitalization in BC
- Supercritical water gasification of bio-oils for synthetic jet fuel – Year two
- Understanding how river bank side slopes and sediment size control failure thresholds in steep streams – Year two
- A new tool for managing introduced Phragmites australis in Ontario: assessing invasion impacts and implementing biological control – Year two
- Development of Signal processing techniques for blood sample transport
- Development and Applications of Hybrid Metabolic Flux models for Monitoring and Optimization of Bioprocesses
- Interactive and Intermedia Score Authoring
- AI-Powered Dispute Settlement
- Development of an integrated foundation for precision medicine for the Atlantic Region with a focus on Colorectal Cancer and Lung cancer
- Machine Learning-Enhanced Anomaly Detection and Performance Optimization for Enterprise WiFi Networks
- Information Literacy and Blockchain Technology
- The Implications of Blockchain Technology on Privacy, Regulation, and Public Policy
- Objective neurophysiological measures to define motor function in healthy aging and chronic stroke
- Understanding the priorities for quality of life in people after brain injury
- Numerical simulations of cavitation in oil pump and bearings for automotive applications
- Immersive Virtual Environment for Dental Restorative Techniques
- Intelligent Energy Management for Production Facilities with Robotics Automation [IEMPRA]
- A Hybrid Photogrammetric/Tacheometric Device for Measuring Planar Building Facades
- Multiplexed quantitative proteomics approaches to characterize residual host cell protein impurities in biopharmaceutical processing
- Classification Education Pilot
- A comparison of the geology of stratabound high grade V, Ni, Mo, and PGE mineralization at the Rod property Yukon Territory and other highly metalliferous shales in Yukon and China.
- Use of floral phenology to estimate canola seed yield using satellite imagery
- Optical study and characterization of dendritic SERS structures for the design of a custom Raman spectroscopy POC device
- Development of a thermal spray wear-resistant coating for abrasive concrete applications
- Identifying forests with old growth potential in the Credit River Watershed
- Évaluation de scénarios de gestion intégrée et soutenable de l’eau dans le complexe tourbeux de Lanoraie
- Deep learning models for compound design
- Optimization of Drug-eluting Bio-absorbable Scaffolds for Body Piercing Applications
- Porosity Development in the karstic Silurian Lockport Group and Salina A Unit in southwestern Ontario and the application of core CT scanning technique
- Plant-wild bee relationships of camas meadows and their phenology along an elevation gradient in the Lower Columbia Region, British Columbia.
- Modelling Canola Growth, Development and Yield in Western Canada
- The kinematics and chemistry of Au-bearing quartz veins, Ruby Creek, British Columbia
- Effective Forest Management in Areas Impacted by Emerald Ash Borer
- Access and Equity for LGBTQ2S+ Businesses in Canada
- Development of Interactive, Online Quantum Computing Educational Material
- NBMC Intercultural and Anti-Racism Skills Toolkit – Research and Development Project
- Toward a more Accessible Canada: Benchmarking and Analyzing Accessibility in Canadian Municipalities
- PATH: Program to Accelerate Technologies for Homecare – Edmonton site
- Business Model Innovation for Power Utilities
- Immunomodulatory fusion proteins to treat solid malignancies.
- Developing an unbiased robust algorithm for objective diagnostic classification of most common types of dementia
- The Role of Cattle-based Nitrogenous Waste as a Nutrient Source for Aquatic Food-webs
- Field evaluation of Humic Land, a biological promoter of corn growth and the soil microbiome
- HUB Cycling Bike Friendly Building (BFB) Consulting Services –Marketing Research Plan
- Satellite Monitoring and Surveillance of Habitat for Right Whales
- Synthesis and Applications of Graphane
- Production and Characterization of Lead-203 for Radiotheranostic Molecular Imaging
- Preserving Affordable Rental Housing: Tenant Opportunity to Purchase, Housing Cooperatives, and Land Trusts
- High-fidelity, Directable Animation Transfer for Dubbing
- Promoting Equity in Online Learning through Understanding and Supporting Cognitive Needs
- Towards an Understanding of Best Practices in Goal Attainment Scaling Implementation and Feasibility
- Assessing the acoustic and physical disturbances of marine traffic on the Northern Resident Killer Whales in the Robson Bight Michael Bigg Ecological Reserve
- Barcode Image Enhancement Using Deep Learning
- Homelessness Prevention at Covenant House Toronto
- Hydrologic regulating services of non-woody grassed and meadow urban landscapes
- Evolutionary Housing Strategies for Canadian Cities
- HypeBite Strategy AI
- Identifying Microaggressions Experienced by BIPOC Engineering Students across Higher Education in Ontario
- Interpretability of machine learning models that predict cognitive impairment from human speech and language
- Video Spatial Recognition
- Data Science and Machine Learning Algorithms for Event Sequence Data
- Persuasive technology – Guidance to Virtual Relationship Manager (VRM) for effective sales effort basis voice data mining
- Convolutional Neural Network for Demand Forecasting
- Twin-entry turbine modelling for high efficiency engines
- Cloud platform for machine learning
- Hybrid recommender system with multi-source data and social knowledge graph integration
- Application of Heritage Conservation and Temporary Protection Plans in the Planning Act Process.
- Development of artificial intelligence algorithms for microbiome-based classification of disease
- Seasonal Change in Roosting Ecology in the Silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans)
- Performance prediction and fault diagnosis in photovoltaic systems for optimal energy management
- Speech enhancement and recognition with generative adversarial network
- Atmospheric stirred tank leaching of chalcopyrite concentrate in ferric sulfate media catalysed by iodine with air/oxygen injection
- Synthesis and characterization of a new generation of bone targeting anabolic prodrugs – Year two
- Towards improved fittings, better outcomes and increased cognitive capacity with bone conduction devices
- Evaluating the effects of Growth Differentiating Factor 15 (GDF15) in the development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
- Antiviral Treatments for the Development of Enhanced PPE, HVAC Filtration Technologies, and Prevention of Pathogen Transfer on High-Touch Surfaces
- Metamaterials toolbox:Tuning heat flow at will in the Si-based materials at nano- and mesoscales
- Investigating WD repeat protein function in the nucleolar biology and cancer
- How are rapid environmental changes influencing Canadian-origin Yukon River Chinook declines?
- High Fidelity Modeling, Control and Coordination of Multi-Vehicle Systems for Traversing Cluttered Off-Road Terrains
- Automated Scanning Probe Fabrication for Atomic Scale Devices
- Development of a new generation of neurovascular device for the treatment of fusiform cerebral bifurcation aneurysms using CFD modeling and virtual simulation of stent crimping into a catheter
- Evaluation of the implementation at scale of a public health intervention to promote social and emotional development in the early years in British Columbia
- Visualizing information in situ with 3D photorealistic environments
- Ensuring Stability and Accuracy of Multi-rate Electromagnetic Transient Simulation
- Development of a specific targeted therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Hyperpolarized 129Xe Cerebral Perfusion MRI Imaging Development
- High heat flux microprocessor cooling using binary fluid mixtures
- Vison-based frameworks for automated robotic machining of aerospace composite panels
- Achieving Circular Wastewater Management with Machine Learning
- Methods development and applications for neuromelanin-sensitive MRI
- Qualitative assessment of breast asymmetry using 3-Dimensional modeling, with Computer Vision and Deep Learning
- Designing for better novice assembly: towards energy efficient novice building
- Development of Stable and Sustainable Saffron Extracts for Commercialization
- Designing a Great Slave Lake Fishery by Northerners for Resilient Futures in the NWT
- Canadian Optical Satellite Communications Consortium Technology Roadmapping
- Efficacy of end-to-end digitizited eye movement therapy for trauma desensitization, on Savyn’s app for treating PTSD symptoms
- Development of a robust SPR system for the detection of growth factors in an insect-based expression platform
- An end-to-end IoT framework for reliable remote and contactless measurement of biometric data
- Evaluating the impacts and acceptability of a fresh food prescription program on health, food security, and social connectivity in Guelph, Ontario: A quasi-experimental study
- Optimizing Pretrained Clinical Embeddings for Automatic COVID-related ICD Coding (Phase II)
- Oblivious IDS using Homomorphic Encryption
- Pathways to a More Inclusive Labor Market in Calgary
- Mineral carbonation for global warming mitigation and concurrent nickel and cobalt extraction from laterites
- A DNA-based approach for evaluating the impacts of wood waste on benthic biodiversity
- Data analytics in asset management of erosion control structures
- Evaluate the biodistribution of HyperMabs protein biologics therapeutics
- Improving Effective Collaboration Between Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs), Constituent Groups (CGs) and Co-Sponsors in Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program (PSR)
- Greenland shark bycatch mortality and mitigation in Canadian Arctic fisheries
- Microchannel Plate & Shell Heat Exchanger for Flue Gas Heat Recovery
- IN_SITU: A research study to evaluate & address the digital challenge of Co-Creation between the Arts and Artificial Intelligence
- Mitigating goose herbivory at Westham Island tidal marsh.
- Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for Portfolio Replication of VIX Futures
- Effects of plant mix, restoration year, and management regime of urban meadows on plant-pollinator network size, structure, and diversity
- Large Data Visualization in Real Time
- Development of an innovative portable running analysis toolbox
- Perioperative Opioid Usage Quality Improvement [CDTS-PDF1] – Year two
- A participatory approach to redeveloping coach and volunteer online training modules: A Special Olympics context – Year two
- Portrait des organisations économiques privées offrant des services de soins au Québec et impacts socioéconomiques de leurs transformations – Year two
- Connecting atom-scale bentonite clay models to macroscale mechanical and transport models for spent nuclear fuel storage – Year two
- Fabrication of strong and transparent Janus wound dressings by electrospinning
- Risks of Coastal Shipping
- Assessing forest harvesting impacts on furbearer habitat at the scale of Indigenous traplines – A case study in Indigenous consultation
- An Alberta-based VAR Structural Model
- Design and Optimization of the product platform for AIS mobile robots
- The State of Bonne Bay: An Historical and Contemporary Study of the Littoral and Marine Ecology
- Testing the use of novel stable isotope tools to determine nutrient sources in an eastern Canadian watershed
- Participatory assessment of Aklak (grizzly bear) abundance and distribution in the Kivalliq Region, Nunavut
- Parking Occupancy Inference With LiDAR Sensors
- Smart empathetic speaker based on real-time EEG-based music therapy
- What athletic therapists need to know about pain and pain medication: an evidenced based approach
- Rapid metagenomic characterization of surface microbiota in Emergency Medical Services Vehicles
- Development of Next Generation High Entropy Alloy Coatings for Extreme Environments
- The Sex-Specific Effects of Alternating Computer Work Postures in Young Adults
- AI Empowered Transaction Interpretation for Ledger Reconciliation
- Updating Laubscher’s empirical method to estimate subsidence limits
- Development and commercialization of epigallocatechin monolaurate as a novel antioxidant alternative in preventing oxidative deterioration of marine omega-3 products
- QUOREM: A data science platform for microbiology research
- An automated approach for microplastics identification using vibrational spectroscopy and image analysis
- Automatic detection and classification of marine biogenic habitats, species, and substrates
- Energy and emissions reduction through local municipal planning tools in Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe
- From waste to health: Valorization of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) by-products as a source of marine collagen
- Bioinspired Unconventional Decontamination (BUD®)
- Automated real-time inspection for robotic arc welding operations
- Development and simulation of the GreeNovel invented plastic recycling and gas cleaning process
- Further development of protein-based biosensors and assessment of their commercialization potential within the Canadian aquaculture industry
- Role and regulation of ovarian stem cells during follicular development and dysregulation in PCOS
- Sensor development for in-situ microplastics monitoring in water bodies
- Gait and Balance Parameters Inferred with the PROTXX Head Accelerometer (Phase 2)
- Artificial Intelligence to Support Autonomous Seabed Mapping Operations
- Sustainable functionalized magnetic particles for efficient treatment of marine oil pollution
- Design and optimization of low-frequency piezoelectric energy harvesters
- Development of an effective process with aid of micro-organisms and fungus for reduction of environmentally destructive effect of spill oil toward ocean ecosystem protection.
- Development of a Diclofenac Sodium Quick Kit for FoamaDerm™
- Development of novel oromucosal formulation based on a filmstrip technology for the delivery of psychedelic medications
- Isocyanate Assessment and Control at Construction Worksites
- Techno-economic assessment of operating grid-scale super-capacitor energy storage for a wind power producer
- Parallel Computing Solutions for Modelling Large Volume Geoelectrical Data Utilizing Unstructured Meshes
- Improving Conductivity and Waterproof Ability of Solar Tile Connectors
- Development of Advanced Deep Learning Algorithms for Computer Vision and CAV Applications
- Design and Development of the Mortgauge Payout Evaluator API
- Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) in Canadian high performance athletes: Prevalence, health and performance implications – Year two
- The Tumour Cell Senescence Index: A Possible Tool to Identify Patients At High Risk of Treatment Failure During Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
- Advancing Bio-materials Production Services
- MBSE for Modeling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Modular Robotic Systems: Case Study on AIS
- Eco-efficiency Evaluation of Cybersecurity Solutions
- Assessing Regenerative Energy Technologies for Electric Vehicles
- Understanding the Path from Real to Virtual Economy Adoption: The Unity Engine, Design Theory & Future Directions
- In vitro evaluation and understanding of fabrics interaction with skin cells and dominant skin microbiome: a concurrent material degradation and health implication
- Application of a novel cryptographic filesystem to high-security domains
- A Predictive Cluster-based Machine Learning Pricing Model
- A Social Welfare Maximization Matching Framework for Supplemental Nurse Staffing
- Hybrid Energy Harvesting Yarns Based on Piezo-Photoelectric Nanofibers for Wearable Electronics
- Parallel multibody solver coupling algorithms
- Smart Brush for Cattle
- Development of a Welding Robotic Systems for Pipeline Welding
- Microstructure Engineering of Aluminum Extrusions for the Automotive Sector
- Health equity, road safety and the built environment (BE): Examining barriers and facilitators to BE change decision-making, the impact of Vision Zero, and COVID-19
- Performance Enhancing Effects of Altering Blood Flow Patterns
- Delineation and phenology of the invasive box tree moth (BTM) in Toronto
- Durable, temperature resistant omniphobic and dustphobic coatings
- AI-Enabled Satellite Communication Networks
- Development of Hormone At-Home Testing Kits
- Analysis of Salmonid Spawning and Rearing Habitat in the Seymour River in North Vancouver, British Columbia
- Intelligent Autonomous Mobile Robots with Safe Navigation in Dynamic Environment
- Bipolar Electrodialysis Flow Battery
- A Story-Based Positive Youth Development Program For Young Hockey Players
- Sediment Budget of the Lower Fraser River
- Effects of a novel probiotic supplement on bone health in postmenopausal women
- Characterization of various insulation materials, coatings, and non-metallic membrane for corrosion under insulation performance
- Applications of tensor neural networks to financial forecasting in incomplete markets
- Understanding the performance of pulse and cereal flours of varying particle sizes at high heating temperatures using Rapid Visco Analyzer 4800
- Scale-up synthesis and commercialization of poly(3-alkyltellurophenes)
- Production of Flow-Through Z-Pinches Using Advanced Methods
- Scalable Chatbot Framework for Multi Layered Chatbots and Memory.
- The Geography of Capacity–An Analysis of Individual, Organizational and Community Needs and Resources in Three Communities in Canada – Year two
- Reliability evaluation of strain-based design for pipelines using probabilistic demand/capacity models. – Year two
- Develop an AI-backed geospatial data collection and analysis platform as a marketable software package
- Synthesis and modeling of stimuli-responsive polymers for fracturing fluids use
- Valuable Opportunities to Inspire Change thru Empowerment (VOICE) Program
- Engaging Inuit Communities Using Participatory Video to Document Perceptions and Solutions on Global Changes
- Regional Risk Assessment of Underground Metro Infrastructure under Different Dynamic Loads
- Development and preclinical evaluation of R-Sulforaphane-based therapeutics in treatment of chronic kidney disease
- Developing new drawing techniques to create believable Black hair in 2D Animation, and its role in increasing representation of African heritage in mainstream kids media.
- Development of a textile-based sensor for measuring body fluid
- Injury, Concussion and Performance in the Canadian Premier League
- Design and Development of a Novel Web Application for Enhanced User Experience of Digital Books
- Improving Production Management in a Modular Construction Facility Using Data Modeling and Analytics
- Developing species-habitat conservation models for priority, wetland-dependent birds in Eastern Canada
- Discovering causal variants controlling ripening period, phenolic content and softening during storage in apple (Malus domestica).
- Wearable Ultrasound Technology for Cardiovascular Health Monitoring
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) thermometry
- 4G Cellular Trespasser Detection System for Farms
- Distributed traffic management system for future urban mobility
- Germicidal Robotic Systems
- Advancing sea ice monitoring in the Arctic using innovative radar technologies
- Digital data: linking rural innovation, access, and resiliency through community hubs
- Temporary Migrant Farmworkers in Essex County: Building Community Inclusion in a Post-COVID-19 Context
- Investigating social-ecological enabling conditions for the revitalization of Indigenous clam management systems in an urban context
- Quantifying diaphragm perfusion in humans: A novel application of contrast-enhanced ultrasound
- Development of coconut oil-like seed oil through heterologous expression of thioesterases in Arabidopsis
- Deep Learning for Automatic Melody Harmonization
- Digital Twin for Proactive Maintenance of Data Centre
- Surfing the Innovation Wave: Accelerate Development of Eco-efficient Technologies for Municipal and Industrial Water Treatment
- Developing a standardized, commercially viable and scalable Software-as-a-Service model which can be customized for customer retention, acquisition, and monetization using predefined adaptation strategies
- A Virtual Network for Arctic Youth Mental Wellbeing
- Teaching Forests as Living Museums: Case Study Research for Innovative Practices that Further National, Community, and Environmental Sustainability
- Engineered Polymers for Nucleic Acid Therapies
- Inclusivity in Canadian Educational System
- Sensory Disinhibition, Cognitive Flexibility and the Neural Correlates Underlying Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Study
- Fabrication of 3D Printed Lignin/Polymer Nanocomposites with Enhanced Mechanical Properties
- Forestry Industry Sustainable Practices and Collaboration in the Howe Region
- Determining the physiological mechanisms behind the ObeEnd device on (1) hormones associated with weight loss and (2) recovery from exercise
- Understanding and Magnifying the Impacts of Cultural Content
- Identifying Vulnerabilities in Sexual Assault Policies among Marginal and Racialized Communities in Southern Alberta
- Spatiotemporal influence of sea cage aquaculture on wild fish dietary habits and biological characteristics
- Development of Smart Structural Control System for High-Rise Buildings Along the Coastline to cope with Extreme Loads
- Technology therapy with MakerKids®: Supporting children’s socioemotional development with innovative STEM-based programming
- Evaluation of smart microcarriers for high-density culture and enzymefree harvesting of primary dermal sheath cells and fibroblasts
- Optimal Energy Storage for 5G Network
- Evaluating Attitudes Towards Needle Use, Experience with Needlestick Injuries, and the Uptake of a Needle-Safety Device Among Research Workers in British Columbia
- Light-ends incorporation and new catalysts for hydroconversion of heavy oils
- Advancing Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) Through 3D Printing Construction
- Understanding in/exclusion in health and wellness programming across minoritized differences: A collaboration with the YWCA Hamilton
- Optical approaches to modular quantum computers
- Improving the tools for assessment and analysis of energy losses through building envelopes using Infrared Thermography (IRT), Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAV), and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Optimizing return on investment using artificial intelligence: A recommendation system-based solution
- Are playgrounds really for everyone? Disabled children’s experiences at playgrounds designed for inclusion
- Improving power production by better recognizing power quality issue events with machine learning
- Battery Management System for Lithium Polymer and Solid-State Batteries
- Study of the synergistic effects of fatigue and corrosion in CA6NM steels and welds for hydraulic turbine applications
- Anaerobic Bioaugmentation of a PHC Groundwater Plume: Pilot-Scale Experiment
- Psilocybin as a potential treatment for social behavior (SB) disorders
- Assessing the effects of neurofeedback through a comprehensive systematic review
- An integrated watershed-lake framework for water quality assessment in Toronto Harbour and Region Waterfront – Year two
- Investigating the mechanistic links between cannabinoid and pain-related gene variants and functional measures of musculoskeletal pain – Year two
- Investigating the effect of the Virtual Meditative Walk on brain in chronic pain conditions: A longitudinal fMRI study – Year two
- Identifying subgroups of patients and predicting relapse in bipolar disorder: a prospective longitudinal study
- Optimizing High Performance Distributed Computing Framework in Heterogeneous Environment System at Lakehead University
- COVID-19 and resiliency: How Registered Practical Nurses working in long-term care adapt in times of personal, professional, and institutional crisis
- Assessing the Market for the Finfish Vaccine
- Comprehensive Spray Characterization of Commercial and New Vaping Devices
- The effect of video learning on socialization and physical literacy in individuals with autism spectrum disorder
- Corrosion protective coatings with high sound absorbing and thermal insulation capacity for oil and gas pipelines
- Interactive Visual Analysis of Calcium Imaging Data
- Improving reservoir shoreline erosion prediction methods: Lessons from the Site C headpond phase
- Understanding the experiences of patients with chronic pain on waitlists to develop an interactive clinical platform
- The Effect of Exercise-Induced Fatigue on Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Elite Youth Hockey Athletes
- Targeting a complement serine protease in vascular disease
- Community-based planning for a Just Inner-City Winnipeg COVID Recovery
- Wireless Readout Integrated Microwave Sensor for Detecting Ice/Snow in Harsh Environments
- What Matters
- Development of a new bioassay for adiponectin agonist action
- Examining the ParticipACTION mobile app to promote physical activity among people who identify as women
- Development of optimized contact materials for interconnect layers in reversible solid oxide fuel cells for the conversion of CO2 and H2O to syngas
- Minimization of Switching Power Converter Ripples in RF Power Amplifier Circuits
- Building Capacity for Campus Suicide Prevention: A Policy Practice Partnership
- AAV Vectored Immunoprophylaxis for Prevention of Respiratory Infectious Diseases
- Applications of ML/AI in Asset Management – part 1
- Exploring the Utility of TVISFD with MLSE LaunchPad in Moss Park
- Development of a wet fractionation process for producing millet protein ingredients
- Guidelines for Evaluating Service Programming for Autistic Adults: A Patient-Oriented Perspective on Service Evaluation using Functional Criteria
- Journeys through Early Learning and Care
- Applications of ML/AI in Asset Management – part 2
- Performance Evaluation of Solvent Co-Injection Scenarios in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD)-Based Bitumen Recovery
- Evaluation of a micro homes pilot project in Ontario; co-designing best practices for the implementation of housing projects to address chronic homelessness
- Meta-information Extraction from Large-scale Streaming News for Entity-level Media Intelligence and Reporting – Year two
- Biomarkers for detection of breast cancer and multiple myeloma using liquid biopsy – Year Two
- Canada-Wide Study: Clinical and Economics Outcomes of Mental Health and Addictions
- Deep Immunophenotyping of the Immune Response in Obstructive and Interstitial Lung Disease: Optimizing a Cellular and Protein Biomarker Discovery Pipeline for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Mechanical locking and durability of engineered floor products
- Additive Manufacturing of Functionally Graded Materials and Shape Memory Alloys with Biomedical Applications
- Data Visualization of GIS Data for Managing Land Access (#2)
- Synthesis and characterization of various nanocarriers and ministring DNA product for ocular gene delivery
- Supporting positive well-being of early career veterinarians
- Evaluation of CO2 Storage Potential in the Deep Mannville Coals – Phase 1: Vertical Well Injection Testing
- R&D to Design a Sustainable SolvoMetallurgical Process for Extraction and Recycling of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs)
- Decision making with ontologies and measures of diagnosticity
- AI Shading – An energy efficient Smart Blind technology
- Lithium extraction from oilfield brines
- An effective CO2 capture technology for offshore petroleum facilities
- Hydrology and geochemical cycling of a complex urban stormwater system
- Joint Force System Research & Development
- Investigating the role of bacteria in abdominal pain and chronic constipation.
- Fire-resistant elastic fiber
- Deep learning segmentation of anatomical structures in three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound images of the female pelvic floor
- Nurturing Good Beginnings: Evaluating and Assessing the YWCA’s community care program for new mothers/birthing parents
- Linear and non-linear replication factor models for Funds look-through
- A new automated approach for Engineering Design and Manufacturing Specification generation
- Examining the feasibility and potential impact of a clinical innovative software tool to support pharmacists for minor ailment prescribing
- Quantum and Silicon Photonics Library for AIM photonics
- Li4Ti5O12/Hard Carbon Anode for Fast-Charging Batteries for Grid Applications
- Stabilization of Mine Tailings using a Sustainable and Nature-based Approach
- Generating novel crystal polymorphs of therapeutic compounds with uniform size distribution for improved solubility, hygroscopicity and manufacturability
- The Discovery of Potential New Antidepressant Compounds from Mushrooms Native to British Columbia
- Enabling all-printed, flexible large-area perovskite solar cells
- Developing Methods for Quantification and Characterization of Fucoidan Present in Laminaria Digitata Extract
- Macrofungal biodiversity in coastal temperate rainforests of British Columbia
- Proof of Concept Electrical and Colorimetric Detection of Bacteria and Bacteriophages using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers in Microfluidic Sensors
- Hydrogen Injection System Evaluation
- Development of an improved generative adversarial network method for data augmentation and its application in environmental and financial domains
- Flood and drought prediction, simulation, and monitoring for the City of Terrebonne
- Anomaly Detection in Highly Noisy Signals from Electrical Rotating Machines
- An Improved Approach to Watershed Management and Adaptive Decision Making in the Great Lakes
- Developing a surrogate marker to asthmatic tissue: the nasal cavity
- Feasibility, acceptability and cost-benefit of the O2 Sensor Measurement, Transmission and Analysis (ATAS O2) in clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
- BC Arts Sector COVID-19 Response: Study of Arts on Prescription Pilot
- Biosurfactants production by fermentation
- Multiscale Bat Habitat Selection and population trends at Maternity Colonies and Hibernacula in Southwestern Quebec
- Design and Validation of a New Textile Technology for Monitoring Body Position and Respiration Signal
- Investigation of enhanced superplastic forming behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy sheets for aerospace applications
- Developing cultivars for the plant-based sector in Quebec: Phase i – breeding program construction and agronomy trials
- Increasing the Reliability of Design and Production of TMotion
- Identification, localization, and characterization of human body inflammation using thermographic imaging
- Identifying Service Quality Considerations and Market Forces in the Mobile Auto Repair Business
- Business Analyst (BA) Impact on Business Agility and Data Analytics
- Improved Brazing Processes for Attaching Sintered Carbide Tiles to Steel
- CCREST: Cold Cracking by Resonance Energy for Sustainable Technologies – Phase 2
- Behavioral mapping Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Predict Individual Behaviors and Team Dynamics
- Developing a Field Deployable Assay System for Environmental Monitoring
- Bridging the Gap: A Research Evaluation of a High School to Post-Secondary Preparatory Program for At-Risk and Underrepresented Groups
- Coaching Mental Health Providers and Adults to Achieve Optimal Sleep
- Cultural Diversity and the Persistence of the BIPOC Community in the Chemical Sciences
- Building a Mobile Application to identify Factors that Impact Student Success and Mental Health Amongst Living Arrangements: Part 2
- CO2-less hydrogen gas production via RF (radiofrequency fields) methane pyrolysis
- An Ontologically Controlled Way to Compare The Metallurgical Characteristics of Mining Projects
- Integrated Photonics for Large Scale Quantum Computing
- Creating a Sustainability Reporting Framework for Pace Zero’s Sustainability Linked Loans (SLLs) Borrowers
- Development of an annular array histotripsy transducer with co-registered ultrasound imaging
- Achieving Clinical Automation in Paediatric Emergency Medicine with Machine Learning Medical Directives
- Addressing the Human Rights Impacts of Environmental Degradation and Climate Change on Women and Girls: An Intergenerational and Indigenous Approach to Environmental Justice
- Development of Automated Pollen Counting System
- Challenges and Opportunities in the Operation of Residential Building and Hotel (Class B) Pools during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Evaluation of Gene Delivery Methods
- Public Engagement in Nuclear: Medicine, Mining, Meeting Climate Change Commitments
- Toxic Disinformation: Credibility Attacks Against Journalists
- Understanding minke whale migration, feeding, and population structure in the North Atlantic
- Gut Microbiota Composition and Behaviour in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris)
- Quality control for printed electronics manufactures – Part 2
- Micro Geothermal Power Generation in Depleted Wells
- Circular Engineering Using Computational Tools for Building Adaptation Projects
- Examining Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion Stakeholder Experiences in an Ontario Non-Profit Membership Association
- Stories for Stream2Sea: Mapping changing ocean relationships and ACTION in Canadian Communities
- Automated integrity control of industrial tools using X-ray Computed Tomography (CT)
- Customer Development Interviews for the Interview and Interrogation Assessment Instrument
- In-Class Testing of in Postsecondary Settings
- Green logistics planning for hydrogen fuel network: a life cycle analysis approach
- The role of automobility engagement in consumer response to fully automated vehicles
- Automation of multi-factorial neurodevelopmental toxicity and neurodegeneration analysis using Ananda Devices NeuroHTSTM plates
- Stress Test of a Pilot Passive Methane Oxidation Biosystem
- Seismic Assessment of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Lift Stations
- Dynamic actor tracking for Augmented Reality-based filmmaking guidance
- Recycling Strategies for Challenging & Complex Polymer Composite Waste
- Integrating expert knowledge and camera tap surveys to assess the impacts of development on terrestrial forest carnivores
- Evaluation of human performance using touch screen displays in cockpit environment
- A chance to grow through Globalink
- Projet de recherche applique dans la gestion de marketing
- Statistical Modelling and Analysis of Complex Traits in Human Populations
- Security of Routing Protocols
- Portfolio Management and Energy Options
- Optimal Sequencing of Surgery/Chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer treatment
- Mathematical Modeling of Porous Structure and Operation of Cathode Catalyst Layers in PEM Fuel Cells
- Mathematical Modeling in Pharmaceutical Development
- Dispersion and Deposition of Particulate Matter from Stacks
- Algebraic Foundations of Structure Prediction
- Statistical Learning for Technical Portfolio Management
- RuleML FOAF: A Web Rule Language for Social Networking
- Pattern Recognition and Its Application in Customers’ Family Composition Detection
- Metric Development to Interpret Measures of Medication Compliance
- Grown-in Defects Modeling of InSb Crystals and Computation
- Estimation of Joint Distribution from Marginal Totals with Applications to Database Marketing
- Constraint Programming based Column Generation for Employee Timetabling
- Characterization and Prediction of Cancer Drug Resistance Markers Based on Data Mining of Microarray Profiles
- Bivariate Density Estimation for Interval Censored Data from Complex Surveys
- Automatic Map Layouts for Social Coordination with Location-Aware Mobile Devices
- Analysis of Transaction Data on Graph Structure
- A Putative Genetic Disease Model of Schizophrenia
- A Mathematical Model Describing the Dissociation of Natural Gas Using Non-thermal Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure
- A Hierarchic Parametric Geometric Modelling for Aerodynamics Shapes
- Physical Properties and Geophysical Correlations of the Lac de Gras Kimberlites and Host Rocks at Diavik Diamond Mines
- Statistical Modelling for Nursing Human Health Resources
- Trends in Redfish Sebastes spp. Abundance in the Northwest Atlantic and the Relative Importance of Fisheries and Environmental Variables
- Transportation Optimization Model
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Technique for Autonomous Operation of Mining Robots
- Nonlinear Shape Statistics for Analysis of Musculoskeletal Structures and Anomalies
- Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Shape from MR Images for the Study of Multiple Sclerosis
- Investigation and Development of Globally Convergent Methods for Solving Multiple Non-Linear Functions
- Geostatistical Modelling of Variability and Uncertainty for Natural Attenuation at Upstream Oil & Gas Contaminated Sites
- Estimating of Survival and Travel Times of Radio-tagged Fish in the Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking (POST) Project
- Efficient Calculation of Greeks for Interest Rate Exotics Using the BGM Pricing Model
- Comparison of Toyota Prius Plug-in version Field Tests to Renewable Energy Vehicle Simulator Predictions
- Virtual Organ Modelling with Advanced Transport and Visualization Tools
- Ultra Wide Band Antenna Design for Microwave Breast Imaging
- Stereo Video-based Head Pose Tracking for Motion Correction in PET Reconstruction
- Software Componentization
- Seismic Forward Numerical Modeling and Illumination Study
- Optimal Investment Strategies
- Nonlinear Time Series Analysis for Prediction and Characterization of Brain Epileptic Activities
- Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Mooring Lines in Deep and Shallow Water
- Investigation of the Benefits of Resource Diversification with an Energy Portfolio Dominated by Storage Hydro
- Increasing the Efficiency of Light Emission in Signage Applications
- Embedding Undirected Graphs onto Extended Grids
- Co-registration of Nuclear Medicine Images with Anatomical Images for Attenuation Correction and Localization of Activity
- Analysis of Resistance to Mountain Pine Beetle in Clonal Lodgepole Pines: An Opportunity to Guide the Choice of Cultivars for Planting a More Beetle-resistant Forest
- A Tessellated Approach to 3-D Parabolic Equation Acoustic Modeling
- A Defense System Against DDoS Attacks
- Semantic Forwarding Engine for Content-based Routing
- Boreal Forest Mortality Modelling
- Modelling and Computation of Credit Risk and Credit Derivatives
- Valuing Options in the Alberta Electricity Market
- The Role of Stream Fertilization in the Recovery of Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon Populations
- Streaming Workload Characterization and Multi-level Client Clustering
- Rapid Detection of Salmonella Species in Composted Biosolids Using Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Performance Modelling of Professional Cyclists Using Self-organizing Maps
- Multi-class Problem Decomposition Using Genetic Programming
- Modelling Game Strategies to Improve Performance
- Mobile IP Infrastructure for Medical Data Transmission
- Kinematics Modelling and Trajectory Design for Arm and Shoulder Physical Therapies Performed by Rehabilitation Robots
- Hedging Property & Casualty Insurance Risk
- Efficient Mining of Agro-Meteorological Data
- Development of Mathematical Models for Flow in a Porous Media
- Wave Diffraction of Floating Structures in Partially Frozen Seas
- Statistical Qualification of an Existing Industry-held “Malware” Feature Set
- Optimization of the SyncWave Power Resonator
- Modelling of Hydrogen Storage Materials
- Mathematical Modelling of Small Craft Motion
- LCD Colour Correction of LED Back Light Arrays
- Intensity Adjustments for Authentic Image Display and Perception in High Dynamic Range Imaging
- FOCI and its Implementation in Industry
- Evaluating Forest Machine Operator Musculoskeletal Health
- Computational Fluid Dynamics for Computer Gaming
- Conservation Practices and the Infection Risk of Tick-borne Zoonotic Diseases in the Southern Okanagan
- Applying Dynamic Constraint Scheduling Technology to the Efficient Management of Emergency Responders
- Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance Program
- Wireless Architectures for Smart Networked Toys
- The Transitions in Cognitive and Functional Status of People with Mild-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease Treated by Galantamine: A Retrospective Study
- Precise Calculation of Brain Atrophy Due to Focal Lesions in MS Patients: Modification of Non-linear Registration Algorithm
- Numerical Modelling of a Gasifier Biomass Bed
- Modelling Energy Prices
- Imaging System through Coupling of Panoramic Imaging and Retroflexion Imaging Techniques
- Improved Sizing of Defects Using Ultrasonic Phased Arrays
- Family Physician Work Force Projection in Saskatchewan
- Detection of Location Finding Using Sensor Networks
- Data Mining in the VISTA Clinical Trials Database
- Change Detection in Network Data Streams for Alcatel
- An Innovative Modular Network Architecture Approach for Network Engineering
- A Physically-based Approach to Dynamically Model Hydrological Sensitive Areas and Run-off Source Area Contributions in Snowmelt-dominated Catchments
- Separation Methods for Carbon Nanotubes and Amorphous Carbon
- Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Fine-Grained Scalable Video Sequences
- Improving Throughput of the LZ77 Compression and AES Algorithms Decryption
- Fusing Structural, Functional and Diffusion Tensor MR Image for Neurological Disorders
- Computation of Second-Order Wave Forces on Offshore Structures
- Correlating Intrusion Scenarios with an Unsupervised Learning Model
- User Behavior Modeling and Scalabitliy Analyzing for VoIP Network
- Transliteration from Arabic to English
- Study of Connection Times for Air Canada
- Segment Pool Allocation Strategy
- Operations on Graphs
- Modelling the Growth and Quality of Crop Trees 20 Years After an Operation of Average Thinning in a Stand of Tolerant Hardwoods in New Brunswick
- Interaction of Log-Probabilities and Taxonomic Hierarchies
- Application of Data Smoothing Techniques to Trend Analysis of Large-Scale Survey Data
- An Automated N-Dimensional Brain Tissue and Lesion Classifier in MS Patients using MR Images
- 3D Rendering of Stress, Strain and Shear in TensegriCell Simulations of Cytoskeleton
- 3D Breast Microwave Imagery Reconstruction and Focusing
- Sampling Plans and Analysis Strategies for Environmental Assessment of Diamond Mine Impacts in Northern Canada
- Real-time Animation of Deformable Objects for Computer Games
- Large-scale Physical Factors Associated with the 1999 – 2005 Canadian Prairie Drought
- Insolvency Prediction of Property and Casualty Insurers
- Implementation of 3D Grid Movement Algorithms
- Identifying and Prioritizing Critical to Quality Characteristics
- Global Warming Catastrophes Impact on Insurance
- Development of Software Algorithms for Efficient Acquisition and Mining of Hyperspectral Imaging Data
- Convex Decomposition of a Triangle Soup
- Active Learning of Hierarchically Parameterized Policies
- Access Network Evolution
- 2D Fluoroscopic Image Registration for Target Localization and Patient Monitoring in Image-Guided Radiation Therapy
- Clustering of Network Data Streams for Alcatel-Lucent
- Process Optimization of Kraft / Dissolving Pulp Manufacturing
- System Equivalent for Real-Time Digital Simulator
- Protection Strategies for Subsea Wellheads in Iceberg Environments
- Online Learning for Pinpoint Selling
- Impact of Canadian Drug Policies on Economic, Clinical, and Humanistic Outcomes: A Systematic Review
- Improved Models of Electric Machines for Real-Time Digital Simulations
- Improving Growth and Yield Predictions Using Combined Tree Based Models
- High-resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and its Application to Salt Marsh Restoration
- Form & Language for the Astronomical Study of Hydrogen
- Feature Set Generation from Customer Transaction Data for Customer Classification
- Comparison of Different Middle Ear Prostheses in Conducting Mechanical Vibrations for Hearing Reconstruction
- Calculation of the True Anisotrophic Distance Between Points
- Application of an Age Structured Model to the Northumberland Strait
- Advanced Modulation Techniques for Power Converters and Vehicle Propulsion Systems
- Transport Phenomena in Bulk CdTe Production
- Towards an Optimal Scale for Injury Surveillance: Evaluating Spatial Dependency and Community Socio-economic Context on Intentional and Unintentional Injuries in British Columbia
- Statistical Methods for High Through-Put Flow Cytometry
- Quantifying the Responses of Songbirds and Woodpeckers to Changes in Habitat at the Stand and Landscape Scales: Testing for Thresholds and Setting Management Targets
- Petrological and Geochemical Profiling of Copper-gold Mineralization in the Iron Range Region of BC
- Modelling Body Composition with Special Attention to Visceral and Subcutaneous Adiposity
- Measuring and Modelling Ecological Resilience
- Influence of Viruses on Marine Prokaryotes in Canada’s Arctic Waters
- Forest Habitat Requirements for Nesting Sandhill Cranes in Coastal British Columbia
- Detrital Mineral Geochronology of the Wernecke Supergroup in the Yukon: Enhancing the Framework for Mineral Exploration
- Determining the Kinetics of Self-assembly of Islet Amyloid Polypeptide in Type 2 Diabetes
- Extracting Commonality within Network Data Streams
- Real-time Reproduction of Statistical Accurate Distributed System Workloads
- Security Assertion Checking & Enforcement Using Monitors
- Fire Hazard and the Effects of Natural vs Anthropogenic Disturbances on the Early Successional Patterns of ICH Forests in BC
- Development of Statistical Models for Residential Property Assessment in Saskatoon
- Building on the Understanding of Business Processes Related to Service Provisioning and Service Assurance at Bell Canada
- Residential Construction Material Waste Minimization
- Researching Organic Materials to Control Fruitset of Apples
- Optimization of Learning Performance on Multimedia Items using Machine-learning Methods
- Numerical Weather Modelling for Predicting Hazardous Situations in Power Transmission Networks
- Model for Dispersal of the Emerald Ash Borer
- Mathematical Modelling of Planing Hull Motions in Waves
- Kweh-Kwuch-Hum Archaeological Survey
- Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing for Cattle Carcass Data and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
- Assessing Ecosystem Health of an Agricultural Watershed Using Insect Condition
- Building Information Model for the Automation of Residential Design and Construction
- Asset & Liability Management – Forecasting Volume and Duration of Core Demand Deposits
- A Statistical Model to Assess Cognitive Skills
- A Parameter-based Statistical Algorithm for Math Items in Multimedia Education
- Virtual Prototyping of Advanced Hybrid Vehicle Powertrain Architecture for Design Optimization
- Statistical Characterization of Real-World Distributed System Workloads
- Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Provenance of the Upper Purcell Supergroup in Southeastern BC: Implications for Syn-depositional Tectonism
- Regional Mapping and Geochemistry of the Chilcotin Group Volcanic Rocks, South-central British Columbia
- Natural Language Processing of Resumes
- Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Advanced Hybrid Vehicle Power Systems with Different Energy Storage System Configurations and Parameters
- Mathematical Methods for Monitoring and Controlling Mite Infestations in Apple Orchards
- Investigating the Molecular and Physiological Controls on the Bio-geographical Distribution of Phytoplankton Taxa using General Circulation Models
- Gaming Floor Performance Prediction
- Fertilization to Increase Soil C Sequestration and Mitigate Climate Change
- Ecosystem Recovery after Disturbance: Thresholds for Biodiversity and Resiliency Indicators
- Climate Change Impacts Monitoring of Shoreline Systems in Gulf Islands National Park Reserve
- An Integrated Evaluation and Planning System for Supporting Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources
- Air Quality Monitoring and Modelling of Emissions from Cruise Ships and the Associated Traffic in James Bay in Victoria, BC
- Developing Microkinetics Oxidation Models
- Tree Usage Optimization
- Stochastic Modelling of Pre-sales and Network Request Provisioning Sub-processes at Bell Canada
- Novel Approaches for Heart Failure Screening Based on Ballistocardiograph Signals
- Monitoring Sleep-related Breathing Irregularities with Computer Vision Techniques
- Model Transformation
- Lie Algebra Image Processing Applied to Intrinsic Optical Imaging
- Insurance Pricing with Proprietary Information
- Effect of Pore Pressure Migration on Slope Stability: A Case History
- Development of Production Planning Models
- Cryptographic Security Solution for Laptops
- Computer Modelling of DC Plasma Torches with Draught Air in a Gasification Reactor
- Analysis and Classification of Data from 3D Morpho-Functional Assessments
- A Mathematical Framework for Modelling Forest Fire Spread
- Prediction of Complex Molecule Structures with HDX Mass Spectrometry-guided Molecular Dynamics Simulations Part II – Generalization and Parametrization
- Development of a Temperature-dependant Elastoplastic Constitutive Model for Metals and Alloys
- Usability of a Vessel Compressibility Characterization Systems Using Ultrasound Imaging
- Designing a User-interface Using Hyper-Local Contextual Knowledge to (Re)Construct a Community Building Gathering Space
- OpenVL Implementation on Multiprocessor Platform
- Municipal Development: Finding Political Incentives for Economic Investors
- Game Object Parallelization
- Segmentation and Classification of Sediment Cores Using Computed Tomography
- Requirements for a Collective Intelligence Information Service for Design Teams
- Planning Models for Emergency Medical Services Operations
- Perception and Selection of Sponsored Links
- Optimizing Stocking Strategies for Rainbow Trout in Mixed Species Lakes
- Non-Viral Gene Delivery to Gut Stem Cells
- Lab-based Accelerated Vibration Testing for Articles in the Baggage Bay Area of the Motor Coach in the Vertical Direction
- Features-driven Multi-modality Registration and Fusion of Functional and Structural Medical Images
- Development of a Pharmacokinetic and Physiologic Model of Different Formulations of an Anti-tumoral Agent
- Design of Linear-Phase Mirror-Image Symmetric Filter Banks for Image Compression Coding
- Design and Implementation of IEEE 802.16j MMR Networks
- Computational Models for the Analysis of Aircraft Structures
- Assymetric Lossless Compression via Algorithmic Self-organizing Structures
- Application of a Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Approach to Fuel Cell Humidifier Optimization
- Simulation and Mathematical Modeling of Unsupported Pt Nanoparticles for Fuel Cell Electrocatalysis
- Multivariate Analysis for Manufacturing Excursion Detection with Complex Equipment Containing Sub-Systems
- Modelling Home and Community Care
- Laser Camera Data Processing Algorithms
- Evaluating Harvest Management Procedures for Spatially-structured Fish Populations
- Developing an STI Awareness Model for Youth in Northeastern BC
- Developing Algorithms for a Multi-camera System to Locate People Within a Store
- Building Neighbourhood Third Sector: A Holistic Organizational Governance Development and Training Tool Kit
- Algorithms for Nonlinear Inversion in Medical Imaging
- Algorithm for Robust Spam Blog Detection
- Aiding in the Design of an Efficient, Robotic System for Manufacturing Scalable Models
- Ab-initio Simulation on Morphology and Reactivity of Supported Platinum Nanoparticles
- Video-On Demand Equipment Allocation
- Vancity Climate Change Strategy
- The Potential for Drainage to Improve Productivity of Regenerating Forests on Northern Vancouver Island
- The Gem Cutter Educational Tool
- Roof Plane Generation Algorithm for Slope Roofs
- New Polymers for Use in Flame Retardant Paper and Flame Retardant/Decay Resistant Wood
- Modelling the Wave Climate of Vancouver Island Using Multi-Directional Wave Buoy Data
- Development of a Space-time Finite Element Formulation for fast AC Loss Calculation in High Temperature Superconductors
- Computational/Experimental Protocol for Development of a Therapeutic Agent for Treatment of Tuberculosis
- Consumer Activity Segmentation in Marketing
- Component-based Detection for 3D Objects
- Basic Design Considerations for Implanted and Embedded Antennas
- Antibody Modeling Using a Combined Computational/Experimental Protocol
- Analysis of Katzie Archaeological Lithic Collections
- Real-time Supervision of Electric Arc Duration in a High Voltage Circuit Breaker Based on the Analysis of Electromagnetic Emissions
- Multi-class and Multicriteria Classification Models
- A New Decision-Support Tool for the Treatment of Patients Suffering from a Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament
- The Health and Safety of Children Living in Marijuana Grow-Operations
- Semi-Automatic Video Motion Capture: Lifting 2D Estimates to 3D
- Object Recognition Systems on Digital Cameras
- Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Liquid Metals
- Modeling Flow and Dissolved Heavy Metal Sorption through a Sloped Compost Filter Bed for the Prediction of Service Time under Diverse
- Mapping the Human Kineome and Phosphoproteome
- Making Connections for Conservation: Restoring the Coastal Dune Ecosystem of Island View Beach and the Cordova Spit
- Liability to Electricity – BC Foothills Geothermal Energy
- Improving Care for Depressed Clients in an Employee and Family Assistance Program
- Development of Recommendations for Improvement of the Industrial Mineral Sector
- Developing a Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer in the Visible Field and Determining Abundance Gradients in Barred Spiral Galaxies
- Assessing the Feasibility of an Automated Public Bicycle System in Metro Vancouver
- Analysis and Quantification of the Textural Information in Pigmented Skin Lesions
- Optimal Landfarming Strategy for Treating Oil Refinery Sludge
- Simplified Mathematical Models to Describe Ethylene Oxide Catalyst Activity and Selectivity
- Risk Rating Enhancement for Vancity
- Predicting suitable habitat for deep-sea corals in BC
- Platform Prototyping for Haptic Steering Research
- Network Architecture for the Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking Array
- Mathematical and statistical synthesis of sea lice and salmon population dynamics in the Broughton Archipelago
- Machine Translation for Social Gaming
- Highly Sensitive Magnetometer
- Estimating Abundance and Other Population Parameters for Harlequin Ducks
- Development of Oral Appliance Technology for the Treatment of Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children
- Development and evaluation of an integrated modeling approach for a risk analysis of alternative Oil Sands reclamation strategies
- Datapath Modeling of a Network Element
- Where are they now? Reviewing and updating SUCCESS’s Youth Leadership Millennium Project in its 10th year
- The Identification of Gene-Environment Interactions in Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
- Sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) of the Central and North coast of BC
- Predicting changes in early growing season water availability contributed as snowmelt following mountain pine beetle attack
- Optimization of Hybrid Energy Harvesting System
- Merritt Green Energy Feasibility
- Risk Analysis and Assurance test on Carbon Credit Asset Management Program
- Improving Patient Safety by Developing an Algorithm to Detect Patient Respiratory Status During Remifentanil Administration for Lithotripsy
- Evaluation of a Regionalized Approach Toward Providing Emergency Medical Services in British Columbia: Is Distance to Services a Critical Factor in Injury Mortality?
- Estimating Relative Trends in Cetacean Abundance from Data Collected for an Opportunistic Sightings Network
- Clinical Assessement Tool of Surgical Procedure Effectiveness in Treating Urinary Incontinence
- An Evaluation of Extinction-Risk Criteria for Pacific Salmon Conservation Units
- AMSSA Index
- A Rapid Prototyping System for Games
- Examining the Relationship Between Subjective Experience and Outcomes in Individuals with Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
- Wildfire Risk Assessment for the Southern Gulf Islands
- Differentiating Sources of Contaminants in Two Lakes in Northern Ontario
- Development of Cognitive Mapping Analysis Tool
- Compendium of Design Strategies for Healing Environments
- Characterization of Rock Features in the Ore Sorting Industry
- Blind People in the Workplace: Examining the Barriers to Meaningful Employment of Blind Canadians
- Warehouse and Distribution Network Optimization
- The Identification of Development Opportunities Involving Historic Properties
- The Effect of Plant Condition on Bumble Bee Pollination in Greenhouse Tomato
- Runtime Monitoring of Web Service Conversations: Problems of Security, Data-Exchange and Liveness
- Low Power Design for Ambulatory Physiology Platform
- Light-weight Monitoring of DB2
- European market analysis for SpeechBobble Inc.
- Delayed Polynomial Arithmetic and its Applications
- Credit Risk Optimization
- Modelling of Placement of Multiple Fluids of Different Rheology and Polydispersed Proppant into a Fracture
- User Modelling and Feature Selection for Personalized Local Search
- Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing of Advanced Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer Composites
- The Importance of Traditional Kwakwaka’wak Management on the Productivity of Estuarine Root Gardens
- Implementing and Expanding a Public Bicycle System in Metro Vancouver
- High Voltage DC Transmission Using Voltage-Source Converters
- Diageo Fleet Utilization
- Developing Optical Coherence Tomography Image Analysis Methods
- Decreasing Pitch-related Deposits in a Paper Mill
- CFD Modelling of a Revolution Engine
- But I Thought I had Asthma – Now What? Assessing the Feasibility of a Treatment Program for Patients with Functional Dyspnea
- Benefits to Poultry Value Chain Participants of Providing New Producer Incentives for Improved Quality
- Angle optimization of intensity modulated radiation therapy via learning algorithms
- A Study of Network Traffic for Attack Modelling and Simulation
- Towards Efficient Splog Detection via Local Web Graph Analysis
- Stochastic Portfolio Theory Applications
- Post-secondary education pathways of New Brunswick youth
- Portfolio Management based on the Stochastic Portfolio Theory
- Evaluation of Visual Analytics Requirements Gathering Methods
- Investigation of Cyclosporiasis Outbreaks in British Columbia
- Identifying Marketing Opportunities for New Cancer Detection Products, LungSign(TM) and OralAdvance(TM)
- Executing the Quartz Analysis Engine on a Cell Processor Based Cluster
- Establishing Native Plant Communities on Severely Disturbed Sites: Investigating the Limiting Factors to Restoring Slash Burn Scars
- Development of game schedules for university sports in Quebec
- An Algebra-Based Approach to Program Verification
- A Wireless Wearable Multi-parameter Physiology Multi-sensor System
- Development of Multi-criteria Decision Support and Analysis Tools to Assist Community Economic Development and Environmental Planning
- Yield Management to Optimize Expected Revenues
- Whole Genome Association Strategy for Unbiased Candidate Gene Selection in Inflammatory Diseases
- Railcar Automated Coupling and Switching
- Prediction of Power Outage Locations Due to Weather and Tree Impacts on BC Transmission Corporation Transmission Lines
- Modeling the Scattering of THz radiation off of Wood
- LED Driver Circuit with Temperature Compensation
- Organization Evolution Strategy
- Increasing the Number of Targeted Unique Visitors on by Using Contextual Advertising and Search Engine Optimization
- Effects of Alternative Forest Management on Culturally-valued Plants and Understory Plant Communities in Mountain Pine Beetle-affected Montane Spruce Forests, Kamloops region, BC
- Development of an Intelligent Pain Detection Instrument for Medical Diagnostic Applications
- Covering Surfaces with Strips
- Zeros 2 Heroes Data Model: User Experience
- Mathematical Investigation of a Balance Metric using Hypergraphs: Finding a Paper, Rock, Scissor-like relation between Game Scoring and Gaming Strategies
- Development and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel Oral Amphotericin B Formulations for the Treatment of Experimental Systemic Fungal Infections: Providing New Therapeutic Approach for an Unmet Medical Need in First and Third World Countries
- Comparison of Scalable Analytics Correlation and Classical Correlation in High-Frequency Finance
- Understanding the Engineering Design Process
- Application of Spatial Statistics to Quantify Mixing and the Potential for Reaction
- Potential Climate Change Impact On Surface Winds in Southern British Columbia: Analyses Using A High-Resolution Regional Climate Model
- Ontology-based Data Integration for Translational Medicine
- New Business Development: Food Service Applications for Earthcycle Packaging
- Measuring the Value of eHealth
- Full Waveform Tomography for Time-Lapse Monitoring
- Cluster and Discriminant Analysis for Vehicles Detection
- An Improved Wide-Band Dynamic System Equivalent Technique for Real-Time Digital Simulators
- Application of Composite Materials to Tidal Turbine Blades
- A Comparative Analysis into the Choice Behavior of Consumers with Celiac Disease
- Cultural Diversity and Material Imagination in Canadian Architecture
- Water Stability Control for Optimization of Filtration at Portage la Prairie and Sanford Water Treatment Plants
- Use of LUMINEX and Lateral Flow Devices to Measure Fungal Antigens
- The Effects of Weight and Weight Distribution on Muscular Activity and Trunk Posture when Sighting a Rifle
- Sources and Timescales of Fluid Flow: Gold Deposit Generation during Metamorphism, Abitibi Sub-province, Canada
- Real-time Transient Classification System
- Numerical Analysis of In-floor-heated Slab Foundations
- Novel Control System for Haptic Actuation
- Light-Weight Problem Determination in DB2
- Intelligent Mobile Asset Tracking
- Development of a Systematic and Objective Study to Improve the Diagnostic Accuracy of Malingering in Litigating Patients
- Development of a New Non-contact Rotational Position Sensor for Fault Detection in Gear Boxes
- Development and Application of Optical Fiber Intrusion Sensor
- Analytical Framework for Valuation of Commercial Leases
- Purchasing Power: An Investigation of the Ethical Consumer and Affinity Markets in Ontario
- Spatial Listening, Hearing Loss, and Hearing Aids
- Managing a New, Reduced Iron Steelmaking Process: Operations, Finance and the Risk of Patent Litigation
- Keywords Detection in Handwritten Documents
- Information Extraction from Unstructured Data
- Implementation and Validation of Detached Eddy Simulation (DES)
- Financial Risk Management
- Evaluation of Catastrophic Risk System
- Effects and Benefits of Discrete Cosine Transform on Polarimetric Decompositions: Application to Man-made Object Recognition
- Does reducing postural variability lead to an increase in the prevalence of work-related injuries in lean automotive assembly?
- A Semi-autonomous Injection System for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
- Visualizing Fan Trends
- Sustainable Community Economic Development in British Columbia
- Social and Environmental Purchasing Portal
- Neural Correlates of Branding Effects across Different Media
- Low Platinum Loading Anode Electrocatalysts for Polymer Electrolyte
- Development of CFD Code for Marine Applications
- Customer Segmentation Using Feature Set Generated from Customer Transaction Data
- Cost Shifting of Pharmaceuticals from Public to Private Healthcare Payers
- A Support System for Managing Failures of an Electronic Gaming Machine Environment
- Wasted Renewables and Marginal Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Canada’s Power Systems
- Using wireless location technologies in mobile video games
- The stability of a virtual economic system
- Product Distribution to Plants
- Exploring 100 Years of BC’s History through the Times Colonist
- Estimation of required efforts for information technology projects
- Designing a Multimodal Transportation Network
- Clarifying the Concept and Measurement of School Climate
- Animal Feed Quality at the Vancouver Aquarium – Optimization of Incoming Feed Quality and Maintenance of Feed Quality throughout Storage
- Web Page Recommender System
- Video Motion Detection and Tracking for Surveillance Applications
- Structural Variations in Human Genomes Using High Throughput Short read technology
- Robust Efficient Estimation of Energy Use
- Performance Metrics/Leadership Development Analysis
- Design and synthesis of co-polymers for novel photo/electrochromic hybrid materials
- Computational design for improving the affinity of peptide ligands for carbohydrate-binding
- Approximate Algorithms for Resequencing of Human Genome using High Throughput Short
- Analysis of Decision Support System Metrics
- Aerosol Transport in Rooms with Displacement Ventilation
- Integration of Technology to Support Nursing Practice: A Saskatchewan Initiative
- Neural Correlates of Branding Effects and Preference
- Realtime Visualization and Sensor Fusion for an Action Sports Goggle Display
- Water Pipeline Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks
- Tillage tool wear simulation using Discrete Element Method
- Reaching for a Better Understanding of the Portfolio Optimization Process
- Quality Assessment of JPEG and JPEG2000 Compressed Medical Images
- Image Rectification for 3D Stereoscopic Displays
- Hydrodynamic impacts on walleye (sander vitreus) egg and larval distribution and survival in
- Flexible Integrated Data Aquistion, Monitoring and Display System for the TRCA’s Sustainable
- Establishment of Energy Crops on Decommissioned Landfills; Exclusion of Biogas from the Plant Root Zone Using a Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL)
- Enhanced UV Treatment of Fluids through Fluid Instabilities
- Development of Solar Hot Water Heater Performance Monitoring Protocol and Equipment
- Development of Control Software Architecture for an Automated Specimen Processing Robotic
- Design Cycle for power electronic systems: from simulation to hardware implementation
- A Review of Current Algorithms in Mine Ventilation Optimization
- State of the Art Study of Civil Infrastructure for Advanced Rapid Transit
- Simulation of Network Attacks
- Screening for Risky Cannabis Use in a Canadian Population Survey
- Rehabilitation of Landfills to Produce Biomass Energy Crops
- Prevention of microbial persistence on surfaces for Infection Control
- Large-scale Solar Farm Optimization for Ontario
- Examining the Relationship between Work Environments, Burnout and Nurse
- Evaluation of Analytics requirements in Socio-Economic Benefits of e-Justice
- Does Endovascular Coiling of Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms Result in
- Developing and Assessing Composite Production Technology
- Design and Control of Intelligent Robot Manipulator for an On-Orbit Service
- An exploration of nurses’ perceptions of individual accountability in clinical practice
- Scheduling and sequencing airport ground handling operations
- Regional variability of zooplankton population dynamics in the northwest Atlantic: Assessing environmental effects with an Individual-Based Model
- Assessing and enhancing energy-production performance of wind-power sites in operation
- Adapting Sigma° software for the mining of transportation information using aerial photos as part of updates to topographical maps
- Measuring ultrasound backscatter in brazed plates with lap joints
- Study of dielectric response in progressive tension-increase tests on stator windings on large rotating machines
- Rule Based Systems in Parametric Modeling
- Process Visualization, Communication and Collaboration in Design Teams
- Parametric Design Patterns
- Modeling a Wireless Network Emulator
- Mathematics in Canada to 1980
- Green Technology – the Role the Municipal Government Can Play
- Evaluating International Recruiters in the Context of Temporary Foreign Worker
- Community based learning: developing a sense of place in a global world
- Use of Air Entrained Concrete in Non-Freeze Thaw Environments Exposed to Chlorides
- Understanding the importance of “timing” in pesticide application and studying the volatilization of individual components of botanical pesticides on surfaces and their effects on pests
- The Creative Economy: Vancouver’s Untapped Resource
- Patient-reported outcomes of individuals living with an implanted cardioverter defibrillator
- Optimization in multi-currency transaction system
- Modeling risk of small-scale vessels: Source oil discharges in Canada’s Pacific Coast
- Lab-on-a-chip Nanosensor for Vitamin Detection
- Father engagement in addictions health services
- A N-Dimensional Vector Mining Visual Analyzer for the Surveillance of Live-Stock Production Systems in Alberta
- The use of Wollastonite to enhance fresh and mechanical properties of concrete
- The Potential of the Green Building Council Network to Influence National Policy Development Regarding the Built Environment and Sustainability
- Systems Integration of Automatic Specimen Processor with a Petri Net Approach to Control, Diagnose and Prevent System Faults
- Statistical Modeling of swept-source optical coherence tomography including multiple scattering effects in tissue
- Modeling, Filtering and Control Design for Draganfly Helicopters
- Measuring material nuclear properties for Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation (PGNA) spectroscopy
- Influence of nuclear cytoplasmic interactions on developmental competence of bison
- Habitat Banking Feasibility Study
- Emergency Department Flow Optimization Case Study
- Cellular factors influencing the developmental potential of pure and hybrid bison
- Breast Microwave Tomography Reconstruction using Ultra Wide Band Radar Images
- Asbestosis, Fibrosis, Pulmonary Function and Computed Tomography Test Changes in an Asbestos-Exposed Cohort
- Algorithm/model to assist decision making for hip and knee replacement surgery
- Advancing Improved Statistical and Syntactic Word Prediction
- Assessment of Fire Risk to Recreational Properties in Central Ontario
- Potential Function Based Secondary Control of Microgrid
- Measurements and Modeling of Wireless Relay Channels in Urban Microcellular
- Leveraging Smart Growth via Ontario’s Climate Commitments
- Investigating Cooling Water Toxicity at a Pulp and Paper Mill Cause by Seasonal Variability
- Implementation of a non-linear block LU-SGS time stopping method
- FPGA-accelerated Laser Line Profile Extraction
- Development of CVA tools to analyze risk sensitivities
- Developing highly sensitive biosensors for MRSA bacterial detection
- Control of fruit ripening in stone fruits – a molecular perspective
- Support Implementation of Kamakura Risk Management System
- Scaling up of the Synthesis of new Polymers for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Use
- Automatic non-invasive detection of diseases of birds using Infrared Thermography
- Women’s Use of Cosmeceutical Products
- Research and Innovation Change Management in the Canadian Construction Industry
- Reliability Based Design Framework for High Strength Linepipe
- Natural gas development and grassland songbird abundance in Southwestern Saskatchewan: the impact of gas wells and cumulative effects
- Innovative Technology for Bioremediation/Composting of C&D Wood Waste
- Increased performance of the MESH software package through improved numerical methods and code parallelization
- GPU based High Throughput Sequence Mapping for Re-Sequencing Short Reads
- Development and application of the simulated earthworm gut (SEG) technology for soil toxicity testing
- Detection of Unexploded Ordnances: Magnetostriction due to Shock Demagnetization
- Debugging in the Real-time Systems with DTrace
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modelling of Septic Tank Project
- Analysis of rutin content in asparagus cultivars for the development of value‐added products
- Determining advantages of electronic detection in high performance liquid chromatography
- Developments of a novel agricultural-based approach for producing high levels of stearidonic acid
- Meeting the needs of African refugee youth in Metro Vancouver
- Verification, Validation and Expansion of the Business of Carbon Sequestration Through Land Reclamation and Afforestation
- Using Native Plants to Treat Municipal Wastewater for Small Communities in Saskatchewan
- Role of Teneurin C-Terminal Associated Peptides in the Stress-Induced Reinstatement of Cocaine Seeking
- Mattamy Homes Green Initiative Program
- Mathematical Investigation of a Balance Metric using Hypergraphs: Part 2
- Literature and database evaluation and compilation of evapotranspiration in Ontario, Canada
- Incorporating randomness into the PROMETHEUS Fire Growth Simulator
- Development of three-dimensional models for analysing mid-rise wood frame buildings
- Data mining on social network applications for entertainment industries
- Data Visualization for query about preferred paths to favourite points of interest based on an abstracted local model for location aware Mobile devices
- Assessing the feasibility of industry wide incorporation of eco-certification into the Sustainable Winemaking Ontario initiative
- Standing up to Bullying
- Replacing mercury use and improving gold recovery in artisanal operations
- Program to Evaluate and Improve Visual Analytic Processes for Analyzing Maintainability, Reliability and Safety Data – Part 1
- Planning a sustainable approach to Community Forest Management with the Katzie First Nation at Blue Mountain and Douglas Provincial Forests
- Groundwork for Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on the Lower Churchill Hydroelectric Development
- Evaluating the Economic Impact of Greater Victoria’s Technology Sector
- Estimating relative trends in cetacean abundance and distribution from data collected for an opportunistic sighting network (BCCSN)
- Digital modelling of DC plasma torches (Part 2)
- Determining road sub-soil anisotropic resilient modulus on site using a self-boring pressure-meter
- Design and implementation of a plasma power source
- Analysis of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks
- 3D building/structure model reconstruction using multiple aerial images
- Wireless communications for sensor networks in perturbed environments: application to vehicles
- Modelling consumer choice processes in a dynamic and competitive environment
- Intelligent kinetic architectural envelope development
- Development of Tree Ring – C Climate Relationships in Boreal Forests
- Architecture and application of an innovative decision-support module for use in primary care with electronic patient records
- Utilizing Key Performance Indicators to Increase the Production Efficiency of Ontario Cow Calf Operations
- Modeling of a Multi-Stage Roll Forming Process Applied to Textile Composite Bridge Deck Slabs
- Investigating Effects of UV Disinfection on Wastewater Estrogenic Activity
- Financial analysis and evaluation model for willow plantations at Grappe agroénergétique des Coteaux
- Evaluation of a Neuro-fuzzy Machine Vision System for Intelligent Inspection
- Effectiveness monitoring of native vegetation trials in mine soils and analysis of soil stockpiles at Huckleberry Mines, Houston, B.C
- Ecological determinants of sustainable aquaculture in British Columbia
- Characterizing the sensory attributes of red and white wheat, their brans and whole grain products made using red or white wheats
- Validating the Critical Thinking Measure
- Simulation-based Perioperative Decision support tool
- Room-scale Evaluation and Environmental Impact Assessment of a Treatment Approach for Reducing Hydrogen Sulphide Emission from Swine Barns
- Security Awareness Planning and Development for Web 2.0 Toys
- Opportunities in BC to Generate Carbon Offsets from Biomass-based Renewable Energy
- Neighbourhood Influence on Outcomes of Supportive Housing
- Identification of Liquid Mixture using RF Pulses
- Field-level crop yield forecasting for AGRISAR 2009
- Developing stochastic model of cognitive function in elderly persons
- Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Harvest of Lake Sturgeon: The role of whole chain traceability
- Assessment of the Performance of Engineering In-Stream Channel Restoration Works with Field
- Building Healthy, Disaster-Resilient Communities in the face of Earthquake Hazards in Coastal British Columbia
- The preindustrial forest of the Mauricie, Quebec: what did it look like and how does the current forest differ? Providing guidance for ecosystem management
- Structural and petrographic examination of volcanic breccia veins of the Rogers Creek porphyry system
- Optimizing Farm Business Planning with Multiple Objective Goal Programming
- Nanoscale Antenna Design and Fabrication
- Modeling Mortality Risk in an Economic Capital Framework
- Functionality of a Zero-trans, Low Saturate Shortening Alternative
- Diabetes Tele-Monitoring for Older People via the Use of BlackBerries and Tablet PCs
- Canadian Diaspora Project Year II
- An individual-based model of the Cape Breton Island American marten (Martes mericana) population and habitat usage of released individuals
- Vehicle Communications and Applications Knowledge and Technology Transfer
- Technologies for the Elimination of Used Diapers
- Structural Health and Wear Monitoring in Large-Diameter Rubber Mining Hoses
- StepWise: Using New Technology to Connect First Nations Youth for Friendship and Fitness
- Secure Data Sharing and Storage for Enterprises
- Potential of the Rynaxypyrine Insecticide – Cyazypyr™ as a Seed Treatment on Canola for the Control of Canola Flea Beetle and its Non-target Effect on Honey Bee Foragers
- Lightning Electromagnetic Field Macromodeling
- Intelligent Low-cost Cell Planning
- Exploring the Role that Science and Technology Play in Regional Productivity Differences Using New Metrics
- City of Hamilton Public Policy for Elimination of Diaper Disposal in a Landfill
- Automated Market Making
- Applications of Behavioral Synthesis for Chip Design
- Apoptosis as a Mechanism for Delayed Engraftment in Cryopreserved Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplants
- Multi-method Evaluation of Haulage Trucks: Improvement in Occupational Health via Ergonomic Design
- Evaluation of the Effect of Air Sparging on the Performance of Industrial Copper Electrowinning
- South Simcoe Green Business Transformation Project
- Visual Histories of Decision Processes for Business Intelligence
- Three-dimensional (3D) imaging libraries for the creation of virtual human models for use in education in the health
- Simulation of a Liquid Helium Cryogenic System
- Identification of Rubber Material Properties within Automotive Components
- Heritage Architecture and Digital Archives
- Development and Performance evaluation of 3D powerline reconstruction method using airborne LiDAR data
- Developing a Carbon Strategy for Publicly Held Canadian Forest Products Company
- Characterization and Treatment of Water from Decorative Water Features and Other Building Water Sources
- Project Portfolios in Dynamic Environments: Organizing for Uncertainty
- Optimization of Optical Signal in Microarrays: Predicting properties of polycrystalline ZnO coatings
- Life at Risk Evaluation for the Spinal Cord Injury Solutions Network
- Enhancement of the FVTD Electromagnetics Solver for the Design and Optimization of MRI RF]Coils
- Development of a CNC Machine Tool Performance Simulation System: “The VCNC System”
- Biologic Therapies in Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Application of collaborative online knowledge strategies in public service broadcasting
- A Generative Model of Impulsive Sound Production and Propagation
- Self-Powered, maintenance-free wireless sensor network with location tracking and health monitoring sensor interface
- Use Experience Design and Interactive Interfaces to Support Energy Conservation
- Weight Management in Morbidly Obese Patients
- Multidimensional visualization of galaxy characteristics
- Multi-Camera Image Calibration and Processing
- Modeling transpiration deficits after disturbances and evaluating the sensitivity of southwest Yukon forest ecosystems to climate change
- DreamWafer Intelligent Rapid Prototyping Platform for Electronic Systems
- Ice Throw from Wind Turbines
- Development of a Sample Preservation and DNA Extraction Buffer for C-POD™
- A new approach to the assessment and evaluation of technical skills
- Investigating methods of long-term follow-up for patients with Metabolic Syndrome
- Identifying and measuring the ecosystem and their economic value in a shade grown Mate Plantation/Atlantic rain forest restoration venture.
- Robust Face Detection and Tracking for Video Surveillance
- PPB Sensitive Optical Breath Analyser
- Optimization of the economic potential of Jerusalem artichoke as feedstock for production of ethanol, inulin, and biomass pellets
- Mining sites as incubators for green energy and other value added products
- Optimization of Plastic Scintillator Thicknesses for Beta Gamma Detection
- Monitoring and Characterizing Driver Behaviour Among Ski Resort Fleet
- Mitigating Poor Precocity and Biennial Bearing of Northern Spy Apples to Meet Increasing market Demand in Ontario
- Fermentation of lignocellulosic feedstock after steam explosion pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis
- Exploring Methodologies for Probabilistic Scenario Analysis at Boeing
- Development of SCODA DNA Extraction for Forensics Applications.
- Smart Technologies for efficient power control in a distribution grid
- Investigation of Methodologies for Counterparty Credit Risk and Credit Value Adjustment Calculation
- A Lung Tumour Localization Device for Minimally Invasive Surgery Using Kinesthetic, Tactile, and Ultrasound Information
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Modelling the Effects of Biodegradation and Seasonal Factors on Soil Vapour Transport: application and adaptation of the MIN3P code.
- Identifying suitable sites for multiple focal species using multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) and ecological niche factor
- Engineering design and software development for a medical device prototype of Mespere’s breakthrough non-invasive central venous pressure monitor.
- Development of an agent-based model to assess the industry-induced impacts on woodland caribou habitat selection and use in Alberta.
- Cytokinin based yield potential in soybean
- Converted-wave reverse-time migration.
- Autonomic Computing Models and Adaptation of the Control Loop.
- Automatic Enhancement of Handheld Photographs
- An Improved Optical System for a Monocular Virtual Reality Display.
- An Inverse Gaussian plume approach for estimating zinc emissions from a smelting operation.
- Demonstrations of the Hybrid Control concept for reducing vibration and noise on helicopters and wind turbines
- Usability of tractor-machine systems
- Understanding Urban White Tailed Deer Use of Hydro Corridors Within the Greater Winnipeg Area
- The interaction between cardiovascular and posture controls and the effects of aging
- Live Line Maintenance and Inspection Robotics Manipulation
- Design Tools for Next Generation of Microelectronics Cooling Solutions-Characterization, Modeling and Optimization.
- Complex Sensor Networks
- Ambulatory Clinic Schedule Optimization at Princess Margaret Hospital
- Application of Cold Spray Coatings for Repair of Aerospace Parts
- Mapping Changes to Starch in Products During Baking in a Commercial Oven
- Validation and Further Development of MAPS-Mooring for Deepwater Marine Risers
- Research topics in oil lubrication for aircraft gas turbine engines
- PopModel toolkit extension of methodological and user-interface modules: from prototype to beta testing
- Interaction Techniques for Coupling Personal Mobile Devices with Large Displays
- Exploration of Novel Fuels for Gas Turbine Applications
- Project Blue Sky
- Network Design with Optimal Cut-Off Time
- Experimental and Computational Characterization of long-term (creep) performance of Fiber-reinforced composite/wood
- Bioinformatic Tools for high throughput design of Environmental Immunodiagnostics
- Aspects of Current Measurement with Single-site Long Range High Frequency Radar: Part 2
- CFD Model of a Grease Interceptor
- Practical Methods for man-made feature extraction from remote sensing imagery and applications to national topographic map updating
- Global and Local Stress Analysis of Coke Drum by New Temperature-dependent Elastoplastic Constitutive Material Model
- Performance Assessment of a Vertical Kinetic Turbine in a Wake Zone
- Software Tools for the Compression of Sets of Satellite Images
- Masonry Wall Systems: The Strategic Placement of the Masonry Product and Design Decisions for Wall Systems in an Industry Evolving Towards Sustainability and Environmental Concern
- Development of a Dynamic Model for In Vitro DNA Ligand Selection
- Development of a Commercial Preservation Technology to Minimize Physiological Injury and Assure Quality Attributes of Apple Fruit
- Defining a Business Strategy for MDIT Innovation’s Clinical Management Software
- Thermal and Electroluminescence Imaging and Application to the Location and Classification of Defects in Crystalline and Multi-Crystalline Solar Cells
- Development of Zn, Co, Ni, As, Sb and Free Cyanide Speciation Protocol Using Capillary Electrophoresis For Cyanidation Processes
- Comparing Native Mobile Applications To Embedded Browser Applications On Next Generation Smartphone Technology
- Textile Traditions on the Great Northern Peninsula: Craft, Creativity, and Life Stages
- Numerical Implementation of a Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Constitutive Theory in a Finite Element Code Used in the Industry
- Investigation of Sustainability Strategies for Battle Harbour Historic Site
- Economic Growth and Development in Saskatchewan: Re-examining and Updating Input/Output Measurements for the Changing Business Climate
- Development of Imaging Algorithms for an Automated Specimen Processing Robotics System
- Design and Development of a Usable User Interface for a Search Engine in the Oil and Gas Domain
- Potential Tree Growth and Silvicultural Options for Maintaining Management Unit Productivity After Catastrophic Natural Disturbance
- Pacific North West Energy Model
- Identification of Protein Targets for a Proprietary Antibody Generation Technology
- Geometallurgy of IOC Iron Ore Deposits
- Geochemical and Isotopic Examination of Mineralization of the South Mine Complex, Abitibi Sub-province
- Characterization of the Fuel Injection Spray Within the Ignition Quality Tester (IQTTM)
- Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Recognition
- The Security Implementation of the Sahara Pipeline Inspection System
- Colour Perception with MicroTile Digital Displays
- Glass-Telepresence Communication System
- Efficient Modeling of Large-Scale LIDAR Date
- Access to Health Care in Labrador
- Wear Analysis for Total Knee Replacements Using the Method of Finite Element Analysis
- Modeling, Simulation and Design Optimization of an Ultra High Frequency Panel Antenna
- Synchronous Fusion for Continuous Biometrics Authentication
- Field Validation of C-PODTM (DNA Ident Inc.) Technology for Genetic Sample Collection Through Investigation of Large-scale Range Expansion of American White Pelicans in Ontario
- Access Patterns in Social Games: Detecting Cheaters in a Virutal Economy
- The Development and Validation of a Workforce Diversity Scale
- Rescue of Endoplasmic Reticulum Associated Degradation of F508CFTR Protein in Cystic Fibrosis by Stop Transfer Sequence Containing Verotoxin
- Reducing Chloride Corrosion of Stainless Steel
- Recycling of Electronic Waste
- On-line Tool for Developing Municipal Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies
- Integration and Assessment of Compiled Parallel Bit Stream Technology in High Performance Text Processing Applications
- Efficient Object Segmentation and Video Compression for Eye Tracking Applications
- Comparing Carbon Emissions from Constructing a Steel and Concrete Frame Building
- Watershed Modeling in Big Creek watershed
- Don’t Try This at Home
- Analysing the Information Seeking, Use and Sharing Practices of Newcomers to Canada
- Comparison of supported and partially supported configurations for the machining of thin composites laminates for the aerospace industry
- Optimization of the trimming process of CFRP and multilayer material composed of CFRP/Aluminum/Titanium
- Optimization of the drilling process of a multilayer material composed of CFRP/Aluminum/Titanium
- Inventory of Biomass suitable for conversion to biofuels/chemicals and most promising conversion options
- Structural health monitoring of offshore structures using Fiber Bragg gratings
- Ice-induced vibrations on offshore structures
- Enhanced Child Safety in Automobiles- Knowledge & Technology Transfer
- Waste carpet resource management costs and opportunities
- Immune cell tracking to tumor microenvironment and lymphoid
- Measurement of Molecular Diffusion and Thermal Diffusion Coefficients in Multicomponent Mixtures
- Ipsos Reid-LISPOP Data Liberation Initiative
- Improved Airfoils for Contra-Rotating Wind Turbines
- CIO to CEO – Barriers and Opportunities
- Where the highway ends: a study of accessibility in the Pearl River Delta region, China
- The Space Between
- Testing for thresholds and defining targets – using bird habitat relationships to improve forest management on traditional lands of the West Moberly First Nations
- Recovery of Base Metals from Coverter Slags
- Recovery for Web Service Conversations
- Quantitative Investigation of Wood-Based Biomass in Support of a CHP Plant for the Ontario East Wood Centre & Eco-Industrial Park
- Population Estimation of the Western Conifer Seed Bug by Mark Release Recapture, and Calibration of a Visual Monitoring Technique
- Large Inbox Voice Interaction Design
- Development of Control Strategies for Western Flower Thrips Associated with Vegetation Propagation Material used in Floricultural Greenhouses
- Developing an Analytical Tool to Classify Wheat Gluten Protein Quality for Breeding Programs
- Design of a wave energy converter for marine buoys
- Accelerating Learning Process for Medical Image Segmentation using Opposition-based Learning
- Transitioning Mental Health and Addictions Organizations toward Web-based Electronic Solutions
- Oil Springs Social History Project
- Investigating Spring Barley Mixtures for Ontario
- Improving the Nouse® Perceptual Vision Interface for Individuals who have a Physical Disability
- Fibre Optic Sensor for the Detection of Hidden, Indoor Mould
- Enhancement of Control Software Implementation for an Automated Specimen Processing Robotic System
- Electrokinetic Dewatering of Orr Dam Sediment
- An Oral History of the Hamilton Waterworks
- A Population Modelling Tookit for First Nations Commercial Fisheries Management
- A Folklife Festival for Newfoundland and Labrador: Issues in the Presentation of Culture in Festival Events
- Veratoxin as a New Approach to the Prevention of HIV Infections
- Transitioning from a Paper-Based to a Fully-Automated Organization
- National Review Service ULQA Benchmarking Study
- Measuring Spine Shrinkage as an Indicator of Cumulative Loading in Nurses
- EMR Benefits Realization Project
- Dynamics of Epidemics in Contact Networks
- Control and Navigation System of a Pipe Inspection Robot (PipeCrawler)
- A Foundational Mathematics Course: Design, Implementation and Evaluation
- Bounding an Obfuscated Program to a Specific Hardware Platform
- Novel RF Coil Design for Parallel MRI of the Breast
- Using a Community-based Approach to Determine Best Practices for the Expansion of Access to Highly-active Anti-retroviral Therapy in a Resource-limited Setting
- Treatment of the Effluent Wastewater Generated in the Existing TODA Plant in Sarnia
- Public Broadcasting Reviews and the Public Interest: An Evaluation of Procedures and Outcomes Since the Liberalization of the Broadcasting Sector
- Measuring Young Piano Student’s Degree of Motivation and their Interest in Piano-Related Activities
- Geothermal Ground Loop Performance Monitoring
- Exploring regional productivity difference – Could differences in management be the cause?
- Evaluation of an Educational Intervention for Employees Exposed to Workplace Trauma
- Development of an In Vivo Model to Monitor Vitamin D Activity
- Computation of Risk Measures via Efficient Least-squares Monte Carlo
- Adipocyte Dysfunction as a Cause of Obesity-Induced Pathophysiologies: Accelerated Cellular Impairments in Individuals of South Asian Descent
- Walking the Prevention Circle Evaluation
- Model Predictions of the Effects of Vaccination on the Epidemic Growth Rate of Seasonal Influenza Epidemics
- The Use of Transgenic Plants and the Chloroplasts of Green Algae to Produce Low-cost Oral Therapeutics for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
- The Urban Greening Model: Furthering a City’s Goal Towards Sustainability through Prioritized Tree planting Regimes
- The Optical Breathalyzer
- Modeling Planar and Non-Planar Geological Surfaces to Populate 3D Volumes of Surface Probability
- Lagrangian Actinometry for UV Disinfection Applications Involving Low-Transmittance Liquids
- Developing best practices for the utilization of Social Media tools by Social Enterprises and Non-Profits
- Effects of Trail Density on Biodiversity
- Habitat Function of Urban Trees: Benchmarks for Green-rating Systems
- Structural Health Monitorring of Bonded Composite Joints
- Application of a “Knowledge to Action” Approach with Two BC Health Authorities in a Study to Design Psychometric Instrument of Collaborative Team Culture
- Understanding and Mitigating Botnet Threats
- Spine Motion Tracking: 3-D Spinal Motion Analysis Using Intertial/magnetic Sensors to Investigate Effects of Low-back Pain on Movements
- Parallel Multivariate Polynomial Multiplication and Division
- Modelling Population Dynamics of the Itcha-Ilgachuz Caribou Herd
- Market Analysis and Growth Strategy for Location-based Content
- GPU-oriented Structural Variation Detection in Human Genomes
- Development of Framework to Assess Fire Risk
- Development of an Ultra High-performance Concrete
- Determining the Socio-demographic and Environmental Risk Factors for Intentional Injury
- Best Practices in Business Education
- Applications of Covering Arrays in Cyber Risk and Security Compliance
- Promoting Healthy Lifestyles with Disease Simulation Models in Community Pharmacies: The Healthy Option Study/L’etude Option Santé
- Low-Energy Envelope Design on Toronto High-rise Apartment
- Knowledge Translation: Nursing Uptake and Patient Outcomes Examined
- Is the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality-Institutional Rating Scale Suitable for Use at Correctional Facilities?
- Geo-spatial Data Mining Applications in Marketing
- Controls on Sediment Production from Forest Roads in the Honna Watershed
- Classification of Acoustic Signals using Deep Learning Architectures
- Production of Sex-specific Bovine Embryos Using Immunoselected Spermatozoa
- Economic Assessment of Marine Infrastructure in Western Newfoundland ¨C A Community-Based Approach
- Yield Envelopes for Oblique Pipeline/Soil Interaction Events
- Fluid Inclusion Studies of Mineralized and Barren Quartz Veins associated with Gold Mineralization in Central Newfoundland
- Effect of Climate Change on the Hydroelectric Potential of the Lower Churchill River
- Understanding the Reliability of WiMAX-Based Transmission in the Internet
- Testing for Evidence of Mixed-Severity Fire Regimes in the Rocky Mountain Foothills of Alberta
- Multiculturalism – Communication Infrastructure – Mental Health Counseling and Support Services for Immigrants
- Model Based Data Development for a Production Scheduling Approach for a Company with Constant Product Innovation
- IP Cores for Fast AES and LZ77 Processing
- Document Similarity on the Taxonomic Graph
- Asian Market Strategic Management Study for Coastal Contacts
- An environmental sampling and modeling study in the Nut Brook-Kelligrews River Watersheds, Newfoundland
- Access and Allocation in International Fisheries Jurisdictions
- Identifying Suitable Sites for Multiple Focal Species using Multi-criteria Evaluation and Ecological Niche-factor Analysis in Toronto and Region
- Palatable Puree: Improving weight status and quality of life among older persons needing dysphagic food products
- Chemotherapy Outpatient Scheduling Using Analytical Scheduling Tools and Simulation
- Understanding the impact of affordable and social housing on childrens’ well-being: Connecting research to policy and action
- Towards Automating Pattern-Based Application Integration
- Performance of Micropiles System
- Optimization of Flying Probe Testing Algorithms
- Mobility-Platform-Enabled In-Situ Resource Utilization for Support of a Lunar Outpost
- Increased Utilization of Forest Biomass for Energy Production: Greenhouse Gas Benefits and Ecosystem Impacts
- Hybrid Biological System for Onsite Wastewater Treatment
- Canadian youth’s awareness of the negative consequences of various drugs: Results from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse’s Baseline Youth Awareness Survey
- Assessing the Environmental Impact on Anaerobic Digestion for Organic Waste in the Project
- Video tracking using Sparse and dense feature-based methods
- Starworks (Developing Disability Association) New Market Potential
- Optimizing new thinning strategies with a mathematical model to increase yields and control biennial bearing of Honeycrisp apple trees
- Finite formulation based models of overhead lines and buried cables incorporating ground interface and high-frequency effects
- Cumulative effects of development on pronghorn distribution and movements in the Northern Sagebrush Steppe
- Creating a Participatory Online Resource on Canadian Music
- CMBS Sensitivity Analysis
- Optical System for an Action-Sports goggle display
- Optimization of Road Alignment Design
- Investigation of the role of macrophage and smooth muscle cell sub-phenotypes in human atherosclerosis
- Left Ventricular Septal Pacing Through Trans-Ventricular Septal Approach – A Feasibility Study
- CO2 sequestration potential of the igneous rocks found at the Turnagain Nickel Project, BC; The possibility of CO2 emission neutral mining?
- The Local Food Economy: Economics and Significant Gaps
- Southlands Development Pre-Feasibility Energy Study
- Mathematical Surface Representations for Conceptual Design
- Identifying and resolving issues when applying work system modeling on a large scale
- Business Case of Industrial Vegetation Management Expansion
- Building a Service Model for a Successful Adjustment of Refugee Youth
- Biocarbon gasification for fuel cell applications
- Modeling of Hybrid Power Flow Controller
- Design, implementation and evaluation of the prototype for power management in data centres
- Design for Creative Workspaces and Planning: Case Study of the Culture Crawl in Vancouver
- Investor Return Calculations for an Evaluation of the British Columbia Equity Capital Program
- Biosignature identification at a Mars analogue site of present-day serpentiniization in the Tablelands Ophiolites of Newfoundland
- Verification of Elasto-Plastic Models in Svsolid Software
- Sensor web adaptation to geotechnical sensor networks
- Quasi-Experimental Study of a Community-Based, Collaborative Nutrition Education Initiative
- On-Demand Expansion of eBusiness Services to the Cloud
- Computation of Wind Loading on a Shuttle Tanker during FPSO Offloading
- An Innovative Perceptify Vision based Body Motion and Gesture Recognition System for Interactive Games
- Toward Automating Pattern-based Application Integration
- The review of the numerical analytical methods used in contamination monitoring
- Software Diversity Measurement
- Simulation of Network Attacks, Part II
- Optical Properties of Mercury Arc Lamps
- Multiple Hypothesis Tracker (MHT) for Multitarget Tracking
- Mapping Engineering Development Process Improvement
- Development of MEMS Quasi-static Micromirror for Laser Beam Steering Applications
- Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emission for Chinese Cities
- Tools and Strategies for Multi-Stakeholder Sustainability Planning: Toronto Hydro IT Infrastructure Offices Case Study
- Exploring regionalism as a means to positively Impact Economic Growth and Diversification on the Burin Peninsula
- Effective Policies for Healthy Food Solutions: The Role of Public-Private Partnerships for Public Health
- A Human-Friendly Magneto-Rheological –Based Robot
- Intelligent Electric Vehicle Charging System Project
- Exploring Quantitative Methods for Evaluating Sports Games
- An Evaluation of the Coordination of Transformative Energy Efficiency and Conservation by BC Hydro and MEMPR
- Application of Habitat Suitability Models in Boreal Forest Reclamation
- Cleantech in Canada: Prospects and Challenges
- Compact Broadband Antenna Design
- Qualitative Study for BC Venture Capital Programs Evaluation for UBC-RB
- Pure Optical Blending Technology for VisSim
- Using electronic detection to enhance performance of HPLC equipped with UV-Vis optical detection
- Performance Estimation of Davis Hydro Turbine Using 3D Numerical Simulations
- Effectiveness of different release strategies for adult Atlantic salmon in the restoration of endangered populations
- Online Geospatial Data Cleaning and Clustering
- Spectrum Sensing and Awareness for Cognitive and Intelligent Radios: Algorithm Implementation, Integration and Testing
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Health and Safety Association’ Initiatives at WorkSafeBC
- Visualizing meaningful changes in multivariate data of the hemodynamic response during cortical activation
- Modelling User Web Browsing Behaviour for Relevant Content-based Retrieval
- Managing Service Level Agreements in Distributed Systems
- A Systematic Approach to Prioritize and Select Software Test Cases
- Physiological and psychological strain of firefighters during emergency response scenarios
- Parallel Computational Weld Mechanics
- Characterization and amplification of blood cells derived from human dermal fibroblasts
- Wavelet Methods for Optimal Control Problems in Pharmaceutical Research
- Co-registered MRI and ultrasound imaging for improved detection and treatment of breast cancer
- Advanced Design of Compact and Broadband Antennas for Vehicular Wireless Communications
- Optimization for Risk and Portfolio Management
- Alternative Hydrogen Sources For Portable Fuel Cells
- Improved Circuit for Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
- Decision Support for Database Administrators using Warehouse-as-a-Service (DSDAware)
- Pediction of the Occurrence of Solar Eruptions
- Colloidal characterization of concentrated milk suspensions
- Tracksafe
- Course of immune responses generated by live Salmonella vaccine in pigs
- Factors affecting nuclear transport of FIV
- Study of the interaction of gold with organic additives in thiosulfate leaching solution
- Analysis of Transgenic Rice and Corn that Show Increased Chlorophyll and Seed Yield
- Mathematical modeling of Listeria overgrowth phenomenon
- Using Natural History Collections to Shed Light on Long-term changes in colour, diet, and the effect of global climate change on seabirds
- Developing Fluorescent-based Monitoring Strategies to Identify and Reduce Membrane Foulants in Drinking Water Treatment Applications
- Stoke-related slowing of balance reactions: Understanding mechanisms and developing treatments
- Fabrication and Characterization of Frisch Gridded Selenium Device
- Statistical development for the analysis of longitudinal survey data from the International Tobacco Control project
- Towards a Cognitively Informed Music Knowledge Base
- Modelling of integrated biomass gasification and solid oxide fuel cell systems
- Intraoperative Surgical Guidance for Neurosurgical Applications
- Multivariate Feature Extraction Methods for Biomedical Signals and Health Data Classification
- Life cycle assessment (LCA) of Ontario Vehicle End-of-Life (VEOL) Processes
- Improving vaccine production with novel drugs
- Photonic Generation of THz Waves
- Religion at Work: Impressions & experiences of young adults of immigrant background in Canada
- A phase-type model for health status transitions
- Developing an on-line fluidization analysis probe
- Monolithic Integration of Sheath-less Piezo-resistive Pressure Sensor with Volume Conductance Catheter
- Dry powder coating of solid pharmaceutical dosages
- Optimizing adjacent technologies for physical and/or functional integration with UV-based technologies
- Flow velocity measurements in a gas turbine engine
- Coprocessing of Biomass and Heavy Oils (Bio-Economy and Clean Technologies)
- eHealth and hearing loss: Effect of remote programming of hearing aids and rehabilitation support on device usage
- Managing Collections of Models in Software Development
- PeerScholar in the K-12 Educational System
- Ontario Forest Resource Inventory Enhancement using ADS40 Aerial Imagery and LiDar data
- Development and optimization of a polymer-lipiu urug ueiivCi y formulation for the peri-operative treatment of ovarian cancer
- Identification of a biomarker panel of life-threatening infectious disease
- State-of-Charge Display Device for Disposable Batteries
- Conductivity measurements of cardiac tissue using magnetic resonance imaging
- Application of Data Mining Methods to Radiation Therapy Planning Automation
- An Abstraction Layer for Querying and Understanding Business Process Behaviours
- Privateye electronic navigational aids for individuals with vision impairments
- Hierarchical Heat Transfer Modelling in High-End Electronic Devices
- Constructing lexicons of Canadian English
- Retail Intelligence: Moving from Reporting to Optimization and Decision-Making
- Interplay between monocytes/macrophages and cardiomyocytes in diet-induced diabetes
- Mathematical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations Modeling Electrostatic MEMS
- Building Surfaces from Curve Sketches
- Developing a prototype electrowetting on dielectric device to perform immunoassays
- Design of a novel magnetoencephalograph-compatible tracking system for monitoring speech-related orofacial events
- Identification of a molecular profile predictive of metformin sensitivity in human breast cancer.
- The travel behaviour of recent immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area
- Development of high-performance electrochemical enzyme biosensors based on carbon nanotube complexes with conjugated polyelectrolytes
- Eltrombopag as a bridge to invasive procedures in patients with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)
- Basin Analysis and Uranium Exploration in the Paleoproterozoic Roraima Basin, Guyana
- Development of web-coating process for fabricating nanostructured ultracapacitor/solar coatings on existing manufacturing lines
- A novel recessed differential electrode for recording electromyographic activity from the pelvic floor muscles
- Development of Framework for Integrating Smartphones for Transportation Information Applications
- Demonstration and Performance Evaluation of an Optimized Lab-scale Biogas-fuelled Heat and Electric Power Generation System Based on the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
- Passive Dampers in Elevated Tanks for Mitigating the Effects of Wind and Seismic Loads in New and Existing Structures
- Development of Tall-Structure Lightning Return-Stroke Current Modelling for Lightning Protection of Wind Turbines
- Sustainable Development through the Effective Production and Use of Bio-Fuels and Integrated Bio-Refineries
- Computational modeling of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Ultrasound Detection and Targeted Hyperthermia of the Sentinel Lymph Nodes
- Development of MEMS auto-focusing mechanism for cell phone cameras
- Commercialization of a cell stretcher/incubator device
- Methods for Network Service Recovery in Large Scale Failure Scenarios
- D-Cubed: Driver Drowsiness Detection
- Eco-Friendly coatings and formulations for the wood industry
- Heterojunction colloidal quantum dot based solar cells
- Integrated Pulse Shaping Devices
- Using Electronic Health Records to Predict Key Patient Health and Organizational Outcomes
- Evaluation of the remedial actions in the Toronto and Region Area of concern
- New tools to study enzyme penetration and activity dynamics within wood cell walls
- Cooperative Wireless Cellular Networks: System Design, Analysis and Simulation
- Innovating Computing Devices
- Next-Generation Spoken Dialogue Translation System
- Development and Implementation of viscoelastic Fork Configuration Damper (FCD), for enhanced dynamic performance of high‐rise buildings
- Active Flow Control Using Plasma Actuators for Aircraft Drag Reduction
- Macrocyclic peptides as chemical probes for protein-protein interactions
- Increasing the economic value of non-commercial wood species through induced fungal pigmentation systems
- Prosthetic Communication software for individuals with special needs
- Measurement Optimization for Localization using Modeled Radio Maps and Compressive Sensing
- Pe-cursor reduction for improving signal integrity in high-speed data Communications
- Pain-Free Steroid Hormone Extract Analysis Using Digital Microfluidics
- Cold laser ablation as a novel tool for biodiagnostic applications and biomarker discovery
- A study of free surface electrospinning to enhance and optimize the nanofibre production process
- Integration of microwave technology to microfluidic systems for high throughput combinatorial tests and lab-on-a-chip applications
- Constraint Programming applied to the Aerospace Industry
- Design of co-channel interference mitigation techniques through a novel radio over cable (RoC) architecture proposed for enhanced indoor performance of femtocell networks
- Social network approach to determining privileged information in legal discovery situations
- Development and Implementation of Technology for Haptics-Enabled Image-Guided Operation of the Amadeus® Robotic Surgical System
- A Self-Balancing Omni-Delta Robot
- Development of a real-time analytical tool for predicting the tissue fate in ischemic stroke
- Fabrication of the 3rd generation photovoltaics using TiO2 nanotubes and quantum dots
- Development and validation of a mathematical model of brain activity during deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
- Research and Development of Automated Pluripotent Stem Cell Propagation
- Coil and Sequence Development for Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Development of novel nanomaterial in advanced lithium batteries for electric vehicles
- Tailoring Rheological Properties of RigidReclaim™ Resin Streams
- Cache-oblivious and adaptive algorithms in symbolic computation
- Engineering platinum free nano-structured electro catalysts for hydrogen production by thermal spraying technology
- Algorithms for Geometric Networks
- Real-Time embedded systems development using a simulation-based approach
- Word Segmentation in Handwritten Documents Using Genetic Programming
- Multi-channel GNSS Signal Simulation Using CPU/GPU Platforms and FPGA-based Digital Signal Processing Cards
- Resilient software update
- Connections between Primal-Dual and Iterative Rounding for designing approximation algorithms
- Predicting the Properties of Materials with Machine Learning
- Miniaturized Power Supplies: Research on Micro-fluidic Rechargeable Batteries
- Super Fast Sparse Polynomial Interpolation
- Structural Properties of Propositional Formulas Defining Combinatorial Search Problems
- Declarative Solving of Computationally Hard Search and Optimization Problems
- Personal Social Network Management
- Modeling and simulation of fingering instabilities in groundwater flow
- Stereoscopic Eye Tracking
- Optimal design of experiments in geological carbon storage
- Lab-on-a-Chip for Detection of Listeria in Food Samples
- Robust detector design based on Stochastic Resonance
- Comparative Study of Fixed-Rate Coded and Rateless Coded Cooperative Wireless Networks
- Development of proxy reservoir models for geological carbon storage
- 3D Visualization of Tunnelling Construction using a Construction Synthetic Environment
- MEMS based Antenna array
- Mathematical modeling of cancer cell movement through biological fiber networks
- Uncertainty propagation and risk assessment for geological carbon storage
- Economic Evaluations of School-Based Programs for the Prevention of Childhood Obesity
- Auto ID Solutions for improving Track Worker Safety in Transportation Sector
- Friction stir processing of nanostructured metal matrix composites
- Measuring emission rates of organic compounds from building material
- A Robust Control Approach for “Plug-and-Play” Integration of Distributed and Renewable Generation
- Closed loop reservoir management for carbon storage
- An Electrocautery Device with an Efficient/Surgeon-Friendly Smoke-Evacuation System
- Development of an electromechanical System for 3D Display Prototype
- Designing Freely-available Online Health Sciences Trainings for Low-resourced Settings
- Performance and Implementation Limits of Full-Duplex Relaying
- Experimental Study of Fiber Interaction with a Cylinder Array
- Photosynthetic protein based solar cells
- Wireless body area sensor network for biomedical applications
- Structure and Function of novel Direct Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Peptides
- Extension of Image and Video Fingerprinting Algorithm from Grayscale to Color domain
- Examining Human Standing Balance Response with Independent Ankle Control
- Real-time EEG denoising – LabView/FPGA implementation
- Understanding Scenes using Vision and Range Sensing
- Improving textual summarization of source code using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
- Transport Layer Protocol Design for Cognitive Radio Systems
- Universal characterization of quantum optical devices: Theory and practice
- Thermoelectric Applications in Waste Heat Recovery
- Design and Construction of Gust Simulator for Wind-Turbine Testing
- Vibration Assisted Nano Mechanical Machining through Atomic Force Microscope
- Partial differential equations for seismic imaging.
- Parallel Software Acceleration of Meta-Heuristics for Data Mining
- Structure and Function of a Ribonucleoprotein Particle
- Strengthening Prestressed/Precast Hollow Core Slabs with Near-Surface Mounted FRP Reinforcement
- Sensor design and historical data analysis for condition monitoring of overhead conductors
- Experimental investigation of anaerobic digestion conducted under controlled conditions: data collection and analysis
- Improving Signature-Based Intrusion Detection
- Experimental Computer-Aided Design Flow
- Isolation of hemicelluloses from the kraft-based dissolving pulp production process
- How the XMRV virus overcomes restriction by a host’s immune system
- Development of the Classification of Small Association Schemes
- Non-human adenoviruses as vaccine delivery vehicles
- Gasification of canola hull fiber
- Using measured erodibility values to assess scour below culverts
- Advanced Power Electronics for Photovoltaic Applications
- Electrochemically gated nanoparticle film field effect transistor: fundamental charge transport studies (part 1) and energy storage applications (part 2)
- Nano-materials for Clean Energy
- Hierarchical Thermal Transport in Electronic Devices: Nano-Scale and Transistor-Level Modelling
- Multi-Scale Adaptive Modelling and Numerical Methods for Reactive Flows
- Dynamic Resource Allocation Algorithms for Cognitive Radio Networks
- Investigation of single nanoparticle properties by scanning probe microscopy and Raman spectroscopy
- Switched Mode Converters for Power Management Circuits
- Biological Physics: Neuronal structural dynamics
- Using inverse optimization to improve radiation therapy treatments for prostate cancer
- Determination of vessel wall shear stress in the cerebral vasculature using magnetic resonance imaging and computational fluid dynamics
- High Performance GPU Cluster Computing: Astronomical DSP
- Performance Evaluation of Vehicular Networks
- Audio Zoom: blind source separation in a reverberant environment
- Development of Computer Aided Communication Devices for People with Disabilities
- FPGA-based Design, Evaluation and Prototyping of Power Management Strategies for Multi-core Processors
- Identification of parameters in delay differential equations
- Determining the role of the catalyst support in the reduction of NO to N2 in engine exhaust
- Electric Vehicle Components Modeling
- Analysis of cost of international public health interventions
- Instrumentation and Debugging of Real-time Systems
- Risk Sharing Contracts Between Healthcare Payer and Pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturers
- Brain to Machine Interface Based on EEG Signals
- Sustainable water resources management on a watershed scale considering the impacts of climate change
- Energy-efficient design strategies for backbone optical networks
- Disposal of industrial and domestic effluents in shallow water bodies
- Beating a Dead Horse Creek: Enhanced removal of nutrients, organic pollutants, and toxicity from sewage lagoons and receiving waters by manipulative constructed wetland microcosms at Dead Horse Creek, Manitoba
- Evaluation of a Biofilter Designed to Improve the Indoor Air Quality Inside a Livestock Barn
- Optimal Bidding Strategy for Wind Power Generation in Day-ahead Market
- Assessment of Possible Physiological Cold Tolerance Mechanisms of Miscanthus
- Development of Market Driven Sustainable Housing Technologies for Ontario through Comprehensive Monitoring, Evaluation. Benchmarking. Modeling and Simulation of the TRCA‐BILD Archetype Sustainable Houses
- Habitat function of urban trees: benchmarks for green‐rating systems.
- Mobile Image Recognition
- Highly Sensitive and Specific Detection of Aflatoxin B1 Implementing Aptamers and Gold Nanoparticle Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance
- Optimization of Reforestation Success: a Data Analysis and Spatial Visualization Strategy
- A Critical Pathway for Cardiac Defibrillators in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
- Displaying QR Codes on Irregular Surfaces
- Projects in Algebraic Computation
- Refugee Settlement Patterns in Metro Vancouver
- Estimation of Production Cost for Chicken Broiler Producers in Saskatchewan
- Bluetooth Enabled Radiation Detectors
- The development of a safety assessment model for spent nuclear fuel with special emphasis on fuel corrosion/dissolution processes
- Particle attrition at high temperature in an industrial fluidized bed at pilot plant, measurements and modeling
- Invstigation of High Temperature Tribological Behavior and Wear Mechanism of Stellite Alloys
- Identification and Evaluation of Exemplary Practices of Initiatives for the Commercialization of Innovation
- Changes in hydration status of elite Canadian sailors
- Task Optimization and Workforce Scheduling
- A Rational Approach to Gaining “Citizens” Perspectives on Services in Rural Remote and Rural Adjacent Communities: A Case Study of the Grand-Falls-Windsor-Baie Verte-Harbour Breton Rural Secretariat Region
- Evaluation of Talking Intersections/Building Connections
- Motion Frameworks for Physical Expression
- Applying prior probabilities and Aristotelian class definitions to improving, for metallurgical study purposes, the quality of computer-derived similarity rankings between descriptions of mineral deposit zones
- Design of a music retrieval system based on vocal queries
- An evaluation of cultural heritage as a basis for First Nations land use planning.
- 3D Visualization of the Electric Power Transmission Systems
- Optimal control of a heat exchange process using a perturbation signal
- Investigation of cloud computing for business transaction management
- Sampling optimization to build an efficient digitizer
- Robust Flexible Integrated Powering System for Microelectronics
- Effects of oil and gas development on density and reproductive success of grassland birds.
- Human-Computer Interaction, Mobile Device Interactions, Mobile User Interfaces
- Implementing object tracking in head-mounted video capture for eyegaze tracking
- Improving Query Performance on Database Free-Text and Semi-Structured Text Columns
- Delivery of Immigrant Services in Smaller Urban Centres & Remote/Rural Areas
- Verification and validation of Real-time Embedded Software with RTEdge
- Genetic relationship between faulting, hydrothermal fluid flow and gold mineralization, North Caribou terrane
- Time series analysis for forecasting television ratings and market share
- Survey of Lynde Creek Redside Dace Habitat and Stewardship Opportunities
- Mathematical Model of Electrolytic Wastewater Treatment Cell
- Development of Environmentally-Benign Compressed Air Vehicles
- Design of a Collapsible Intermodal Shipping Container
- A Distributed Storage Cache for Virtualized Environments
- Whitebark Pine and Grizzly Bear Research and Recovery in Southwest BC
- Developing a Quantitative Triangulation Method for Evaluating Sports Games in Production
- An intelligent multi-modal decision support system for automatic diagnosis of active tuberculosis.
- Assessing Alternative Options and Refinement of Biomass Combustion Systems for Energy Cost Reduction in Greenhouse Industries
- Use of acoustic telemetry to assess the potential effects of in-stream tidal power turbines on 3 fish species in Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy
- IP Cores Integration for Fast AES and LZ77 Processsing
- Occupational exposure assessment in fishing vessel holds
- A study of green building rating systems for existing buildings in Canada
- The Social History of Oil Springs, Ontario
- Policy Development Project
- An Adaptive Load-Shedding Scheduler for Space Missions
- Photocatalytic Treatment of Containminants in Water
- Frequency Domain Waveform Tomography of Crosswell Data
- Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emission for Chinese and Developing World Cities
- Electronic Medical Case Management Evaluation of the Adoption of Electronic Medical Case Management Solutions Amongst Healthcare Service Providers and Funders
- Assessing the performance of an in-river backwards run reconstruction of Fraser River sockeye under biological uncertainty.
- Recommendation in Entrepreneurship Social Networks through Questions & Answers (Q&A)
- Development of a protocol to digitally capture and animate highly detailed, miniature 3D theatrical maquettes for a web environment
- Feasibility study on design and development of an advanced online flatness measurement system for improving control of rolled flat strips.
- 2nd Generation Smartwatch Concept Development
- Non-periodic Inspection Intervals for Condition Based Maintenance
- Phase II – A Software Platform for Generation of Mutually Correlated Multi-Dimensional Stochastic Time Series Vectors
- Dynamic dune restoration for endangered species in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, Ucluelet, British Columbia
- Supply Chain Demand Forecasting Improvements
- Development of a Web-based Resource for Consumers of Vitamin/Mineral Supplements
- Innovative coagulator design for the production of advanced composite materials.
- EcoMeter: a web based meta sustainability rating system for consumer products.
- Measurement of the Absolute phase in the Mobile Channel
- Embracing 2030: Muslim Community Strategies and Priorities for the Future
- Methods of Approaches in ‘One Health’ Surveillance – Evaluation of CWD Surveillance
- Fire History of the Darkwoods: Quantifying the Past to Plan for the Future
- Design An Impact Diverting Helmet
- BC angel investment environment
- Determining effective management decision support from work system models
- Detection of emamectin benzoate (SLICE) in non-target spot prawn (pandalus platyceros) and determination of biological effects
- Light Environment and Understory Response to Riparian Restoration of Lyell Island, Haida Gwaii
- More Efficient Interaction Design for Radiologist Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) Workstations
- Impact on an Aging Workforce on Extended Health and Dental Benefits
- Time-aware Collaborative Filtering for eBay Auctions
- Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife Habitat in Boreal Forest Reclamation
- Methods and Approaches in ‘One Health’ Surveillance – Water Colifrom/E.Coli Provincial Study Phase 2
- Creating a dynamic digital platform for a building information modelling (BIM) system towards the redevelopment of Batawa Ontario
- Characterization of NanoSOI NEMS electrostatic actuators
- Impact of co-morbid depression on PTSD severity in Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Employees
- Incorporating the Simulated Earthworm Gut into Site Specific Remedial Objectives
- Mobile Image Recognition Improvements Part 2
- White-box computing security patterns and software security modeling
- Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Sidewall Curl in Stamped Automotive Parts made from Advanced High Strength Steel
- An overview of the Statistical Methods used in Passive Pharmacovigilance
- Mobile Payment and Electronic Wayfinding for Downtown Vancouver
- Term Extraction for Micro-domain Ontology in Personalized Search
- Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel Review
- Scoop marketing strategy plan
- Development of a novel vibrator for emergency clearance of acute coronary thrombosis in treatment of heart attack
- Commercialization of Optemo Shopping Platform
- Development of hyaluronan fragments for improving wound repair outcome.
- Analysis of Guaranteed Lifelong Withdrawal Benefits (GLWB)
- Solar Pool Blanket Research and Development
- Development of evapotranspiration estimates from class A pan
- Evaluating the short-term structural and composition responses to riparian restoration treatments.
- Accelerating Automated Synchronization of Multiple-Camera Videos on multicore platforms.
- Natural Language Rule Parsing for Schedule Automation
- Icing Mitigation for Wind Turbines
- Gas Phase and Surface Chemical Consequences of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasmas
- Autonomous Passenger Counting System with Distributed IP Cameras – Phase 2
- Development of new analytical methods for Nutraceutical and Functional food industry
- Investigating the effects of current forestry management practices on the quality and productivity of black huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum) in southeastern British Columbia
- Model-Based Detection of Emergent Behavior in Distributed Systems
- Ecological risk assessment of oil sands related contaminants to aquatic biodiversity
- Design and development of a mechanized cultivator and seedling transplanter
- The Biomechanical Differences between the SideStix Crutch and a Traditional Forearm Crutch
- Modeling Microbial Transport and Inactivation in an Open Channel UV Reactor at Various Hydraulic Regimes
- Safe Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Interventional Devices
- Testing of the Agri-Therm Inc. Mobile Pyrolysis Pilot Plant
- Virtualization-based applications for cloud computing in biomedical research
- Evaluating the nutritive value of processed animal proteins (feather meals) for two commercially important fish species, rainbow trout and Nile tilapia.
- Exploring the effects of selenium on cell survival to improve lactation of dairy cows and functionality of their milk
- The role of essential amino acids in milk protein production in lactating dairy cows
- Multi-Gbps Serializer/Deserializer Research in CMOS
- Applying Techniques from Human Factors in Industrial Engineering to the Evaluation and Improvement of New Technology for Blood Delivery to Operating Rooms
- Assessment of Physiological Cold Tolerance Mechanisms of Miscanthus
- Probabilistic Safety Analysis Methods for Application in Nuclear Technologies
- Management, host pathogenicity, and rapid identification of Magnaporthe poae, causal agent of summer patch on annual bluegrass and Kentucky bluegrass turf.
- Revisit of Seismic Performance of the CN-Tower based on the New Building Code of Canada (NBCC 2005)
- Development of the Next Generation UV Disinfection Models for Wastewater Treatment
- New Precursor Selection Algorithm for More Efficient MS/MS Acquisition
- Peptide Sequencing with MS/MS Spectra from Multiple Fragmentation Methods
- Competitive Project Portfolio Management for Large Portfolios
- Recovery of Ni/Co/Cu from amorphous slags
- Bioleaching of Pyrrhotite concentrate for Ni Extraction
- CT Image Optimization and Radiation Dose Reduction Strategies
- Diabetes Self Management in Individuals from Modest Socieconomic Status (SES) Backgrounds
- Mechanisms of cold tolerance in Miscanthus, a novel biofuel crop for Canadian climates
- Power Flow Analysis for Smart Distribution system
- Improved Safety Equipment for the Mining Industry: a New Yielding Rock Bolt
- Biomechanical Assessment of the Emergency Medical Bag for Association of Municipal Emergency Services of Ontario
- Geomorphic Principles used in Natural Channel Design: The State of River Restoraiton in Southern Ontario
- WindEEE (Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment) dome, Prototype design and validation
- Assessing Small Mammal Community Assemblages and Population Dynamics across Multiple Geographic Scales on the Canadian Prairies
- Designing Social Games to Maximize Engagement and Healthy Living
- Interactive Image Matting on Mobile Devices
- Delivering Moderate-Income Rental through Mixed-Tenure Housing in Metro Vancouver: Market and Policy Challenges and Opportunities
- Implications of a whole genome scan in beef cattle
- Development of Loop Modeling and Sidechain Packing Algorithm for Protein Structure Prediction.
- Wireless Sensor Networks for Forest Monitoring
- Producer and Consumer Attitudes towards Forest Product Biomass for Renewable Energy Generation
- Vehicle Class Identification Via Footprint Pressure
- Traditional Knowledge: A Blueprint for Change
- Costs Associated with Ensuring Accessibility, and Ideal Models for Aging-in-place
- Property Insurance Pricing Investigative Research
- Farming Land Use Analysis in the Greater Peterborough Area
- Clinical and Economic Assessment of Vitaphone 3100 BT External Loop Recorder
- 3D Reconstruction from Underwater Video
- Advanced Modeling for Diagnostics and Optimization of Oil Wells
- The role of novel red yeast rice formulations to modulate lipid metabolism and reduce dyslipidemia and vascular disease in the JCR:LA-cp rat.
- Predicting moisture and bark content of woody biomass using visible light spectroscopy
- Designing Social Value Architecture for Social Ventures
- The development of short fragment SCODA (sfSCODA) for diagnostic applications.
- Thermoplastic Olefin Blends containing a novel polyampholyte elastomer
- Pacific salmon population dynamics in relation to salmon aquaculture
- Assessing Performance Contract Models for BC Hydro Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs
- Demonstration Fusarium Removal Machine Engineering
- Synthesis of ligand-lipid conjugates to enhance intracellular delivery of siRNA-lipid nanoparticles to non-liver tissues in vivo
- Community Decision Making Related to Accepting Kite Based Electricity Generation
- The Burn
- Is the calculation of “Sustainable Value” an appropriate metric to measure the sustainability performance of a pulp and paper producer?
- Bioenergy Demonstration at UBC Loon Lake Research and Education Centre
- A Near Field System based on Modulated Scattering Technique for Microwave Tomography Application
- Aerodynamic Shape Optimization with LaminarTurbulent Transition for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design
- Evaluating Compiler Alternatives for QUARC
- Automated Change Detection of Serial MR Images Using Compressed Sensing
- Improve the performance of Heaven Fresh Canada Inc. air purifier
- Investigation of Reuse/Recyle Scenarios of Boiler Ash Residue
- Semantic Matching Applied to Relationship Matching
- China’s Western Development Program in Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang
- Application of Simulation Techniques in Excavation Development
- Dynamic cost modeling for mega projects
- Improving Visibility Testing in Terrain Navigation
- Effectives of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filtration for removal of organic carbon at Portage la Prairie water treatment plant
- How severe weather affects the auto insurance industry
- Visualization of High Frequency Financial Data Proposed period of internship
- Television programming as explicit learning environments: Dynamic Balancing of Educational and Entertainment Content for Young Children
- Toward fully automated electronic ancient acoustic musical instruments
- Intraoperative Ultrasound Calibration for Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy
- Video Conferencing for the TX3 Touch series telephone entry panels
- Analysis and Evaluation of Heathwood Green Home
- Characterizing the sensory properties of whole wheat pasta for use in macaroni and cheese
- Advanced building envelopes, Rating multi-criteria assemblies
- Qualification and Performance Analysis of 4.0 kV Motor Coils Subjected PWM Voltage
- Evaluating the potential cardiovascular benefits of using the openPAW in persons with spinal cord injury.
- Process evaluation of BCAAN/CDBC Internet Project Portal
- Evaluation of fiber-reinforced polymer composite tubulars for high-temperature environment operation
- Microchannel Simulations with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- Probabilistic Description, Modeling and Similarity-Ranking of Mineral Deposit Zones
- Design of MRI Transmit-Array Coils for Improved Detection & Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
- Detection of Listeria by nanoparticle-based technology coupled with a novel fluorescence device
- Developing a reliable model of biochar behavior in northern forest soils
- Using Inuvialuit Observations to Monitor Environmental Conditions in the Mackenzie Delta Region of the Northwest Territories
- Do adequate access to Certified Respiratory Educators with spirometry in family physician offices create reduction in health care expenditures?
- Modular and Affordable: Exploring the Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned in Using Modular Housing for Affordable Housing Projects
- Adaptation of Harvested Wood Products from Climate Action Reserve’s Forest Project Protocol v.3.2 to Canadian forest types
- Study of effect of therapeutic ultrasound device on dentoalveolar structure in dogs
- Manual Wheelchair Simulation with iDAPT’s CEAL Simulator
- Surgical Scheduling and Capacity Planning
- A multi-center prospective, Randomized study To determine the effects of Exercise Managed Intervention Study (ARTEMIS)
- Novel MRI Technical Developments for Noninvasive Measurements of Arterial Stiffness
- Numerical investigations of Geophysical Data
- Optimal Design of Interface Geometry of Pocelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Dental Crown – an Experimental Study
- Community Council Growing Prosperity Project
- Prediction of Vortex Breakdown over Wing Geometries Using Detached-Eddy Simulation
- Effect of Shape Parameterization and Optimization Algorithms on Adjoint Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimization
- Collaborative Recommendation Systems in Online Social Networks
- TRA(P) – A Language for Describing Motion in 2d Contemporary Art
- Energy Storage Systems that uses Repurposed Battery for support of Renewable Energy Generation
- Optimization of Dry-Cast Extruded Precast/Prestressed Hollow-Core Slabs Using CFRP Strands
- An Impact Diverting Helmet-Phase II
- Advanced Risk Management Analytics
- Micro Power Generator
- Optimization of Vertical Road Alignment Design
- CO2-Triggered Separation Technologies for the Recycling of Industrial Chemical Waste Streams
- An Industrial Optimization Platform to Integrate Integer Programming and Heuristic Search Techniques
- User Characterization and Content Personalization Using Distributed Locality Sensitive Hashing over a Peer-to-Peer Network
- Water Issues in First Nation Communities
- Analysis and modeling of disease development and optimization of screening policies
- Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in patients suffering from depression and in receipt of disability benefits.
- Exploring opportunities for new fishery-tourism products, business, collaboration and fisheries market development within the Bonne Bay area of Newfoundland
- The Effects of Altering Wait List Policies to the Patient Flow of Alternate Level of Care Patients
- Reducing the Carbon Footprint at Hydro One
- Governance of Outsourcing – Industry Best Practices
- Developing Alternative Labour Organizing, Hiring and Recruitment Models to End Labour Exploitation of Temporary Migrant Farm Workers in British Columbia
- Silver recovery from scrap materials: the security and longevity of raw scrap, and the development of a sustainable business model
- In vivo and in silico evaluation of multiorgan variability for the detection of critical physiological changes of patients in Intensive Care Units
- Appearance Based SLAM (ASLAM) for Indoor/Outdoor Urban Terrain
- Embedded Wireless Sensor System for Applications in Building Energy Efficiency
- Engendering Dialogue and Meaningful Participation Among Constituencies Working Toward Ending Homelessness in Victoria, BC
- Energy-Efficient High Dynamic Range Display
- Identification of organic disinfection byproduct precursors, Waterhen Water Treatment Plant
- Towards Automating Video Inpainting for Use in a 2D to 3D Video Conversion Pipeline
- Waterways and Resource Use: A Study of the Effects of Heavy Industry on First Nations Fisheries Use by West Moberly First Nations
- Moment resisting self-tapping screw assembly under monotonic and reverse cyclic load
- Effectiveness of a Toilet Training Workshop for Parents of Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
- JFSA Resettlement and Employment Resource
- Statistical analysis of RNA electropherograms to understand the degree and nature of RNA disruption induced by anti-cancer drugs
- Commercial Mortgage Backed Security Sensitivity Analysis
- Interactive Sentiment Analysis of Social Media for Policy Decision Making
- Novel 3D Sensor based Gesture Controlling System for Video Games
- Real-time Special Effects Visualization (RTFX)
- Project #2 – Optimization of Novel Coatings for Orthopedic Implants
- Understanding UV Dose Distribution and Reactor Performance Using Bioassay Data
- Optimum Biometric Authentication Scheme Based on Polar Codes
- Assessing Attitudes of Architects and Builders towards Forest Certification in British Columbia
- Character n-gram based clustering of noisy documents with interactive supervision
- Reconstructing viewing parameters from images as a tool in airplane assembly
- Economic Outcomes and Retention Rate of BC Provincial Nominees: Comparisons with Immigrants from Other Classes
- Understanding fundamental processes in Dielectric Barrier Discharge Devices used in air quality improvement.
- 3D Stereoscopic Calibration: Achieving Acceptable Levels of Camera Alignment in Studio and in the Field.
- Effects of natural gas development on density and reproductive success of grassland birds in south-western Saskatchewan
- Effect of Foreign Exchange Rates on the Default Correlation
- A database management for developing an environmental management system for a mining project.
- Spatial Plasma Discharge Ignition
- Real-time embedded sensor and wireless technology for next generation mobile machine control devices
- Ecological and Cultural Restoration of an iconic Plant Food (Fritillaria camschatcensis) in the Squamish River Estuary, British Columbia
- Organizational Risk Appetite/Tolerances
- Physiological monitoring and field verification of exposure limits in older miners exposed to high heat stress conditions
- The effect of head injury on cardiovascular and postural controls
- Visual Histories of Decision Processes for Business Intelligence: Part 2
- Oxidation of Oil Sand Process Water (OSPW) by Ozone combined with Ultrasonic irradiations
- Immunohistochemistry Protocol Improvement and Development
- Growing Canadian Cleantech: Improving Seaforth Energy’s access to the Indian small scale wind turbine market
- Re-thinking hydro dam management: A conservation tool for preserving of Nova Scotia’s important freshwater habitats.
- User-Side Analyses of the Effect of Laser Data Uncertainties on Mapping Applications
- A Framework for Creating and Managing Virtual Organizations in a Distributed Environment Using SOA Infrastructure
- Evaluation of appearance, corrosion properties and leach resistance of modified micronized copper preservative treated wood
- Genome Sequencing and analysis of two bacteria for applications to biofuel wastes
- PLC Design for Wastewater Treatment
- Technology Strategy Analysis for Resilience Software
- Calibration of a first passage model for CVA applications
- Research on Cross Platform Mobile Development Methodologies
- Bringing the Personal Web to Clinical Decision Support
- Analyzing and benchmarking a large-scale laboratory utilization data through network analysis and visualization techniques
- Integrated Power-Management Solution for Class D Audio Amplifiers
- Design and Development of Actuation and Control Systems for the Synchronized Segmentally Interchanging Pulley Transmission System (SSIPTS)
- Challenges for drug-using mothers with children in the care of family members
- Increasing Marketing Campaign Performance Using Influential Users in Social Networks
- Development of Smart Energy Management Algorithms for Commercial Building Retrofit
- Dispersal and recovery of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in Human Altered Landscapes of Manitoba
- Quantitative estimation of the radiance distribution in the lab and the seas
- Nanwakolas Council Society Seafood and Forestry Sector Research
- New strategies to improve the use of the predatory bug, Orius insidiosus, to control Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, in greenhouse ornamental crops
- Terrain Sensing Mechanisms for High-Speed Navigation of UGVs in Heterogeneous Ground Environments
- Computed Tomography Images Enhancement and Denoising
- Relationships between parental self-efficacy, parent training instructional practices and models of parent professional interaction
- Mars Methane Analog Mission Simulation
- Response modeling by Gene Expression Programming method in single channel and multi channel marketing campaigns
- Community land-use planning on First Nations reserves and the influence of land tenure: A case study with the Penticton Indian Band.
- Wild fish community composition and host-parasite infection rates relative to net-pen aquaculture facilities
- Development of carbon storage and emission flow diagram for harvested wood products within British Columbia
- Seismic vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete buildings subject to main shock and aftershocks
- Detecting Malicious Insiders in Cloud Computing Environment
- Effect of operating parameters on particle migration velocity in wet electrostatic precipitators
- Leacock Museum National Historic Site – Conservation Study
- Design of a Generic Framework for Custom Hardware Integration into the Android Platform
- Integration of ergonomic concerns and simulation capabilities into a company’s model, engineering design and development process
- Athlete and Coach Perceptions of the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
- Grain Farmers of Ontario Internship: Assessment of plant to plant yield variation in Ontario corn fields
- Fluorescently-labeled nanoparticle target for imaging
- Hybrid Solar Panel
- Identifying and understanding the impact of competing goals on self-care compliance among patients with Chronic Heart Failure
- Real time prediction of a wind farm power output
- Surfactant-Enhanced Soil Washing (SESW) of Bunker C Contaminated Soil
- MiX – Motion Caption (MOCAP)-in-XNA (Xbox New Architecture)
- Wireless Energy Transfer for Low Power Charging Applications
- Mechanistic Characterization of Shredded Tire Stress Dissipation and Drainage Sublayers in Roads to Mitigate Frost Heave in Canadian Field State Conditions
- Network Analysis of the Ontario Technology StartUp Innovation Ecosystem
- Design and Fabrication of a Mechanical Tarp System
- A semi-automatic computer aided system for spine diagnosis
- “Tincan” decision support tool for grain crop storage and conditioning activities.
- Evaluating heterogeneous enterprise content environments: a case study of control
- Scalability and performance considerations for the Asset Store
- Modeling foreign exchange interest rate hybrid financial derivatives under a multicurrencymodel with stochastic volatility
- Economic Fire Design of Buildings
- Grants Management Software: Evaluation of Adoption of Grants Management Software Amongst Government Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations
- Mobile Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Technology
- A Body-Sizing Model to determine Personalized Spring Stiffness for the Personal Lift Assistive Device (PLAD)
- The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) game in mineral exploration – how is it played?
- Single Frequency RTK Technology for Handheld GPS
- Feasibility Assessment of the Development of a Cost Effective Type-Specific Small Aircraft Simulator
- Development of Indicators and Benchmarks of Sustainability for a Standardized Municipal Sustainability Index
- Research on High-Performance Tree Differencing Algorithms
- Designing novel algorithms for capturing and analyzing user experience in 4G networks
- Hydrological Simulation of the Churchill River Watershed Using Bias Corrected Climate Model Data
- Consumption of Smartphone Application Traffic Markings
- Supporting Role and Request Conceptual Modeling with Ontology- Based Reasoning
- Mapping Ontario’s NanoTechnology Industry
- Flexible Redesign of Bucket for Hard Rock Mining
- Devulcanization of Scrap Rubber and Incorporation of Devulcanized Rubber in Virgin Rubber Compounds
- Precursor charge prediction for improved peptide identification with mass spectrometry
- Improving mining efficiency through sustainable recovery of energy
- Contaminant Treatment in Water using Photocatalysis
- Advanced Particle Hydrodynamics for Film Rendering
- Generation of Application Level Traffic Markings For Smartphones
- A Survey Design and Analysis On Building Information Modeling (BIM) Implementation in Alberta
- Regression Models for Credit Card Strategies
- Preparation of Thermoplastic Vulcanizates from Devulcanized Rubber crumb
- Carbon dioxide capture and concentration from combustion flue gases by adsorption based technology
- A Comparative Analysis on Two Asset Condition Assessment Protocols Used in Canada; PACP and City of Edmonton’s SPCCM
- Using LSA for Automatically Assessing Free Texts
- Subjective Study of Visual Dynamic Range Limits using High Dynamic Range Video Materials
- Development of an environmental impact assessment tool for sports events
- Comprehensive Evaluation of Animal Manure Composts and Fumigation to Improve Potato Yield in Manitoba
- Optimization of Blow Heat Recovery
- Online Risk-Driven Management Framework for Territorial Security in Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks
- Distributed collaborative recommendation engine for Asset Store
- Examining Vocational Opportunities and Supports for Adults with ASD
- Restoring native grassland function in urban environment; implications for soil-plant relations
- Technical-economic cost modeling for scaled production of printable, organic solar cells
- A low complexity face recognition for consumer devices
- Novel 3-D User Interfaces for improved situation awareness and mobile robot control
- Assessing and improving the analysis of migration count data for population monitoring
- Maneuvering Simulation of Planing Hull
- Appropriate sensor signal analysis and abstraction in physical activity game design
- Parameter Uncertainty and Model Adequacy for GLMs Applied to Property/Casualty Insurance Data
- Reflections of a successful career
- Modulation of nerve growth factor as a target in arthritic pain
- Maximizing Plant Production using Light Emitting Diode Arrays
- Analysis-synthesis strategies for simple and robust transformations of complex sounds
- Thousand Protein Multiplexed Mass Spectrometry Assay for Biomarker Discovery
- Topic Segmentation for Text Mining on Legal Documents
- Detection and recognition of crisis using Markov models and Case-based reasoning
- Effects of Nozzle Design and Tool Rotational Speed on MQL Performance in Machining of Aerospace Materials
- Can the fetal short-term variability measure RMSSD be reliably recorded using a novel ultrasound fetal heart rate monitoring system?
- The Effects of a Deep Pressure Therapy Device on Anxiety, Attention, and Behaviour
- Mobile Health Application Design and Implementation
- Mining Association Rules from Tucker SAGD Database
- Mobile Transaction Initialization, Authentication and Cooperation
- Budget impact analysis for single stage breast implantation reconstruction in women with a mastectomy
- Design and Implementation of a Framework for Performance Management in Service Oriented Virtual Organizations
- A novel cost-effective skin-tone detector for consumer devices
- Research and implement a software module for real-time data acquisition, visualization and analysis
- International Sales and Service Assessment Model for the C-130 Aircraft
- Estimating the Impacts of Oil Tanker Spills on Indigenous Cultures: A Case Study of the Potential Effects from the Northern Gateway Project on Coastal First Nations
- Probabilistic Safety Analysis Methods for Applications in Nuclear Technologies
- Using mathematical methods to set payout profiles and develop viral marketing models for lottery games
- An analysis of the potential for Nova Scotia’s COMFIT program’s to improve the province’s energy security
- Research and implementation of Haptics Device Integration With a Dynamics Simulation Engine and Applications to Milling and Drilling Force Feedback
- Use of a Tesla turbine for energy recovery in the mining industry and energy generation from biomass
- Second generation BMP2 for dental surgical applications
- Integrated control systems for audio amplifiers in portable devices
- A Place to Reflect and For Every Second in Time
- Sol-gel encapsulation of safflower derived oilbodies and immobilization of fractionated seed proteins for evaluation of stability under simulated gastrointestinal conditions.
- Local Buckling Response of Pipe
- System-Level Performance Analysis of Shared Relaying Architecture with Realistic Channel Modeling
- Optimal path planning for service robotics in a convention setting
- Does the fetal short-term variability measure RMSSD reflect the fetal inflammatory status and can RMMSD be reliably recorded using a novel ultrasound fetal heart rate monitoring system?
- Software radios for highly integrated system architecture
- Silica Breccia Supplementary Cement Material Key Properties
- Multi-objective Topology Optimization of an Automotive Cradle
- Optimization of algorithms for real-time digital slide viewing
- Study on the Frequency Response of Overhead Transmission Lines
- New Orthogonal Polynomials and their Applications
- Architecture and National Identity: The Centennial Projects 50 years on
- A system for explainable recommendations
- Design and Analysis of Picocells in Wireless Cellular Networks
- Diversity Snapshot of Hospitals in the Greater Toronto Area
- Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide over agricultural fields near Lacombe, Alberta
- Development of a Gateway Embedded System for Smart Lighting Control
- Feasibility and usability of ultrasound in aiding breast tumor detection
- Investigating the Non-linear characteristics of EVestG signals in healthy controls and those of Meniere’s Disease
- Improving Metallic Yield in a Steel Rolling Plant through Optimization
- Evaluation of Flexkor as a flexibility aid for elite athletes
- Enhancing New comers Integration: Mapping of Social Netw orks w ithin Toronto East Local Immigration Partnership. A Pilot Project
- Development of an Agent-Based Market Simulator
- Visualization of the cool-flame and hot flame combustion process within the IQT™
- Situation Awareness in Process Control Field Operations
- Effects of Ultrasonic Pretreatment on Biogas Production through Anaerobic Digestion; a Study of the Feedstock Characteristics on Overall Energy Efficiency and Methane Yield
- Advancing Waveform Tomography of Crosswell Data with Applications in the Sulphide Environment
- Social Game Analytics: Using Metrics to Improve Player Engagement
- Analyzing Gaps in Diversity Practices at The Scarborough Hospital using the Diversity Institute’s Diversity Audit Tool
- Silica Breccia Supplementary Cement Material Key Properties (phase 2)
- Smart Oceans: Instrumented, Interconnected, Intelligent Systems for Efficient Data Analysis and Querying
- Design and Development of Unmanned Air Systems
- Hardware-in-Loop Simulation and Test Facility for Re-Purposed Battery Energy Storage Systems
- User Interface Research for Stereoscopic 3D Animation System
- Virtual testing platform for design and optimization of cantilever-type sensors
- Analysis and Matching of Donors and Charities Using Machine Learning and Data Mining Techniques
- Exploring document navigation and interaction on mobile devices
- Automatic Code Partitioning for XPU Acceleration
- Product Recommendation and Decision Making Tool
- Development of “Winter Condition” Operational Performance Functions (OPFs) for Ontario Highway and Freeway Road Segments for Ministry of Transportation Ontario
- Cocktails of Different Populations of Genetically Modified Human Umbilical Cord Perivascular Cells for Bone Regeneration
- Modeling and design improvement of a novel energy conversion process
- Optimization of CT Coronary Angiography for Vessel and Plaque Analysis
- EEG Signal Processing as a Predictor of Anti-Depressant Response
- A candidate gene association study on brown rot resistance in peach (Prunus persica L.)
- Evaluating the possibilities for a new generation light source for infrared spectroscopy and spectromicroscopy
- Seamless Video-wall Display
- Cost-benefit Analysis of Logistic Models Implemented in Operational Processes
- Exterior Foil Insulation Sheathing Evaluation
- Measuring Sustainability in the Supply Chain at TD Bank Group
- Miscanthus, an emerging bioenergy crop for Canada: overcoming challenges to breeding novel triploid cultivars
- Risk minimizing hedging strategy of variable annuity guarantees under stochastic interest rates
- Clinical Decision Support Software for Prediction of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation Following Bypass Surgery
- Regional heterogeneity in lake morphology in Ontario
- Circulating Tumour Cells and prostate cancer outcome
- Business Planning for Social Enterprises
- Canadian Bioscience Education Through DNA Barcoding
- Modeling Oxygen Behaviour in Point-of-Care pO2 Devices
- Development of an information theory-based mutation detector for a commercial bioinformatics genome server
- Neurophysiological risk factors in Adolescent Sexual Offending
- Optimization of Digital Pathology Storage and Retrieval Strategy
- Airline crew scheduling
- Alternative Methodologies for Travel Time Studies
- A Longitudinal Comparison of Aripiprazole Vs. Higher Metabolic Risk Antipsychotic Drugs on Adiposity using MRI
- 2012 Technology Industry labour study
- Community Capital Tool Pilot Project in the District of Sechelt
- Linking research to its uses: Making sense of how decisions are informed by research
- Sigma factor expression in E. coli environmental isolates
- Towards a complete ATM fraud detection scheme using advanced Video Analytics and Biometric Identification Technology
- Show Me the Love:” Barriers to Sexual Intimacy Among Persons with HIV/AIDS
- Design and Testing of a Novel System for In-Situ Die Lubrication
- Improving Concrete Sustainability and Durability by Optimization of Total Aggregate Gradations
- Requirements Investigation and Practical Application of Neural Interface for Treatment of Cognitive Impairment
- Real-time Analytics and Decision Support for Patient Flow Management
- Design guidance for novice designers
- Social Matching for Health Researchers
- Optimization of Long Term Quantitative Market Predictions
- Low-Energy Transfer Trajectory Design and Optimization for Space Exploration
- Sediment Removal Frequency Optimization for Wet-Detention Stormwater Management Ponds
- Conducting a Pilot Study of Effective Smoking Cessation Treatment Interventions for Individuals with Severe Mental Illness Who are Homeless or Vulnerably Housed
- Role of Fluid Redistribution in the Pathogenesis of Sleep Apnea
- Design and evaluation of Child Health Index of Life with Disabilities(CHILD) as perceived by children with severe developmental disabilities
- Yielding Brace System for Concentrically Braced Frame Structures
- Research on Multi-Platform Supported Realtime Locator for Transport/Fleet Management Applications
- Developing Optimally Discriminative Subnetwork Markers for Predicting Response to Chemotherapy
- Genome Sequence Compression Algorithms Using Locally Consistent Parsing
- QR Artist
- Analysis of Nanofilter Fouling in Potable Water Treatment
- Efficient Computational tools for Magnetic Reconstruction and Image Decomposition
- A Framework for Robust, Fast, Efficient and Configurable Navigation of Video Game Characters
- Model-Based Detection of Emergent Behavior in Distributed Systems using an ontology-based approach
- Best Practices for Online Public Consultation in Community Planning: A White Paper
- The Marpole Project: Destination Marpole
- The Effects of Exercise on Grey Matter Volume in the Prefrontal Cortex and the Relation to Cognitive and Social Functioning in Schizophrenia
- Passages and A/V Performance
- Evaluation of in vivo Hippocampal Volume Assessment in Psychosis Patients at High Field MRI
- Cretaceous Shallow Unconventional Shale Gas (SUSG), southwestern Manitoba
- Multivariate analysis of neuroimaging and non-invasive brain stimulation data to assess functional and structural reorganization in the brain following stroke
- Non-destructive Thermographic Stress Analysis of a New Composite Plate for Femur Fracture Fixation
- An assessment tool for evaluation of operational and safety performance of intermodal transit terminals
- Natural Language Processing Services for the Android Mobile Platform
- Novel Immunization Strategies for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Digital In-Line Holographic Microscopy in the Biological and Medical Sciences
- Researching Subsea Equipment for Lab Testing and Plume Migration
- Numerical study of load carrying capacity of offshore mooring piles in sand
- CIO to CEO – Barriers and Opportunities – Phase II
- Correlation of multiple antibiotic resistance with biofilm-formation ability and the role of RpoS on biofilm formation in environmental E. coli
- Examination of the picosecond infrared laser (PiRL) surgical method applied to tendon tissues
- Automated System for Tote Verification using Machine Vision
- Eco-Industrial Networking: Developing an Eco-Industrial Network for the Pearson Eco-Business Zone
- Practical Multi-Interface Network Access for Mobile Devices
- Energy Simulation and Lifecycle Costing of Advanced Glazing Systems
- Extended panel methods for computation of flows around solid objects for computer graphics applications
- Understanding Transportation Behaviour at Trent University
- Wood decomposition and carbon loss following mountain pine beetle attack
- Mapping Affordable Housing Need: Rental Housing Demand and Core Housing Need in BC to 2031
- Investigation of the biomechanical differences between the SideStix crutch and a traditional forearm crutch – phase 2
- A feasibility study on semi-solid casting for aluminum metal matrix composites
- Finite modelling of bridge elastomeric pot bearings
- Evaluation and Optimization of the Peroxide Regenerated Iron Digester Enhancement (PRI-DETM) Technology for Enhancement of the Anaerobic Digestibility of Mixture of Primary and Secondary sludge
- Adaptive Radiation Therapy for Cervix Cancer with Stochastic Model for Tumour Evolution
- Optical Characterization of the SunSimba CPV concentrator
- High-Performance, High Assurance Software
- Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan (SNAP) — Program Evaluation and Lessons Learned for Accelerating Environmental Improvement in Established Neighbourhoods
- Development of a bacterial detection assay for point-of-care infection Monitoring
- Pilot and Full-Scale Filtration Investigations of Pathogen and Index Organism Removal During Drinking Water Treatment: Enabling Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Utility Management
- Equity in learning opportunities: Reexamining issues of poverty
- Application of concrete electrical resistivity technique for monitoring the setting and hardening of concrete
- Needs assessment of challenging behaviours in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and coping strategies from the stakeholders’ perspective
- Feasibility of Micro-scale Wind Turbines in Ontario
- The development of web- and smartphone-based knowledge translation tools for clinical exercise prescription
- Medical geneticists’ discussion of psychiatric risks during diagnosis of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
- Vancity – Incentives for Social Purpose Businesses
- Assessing the Potential for Bike Parking at Park-and-Ride Lots
- Optimization of Air Flow and Heat Transfer in Biofiltration Reactors Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Tools
- A novel adaptive skin detection and adjustment
- Farrow Memory Training Study
- Parallel Computing with Graphics Processing Units to Reduce Computational Overhead Associated with Math Simulations and Predictive Model Building
- Operationalizing quality evaluation for heterogeneous legacy systems
- Development of an Advanced Communication Earplug
- Performance assessment of a high efficiency 1000x concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) system
- Development of a Factory Model of Steel Production through Electric Arc Furnace
- Development of invertebrate behavior bio-indicator assays for contaminants in honey
- SN-38 (or 5-FU) drug encapsulation in liposomes transported by magnetotactic bacteria for localized colorectal cancer treatment
- Improving the bending stiffness of multi-ply folding boxboard with maple HYP
- Scheduling of agents from forecasted future call arrivals at Hydro-Quebec’s call centers
- Development of semiosNET biopesticide system
- Valuation of an oil processing facility
- Analyzing the IMPACT of Mass Gatherings on Individuals and Local Communities
- Modelling the Effectiveness of Treatment as Prevention in Containing the HIV Epidemic
- Engendering Dialogue and Meaningful Participation Among Constituencies Working Toward Ending Homelessness in Victoria, BC., Phase II
- Image Segmentation Techniques and its Application in Geosciences
- Ultrasonic power transmission analysis of a guide wire for angioplasty applications
- Establishing New and Improving Existing Dulse Habitat
- The Minds in Motion Initiative: An Evaluation
- Pricing Swaptions and Bond Options by Using One Volatility Surface
- The Generation of Market and Ethical Values in a Canadian Wild Food Network
- Improving quality of life with right hemisphere stroke patient with neglect
- Investing in our Youth: Community Safety and the Role of the Toronto Police Service in Building Healthy Communities
- Prevention of Workplace Injuries amongst Temporary Foreign Workers employed in Toronto’s construction industry. How much do we actually know?
- Feasibility of a long-line flax fiber processing facility for Saskatchewan
- Noise estimation in real world video signals and its integration into noise reduction
- Heat exposure limits for older workers in deep mechanized mining
- Efficient Cross-Platform Data Communication for Smartphones & Tablets
- Research on High-Performance Graph Differencing, Fuzzy Hashing and Clustering Algorithms
- Factors Influencing Trojan UV Distributed Team Project Decision- Making Processes in a in Cross-Cultural Context
- Tebbutt-Sherwood-PROOF Proposal
- Accelerating audio matching on multicore machines
- Improving Receipt Classification Through Text Processing
- Validating Plantar Pressure Measurements from a Pressure-Sensing Orthotic Insole
- Corrosion of Galvanized Steel Reinforcement in Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
- Enabling Rich Internet Applications with HTML5 & JavaScript over unreliable, high latency and low bandwidth connections
- Companion Animal Surveillance
- Evaluating Collaborative GIS for Marine Conservation Planning
- System for Ubiquitous Sports Competition for Snow Sports
- Linking Desktop and Mobile Devices to Back-end Systems Using HTML5
- Product Modularity Enhancement and Engineering Analysis for CPP Dredges
- BEAM: Building Energy Analysis and Modeling
- Evaluating the imPROVE LEAN Program at Provincial Health Services Authority
- Multimodal optical brain imaging for epilepsy applications
- Biomass Supply Study – Dynamic Economic Modeling Exercise
- Ecosystem Services of Native and Non-Native Urban Trees
- The Binary Fluid Ejector- a novel thermal-driven heat pump for low-energy distillation
- Minerva Canada Teaching Module Project, Phase II
- A personalized approach to the treatment of malignant melanoma: An economic evaluation of ipilimumab
- Neural correlates of aphasia therapy after stroke
- New Inhibitors of HIV Infection
- Realistic Canadian wind power assessment and electricity cost
- Magnetic Field Modelling and Optimization in NMR Spectroscopy Device
- Crowding and Dwell Time on Transit Vehicles: A Fine-Grained Analysis
- Combining cortical stimulation and ‘mirrored’ visual feedback to enhance recovery of upper-limb: a pilot study
- Electrospinning as a Novel Method of Preparing Nanofilled Epoxy Composites
- The Canadian National DNA Databank: The International Context
- Sketch Input for Interactive Component Recognition on Mobile Devices
- Continuous production of high quality carbon nanopearls
- Development of a digital image correlation algorithm for materials science applications
- Investigating How to Secure Wireless Devices for Playing Games in Retail Environments
- Presence and Skill Acquisition through Virtual Environments
- Economic and energy efficiency assessment of biomass harvesting for a northern off-grid community
- Calcium Supplements, Elemental Bioavailability, and Uptake by Bone
- Interrogation of Passive Wireless RF Cavity Sensors
- The Information Needs of People with Colorectal Cancer: a Knowledge Synthesis
- Engineering biocompatible sub-30 nm silver nanoparticles
- Evaluating MYTRAK’s New Smartphone Algorithm for the Measurement of Caloric Expenditure
- Program to Advance the Treatment of Opaque Fluids using Ultraviolet Technologies
- Analysis of infusions pump usage data to reduce drug errors and enhance maintenance
- Targeting the glycerophospholipidome to promote stroke and AD recovery
- Closing the Gap: A Study of the Implementation and Effectiveness of the Youth in Transition (YouIT) Intensive Case Management Services
- Practical recommendations for effective engagement of Canadian Standards Association with Non-governmental Organizations in the standard development process
- Implementation of a prediction tool for the viscoelastic behavior of textile composites in the industry
- Novel Phase Change Materials for Textiles
- Enhancing Security and Quality of Service in NFC-based Smartphone Applications
- Optimization of an Agricultural-based Approach for increasing Stearidonic Acid Accumulation
- City of Victoria Regional Cost Sustainability Analysis
- The Tabletop Makerspace: A Portable Low-Cost Personal Fabrication Toolkit
- Enhancement of power system security using synchrophasor data
- Business Planning for Social Enterprises – Phase II
- Methodology and Techniques for building Scalable Service Oriented Semantic Matching Engine
- Applications Development of Plasma-Derived Nanostructured Carbons
- Management, host pathogenicity, and rapid identification of Magnaporthe poae, causal agent of summer patch on annual bluegrass and Kentucky bluegrass turf
- Evaluation of a home transfer pole during assisted sit-to-stand in older adults with mobility limitations
- Development of Technologies to Extract and Stabilize DNA from a Broad Spectrum of Microorganisms
- Optimizing the Delivery of Programs to Immigrants through Targeted, Mixed, and Universal Services
- Chemical modification of lignin for bio-based materials
- A portable multi-sensor navigation system for indoor and urban localization and orientation
- Examining the effectiveness of combined rehabilitation and botulinum toxin injection on functional improvement of the upper limb after stroke
- Cognitive performance in patients with coronary artery disease undertaking exercise: imaging the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
- Exploiting effects of selenium on cell survival and immunity to improve lactation of dairy cows and functionality of their milk
- Integration of an autonomous trading platform
- Sleep disorders among a population with traumatic brain injury from a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Clinic
- Atlas-based attenuation correction for PET/MRI
- Brain imaging biomarkers type 2 diabetes and stroke
- Institutional sustainability benchmarking and sustainability development strategies
- Development of copper precursors for atomic layer deposition
- Targeting the glycerophospholipidome to promote stroke and Alzheimer Disease recovery
- Optizing/maximizing HPV vaccine strategies to minimize HPV infections for Canadians
- Adapting kinematic profiles to apraxia patients
- Needle segmentation from 3D ultrasound images
- Role of transthoracic impedance and current in synchronized electrical cardioversion
- Developing a metrics program for London’s Million Tree Challenge
- Development of an AERMOD user friendly interface using Visual Basic Application
- : A database management for developing an environmental management system for a mining project
- Personal visual analytics for personal finance and time management
- Targeting the RSK axis to eliminate medulloblastoma
- DSP-based digital controller for a bi-directional DC-DC converter
- Analysis of the potential for carbon offsets in North American tribal lands
- Productivity and risk analysis for CIPP projects
- Issues in Northern governance and development
- Autonomous energy system; scalable, flexible, light and low cost
- Prehabilitative exercise training: optimizing gastric banding surgery outcomes in obese Patients
- Population health assessment bridge for Ontario
- From data to knowledge for better system maintenance
- Sustainable purchasing and official community plan sustainability indicators
- Retrospective molecular subtyping of pediatric medulloblastomas and the evaluation of BTIC gene signature in tumors with poor prognosis
- Nanwakolas aquaculture and tourism research cluster
- iNurse, iTeach: Using mobile applications in client education
- Architecture exploration for high-integrated and low-cost avionic systems
- Green sustainable telco cloud
- Selectomics to monitor and predict the emergence of resistance to new therapeutic approaches
- Medical grade programmable smart battery charger and analyzer
- Evaluating enzyme activities in sprouted wheat and their functional properties in baked products
- Exploring a salutogenic model through the sense of coherence with Executive Health patients at Cleveland Clinic Canada.
- Assessing the impact of an electronic patient tracking board on organizational performance
- Supporting Ontario EcoSchools: building capacity in schools and school boards to implement environmental initiatives
- Evaluation of “Steps to Success Community Learning and Wellness Program”
- Real-time detection & 3D-location estimation of moving objects
- Continue the development of PanSharp software system
- Product development research
- Sol-gel encapsulation of safflower derived oilbodies and for the evaluation of stability under simulated gastrointestinal conditions and manufacturing processes – Phase II
- A policy analysis of rebate and incentive programs for stormwater management in local governments
- A system dynamics model of the continuum of care for HIV
- Healing the body, healing the brain: Nutrition and exercise treatments for childhood neurodevelopmental disorders
- Multiphase and multiphysics CFD modeling of a gasifier and a 3 phase reactor for Enerkem technology
- Fast approximate simulation of complex structures and contact in immersive virtual environments
- Corporate behaviour and voluntary energy programs: influences on voluntary participation.
- Improving automatic calibration of computationally intensive groundwater models
- Research on HTML5 security and solution
- Adaptive operating room (OR) scheduling and control
- Toward an understanding of how YB-1 regulates drug resistance in glioblastoma multiforme through epigenetic regulation governed by BMI-1
- Managing shared state for video games in a networked multi-core environment
- Dynamic model for lead cable of inconel self-powered neutron detectors
- Integrating data processing chains and performance evaluation of power line classification algorithms
- Liability-driven investment strategy and portfolio immunization: a dynamical approach
- Towards species specific management of invasive hawkweeds in British Columbia: Quantifying distributions, modeling potential invasion extent, and investigating genetic-morphometric congruence
- Automated malware detection using supervised machine learning
- Risk attribution for large portfolios with illiquid assets
- The development of a large-scale multidimensional web application To support data visualization, mining & analysis
- Integrated media for urban design engagement
- Optimal experimental design for enhanced oil recovery monitoring with electromagnetic remote sensing
- Online public consultation in the property development industry
- Improving metal cleanliness of magnesium alloy castings for automotive applications
- Economics reference guide to music-use copyright tariffs in canada
- Development of a remotely controlled data acquisition system with wireless sensors for bogie dynamic load monitoring
- Examining the effects of neuropeptide Y5 receptor antagonism on primary tumor growth in murine model of breast cancer
- Parallelization of an industrial optimization application
- Pressure drop reduction in the removal of kiln-feed powder from a large scale pneumatic transport line
- Contextually appropriate content to support understanding unfamiliar word(s)
- Risk measures – Their accuracy and stability in a practical implementation
- Determinants of successful public and private financing in the rare earth sector
- Techniques and instruments of value production and translation in Canadian wild food harvesting
- Vibration-based health monitoring of critical airport facilities
- A case-based approach to integrating the “fail fast” philosophy into business planning
- Social game analytics: Using metrics to improve player engagement II
- Hospital acquired infection rates in acute care centers
- A toolset to facilitate transparent exchange and querying of digitized documents
- Mobile health application validity and efficacy study
- Development of smart utility management system
- Applied Research Project in Marketing Management
- Validation of the I2M inertial system against a marker based motion capture system
- Adaptive information extraction from clinical patient records
- The heterogeneous catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of lignin for value added chemicals and renewable energy
- Control of grid-connected converters for electric vehicle distributed generation application
- Fault ride-through method for cascaded CSC-HVDC based offshore wind farm
- Energy harvesting
- Advanced enterprise DRM on phones and tablets
- Seismic vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete buildings subject to main shocks & aftershocks (Part 2)
- Socio-Economic Mine Closure (SEMC) guideline: An evaluation of the Local Economic Development (LED) initiatives implemented by mining companies to address the adverse results of mine closure
- Growing healthy bodies: The development of a healthy body score-card for Canadian children and youth
- Development of novel therapeutics for multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens
- Suspended sediment contributions from forest roads in the Honna River watershed
- Making the business case for using development cost charges for climate mitigation
- Monitor and improve transit service reliability using automatic data collection system
- Investigation of the foam airbag performance for wheelchair application
- Instructional reading and media: a strategy to enhance early reading development (phase two)
- Sobeys supply chain sustainability
- Development of cost-effective self-consolidating concrete containing silica breccia
- Automatic spinal segmentation for MAR analysis
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) for First Nations land planning and infrastructure management — Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg
- Inter-annual evaporation fluxes for four different land use types in the Greater Toronto Area
- CFD simulation of a gas turbine combustor
- Uplink resource allocation in wireless backhaul networks
- MR clinical decision-making application for Hamilton health sciences chronic pain centres
- Twitter Data Processing
- Isolation of endophytic bacteria from corn grown in high and low yielding sites of Southern Ontario
- Correlation development for 2D aircraft icing codes to predict beads behavior on hydrophobic and superhydrophobic coatings during anti-icing simulation
- Iron Removal In vivo Study (IRIS)
- Materialized view performance at massive scale for data analytics workloads
- Assessment and design of a waste heat recovery and energy conversion system for ArcelorMittal dofasco
- Year of the gusher virtual exhibit
- 3D visualization pipeline and methodology for large-scale artifact collections management
- Gowganda-hosted deformation veins as source of indicator minerals for underlying mineralization at the Young-Davidson Mine
- Terahertz material characterization of organic semiconductors using terahertz time-domain systems
- A context-aware topic analysis framework
- 3D Conformal thermal therapy of the soft tissues for treatment of localized cancer using MRI-controlled ultrasound therapy
- Sustainable community development in London, ON
- Sustainable engineering design audit
- Improving the capability, precision, and durability of the Ignition Quality Tester (IQT) in the renewable diesels Cetane number range
- A Modified Fully Haptics-Enabled Master-Slave Teleoperated Setup for Minimally Invasive Surgery
- The inter-language reliability of BrainScreen in co-ordinate bilinguals
- Secure multiuser distributed storage allowing collaboration
- Net-shape manufacturing of fins for high efficiency heat exchangers
- Continuity of care in children’s mental health: Finalizing a new measure
- Real-time quality monitoring tool development for remote laser welding of sheet metal assemblies in automotive applications
- Detection and localization of oil-under-ice
- Bayesian hierarchical modelling of exposure to accident benefit claims
- Development and characterization of portland cement-based synthetic rock materials
- Antimicrobial activity of kisameet clay
- Development of a miniaturized device for optical reading of the quantum semiconductor biosensor
- Development of a comprehensive educational program for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair and a randomized controlled trail for incisional hernia after abdominal surgery to increase the safe and effective Implementation of these procedures in Canada
- Gaze behavior as a novel marker for stroke recovery
- Advanced video broadcasting applications for mobile devices
- Current waveform parameters of CN Tower lightning return strokes and m-components
- Improving combustion properties of energy crops and agricultural residues through the removal of undesirable nutrients
- Protection and adaptation services for multi-domain clouds
- Low-cost machine type communication user equipments for LTE
- Game metrics for physiology-based health games
- Causes and methods of reducing dilution at the Seabee Mine
- With the child in mind – brain development and best interests decisions
- Technology portfolio management approach for new biopesticides products
- Recommendations to combat the growing problem of antibiotic use and resistance in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
- Planning for the co-management of the Metlakatla First Nation conservancies
- Comprehensive study of tri-generation system based on ClimateWell technology for Canadian residential homes
- Modeling of physician prescription and detailing in specialty markets
- Sliammon Carbon Interests: Background research on feasibility of a carbon offset project application
- Re-design of a greenhouse system
- Methods for the estimation of traffic matrices
- Industry sectors that attract recent Chinese immigrants to Canada
- Community tables: Engaging neighbors!
- Development of novel therapeutics for multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens by targeting indel-containing essential proteins
- Shrinkage of polymer coatings on wood veneers in aircraft structures: understanding the causes of the problem and possible solution
- A Novel Analgesic for Osteoarthritis
- Development of an integrated online enzymatic micro-fluidic chip for glycoprotein analysis using Chip-Cub QToF mass spectrometry
- Enabling maximum penetration of distributed generations without violating protection system coordination
- Evaluating the performance of real-time collaboration on mobile devices
- Efficient signal processing and Radio Resource Management (RRM) for coordinated multi-node downlink transmission in heterogeneous cellular networks
- Development of a cost effective type-specific small aircraft simulator
- A study on information diffusion systems
- Heat stress in older adults
- Victoria green economy
- Student placement project: Mobile solution
- Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass for bio-oil utilization
- Study of plug flow regime fluid dynamics
- EMR clinical decision-making application for Hamilton health sciences chronic pain centres
- Performing thermo-viscoelasticity measurements using RheoSpectris C400
- Development of intelligence system for enhancement of automatic recognition and classification of normal and abnormal cells of human blood images
- Locator/IP separation protocol for BCNET services
- The development of a safety assessment model for spent nuclear fuel disposal with special emphasis on radiolytic corrosion of the copper fuel waste container
- Gold mineralization at the Engineer Mine, northern British Columbia: Its causes and consequences for local and regional gold exploration
- Testing and additional development of a novel web application (prototype) for capture and analysis of production data from Canadian and international fish culture operations
- Investigation of sustainable community-based strategies for the mitigation of the environmental effects of oil sands tailings ponds
- Optimization of cloud computing usage cost through artificial intelligence techniques
- Real-time context-aware recommender systems
- Assessment of community needs and capacities in Rosetown, SK
- Development of a framework for risk assessment for horizontal directional drilling applications
- The response of small mammal populations to riparian treatment practices on Lyell Island
- Power monitor load disaggregation for the electric grid
- Consuming Enterprise Cloud Data on Mobile devices and Desktops
- Collaborative book creation – foundation HCI research for Kibooco.
- Valuation analysis of Canada’s privately-held technology companies
- Gowganda-hosted deformation veins as indicator minerals for underlying mineralization
- Designing a kinect camera-based API to detect qualities of movement
- Bootstrapping yield curves
- Smart Grid control algorithms for clean power generation, storage and load management
- Capacity building for good governance and economic development in First Nations in British Columbia
- Introducing algorithm trading/investment to the mass market
- Investigation of adverse effects and healing factor properties of a novel formulation from Blue-O
- Addressing security requirements and concerns for a cloud-based critical messaging platform
- Quality-focussed migration and reengineering of a Primary Care EMR to a cloud architecture
- Project 4C: Cumulus Cloud Cluster Computing
- Supporting explanation in the CZSaw Visual Analytics system
- Development of community wellness indicators in Baker Lake, NU
- Multimodal imaging of EPCs in animal models using dendrimer based nanoparticle
- Application of Viscoelastic Coupling Dampers for enhanced performance of a 60-storey high-rise
- Nuclear generation emissions and aquatic biota
- The effect of shot peening and anodizing on the fatigue life of high strength aluminum alloys
- Osteoinductive, osteogenic and angioinductive potential of intramuscular injected genetically modified human umbilical cord perivascular cells
- Production of bio-phenolic chemicals, green diesel fuels, and renewable hydrogen/methane gases from Kraft lignin and “Black Liquor”
- Effectiveness of dual-microphone model-based speech discrimination for increasing speech intelligibility in in-situ babble noise
- Spread and impact of an eruptive herbivore in a novel habitat: consequences of climate change-induced range expansion
- Assessing the environmental impact of solid-wall containment salmon aquaculture project
- Gallium nitride processes for efficient low loss power transistors
- Interface systems for large-area multitouch displays
- Data storage & State synchronization support in frameworks for smartphones & tablets
- Application of metabolic flux analysis and in vitro genotoxicity tests for evaluating nickel carcinogenicity
- Optimization of Heat Treatment of 2219 and 2139 DC Cast Ingot Plates
- Development of new enzymatic products for optimization of paper properties
- High yield micro-algal cultures
- Upgrading and evaluation for Lake Utopia Paper’s waste water anaerobic treatment plant
- Validation at full-scale plants of a model describing ozonation of activated sludge for reduction of excess sludge
- High purity nitrogen generator design and optimization
- Biofiltration as a pre-treatment for membranes
- Solving polynomial systems symbolically on the GPU
- Evaluation of the Neuro-Compensator hearing aid relative to wide-dynamic range compression hearing aids on the restoration of normal auditory perception
- Affective signal processing: unraveling the mystery of emotions
- BI-driven management of patient flows in health care organizations
- Research and implementation of haptics device integration with a dynamics simulation engine and applications to milling and drilling force feedback (second stage)
- Computational nanoscale design of advanced lithium iron phosphate battery cathodes
- Machining effects on part integrity and life of aircraft materials
- Sustainability framework for junior mining companies
- Marketing strategies for innovative retail-based technologies and solutions
- Extension of generic gesture modeling approach, evaluation and comparison against new commercial beta gesture modeling package
- Implementation of a music-based walking program for clients of Parkinson Alberta Society
- Surgical simulator design and evaluation using game engine technology
- Steering the innovation process: accelerating “Ideas to Impact” in water treatment
- Thermal modeling and design optimization of a reheat furnace
- Model-driven application/sensor testing
- Process optimization and spectroscopic analysis of diamond-like carbon films
- Evaluation of biomaterial sorbents for leachate removal
- Integrated modeling for systematically examining the performance of the Kennedale constructed wetland for a clean Canadian water environment
- Development of a drug loaded degradable embolic particle capable of locally delivering therapeutic agents for transarterial chemoembolization
- Solution of complementarity problems arising from rigid body dynamics simulations
- Assessment of the uncertainty in calculating the wind farm energy production using statistical methodology
- Design and validation of an ear canal simulator for EVestG Evaluation
- Steroid biosynthesis in benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH): Effect of degarelix and relationship to cell growth
- Assistive applications for smartphones
- Antioxidant properties of indigenous plant species of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Developing a strategy for ensuring confidence in drinking water quality for First Nations
- Data-driven approach to formulating best practices for mobile games
- Implementing a conditional elasticity of variance generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic model with foreign exchange data
- Estimation of better bid prices in the customer choice-based network revenue management problem
- The effect of bovine colostrum supplementation in older adults
- AWE Technology Development Project – The virtual history of Fort York
- Enhancing Application Performance developed with HTML5 & JavaScript over unreliable, high latency and low bandwidth connections using Web Standards
- Development of ultrasonic based oil-water interface level monitoring device
- Techniques of aircraft engine vibration analysis
- Synthesis of Pheromone Analogs for the Control of Parasitic Insect Infestation
- Alternative financing and feasibility assessment for First Nation housing initiatives
- Strategic safety stock allocation in an assembly supply chain network
- Low Dose Computed Tomography Imaging: Measuring effects of denoising algorithms by means of objective and subjective measurements, and algorithms parameters optimization
- Pattern classification of flow limited breathing via acoustic measurements
- IT optimization and strategic planning support systems
- Assessment of two novel chemical entities in the amelioration of tau-related neuropathology and behavioral impairment in the P301S mouse.
- Consumer access to personal health information for asthma self-management
- Technologies for improved sustainability of long-life flexible pavements
- Developing state-of-the-art examining system for home inspectors in British Columbia
- Flaw growth thresholds in composites
- Techno-economic evaluation of electric energy storage options of Suncor’s wind farms
- A mobile tree mapping application for Toronto urban parks
- Identifying dominant anaerobic microorganisms for degradation of benzene
- Modeling & forecasting the popularity of YouTube videos
- Lil’wat Nation assessment of on-reserve agriculture
- Development of a “Jennic Wireless to Ethernet” gateway embedded system
- Tackling the challenge of graph comparison in genomics
- Calibration of the laser metrology system on the X-ray telescope Astro-H
- Scaling up algaculture by the use of a novel circulation technology while optimizing productivity by testing for the effects of light intensity and CO2 supply rate
- Use of the Halifax Consciousness Scanner in the diagnosis and management of mild traumatic brain injury / concussion
- Fire resistance behavior of FRP reinforced concrete slabs
- Green & culturally appropriate building design
- Alternative values analysis and cumulative impacts assessment in Clayoquot Sound
- Industry Internships on Smart Applications and Virtual Infrastructures
- Health economic modeling of Ulipristal Acetate in the treatment of uterine fibroids in the Canadian setting
- Development of a self-contained roadway power harvesting system for energy recovery
- Development of a new technique to predict functionality of wheat flour blends for baked products
- Structural health monitoring and life prognosis of composite structures
- NMR characterization of amyloid beta peptide interactions with lead compound
- State-of-the-art study of Monorail test guideway constructed with non-ferrous reinforced concrete
- Real-time FPGA-based architecture for image and video upscaling from local self-examples
- Simulation of turbulent premixed flames
- Mechanical design and improvement of a mobile polygeneration pyrolysis plant
- Improving the accuracy of satellite-to-irradiance models
- thisforest: Developing a forest products traceability program for the Coast of British Columbia
- Evaluation of lens focusing using modulation transfer function over the entire sensor field
- Investigation of microwave imaging techniques for monitoring grain bins
- Empowering patients with diabetes through experience design
- Seniors supportive housing: Review of model and processes
- Reduction of software rework through the mitigation of cognitive biases
- Design of interfaces for visualization and management of large patient databases
- EVestG optimization as a diagnostic tool for Meniere’s disease
- Establishing Partnership Building Framework for Junior Mining Companies in Canada
- Antimicrobial Activity of Kisameet Clay II
- Improved unsteady aerodynamic influence coefficients
- Advanced statistical signal processing algorithms for precise radar positioning
- Research on data and operation transformation techniques
- Development for bioresponsive building envelopes
- X-rAID: computer aided diagnosis of x-ray images
- Comparing standard and extreme VaR models during highly volatile periods
- FiX – Flash-in-XNA (Xbox New Architecture)
- Separating mixtures using single-file and dual-mode diffusion
- Low-cost Machine Type Communication User Equipments for LTE (Part 2)
- Investigating the structural behaviour of Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete (HFRC) plates
- Lifecycle Analysis of the Nutrient Cycle of Biofuels
- Probability-based black-box branch-and-bound optimization for biofuel system design
- Glass micro-machining by glow discharge electrolysis
- Sensor fusion for robust pose tracking using a combined accelerometer-magnetometer-gyroscope device
- Contour interpolation in medical imaging
- Visualization of deformation fields in medical imaging
- Fault-Handling in Chemical Process Systems
- Constrained Control Lyapunov-function construction
- Evolution of High Latitude Birds
- Divergence Preserving Approximation of Vector Fields
- Improved Simulation of Shockwaves in Compressible Fluid Flows
- Implementation of an Engine Control Unit for Automotive Fuel Injection
- A Fuzzy Expert System on Qualitative Mineralogy
- Scalable Pervasive Games for Natural Disaster Preparation
- High throughput functional proteomics for surface proteins on mouse embryonic stem cells
- Consistency of local classifiers under exchangeable data inputs
- Secure data aggregation in unattended wireless sensor networks
- Looking for drugs in all the right places: Drug sewage “epidemiology”
- Submicron resolution dielectric loss spectroscopy for a scanning probe microscope
- Bayesian Methods for Meta-Analysis with Applications to Multi Arm Trials with Binary Outcomes
- Development for the Symphony of Devices
- Reducing NETosis for improving lung health
- Multihop cooperative wireless communications
- Mobility management for next-generation heterogeneous wireless systems
- Scalable and Reliable Storage Virtualization
- Optimal adaptation of radiation therapy treatments
- Optical Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials
- Quantifying stratified turbulence in gravity currents
- Comparative genomics to identify function associations
- Extracting the mechanical properties of materials as small scales using ultrafast lasers
- Ultrafast laser-matter interactions in metals and dielectrics
- Computer Simulation of Bacteria Swimming in Various Fluidic Systems
- Motion of a particle in a solution containing thick and thin regions
- Connecting Wealth to Health for Retiring Older Adults
- Galaxy populations in X-ray clusters
- Technology to improve the quality of life of those with disabilities
- The construction of a rapid-scan mid-infrared Mueller matrix ellipsometer for the study of protein adsorption at the solid-liquid interface
- Optical Trapping of Nanoparticles and Optical Antennas
- Preparing Nurses to Work in Technology Enabled Healthcare Environments
- Nanotechnology for biomedical applications
- Techniques for Mapping, Analyzing and Improving Complex Multifunctional Product Development Processes
- Terahertz surface plasmon near-field sensor for material sensing applications
- Experimental investigation of the flow fields within novel compact compressor stages
- Computer-aided spinal disease diagnostic system
- Development of model for high temperature composite materials used in aerospace
- Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) as an alternative decision making framework for health technology assessment in Canada
- Study on molecular level events during fouling on quartz sleeves in UV disinfection photoreactors
- Combined Building Integrated PV/Thermal (BIPV/T) collector for net-zero energy building applications
- Multi-host firmware for TCi controller
- A novel analgesic in a surgical model of osteoarthritis
- Machine learning for user behaviour prediciton in mobile games
- Web tools for intelligent real-time data analysis
- Desirable density in Vancouver’s rental housing market
- Sensorless control of brushless DC motors at low speeds
- Assessment, piloting and establishment of a green health care revolving fund
- Analyzing a large user community using the social network analysis framework
- CanGo – An Empowering Wayfinding Tool for Persons with Disabilities
- Boundary effects on spatial collision data aggregation to areal units
- Aperture antennas as mobile satellite terminals
- Disaster recovery and cloud bursting as a cloud service
- GPU-based fast fluids for video games
- Merging calculus learning with mobile devices: calculus practice app
- Evaluation of species specific success for fish passing through fishways
- Scalability of an autonomous trading platform
- Prevention of hearing loss by oral administration of the flavonoid-enriched fraction AF4
- Design and analysis of a path planning algorithm
- Utilization of malting company waster water for hydrogen production and water cleaning
- Improving estimates of complex option-based employee compensation
- Ultra-wideband planar antenna design using spintronic microwave sensors
- Sustainability Reporting: Lessons on initiating a sustainability report in a junior mining company
- Assessing of affects on application-level mobile device quality of experience measures
- Plankton biomass estimation using multi-frequency sonar
- Efficacy of intravenous TCAP-1 administration in reducing stress on the expression of cocaine-related behaviours
- A scalable solution for sensing and sorting ore in the mineral mining process
- Impacts of alternative performance environment in the development of a new opera
- Polytomous item response theory models in the creation of a personality computer adaptive test
- Detection and quantification of organ toxicity biomarkers
- Development of a carbon calculator for underground utility construction
- Measuring and quantifying mobile user quality of experience
- Towards a utility framework for enterprise business intelligence mashups
- Evidence-based product support and the cultivation of a community of learners
- Structural Improvement of the Catalyst Layers of PEM fuel cells
- Interactive image segmentation for the diyorama mobile engine
- Next generation content development and management
- Effect of novel iron chelators on cell growth inhibition by anti-mitotic drugs and irradiation
- PET/MR imaging in lung cancer radiotherapy applications
- Understanding the structure of a shake to guide product development
- Extended product lifecycle management through social computing technologies
- UI/UX Design and implementation for PlaceSpeak
- Antiviral activity of the proprietary samples
- Investigate machine learning algorithms to develop anomaly detection methods
- Hybridity Media’s Circles Software Development and Research
- Investigate parametric machine learning algorithms to develop anomaly detection methods on real-time data
- Patterns of course-taking and transition for Applied to Academic subjects in Ontario Schools
- Assessment of bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soils under cold climate
- Hybridity media’s circles software design and interface research
- A camera stabilization gimbal system for a small unmanned aerial vehicle
- Developing forward curve models for power risk management
- Attention and executive function training in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Cebas Fluid Solver
- The Black Experience Project (BEP) in the Greater Toronto Area
- Examining the watershed-scale spatial distribution of cold water refugia in an Atlantic salmon river basin
- Enabling community well-being monitoring: Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach (Quebec)
- Privacy analysis of mobile analytics
- Seismic design of eccentrically-braced frames with & without vertical ties for irregular buildings
- Interactive visualization of design stories for parametric design systems
- Nonlinear projection methods for prediction of trends in cancer incidence and mortality
- Software for prediction of postoperative atrial fibrillation following bypass surgery
- HT-HTO-OBT Conversions in Rhubarb Plants and Soil
- Energy efficient integrated design of flight management systems and autopilots
- Densification of Heat-Sensitive Protein/Fibre Biomass II
- Aboriginal economic development of forest resources
- Optimization of Actiflo system for Portage La Prairie water treatment plant
- Seamless video wall display software
- Experimental and numerical analysis of heat transfer in CVD Coated Carbide Tools
- Climate change adaptation planning for the Greater Peterborough Area
- Gamifying Shakespeare: game-based digital media for Stratford festival
- Validation of Giatec corrosion detection device on a small-scale reinforced concrete bridge deck
- Green Sustainable Telco Cloud part II
- Customer intelligence data mining for financial institutions
- AWE technology development project – the virtual history of Fort York
- Forest Stewardship Group Development: Part II
- Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the Nechako river watershed
- Managing shared state for video games in a networked multi-core environment II
- Pattern classification of flow limited breathing via acoustic and vibration measurements
- Optimizing thin film growth
- Extended Cloud Computing and Applications to April 2014
- Wide-area synchrophasor measurements based power system stability enhancement
- Segmentation of SCG Signals
- Technical and economical evaluation of UASB reactor’s substitution
- Neurological structures extraction and analysis for spinal disease diagnosis and intervention
- Jim Green centre for innovation and inclusion
- Compressor load optimization
- Development of a fully automated refuse collection system
- Hemicelluloses-based Microgel and its applications
- Software development outsourcing decision making
- BFE Heat Pump Analysis
- Feasibility study of dual input clamp undir DC-DC converter for 737 SPU replacement
- Reduction-to-practice of embedded sensors and means of propagating analog signals over digital networks for aerospace
- Shot peening for fatigue life improvement and forming of aerospace structures
- Advanced text clustering algorithm for aircraft applications
- Incorporating hyperflux in a Nanoptics platform
- Improvement in the dissolving pulp production process
- A geomatics-based integrated resource management model scheme for watersheds
- Ensemble analysis of climate change impacts on Churchill River, Labrador hydrology
- Asset management for a distributed fleet of vehicles
- Large deformation finite element analysis of as-laid offshore pipelines using Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach
- Teacher assessment using new technologies
- Consumer dynamics and market strategy for the mobile game, Clandestine Anomaly
- Truck safety survey
- The International Centre for Northern Governance and Development Masters Degree Cluster 2012-2013
- Tsawwassen First Nation post-treaty community well being study
- Ecosystem management of the forests of central Quebec
- Evaluation, analysis and design of flood-related climate change adaptation policies for Coastal B.C.
- StreetLab Visual Scenery
- Investigating intercultural skills development and needs assessment of medium and large businesses in Ontario
- Development of residential HVAC and air conditioning demand management and control system
- Realistic and high-performance rendering
- Great Lakes phosphorus project
- Improvements in the Fock reactivity of Kraft-based dissolving pulp
- PREDICT: Parallel Resources for Early Detection of Immediate Causes of Tsunamis
- Patient decision aids in hemophilia: tools to facilitate shared decision-making
- Consuming social media services on heterogeneous devices
- Dynamic mathematical modeling for control of film gauge for Tedlar® film casting
- Evaluating impacts of social web-based networks on travel sharing
- Techna Nanotechnology cluster
- Methods for detection of emergent gameplay
- Understanding Stress Signaling in Childhood Cancers: ROS signaling pathways
- Advanced Bio-composites for automotive sector
- Social-emotional development in early childcare programs
- Creating a new atlas of welding defects- Updating/editing ASTM Passport to steel and ASME code interpretation databases
- Forex data gathering and analysis acceleration
- Development of a low cost ultrasonic imaging system
- Effect of dam-rock interface irregularity of the seismic response of gravity dams
- Proof of concept for automated mushroom harvesting
- Low-cost complex genome assembly and annotation
- Capacity planning at sureshot dispensing systems
- Candu nuclear reactor: Civil and mechanical engineering analysis
- Development of residential HVAC and air conditioning demand management and control systems
- Middleware layer for mobile game architecture
- New rockstar philosophy: an interactive e-book app
- In-depth analysis of deer management in Nova Scotia
- Design limits for carbon fibre reinforced polymers
- In-vitro simulation of fracture, wear, corrosion and distraction in total hip replacements
- Strategic community investment – A tookit for junior exploration companies
- Calcium supplements, elemental bioavailability, and uptake by bone (Part 2)
- Synchrotron imaging of ovaries ex Sstu
- Development of social and economic indicators for sustainable remediation
- A community-orientated “skills for success” research project
- Molecular modeling module of the pharmaceutical platform technology
- Towards automating ore sorting with rich sensors
- Predicting click-impression dynamics by an epidemic model
- A Commercialization and Corporate Strategy for a Cultivator Planter machine attachment
- Head-Up Display Applications of a Compound Micro-lens Array
- Mineralogy and isotopic signature of the Marshall lake VHMS deposit
- Machine Learning based Events Targeting Applications in Online Display Advertising
- Diagnostic screening for conscious awareness in brain injury and disease: Visual component
- Determination of net calorific value of fresh and aged wood pellets
- Impact of Lumbar Vibrotactile Plantar Sensory Substitution System on Gait and Balance
- Long-term Monitoring Protocol and Analysis Template for American Eel (Anguilla rostrata)
- Improvement in the quality of dissolving pulp
- Advanced Crowdsourced Market Research and Reporting Using Machine Learning
- Brunel Employment Study
- Enhancing the Performance of the Internal Circulation Anaerobic Reactor System at AV Cell
- Hydrothermal liquefaction of sludges/biosolids for the production of bio-crude oils
- Datalink Processing System – Research and Development – Naval to Air Force Replatforming
- Genomics Study to Identify Genes & Pathways Controlling Reproductive Longevity
- Adaptive operating room (OR) scheduling and control of cardiac surgeries
- Metabolic Lipid Abnormalities in Prediabetes and Insulin Resistance
- Effect of anisotropy in thermal-hydro-mechanical properties on casing and caprock integrity
- System identification and control of fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicles
- Online Public Consultation in the Resource Development Industry
- Application Framework for Palliative Care Process Management
- Efficient massive spatial data search with version control
- Security Mechanisms for Mobile Cloud Computing
- Ergonomic analysis of air seeder control system
- Developing m-health application framework
- Selective removal of neutral nitrogen compounds from heavy gas oil
- Building an automated text mining algorithm to extract location-based information
- 2013 NS Farmers’ Markets Economic Impact Study
- Sustainable Development of Forest Resources: Nuxalk Development Corporation
- The Voice of e-Democracy Panel in the City of Markham
- Using Resource Public Key Infrastructure for Secure Border Gateway Protocol
- Improving Coordination between Engineering Departments through Process Mapping and Analysis
- Hybrid encryption and intrusion detection for an e-commerce database
- Building an Innovative Idea Management Tool
- Evaluating green roof performance and design in the Toronto area
- Co-Ordination of Steel Production Operations for Increased Throughput
- A Leadership Development Model for Youth in Urban Communities
- Implementation & Effectiveness of the Youth in Transition Intensive Case Management
- Viscoelastic Coupling Dampers for Enhanced Dynamic Performance of a High-Rise in Toronto
- The use of Social Media to promote grassroots advocacy for the Living Wage
- Metal Mixtures – Data for Field-Relevant Soil Quality Criteria to Protect Plant Health
- The Black Experience Project (BEP) in the Greater Toronto Area – Phase 2
- LED Street Lamp Retrofit Project
- Emotion Regulation & Executive Functions in Adolescents Practicing Martial Arts
- Development of Novel Chemistry for Copper Deposition by ALD
- Retrospective molecular subtyping of pediatric medulloblastomas and poor prognosis gene markers
- Optimization of a TMP production process by Implementing a new online pulp quality analyzer
- Fluids and Fracture for Video Games
- Virtual Hamilton
- Minds in Motion: Evaluating Impacts and Guiding Progress
- The Energetics of Forearm Crutch Gait: The impact of a dynamic shock absorber
- Pharmacy Care Health and Wellness Approaches in the Grocery Retail Environment
- Minimizing potential induced degradation in crystalline silicon based photovoltaic solar modules
- Optimization of Heat Treatment of DC Cast Aluminum Ingot Plates
- Enhancements/Tools for an Intelligent Voice-Centric Application
- Autonomous Energy System; Scalable, Flexible, Light and Low Cost – part 2
- Characterization of Green Roofs Located on a Calgary Commercial Office Building
- Targeted Search and Match-making using Web Mining and Case-based Reasoning
- Development of an isobar separator for anions for accelerator mass spectrometry
- Testbed for New Energy-Efficient Data Center
- Callibration of implied volatilities for illiquid interest rate products in the Brazilian market
- The Limits of Solidarity
- Neuroanatomical changes following chronic post-stroke therapy
- Finding Permanency for Children/Youth in Care Project
- Cebas Subsurface Scattering Shaders
- Study on Natural Gas Vehicle Options Status and Needs
- Performance of cavity nesting birds breeding on reclaimed mine tailings
- Design and integration of a robotic loading system for an automated saw grinding machine
- Developing power line network modeling method considering wind effects
- Preventing and Responding to Gendered Violence on Campus
- Cold Spray Coatings Qualification for Repair of Aerospace Parts
- Developing a Revolutionary Technology for the Niche Tool Grinding Sector
- Programming multicore systems with explicitly managed memory
- Low-cost Machine Type Communication User Equipments for LTE (part 3)
- Consolidation and transformation of administrative data into research dataset
- Low cost Microchip for Point of Care high Sensitive Assays
- Ontario Water Asset Map Research Project
- Diesel Generators with PhotoVoltaic (PV) Co-Generation
- Novel Approaches for Identifying, Tracking and Preventing Technology-Induced Error
- Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Mechanisms of Silver-oxysalt Based Wound Care Products
- Accelerating Cycling Uptake Through Community based Social Marketing
- Optimization and Control for Bioreactors used in Wastewater Treatment
- Engaging youth in a developmental evaluation of Raising the Grade
- Development a New Design Method for Geosynthetic Reinforced Walls and Slopes
- Matching video content to the developmental needs of preschool children
- Monitoring & Assessment of Vegetation Management Techniques in BC and Alberta
- Threat Models in JavaScript Applications
- Estimating Market Potential and Location-Allocation for Land-Use Modelling
- Power factor control in high voltage power supplies for microwave power amplifiers
- Introducing Algorithm Trading/Investment to Hedge Funds and Family Offices
- Evaluation of Solid-Phase Micro Extraction Technology for Environmental Monitoring
- Energy Management System of Distributed Energy Resources
- Membrane filtration for reuse of greenhouse wastewater
- The Internet: Parents, Advocacy & Health Information for Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Module for characterizing the patient response to pain
- SVM based system to detect machines engaged in distributed denial of service attack
- Development of Innovative Tools for Conducting Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
- Modelling Guidance for Low Impact Development Practices
- Identification and assessment of bioactive yeast strains and cell wall components
- Development of a subject-centered social media and network platform
- Mass spectrometry for multiplexed high throughput analysis of large molecules
- Targeted Incentive Offering for At-Risk Customers in an E-Commerce Setting
- Investigating the potential of a Vancouver Island Model Forest – A qualitative stakeholder analysis
- Production of high-value hydrocarbons in photosynthetic microalgae
- The ARGO Analytics Engine
- Measuring consumer response to online advertising: the case of mobile applications
- Developing advanced techniques for denoising Low-dose CT Images
- Evaluation of safety, efficacy and immunogenicity of a recombinant FVIII molecule
- Effect of V on the fir-tree zone and Fe-rich intermetallic phase selection in AA1xxx DC cast alloy
- Automated analysis of anatomical changes occurring in brain with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Agricultural Methods to Improve Crop Yield & Identify Cost Effective Practices Across Different Soil Types
- Applying Multi-surface Environments to Medical Imaging Techniques
- Geomorphic changes in Russell Creek Experimental Watershed following a record rain on snow event
- Development of a low-cost tool for skin cancer screening
- Using rate setting to control municipal water consumption
- Student Web Portal
- Resource assessment for wildlife based ecotourism:monitoring of black, Spirit and grizzly bears
- Recipient Perspectives on Private Aid in Tanzania
- Experimental characterization of thermal shims for space applications
- Big Data Research for Open Source Applications
- Optimization of key-to-key collision repair process system
- Integrated Terahertz Sensors Using Silicon Nanowires
- High resolution wind turbine power output forecasting
- Mavi Mi1 Hydrokinetic Turbine Power Converter & Controller Design Review & Field Test
- Carbon-Nanotube Composite for Power Transmission Line & Inductor
- Can a neuromuscular training insole alter low back muscular and postural responses?
- Improving the Efficiency in Customer Interactions and Investment Selection
- Research and Implementation of Haptics Device Integration With a DynamicsSimulation Engine
- Biochar Carbon Protocol Development
- Design of Radio Frequency Identification tags based upon Graphene interconnections
- Management of Context for Smartphone-based Marketing for Brick & Mortar Retailers
- Optimization of Graphical User Interface for the Digital Pathology Workstation
- Simple proxies for risk analysis and natural hazard estimation
- Regulating Geothermal Energy in Alberta
- Development of a Rapid Point of Care test for Food & Water Safety
- Evaluation of the OISEAU Application
- Modeling Microwave Heating of Food
- Variables that affect quality of lime slurry produced in lime slaking reaction
- Improved inhibitors of HIV infection
- Evaluating water temperature forecasting models used to predict salmon migration mortality
- Development of Load Case Model for the Design of Butt & Top Grapples
- Education as a Mechanism to Foster Economic Development of Local Mining Communities
- Lean and Green: Developing Environmental Management Processes for Industry
- Bioinformatic Identification of Optimal Targets & Therapeutic Antibody Development
- Investigation of immunological mechanisms of peptide immunotherapy
- Economic benefits of local purchasing
- Head-mount Portable Multimodal Optical Brain Imaging Device for Un-Anesthetized Rats
- The Petawawa Biofibre Harvest Trial
- Using an analog approach to improve weather forecasts for a hydroelectric energy company
- Analysis of a centrifugal fan designed for a Thrust Cushion Vehicle
- Investigation of the practicality and benefits of integrating photovoltaic (PV) arrays with greenroofs
- Cancer Care Coordination: A Pilot Project
- Role of ROS regulation by Hace1 in modulating “stemness” versus differentiation of stem cells
- Characterization of Lepeophtheirus salmonis resistance to common therapeutants
- Development of a lignin biorefinery integrated into a Kraft pulp mill
- Systematic approach of equipment performance analysis using new Key Performance Indicators
- Detoxification of hemicellulosic hydrolysate for butanol production
- Development of a process for furfural production in an Integrated Forest Biorefinery
- Promoting Gender Equality through Social Innovation
- Mapping Intangible Cultural Resources through Reading Culture Analysis
- Electrodialysis treatment of Kraft black liquo rusing Bipolar membrane
- Development of a standardized assay for after cooking darkening by which to support cultivar selection for breeding program and timing from storage for optimum processing
- Management of ecosystem services of Haute Mauricie region in Quebec
- Addiction Neuromodulation System
- Weather and Climate Information for Snow Recreation
- QU02 MRI: a new window on mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease
- Sea spray icing and its Impacts on assets operating in harsh environments
- Risk-based Winterization of Assets Operating in Harsh Environments
- Growing Up With Cerebral Palsy: Transitioning from Childhood to Adolescence in the Healthcare System
- Hog Urine Treatment by Membrane Distillation
- Plastics Packaging Materials with Antifungal/microbial Properties
- Condition Assessment of Concrete Bridges using GPR Technology
- Building Equity and Inclusion through the Arts
- Impact modeling of composite aircraft structure
- Human Health Risk Assessment of Manganese and Inorganic Manganese Compounds and the Application of Categorical Regression in the Quantitative Risk Assessment of Manganese
- Improving user experience with a social gaming platform: Identifying and adapting to significant user traits and behaviors
- Computer Algebra and High-Performance Computing Support for Model Predictive ControlComputer Algebra and High-Performance Computing Support for Model Predictive Control
- Identification of Power System Security Region using PMUs
- Novel Boundary Element Method for Inductance Extraction in Cables of Complex Cross-Sections
- Investigate machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies in computing infrastructures in real-time
- The effects of stress during white sturgeon early life history on larval physiology, development and olfactory sensitivity
- 4D modeling of potential fields at active volcanic systems
- Advanced geoscience targeting through focused machine learning
- Logistics and operations simulation of logging debris supply for bioenergy production
- FOREX Geocoding System for Foreign Currency Market Monitoring
- Application of Data Mining Methods for Detecting Irregularities in Securities Market
- Colorimetric test strips for oil/fuel/ethanol mixtures
- Extracting information from Emails
- Creative BC: Strategic Design Process Research and Plan Development
- Experimental investigation of patterning a nanostructured bioadsorbable stent by femtosecond laser ablation
- Cable Simulation Methods Using Nonlinear Finite Elements
- Effect of exposure to hydrocarbons on reproductive functions in select marine organisms
- Techna Guided Therapeutics Cluster
- Mapping Building Conditions – perhaps a bit more – for what purpose
- Economic model of Ulipristal Acetate in the long term, intermittent treatment of uterine fibroids — a Canadian setting
- Unpaved forest roads as a source of suspended sediment in the Honna River watershed
- The effect of Granzyme B on photoaging
- Real-time Energy Analytics for Distributed Facilities
- Technologies for Living Independently: A Technology Case Study on Remote Patient Monitoring
- The Community Learning Hub Knowledge Mobilization
- Development of closed containment and aquaponics technologies for White sturgeon aquaculture
- Development of High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Iron Aluminide Coatings Reinforced With Hard Ceramic Particles for Wear Resistant Applications
- Development of a risk-prediction model
- Identification of Optimum Digestate Management Option for an Anaerobic Digester in the Fraser Valley
- Technology Acceleration of Selected Water Treatment Processes
- Assessing the Scope and Cost of Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment Across the Continuum of Care
- Incorporating Same-Day Delivery into Retail Industry
- FPGA-based Vector Processors for Compute Acceleration
- Sanitation: Enabling sustainable community change in riverine communities of the Niger Delta, Nigeria
- Development of a molecular assay for determining the number and viability of vaccine organisms
- Evaluating the “Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation” framework: A case study of the Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable management plan
- Chart:Public Art Marpole 2.0
- Development of a 3D Laser Scanning System for Generating Prototypes of Buildings and Large Scale Structures
- The Search for Unconventional Ores at the Sudbury Structure: Offset Dyke and Sudbury Breccia-Hosted Deposits
- From Hammers to Homes: a housing development report for Metro Vancouver
- Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors: Phosphor Deposition and Processing Improvements
- Optimization of Mont-Wright open pit mine planning and design using an integrated Geostatistical-Geomechanical approach
- CFD Analysis of the Microsys Cold Gas Inflation System
- Treatment
- Hybrid modeling framework for flood prediction
- Speech and language technology development for next generation interactive voice services
- Centre for Operations Excellence Summer Internship Cluster 2013
- Modeling logistics for supply of bioenergy feedstock
- GPS/Wi-Fi/ MEMS Sensors Integration for Indoor Navigation
- Residual white spruce growth responses following partial cutting treatments in boreal mixedwoods
- Information system for SCA
- Web based avionics certification management for bus design
- Predicting for Targeted Advertising by Maximum Information Coefficient
- Book Recommendation: Improving Collaborative Filtering with Content Information
- Occurrence of the Timiskaming-type sedimentary rocks in the North Caribou Greenstone belt
- Advanced Network Intrusion Detection Using Automated Algorithms and Threat Models
- Production Line Packaging Sensor Optimization
- Investigating the early marine dynamics of Skeena River sockeye salmon using scale pattern analysis
- Performance Evaluation for the Infer Engine–Optimization on Dynamic Advertising
- Cloud-based Reengineering and Interoperability of a Primary Care EMR
- Investigating Open Scholarship and Inclusive Practices in Higher Education
- A Guide to Government Grant Applications
- Inversion of geophysical data
- Improving Efficiency of Operations in Paint Shop and Pre-flight Processes at Bombardier Aerospace Company
- Subsea Pipeline Risk-based Integrity Assessment
- Subsea Pipeline Remnant Life Assessment
- A Model for Measuring Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Canada
- Updating the 2008 Prairie North Health Region Health Status Report
- Wireless Overhead Line Temperature Sensor Based on RF Cavity Resonance, Design Improvement and Measurement
- Development of a subject-centered social media
- Large-deformation finite element modeling of seabed sediments for offshore oil and gas development
- The Adoption of Electronic Personal Health Records and Ontario Healthcare Practice Environments
- Covering designs for efficient de-identification of health records
- Multi-Service IPv6 Networking for Metering, Distribution Automation and Future Applications: Capacity Evaluation
- Development and Calibration of DEM Materials Based on Rock Penetration Drillibility Parameters
- Structured Assets’ Value-at-Risk: Measurement and Sensitivity Testing
- Characterization of a novel humanized monoclonal antibody specific to KAL 006: Impact on lymphatic metastasis in cancer
- Pharmacodynamic distribution of docetaxel andcabazitaxel in prostate cancer xenografts, and evaluation of pantoprazole to enhance their activity
- FlexMOSS: A Flexible Multicore Operating System Scheduler model for power efficient embedded devices
- Development of RWA tools for the design, operation and migration of terrestrial and submarine coherent networks
- Multivariate random effects model for Integrated measurement of green veneer thickness and roughness
- The importance of nutrition for ice hockey players
- Helicopter Wake Modeling and its Interaction with Pesticide Droplet Transport
- Processes for Ensuring Mobile Educational Game Quality
- Research of the Chemicals of Concern Within the Finished Products Sold by Teknion
- Psychosocial Determinants of Bariatric Surgical Candidates and Outcomes
- Intelligent Scaleable Contest Platform
- Commercial Fisheries Database Rebuild
- Assessment of a novel chemical entity (TRV 1387) in the treatment of tau-related neuropathology and behavioral impairment in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
- An Holistic Approach to Complex UX Design
- Multi-Document & Topic-Specific Summarization
- Industry & University Partnership in Developing Highly Qualified People to Address the Human Resources Challenge of the Global Mining Industry
- Enzymatic Improvement of Kraft Dissolving Pulp Reactivity: Mill Trials
- Computational Design Research and Dissemination Methods: ACADIA 2013 Adaptive Architecture Conference
- Financial Governance and Modelling for Coastal Shellfish Corporation Strategic Plan
- Syntheses of novel 3,5-bis(benzylidene)-4-piperidone derivatives as potential anticancer agents
- Sustainable Engineering Design Audit (SEDA) Part II: Investigations in implementing environmental accounting at engineering companies in major Canadian cities
- Animal Recognition From Natural Scene Images
- lnfluence of odour presentation on panelist response variability
- Observations of atmospheric stability and three dimensional turbulence for wind energy development applications
- Effects of Probiotics on Anxiety and Depression
- Real Time Decision Support for Quality Assurance and Productivity Improvement in Drainage Tunnel Construction: Research, Development and Implementation
- Development of a new sample introduction system for inductively coupled plasma spectrometry
- Locally based surface extraction techniques for handheld imaging technologies
- Vein depth estimation with Christie VeinViewer
- Evolving a system for effective communication with non-speaking patients in emergencies
- Digital Inclusion: Improving access to online health information for people with complex chronic conditions
- CLICK (Community Led Inclusive Creation Kit)
- Minimizing the Impacts and Maximizing the Benefits of Marine Shipping Activities for Arctic Communities Through the Use of Traditional Knowledge
- The Development of Green Carbons from Biomass Torrefaction: Activated Carbon
- The Healthy Body Scorecard: A new health screening tool for Canadian
- Pre-concentration of Mount Polley copper ore
- Ozonation Treatment for Offshore Produced Water Effluents
- cyberSKA II: Scientific test and verification of multi-node distributed infrastructure for data-intensive radio astronomy
- Evaluating the Role of Learning and Experience on Postural Response and Fall Prevention in Offshore Environments
- Development of an On-body Sensor Network Using a combination of INS and USID System and its application to ExoLegs™
- Greenville Enterprises Five-Year Strategic Plan
- Mimicking medial-knee brace gait using PCA and biofeedback
- Smartphone-based Real-Time Automatic Image Tagging
- Validation of Android-based NFC technologies as a Platform for Authentication Solutions
- Mobile Hearing Tests
- Thin Film Thermal Conductivity Sensor
- Modeling and analysis of Inertial filter for Engine exhaust applications
- Building Online Support for Parents of Youth and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Sequential anomaly detection with labeling costs
- Fugitive lead emissions study for the Trail smelting operation
- Design of a Novel, Low-profile Picture Space Heater
- Multidimensional Energy Consumption Analysis in Large Organizations: An Information Visualization Design Study
- Conducting Enterprise Architecture in the Context of an SME that is Adopting an ERP
- New Carrier Types and Services for Long-term Evolution (LTE) Machine-Type Communication (MTC)
- Local delivery of biologically active peptides to correct curve progression in a mouse model of EOS
- Laneway Revitalization in Canada: Possibilities, Challenges & Solutions
- Investigation into the role of YB-1 in childhood sarcomas
- Efficient Signal Processing and Radio Resource Management (RRM)for Coordinated Multiple-Antenna Multi-Node Downlink Transmission in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
- Smart PV Modules with Laminated On-Cell Energy Storage
- Linguistic Cues for Heuristic Determination of Patterns of Speech in Noise
- Deconstructing the Borromean Trinity of Free/Libre and Open Source Software Development: A Case Study at Savoir-Faire Linux
- An Integrated Approach using Process Models and Business Analytics for Efficient Delivery of Patient Care
- Supporting Short-term Decision Making for Interfacility Medical Transportation
- Correction of Non-ideal Lighting Conditions for Face Recognition in Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
- Designing for Urban Agriculture in a smart community
- Dynamic Door-to- Transit Station “Shared” E-Taxi Serving Smart Community
- Development of a Storm Water Re-Use System to Supply Non-Potable End-Uses in Multi-Use Community in London, Ontario
- Employee Engagement Research
- Integration of Low Impact Development stormwater practices into the development of smart community
- An Integrated Technology Architect for Real Time Care Process Management
- Improving precision analysis of power line modeling and integrating data processing chains for automating 3D building rooftop modeling
- Capacity Planning and Optimization of WiMAX for Smart Grid
- Provision and Exploitation of Biosolids in Quebec
- Innovation to Commercialization Optimization Research Project: What knowledge based tools can help WADE Canada accelerate the suitable deployment of DE technologies?
- Understanding of intra-annual wood formation and phenological development of black spruce and balsam fir over the spatial gradient in the boreal forest of Quebec
- Structural testing of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Precast Concete Sandwich Panels
- Video Wall Controller
- Effectiveness of a Compassion Fatigue Reduction Workshop in Reducing Compassion Fatigue at Mount Sinai Hospital
- Business Transformation: Forest Firms
- Statistical Analysis of Prostate Brachytherapy Treatment Data
- Efficacy of Self Myofascial Release Techniques
- Towards Development of a Decision Making Tool for Owners, Designers and Municipalities: Surveying Current Domestic Water Conservation Technologies and Tools for Single Family Residential Dwellings
- Studying the Effect of a Thermal Storage in a Combined Building Integrated PV/T and ASHP systems
- Extraction of energy and value-added products from municipal wastewater
- Effect of Wax Inhibitors on the Flow behavior of the Caledonia Field Paraffinic Oil in Consolidated Porous Media at Reservoir and Production Conditions
- Modeling and Optimization of roof based BIPV/T with air source heat pump
- Investigating the feasibility of and the implementation of pre-implantation genetic testing at Atlantic Assisted Reproductive Therapies
- Validation of the diagnostic accuracy of a real-time fecal PCR test to identify Angiostrongylus vasorum infection
- Redefining Agri trends for a better future
- Scotiabank HRSS Operational Efficiency Enhancement
- Leading Transformational Multi-Jurisdictional Change: Managing Mental Health in the Community
- On-line solid phase extraction sample preparation for instrumental chemical analysis
- Development of Sensors-based Driving Behavior Monitoring System
- Modeling of Currency Trading Markets and Pricing their Derivatives in Markov-modulated Environment
- Qualification and Validation of Robust Functionality of a Test-Bench for Evaluation of GDL Properties under Series-Processing Conditions
- Using machine learning methods to improve image suggestion and image retrieval results
- A Study of the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Pediatric Medulloblastoma Mediated By YB-1
- Fabrication, characterization and modeling of novel CMOS-compatible polymer-based redox memory structures
- Information Modeling for Facility Operations
- Compressive Superresolution Projector
- Amplifying youth voices: A qualitative investigation of Raising the Grade
- Personal Analytics to Enhance Smarter Commerce
- Open MIDaaS – Mobile Identity as a Service
- Integrating aboriginal perspectives into health, safety and environmental compliance systems
- Chemical nanosynthesis of laser filters for aviation applications
- Geological and Geophysical Studies of Source and Reservoir Units in the Flemish Pass Basin, Offshore Newfoundland
- Marketing research for nuclear power plant refurbishment & life extension and an Establishment business strategy in targeted region
- Exploration of Authoring Features to Facilitate Rapid Creation of STEM Subject Content in Mobile Practice Applications
- Photovoltaic Production-Developing new Materials and Approaches
- Investigation of fugitive dust emissions from Nepheline Syenite mine tailings near Nephton Ontario
- Prolonged Heart Storage Using Sub-Zero Temperatures & Antifreeze Proteins
- Elder Financial Abuse: What role should banks and financial institutions play regarding intervention in cases of suspected financial abuse, involving power of attorney arrangements?
- Dual Phase Change Material (PCM) Integration and Optimization for Heating and Cooling Seasons
- Corporate Residency Business Analyst
- Feasibility Study of a Community Microgrid: Key Components, Control and Communications
- The One Love Network: Examining Customers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty in a Charity-Based Reward System
- Enhancement of the Performance of the Prefail’s Implant Health Monitoring System
- Aircraft optimization and sizing methodologies
- Validating RSK as a molecular target for the treatment of cancer
- Study of potential technologies for Net-Zero Housing
- Passive magnetic method to inspect corrosion of reinforced concrete
- Integration of Technologies for Smart Control of Micro Grids
- Building Social Community Integration
- Optimized operational strategy planning model for Smart Net Zero Community
- Accelerating Solar/LED Community Lighting
- Towards a Theory of Idea Evaluation
- Fabrication and Testing of a Microlens Array Optical System
- Optimal Placement of Fault Circuit Indicator to Improve the Reliability of Distribution Systems using CYME Reliability Module
- Define the best omega-3 fatty acid to fight prostate cancer
- Investigation of optimal underground thermal energy storage systems
- Potential of solar thermal/PV generation for a district energy system and generating a community building electrical and thermal load profile
- Tools for Enhancement of Power System Security
- Have You Eaten Any Fish Today? Understanding Why Canadians Don’t Eat Canada’s Food Guide Recommended Two Servings Per Week
- A Ranking Method: The Top Integrated Energy Generation/StorageTechnologies (Building and Community Scales)
- Ice thickness measurement using P-Band radar
- The Communicative Challenges and Implications of Quantum Computing
- Structure of near-zero carbon footprint sustainable community
- Developing Crop Consulting App
- Patient decision aid for musculoskeletal injuries in Mild Hemophilia
- Implementation of collaborative regional sustainable development strategies: An international study on structure and outcomes
- Arch-App
- Creating a new atlas of welding defects – Updating/editing ASTM Passport to Steel and ASME Code Interpretation databases
- Transition towards an automated and centralized staff scheduling system
- Esdilagh Development Corporation Business Action Plan Research and Development
- Developing a Farm Management System: Migrating from iOS to Android platform
- Programming Techniques for QUBO Compatible Processors
- Sustainable and Resilient Neighbourhood Design
- Investigating process conditions and product quality in the recycling of used horse bedding
- Property evaluation of tamarack veneer and plywood
- Statistical Perspectives on Drug Safety Screening using Spontaneous Reporting Data and Electronic Health Records
- Manipulation of Phytohormonal Production by Methylobacterium extorquens
- A novel passive wireless sensor for the measurement of AC/DC electric field in the vicinity of high voltage apparatus
- Optimal Planning of Microgrids under Uncertainty
- Analyzing User Reviews of Mobile Applications using Natural Language Processing
- High-Resolution 3D Mapping and Modeling of Solar Neighbourhood Potential
- Treatment of Statistical Data in the Aircraft Deicing Industry
- Process mapping and documentation at Eclipse Automation: Balancing standardization and flexibility in an engineer order-to-order operation
- Synchronization between cloud database and mobile applications
- User Traces and Adaptive App Management, within there-implementation of the FarmAtHand App
- Development of a Bike Anti-theft Device Based on GSM and GPS Technology
- Design Guidance for Cross-Laminated-Timber Structures using Self-Tapping-Screws
- Same-Day Delivery Strategy into Retail Industry
- Assessing Borrelia infection in dogs to determine the risk of Lyme disease in New Brunswick
- Quality Vigilance of Baked Goods through DigitalImage Analysis – I, II
- Security and Automation Considerations for Internal Licensing Database Management System
- The Impact of Intervention on Struggling Adolescents’ Understanding of Self-in-Relationships
- Defocus and Aberration Modeling for RGB-Infrared Cameras
- Forex data gathering and analysis acceleration and trend prediction
- Exploring appropriate business models for establishment of water quality monitoring service in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Obesity Research
- Advancing Strategic Design for Identity Finding in the Financial Services Industry
- Development of advanced tools to measure and train neuromechanic aspects of movement technique in rhythmic sports: use of technology to optimize performance
- Modular aqua-farming system for growing fish
- Personal Transportation Vehicle for use in Local Neighborhoods
- Evaluate the impact on transmission dynamics and cost-effectiveness of pertussis booster vaccine for Canadian adolescents and adults
- Development of an image-guided navigation platform for an automated and MRI-compatible robotic needle guiding device for percutaneous procedures
- Customer Intelligence Predictive Models: Customer Attrition, Loyalty Scoring and Next Best Offer
- The Effect of a Gait Modification Program on Impact Loading and Injury Rates among Runners
- TechBA: Strategic Design Process Research and Business Innovation Modeling
- Calibration of numerical model of the three-stage corrosion process of galvanized steel reinforcements in Mechanically Stabilized Earth
- Multi-Fidelity Design Optimization of Hydro Turbine Runner Blades
- Semantic Classification of Short Texts
- Hybrid Small UAV Powerplant
- Investigation of suitability and feasibility of home dialysis – An Evaluation to enhance capacity planning
- An Analysis of Power Pole Foundation Conditions
- Establishment, characterization, and directed differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells for the improved treatment and understanding of pediatric brain tumors
- Passive treatment of mine-impacted waters in cold climate: enhancement of metal removal from cold waters by biological-chemical processes in anaerobic packed-bed bioreactors
- Conductance detectors using microfabricated electrodes
- Development of High Efficiency Compact Recuperators
- Data Anonymization for Medical Records
- The Automation of System Assembly Recognition
- The Smile Epidemic: Investigating the Impact of a Digital Social Media Gratitude Intervention
- Evaluation of organic anti-icing agents for winter maintenance of transportation facility
- Design and Development of a Secure and Reliable Online Platform for Real-Estate Transactions
- Software Acceleration of Video Noise Filtering and its integration into real-time video applications
- Development of CFD model applied to fluidized beds for waste gasification
- A semantic-based packet forwarding model for SDN
- Treatment of cyanobacteria by flotation
- First Nations Entrepreneurship Development, Capacity Building and Governance: Applied Perspectives
- Exploitation of special functions orthogonal on finite domains of 2D and 3D lattices-Fourier expansions of functions sampled on lattices
- Industrial Health and Safety Data Management and Training Mobile Platform
- Local in situ Controlled Delivery of Biphosphonates in Bone Metastasis
- Pay for Performance Intervention Funding
- Phase I: Using simultaneous EEG-fMRI to study the affective mechanisms underlying obsessive compulsive disorder
- Development of a non-destructive condensation sampler for airborne viruses
- Developing a new healthcare app for patients with a particular chronic disease
- Middleware infrastructure for processing of big spatial data on Spark
- Dynamic analysis of tailings dams using advanced constitutive models
- Can brain fitness mobile apps really make you smarter?
- Enhancement of Turbulence Models for Airframe Flow Simulations
- He said, she said: career histories of senior information communications technology leaders from Nova Scotia. Barriers and enablers to advancement for women and men
- Development of innovative solutions for analyzing biological samples in pharmaceutical research and development: Novel bioanalytical chemistry merges digital microfluidics and mass spectrometry
- Evaluation of Online Urban Futures Survey for Metro Vancouver
- From Data Cleaning, Design and Migration to Portfolio Construction for Effective Recommendations and Decision Making in the Charity Domain
- Evaluating the effectiveness of perturbation-based training programs on the development of postural responses to continuous multidirectional perturbations
- Dreamcatcher Informatics: a Web-based and Mobile Information System to Support Land Management, Consultation, and the Preservation of History, Culture and Traditional Ecological Knowledge
- Design of a Spatially-Based Conservation Decision-Making Platform for the Peace River Break
- Lie Group Statistical Analysis of Human Movement
- Multi-Category Classification Confidence for Ad Contextualization
- Exploring the digital divide: The use of digital tools in Ontario public schools
- High Performance Regular Expression Matching Using Parallel Bit Stream Technology
- Cracking Characteristics of Structural Members made with Durable SCC Mixtures containing Local Materials
- Modeling water temperatures in the Fraser River watershed network
- Professional Sport Club Value: Competition Time
- The role of remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) in preventing organ dysfunction following hemorrhagic shock: a translational study
- Icephobic Coatings from UV-Curable Phosphonium Salts and Their Ice Adhesion Measurement
- Couling Inventory Validation
- Business Modeling for Fisheries Monitoring at Ecotrust Canada
- Programmable Forwarding Plane
- Enrichment Materials for Dollars with Sense curriculum
- The Role of Public Participation in Identifying Stakeholder Synergies in Renewable Energy Project Development: the Case Study of Ontario, Canada
- Automatic Blind Spot Detection System for an Urban Vehicle
- ProStudioMasters
- Development of Antibacterial/Antiwear Polymer Based Nano-composite Coating for Circulation Coins
- Cancer detection and Muscle
- The efficacy of fall and burn operations on the erradication of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) in Alberta
- Unions and the Macro-Economy
- Predicting disability benefits claim durations and Comparing actual versus expected disability benefits claim durations
- High Frequency Beamformer Design with matched Transducer Array
- Continuing an Evaluation of the Skills for Safer Living Program by Developing and Testing an Outcomes Evaluation Measure
- Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Fresh Produce to Extend Shelf-life and Quality
- CMBS iReport
- The Dramaturgy of Education: Digital and Textual Avenues for Stratford Festival Student Enrichment
- Automatic Segmentation of SCG Signal for Ischemic Patients
- Cooperative Primary Healthcare Data Sharing and Analytics Network Infrastructure
- A comparison of heart rate variability and brain activation during emotional regulation in athletic groups
- Targeting achievement in higher-order thinking and STEM: An interprofessional approach
- Exploring Solutions for Sustainable Rural Drinking Water Systems
- Commercialization of Exro Technologies’ VIEG Technology
- Experimental and Finite Element Analysis of Electron Beam Weld in Inconel-713LC Turbine Blades
- Software Engineering for Mobile Game Software Product Lines
- Graphene-like-carbon coatings for thermal applications
- Knowledge, awareness, and uptake of new Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines
- Visualizing the Performance of Scientific Applications Executing with Space-Time Domain Decomposition
- Application of Short-Reach Optical Interconnects to Information and Communications Technology Systems
- Energy Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis for selected industrial and commercial Enbridge Gas Distribution (EGD) Customers
- Research and Development of Ultra-portable Modulus Structures
- Novel Molecule Analysis
- From visual analysis to visual analytics
- CADSIM Plus simulator, evolutionary algorithms, rule based expert system, neural network
- Brain wave investigation of the neural monitoring measurement stability
- Usability analysis and guideline development for user interface design in a public health information system
- Development of high surface quality and large static displacement translating micromirror for MEMS FTIRS with application to alcohol interlock
- Purification and Trapping of Biohydrogen
- Child Strength: Supporting communities through executive functioning and early literacy strategies
- Design of an efficient DOCSIS 3.1 upstream cable modem termination system receiver operating in OFDMA and S-CDMA modes
- Adaptive Visualization for Analysis of Customer Behaviour
- Investigation of sulphur compound behaviour on surface operations on offshore platforms
- Fraud Detection for Online Advertising
- Development of an online and customizable corporate challenge and integrated workplace wellness tracking and self-monitoring platform
- Fitness Coach Connects Program Evaluation
- Development of user interfaces for business intelligence tools in corporate incident data
- Development of a Decision Support System for FTTH Installations
- Accelerating the Market for Green Urban Housing
- Adding Extra Constraints to an Open Platform for Industrial
- Mobile Devices for Market Research with Reporting and Predictive Analysis
- Antenna array feasibility study
- Nutritional Prenatal Soft-gel Development
- An Intersectional Analysis of the Impacts of Precarious Public Sector Employment on Women
- Optimal Numerical-Weather-Prediction Parameters for Wind-Power Forecasting
- Managing Shared State for Video Games in a Networked Multi-core Environment Renewal
- DevBrawl – Investigation of game design with cognitive analysis in multi-player games
- Optimization of Conductive Ink Formulations for Inkjet Printing of Circuits
- In-Place Technology Platform
- Addressing Racism in Toronto
- CRIAQ MANU-404 : Additive Manufacturing
- Development and Validation of the Next Generation Simulation Platform for High-Rise Buildings
- Creating AR computer vision applications for children’s toys
- Research & Develop Online Tools for Climate Change Mitigation Services in Developing Countries
- Frost removal in the presence of an electric field on a fin and tube evaporator
- Automatic Genre Detection for Intelligent Audio Tools
- Scalable Training of Classification Systems Using Heterogeneous Input Data
- Design and Development of a Mobile-based Medical Image Archiving System for Skin Cancer Screening
- Datalink Processing System (DLPS) – Research and Development – Naval to Air Force Replatforming
- Personalization of Web Tasking
- Improving user engagement with a social network gaming platform: Identifying and adapting to significant user traits and behaviors
- Realistic and High-Performance Rendering Renewal
- Export Marketing & Needs Analysis for Solanum Genomics Int’l Inc. (SGII)
- Extending and refining the original automated text mining algorithm for an initial market trial
- Decision Making Using Multi-Criterion DecisionAnalysis
- Sterilization of Foie Gras – Demonstration of Safety and Stability under Minimal Processing Conditions
- A Window into the Mind at a Price You Can Afford: Developing an Online and Offline Pupil-Size Analysis Plug-in
- Programming Techniques for QUBO Compatible Processors II
- Feasibility of a pressure retarded osmosis process for Quebec electricity generation
- Nurturing Landscapes: Bringing together ecology, education and design in the creation of stormwater management systems on school grounds
- The impact of a serious mobile video game on girls’ perceptions, attitudes and behaviors about global water issues and education
- Improving efficiency and safety in aviation industry using big data analytics
- Optimal Winter Road Maintenance (WRM) Operations
- Effects of Probiotics on Anxiety and ADHD in Children
- Optimization of the heat treatment process of large size forgings of high strength steels- experimentation and modeling
- Optimization methodologies for Net-Zero Energy Communities
- Assessment of bacterial cellulose production using a novel microbe
- Supporting Ontario EcoSchools: Developing Theory into Practice
- A Meta-Analysis of Workplace Wellness Programs and the Impact of Sun Life Financial’s HealthyRETURNS Health & Wellness program on Employee Health, Productivity and Organizational Costs
- IMS applications deployed in virtualization and cloud environments (OpenStack and KVM)
- Energy Management and Control System for Off-Grid System
- Developmental Evaluation of the STAR Recovery Centre
- Integrated polarization rotator with relaxed fabrication tolerances for mass production of photonic integrated circuits
- Development of aptamer-based strip assay (Ara-Strip) and electrochemical sensor (Ara-Sens) for detection of the peanut allergens
- A Novel Solvent-free Approach for Production of Bean Protein Fractions
- UranOS: a Cloud-based Resource Management Framework for High Dimensionality Search Optimization
- Building on the Next Generation Tools for Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cattle
- Manitoba Mathematics Action Research Project
- iSpine: A Innovative Spine Image ProcessingToolkit
- Design of a Multichannel DBS Targeting Electrode and System
- Low-Temperature Single-Crystalline Electronics for Smart Displays
- Low-Power Signal Processing Algorithms for an Athletic Performance Monitor
- Uncertain Futures: Quality Assurance for Volunteered Geographic Information
- Factors that Promote the Effectiveness of Internships for Internationally Qualified Professionals
- Understanding Organizational Routine Evolution and Change in Healthcare: The case of CPOE Use at The Ottawa Hospital
- Human well-being, ecosystem services and watershed management in the Credit River Valley: Web-distributed mechanisms and indicators for communication and awareness
- Development of Herd Navigator as a health management tool for dairy farms
- The impact of PCV13 vaccine program discontinuation on herd immunity decay and serotype replacement: a mathematical modeling study
- Economic viability of an ecosystem-based management in an eastern Canadian boreal forest
- Evolution of digital access modes in Employee and Family Assistance Programs
- Design and Optimization of Crankshaft Vibration Dampers
- Wireless Asset Tracking and Locating System
- Understanding Event-based Interactions in Enterprise Web Applications
- Evaluation of National Physical Activity Initiatives
- Integrating attentional shifts to improve stereo vision in robot navigation
- Developing Crop Consulting Mobile App
- Learning to organize and discover biomedical scientific literature
- Rainy Day Solutions: Enhancing Rain Gardens
- From Management to Adaptation: An organizational learning approach to strategic renewal of the environmental management function at The City of Calgary
- Sensors Western Operational Research and Development (SWORD)
- Market and Technology Roadmap Validation Framework for Software Services
- Développement d’un produit podiatrique à base de cellulose couplée à des peptides antimicrobiens pour le contrôle des pathogènes du pied diabétique
- Choosing the game and the stakes in a casino: A service pricing problem with many substitutable services
- The Communicative Challenges and Implications of Quantum Computing Renewal
- Efficient OLAP Queries on In-memory Databases with Frequent Updates
- Exploring the potential of chemical suppressors of nonsense mutations for treatment of multiple genetic disorders
- A Study on the Durability and Service Life of Concrete Gravity Base Structures (Phase 1, 2)
- Calibration, Characterization and Optimization of Microwave Imaging System for Grain Monitoring
- Valorization of Byproducts from Bio-diesel and Pulp/Paper Plants into Green Chemicals and Fuels
- Dynamic modeling and real-time adaptivecontrol of a dual-ducted UAV with tilting rotors
- Choices and consequences: a multiple method research to supporting better decision making and implementation
- HVDC “Superline” for improved angular stabilityof AC-DC system
- Carbon thin-films for cosmetic jewellery applications
- Using CityEngine for Parameterized 3D Modeling of Regional Growth Scenarios
- Assembling a system for continuous production of carbon nanopearls
- Economic development through sustainable forest management at Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve
- Development of spectroscopic imaging technology for grain quality inspection
- Virtualized Wireless Access in the Green Sustainable Telcommunication Cloud System
- Ultra Casual – Investigation of game design with cognitive analysis in casual games
- The influence of premature calcification on the performance of the transcatheter heart valve
- Salmon peptide identification and purification: insulin modulation
- Anti-islanding detection for renewable energy systems in distribution system
- Informative Art Simulations and Games for Improving Energy Awareness in the Home
- A Novel Design of High Temperature Ultrasonic Transducers, Manufacturing, and Testing
- Blood and nasal biomarkers of Cat-SPIRE Efficacy
- Risk-Aware Decision Support Systems for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Territorial Security
- Advanced investigation of amphoteric reagent-based cyclization of peptides
- Further development of sulphite-based dissolving pulp production
- Development of a system for the automatic recognition and classification of normal and abnormal cells in human blood samples
- Computer vision for 3D environment recognitionin augmented reality mobile games
- LANGA – Big Data for Language Learning
- Enhancing agricultural production through the use of alkaline stabilized biosolids
- Investigating Stream Clustering and Correlation for Heterogeneous Gaming Data
- Randomized Controlled Trial of a Behavior Change Intervention to Increase Aerobic and Resistance Exercise and Quality of Life in Older Prostate and Breast Cancer Survivors: The OutPACE Trial
- A middleware solution for remote Monitoring, data collection and communication
- The Development of Physical Ability Standardsas a Bona Fide Occupational Requirement(BFOR) for the Ottawa Paramedic Service
- Textile Sensor Development for an EMG muscle activity monitoring system
- Simulation of the underwater vehicle
- Mapping Our Common Ground
- Intermodal container allocation problem in rail yards
- Peripheral contribution of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in the brain steroidogenesis
- Modelling pollutant removal processes for an underground detention chamber system
- A New Generation of Destratification Systems for Large Building Spaces
- Distributed and Partitioned Join Index
- Consumer dynamics and product evaluation for the mobile game clandestine anomaly
- Intramucosal Lorazepam spray: Whole Cell and Extracellular Eelctrophysiological Study of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
- Model for implementing and continuously improving the automated change management process for construction mega projects
- Development of Colour-Changing Indicator Label for Healthcare Applications
- Capacity Planning and Optimization of WiMAX for Smart Grid, Part 2
- Computer-assisted cardiac disease diagnosis system
- Novel application of deformable image registration using Computed Tomography for early diagnosis of lung parenchymal disease: focus on lung fibrosis
- Otoscopy and Ophthalmology Training Technology Development
- The Characterization and Simulation of Futures Markets
- Contextual Momentary Assessments of the Auditory Environment by Wearers of Hearing Aids
- Optimization of Fine Solids Removal in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
- Web Page Classification for Web Data Mining
- Multiproxy reconstructions of mixed-severity fire dynamics in the Alberta Foothills
- Evolution tectonique et métamorphique d’une portion de croûte à l’Archéen; exemple de la ceinture de roches vertes de l’Abitibi : implications sur les minéralisations aurifères orogéniques
- Effet de la teneur en carbone sur la résistance du métal de base CA6NM à la propagation des fissures de fatigue
- Effects of Uncertainty in Engineering Data on Design and Performance of Automotive Thermal Systems
- Improved prediction models for concrete confined with various composites: experimental and numerical investigation
- Performance issues for embedded and random problems in adiabatic quantum optimization
- Recherche de l’influence des paramètres de fabrication sur la performance lors du cyclage thermique des barres d’alternateurs hydrauliques
- Évaluation statistique et prévision de la performance de gestionnaires d’actif
- Extracellular biomarker discovery to develop a specific therapeutic treatment in cancer
- Analytical chemistry method development for lignin breakdown products
- Estuarine reliance of juvenile salmonids in the Skeena River
- By the North with the North: Community Building in Northern Saskatchewan
- Determination of the Mechanical Properties of Wheat Straw for Equipment Design
- Model Development for Manitoba Hydro Regulating Reserve Management
- Energy audit and actions for St. Mary’s Cement Plant
- 3D CFD Investigation of biomass combustion of a commercial furnace
- Dynamic Modeling with Empirical Data for Hydropower Decision Support
- Admissions Sherpa – An Investigation of Agile Strategies for Modern Web Platforms
- Expressing Vibrancy Using Video-Based Systematic Social Observation Methods
- Gearbolts / télécommande SteelGrip
- Evaluating the Confidence of Metabolite Rankings in NMR Metabolomics Data
- Development of soil quality guidelines for use in health risk assessments of contaminated pipeline compressor station sites
- Development of Innovative Tools for Conducting Health Impact Assessment of Major Infrastructure Projects
- Terahertz Time Domain System to Characterize Performance of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Sources
- Research Study into Impact of E-mail on Employees
- Evaluation of tools for assessing organic chemicals for human health and ecological exposure and risk assessment
- Embedded Low Power Signal Processing for Passive Acoustic Monitoring
- The impact of high frequency offenders on the operation of the criminal justice system in British Columbia
- Vision Guided Robotics for Laser/MIG Welding Seam Tracking
- Design and Analysis of a Platform to Connect Patients, Providers, and their Social Networks
- Assessing emergency shelter patterns to inform solutions to homelessness
- Numerical Weather Forecast Advances for Clean Energy Production
- Impact of early vaccination during influenza outbreaks
- Life Cycle & Economic Analysis of Bi-Fuel Cars
- Développement d’une nouvelle génération de composites bois-polymère
- Caractérisation des propriétés thermomécaniques (TM) d’enrobésspéciaux incorporant des matériaux recyclés provenant de lasidérurgie en vue de leur optimisation
- Development of Bionanofluid for Commercial Production
- Embedded stereo disparity computation
- A Group Recommender System for deviantART
- 3d design for fabrication: real world meets screen world
- Optimisation, développement et validation du SNAD 1.0
- Improved quality control of blood products using high throughput mass spectrometry coupled to machine learning approaches.
- L’utilisation de l’assemblage modulaire et les cellules dynamiques pour améliorer l’efficacité des usines et de la chaîne logistique pour une entreprise réseau
- Planification de la production à court terme à la mine Westwood
- Visite virtuelle du modèle 3D interactif du monastère des Ursulines de Québec
- Cloud based hybrid low-cost appliance control and monitoring system
- NX CAD/CAM Simulation, Optimization and Automation Software Development for Tooling Development Industry
- Developing an automated tool for SAR parameter optimization
- Development of Novel Gripper and Lifting Mechanisms for Automated Test Water Systems
- Assessing marine mammal presence in and near the FORCE Lease Area during winter and early spring – addressing baseline data gaps and sensor performance
- Optimization of new inhibitors of type 2 serine proteases as anti-influenza agents
- A comparison of the solvent extraction of betulin and betulinic acid from tree bark with a bark oil containing a complex mixture of compounds
- Design and Analysis of Disaster Warning and Evacuation Systems Using the Network Modelling Approach
- CanDo: A Smart App for Cognition
- Natural Heritage Risk and Vulnerability Assessment in the Region of Peel
- Soil Vapour Assessment and Ontario Regulation 153/04 Environmental Site Investigations in Ontario
- Cytotoxic activities of novel formulation from Blue-O Medical Technology against pancreatic cancer cells
- Intelligent Tracking Infrastructures Using Wireless Networks with Vision-Audio Monitoring Capabilities
- Fiber-optic based point of care genetic testing device
- Mechanical Design and Power Drive Improvements for Moovee’s One-seater Prototype
- Real-time 3D object detection and pose estimation from multiple cameras
- Research on 3D software user interface design
- Beyond the Book
- Big Data Processing and Analysis
- User Profile generation for Mobile Ad Targeting
- Green Roofs as a Stormwater Management Tool
- Data Visualization Incorporating Social Collaboration for Asset Management
- Asset Management using machine learning techniques
- Big Data Analytics for GPS Fleet Management
- Advanced Control and Data Analysis in Support of Unmanned Vehicle Operators
- Comparative Building Life-Cycle Performance of Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) Vs. Wood-Frame Construction Phase I: Energy Performance
- The Evaluation of Risk and Return for Community Impact Investments
- Improvement of Quality and Efficacy of Natural HealthProducts & Dietary Supplement
- Affective mechanisms for interactive environments
- The physiologic effects of Capsaicinoid ingestion on human metabolism and exercise performance
- Improving berry picking efficiency of wild blueberry harvester using precision agriculture and bio-systems modeling techniques
- Supervised and Semi-supervised approaches to sample growing and online prediction of customer intent
- Vestibular Response Pattern Recognition in Relation to Concussion
- Functional Cost Methodology for Automotive Lightweighting
- Process mapping and documentation at Eclipse Automation: Balancing standardization and flexibility in an engineer-to-order operation
- Integration of socio-physiological sensors to estimate team functional state in mobile command and control
- Development of Lipid Nanoparticle Reagents for Functional Genomics in Difficult-to-Transfect Cells In Vitro
- Enhancing software developer and user productivity
- Reclamation of Mercury-Contaminated Tailings from Small Gold Mining
- Investigation of neural monitoring using electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG)
- Mild Cognitive Impairment: Can Decline to Dementia be Monitored and Delayed by Computer-Based Games?
- The effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on fitness, muscle mass, inflammation and immune function during intense training in rugby players
- The Raglan Community Social Involvement (CSI) Project: Developing a Comprehensive Model with Inuit Partners
- Security in Ultra Large Software Systems
- Minimizing of greenhouse gas emission and leachatein an aerobic landfill treatment process
- Development of a public sector change management model
- Capturing Learning in the Classroom (CLIC)
- A Needs Assessment for the Autism Spectrum Disorder Community in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Monitoring power system small-signal rotor angle stability under ambient operating conditions
- New Analytical Approaches to Social Media Data
- Developing a physically-based, geomorphic model to evaluate the probability of pipeline exposure at stream crossings
- Metagenomic study of dechlorinating microbial communities in vitro and in situ
- Sustainability and the Wine Industry in the Okanagan valley of BC
- Embedded Philosophy in Near-Living Architecture
- Optimization of the Design of Coke Drum Support Structure
- Optimization of test protocols to investigate material influences on the fuel cell performance caused by material handling
- Selective Compression of Live Digital Video Frames for Power-friendly Wireless Transmission and Efficient Reconstruction
- OceanView Current Enhancements
- Asset Management: Modeling and User Experience
- Design and Development of a Secure Online Platform for Real-Estate Transactions
- GPU Scheduler Modeling for Early Power-Performance Estimation of Mobile Applications
- Evaluating the Cumulative Effect of Hypothermia and Hypoxia on Substrate Metabolism in Humans at Rest
- Identifying Areas of Assessment for Strategic Asset Development Tool
- Development of helmet liner material to protect against concussion
- Strategic Planning for Cumulative Impact Assessment in Metlakatla Territory
- The New Economy: Empowering Business Through Organizational Thinking
- Facies control on fracture characteristics in the Cardium
- Snow Crab productivity and Management Targets under Changing Ocean Conditions
- Federation of heterogeneous data sources for the linked data back-end in the Gold Fish mobile application
- Re-engineering business process of an insurance broker group
- Operational runoff prediction during rain-on-snow in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia
- Build Cross Platform Mobile application supporting various screen resolutions
- Effectively Communicating Triple Bottom Line: Investor Appetite for CSR at TransCanada
- Neural Network Model for Predicting NBA Shot Outcome
- Alternator-based Energy Regeneration Utilizing a Wheel-Roller Mechanism
- Green Marine Engine Exhaust Membrane Scrubber Technology for Removal of CAC and GHGs
- Feature Selection From Traffic Analysis For Computer Network Backdoor Detection
- Word Representation Learning for Detecting Malicious Chat Messages
- Development of Cost-Effective Solutions for Energy Management in Smart Buildings
- Baseline and best-practice analyses to determine environmental and energy targets
- Flow Optimization for Disaster Recovery in Software-Defined Networks
- Economic Capital Modeling by Using Copulas
- Redesign of Dental Preventive Formulations- Part I. Identification of Potential Remineralization Enhancers
- Work order Scheduling at maintenance Sites for Commercial Aircraft Fleet
- Development of a Fuel Cell Test Protocol for faulty GDL material with varying GDL/MPL defects
- Mathematical and Computational Techniques for Cytotoxicity
- Sustainability & Environmental Management in a Private Sector Seafood Company
- Validation of genomic biomarker in pooled case-cohort studies
- Non-Contact condition monitoring system for outdoor ceramic insulators based on their radio frequency signatures
- Story Recommender
- Implementing A Community Model of Policing: A Case Study of Change
- Rethinking Waste as Resource: Identifying Best Practices for Product and Packaging Stewardship
- Adaptive and Emotionally Aware Chatbots
- Oscillation-based Fuel Cell Diagnostics
- Developing an Active Worker Strategy for Office Workers
- Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment: Connecting Impact with Policy Intent
- Rogers “Innovation Pitch”
- Outcome and Resource Use of Patients with Primary Liver Cancer
- Multivariate statistical algorithms for optimal signal quality in simultaneous EEG-fMRI
- Novaxe: Novel Online System for Guitar Music Score Recognition, Retrieval, Presentation, and Animation
- Taking SickKids Mobile
- Effect of influenza vaccination with high-dose antigen on geriatric population
- A mixed-methods project investigating HerSwab™ and arts-based education as integral components of culturally acceptable cervical screening in Northwest Ontario First Nations communities
- Automatic Musical Classification for Intelligent Audio Tools
- Evaluating the impact of workplace indoor environmental quality on employee comfort and wellness
- Steering the Innovation Process: Accelerating Ideas to Impact in Water Treatment – Conclusion
- Large Scale Airline Crew Scheduling
- Statistical advancements in the analysis of migratory movements using a novel broad-scale automated radio-telemetry array.
- Integrated Resource and Energy Recovery System from Organic Slurries.
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat straw derived xylo-oligomers stream into monomeric sugars
- “KnowMe Privately” – Conceptual design and prototypical implementation of a privacy-preserving, consumer-facing health portal service for active patient engagement and increased provider awareness
- Distribution feeder voltage control with a high penetration of distributed generation
- IMMERSe: the interactive and multi-modal experience research syndicate
- Development and Implementation of a Water Analytics Framework: Intelligent Operations for Water (IOW)
- A Healthy Workplace for a Healthy Workforce: Identifying Predictors of Health Impacting Workplace Productivity in the Mining Industry of Saskatchewan
- Bare glass: electro-optic integrated circuits for a software defined networking capable Tbit/s transceiver
- Improvement of Technology for the Development and Production of Specialty Chemical Products
- The role of integrins in stretch-induced activation of TGF-?1 and pulmonary fibrosis
- Genetic monitoring of a sockeye salmon repatriation to improve interactive fisheries management
- An analysis of Delivra LivSport PreWorkout Cream combined with oral creatine to improve muscular performance and alter arterial stiffness
- Quantifying soil nitrogen supply to reduce nitrate loading to groundwater from high intensity agricultural production areas in Nova Scotia
- Production planning at Wesgar
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for quantifying natural disaster damages in crops of Alberta
- An Enhanced Multifunctional Battery Energy Storage System for Energy Management and Power Quality Improvement
- Development of an integrated modelling framework for eutrophication risk assessment and adaptive management implementation
- Monodisperse PhytoSpherix Nanoparticles Modified for Key Applications in Personal Care, Food and Nutraceuticals
- Chemical and Microbial Contaminants of Medical Air in Healthcare Institutions
- Development of a microfluidic blood-brain barrier model for drug screening and testing
- Development & Pilot Evaluation of an Online Peer Support Program for Family Caregivers of Ventilator-Assisted Individuals Living in the Community
- Valuing Youth Voices after Disaster: Recovery & Resilience in Fort McMurray
- Developing Integrated Smart Home Controllers with Energy-Efficient HVAC Operation
- Mechanisms and Application of MFD Catalyst on the Leaching of Secondary Copper Sulfide
- Design, optimization and testing of baffle-type parallel-channel flow field plates within a 200-cm2 fuel cell short stack with a highly-active catalyst
- Impacts of tidal turbines on marine mammals
- Preclinical evaluation of novel meningococcal vaccines
- Rotational Doppler shift with optical vortices in the backward-wave phase-matching process, as probe for improved vibration sensing
- Wide Area Measurement Based Robust Damping Controllers for Power Systems with Embedded Power Electronic Devices
- Assessing the risk of abrupt climate changes resulting from cumulative emissions and their effect on the occurrence of extreme events
- Ecosystem Value Accounts – Tools to Advance the Green Economy and Sustainability Agenda
- Assessment and Design Advancement of a Conjugate Anvil Hammer Mill
- Video-Based Fall Detection for Construction Workers Safe
- Impact of dietary fibre and immune challenge on threonine requirements and pig robustness
- Studies on the application of photocatalysis to capture methane and treat contaminated water with organic compounds
- Digital Media Project: Affecting attention and emotion in a digital world
- Alkaline treated straw and micro machine technology to improve digestive health and profitability of feedlot cattle
- Temperature measurement in suspension plasma spraying
- Determination of active surface area and gas permeability of fuel cell catalyst layers
- Magnetic surveying with a new high-precision fluxgate magnetometer on a rotary-wing unmanned aircraft system
- Exploratory study economical sorbents for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons removal from storm water runoff
- Wireless Network Planning and Robust Optimization for Advanced Irrigation Systems
- Predicting Building Energy Consumption Using Machine Learning Methods: a Comparison
- Combined Physical Testing and Finite Element Modelling of Masonry Systems Part 2
- The role of cyclodextrins in repairing dysfunctional lung surfactant
- Hand gesture recognition for car driver interactions
- Using multivariate deep-learning algorithms for automatic quality control of high-resolution MRI
- Social Sustainability of Canada’s Parks: The Case of the Banff Corridor
- Modeling fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries in Saskatchewan: identifying the leading risk fact
- Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to predict compound-target interactions
- Effectiveness of recycled glass as a wastewater effluent filtration media: A pilot-scale study
- Joint Recommendation and Inventory Management System
- Approximations of Exotic Option Pricing Models
- Validation of food allergen analytical methods and their incorporation in food process control practices – aiming for more predictable, risk-based quality management systems for processed foods
- Proxy models for Thermal Production Optimization
- Physiological assessment of cochlear and auditory nerve integrity in children suspected of auditory processing disorder
- Precious metal mineralization at submarine volcanic centres: insight from the felsic centres of the Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec, Canada
- Modelling challenges in the fundamental review of the trading book
- Identifying transportation mode based on smartphone sensor data using machine learning tools and statistical methods
- Junior hockey competence analytics
- Collaborative Service Robot in a Group Home Environment of People with Developmental Disabilities
- Effects of Dietary Fatty Acids on Overwinter Survival of Underyearling Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis)
- Machine-to-Machine Remote Asset Monitoring & Optimal Inspection and Repair Logistics
- Machine learning in fluid composition quantification
- Development of a hybrid seismic data inversion method for determining well-drilling location at complex geophysical area
- Alberta High Resolution Wetland Inventory Methodology Development
- Super Varnishes for Aerospace Coatings
- Developing durable and electrical conductive concrete composites for Quebec
- Atomic Layer Deposition Tool Testing and Process Development
- Implementation of a Machine Vision-based System for the Recognition of Indian Coins
- Numerical Simulation of Two Phase Gas-Liquid flow in hydrocarbon liquid transportation pipelines
- Security assessment of mobile financial services
- Progress towards a new technique for aptamer sensor development and analysis
- Measurement of dewatering properties during compressive filtration of difficult to treat mineral tailings
- Tree Inventory and Management Opportunities at Old Ashburn Golf Course
- Accelerating Phase Unwrapping
- Development of agent-eluting bio-absorbable scaffold suitable for animal implant
- Effective use of a variable speed blower fan on a mechanical wild blueberry harvester for increased debris separation and berry quality
- Assessing Participatory Management with a 5S project An Empirical Approach
- Shake Table Testing and Analytical Validation of a Reduced Scale Dam Considering Dam-Water Interaction
- Developing a Lipid-Based System for Co-delivery of a Vaccine and Adjuvants
- Blockchain for Recordkeeping: Understanding Contextual and Technical Considerations through an Archival Science Lens
- Dimensional stability of composites during the assembly of space structures
- Image Enhancement for Color Deficient People
- Real-Time Radar Data Analysis for Classification of Ground and Aerial Targets
- Effects of dietary glutathione precursors on cellular redox and mitochondrial efficiency in adults consuming a defined hypocaloric diet (Optifast-900; Nestlé Canada)
- Identifying Stakeholders’ Values in British Columbia’s Pacific Herring Fishery
- Formulation and Toxicology of Bone-Targeting Nanoparticles – Year two
- Experimental and Mathematical Modeling of Flow Instability in Heavy Oil Recovery Processes – Year two
- Next Generation Selective Nanocomposite Fibrous Membrane for Energy Recovery Ventilators – Year two
- Development of new generation of tool steels by modification in chemical composition, grain refinement, and cryogenic treatment – Year two
- Linking microbiome to eco-industrial function: the in silico and metagenomic exploration of microbial dark matter and taxonomic blind spots – Year two
- Investigation of high-resolution image reconstruction of large objects through turbid media
- Towards integrated rover designs optimized for navigation
- Leisure Access Victoria: Recreation Accessibility Website, Apps and Tools
- Perpetual Nomads: an exploration of indigenous narratives and imagery through contemporary and experimental mediums
- Oncolytic HSV-1 (oHSV-1) for treatment of prostate cancer
- Somatostatin signalling and diabetes
- Trends, opportunities and adaptive strategies in the natural fiber market
- Study the bond strength of adhered manufactured stone veneer units and setting bed mortar at different temperatures and different cycles of freeze-thaw
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cardiac Arrhythmia Care Pathways Project
- Design and Analysis of a High Performance Residence to Meet Upcoming BC Step Codes
- Using PET/MRI to improve current pre-clinical biomarkers in cancer
- Degradation Assessment for Critical Assets in Power Generation
- Development of a Raman probe for the on-line determination of pulp properties
- Investigating how user interfaces impact scalable network displays
- Production of Canola Oil Based Healthy Food Emulsifiers Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Media
- Portable Web-based GIS to Improve Deployment of GPR Investigation in the Field
- Development and Optimization of Industrial Lubricants for Powder Metallurgy
- Ecomuseums: Local community engagement, identity and governance.
- Applying Deep Learning to Optimize 3D Pose Estimation from Monocular Video
- Characterization of Naturally-Occurring Neuropathic Pain in Dogs
- Electrochemical Impedance Modeling and Optimization of Li-Ion Battery Utility using Active Battery Management System (ActiveBMS)
- An Engaged Community for Shared Learning: Internships Contribute to Capacity Building in Northern Saskatchewan
- The design and evaluation of a wearable technology as an effective tool for promoting early childhood physical literacy development
- Investigating nanostructured local data storage and off-grid powering for the adaptive corrosion protection system
- Borders in Globalization Vision for facilitating multi-modal preclearance in Southern Vancouver Island
- Characteristics of PM2.5 in Prince George neighborhoods for personal monitoring purposes
- Identifying potential approaches to managing water resources in Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Traditional Territory, Yukon
- The effects of X-Act Compression garments technology on muscle fatigue, active and passive joint torque and performance
- Advanced Analytics for Credit Unions
- Validation and Development of Clinically Relevant Copper Complexes for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections
- Quantifying Fishway Passage Success of Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, and its relationship to Marine Nutrient Transfer from the Ocean to Freshwater Ecosystems
- Predicting Canadian Credit Union Financial Performance and Its Effect on IT Investment Decisions
- A Computational Modelling Framework for Evaluation of Pandemic Vaccine Strategies
- Achieving aspirations of Canadian aboriginal communities through participatory cultural mapping and dynamic decision modelling
- Social welfare systems analysis of road capacity expansion options
- Sustainability Employee Engagement Research Project
- Effect of Different Carbohydrate Sources on Starch Fractions and Glycemic Index in Commercial Extruded Dog Diets
- Three-dimensional Object Pose Estimation
- Identifying and Quantifying Analytes in Real Life Environments with Chemical Noise
- Validation of Off-gassing method and Development of Repeatability and Reproducibility of Data for the Iso-thermal Calorimetry (for ISO Standard development)
- Effects of various compounds on central nervous system neurons as potential therapeutics against epilepsy
- An Integrated Mobile Communication Environment for Healthcare Professionals and Patients: Analysis, Prediction and Recommendation
- LiDAR derived wood quality attributes across the landscape
- Development of innovative thermal efficient steel studs – Part 2
- Experimental investigation of regular and composite glulam columns under flexural and axial compression load
- Optimization of Novel Microparticle and Nanoparticle-Based Controlled Release Formulations for Agriculture
- Data supervision and security in large data repositories
- Novel Cell-surface Engineering Methods to Increase Immune-tolerance of Allogenic Cell Transplantation
- Achieving quality control during veneer drying by using big data statistics
- Evaluation and Identification of Gaps and Technical Challenges in Candidate Carbon Capture/CO2 Conversion Technologies Part 2
- Isolating and characterizing lytic bacteriophages for applied use against pathogenic Escherichia coli for the poultry industry
- Refinement of a Bioelectric Sensor to achieve real-time quantification of BOD
- Understanding the root causes of record-breaking production
- Tracking the effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on migratory birds
- Improved Plastic to Oil Pyrolysis Process Technology with Advanced Plasma Technology
- Raman micro-spectroscopy for biopsy for prostate cancer prognosis -Year two
- Multi-biomarker test for the management of acute cardiac transplant rejection
- Implementing Factor Models in Investment Management
- Towards a rational design of slender masonry walls
- Micro-computed tomography of synthetic turf infill submitted to repeated impacts
- Ecosystem Services and Food Security for the Lil’wat Nation
- Assessment of biomarkers for the non-invasive diagnosis of male infertility
- Real-time positioning and tracking of goods in long distance transportation trucks
- Chirps for thought
- Development of Ex-situ Mechanical Durability Tools and Thermo-mechanical Design Curves for Fuel Cell Membranes – Year two
- Optical determination of membrane defects and correlation with fuel cell performance and durability – Year two
- Autonomous Sensor System for Monitoring Torque from the Flexplate – Year two
- Feasibility Evaluation Study of LifeguardMobile (designed for supported self-management of patients with chronic and complex conditions) – Year two
- Community Engagement Processes in Entrepreneurial and Social Innovation
- Examining the effects of Fearless Physical Activity workshops on physiological and psychosocial health in children with congenital heart disease
- Managing Microbial Corrosion in Canadian Offshore Oil and Gas Production Focus on chemistry and genomics
- Assessment of the Neonatal Lung Using Structural and Functional MRI
- Grazing patterns of bison vs. cattle in response to management strategies designed to improve habitat for Species at Risk
- Design and fabrication of transmon qubits
- A container Approach for Isolation in a Multi-Tenant Internet of Things Platform
- Signal Parameter Estimation and Tracking During Atrial Fibrillation Using a Bayesian Time-Delay Estimator
- Variable selection for uplift modeling
- Protection and control of hybrid LCC-VSC multi-terminal HVDC transmission systems against DC faults
- Improvement of the fire resistance of Discontinuous Long Fiber Thermoplastic Composites for gas turbine engine applications
- Improving obesity prevention and management in primary care: Patient experience of personalized assessment and care planning and impacts on patient self-management
- Performance Evaluation of Timber I-Joists with Web Holes and Flange Notches Experimental and Numerical Study
- Aerodynamic Study of Novel Long Range Cargo UAV
- Municipal Climate Change Planning Guidance
- Real Time Inverse Scattering for Optical Coherence Tomography – Year two
- Understanding attitudes, beliefs, behavioural intentions, and behaviours related to sensitive environments
- Challenge for Change (C4C) Listening Projects
- The Functional Resilience Question-AIR: Validation of an assessment tool designed to measure employee resilience
- Design and Synthesis of Stimuli Responsive Viscosifying Agents for use in Fracturing Fluids
- Understanding the role of trees and topography in determining power outage frequency across London, ON
- Magnetotelluric exploration at the Canoe Reach geothermal prospect
- Novel formulation for the treatment of interstitial cystitis
- The Perceived Use of Electronic Identification-Based Wearables in Medication Administration in Long-Term Care
- Optimization of Conventional and Novel Methods for Removing Carbon Dioxide from Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
- Environmental productivity patterns of the Salish Sea
- Understanding of the effect of wood quality and pulping conditions on the properties of dissolving pulp
- Assessing survival of triploid oysters compared to diploid controls on farms in NS
- Enhancing Recommendation Engine for Open Source Software with Community Structures and Copulas
- Sustainability planning and performance assessment in Maple Ridge, BC
- Kitchener Bioretention Planters Evaluation
- Understanding historical forest landscape dynamics in the Alberta foothills
- Exploration of innovative sustainability-based wine shop strategies
- Optical Tissue Imaging DICOM/PACS Integration
- Rich Qualitative Assessment of the Whytecliff Learning Centresâ Therapeutic, Whole-School Approach to Early Intervention
- Informing Indigenous Marine Protection in Gitgaâat Territory
- Process Development of Volatile Cobalt ALD Precursors
- Group IT usage, diversity and innovation
- Intelligent surveillance for event detection
- Assessing the Bioactivity of Leech Saliva Extract (LSE) in Combination with Conventional Pharmacological Treatment in Vitro and in Vivo
- Fugitive Emissions in Liquefied Natural Gas Transmission, Storage, and Distribution: Canadian Solutions for Transportation and Remote Power
- Development of a numerical wave uprush prediction tool for the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River shoreline
- The MAID Study: Microbiome and Antibiotic-Induced Dysbiosis in Children
- Material environments as metaphors: enhancing the well-being of people with dementia
- GIF Tools II â Advanced GeoPhysical Inversion
- Real-time multi-class object recognition for municipal waste collection
- Advanced design of an inverter for a new application in a telecom dc microgrid
- Evaluation of performance characteristics and applications for foam concrete materials
- Development and characterization of elite Echinacea germplasm for natural health products and dietary supplements
- Estimating Real-Estate Property Prices and Days on Market through Machine Learning
- Developing an On-field Test for Determining Recreational Water Quality
- Structural Behaviour of Stack Pattern and Running Bond Masonry Walls
- Technology validation of the needle-free injector MED-JET H4 for vaccination
- Sustaining our forests in southwestern Alberta
- The Characterization of Effective Dielectric Constant in Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) Fabrication Process for Development of Advanced Millimeter-Wave RF Front End Systems and Components
- Operational Hydrological Forecasting in the Nelson-Churchill Watershed Using Gridded Climate Data
- Development of an Echo Cancellation Scheme for Full Duplex DOCSIS 3.1 Technology
- Detection and Removal of EEG Chewing and Ambulation Artifacts for the Purpose of Increasing Robustness of Seizure Detection
- Default Rates and Recovery rate on Commercial loans in the Alberta Business Environment
- Tissue Microstructure of Surgical Specimens depicted with Optical Coherence Tomography
- Performance Analysis of a Network of Dual-Lane Roundabouts
- Testing nutrient profiling tools and portion size based initiatives (education, regulation and reformulation) for public health policy in Canada
- Fine-scale habitat use by juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Salish Sea
- Recycling of Landfill Waste Plastics for the Manufacture of Fence Structures
- Innovating towards the Circular Economy
- 10 Channel Prototype to 16 Channel Medical Grade EEG Headset
- Algorithms for Nonlinear Geometric Constraints in Vector Graphics
- Synthesis of Carbohydrate Derivatives for the Improvement of Red Blood Cell Storage
- Moving the weakest links upstream: assessing passage of rainbow smelt and alewife at two Prince Edward Island fishways
- Searchable Social and Environmental Impact Measurement Database
- Going with the flow: Advancement of data collection and analysis tools for utilizing drifter data in tidal energy applications.
- The Effects Of Road Reclamation Method On Woodland Caribou And Other Boreal Species
- Determination of the physicochemical properties of flaxseed oil extractedusing an innovative cold-pressing/filtering system
- A decision support framework for optimizing tube utilization in laboratory tests
- Development and characterization of polyester/graphene coatings
- Simulation and Development of a new Drive system and its Control Method for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM)
- Evaluating the potential of using a Canadian Sudangrass hybrid and ryegrass as companion crops for alfalfa establishment
- Evaluation of additive manufacturing technology for the fabrication of wind-tunnel model parts featuring static pressure channels
- Investigating the challenges of designing and implementing human resource management systems in the context of a Quebec SME.
- Information Quality (IQ) assurance and control for the BIM lifecycle data
- Characterization of the diversity, genetics and genomics of common scab causing Streptomyces spp. in eastern Canada
- Modeling of packing processes for ellipsoidal particles of arbitrary size
- Mapping issues and stakeholders related to the development of Canada’s restoration plan for the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Basin
- Novel Elastomeric Chitin Nanocomposites for Coatings and Adhesives
- Identification, cost-benefit analysis, and evaluation of international development projects
- Innovative Financing for Energy Access â The Role of Finance and Energy Service Companies in Promoting Energy Development
- Development Of A Machine Condition Monitoring Platform Using A Wireless Sensor Network
- Development of a novel skirting system for residential housing using composites
- AChT Green Methanol Plant
- Effects of Geomechanical Heterogeneity on Wormhole Development during Cold Heavy Oil Production â Phase 1
- Balancing costs and benefits of invasive species management for endangered wetland reptiles
- Advanced cluster and predictive analysis tool development for corporate real estate energy usage
- Investigation and development of an air-core dry-type reactor noise prediction model
- In-Seam Electromagnetics to Identify Anomalous Near Mine Brine-FilledGeological Layers
- Phase II: Genomics and Lipid Studies for Flavour Selection in Pork
- SRRM4 protein purification and antibody production
- Digital tools for Ottawaâs Cultural Heritage Conservation: Ottawa New Edinburgh Club Boat-House (ONEC)
- Learning tools to predict treatment responses for schizophrenia from neuroimaging data
- Estimation and Prediction of Censored Arrival Processes with Censoring for Replenishable Item Purchases
- Coupling event sampling to ColiMinder® high-frequency monitoring of E. coli for improved microbial risk assessment in source waters (COLIRISK)
- Characterizing topography of signal fidelity in a low-cost fNIRS device
- Learning representations through stochastic gradient descent by minimizing the cross-validation error
- High power all-fiber Raman laser at 1.65 ?m
- Virtual and Travelling Exhibitions on the History of Technology and Disability: Interdisciplinary Lessons of the Past for the Future
- Machine Learning methods for Nova Scotia property value prediction
- Sentiment Analysis with Parsed Representation of News Articles
- 3D Heat-Map Development based on Fault Diagnosis Data
- Validation of the educational impact of a holographic lecture
- Interactive preference elicitation application for book recommendations
- Construction of a Genetic Variant Store
- Webpage customer persona discovery and push notification guidelines
- Image Style Classification and Its Application on User Engagement
- NLP Techniques for Automated Entity Recognition
- Microbial modifying properties of iodinated water in animal production
- Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Laurentian Great Lakes Water Supply using Regional Climate Models
- Automatic Casting from Videos Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- The impact of Flood risk on the value of residential property: The case of Quebec city
- Effects of Introduced Honeybees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on Native Stem Nesting Bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Temperate, Mixed-wood Forests
- End-User Understanding of Web Certificates – Year two
- Development and Evaluation of Corrosion Behaviour of Co-Based Alloys for Power Generators
- Business Process Improvement and Customer Satisfaction
- Molten Salt Reactor Dynamics Analysis Phase 1
- Healthy Brains, Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies: Exploration of experiential technology (Xtech) to support physical and mental health in older adults
- A Cloud-based Real Time Infrastructure Monitoring System
- Portable Sensor for rapid, onsite detection of bacteria in water
- Automatic Estimation of Walking Speed in Older Adults Using a Smartwatch
- Evaluating the impact of an educational arts program on adolescent socio-emotional and academic growth among inner-city, high needs schools
- Enhancing Lateness Management in Cross-docking
- Development and validation of training load metrics and models for predicting athletic performance
- Modeling the Risks and Damages from a âPotentialâ Invasive Plant Species: Yellow Starthistle in British Columbia
- Life Cycle Analysis of Kakwa Derived LNG for Power Generation and DistrictHeating in China
- Hydrolytic de-polymerization of hydrolysis lignin using alkaline catalysts: effects of process parameters and optimization
- Applied Machine Learning for Malware and Network Intrusion Detection
- Resource potential of the Post Creek Property, Sudbury, Ontario
- Increasing Patient Engagement and Informing Marketing Decisions through the use of Patient Personas and Patient Journey Mapping
- Prediction Improvement on Userâs Consumption
- Automated CNC processing of complex and high-aspect-ratio microfluidic devices for biomedical applications
- Development of new techniques for power system model validation and calibration
- Prototype Behavior Based Integrity Verification (BBIV)
- Investigation of magma conduits and their relationships to Cu-Pd mineralization at W-Horizon of the Marathon deposit, ON, Canada
- Review of Dry Comminution Technologies and Innovations
- Portfolio Strategies under Scenario Optimization
- The impact of correlations on VaR
- Generative Models for Financial Time-Series Predictions
- Extracting supplier information from the web
- Automated Detection and Classification of Adverse Events in Surgery
- Deep Collaborative Filtering using two stage information Retrieval
- Standard Response Documents Application
- Labeling a userâs speech in real-time for always-on VoIP
- Learning robotic grasping for e-commerce sortation
- Comparative Analysis on Various Blockchain Technologies and How Can They Transform the Financial Services for Scotiabank
- Analysis of Narrative Driven Social Media Content Use Within Successful Social Media Campaigns Across Multiple Social Platforms To Develop a Campaign Strategy.
- Fostering Corporate Productivity through Creativity and Intuition
- Waste heat recovery in aluminium smelters: technical and economic analysis
- Implementation of an adventitious agent assay by HTS
- Development and validation of analysis tools and interfaces for automated rehabilitation systems
- Responsible Development of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reserves
- Application of lean construction in Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Retirement Income and Wealth Management Analytics
- Elimination of Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater by Electrical Plasma-Membrane Technologies Hybridization Method
- The Role of Material Security in Improving Health for People Who Use Drugs
- Development of predictive erosion-corrosion models for potash slurry flow
- Management of group-housed sows: optimizing mixing time and environmental enrichment to improve welfare and productivity
- Rapid Quantification of Bovine Colostrum Immunoglobulin G and Macronutrients(Fat, Proteins and Lactose) Using FTIR Spectroscopy
- Process optimization for extraction of compounds from natural sources
- Multi-species sustainable fisheries management using scientific and traditional ecological methods
- Examining Post-Implementation Pass Rates of Canadian Wildland Fire Fighters on their Physical Employment Standard.
- Optimization of the immune response against transferrin receptor based vaccines
- Analysis of protein interaction complexes by advanced mass spectrometry workflows
- Validation of novel neurofeedback training engine for improving brain health in aging and neurodevelopmental disorders
- Toward an Understanding of Beautiful Feather Cover in Laying Hens
- Study of Cyclic Solvent Injection (CSI) Process with Carbon Dioxide/Methane/Propane Mixture Solvent
- Multi-user Training Software Development and Otoscope Tracking for Otolaryngology Education
- Analysis of the economic, environmental and social implications of energy storage
- Mixed Medium Drilling with a Single Bit â Drilling from Whipstock to TD
- Intertidal dynamics of First Nationsâ clam beaches along a proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) supertanker route
- Speech recognition for older, pathological voices
- Identification of medical marijuana cultivars with great potential for therapeutic application
- Development and Demonstration Engine Technology for Class 8 Heavy Duty Trucks Fueled by Waste Hydrogen
- First Nation Environmental Review and Analysis
- Toxicopathological Determination of Safe Dose Ranges of Neonicotinoids for Honey Bee Colonies
- Assessment of the Performance and Treatment Benefits of Primary Solids Microscreen Filtration with an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System
- Fibre response to temperature and precipitation variation in natural and planted stands of spruce (Picea glauca x Engelmannii) in northern interior British Columbiaa
- The Challenges of Curating Latin American Cinema in the 21st Century
- An Assessment of Local Businessâ Understandings and Needs for Community Leadership in a Small Urban Setting
- Development of a theoretical and a practical model for assessing the socio-economic feasibility of small-growing businesses
- Generic model-based development of test means for flight control systems using variability
- Laboratory and Field Assessment of Performance of Treated Wildland Vegetative Fuels
- Evaluation of EAAA Train the Trainer Workshop and Study of Recruitment Strategies
- The application of UAV-based optical and thermal imagery on the estimation of intra-field soil and crop parameters
- Microgridâs Performance Modeling & Optimization Method Based on Data Mining & Artificial Intelligence
- Carbon dioxide: Alternative solutions for conversion of captured liquefied CO2 into valuable fue
- Enhancing the Functionality of Zinc Anodes in Repaired Concrete/Material
- Anomaly Detection in Event Data
- Building the Case for Sustainable Forestry in Nova Scotia
- Researching and Evaluating SBLâs Youth Space Model, Summer Program, School Year and March Break Career Exploration Programs and Improving SBLâs Research-Evaluation Framework
- Automated Impact Analyses to Support Code Review Practices
- Numerical Modelling of Laser Cladding Technology using Pastes and Tapes
- Experimental and field-based validation of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring of juvenile and resident salmonids in British Columbia streams
- The production of pellets made from biochar and waste organic material for soil amendment
- Hydraulic Fracturing Process: Mechanics, Monitoring and Optimization
- E-Community Health and Toxicity
- Development and validation of blood-based biomarkers for improved heart failure management
- Efficacy of a novel anti-IL-1B receptor modulator in reducing preterm birth impact on neurovascular health
- Characterization of molecular pathways mediating the effects of novel therapeutic agents in heart failure
- Interaction of Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 with CR6-interacting factor 1, and the inhibitor search for such interaction against leukemia treatment resistance
- System on Chip for aerospace embedded equipment
- Partnering to innovate for sustainable development – Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Working Group
- Smart Learning and Course Management System
- A ubiquitous positioning solution for head-mounted sensors – Year two
- Mathematical modeling of B-vitamin supply in dairy cows – Year two
- Secured Cell Broadcasting technology in M2M communication for energy specific application
- Development of Combined Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) System for Net-Zero Energy Building Applications – Year two
- The Guelph Civic Accelerator
- Harnessing the power of horizontal gene transfer for yeast strain development
- Technology and Tools for Quantitative Neurodiagnostics Using Ultra-High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Applications of deep learning to large-scale data analysis in mass spectrometry-based proteomics
- Next Generation Catalyst Layer Design for PEM Fuel Cells
- Longitudinal Weak Labeling for Lung Cancer Prognosis and Treatment Response Prediction
- Analysis of TGF-? traps as effective immunostimulating cancer treatments
- Visualization, understanding and engineering of machine learning models for entity recognition
- The impact of milk plane of nutrition and starch digestion of the solid diet on adaptations of the gut during weaning in dairy calves
- Novel membrane mimetics in HT antibody screening and structural biology
- Testing and Inspection Process Capability Improvement for Premium Steel Production
- Data Science Search Engine Optimization
- Continuous Leaching and Recovery of Silver Sulphide Ore in Cupric-Ammonia Thiosulfate Medium
- Tick vectored disease biobank
- Evaluation and improvements to quantitative models for predicting en route loss in Fraser sockeye salmon
- Weibull modeling of part modification reliability for the use of return on investment (ROI) estimates
- Automated Integrated Model for Earned Value measure (AIM: EVm)
- Optimization of Dispersin B in Escherichia coli
- Understanding the Influence of Partnership Structure on the Outcomes of Community Sustainability Plans
- Development of a nanonewton force sensor for in-situ characterization of nanomaterials
- Low-shear, scalable microfluidic sorting of platelets and leukocytes for pooled platelet lysate
- Water Monitoring: Instrumentation and Software Research Project (2)
- Three-dimensional simulation of Mississippi Lake for water quality management
- High-fidelity robotic simulation framework for artificially intelligent medical robot
- Using Machine Learning to Optimize a Workflow Management System.
- Towards a Universal Cloud-based IoT Platform for Smart Applications
- Direct Recycling Process of Spent Lithium Iron-phosphate Batteries
- Validation of novel balance assessment software using Microsoft Kinect v2.0
- 3-D imaging of plants and vegetables
- Linguistic Data Science for the Development of a Business Corpus
- Development of low-cost feeding strategies for group-housed gestating sows – Year 2
- Development of Graphene Modified Cathode for Next Generation Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium Batteries – Year 2
- Characterization of the colloidal properties of concentrated casein micelles and improvement of the functionality of concentrated milk products using membrane filtration – Year 2
- Food Economy Research Project
- Self-powered microchips for rapid diagnosis and severity determination of urinary tract infections
- Systematic development of novel peptide-derived therapeutics for the treatment of breast cancer
- SSI efficacy in treating infectious colitis
- A One-Health approach to echinococcosis (Echinococcus multilocularis) in client owned dogs in Alberta: force of infection, risk factors, diagnostics, treatments and information
- Predicting real-world attention with physiology
- Exploring Inventory optimization Through Small Business
- Processing of Linac Produced 99Mo, and Extraction and Validation of 99mTc using a unique 99Mo/99mTc generator system
- Exploring an intelligent recommender system for automated taxi dispatching systema
- Electrical Heating for Oil Sands Production
- Evaluation of autonomous seating adjustments through subjective and objective measures
- Assessing bacterial kidney disease resistance in a commercial Atlantic salmon strain
- Level the field: Sport and Disability Inclusion
- Testing plant-derived products as biopesticides for plant pathogen management
- Genetic profiling of disease progression in myeloma
- Preparation and testing of a sawdust-based phosphate filtration matrix
- Evaluating the potential and active mechanisms of methane mitigating additives utilized in dairy manure lagoons
- The âCAREâ (Clinical Analytics for Real-World Evidence) Platform
- Use of biosolids in the Construction of Capillary Barrier Covers for Reactive Mine Tailings
- The role of the host rock in the formation of the Rice Lake gold deposits and implications for improved exploration in the area
- Characterizing thermo-mechanical treatment of laser processed NiTi shape memory alloys
- Foam deck tiles for building and construction: developing the products formulation and extrusion processes to prevent unexpected deformation
- Investigating How Teachers Learn and Customize Digital Classroom Tools
- Shoppers Persona Analysis: Statistical Learning of Shoppersâ Behaviour
- Geologically-constrained geophysical inversions for resource expansion of the diamondiferous Renard kimberlite property
- Development of Smart Socks To Prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcers
- Salmon Early Marine Survival Research Program
- Journeys to Engagement: Ambient Activity Technologies for Managing Behaviours in Dementia
- Using stable isotope analysis to investigate a food web connection between coal waste contamination and a forest community
- An Investigation on the Detection of Oil-based Pollutant Spills in Ice-infested Arctic Waters Utilizing Active Microwave Remote Sensing
- Passerine migration and stopover across an urban gradient
- Default Rates and Recovery rates on the portfolio of loans for the sectors Retail Financial Service and Independent Business and Agriculture Financial Services (IB&Ag) in the Alberta Business Environment, an Application of the Logistic Lasso Regression
- Optimization and validation of Aragonite-based toothpaste for dental calculus removal
- Evaluation of the Ever Active Schools Physical Literacy Project
- Evaluating salmon carcass swabbing as a non-invasive sampling method in comparison with hair to monitor bear foraging ecology and population health in coastal British Columbia
- Validating and improving predictive models using spectral reflectance measurements for the estimation of Methylene Blue Index of soft tailings
- Analysis of Waste Heat Boilers using Computational Multiphysics
- Sustainability Planning and Performance Assessment in the District of North Vancouver
- EARtrode, a wireless in-ear custom-fitted intelligent brain computer interface – Year 2
- Radio Acoustical Virtual Environment: from Lab to Field – Year 2
- Business Technology Management (BTM) Body of Knowledge (BOK)
- Data-driven Innovation for the Supply Chain and Retail Industry
- Combining Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to understand product and consumer behavior in retail environments
- Quantifying the value added by the first large ensemble of high-resolution climate-change simulations over Québec
- Historical reconstruction of long-term forest dynamics in southern Quebec to improve sustainable forest management
- Développement d’un outil d’analyse technico-économique des modes de restauration et évaluation de l’impact de la végétation sur le bilan d’eau des digues en stériles miniers du parc à résidus de la mine Canadian Malartica
- Genetic evaluation of sow efficiency traits using single step genomic evaluation methods – Year 2
- Determination of nutritional values of freeze-dried berry products
- A Pilot Project to Assess the Pharmacoeconomic Feasibility ofSubcutaneous Immunoglobulin for Neuromuscular Diseases
- Modeling and optimisation of woven composite hydraulic tubes, to reduce in-service defects and failures
- Measuring Social Progress on Urban Aboriginal People: Construction and Application of a Composite Index of Quality of Life
- Global ground stability mapping with radar satellites
- Improving Productivity in Bioreactors through control of foaming and cell heterogeneity
- The effects of coated zinc oxide intake on growth performance, zincabsorption and gut health in weanling rats
- Human factors in drilling automation
- Impact of feeding and vaccination strategies on carcass outcomes in beef cattle
- Monitoring cherry postharvest rot and predictive analysis
- Electric bus demonstration and integration trail
- Creating moments for shoppers: Impact of time on effectiveness of notifications
- Electrical Design for Acuva Arrow systems
- Salivary insulin profiles throughout the day in healthy humans
- From the ParticipACTION Physical Activity Report Card to the Global Matrix 3.0: Impact Evaluation and Strategy Development
- Wind turbine drive-train condition monitoring
- Development of an integrated microfluidic technology platform to assess fluid parameters at reservoir-relevant conditions
- Assessing and improving the performance of quantum annealing processors
- Advancing Data Science Research for Social Good
- Improved veterinary diagnostics for tapeworms
- A survey of mental health in medical marijuana users in Vancouver, Canada.
- High resolution measurement of earthquake impacts on rock slope stability and damage using pre- and post-earthquake remote sensing
- Exploration of equillibrium moisture content characteristics for Manitoba-grown soybeans
- Developing a microfluidic lung-on-a-chip model for accelerating the discovery of novel therapeutic targets for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- System Engineering Methodology for Implementation of Networked Aircraft Control Systems on Distributed Integrated Modular Architecture
- Evaluation Capacity Network: Aligning Evaluative Thinking and Practice among Early Childhood Stakeholders
- Linking avalanche danger ratings to the conceptual model of avalanche hazard
- Development of Computer Vision-based Intelligent Control System for Drones
- Strategy and legitimation in blockchain innovations and multisided markets
- Reducing homelessness using direct cash transfers and motivational interventions
- 3D RFM SLAM for UAVs Subject to Severe Vibration
- Calculation of the induced voltage between overhead transmission lines and adjacent gas pipelines via electromagnetic transients simulation
- Assessing options for the regulation of non-medical drug use in Canada: a systematic literature review
- Statistical Machine Learning Framework in Retention and Attrition Modelling
- Conceptual Design of New Nuclear Waste Container
- Preclinical proof of concept study evaluating PBI-4050 and analogs as potential treatments in the context of ischemic cardiomyopathy
- Developing the Innovation Capabilities of a Specialized Manufacturing Firm: A Longitudinal Action-Research Case Study
- Cooperative economy in the era of collaborative economy platforms
- Benefits of VaR for capital management process of credit unions.
- HAT TRICK: An innovative health promotion program for men
- Modelling transient flow in hydropower stations
- Development of combined membrane filtration, electrocoagulation, and adsorption processes for treatment and reuse of laundry wastewater
- Exploring optimal trading rules in a high-frequency portfolio
- Machine Learning for Improved Automated Valuation Model (II)
- The health effects of separation on transnational families: A multi-country study of temporary farm workers in Canada and their families in Mexico
- An analysis of non-structural flood-management measures in Shanghai, China
- Shear Behaviour of Concrete affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
- Cooking Technology and Regional Identity during the Shang Dynasty
- The impact of hypernasality on the perception of prosody
- Filling in the gaps of the IMD immune pathway of the kissing bug Rhodnius prolixus
- Financing Chinas Industrial Adjustment
- Measuring the carbon footprint of soy bean in Brazil
- Improving Cellulose NanocrystalPerformance through Understanding of Thermal and Colloidal Stability
- Real-Time Signal Optimization and Emissions Estimation Using Big Data Sources
- Nano topographical substrate modification of cell delivery system for treatment of MI
- The viscous disk model for 66 Ophiuchi constrained by spec
- Deep-learning-based prediction of seismic response of nonlinear structural system
- Interoperability of proofs with Dedukti and Beluga
- Development and Validation of Software for the Three-dimensional Quantification and Visualization of Blood Flow Hemodynamics in Patients with Aortic Insufficiency using 4D flow MRI. Year 2
- GPU platforms for highly parallel EMT simulation – Year 2
- Smart fusion of multi-sensors for UAVs Navigation – Year 2
- Developing a new magnetic sensor for application in biosensing and surveying – Year 2
- Design and advancement of Graft Enabled Antibody Therapies (GrEAT) – Year 2
- Development of a High Power Picosecond Infrared Laser for Medical Applications
- Fiber-optic ultrasound generation and detection system for high-resolution ultrasonic and photoacoustic imaging
- Integrated Far- and Near-Field Human Exposure Modelling for Organic Substances
- Assessment of Salmonella enterica and Campylobacter jejuni inhibition using lead single domain antibodies in combination with dysregulators of the master protease ClpP
- Investigating Ecosystem Change in British Columbias Coastal Habitats
- Local community engagement: White Butte Eco-museum Heritage Ecology Project
- Feature-based process modelling and customized software development for adopting ISO 10002 and ISO 10004 in Food Industry
- Cognitive and well-being impacts of tunable LED lighting in secondary school students
- Examining Best Practices of Engineers Who Have Commercialized Technologies
- Improving the Performance of Forages on the Canadian Prairies
- Aging and life prediction of Li-ion batteries
- Performance analytics and monitoring in ice-hockey
- Development of a continuous fluidized bed biomass torrefaction technology
- Assessing the Impact of Older Adults Casino Recreational Bus Trips
- Trend analysis of the adoption of digital technologies within the aerospace industry
- A Context Aware, Lightweight, and Adaptive Authentication and Authorization
- The intelligent virtual agent as a patient Personalized companion
- Tree to Home Scoping
- Effectiveness of EarlyDetect, a psychiatric assessment program, using a mobile APP interface
- IEC 61850-Based Centralized Intelligent Station-Level Protection for Power Systems with Multi-Technology Distributed Energy Resources
- Network Traffic Classification for Cyber Threat and Malware Detection
- Synthesis of diamond and diamond-like films
- Increasing Value: How Best to Recognize and Reward Fish Harvesters and Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador for Sustainable Fisheries Practices
- Application of Neural Speech Synthesis Techniques to Improve Lyrical Audio Recordings
- Development of an infrastructure for AAL technology data exchange to inform policy and governance guidelines
- Faster on the bobsleigh race track
- Cumulative Environmental Effects from Unconventional Oil and Gas Activity in the Liard River Watershed: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Freshwater Extraction, and Risk of Cross-Contamination
- Removal of THMs by Aeration in a Conventional Lime/Soda Softening Plant With High DOC Water
- The Effective Knowledge Transfer of Novel Approaches to Understanding and Addressing the Risk Factors for Cognitive Fatigue in Wildland Firefighting Settings
- Automated transaction classification using machine learning algorithm
- Control Forecasting Feature
- Evaluation of the accuracy of the in-situ individual particle sizing technology
- Implementation and Evaluation of an Integrated Chiropractic Service for Musculoskeletal Conditions into the Canadian Forces Health Service – Year 2
- Improving signal processing in hearing aids to support music and emotional speech – Year 2
- User Centered Design and Usability of a mHealth intervention for COPD management
- Energy Planning Analytical Research
- Analysis and Optimization for Industrial Safety and Efficiency
- Social Media Impact Tool: Measuring ROI for Social Media Engagement
- Perceptual training in melanoma diagnosis using skin lesion images
- Optimizing the design and implementation of technology education programs to advance skills and diversity in information and communications technology (ICT) in Canada
- Machine-Learning-Based Artistic Photo Manipulation and Stylization on Mobile Devices
- Low-damage deposition of transparent conductive oxides as top contacts for transparent organic light emitting diodes
- Nordegg Member source rock quality and Early Jurassic ocean redox conditions based on core analysis and organic/inorganic geochemistry
- Real-time Quantitative Analysis of Cannabinoids in Cannabis
- Probabilistic Life Cycle Analysis of Alternative Reinforcement Products in the Design of Concrete Structures Phase One: Laboratory Durability Testing
- Testing of Cannabinoid Oil Extracts in an Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)-Induced Neuropathic Pain (NPP)
- Optimization of Impact Diverting Membrane on Bicycle Helmet
- Ultra-low power connectivity platform for low power Internet of Things (IoT) sensor nodes
- Rapid Clean-Out Apparatus for Permeable Pavers
- CCHP multi-criteria optimization in a bottom-up, decentralized control system with top-down centralized objective and query based control
- Mix-and-Match Pipeline to Ease the Creation of New Facial Models for Video Game Applications
- Electrical characterization of graphene-based composites
- Expanded graphite/thermoplastic composites
- Development of longwave IR colloidal quantum dot solar cell and Development of high throughput characterization methods for solution processed IR colloidal quantum dot solar cells
- Investigation of Pet Owner Diets and Feeding Practices for Dogs and Cats
- Sparse Multivariate Polynomial Factorization
- Stability of a commercially available phytase enzyme product during pelleting
- Investigation of turbulent three-phase flows in the FLSmidth nextSTEPTM flotation cells using CFD-PBM-kinetic simulation framework
- Wearable Sensors for Monitoring of Human Activities
- Regulating Abnormal Connectivity in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder via Real-time fMRI Neurofeedback
- Examining Canadian Student Smoking Behaviours
- Physical Activity Opportunities in Saint John, New Brunswick: A Neighbourhood Assessment by Income
- CyTOF-based characterization and isolation of MDSC subsets
- Beyond the Science of Body Sugaring: Development and Study of Ingrown Hair Treatments
- Characterizing wetlands of different restoration ages in central Alberta using drone-based information (an extension to current Mitacs project: Advanced mapping techniques applied to wetland drone base information; IT08204)
- A new approach to assessing the potential for rockfall and landslide hazards
- Mechanically compliant soft robotic grippers for automated harvesting
- Email Mining, Modeling, and Visualization
- Legal Question Answering with Machine Comprehension
- Dynamic Bandwidth Management
- Pilot scale process flow sheet development for sustainable recycling of lamps from the waste stream
- Development and Commercialization of a Novel Catalyst System for Advanced Electrochemical Oxidation of Industrial Wastewater Pollutants
- The use of whole-body kinematic technology for optimizing current steering deep brain stimulation in Parkinsons disease patients
- Development of a simulation model for prediction of performance of a novel positive airway pressure (PAP) machine for treatment of sleep apnea
- Evaluation of targeted alpha-therapy on patient-derived Glioblastoma cells
- Optimizing rheological and mechanical properties of ultra-high performance glass concrete (UHPGC) for different infrastructure applications
- Cited: Partnered Knowledge Mobilization Between Research and Media Organizations
- Conversion of low alcohols to high alcohols through continuous process with highly active multifunctional catalysts
- Evidence-informed Planning and Evaluation of Community Transitions: Impact on Health and Quality of Life
- The effects of cannabinoids on vascular and cognitive function in young and old healthy adults
- Intelligent High Voltage Bushing System Analysis and Monitoring
- Exploring the lived experience of survivors: The link between intimate partner violence (IPV) and traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Understanding and improving techniques to teach financial literacy in children
- Adaptable Balconies: Sustainable Development Strategies for Torontos Aging Neighbourhoods
- Sound localization for acoustic monitoring of bird populations in response to fire and oil extraction in Alberta’s oil sands region
- Ignition control on DME/OME engines
- Evaluating a Single-Site Supportive Housing Program for People with Serious Mental Illness and Histories of Homelessness
- Optimizing Movement in Children Study (OMiCS)
- Budget Impact Analysis guidelines for submissions to provincial drug plans in Canada (Update 2018- 2019)
- Developing a web server system to process Multispectral raster to extract NDVI data
- Using structure-from-motion and 3D analysis to visualize habitat complexity and dynamics of glass sponge reefs in British Columbia
- Research on Robust Face Recognition Algorithms
- Corrosion inhibitor for potash mining and processing plants
- Construction of a Numerical Model for Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Multiple-Porosity Shale Petroleum Reservoirs
- Tenants and Radon: Legal Rights, Remedies and Opportunities for Reform
- Exploring home range and habitat use during the breeding season of the Bicknellâs thrush (Catharus bicknelli) in New Brunswick Clear-cuts
- Development of Fungal-Specific Stress Response Inhibitors for the Treatment of Fungal Infections
- An Integrated model of Geomechanics and a Multiporosity Reservoir Simulator to Investigate Improved Recovery Techniques in Shale Reservoirs
- Design Tool for the Thermal Performance of Stormwater Ponds
- Occurrence and physicochemical properties of organic matter found in phosphate ores
- Evaluating Low Carbon Technologies and Best Practices
- High-Fidelity Data Converters for Medical Diagnostics
- Plasma Surface Modification for Passive Microfluidic Immunoassays
- Qualitative Data Collection for Development of an Electronic Application to Promote Home-Based Self-Care in Older Heart Failure Patients: Patient and Informal Caregiver Perspectives
- Content Delivery Networks to the Home
- Detailed Analysis of the forces acting on a high-speed full-scale elevator
- A Pilot Clinical Study of Treating Pressure Ulcers in patients with Spinal Cord Injury
- Assessing trust of artificial intelligence technology in the context of workplace relations
- Development of a novel stem cell-seeded extracellular matrix for treatment of chronic wounds
- Investigating the Geochemistry of Selenium (Se) in the Residual from Biological Wastewater Treatment
- Macroeconomic Models for Performance and Investigation Prediction
- Impact Fatigue Testing for Soil Openers
- Development of a SEMA3C targeted therapeutic for treatment of clear cell renal cell carcinoma, lung cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer
- Uplift models extension for smart marketing
- Detection of axial cracks in cast iron pipes using ultrasonic guided waves
- Implementation and advancement of algorithm for extracting oxygen saturation data from multispectral analysis of the eye
- Cultural Food Security: Building connections and capacities for new immigrants in Nova Scotia
- In-situ evaluation of ground heat exchanger performances
- Study of multiphase flow in a bearing cavity of an aeroengine
- Mechanisms of the relationship between ageing and dementia.
- Sublethal effects of neurotoxic pesticides on bats: from cells to behavior
- Multi-Criteria Supply Chain Design and Management Tool for Food Convergent Innovation in Dairy Business – Year 2
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Primary and Secondary Production in the Salish Sea from a Coupled Model (SalishSeaCast with SMELT)
- A Novel Combination Therapy to Target Primitive Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells
- Carbon dioxide: Alternative solutions for conversion of captured liquefied CO2 into valuable fuels
- Study the Mechanism and kinetics of Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Ethanol: A Molecular Modeling Approach
- Securing IoT in Transportation Applications using Blockchain
- Ontario Primary and Mental Health Policy Decision Tool
- Remote Indigenous renewable energy projects: Establishing partnerships and fair power purchase agreements
- Investigating Renewable Hydrogen Pathways for Low-Carbon Synthetic Fuels: Advanced Solar-to-Hydrogen Platforms
- Plankton food web pathways to juvenile salmon
- Improving the use of evidence-informed health policy for individuals with brain-based disabilities
- Upgrading of heavy and high-contaminant Hydrofaction Renewable Crude Oil, to transport fuel blendstock
- National Smart Vehicle Demonstration Project
- Performance-Based Seismic Assessment of Irregular Bridges
- Modelling partial mortality wildfire dynamics in boreal and mountain landscapes
- Anomaly Detection using GAN
- Dam Seepage Monitoring using Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing
- Characterization and optimization of a multi-phase aerated stirred fermenter using experimental and computational techniques
- An Efficient Data Analysis Pipeline
- Wind Turbine Power Curve Modelling for Reliable Power Prediction Using Isotonic Regression and Different Loss Functions
- Development and Analysis of Electric-Assist Wheelchair Systems
- Integration of smart sensing fabric in a DVT pressure stocking
- Inclusive and Accessible Energy Governance: Recommendations for the National Energy Board Modernization
- Fate of Toxigenic and non-Toxigenic Escherichia coli during storage and brewing of tea
- UBCO-FortisBC collaborative research partnership: Rehabilitation options analysis for dewatering systems in power generation facilities
- Study of Ultra-High By-Pass Ratio turboengine integration and noise reduction with Large Eddy Simulations. – Year 2
- Visual enhancement in normal and abnormal visual system
- The Cannabis Bioproducts Toolbox
- Story through Mechanics – the design and evaluation of engaging narrative through the use of non-cinematic, mechanics-based techniques in casual games
- Characterization of cell signaling in response to ultraviolet radiation after treatment with an oral skin-care supplement
- Disturbance thresholds and factors influencing community dynamics of epiphytic cyanolichens in Nova Scotia, with an emphasis on rare and at-risk species
- Fabrication of a 3 dimensional graphene/metal oxide composites membrane for water filtration
- ABHD6 as a novel drug target for obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH) and cardiovascular disease (CVD)
- On a characterization of thin-film silicon
- SWAVE Ultrasound Elastography
- Patient localization and identification using a Bluetooth-based sensor network
- The Praxis of Agroecology: Sharing Knowledge and Engaging Policy
- Novel applications of technology to Arctic wildlife research and management
- Large-scale production and photostabilization of microparticle and nanoparticle-based delivery vehicles for plant immune aids
- Enhancing Nurses’ Role in Opioid Stewardship – Implications for health policy, practice advocacy) and patient safety
- Investigating the Role of Cannabis Derived Phytocannabinoid Formulations for the Development of Novel Mental Health Pharmacotherapies
- Core Values & Core Work: Recognizing the Person in the Employee
- Innovation in Journalism and Academic Knowledge Mobilization: Changing Practices, Partnerships, and Economic Models
- Canadian Communities of Practice in Global Health: meeting the SDG challenge
- An automated method for basin scale mapping of aquatic habitat using a UAV
- Solving the Integrated Forest Harvest Scheduling and Road Network Design Problem using Metaheuristic Algorithms
- Design of an EV Charging Infrastructure: DC Grid for High Density Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging and other DC Loads-Phase II
- Pharmacogenetic Biomarker Discovery, Personalized Medicine, and Clinical Test Commercialization in Neuropsychiatry
- Testing and applying machine learning techniques in monitoring and detecting operating modes and faults of a membrane cell electrolyzer online and in real time at R2
- Assessing the validity of virtual simulation as a learning tool in the medical field. – Year 2
- Portable diagnostic device for outpatient BNP detection – Year two
- Monodisperse PhytoSpherix Nanoparticles Modified for Key Applications in Personal Care, Food and Nutraceuticals – Year two
- Valuing Youth Voice after Disaster: Recovery & Resilience in Wood Buffalo
- Emissions control and reduction for natural gas engines
- Developing Tools to Track Vocalizing Marine Mammals with Long Baseline Hydrophone Arrays – Year two
- Development of a model for computational sea ice monitoring
- PART A- Conversion of CO2 and H2O to Syngas Using Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (RSOFCs) Technology
- Enhanced Techniques for History Matching and Forecasting of Petroleum Reservoir Data
- PART B- Conversion of CO2 and H2O to Syngas Using Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (RSOFCs) Technology
- An Agile monitoring tool integrating risk, safety, and digital data infrastructure management
- Methodological Advance of Energy-Economy Climate Policy Models
- Full-body Modeling and Tracking for Embodiment in VR Dark Rides
- Compression Moulding of Composite Tailboom Frames with Hybrid Fibre Architectures Technology Demonstration
- A novel therapeutic drug for selective treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer with MTAP deficiency
- Development of industrially scalable graphene oxide acoustic transducers
- UPnGO with ParticipACTION: Evaluation of the implementation of a national workplace physical activity initiative
- Precise-ITC Soft Decision forward error correction (FEC) for High-speed Optical Communications
- The role of dairy consumption on variations in response to lifestyle factors in youth and adults
- Defining the effects of pineal compounds in longevity and cystogenesis using a Drosophila melanogaster model
- Upgrading of heavy and high-contaminant Hydrofaction Oil, to fuels blendstock with the use of Catalytic Steam Cracking
- Privacy Preserving Federated Learning
- The impact of single room accommodations on overdose risk for women who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada
- Influence of base rigidity on the load-carrying capacity of loadbearing masonry walls
- Creating shared value with communities in the early Mine life-cycle: The case of Erdene Resource Development Corporation in Mongolia
- Validation of small molecule inhibitors of PARG
- Watershed-scale connectivity analysis: An applied GIS model towards the strategic management of barriers to Atlantic salmon migration
- Development and validation of analysis methods for classification of environments: classification by sound, time, and place
- Evaluation of a e-learning software with pre-service science teachers
- An ecosystem-based approach to conserving salmon species: Using bald eagle foraging behaviour as an ecological indicator to the health of coastal food webs and salmon ecosystems
- Magnetic gradiometry using a rotary-wing unmanned aircraft system
- Feasibility Study of Biometric Technologies for Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society
- Interactive Mesh-based Volumetric Visualization
- The Beaver Hills Biosphere Project: Conserving coarse and fine filter biodiversity within a network of protected areas
- Investigation of Thermal Bowing in UHPC Precast Double Wythe Wall Panels
- Detection of insulin using a novel capturing system
- Cannabinoid Ensemble on Cerebrovascular Physiology: A Dosage Escalation Study
- Development of a Quantitative Reliability-based Analysis (QRA) Framework for Pipelines Exposed to Geotechnical Threats
- Automated Condition Rating of Power Transmission Infrastructure
- Exfoliation of graphite within polypropylene compounds by melt compounding
- Understanding DETA in the Strathcona Tailings Area
- Improving Signal Prediction of a Real-time Radiotherapy Beam Monitor using Artificial Neural Network
- Multi-Perspective Text Analysis of Social Knowledge Networks
- Reversing the “brain drain”: Where is Canadian STEM talent going and why?
- Development of a Real Time Bioelectric BOD Sensor for Wastewater Effluent Compliance Monitoring
- Data Analytics for Social Network Marketing
- An Integrated Lead Conversion Model for Inside Sales
- Turning off the “switch”: Preserving the analgesic actions of the endogenous opioid pathway in IBD
- Applied Mineralogy for Enhanced Processing of Gold Ore from Artisanal Mining in the Arequipa Region, Peru – Year Two
- Prioritizing decision-making for agriculture and conservation in North Americas prairies under climate change and land-use change – Year 2
- Development and application of molecular tools to assess the acute and chronic impacts of petroleum hydrocarbons on birds – Year 2
- Development of a hybrid seismic data inversion method for determining well-drilling location at complex geophysical area – Year two
- Design, optimization and testing of baffle-type parallel-channel flow field plates within a 200-cm2 fuel cell short stack with a highly-active catalyst – Year two
- Impacts of tidal turbines on marine mammals – Year two
- Wide Area Measurement Based Robust Damping Controllers for Power Systems with Embedded Power Electronic Devices – Year two
- Modulation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte (hiPSC-CM) ion channels and transporter activity, measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)
- Advancing an Artificial Intelligence Platform for Crop-Health Monitoring
- Assessing the effectiveness of plain packaging in reducing smoking rates: A mixed method approach
- Determination of optimal conditions for the large-scale production of astaxanthin in algae
- Understanding the regulation of specialized metabolite accumulation in hop plants (Humulus lupulus)
- Developing Single Use Performance Enhanced Raman (SUPER) spectroscopy probes for bioprocessing reactions
- Advanced differential mobility mass spectrometry with electron capture dissociation for the characterization of therapeutic proteins
- Advanced Analysis Setup of Next Generation XRT Algorithms
- Investigation of the microbial harbouring quality of stainless and galvanized steel, fibreglass and plastic drains and various drain designs in a food or beverage processing environment
- Connecting private investment to clean-tech innovation in buildings: A new framework for understanding Green Investment Banks
- Faecal sludge desiccation rates for optimal design of passive ventilation sanitation systems
- Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Large Scale Industrial Biochar plant
- STEAM Robotics for Teachers: How Educators Learn
- Evaluating offline functionality of progressive web applications in e-commerce business: A/B testing and causal models
- Development of a leadership development impact assessment toolkit
- Probiotics and their role in an intestinal inflammation: Use of a novel in-vitro model to understand mechanisms of action
- Connecting Healthcare Data with the Blockchain
- Development of novel crop protection technologies using Canadian microbes
- Efficacy of the plant extract CELEXT07 and the botanically derived Thymox in suppression of Cannabis fungal diseases under greenhouse production systems
- Innovative Designs in Methane Sourcing
- Development and validation of a machine learning predictor for the early detection of prostate cancer
- Development of a Novel Marine Icing Prediction Model
- Data-driven Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Heat produced by Resistive Heating Elements in Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Conductive nanocomposite Leak Detection System (LDS) for oil pipeline applications
- Comparative effectiveness of prophylactic therapies for necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants: a network meta-analysis of randomized trials Phase II
- Fostering a Culture of Sustainability in Organizations
- Greenhouse gas and volatile organic compound reduction using the SmogStop® coating
- Quality Assessment and Enhancement of Retinal Images
- Selective Spray Oxidation of Impurity Metals
- Machine Learning for the Telecommunication Industry
- The additive effects of foam rolling and Biofreeze on range of motion, pain threshold and submaximal force production task to failure
- Development of an Industrial Design Workflow to Incorporate 3D Scanning for Manufacturing Tooling Processes Phase II
- Novel OER catalysts and rapid screening methodology for reversal tolerant PEM fuel cell anodes
- Investigating optimal surface functionalization strategies for linking NanoPhyll coatings to PVC
- Dynamic Binary Instrumentation of Embedded Systems
- Modelling wood quality and lumber recovery in variable retention stands part II
- Internalizing risks: Value Creation from Internalizing Non-Technical Risks Mining Sector Case
- Development of a Co-Simulation Platform for Electrical Systems
- Ransomware Detection through Device and Network Behavior Monitoring
- Topology validation, Error detection, and Correction of rooftops 3D models from LiDAR point clouds and Photogrammetry
- Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Composite-Metallic Stiffened Structures
- Investigation of Future Footprint Scenario Modeling Approaches in the Peace River Break
- Investigation of Wood I-joists for Floor Applications in Mid-rise Wood Construction
- Defining and measuring responsible gambling behaviour: National validation of the Positive Play Scale
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Liquefied Natural Gas Refueling Stations and Onboard Fuel Storage Tanks for Mobile Applications – Year two
- Large-Area High-Performance Transparent Electrodes for Pen/Touch Sensor Research – Year 2
- Development & Pilot Evaluation of an Online Peer Support Program for Family Caregivers of Ventilator-Assisted Individuals Living in the Community – Year two
- Physiological assessment of cochlear and auditory nerve integrity in children suspected of auditory processing disorder – Year two
- Design, Analysis and Optimization of an Aircraft Seat
- Development of in operando characterization methods for lithium ion battery materials – Year two
- Predicting noise impact on fish communities in the western Canadian Arctic using Passive Acoustic Monitoring – Year two
- Using multivariate deep-learning algorithms for automatic quality control of high-resolution MRI – Year two
- Understanding and Improving Knowledge Flow in Software Organizations
- Assessing the Utility of a Commercial Mobile EEG in Detecting Age-Related Differences in the Brain
- Evaluation of Measures to Control and Prevent Clostridium difficile Infection
- Reducing birdstrike risks at airports by integrated pest management of insects
- Use of temporary, transvenous phrenic nerve pacer for diaphragm activation to mitigate lung and neurological injury in critically ill patients
- A novel urban planning strategy to increase resilience of Canadian urban forests to global change
- Application of deep learning in perception and navigation of mobile robotics
- Structural Health Monitoring using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) for Asset Management
- Investigating the Change Management Process in High Performance Sports Organisations Related to Performance Management
- Implementation, Demonstration, and Evaluation of a Cloud-Based Smart Dual Fuel Switching System (SDFSS) for the Hybrid Integrated HVAC System in a Net-Zero Energy House
- Elucidating the Impact of Probiotics on the Fungal Microbiome: Mechanisms of Interkingdom Interactions
- Effectiveness of a community based therapeutic writing intervention to improve community sense of self
- Next Generation PtM catalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
- Development of innovative rock mass mapping techniques in underground mining
- Nanostructured functional materials from the bottom up
- Moving to Breathe, Breathing to Move: An interdisciplinary study on the benefits of choral and dance exercise for people with neuromuscular conditions
- Accelerate development of new technologies and applications for advanced water treatment – Year two
- Field Study of Community-Based Personal Support Workers Occupational Exposures to Injury Risk Factors
- Cinema Sidewall – Aircraft Sidewall for Projection of Visual Content
- A survey of Pinot Noir Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast populations and grape quality in three Okanagan Valley vineyard sub-regions
- Improving Research to Practice: Investigating the Feasibility of Community Organizations Developing Methods to Ensure Implementation Efforts Address the Needs and Priorities of the Spinal Cord Injury Community
- NRTEE 15 year update study: A comprehensive review of progress implementing the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economys 2003 National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy for Canada
- Structure-Property Relationships of Ethylene Polymers for Sealant Applications
- Improvement of Operation Efficiency in WRHA Hemodialysis Units Using Simulation Modeling
- An ethical evaluation of HIV dried-blood spot testing in research and access to results for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Canada
- Development of a single photon detector with a femtosecond time gate.
- Connections and Engagement Survey Analysis and Dissemination Project
- NMR analysis of the enzymatically produced propylene glycol mono- and di- esters of canola oil
- Research and development of real-time voltage control and loss minimization method in power distribution grids using micro-PMU and distributed reactive power generation
- Long-Term Transportation Alternatives for Metrotown Redevelopment
- Modelling Guidance for Seaton Lands Urbanizing Watershed
- Design of a thermal link for a passively cooled mobile shipping container using solid carbon dioxide
- Lifestyle and cognition: a large-scale approach
- West Bolton Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan – home energy retrofit program
- A fundamental study to better understand how blinding agents interact with particle surfaces in preg-robbing carbonaceous gold systems using electrochemical techniques
- An IoT Platform for Disaster Response
- Exploring the Physical Education-Related Needs and Self-Efficacy of Elementary School Teachers
- The Institution of Esoteric Buddhism and the Economy of Religious Enterprise in Mid-Tang P
- Optimization tools for short-term hydropower generation management
- Chemical and Microbial Contaminants of Medical Air in Healthcare Institutions – Year two
- Investigating the Health and Economic Benefits of Colostrum and Milk from Dairy Cattle Selected for Enhanced Immunity – Year two
- A study of the hydrogeotechnical behavior of in-pit tailings and their interaction with the contact structures – Year two
- Assessing the risk of abrupt climate changes resulting from cumulative emissions and their effect on the occurrence of extreme events – Year two
- Smart Fitness Wearables for Safety and Performance
- Evaluation of Alternative Battery Technologies for Adoption in Manitoba Hydro Substations
- An Analysis of Participatory Politics in Canada: Emerging strategies in media-based organizing
- Advanced lithium-ion zinc battery
- Using Augmented Reality to Improve Quality in a Discreet Component Assembly Process
- Sea Lettuce to Biocarbon and Biogas with Recovery of Nutrients
- Bidirectional seismic site response analysis of granular soil deposits
- The Scale-up Challenge for Canada? Obstacles to High-Growth Technology-based Firms and the Policy Response
- Synchronization of ovulation to improve the efficiency of an in vitro embryo production/embryo transfer program in commercial operations in cattle – Year two
- Alberta High Resolution Wetland Inventory Methodology Development – Year two
- Computational Lens-free Holography for Rapid Monitoring and Characterization of Airborne Particles
- Proof of Principle Application for Biosensors in Animal Models
- Break down Monolithic Enterprise Applications to Micro-services
- Enhanced analytical techniques for offshore structural integrity
- Inclusionary Zoning as a Municipal Tool to Support Affordable Housing in Winnipeg
- Improving Outcome by Optimizing Illumination (IOOI) Study
- Design of Thermal System for Electric Wheels
- Photons to Fish (PHISH): Ecosystem indicators of fish productivity
- Prediction of Insurance Coverage and Wait Times
- Innovative solutions for industrial process management: Process efficiency and delivery sequence improvement for CLT products at Structurlam
- Advanced Learning for Automatic Object Detection and Tracking in UAV Imagery
- Quantifying soil organic carbon sequestration performance of the City of Calgary Willow Biomass and Marginal Land Reclamation Demonstration Project: Assessing potential provincial carbon emissions offset credit opportunities
- Improving Automated Clay Seam Tracking for GPR-on-borer Systems Used in Potash Mining
- Temperature and dosage dependence of biological damage induced by ultraviolet germicidal irradiation on pathogens and comparison with conventional chemical wipes
- Overshoot Voltage Mitigation in the Long-Cable Fed Induction Motor Drives using Modular Multilevel Converters (MMCs)
- Development of forest legacy-based mine reclamation techniques for recolonizing the soil food web and promoting vegetation establishment
- Investigation of a Hybrid Cascaded Modular Multilevel Converter
- Application of a new method for recovery of gold from electronic waste
- Improving the mechanical properties of thermoplastic blends using nanoadditives
- Using Canadian natural zeolite to develop a multifunctional filter medium for removal of microorganisms and toxic heavy metals from polluted drinking water
- Evaluation of botanical extract formulations for greenhouse pest management
- Understanding the cellular mechanisms sustaining functional capacity improvement with prehabilitation in colorectal cancer patients
- Improving sustainability and operations in residential development and its relationship to community resilience
- Process quality control in electropolishing
- Fast and robust real-time precise point positioning – Year 2
- Development and Evaluation of a Life Threatening Infections Point-of-Care Triage Test for the Fionet System – Year two
- Time-Dependent Effects On Vertical Shafts Used In Micro-Tunneling applications In Queenston Shale – Year two
- Understanding the Impact of Fontan Circulatory Repair on Brain Blood Flow Health – Year two
- An Enhanced Multifunctional Battery Energy Storage System for Energy Management and Power Quality Improvement – Year two
- Integrating high resolution remote sensing of multi-scale hydrogeomorphology into long-term river management – Year two
- Development of Li-Ion cells/batteries for low temperature applications – Year two
- High energy density lithium ion cells/batteries with excellent electrochemical performance and safety – Year two
- Ice accretion formation, its location and severity detection
- Evaluating the effectiveness of video as a medium of delivery and consumption of large quantity of digital information
- Effective knowledge translation of evidence-based best practice for healthy lifestyle behaviours
- Design and Testing of Innovative Precast Concrete I-Beams using FRP Reinforcement and Fibre-Reinforced Concrete
- Characterization and Pelletization of Refused Derived Fuel (RDF)
- Mechanisms and Application of MFD Catalyst on the Leaching of Secondary Copper Sulfide – Year two
- Establishing the Validity and Reliability of a Novel Wearable Physical Activity Monitoring System for Older Adults
- A Cloud-based eHealth System for Integrated Healthcare Data Management and Analysis
- Extended Technology Assessment of Advanced In-situ Recovery Methods for Oil Sands
- Robust Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Short T2 Tissues
- Use of non-invasive wildlife detection data to identify habitat of importance to focal species in a conservation and forestry matrix
- Bioactive peptides and joint inflammatory response after in vitro human digestion of collagen hydrolysate
- A comparison of finite element model-predicted brainstem strains between injurious and non-injurious laboratory reconstructed football impacts
- Microbial eukaryotic biodiversity in Oil Sands reclamation
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Fluids in Petroleum Reservoir Core Plugs
- Assessing bioremediation potential for arsenic released from mine waste rock
- The Core Connectors Initiative
- Deep Learning to assist requirement translation
- Advancing Out-of-Band Network Measurement for Multi-Hop Sensor Networks
- Validation and calibration of Squeeze Film Damper Model with Experiment
- Evaluation of probiotic bacterial strains for enhanced microbial biotransformation of polyphenol-rich potato extract
- Evaluating Dementia Inclusivity in Retirement Communities
- System Controller Connector/Harness/Baseplate Redesign Feasibility Study
- Finding innovations to improve calf gastrointestinal health
- Investigating the effectiveness of mental health services offered through the Zebra Centre: Assessing what works for children who have been abused
- Treating advanced retinal degeneration rebuilding multiple co-dependent retinal layers with stem cells
- Simulation and analysis of light scatter in head mounted display lens
- Metabolite pathway mapping in Euglena: A strategy for predictable product optimization
- Arsenic release from arsenic-bearing minerals
- Versatile Systems-on-Chip Integration to Reduce Aircraft Weight and Gas Emission (VairCRAFT)
- Role of larval mortality in dynamics of forest tent caterpillar outbreaks
- I CAN PLAY! (Initiating Community Sport Access through Physical Literacy and Active Play)
- Mapping the surface flow velocity of Minas Passage using RADAR data
- Feasibility Study of Switch Module Redesign
- Expression of muscarinic receptors in neurogenic detrusor overactive (NDO) bladders of spinal cord transected (SCT) rats after preventive treatment with anticholinergic me
- On differential Glacial Isostatic Adjustment across the Grand Banks and the impact on hydrocarbon migration
- 3D printing of electrochemically driven point-of-care test (POCT) device for heavy metal ions detection
- Ultra-low power wireless sensor node design for health monitoring use cases
- Emerging Building Systems and Wood Innovation
- Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Aero-Engines
- Understanding sharp-tailed grouse habitat selection and lek persistence to inform industrial siting and mitigation strategies
- Investigating How Teachers Learn and Customize Digital Classroom Tools II
- Concept design and feasibility evaluation for the QEYSSat microsatellite mission
- Highly Efficient Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) Modules
- Understanding memory consumption in a distributed data analytics system
- Mobile Robotic Platform for Autonomous Data Collection on Large Complex Construction Projects
- Development of the supporting peripherals for bioelectrode system operation in oxygenated environments
- Evaluation of Signal Mass as a new marker of brain tissue loss in multiple sclerosis
- Limb Imaging Fourier transfer spectrometer Experiment (LIFE) Characterization and Testing
- Implementation of a chip-based MDTMA platform for evaluating prostate cancer treatment response and mode of action. – Year two
- Development and commercialization of novel reference material for food allergen and gluten proficiency testing – Year two
- Advanced Materials and Technologies for Medical Imaging Detectors and Techniques
- Spatial analysis of changing climate and the climate rating of Saskatchewan’s arable agricultural land for property assessment purposes
- Characterizing lytic bacteriophages against pathogenic E. coli: killing spectrum, efficacy in vivo, and genomic analysis
- Nutritional value of Mysis diluviana for the growth, development and reproduction of hatchery-reared salmonids
- Assessing cognitive load in cochlear implant users through short-term storage of speech
- Thermal Analysis of Poly-V Belt Transmission System
- New graphene thermoplastics nanocomposites with improved mechanical, electrical properties and EMI shielding effectiveness
- Designing quality control strategies to assess the self-assembly and biological stability of chitosan nanoparticles
- Development of new therapeutics for castration-resistant prostate cancer treatment
- Impacts of once-through cooling on the aquatic environment
- Investigating the causes of asphaltenes formation during visbreaking of deasphalted oil
- Digitalizing Extractive Industries
- Visualizing data for Fraser River salmon stocks: Developing tools to promote insight and understanding
- Condom Negotiation Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men
- Hydrogen Storage and Fuel Cell for UAV Integration
- Green Chemistry for Green Solvents
- Modelling the effects of industrial disturbance and predation risk on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) seasonal habitat selection in the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada
- Vehicle Occupancy Detection using Thermal Camera and LIDAR
- Machine learning methods for signal classification in anti-drone technology
- Development and characterization of nano-emulsification and liposomal platforms (NEP and LIP) for hemp oil nanoencapsulation and transmucosal delivery
- Georeferencing oblique imagery for vegetation analysis
- Waste heat recovery in aluminium smelters: technical and economic analysis (part II)
- Perception of terrain characteristics in professional heli-ski guides
- Graphene-copper coatings for enhancing dropwise condensation
- Evaluation of interventions for improving maternal, newborn, and child health outcomes: Systematic literature reviews and network meta-analyses
- Using a Blockchain Cryptocurrency to enable an Educational Business Ecosystem
- AVIO 1603: Cosmic radiation In-flight Measurement and real-time analysis for Electronic Systems and passenger protection (CIMES)
- Effectiveness of EarlyDetect, a psychiatric assessment program, using a mobile APP interface – Phase 2
- Development of an automated system for counting fetal and maternal red blood cells in clinical KB Test
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Skin Cancer Imaging, Screening, and Diagnosis
- The effects of Radical Plus® consumption on exercise capacity in humans
- The Invention and Early History of IMAX
- Mathematical Foundations of Hybrid Quantum Technologies and Quantum Leap Africa
- Hardware Support and Heterogeneous Compilation for P4
- Testing, evaluation and development of a commercial protocol to differentiate hPSC-derived pancreatic progenitors into insulin-producing ?-cells in 2D monolayers and/or 3D culture systems
- Bipolar Membranes for Electrochemical Technologies
- Optimization of Bull Semen Cryopreservation through Iterative and Rational Media Design
- Understanding the Impact of Legal Cannabis Access on Health: A Large, Prospective Cohort Study of Canadians Obtaining Medical Cannabis Authorization
- The effect of increased levels of converter based power generation on the voltage stability of a power system
- Optimized Non-invasive Cuff-less Continuous Blood Pressure Measurement Technique Using Artificial Neural Network
- The Effects of Mild Bilateral Jugular Vein Compression on Cerebrovascular Physiology
- LAFORCE: Log Analytics For Operational Intelligence
- Development of Hydrogen based Integrated hybrid energy systems through Power-to-gas concept for Industrial facilities
- Improving Hearing Aid Processing for Live Music
- Recycling of Laminated Particleboard
- Improved Human Movement Tracking and Prediction in High-Occlusion Multi-user Virtual Reality Environments
- Preliminary Investigation of Innovative Processes to Recover Nickel from the Decar Deposit
- Device-free indoor activity detection and localization using Wifi signals
- Low-Velocity Sprayed Mortar and Shotcrete: Equivalent Repair Methods?
- Biomaterials for the reduction of bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation
- A Collaborative Research Project by a Community of Practice on Harnessing Renewable Green Energy in Sustaining Community Greenhouse at Haliburton, Ontario
- Integrated Microlens Technology for Light Steering Projectors
- Detecting Work Site Fatigue for High Risk Positions Utilizing Portable Electroencephalography
- Text Recognition Software Development for Legal Services
- Using tacit knowledge in peer communications and research literature to identify emerging respiratory therapy practice topics and trends
- Advanced pricing methods for property and casualty isurance
- PART A- Conversion of CO2 and H2O to Syngas Using Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (RSOFCs) Technology – Year two
- PART B- Conversion of CO2 and H2O to Syngas Using Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (RSOFCs) Technology – Year two
- Development of chemical additives to improve the efficiency of solvent-aided thermal bitumen recovery processes – Year two
- Characterizing mixed dielectrics for hard, low adhesion coatings
- Scale-up Synthesis of New-Generation Chiral Cyclobutane-based Bisphosphane Ligands
- Effects of Chemotherapy and Immune Cells on Ribosomal RNA Degradation (RNA disruption) in Tumour Cells
- Low Power Portable Integrated System for Miniaturized Sensors in CMOS
- Accuracy Assessment of Optical Tracking for Orthopedic Robotic Surgical Tool
- Salt marsh carbon storage and accumulation rate in Boundary Bay, Delta, British Columbia
- Connecting prey and specialized predator population dynamics: a hundred-and fifty year record of salmon and killer whale interactions
- A hidden history: Gentrification in four London, Ontario Heritage Conservation Districts (HCDs)
- Framework for Enterprise IT DevSecOps Governance to enable Continuous Security
- Digital Controlled Load-Modulated Analog Predistorter for GaN High-Power Amplifiers
- Nanoscale toolset for formatting and visualizing single molecules: validating applications and miniaturized flow cells
- Bird Density and Species Richness in Interior British Columbia tools to inform conservation value and risk assessment in forestry
- Feature selection for Deep Learning applied to the identification of impaired drivers
- Machine Learning for the Telecommunication Industry – Year two
- Scale-up of a Green Plasticizer
- Development of an Electromagnetic-Transient (EMT) Compatible Model for Power Transmission Line Tower and Tower-Footing Grounding System
- Modeling atmospheric gas dispersion using computational fluid dynamics
- Exploring Deep Learning Architectures for Automatic Casting from Movies
- Use of 3-D Virtual Reality Displays while in Flight: The Effects of Vestibular-Ocular Mismatch on Situation Awareness – Year Two
- Green technology use in gold recovery: Deer Cove
- Net Zero Energy Strategies and Quick Assessment Tool for multiunit residential buildings (MURBs) in Toronto
- New High Precision GNSS Positioning and Navigation System Using Triple-frequency GNSS Signals – Year two
- Virtual testing of composites in aerospace
- An investigation into the psychometric properties of patient-oriented measures in frailty and dementia – Year Two
- Using advanced analytics to develop a multimodal signature of concussion and post-concussive syndrome
- Development of Bacterial Semiochemicals for Insect Pest Management
- Evaluation of the clinically management weight-loss program at Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks Hospital
- Improving Situation Awareness for a Collaborative Service Robot in Care Environment
- Development of Chitosan-based Nanosparticles forLoading Non-water Soluble Medicine
- Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene based Marine Coatings
- Validation of the uHoo multi-channel low-cost air quality sensor
- Foamy Oil Direct Visualization during Solvent Injection Processes
- Stories without borders: A Canadian/Mexican study of translation practices and Indigenous language literacy
- Canadian Clubhouse Outcomes Study: Assessing the Impact of Psychosocial Recovery from Mental Illness
- Environmental testing of existing and proposed ropeless fishing system line management methods
- Establish the productivity of winch-assist machines and the factors that effect it
- Numerical modeling and evaluation of mixing behavior and grinding efficiency in FLSmidth VXP vertical stirred mill
- Factors Related to Braille Acquisition Among Adult and Senior Learners: Establishing Evidence-Based Practice
- Detection of Fights in Crowd Video
- Medium and Macro Scale Editing for the Synthesis of Facial Meshes for Video Game Applications
- Stateful Intrusion Detection using Algebraic State-Transition Diagrams
- Development of signal processing techniques for animal movement data
- Measurement-Based Geospatial Data Management
- Pavement Distress Detection Using Conventional Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle LiDAR
- Learning PDF Document Structures using Recursive Neural Networks
- Impact of Post-Quantum Cryptography on PKI, Common Libraries, Protocols and Crypto Agility Requirements
- Accelerate Transaction Latency of Pool Mining in Cryptocurrency Networks
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Addressing Data Privacy Issues
- Effects of the porous medium and pressure drawdown on the foamy-oil flow and heavy oil recovery in the CHOPS reservoirs
- Testing the use of chemical additives to improve the efficiency of thermal oil recovery processes
- TRICHUM: Translating Research into Innovation for Cannabis Health at Université de Moncton
- Selenium fractionation and speciation in surface mine
- Exploring medical potential of cannabinoids
- A novel, bioactive compound, found in the leaves and bark of a tree species abundant on the west coast of British Columbia, as a candidate natural pesticide
- Development of CardiAI: An AI-Assisted Point-of-Care Device for Heart Failure Management
- The influence of local and global stressors on coral reef ecosystems
- Nano-varnish with integrated biomineralizable and antibacterial activity against dental caries
- The G.I.F.T (Girls Incredible Football Team) Project
- Antimicrobial Properties of Kisameet Clay IV
- Stochastic analysis of infiltration facilities for storm water control
- Validation of a Metabolite Profile for Diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
- Characterisation of Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers and Application of Novel Digital Predistortion Techniques
- Are bat boxes as artificial roost structures a threat mitigation tool or can they impede population recovery?
- Total synthesis of anthocyanins for the prevention of cognitive decline
- Understanding sub-snowpack Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurements made with Eosenses eosFD chamber
- Experimental investigation of dowel laminated panels reinforced with steel threaded bars under weak axis bending
- The effect of changes in the design of a debris-flow barrier on sediment transport and deposition during large floods and debris flows: A physical model of Cheekye River
- Digital twin framework for modular residential construction systems
- Towards understanding adoption of Carsharing
- AI based Pointing and Tracking for Satcom Terminals
- Creation of candidate glucocerebrosidase PET imaging agents
- Development, evaluation and optimization of a portable water electrolyser for hydrogen generation
- Facilitating Service Network Navigation: Developing a Model for Individuals with Autism and/or Intellectual Disabilities and their Families
- Advanced rechargeable zinc lithium-ion battery
- Developing biomarker identification tools for neurodegenerative diseases
- Investigating the role of Sugars in the Risk of Obesity
- Metal concentrations and speciation in fish from the Far North of Ontario; implications for subsistence consumption and the Ring of Fire development
- Development and evaluation of a liquid desiccant membrane dehumidifier for Canadian greenhouses.
- Analysis and Design of Double Layer Electric Supercapacitor for Wholesale Grid Application
- Real-Time HIL Simulation of a Battery Energy Storage System
- Building Fog Applications for Smart City: a Coordination Approach
- Evaluation of NanoDendrixTM stability; phytoglycogen resilience in simulated oral cavity conditions
- Synthesis of an irreversible inhibitor of Pol?
- Todays digital family: Patterns of technology use and wellbeing in families with young children
- Exploring action plans for enhancing community sustainability in Baie Verte
- Evolution of resource revenue sharing in resource-rich countries: characteristics and implementation
- Development of a product for outdoor temporary markings
- Altitude & Heat – environmental synergies to optimize human performance
- Design of a Multi-modal Electronic Stethoscope for the Digital Acquisition and Automatic Diagnosis of Auscultation Signals
- Exploration and Development of an Active Assisted Living Data Sharing Infrastructure Aimed at Supporting the Development of Standards, Guidelines, and Certification Programs
- A green technology project: Development and production of eco-responsible, innovative biodegradable, recyclable and compostable food packaging materials based on natural fibers
- Integration of planning and scheduling for an industrial-scale analytical services facility
- Improving the Accuracy of Frequency-Dependent Transmission Line Models by Including Corona Effects
- Numerical modelling of continuous centrifugal castingof aluminium tubes
- Dietary alternatives to force-feeding for the production of foie gras
- Enabling Decision Making for Lower Mainland Facilities Management through Seismic Risk Modelling of Hospital Infrastructure
- Human Errors Analysis in an Aircraft Engine Assembly Center
- Rotational Doppler shift with optical vortices in the backward-wave phase-matching process, as probe for improved vibration sensing – Year two
- Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry in the Northern Canada areas
- Drive Continuous Innovation Growth in Canada
- Acetal-Free carbohydrate antigens and their multivalent display for lung cancer immunotherapy
- Feasibility and Impact of Delivering Supervised Worker, Occupation, and Environment Health and Wellness Services to Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms: A Response to the Wells Inquiry
- Electrochemical Impedance Modeling and Optimization of Li-Ion Battery Utility using Active Battery Management System (ActiveBMS) – Year two
- Dymedso FrequencerTM technology optimization
- Study and Development of Energy-efficient Collaborative AI Technologies in Greenhouse Nursery Robotic Systems
- Ecology, Conservation and Welfare of Captive and Wild Animals
- Determining the effects of gating modifier compounds on cultured central nervous system neurons as potential therapeutics against epilepsy.
- Development of an advanced ice dynamics and deterioration model and a DEM flexural ice failure model
- Bird Strike Simulation Research
- Application of one-step affinity capture technique to purify Pertactin
- Luminance study of LED lighting systems with 3D light-guides
- Framework for assessing environmental threats to marine endangered species and creating shipping management scenarios
- Online Aboriginal Business Incubator
- My Wellness Journey: A Health Promotion Study for Children and Youth with Disabilities – Year two
- Mapping land-based renewable energy production opportunities: a systematic approach for integrated land-use and energy planning
- Advanced Sensor Fusion for Visual Inertial Odometry and Object Identification in Dynamic Indoor Environments
- Development of a new SEN-Flow Index for predicting steel meniscus velocity inside a continuous caster mold by physical modeling experiments
- Green Cement Appraisal for Precast Concrete
- Integrating Climate Change Considerations in Plans and Policies in Durham Region
- To analyze and identify White Box techniques that can be used to protect cryptographic operations of various ciphers, starting with SM4 Symmetric Block Cipher
- Sustainability and energy independence for Indigenous communities in BC
- Hybrid Microgrid System sizing and energy management based on data analysis and load profile
- Development Of Dry Electrodes Using PDMS and Ag nanowire
- Metallisation of Fiber Glass Imbedded Polyamide 6-6 : Impact Modeling and Effect of Spray Angle on Deposition Efficiency
- Comparing interspecific differences in ungulate habitat use in response to coal mine reclamation
- Data Pipeline of Artificial Intelligence Applications
- A stakeholder analysis of outreach opportunities to support low-carbon smart transitions for transit modernization
- Design and optimization of topography based customizable mini-scleral contact lenses
- A filter cartridge for removal of drugs and estrogens from drinking water
- An advanced battery charger with a wide DC input voltage range for electric-bike applications
- A Physiological Assessment of the Physical Demands of Riding a Snowmobile
- Improved pulse pressure approximation and pattern recognition algorithm for prediction of blood pressure-related health issues
- Classification of human activities and detection of behavioral anomalies using thermopile sensor and machine learning
- Cold plasma therapy as adjuvant to radiotherapy for breast cancer treatment
- Salmonella biofilm forming ability on Reusable Plastic Crates: Risk of transfer of contamination to fresh product
- Certifiable Fly-By-Wire Robust Control Laws for Flexible Civil Transport Aircraft : Structured H-Infinity Synthesis
- Phased array inspection of large size forged steel blocks
- Exploring the drivers of innovation diffusion for Ontario hazelnuts
- Evaluating the performance of starch and flour ingredients using Rapid Visco Analyzer 4800 at high heating temperatures
- Deep Hashing and Clustering for Deduplication
- Evaluating the Societal Effects of Participatory Processes
- Assessing habitat-dependent variation in distribution and abundance of aquatic Invertebrates in Alberta wetlands
- Determination of Genomic Markers to Conduct Parentage, Differentiate Wood and Plains Bison Sub-species, and Measure Cattle Introgression in Canadian Bison
- Atomic Layer Deposition Tool Testing and Process Development – Year two
- Development of novel, systematic methods for expanding, screening, and selecting biodiversity in industrial yeast strains
- End-of-line Testing for Safety and Quality with Machine Learning
- The development of monoclonal antibodies for early diagnosis and therapeutic application in Alzheimers disease
- Condition assessment of infrastructure facilities using combined image processing and sensing technologies
- Quantifying Impact of Transportation Electrification on Electrical Power Grid and CO2 Emissions through Big Data Analysis of Vehicle Driving and Charging Profiles
- Development of plant-based beverage with high content and quality proteins
- National Smart Vehicle Demonstration and Integration Project
- Effects of exotic invasion and terrestrial DOC on aquatic food web quality, and the body condition and Hg bioaccumulation of sportfish
- Investigating vestibular changes in patients with post-concussion syndrome (PCS) in relation to the comorbid depression
- Clay Binding of Gravel Roads
- Can retaining wetlands in agro-ecosystems mitigate the effects of agricultural intensification on biodiversity?
- An Optimized Tele-Rheumatology Platform for Clinical Settings
- Developing Intelligent Approaches for Factories of the Future – An intelligent strategy for robotic part inspection in advanced manufacturing
- Research and Policy Analysis for the Arctic Sustainable Energy Futures Toolkit Project
- Deep Networks for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment for IRYStec Perceptual Display Platform
- Mapping blood brain barrier permeability- towards a novel biomarker for psychiatric disorders
- Determining the Social and Legal Context that Contributes to the Successful Deployment of CCS Projects
- Mechanical characterization of valve compression packings at high temperature
- Modelling the use of landscape features by caribou to guide the restoration of mine sites
- Multiscale In-Silico Screening of OLEDs: Simulating the Formation of Organic Glasses and Computation of Optoelectronic Properties
- Interface and Data analysis for a Bridge Structural Health Monitoring System (SHM)
- Exploring Symbolic Techniques for Fast Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Autonomous Vehicles
- Feasibility Assessment and Development of Knowledge, Technology, and Tools for Reliable Hydrogen Injection into Natural Gas Delivery Systems
- Application for bacteriophage encapsulation in biodegradable polymers for the prevention of prosthetic joint and suture infections
- Radiofrequency Treatment for Emphysema in Rat Model
- Using Machine Learning to Classify and Access an Audio Database
- Evaluation and analysis of citizen science golden eagle migration data collected by the Rocky Mountain Eagle Research Foundation, Mount Lorette, Alberta 1993-2016
- Enabling and Accelerating Fragment-based Drug Discovery An Excellent Opportunity To Combine Innovation and Education
- A Vision-based system for intelligent monitoring of gait poses in dementia
- Development of a Reliability-Centered Maintenance Battery Program
- Computational fluid dynamics modelling of heat pipes for cooling applications
- Grain consumption patterns, their respective nutrient contribution and related health outcomes in Canadians
- The fixating effect of LCA during ideation in eco-design: a case study
- HPGR Model Development for Different Ore Classes
- Anticorrosion and conductive smart thin-film coating built by additive manufacturing
- Pilot-Scale Mycoremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil
- Development of the Social Acoustic Metrics for Aircraft Noise Annoyance to Facilitate the Management of Community Expectations
- Point Cloud processing for Smart Iceberg Management System
- A Device for the Effective Use of Composted Chicken Manure in Hydroponics Systems
- Knowledge mobilization: Local community engagement, sustainability and adaptive governance
- A nanostructured surface for ultrasensitive detection of illicit drugs in oral fluids
- Model-Aided Performance Analysis from System Traces
- Pairing of Machine-Learning Systems with Algorithmic Trading Strategies
- Effects of a probiotic product from Lallemand Inc. on growth performance and intestinal morphology of chickens raised under suboptimal conditions
- Prediction models for pain volatility and engagement patterns of mobile pain app users
- Process Improvement for Plasma Transfer Arc Additive Manufacturing
- Long-Term Prevention of Catheter Infections using Chemical Coatings
- Human kinematic optimal control learning and wearable inertial measurement unit alignment for rehabilitation
- Detection, characterization and analysis of unsafe video content on YouTube
- Developing statistical methods to discover genetic variants underlying longitudinal decline in lung function
- Low cost micro dispenser for general analytical or synthetic applications
- Grassland butterfly conservation and headstarting program
- Study of biomechanics during equine rehabilitation: development of harness system and rehabilitation protocol
- Research into the Design and Development of Inclusive Digital Media Technologies
- Solar Heat Energy Storage and Solar Roof De-Icing Technology for BIPV Living Lab Pro
- Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) tightness testing using statistical approach
- Data Poverty Project
- Computational and machine learning approaches to improve design and screening of high bioactivity peptides for drug discovery
- Simulation of Transient Over-Voltages for Overhead Transmission Lines via Electromagnetic Transients Programs
- Securitized Tokens as a Service (STaaS)
- Risk Margin for Claims and Premium Liability in Accordance with IFRS 17
- Towards automatic tree selection through fusion of mobile lidar and computer vision information
- Assessing the Utility of a Commercial Mobile EEG in Detecting Age-Related Differences in the Brain – Year two
- Carbon dioxide: Alternative solutions for conversion of captured liquefied CO2 into valuable fuels – Year two
- Development of industrially scalable graphene oxide acoustic transducers – Year two
- Development of the Tat-GluN2BCTM peptide as a novel therapy for acute myocardial infarction
- High Average Power – Frequency domain Optical Parametric Amplifier (HAP-FOPA)
- Quantifying the value and risk of restoring wetland habitats in agricultural landscapes
- Efficacy of a novel anti-IL-1B receptor modulator in reducing preterm birth impact on neurovascular health – Year two
- Development of a novel Saccharomyces yeast RNAi production and delivery platform
- Advanced Composite Membranes for Water Vapour Separations
- Small-scale Continuous Purification of Nanoparticles and Therapeutic Proteins
- Swishwash Island Tidal Marsh Restoration
- Lifestyle and cognition: a large-scale approach – Year two
- A cloud-based ecosystem for predictive maintenance and management of shipping container
- Feasibility of clustering road user trajectories in complex scenes for automatic identification of common traffic activities
- Publishing Dis/ability and Public Access
- Evaluation of Phytosanitary Measure Efficacy Using Genomics
- Voice pitch control in cochlear implant users
- Applying complex systems theory and transition management to sustainable agriculture: a case study of Mount Wolfe Farm
- The potential effects of a carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) inhibitor, SLC-0149, on AD pathogenesis
- Advanced machine learning techniques for ore body modelling
- A Feasibility Study of a Measure of Resiliency in a Vulnerable Population
- Seismic performance assessment of smart highway bridges using life-cycle costing
- Damage Detection by Acoustic Emission in Hybrid Thermoset/ Thermoplastic Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composites
- Understanding the effect of the oral microbiome on the performance of dental implant crown materials
- Improving Agricultural Initiatives in Northern and Remote Settings through Region-Specific Agricultural Best Management Practices
- Controlled release of analgesics for opioid-free post-operative pain control
- Mechanistic Study of the Steam-Solvent Co-Injection Process
- Creating an integrated data management platform for food banks to address poverty
- Effectiveness of Behavioural Science for Financial Decision-Making
- The Viability of Telehealth in the Healthcare Ecosystem
- Functional Biomechanical Evaluation of Bioinductive Augmentation for High Risk Rotator Cuff Tears
- Bridge inspection and lab testing for determining performance of concrete bridges
- Usability of LaceUp, a foot stool that facilitates optimum body posture when putting on footwear: Perspectives of occupational therapists
- Reducing Municipal Water Loss and Energy Consumption through Field-based Analytics, Predictive Modelling and Pressure Management
- Application of Lystek thermal-alkaline hydrolysis technology to fermentation of primary sludge and waste activated sludge
- Assessing traumatic brain injury knowledge and awareness at community organizations serving women who have experienced intimate partner violence
- A robotic end-effector for surgical tool handoff
- Investigating Ni-doped TiO2 / graphene oxide composite coatings on various substrates
- Intelligent Activity Tracking and Perception
- Activating Empty Storefronts Through Social Innovation
- Climate Services to Support Adaptation of the Caribbean Tourism Sector
- TBIFinder : A new approach to identify and properly assess mild Traumatic Brain Injury
- SNP association study for immune and behavioral responses traits in turkeys
- Natural Language Generation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Uncovering Soft Information from Stock Market Conference Calls: Asset Management Perspectives
- Novel Additives to Enhance the Delivery of Foliar Crop Sprays
- Numerical simulation and experimental analysis of frosting in air-to-air counterflow heat exchanger
- Process optimization for extraction of compounds from natural sources – Year Two
- Pharmacogenetic Biomarker Discovery, Personalized Medicine, and Clinical Test Commercialization in Neuropsychiatry – Year two
- An Agile monitoring tool integrating risk, safety, and digital data infrastructure management – Year two
- Scientific and Clinical Hub for Orphan Drug Development
- Flaxseed fractionation for product development and process scale-up.
- Functional Characterization of Mammaglobin-1 Isoform in Breast Cancer
- Multilingual Semantic Similarity Engine
- Towards the development of a bone substitute-based targeted drug delivery tool to treat bone metastasis
- Development of a power efficient modem for reliable acoustic communication between autonomous underwater vehicles
- Decision Support System to Manage and Forecast Final Project Costs
- Forced Air Ozone Reactor and Advanced Oxidative Process as an Alternative to Post-harvest Washing for Decontaminating Fresh Produce
- Adapting Human Performance Techniques, Illusion Aesthetics, and Specialized Apparatus from the World of Stage Conjuring to Contemporary Circus Disciplines
- Opioid Use in Pediatric-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Advanced Anode Materials for Next-Generation All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries
- The Power of Archival Records in Independent Schools
- Effectiveness of an Online Game in Promoting Careers in New Brunswick Nursing Homes
- Direct Olefin Reduction
- Development of climate sensitive growth functions for western North Americas boreal tree species
- Integration of microbiological and geochemical tools for de-risking oil and gas exploration along the Scotian Margin
- Simulation and Analysis of Aerators at Fish Farms
- Nutrient balances (phosphorus and nitrogen) in Lake St. Charles, Quebec, and the evaluation of effectiveness of remediation scenarios for nutrient reductions on the lake’s water quality
- Examining the Roles of Mouse Immune Cells in Liver Regeneration
- Spherical harmonic representation of sound field using a velocity microphone for source localization and source separation
- Development of an efficient process to produce influenza virus-like particles in insect cell culture platform
- Strategic BC Salmon Health Initiative: effects of pathogens on the health and conservation of BCs Pacific Salmon
- LED Radiation Pattern Modelling
- The effect of a topical analgesic on neuromuscular endurance and pain
- Development of a calibration method for Mecademics Meca500 robot arm
- Health Information Interoperability with Bidirectional Transformation and Assurance (HealthBX)
- Occupancy and fine-scale habitat use of five meso-carnivore prey species in the sub-boreal forests of Central British Columbia
- Evaluating the Risk of Climate Change and Hydraulic Processes to Linear Infrastructure
- Injection molding with laser-micromachined molds to fabricate biomimetic flow enhancing polymer parts
- Predicting In-patient Discharges to Identify Bed Availability for Housekeeping During Emergency Department Surge Using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Development of a commercial protocol to differentiate human pluripotent stem cells into skeletal muscle progenitor cells (hPSC-SMPCs) with transplantation potential
- A weighted graph approach to IP geolocation
- Development of Advanced Comminution and Gravity Concentration Technologies for Low Water and Energy Consumption
- Study on the hydro-geotechnical properties and establishment of a numerical model for waste rocks
- Investigating Existing and New Models of Distribution in Canadian Art Book Publishing
- Development and validation of BRET-based biosensors for drug candidate profiling
- Economic and environmental impacts associated with removal of productivity-enhancing technologies in the Canadian beef cattle industry
- Portfolio optimization and risk analysis
- Using the cannabis microbiome for sustainable production
- Drying, harvest, and storage conditions of buckwheat hay used for commercial production of rutin
- Engaging people experiencing poverty in poverty reduction initiatives
- Junior hockey competence analytics – Year two
- Metal oxide Nanomaterial electrolytes for all-solid-state sodium-Ion battery – Year 2
- Assessing and improving the performance of quantum annealing processors – Year two
- Energy and Seismic Retrofit of Buildings
- Impact and Vulnerability of Caribbean fisheries
- Nanotechnology Solving Environmental Protection and Cyber-Physical Security: Smart Power-Grid Application
- Power transformers reliability modeling with data obtained in structure monitoring using fiber optics sensing
- Forecast of Users Water Consumption
- Biological Evaluation of Antimicrobial Materials
- Communication Aid for Non-English Speaking Newcomers
- Diversity and Inclusion: Case studies of skilled migrants in Hamilton Canada
- Materials Selection & Design Strategies for Impact Resistance in Hand Protection
- Assessment of processes controlling naturally elevated uranium and arsenic concentrations in groundwater and surface water in the Dawson Range, Yukon, Canada
- Identifying significant sources of noise and their effects on the behaviour and welfare of cats in animal shelters
- Having a pulse for the group: An app-based approach to collecting multiple time-point longitudinal data
- Development of a portfolio of graphite and graphene based processes and products
- Fire retardant fabrics for active workwear applications
- Enhancement of Cement Properties by Means of In Situ Prepared Nanoparticles
- Development of improved fuel cell system hybridization, control and on-board diagnostics for heavy duty bus and rail applications
- Selective breeding of honey bees
- Hybrid Distributed Energy Resources for Net-Zero Energy Buildings
- Evaluation of neuro-protective effects of novel water-soluble formulation of Ashwagandha root extract alone and in combination with water-soluble Ubisol Q10 using in vitro and in vivo models of Parkinsons disease
- Study clay deposits within the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (Fort Nelson area) for industrial applications
- Vela Canada; Building Social Capital
- Comprehensive study of VCSEL-MMF coupling techniques
- RLCapture: A deep reinforcement learning based control strategy forswitching between motion capture inspired controllers.
- Overcoming Barriers to Sustainable Purchasing: A Case Study of Avocado Co-op
- Intelligent Vision Based Navigation Systems
- Use of XR to address coordination challenges in construction projects
- A Deep Learning Approach to Soft Sensor Design and Process Optimization for an Industrial Nickel Extraction Process
- The Impact of Knowledge Transfer in International Business on Early Childhood Education
- ParticipACTION Physical Activity Report Card for Children and Youth and the Global Matrix 3.0: Evaluation and Strategic Harmonization
- Climate change, wildlife harvest, and traditional food security in northern Quebec
- Modeling regime changes to improve portfolio diversification and performance
- NOVA (Network Optimized Video Analytics)
- Elaboration of a Phase II clinical study protocol for the treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using AB-16B5, an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) inhibitor, in combination with docetaxel
- Characterization of back-illuminated complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor detector arrays for CASTOR
- Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence
- Improving Human-centric Facility Management through Machine Learning Analysis and Visualization
- A Professional Learning Community of Coaches (PLCC): supporting science teaching in Chinese international education
- Eye Gazing Enabled Driving Behavior Monitoring and Prediction
- Climate change and water use: can increased diversity help protect forests?
- The importance and multi-dimensional approach of marketing strategy in the data security industry
- Buffer Width and the Persistence of Black Duck Populations in Forested Wetlands of New Brunswick, Canada
- Urban bat ecology in the Metro Vancouver region
- Chitosan-derivatives as a platform for drug and protein delivery
- Evaluating the impacts of landscape development on carnivore activity patterns and species interactions
- Hey Neighbour! Evaluation and Understanding Social Connections and Engagement
- Machine learning prediction on embedded systems
- Statistical Analysis of Womens Representation in the Animation and Visual Effects Industry in Vancouver
- Bio-Aggregate Based Construction Materials for Sustainable Farm Buildings
- Interacting effects of contaminants and climate change on the health of the western Arctic beluga whales
- Stability of non-Newtonian liquid/liquid flow submitted to imposed shear, application to oil-water emulsion
- Object Recognition for Large-Scale and Weakly-Labelled Medical Image Data
- Optimal manure management strategies to favor productive and low-GHG emitting dairy farms in Québec
- Intraday Trading and Analysis and Monitoring Trader Behavior
- Deep Generative Modeling of Character Animation
- Energy Efficient 360 Video Processing for Portable VR-Technologies
- VAL-083 combination therapies in chemo-resistant pediatric CNS cancers
- Simulation of nanoparticle adsorption and transport in microfluidic lung-on-a-chip devices
- Development of computationally efficient models for modular multilevel converters with integrated battery energy storage systems
- Social Procurement Value Proposition
- Microbial contamination of TransX diesel fuel tanks.
- Quantifying soil organic carbon sequestration performance of the City of Calgary Willow Biomass and Marginal Land Reclamation Demonstration Project: Assessing provincial carbon emissions offset credit opportunities
- Maintenance Recommendation – Downtime Adaptive Learning
- Understanding the scope for innovations in vaccine technology in the swine industry
- Silicon Quantum Dot Trace Explosive Sensor
- Improved Thermoplastic to Oil Pyrolysis Process Technology with Advanced Plasma Technology
- Media/Communication Repertoires of Canadian Small Businesses Owners
- The use of crickets (Gryllus sigillatus) in poultry diets and their antimicrobial potential to defend against necrotic enteritis
- Predictive Control Approach for Converted Multi Zone Residential Buildings with Central HVAC Systems
- Crystallization and mechanism of action studies of antibody NB0940 binding to Poliovirus receptor
- Eastside Works: Information System Support and Evaluation
- Development of wine smoke-taint analysis strategies to provide more accurate risk-assessments and guide in-winery and in-vineyard amelioration methods
- Toolkit: Alternative Models for Affordable Housing
- Modeling and Dynamic Performance Assessment of a Battery Energy Storage Systems
- Development of a reject refining method in the magnesium bisulfite pulping process
- A set membership filtering approach to low-complexity state estimation from PMU measurements
- Characterizing wetlands of different restoration ages in central Alberta using drone-based information (an extension to current Mitacs project: IT10213)
- PHASE II Mapping for Change A Case Study of Enhancing Informational Exchange and Collaboration Through Geoweb Technology
- Characterizing use of the Vancouver public bike share system through 2018
- Designing an Effective Education Program and Regulations to Reduce Conflicts with Bears in Suburban Areas
- Digital vs classical humanitarianism. Mobilizing Doctors Without Borders, digital humanitarians and evidence-based study to guide a crucial analysis on the effectiveness of data collection and treatment in emergency. Project 1: Case study: 2015 earthquake
- Suggestion-based, technology-assisted self-regulation training
- Artificial Neural Net for He nano-bubble identification in structural materials for nuclear power applications
- Statistical machine learning methods applied to ATB data for credit risk modelling
- Investigating Insurance Insolvency in Canada’s Property and Casualty Industry
- Anomaly Detection in Financial Data
- Mapping associations between drought and simultaneous fires across space and time within the Southern Canadian Cordillera
- Assessment of the Neonatal Lung Using Structural and Functional MRI – Year two
- Achieving aspirations of Canadian aboriginal communities through participatory cultural mapping and dynamic decision modelling – Year two
- Research for Innovative Mining Methods
- Integrated Far- and Near-Field Human Exposure Modelling for Organic Substances – Year two
- Stability of Geobag Elements for Riverbank Protection
- Antigen tracking of the DepoVaxTM-R9F cancer vaccine using MRI
- Multi-species sustainable fisheries management using scientific and traditional ecological methods – Year two
- Context-Aware Advertising Language Modeling with Deep Learning for Internet Ads
- A new technological paradigm for low-cost, decentralized vaccine manufacture at point-of-use
- A digital technology platform for supply chain: Development of scenario planning and forecasting models and tool for the engine build program to assess the impact of variations in sales forecast on inventory planning
- A Framework for Assessing Regulations and Initiatives with Goals and Watson Analytics
- Assessing the effectiveness of shorebird roost site conservation strategies through the employment of Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation
- Building Resilience into Canadian Housing
- Using machine learning to investigate sympathetic activation of the autonomic nervous system during treatment of mild traumatic brain injury, chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder
- Numerical Prediction of Mode Splitting on Rotating Disks
- Expanding the Circle of Courage: Understanding the Implementation of the Aboriginal Youth Mentorship Program
- DC Interconnection Hubs
- Upper Fraser River bull trout management evaluation
- Automatic Modulation Classification using Deep Learning for wireless security applications
- Interoperative Performance Measurement of Surgeons using Deep Learning
- Application of Model Predictive Control to HVAC Systems in Smart Buildings
- Quantifying the Computation Power and Transaction Latency of Pool Mining in Cryptocurrency Networks
- AI solutions to patient-physician engagement
- Composite action in mass timber floor and beam system connected with self-tapping wood screws
- Vision-Based Welding Control and Quality Assurance – Year two
- Theoretical foundation to ensure a high degree of reuse in the safety work products and system design of safety critical steering systems
- Development of a novel system to isolate vocal sources in crowded environments for individuals suffering from hearing deficits
- Economic complexity, value chain network and Québecs global competitiveness
- Portable Medical Grade EEG Headset Functional Improvement
- Removal of Cyanotoxins in Surface Waters Using Ozone & Advanced Oxidation Processes
- Improving the calculation of reserved deck space
- Optimal Design and Control of an Automated Bike Parking System
- Reduced-order thermo-fluid modelling of automotive interior
- Experimental testing of employing large grains as a bank erosion mitigation technique
- Interfaces and algorithms to interactively improve medical datasets for machine learning
- Assessing the role of small-scale structures in controlling auriferous fluid flow: Nadaleen trend, Yukon.
- Development and optimization of a new roll-to-roll atmospheric pressure plasma reactor: deposition of functional nanocomposite coatings on polymer and paper rolls
- Development of an Educational Resource to Assist Not for Profit Organizations in the Formulation and Implementation of Federal Disability Legislation
- Instituting Composite Knowledge About Living Architectural Systems
- Mobile Analytics Interface for an Ocean Vessel Profiling Device
- Action Research on Youth Physical Literacy in Recreation
- An investigation of the effectiveness of competency-based management implementation
- Artistic Voices: An Oral History Community Heritage Project at the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning, Kingston ON
- Use of Guide and Outfitter Knowledge and Sampling to Advance Wildlife Health Surveillance Systems
- Creating personality based coaching manuals to manage leader Counterproductive Work Behaviours and improve leadership interpersonal competencies
- A fuzzy logic based alert propagation system for temporal tracking of clinical samples
- Development of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms For Improved Correlation of Sensor Responses to Ore Grade
- A study of owner perceptions of health and longevity in dogs and cats fed meat- or plant-based diets.
- Geochemical analysis of low-sulphidation epithermal deposits on the La Victoria property in the Ancash Department of the Republic of Peru
- Credit Portfolio Management and Stress Testing Models Research & Development
- WP 3.1.2 Next Generation Product Cost Tracking
- High Fidelity Mixed Reality Platform for Surgical Training and Pre-Operative Rehearsal
- High value-addition of forestry residuals into levulinic acid
- Real-time (re-)planning of redundant robots with task-priority in a dynamic and constrained environment
- Tobacco-Concurrent Addictions and At-risk Youth in Ottawa: A Mixed Methods Community-Based Participatory Action Research Project (TCAY-Ottawa)
- In vitro validation of candidate therapeutic targets for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Applied machine learning for health insurance fraud detection
- Bacterial biofilms Phytochemicals, efflux pumps and food safety applications
- Reliability Study for Urban Transit Buses
- The Geography of Capacity–An Analysis of Individual, Organizational and Community Needs and Resources in Three Communities in Canada
- Evaluating the Impact of cannabis to reduce or manage illicit drug use in Vancouver, Canada
- Optimizing G protein-coupled receptor assays for autoimmune diagnostics
- Effects of probiotic treatment on adulthood anxiety and obesity after exposure to Western diet
- Exploring various approaches for investigating the mechanism of native diphtheriae toxin production by a C. diphtheriae strain: From omics to nutritional to process approaches
- Displacement-based Design of Hybrid Steel-timber Structures
- Assessment of Myocardial Perfusion Enhancement Associated with Current Treatments for Ischemic Heart Disease Using Positron Emission Tomography
- Treating the Untreatable: Targeting Paediatric Brain Tumours with Multi-omics and Drug Discovery
- Advancement of bio-processing technology for ginseng polysaccharides: a model for value-added medicinal plant polysaccharides development
- Nanoparticle-encapsulated Cannabinoid and Temozolomide Combination Therapy for the Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme
- Molecular Characteristics of Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives
- Heavy Rare Earth Elements: New Insight into Mineralogical Parameters That Impact Mine Processing
- Analysis of techno-economic-environmental feasibility of zero emission buses on public transit routes in Canadian context
- Better predictions of employee events
- High Performance of Sulfide-based Electrolytes in All Solid-State Batteries for Safe Applications of Electric Vehicles
- A melanoma diagnosis and prognosis framework with human readable explanation
- Machine Learning Based Encrypted Traffic Analysis
- Real-Time Operating System for Safety Critical Systems
- Evaluating Natural Channel Design Performance in Southern Ontario
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Based Multi Agent System in Banking Environment
- Advanced Hybrid Solid-State Lithium(-ion) Batteries for Electric Vehicle Applications
- Potential roads for recovery of Atlantic salmon in Nova Scotian rivers
- Open-domain Contextual Conversation Generation
- Machine learning modelling of temporal enterprise data
- Technical and Economic Assessment of Implementing UV Treatment in Potable Reuse Process Trains
- Optimization of astaxanthin production in large-scale cultivation of microalgae by utilizing industrial CO2 emissions
- Knowledge Intensive Processes Representation and Analysis: Process-Aware Work-Graphs and Predictive Approaches
- CRISPR-Cas9-based screening and engineering of novel biologics to target the vulnerabilities of primary and recurrent glioblastoma
- Lateral resistance of Midply walls used as infills in Japanese Post and Beam Construction
- Leaching of chemical elements from Canadian Natural Oceanic Clay
- Using commitment to reduce plastics waste in the marine environment
- The Opportunity Equation
- Investigating wildlife-road interactions in the Chignecto Isthmus Region
- Flexible Data Reader on Distributed File Systems for Training Deep Learning Algorithms
- Modification of Sludge Based Activated Carbon for nutrient removal in stormwater runoff through rain garden growing medium
- Segmentation of 3D microscopy images
- Intra-operative Error Detection on Surgical Video based on Computer Vision Analysis
- Exploring the connection between design and computational thinking across industry and educational contexts
- Assessing Gaps and Opportunities: Industry Knowledge and Capacity for Large-Scale Heat Pump Uptake
- Voice Cloning Optimization
- Reservoir Analytical Model Pattern Recognition
- Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms using speech longitudinally
- Hand Hygiene Tracking Prototype Development
- Cognitive Risk Sensing Using Deep Learning
- Demonstration-Based Initialization of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Efficient Robotic Control
- Exploration of Methods and Models to Achieve Multi-Document Comprehension in the Legal Domain
- Identifying vehicle accidents and high risk drivers using Machine Learning
- Automated Model Tuning for Retail
- Development of a Bidding simulation environment
- Operating Room Traffic Assessment: A Video Analysis Approach
- Hand Pose Reconstruction Based on Fast Multi-Touch Sensors
- Examining Media for Fraud Detection
- Fraud Prevention in Real-Time B2B Payments Using Streaming Algorithms
- An Artificial Agent for Light Switch
- Improvement of fluorescent bead detection and classification algorithms for CD4 cell counting in portable flow cytometers
- Kappa architecture serving layer suitability
- Evolving data storage design for a highly regulated financial sector.
- Greener Routes to Value-Added Fluorocarbons by Metal-Catalyzed Reactions
- Improving Social Conditions for Indigenous Youth: A Case Study of Organized Sports in Canoe Lake Cree Nation
- Photometry- and Radiometry-based Precision Agriculture
- 2017 Neighbourhood Small Grants Program Evaluation
- Optimizing the Thermal and Optical Performance of Multilayer Glazing with Application of Nano-optical Coating
- Effects of probiotic treatment on maternal care and gut health, with outcomes for offspring stress resiliency
- Integrating biodiversity functional guild responses to land use and climate change in natural heritage system update
- Splicing alterations: from pathogenic variant discovery to next generation therapeutics development
- Automated Visual Inspection, Sentencing & Dressing
- Prediction of Optimal Business Structure for Tax Efficiency
- Cryptocurrency Index Research
- Using Deep Learning to Auto-tune GPU Application
- Improving the use of evidence-informed health policy for individuals with brain-based disabilities – Year two
- A Process Integration Approach of CO2 Sequestration to Marketable Products
- Exploratory Study on the Prevalence of Alexithymia in a Child Welfare Population
- Automating Cloud Data Center Operation
- Privacy Enhanced Decentralized Identity System
- Zero-Emission Public Transit Fleet Systems – Year two
- Enhancing Nurses Role in Opioid Stewardship – Implications for health policy, practice advocacy) and patient safety – Year two
- Tagging and Auto-Captioning of Histopathology Scans for Diagnosis Assistance
- Nanostructured cathode material for high performance all-solid-state sodium battery
- Building and supporting healthy educational communities: From kindergarten through university
- Intelligent Product Quality Assessment (IPQA) Toolkit
- Low-cost Real-time Multi-constellation GNSS Precise Point Positioning for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
- Development of a Borehole Muon Detector for Muon Tomography
- Activity-based screening of DNA-Encoded libraries
- Simulation of the foamy oil flow during the solution gas drive production of heavy oils
- Catalytic Heavy Oil Upgrading under Methane Environment
- Using bioelectrochemical approaches to study microbes associated with oil and gas operations
- Landscape-scale reconstruction of the spatio-temporal attributes and biophysical drivers of mixed-severity fire regimes in the Alberta Foothills
- Municipal inclusion and human rights
- Iron battery: a safety, economic and environmentally friendly aqueous secondary battery
- The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Capacity Building Initiative for Rural Community Health Research in Northern Newfoundland and Coastal Labrador (Rural 360 Project)
- Assessment and Genetics of Stress Resilience in Dairy Cattle
- Costing Educational Inequity: The Case for a “Social Determinants of Education”
- Deep learning for customer insights discovery from videos
- Acoustic and Speaker Modeling Using Deep Learning
- Keeping the Spark Alive: How Novelty and Responsiveness Can Enhance Intimate Relationship
- Non-Contact Laser-Based Vibration Sensor
- Supporting Light Steering Technology within the Future Cinema Ecosystem
- Phase 1 of Enhanced Measurement-Based Care Effectiveness for Depression (EMBED): A Canada-China Implementation Project (Salary Support for Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
- Fruit Extract to Dyes – Elucidating the Mechanism of Dye Formation using Genipin to Unlock New Colours
- Terahertz Distributed Sensing Platform Based on Waveguide Bragg Gratings
- Landscapes of Injustice, Curatorial Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Evaluating the effectiveness of novel chemically modified chars, in conjunction with other organic and inorganic residuals from the forestry and pulp & paper industries, for enhanced passive treatment of mine-influenced water
- Part of the water, part of the land’: Developing Indigenous water legislation for Carcross/Tagish First Nation
- The Contribution of Invertebrates to the Seasonal Diets of Walleye in Lake St. Joseph
- Conception and automatisation of a tunable Phase-Mask Interferometer for Fiber Bragg Grating inscription
- Modelling successional dynamics in the boreal mixedwoods
- Assessment of DNA Ministring technology in cell transfection and the treatment of Colorectal Cancer (CRC)
- Indigenous Energy Financing Solutions
- Using behavioral biometrics to continuously authenticate an individual
- Representing and understanding 3D Objects
- A Mental Model Approach to Avalanche Risk Communication: Examining Avalanche Bulletin Use and Comprehension
- Acceptance Testing Framework for Robotic Software Solutions
- Innovation and characterization of plant-based ingredients for the emerging protein markets
- Application of bacteriophage encapsulation in biodegradable polymers for the prevention of prosthetic joint infections
- Improving Primary Care in Older Patients: a Focus on Safe and Appropriate Medications
- The land should lead us: Acknowledging community viability to practice Indigenous health sovereignty in northern Manitoba
- Study of thermal energy storage solutions for a long-term, eco-friendly and cost-effective adiabatic compressed air energy storage system
- Predation on Chinook Salmon Smolts by Great Blue Herons
- Mining Technologies: Optimal Mine Design and Strategies for Increased Productivity and Energy Savings
- Combining Seq2Seq Models with Collaborative Filtering Techniques for Explainable Recommendation
- Extension of AWSOM to Strut-Braced Wings
- Natural Language Interface for Ad Hoc Queries in Analytics
- Assessing Volatile Organic Compounds as a Measure of Crop Health
- Investigation on processes for removal of chloramines from saturated sodium chloride brine solution
- Identification of heterotic gene pools to accelerate hybrid breeding in Brassica napus (canola)
- Understanding the mediators of employee wellness in an activity-based workspace
- 3D Imaging Development for Part Dimensional Measurement
- Validation and Usability Analysis for a Return to Work Software Platform
- Intelligent Perception of Mining Equipment Operation using a Single Camera
- Radiomic-based deep learning for time-to-event outcome in pulmonary malignancies.
- A Framework for MBFC Big Data System
- Analysis of factors impacting views and revenue of digital assets on YouTube
- Automation and Evaluation of Rapid Deforestation Assessments of Small Farms
- Electrical Material Characterization Studies on Power Cable Dielectric Materials subjected to Thermal Aging
- Systematic Risk Mitigation Methodology Applied to the Bioénergie La Tuque (BELT) Biofuels Biorefinery – Year two
- Development of miniature fluorescence microscope with optogenetically synchronized patterned illumination – Year two
- Canadian Communities of Practice in Global Health: meeting the SDG challenge – Year two
- New economic strategies for the design, analysis, and evaluation of international projects and development of teaching materials
- Role of gut microbiome in neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders
- Inhibiting somatostatin signaling in animal models of diabetes
- Cancer tissue classification using machine learning/deep learning algorithms
- Customer Lifetime Value Prediction Engine: Neighborhood Link Inference and Conversion Prediction
- Smart TECHnology for better shared decision making about prenatal testing for pregnant WomEn (TECH4WE)
- The making of a woman feature filmmaker: Gender and cultural production in a Montreal-based film school
- Efficient and low-complexity video coding for virtual reality and 360-degree video streaming
- Development of easy-to-prepare pulse-based meals for consumption by office workers to combat the negative health consequences of a sedentary work environment
- Understanding Jewelry Consumers’ Response to CSR Advertising Messages
- Quantitative risk measurement techniques for insurers
- A novel home cage testing environment for frontal cortical neuronal recording in marmosets – Year two
- Applications of deep learning to large-scale data analysis in mass spectrometry-based proteomics – Year Two
- Investigation of the strength of bonded joints for lightweight vehicle assembly
- BC Pulp and Paper Bioproducts Alliance: Upgrading black liquor lignin through fractionation and chemical modification
- Development and trial of evaluative frameworks for inclusive employment programs
- Transitioning from Print to Interactive Digital Publishing
- Harnessing the power of horizontal gene transfer for yeast strain development – Year two
- Protective and therapeutic use of resistant starch (MSPrebiotic) in a pig model of experimental colitis
- Linking Animals, Social Justice and Social work
- Analysis and Integration of Real-Time Mobility Data for the Cascadia Corridor
- Freshwater Oil Spill Remediation Study at the IISD-Experimental Lakes Area: (The FOReSt Project)
- Phenotyping and genotyping collection of Cannabis sativa lines
- Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using VEMCOs new high residency acoustic electronic tagging technology
- Development of an RNAi Approach to Control Wireworms on PEI
- Integrating Digital Design + Prefabrication Processes into Calgary-based Architecture and Design Firms
- Quantifying fish-turbine spatio-temporal overlap for assessing risk to migratory fishes using VEMCOs new high residency acoustic electronic tagging technology
- Use of temperature and activity monitoring system as predictor for parturition and diseases in transition cows
- Peptide-Based Environment Sensitive siRNA Delivery System for Cancer Treatment
- Experimental investigation of a new ammonia synthesizer for practical application
- Communicating Credentials: Building blockchain solutions for university degree verification
- Visualization of IoT signals and optimization of sampling rate using machine learning
- Advanced Co-simulation Algorithms for EMT Simulation of Power System Transients
- Development of Advanced Smart Medical Bandage Using Memory Polymeric Film/Yarn Actuator
- Investigating the cell biology of cannabinoid synthesis in Cannabis sativa
- Rotator cuff tears: a covert source of shoulder disability (Prognostic value of patients demographic, clinical and genetic factors)
- Development of Coxsackievirus B3 as an Oncolytic Virus for KRAS-Mutant Lung Cancer Treatment
- Using Marine Technology to Develop a Gulf Islands Marine Biology Education and Outreach Program
- Evaluating effects of local, landscape, and regional factors on Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) nest survival
- Gelatin modified separator for dendrite free metal anode
- Municipal Biological Nutrient Removal Bioreactor Upgrade Using Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactors (MABR): Pilot Scale Investigation
- An order-reduced simulation framework for 3D multiscale geophysical electromagnetic problems
- Investigating and Facilitating users participation in trading social networks
- Characterizing lytic bacteriophages against pathogenic E. coli: receptor specificity, efficacy in vivo, and genomic analysis
- Recommendation system for retail shopping
- Predicting climate change resilience of mine site reclamation in Yukons boreal region: from site and ecosystem classifications to biological response
- GaN Power Transistor Modelling and Experimental Verification
- Methods for efficient and effective multi-document reading comprehension in the legal domain
- Economic Implications of Policy Change in Rural Regions: Implications of Legalizing Cannabis in the Kootenay Region
- Peer Information and Substance Use Decision Making in Street-Involved Youth
- Vanadium oxide coated with conductive polymers for zinc-ion battery cathode
- The Voices of Children and Youth: Community Injury Prevention through Visual Storytelling and Intervention (VOICES) in First Nations communities
- Accelerating home energy retrofits building the case for local improvement charges in Ontario municipalities
- Better Benchmarks, Better Urban Design
- Private Secure Blockchain Transactions
- Optimizing Biofiltration for Improved Manganese Control under Winter Conditions
- North Coast Innovation Lab
- Teaching robotics programming in conjunction with virtual simulation software: An evaluation of learning behaviors in secondary students
- Characterizing and Improving the Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks
- Development of electrospun micro/nano fibrous strain sensors with temperature sensing capabilities for wearable textile applications
- CRISPR-based precision breeding of semi-dwarf high-performance hops
- Optimization of the force sensitive mechanism for football and bicycle helmets
- Deloitte IP Factory: dTRAX Contract Management
- Hydrogen and stress in electroless copper and electroless nickel films
- eChaperone Computer Vision Application in Healthcare Analytics
- International Farm Workers in Essex County: Belonging and Socially Inclusive Rural Communities
- The Developmental Health of Children and Youth participating in Out-of-School Programs
- Examining brain activity and sport-specific skill learning due to motor imagery
- Model development for membership analytics
- Developing an Intelligent Conversational Agent Architecture related to the Banking Domain
- Modeling of the Wear Performance of Carbide-Based Overlays and Coatings
- Magnetorheological Fluid Actuators for various industries
- Natural language understanding and generation
- Structure of sediments formed in tailings treatment
- Machine learning applied to drilling in open pit mines
- Data mining and personalized recommendation for an online luxury fashion retailer
- Exploring the Impact of Housing-based Overdose Prevention Interventions on People who use Drugs in Vancouver – Year two
- Measuring Social Progress on Urban Aboriginal People: Construction and Application of a Composite Index of Quality of Life – Year Two
- Advanced Data Science Research for Social Good II
- Regulating Abnormal Connectivity in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder via Real-time fMRI Neurofeedback – Year two
- Development of Functional Nanoparticles for Targeted Biomaterial Cell Delivery
- Effective Remediation in Porous Systems with Fractures and Heterogeneities: Experimental and Modelling Study
- Mobile Application Support for an Outdoor Agriculture Expos Temporary Cluster Functions
- Characterizing the role of probiotics in physiologically relevant ex vivo and in vivo models of infectious colitis
- Decision making with rich ontologies for minerals exploration
- Supporting Social Inclusion and Well-Being in Metro Vancouver
- Towards a Universal Polymer Crosslinker
- P4 SDN testbed integration
- Dinosaur bonebed amber: paleoecological and paleoenvironmental reconstructions
- Development of a guideline of best police practices in locating lost persons with dementia
- Weighted linear point-cloud registration for scan-matching in GPS-denied environments
- Ice Hazard Drift Model Study III
- Analysis and Optimization of NOMA in Smart Grid Applications
- Innovative zeolite-assisted bioremediation strategy for cold-climate soils impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons
- Bringing Personalized Recommendation to the Legal Domain
- Analysis of a Model for Shipping Grains from Summerside (PEI) to Corner Brook (NL)
- Accurate identification of Points of Interest visits for refined trade area analysis and audience segmentation
- Valorization of surface enhanced pulp fibers into value-added products
- Crawler Crane Load Distribution Beneath Timber Mats
- In-Situ Stresses at the Aquistore CO2 Storage Site Based on Integrated Analysis of Downhole and Core Testing Data
- Aircraft Modification and Configuration Tracking
- User experience heuristics in extended reality
- Developing Provisional Publishing Guidelines Informed by Indigenous Storytelling and Knowledge Keeping Protocols
- Automatic Delineation of Seismocardiogram and Gyrocardiogram Signals
- Establishment of a Pressure Ulcer Biobank from Spinal Cord Injury Patients
- The Greater Toronto Area Watershed Readiness Pilot Project: Gaging how climate and land use change might impact aquatic ecosystems in urban environments.
- Ultra-reliable and low-latency communication for industrial use case
- A reinforcement learning approach to establishing a Q&A symptom checker to evolve the performance of the visual diagnosis system for dermatological diseases
- The social license to operate: insights from Eeyou Istchee
- Tracing the Historical Plays of Power in Alberta’s Recreation System
- Modeling and Measuring Insurance Risks Considering IFRS 17 Framework
- Rapid Operations Planning for Space Robotics Using Machine Learning
- Anomaly Detection in transactions volumes
- Development of deep learning pipeline for automatic segmentation and classification of cardiac magnetic resonance images
- Generating realistic customer purchase baskets using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
- Mobile Application Support for an Outdoor Agriculture Expo’s Temporary Cluster Functions
- Development of a High Power Picosecond Infrared Laser for Medical Applications – Year two
- Improving Powder Performance by Development and Optimization of Industrial Lubricants and Mixing Technology for Powder Metallurgy – Year two
- Factors influencing overwintering survival in the tick Ixodes scapularis, including the effect of infection with Borrelia spp.
- Cannabis, Mindfulness and Yoga
- Translational Research in Visual Analytics for Personalized Health
- The Development and Implementation of a Cumulative Effects Management System in Metlakatla Territory
- Environmental Influences on Affordances for Risky Play in ECEC Institutions
- Discovery of Endocannabinoid modulating compounds for Alzheimers disease therapeutics development
- Quality Assessment and Enhancement of Retinal Images Part 2
- Adapting a Culture of Sustainability for multi-tenant office buildings
- Effects of choir participation and musical training on auditory processing in hearing aided older adults.
- Classification of radiological observation through image-sentence association
- Design and Development of an Emergency Response Station
- Performance-Based Design Guideline for Mid- to High-Rise Mass Timber Based Structures with Energy Dissipators and Base Isolators
- Estimating the benefit of green infrastructure to urban ecosystems: A synthesis and case-study
- A method to reduce floating ground effect on wearable Electrocardiography (ECG) sensors
- Chopping Away at Hunger: Social Gradients of Food Insecurity in Vancouver, BC
- Integrating mass spectrometry and computational chemistry for suspect and non-targeted screening of industrial effluents
- Coupled human-salmon-bear systems of coastal British Columbia
- Utilization of IoT networks for emergency situations
- Scheduling for Meal-Kit Industry
- Career Stage, Age, and Gender on Employees Ethical Challenges: a Canadian Perspective
- Investigation into the Radiation Damage Effect on Failure Mechanism of CANDU Spacer Material X-750 Ni-based Su
- Blockchain Enabled Land Registry: Towards Improving Transparency, Accountability & Compliance
- Development of Dielectric Coating for the Next Generation Wearable Heart Monitoring System
- Hyperstate: Communication between organizations In the Music Business
- 3D Perception and Prediction for Autonomous Driving
- Development of Drug-eluting Bio-absorbable Scaffolds for Body Piercing Applications
- Anomaly detection and simulation for unlabeled sensor data
- Predicting recovery from concussion during military cadet training using multimodal MRI data and machine learning
- The Genetics of Blood Biomarkers in COPD
- Machine learning towards intelligent steel refining processes
- Lessons Learned and Decision-Making Tool for Engineering Projects
- Robust WiFi-based Indoor Presence Detection and Localization
- Childhood Healthy Weights Early Intervention Program
- Diagnostic, Prognostic and Health Monitoring of Aircraft Flight Control System
- Real-time measurement of the thickness swelling of modified fibreboard
- Analyzing the impact of the Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011 secretome on intestinal epithelial cell and antigen-presenting cell interactions
- Salivary insulin profiles throughout the day in humans with elevated waist circumference
- Automating Analysis of Privacy Requirements
- Preference analyses and development of an e-health app facilitating communication of test results for hereditary cancer syndromes
- Electrochemical Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis of Renewable Liquid Fuels from CO2
- Improved Numerical Combustion Models for Predicting and Reducing Pollutant Emissions in Gas Turbine Engines
- Recommendation engine for intelligent recruiting and expertise matching using social media-like deep collaborative filtering
- Automating financial reports redaction
- Sex: It’s a matter of the heart
- The impacts of agricultural insecticides and new regulatory schemes on the health of wild and managed bees
- Machine Learning Modeling for Autism Spectrum Disorder Handling and Treatment
- Machine Learning Strategies in the Physical North American Power Markets
- The estimation and prediction of crop biomass and final yield using UAV-based point cloud data
- Comparing chemical suppressants for the control of fugitive dust emission on mine hauls roads
- Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater using Nanotechnologies – Year two
- Study of Indian and Ukrainian legal frameworks regulating biofertilizers and biocontrol agents in reference to Canadian microbial products – year 2
- Augmented Guidance Navigation and Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Feasibility of a pressure retarded osmosis process for Quebec electricity generation – Year two
- Removal of THMs Precursors from High DOC and TDS Water by IBROM Process
- Storytelling the History of Cantonese Migration through Virtual Heritage
- Safety and Security for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
- Movement patterns of migratory tree-roosting bats during autumn migration in southern Saskatchewan
- Testing nutrient profiling tools and portion size based initiatives (education, regulation and reformulation) for public health policy in Canada – Year two
- Study of Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited (CBPPL) byproducts and potential uses for food production
- Development of a new conductive carbon ink for printed sensors for smart diapers
- GIF Tools II Advanced GeoPhysical Inversion II (Year Two)
- A New High-Speed Warehousing Cable Robot: Prototyping, Evaluation and Commercialization
- Ahead of Time Compiled Code Generation
- Indigenous engagement in wildfire management within Canada and New Zealand
- Investigating Driving Condition Impact on Millimeter-wave (77GHz) Automotive Radar for Autonomous Vehicles
- Digital speech analysis: prediction and differential diagnosis of PTSD symptoms and severity
- Volumetric Collision Course Modelling for Road Safety Analysis
- Generalization in Deep Learning
- Optimizing modern day vinyl presses
- The Acquisition of Music Reading Skills in Novice Students
- The effect of phyto-cannabinoids on osteoclast differentiation and function
- Schools as Potential Sites of Prevention & Intervention for Youth Homelessness
- Design Analytics
- Characterization of a novel 3D-FML for submerged turbine application
- Thiocyanate Leaching of Gold
- Scaling 3D Microtissue Production Using a Microwell System
- Experimental and numerical investigation on force-based and performance-based seismic design of bridges
- Securing Accessible, Quality Early Learning and Care for Families Working Non-Standard Hours in Alberta: A Systematic Scoping Review
- Data Driven Assessment for Self-Determined Employment
- Community Land Trusts: Exploring civil societys role in reconciliation and the housing crisis
- Designing the Evaluation of a Conservation Education Service Learning Program
- Policy Optimization in Parameter Space
- Development of a clinical protocol for the validation of a detection test for ??amyloid aggregates in retinal scan images.
- A case study on the business impact of personalized shopping experience on retail stores
- UppstArt – A blockchain-based e-commerce system for the sale of online art.
- Mortality Rate Modeling: A study of the effectiveness of longevity and mortality linked financial derivatives as hedging instruments in a pension risk management strategy
- Development of improved power quality detection methods suitable for modern applications
- Accessible data platform for dynamic experience study of lifestyle underwriting
- Efficient face recognition for wearable camera devices
- Parallel Radiofrequency Transmission Technology for Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3 Tesla – Year two
- Energy storage integration into electrified vehicle systems for shared and transit mobility applications
- Security and Resiliency of Prairie Industrial Water Supplies
- Safe Harbour for Military, Veteran and Family Health Research Data
- The Sherbrooke Personalized Cancer Avatar Model Initiative: A Feasibility Study of Treatment Guided by the Combination of DNA Profiling and Next-Generation Medical Avatars in Patients with Advanced Kidney Cancer
- Interactive Reinforcement Learning Speedup with Confidence-based Transfer Learning
- Efficient design and implementation of concatenated error-correction coding for high-throughput fiber-optic links
- Understanding glass sponge reef structure and function using a structure-from-motion approach
- Smart Meter IOT: Security vs Privacy in a Heterogeneous IOT environment
- HEAL-Me: Home-based eHealth (Exercise and Nutrition) in Cirrhosis
- Biovalorization of lobster by-product for applications in food safety and packaging
- Picking Up Our Medicine Bundles in a Modern Day Context
- Bench Marking of FEA Software Packages in 2D and 3D
- Intelligent mini-unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for automated skin cancer screenings
- Nutrition and management strategies to improve Canadian pork production
- Scalable Secure Authentication in Mesh-enabled Networks for Smart Cities
- Mapping of contaminants of emerging interest in Quebec City water sources
- Economic Impact of Tourism in Kingston
- Image Analysis Techniques for Digital Pathology
- Investigation of New Gelation Agents
- Machine learning approaches for event prediction, relation modeling, and inference
- Patient Privacy Preservation through Federation or Encryption? A Comparative review and prototypes
- Package Delivery Robot Interface Research and Development
- Early stage detection of ovarian cancer
- Dietary costs and benefits of lakeshore vs aggregate pit breeding in Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia)
- Development and Study of Ingrown Hair Treatments Part. 2
- Modelling large-scale behaviour of hybrid macro-scale response agents for use in mitigation of marine oil spill impacts
- Investigation of remote diabetic retinopathy screening implementation on British Columbia healthcare costs
- In-situ Exfoliation of Graphene Nanoplatelets Using Supercritical Fluid in Foaming Processing
- Ultra-low power wireless sensor node design for health monitoring
- Impact of Climate Change on Wetlands in Prairie Canada
- Development of an Auxetics Smart Textile for Applications in Healthcare Products
- Rehabilitation Approaches for Steel Structural Plate Bridges
- Investigation of a Vertical Roller Mill for Metal Ore Processing
- Visualization of gene structures, phylogenetic trees, and RNA structures
- Development of Machining Strategies for Low Machinability Powder Metallurgy Ni-Alloys
- Setting risk margin for claims and premium liabilities in accordance with IFRS 17
- New acoustic insulation meta-material technology for aerospace
- A behavioural risk model for deposit only customers
- Statistical and Physiological Beat Modelling of Seismocardiogram Signal – Year 2
- Toward an Understanding of Beautiful Feather Cover in Laying Hens – Year Two
- The development of CO2-switchable polymers as draw solutes for forward osmosis
- Pulse Positive: An educational campaign to increase awareness and consumption by integrating pulses into Elementary Schools
- Development of Cerebral Perfusion Technology
- Aboveground Storage Tank(AST) testing using statistical approach
- Creation of an AI framework for the Restorative Action Program
- Genome sequencing and analysis of the Echinacea genome to unravel new natural products
- Application of Advanced Numerical Simulations in Development of Unconventional Reservoirs
- The influence of biomass pretreatment technologies on the residual lignin fast pyrolysis
- Do Physical Activity Levels Predict Functional Improvements following a Structured Exercise Program for Women Undergoing Breast Cancer Treatment?
- Drivers of woodland caribou calf survival in the Rocky Mountain foothills: a landscape with anthropogenic disturbance and multi-carnivore predation risk
- Development of protein and carbohydrate complexation delivery systems for improving the transport, stability, and efficacy of plant immune aids
- Evaluation of Mazzaella Japonica as a Food Additive for Ruminants
- The Use of Enhanced Percentages of XY and YY Males and Protemics to Increase Freshwater Closed Contained Farmed Production of Sockeye Salmon
- Technologically Assisted Mindfulness Meditation for Older Adults
- Coalescing around gender inequity frames on Twitter: The use of online campaign to #ElectMoreWomen in the Toronto 2018 Municipal elections
- Functional Proteomics to Inform Targeted Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer
- Finding Access to Social Services for Calgary’s Non-Status Migrants
- Identification of gene expression biomarkers for different biotic stress conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana and canola
- Optical Variable Effects for Minting Applications
- Research on the Social and Ecological Impacts of The Thingery Community Sharing Platform
- Uncertainty Modeling and Quantification in Neural Network Image Denoisers
- Carbon Materials Production and Utilization
- Development of polyclonal antibodies to discriminate and quantify the gluten from three different sources
- Characterization of Active Ingredient in Buckwheat
- Mean flow stress modeling towards development of high strength steel
- Elk habitat selection in Manitoba’s agricultural landscapes: understanding its effect on stress and reproductive success
- Development and evaluation of a mental skills training program in youth hockey
- Order picking optimization at a pickup-van storage manufacturing warehouse
- Addressing homelessness in Prince Albert and surrounding community: A public policy and program evaluation approach
- Compound recommendation for plant health using machine learning and computational chemistry
- Making scholarship more practice and policy relevant: Analysis of the Canadian Journal of Development Studies’ peer review process and its implications
- Customer Lifetime Value Prediction Engine: Retail Lending Products
- Large data manipulation research to bolster the Canadian insurance industry and the macro-economy
- Democratizing data preparation for AI
- Flight, energy, and traffic management systems for electric and hybrid aircraft
- Wideband envelope detector for dynamic supply control in RFIC PA’s
- Carbon prepreg filaments for 3D printing high performance parts
- Time series clustering and classification
- Assessing statistical bias in credit markets, an application to SMEs
- Mobile Mesh Technology For Improved Connectivity In Canada
- Multi-level modeling methodologies for aircraft thermal architecture optimization – Year two
- The Development of an Improved Model for Start-up Accelerators
- Investigation of mechanical and electrical properties of polymeric nanocomposites under erosion
- Blockchain-based Consent Management for Personalized Medicine
- Identification of potential areas and associated benefits of MUT on the territory of the city of Montreal
- Translation of a Personalized Genetic Medicine Vector Production System
- Fabrication of a 3 dimensional graphene/metal oxide composites membrane for water filtration – Year two
- Reducing birdstrike risks at airports by integrated pest management of insects – Year two
- Inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge in Resource Decision-making: innovative research methods, guidelines, and digital tools
- The Impact of Pre-Project Planning and Upfront Investment on Construction Project Delivery Efficiencies
- A modular re-configurable robot for real time MR image guided applications
- Implementation and advancement of image analysis for multiplexed microarrays
- Environmental productivity patterns of the Salish Sea: trends, impacts, projections
- Population estimation and interaction of non-native predators with Atlantic salmon
- Improved Industrial Sustainability through Residual Redistribution andRecapture of Value from Underutilized Streams
- The development of a novel oncolytic virotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia
- Exploring the use of physical modelling for assessing urban stream restoration design
- Numerical Simulation of Turbulence and In-Situ Tidal Turbine Performance in Minas Passage
- Automated Extraction of Chemical Synthesis Procedures Using Machine Learning
- Monitoring the genetic variation and population structure of White bear populations in British Columbia to inform ecotourism and resource management
- Development of transparent near-eye display using a sparse microlens array and lightfield principles
- Detection of spacecraft maneuvers based on publicly available data
- BoneTape: A Novel Craniomaxillofacial Fixation Technology
- A Finite Element Framework for Non-linear Material Constitutive Modelling of Superalloy Additive Manufactured Parts
- Named Entities Recognition for Customer Service Automated System
- Signal recognition with machine learning using wavelet features
- Anomaly Detection in Land Vehicle Traffic Activity
- From Data Collection, Maintenance and Analysis to Effective Air Traffic Management
- In Vitro Screening and Validation of Phyto-Cannabinoids in Glaucoma
- Kali: Optimizing Resource Utilization in Distributed Clusters
- Efficacy of a perceptive-cognitive training to improve ice-hockey performance
- Evaluation measurements for an E-Learning Occupational Mental Health Program
- Assessment of factors that can contribute to earth dam cracking and slumping in northeast BC
- LAFORGE: Log Analytics For Operational Intelligence
- New Deformation Model for Realistic Real-Time Simulation of Soft Bodies in the Context of Virtual Surgery
- Integrated Project Delivery Unlocking the Advantages of Innovative Technologies
- Characterization of Stabilized Lithium Ion Battery Materials
- How Does Food Get to the Table? Sustainable Development Influencers Framing of Food Processing in British Columbia
- Understanding mental health experiences of adults 50 years and older living in the Similkameen: A qualitative study using photovoice
- Employing the use of flexible engineering approaches as a bank erosion mitigation technique on the Nicola River in the Thompson Okanagan region
- Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) Magnetometry for Geophysical Exploration of Canadian Lakes
- Northern Centre for Sustainability: research and advocacy for changes in municipal regulations and building code for the construction of a carbon-negative, energy-positive, waste-positive and closed water loop building above the 60th parallel
- Polymer Composites and Thermoformed Thermoplastics for Engine Fire Zones
- Exploration of machine/deep learning techniques using Raman spectroscopy for the identification and classification of brain tumors and prostate cancer
- oN DuTy! – Innovative Program on NonDestructive Testing (NDT)
- Integrating Board Tasks into the Board Attributes and Firm Performance Relation
- Development of New Chromophores for Soil Detection on Surgical Instruments
- Valorisation d’une solution de gestion du personnel
- Validation of novel neurofeedback training engine for improving brain health in aging and neurodevelopmental disorders – Year two
- Assessing the effectiveness of plain packaging in reducing smoking rates: A mixed method approach – Year two
- Collaborative Indigenous Media and Museums: Participatory Multimedia Production for Indigenous Art and Cultural Heritage
- The Essence of Improvisation: Promoting Emotional Fitness in Employees, Products, and Customer Experiences
- Using wearable sensor-based technologies to detect changes in health status for prevention of adverse health events and to improve overall quality of life
- Bio-sourced reagents for the flotation of minerals in the mining industry
- Electro-fermentation of Lignocellulosic Biomass for High Rate Biofuel Production
- Automating Configuration and Performance Management of Data Centers
- Discovery of Novel E3 Ligands for PROTAC Development
- Optimizing Chemical Usage at the Barkerville Gold Mine
- Identifying novel biomarkers and immune response profile correlating to clinical outcome in ovarian cancer patients treated with a T cell activating immune therapy
- Evaluating deposition of tear film components on contact lenses in a sophisticated in vitro eye-blink model
- Development of Applications of Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Using Internet of Things (IOT) waste bin sensors to analyze the effectiveness of dynamic routing for waste collection vehicles
- RBC-Toronto Quantum Key Distribution Network Development
- Fatty liver assessment with Attenuation Coefficient Estimation (ACE)
- RESPOND (Resource Efficient Smart Packet Optical Network Design): A Novel Packet-Optical Design and Optimization Framework for Next Generation Networks
- Creating a New Standard for Vision Loss Rehabilitation in Canada
- Developing Recrystallization-Resistant AlScZrMn(Mg) sheets for automotive brazing applications
- Brain wave technologies for brain function monitoring and prognostication following severe anoxic brain injury
- One Child at a Time One Family at a Time
- Control of Modular Multilevel Converters for Specialized Functions
- Translational Research in User Experience Design for Personalized Health
- Design of automatic tire marking system with flexible marking head
- Neuroimaging biomarkers of Parkinsons disease identified through brain, brainstem and spinal cord imaging
- Development of Chitin Nano-whiskers Epoxy Nanocomposites for High Mechanical Performance and Structural Applications
- Assessing the value of 14-day litter traits in Canadian pig breeding programs to improve piglet survival and overall profitability
- Motion fields with deep reinforcement learning for real-time character animation
- Breaking the Barriers to Socially Conscious Business in Edmonton
- An innovative process for production of syngas (H2 and CO) for biojet synthesis through hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass/organic wastes followed by supercritical water gasification
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of different interventions on reducing recycling contamination in multi-family buildings in Vancouver
- Leverage on Artificial Intelligence in Capacity Management: Predict IT assets usage based on Business events
- Cell Preservation Techniques for Novel Probiotics
- An investigation into the operation and operational benefits of a new converter technology for supercapacitor charging
- Non-targeted characterization of natural extracts from red beet and cabbage using LC-HRMS
- Assessing the Impact of Customer Service Strategies on Loyalty
- Full characterization of Drug-Drug interactions using deep learning methods
- Assessment of deep learning for analyzing radar signals in maritime environment
- Determination of groundwater effects of the new Foothills Regional Waste Management Center storm-water management system
- Implementation of a low barrier hydromorphone distribution program to prevent fatal overdoses
- Strategies to attack cancers
- Recycling of Urea-Formaldehyde Resin-Bonded Particleboard and MDF
- Intelligence from Telemetry applied to Wildfire management and other applications.
- Variations of Redox conditions across the Cambrian-Ordovician GSSP (Green Point Formation) in western Newfoundland (Canada): implications from the Trace element, Mo-, U-, C-, S- and N-isotope signatures
- Visual Analytic Tool for Lessons Learned Retrieval and Decision Making
- Surface testing: A solution for surface degradation of industrial materials in harsh environment
- Garment-based Neuroprosthesis, a non-invasive closed-loop neural extension for facilitating the human nervous system function
- Green Chemistry for Green Solvents – Year two
- Investigating the Paradoxical Adoption of Blockchain in Healthcare Data Sharing: The Patterns, Consequences and Mediating Mechanisms of Challenging yet Succumbing to Incumbents
- Identification and characterization of new antimicrobial chemical series
- Air Ambulance and Pre-Hospital Emergency Care in Northern Labrador: An Evidence Mobilization Project
- Improving Resource Estimation and Reconciliation with Machine Learning
- Development of Thermal Models Towards Reliability Assessment in Energy Delivery Network at FortisBC
- Advanced Security Mechanisms for Autonomous Vehicles
- Transformation of THC and CBD synthesis genes into Yeast
- Development of a reliable and scalable underwater acoustic modem for networked applications
- Biomechanical and Clinical Evaluation of the Levitation Knee Brace
- Advanced FEA of Trawl Gear Interaction with Subsea Pipelines
- PET/MRI Imaging Development for Pre-clinical Neuroimaging Applications
- ASD Specific Housing Supports Analysis
- Operating Strategy for Electromagnetic-based Thermal Recovery Method
- Guidance and Control of Hybrid Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with Thrust Vectoring Capabilities
- Forensic Manufacturing: Development of Innovative Materials Solutions in Emerging Electronics Technology Sectors
- Automatic Approach to Design Efficient Deep Neural Networks
- Development of Dynamic Feature Extraction Techniques for Industrial Process Data Analysis with Application to Optimization of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Process
- Hybrid hydraulic-electric system for light electric vehicles controlled by muscle fatigue sensors
- Optimizing co-digestion of industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) organic waste and developing an integrated nutrient recovery technique
- Smelting process exhaust gas cooling: energy and economic analysis
- Recovery of common loon populations on acid-stressed Ontario lakes
- Development and validation of a semi-automated in-situ soil sensor using Vis-NIR spectroscopy
- Disentangling the Effects of Local and Regional Factors that Promote Occupancy and Abundance of Moose
- A preclinical study evaluating INOLIFEs needle-free injection system (INOJEX) with cannabidiol (CBD) for the treatment of neuropathic pain and associated anxiety-depressive symptoms in rats.
- Spatial mapping of turbulent characteristics of tidal flow and wakes in the Minas Passage Bay of Fundy
- Process Optimization of Electrokinetic Transport Phenomena for Remediation of Oil Sands Tailings
- Improving Caregiver Mental Health with the Use of a Smartphone App
- Investigating the microscale structures and rheological properties of oil water-gellant complexes for the development of gelators in remediating surface-water oil spills
- Evaluation of low-lignin alfalfa in mixtures with grasses
- Passive Network Synthesis Approach for Modeling Multiport Frequency Dependent Network Equivalents
- Validation and Injury Risk Module Development for a Video-Based Physical Demands Description Tool
- Enhanced Model Suitability Analysis in Catastrophe Modelling through an Improved Understanding of the Seismic Hazard in Western Canada
- Development of a model for dynamic cyclone performance prediction
- Pilot-scale preparation of phospholipid-free small unilamellar vesicle formulations with potential in treatment of hepatic diseases
- Fabrication and Characterization of polyurethane bio-composites for high performance applications
- Graphics Processing Unit Solutions for Power Systems Computer Aided Design: Collaborative Exploration with the University of Winnipeg
- Modelling and Experimental Validation of the Interaction of Multiple Mercury Arc Lamps in Ultraviolet (UV) Reactors
- Plant level implementation of a model for real time tracking of composition changes to steel, slag and inclusions during ladle processing
- New Methods for Automated Assessment GPR in Potash Mining
- Design Development for Prefabricated Building Components using Nano/microfibrillated cellulose (NMFC) produced from Industrial Hemp and Old Corrugated Cardboard (OCC)
- Supporting Community Engagement in the Maker Movement
- Helmet testing and impact modeling: an approach to better understand the problematic of concussion in short track speed skating
- A humane pigeon management plan for TransLink: the case of Ovocontrol P
- NLP sentiment analysis for contact and support centers
- Braiding new possibilities for co-existence: holding spaces for difficult conversations
- Teaching artificial agents to play complex video games from demonstrations
- Developing Genomic Tools for Improved Oyster Production in Eastern Canada
- Next Generation User Product Documentation
- Improvement of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for single particle and single cell analyses
- Dynamic System Equivalents for Transient Stability Studies
- An evaluation of alternatives to diesel fuel for use in Canadas class 8 heavy-duty vehicles.
- In vitro digestibility of resistant starch after high-temperature cooking with Rapid Visco Analyzer 4800
- IRIS FaceMatch: A secure face-based identity detector without racial bias using deep learning
- The landscape ecology of parasites and prey: habitat selection of Californiabighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis california) in the Okanagan Valley underexposure to Psoroptes ovis mite infestation.
- An Evaluation of Exercise Referral Schemes in Healthcare.
- A Big Data Analysis Framework for MBFC Manufacturing
- Detection of suspicious and/or abnormal real-time events from textual live data feeds
- Better predictions of employee events II
- Next-generation antibody drug for immuno-oncology treatment: anti-TIM3 antibody development
- Development of new classes of bio-relevant linkers for PROTACs and other conjugates using new technologies – Year two
- Position sensitive detector density well logging tool development
- Data-Driven Intelligent Agents for Personalized Training on Design & Computational Thinking Skills
- Augmented reality immersive simulation for flight deck design and evaluation “Holodeck”
- Baseline parameters for application of human 3-D organoids as an in vitro model for studying neurotropic viral infection
- Cultivating Ethos in the Tech Sector
- A Novel Combination Therapy to Target Primitive Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells – Year two
- Use of pulp mill residues as construction and geotechnical materials
- Effective knowledge translation of evidence-based best practice for healthy lifestyle behaviours – Year two
- Developing solutions for safer harvesting techniques on steep terrain
- High-Performance Control of an Ultra-Compact Industrial Robot Arm
- Specific Evaluation of Lesion Categories
- Constrained Kalman filtering for train position estimation
- Development of a multi-function sensor for HV apparatus
- Cloud based Machine learning algorithms on archived satellite/raster Imagery datasets
- Advanced Battery Modelling in Electric Bus Platforms to Enable Next-Gen Low-Carbon Public Transit
- Biomass Upgrading with Natural Gas for Fuel and Renewable Chemicals
- Orebody Heterogeneity Assessment for Sensor Based Sorting
- Automating Configuration Management and Deployment in Large-scale Data Centers Augmented with Edge Data Centers
- Pipeline Strain Demand and Capacity under Geotechnical Threats
- Therapeutic Intervention of Cannabinoids in a Pre-Clinical Rat Model of PTSD
- Optimization of group equivariant convolutional networks
- A Machine Learning Approach for Digitalization of Engineering Specifications and Documents
- Fall and injury prevention in older adults to position Schlegel Villages asSafety Innovators
- Effectiveness of vegetation and habitat characteristics as predictors of insect parasitoid populations
- Towards creating intelligent heat stress monitoring and management solutions to safeguard health and wellness
- Zebrafish high throughput screens for development of drugs targeting sepsis, stroke and other chronic diseases
- Next-generation sequencing for the analysis of antibody development in vaccinated rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and in a humanized rat (Rattus norvegicus OmniRat) model.
- Evaluating Sustainable Governance for Non-Profit Organizations in Rural Canada
- Improved Yield of Poly-4-Hydroxybutyrate Bioplastic via Genetic Modification in R. eutropha
- Parenting an adult child with autism spectrum disorder: A qualitative examination of the lived experience
- Low Cost Environmental Noise Acquisition and Source Classification System
- Characterizing dissolved methane in groundwater in the Peace Region, Northeast BC, using a regional, dedicated groundwater monitoring well network
- Big Data Analysis and Management for Food Testing Industries Using Machine learning Technique
- Lifelike simulation tool for surgical training purposes
- Development of compact enhanced nebulization systems for inductively coupled plasma spectrometry
- Development & Benchtop Testing of Minimally Invasive Surgical Device
- Torontos City Diplomacy: Arts, Culture, and Heritage
- Automatic Spondylolisthesis Grading
- Weed Classification and Density Estimation for Variable Rate Herbicide Prescription
- Research and improvement in label production process: waste reduction through adhesive quality improvement
- Determining position, speed and stride length using machine learning with sensor fusion based on ultrawideband local positioning system technology
- Deep-learning-based Fine-grained Furniture Classification and Winning Strategy Recommendation
- Insights into the creative workplace through 20 years of experience at Rethink Canada
- Exploring the need for a standard on work environment reporting
- Jordan Shapes for Deep Learning
- Texture Synthesis for Visual Effects: Improving Quality and Decreasing Computation Times
- Production of polyurethane rigid foams using biobased polyols for insulation (part 2)
- The Centralization of Social Need: what has been the impact on the affected populations of the centralization of social services into Windsors downtown core?
- Exploring surface nanoscale axial photonics resonators for ultrahigh-resolution optical gyroscope applications
- Application of antimicrobial aereus particles with marine paints
- An analysis and evaluation of youth-focused on-the-land programming in Canadas North.
- Chemical Genomic Analysis of the Mode of Action of Novel Boron-Containing Antifungal Agents for Crop Protection
- Assessment of the mechanical properties on PVD coatings using scratch and indentation tests.
- Canadian Architectural Education, Accreditation, and Certification trends in a Changing Environment
- Evaluating the health of primary human airway epithelial cell cultures grown at air-liquid interface
- Detection of Mental Health Conditions from Textual Device Communication
- Development of instruments and methods engineered to mitigate the impact of non-tissue specific background sources for intraoperative spontaneous Raman spectroscopy applications
- Reducing Social Isolation Through Better Transportation Options for Seniors
- Investigation of the Effects of Target Structuring and Composition on Nuclear Reaction Rates Under sub-MeV Ion Beam Flux
- Numerical and experimental analysis of the capture efficiency of domestic range hoods
- Advanced differential mobility mass spectrometry with electron capture dissociation for the characterization of therapeutic proteins – Year two
- Analysis of the e-bike dynamics and cyclist interaction with road vehicles that influence safety
- Tribo-electrostatic Separation of Potash
- An Open Learning Environment for Smart Transportation
- Generation and characterization of novel small molecule protein degraders in oncology
- Service Life Predictions for Machined Components of Nickel-based Superalloys
- A nanoscale electrochemical sensor for measuring changes in blood-glucose levels
- Refinement of a leadership development impact assessment toolkit
- CCREST: Cold Cracking by Resonance Energy for Sustainable Technologies
- A Customized CAD Tool for Automated CNC Program Code Generation
- An Artificial Intelligence algorithm for creating personalized learning journeys for students
- Hydrorefined fuels – computational insight into the mechanism
- Pharmacological inhibition of USP19 deubiquitinating enzyme as a novel therapy for muscle wasting
- A comparative analysis of glycan variation and its effects on therapeutic protein function
- Spatiotemporal travel behavior modeling and analysis for better public transport systems
- An investigation of Canadian companies orientations towards modern slavery and extreme human exploitation in global supply chains
- Design and development of an intelligent measurement flight mode
- FortisBC-UBCO Collaborative Research Project: Smart Energy Chair
- Regime Switch Analysis on Time-series Data for Financial Prediction
- Functional MRI investigation of the neural processes underlying pain modulation in human participants
- Breeding for powdery mildew resistance in medical and recreational Cannabis sativa: strategies- to improve resistance
- Mining Version Histories To Automate Merge-Conflict Resolutions
- Mapping Slush and Sea Ice for Spring Travel Safety in Inuit Nunangat
- Recovery of nickel from awaruite: froth flotation and atmospheric acid leaching behavior of the natural nickel-iron alloy
- The Effects of a Sub-Natural Background Radiation Environment 2km Underground on Biological Systems
- Assessing the Effects of Low Impact Development on the Receiving Headwater Streams of the Northeast Pickering Land Development
- An Investigation into Determining the Source of Elevated Metals in Seepage at Mount Polley Mine
- Development of probiotic formulation to alleviate gut dysbiosis related to antimicrobial activity of several classes of psychotropic chemicals
- Integration of benchtop focused ultrasound device with a collaborative software platform for image-guided exploration and user-centred design guidelines
- The anti-Helicobacter pylori properties and mechanism of action of probiotic Lactobacilli secretomes
- Characterization of striatal innervation by drNPC-A9 cells in a rat model of Parkinsons Disease
- Development and characterization of graphene/glass fiber/polyester composites
- Improving the properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients by polymorph, salt and cocrystal screening
- Haptic API/SDK for Distributed Full Body Haptics
- Evaluation of corticosteroid-releasing formulations to suppress implant device- related foreign body reactions and fibrosis
- Implementation of MR/VR holographic rock mass mapping techniques in underground and surface mining.
- Characterization and quantification of adsorbed antigens in adjuvanted vaccines
- Progranulin as a potential therapeutic agent for neurodegeneration
- Optimization of Angiotensin II Receptor type 1 Blockers (ARBs) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Development of a cricket growth accelerant
- Characterization of Carotenogenic Heterotrophs for Production of High-Value Antioxidants
- Integrated computational intelligence for forecasting import and export volumes of commodities
- Optimized Non-invasive Cuff-less Continuous Blood Pressure Measurement Technique Using Machine Learning
- Investigating polysomnography parameters and screening for obstructive sleep apnea using breathing sound analysis during wakefulness
- Dissecting fibroblast-macrophage-T-regulatory cell communication in the fibrotic niche
- Edge Response of Understorey Plants, Lichenivorous Gastropods and Their Grazing Impact on At-Risk Lichens in Mixedwood Swamps
- Evaluating the Co-Translational Framework for systematic translation of scientific knowledge towards implementation
- # Fearlesslearning: Engaged and Included in a STEM Virtualized e-Learning Environment
- Advanced Thermal Solutions for Telecom Systems Synopsis
- Advanced Control and Monitoring Systems for Autonomous Snow Removal Equipment at Airports
- Transit Signal Priority in Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Environments
- Tool Development for Bolus Shaping in Radiation Therapy
- Somatic cell reprogramming as a tool for the conservation of genetic resources from endangered species
- Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of the Grand Rapids Formation and Equivalents, East-Central Alberta and West-Central Saskatchewan, Canada
- The Social Ecology of Digital Archiving in Queer Arts Spaces
- Analyzing cognitive-motor function through the development of portable tools
- Study of unplugging sand control devices using shock waves
- Development of Advanced Battery Materials for Longer Life, Higher Energy Density Lithium Ion Batteries
- Assessing bioremediation coupled with adsorption for treatment of arsenic released from mine waste rock
- Developing Intelligent BI Applications using Machine Learning
- Automation of Low-Energy Welding Process for Aerospace Applications and Contactless Approach
- Portable sensor for rapid and onsite detection of bacteria in water
- Dental Materials for Ultra-Long-Term Caries Prevention
- Laboratory and field scale biodegradability assessment for Pela case products for environmentally end-of-life management
- Predictive Control Approach to Convert Single-Zone Residential Buildings with Central HVAC Systems to Multi-Zone Systems
- Comparing the value of country foods with other food provisioning systems in Indigenous communities in the Northwest Territories.
- Developing the use of UAV Imagery Systems for Agriculture Applications
- Conceptual study of the techno-economic effects of straight drilling on mining operations
- Development of deep learning pipeline for automatic segmentation and classification of cardiac magnetic resonance images Part 2
- Design improvements for a hand-held diagnostic test device for infectious diseases
- Integrating the User Perception and Experience into the Planning of Automated and Connected Electric Shuttle Services in Canada
- Development of a biosensor for high-throughput screening of novel ezrin inhibitors for treatment of metastatic breast cancer.
- Adaptive Algorithm for End Point Estimation in Steel Making Refining and its Industrial Application
- Elimination of ethylene in AeroPod system
- Conservation physiology to inform management of economic activity: using hormones to identify stressors to grizzly and black bears in the Great Bear Rainforest
- The effects of One to Zero Technique on neural function, health and well-being
- Improving energy system planning solutions by accounting for inherent uncertainties through robust optimization
- A Unified Framework for Remote Monitoring the State and Performance of Photovoltaic Power Plants
- Stabilization of Mine Tailings with Inorganic Polymer Binder
- Optimization of Savings and Retirement for Canadians
- The Future of Learning
- Business Data Analytics: Warranties, Recommendations, and Fleet Management
- Investigations and Analysis of Industrial Internet of Things Ecosystems
- Measured and perceived differences between writing on digital and analog surfaces
- Engineering WD40 Domain-Mediated Protein-Protein Interactions in DNA Repair for Cancer Therapeutics
- Dance Like the Machine’s Watching
- Anthropogenic impacts on the population dynamics of a critically endangered marine mammal
- Anaerobic co-digestion of organic and cellulosic wastes for increased biogas production
- Benchmarking Evidence Based Approaches to New Functional Regions
- Privacy Preserving Federated Learning – Year two
- Developing Intelligent Approaches for Factories of the Future – An intelligent strategy for robotic part inspection in advanced manufacturing – Year two
- Stem-cell based therapies: potential of human drNPCs transplants as treatment for spinal cord injury
- Implementation of New Constitutive Models in SoilVision’s Products
- Crude Utopia: The Performance of Energy Transition in Canada
- Evaluation of corticosteroid-releasing nano- and micro-particles for pain management in osteoarthritis
- Nanostructured anti-reflective glass for lenses, electronic displays, and photovoltaics
- Development of sustainable spray-lining technology for rehabilitation of damaged wastewater concrete pipes
- PITCH – Proactive Integrated Tech-enabled Patient-Centric Healthcare
- Machine learning based analysis of Industry driven use cases from Health and wellness domain
- Tornado Hazard and Exposure Model for Canadian Communities
- Chain Certs: Development of a platform for organizational authenticity certificates creation
- Development of a gas/liquid contactor for CO2 capture
- Toward Urban Resilience using Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources
- Virtual Wind Tunnel Development for Optimizing Olympic and Paralympic Athlete Aerodynamics
- Determination of quality changes in freeze-dried pet food products during atmospheric cold plasma treatment
- Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in Practice Research Project
- A Regular Solution Based Model for Evaluating Asphaltene Stability of Upgraded Heavy Oils
- Learning Jungle AI Recommender System for Enhanced Education
- Airway-On-A-Chip: Development and In Vitro Validation of A Microfluidic Cell Culture Model for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Evolutionary history of Cannabis sativa L.
- A React-on-Demand (RoD) Process for Printed Electronics
- Advanced Security and Privacy Schemes for Smart, Connected, and Autonomous Vehicles
- Development and implementation of a haptic-enabled multimodal robotic platform (H-MRP) for upper-limb fine motor skills retraining
- Recyclable Photocatalysts for Treating Pulp & Paper Mill Wastewaters
- Wind turbines challenges for remote communities with cold and harsh environments
- Digital Oilfield An Integrated Approach
- Assessment of the impact of Canadian beef production on biodiversity
- Prediction and prevention of sexual dysfunction using a machine learning approach
- Implication of the EZH2 methyltransferase and its upstream regulator H19 in pulmonary arterial hypertension
- High Value Biologics From Eggshell Membranes
- The inhibitory effect of Aevo Oral Ultrasound Gel on dental bacteria
- Implementation and Analysis of Polymeric Pressure Sensor to Estimate Blood Pressure in the Brachial Artery
- Supplemental, electric thermal storage appliance for indoor heating
- Regional Variation and Geologic Controls on the Porosity and Permeability of the Silurian Lockport Group, southwestern Ontario
- Salmon Early Marine Survival Research Program: Phase 2
- Integrative Multi-Omics to identify Therapeutic Targets for COPD
- Assessment of fire and Mountain-Pine Beetle-induced impacts to Chinook Salmon habitat in the Nicola and Bonaparte Watersheds
- Towards an energy performance-driven space organization
- Preventing medication errors in patients with low kidney function.
- Understanding the role and regulation of follicular fluid miRNAs in ovarian function and polycystic ovarian syndrome. 1
- Building Data-Driven Permanent Real-Time Full Wellbore Flow Monitoring Using Hybrid Distributed Fibre-Optic Simultaneous Vibration and Temperature Sensing Technology
- An online gauge for process analysis in the pulp industry: Integrating spectroscopic and physical measures of pulp quality to predict fitness for purpose
- Extractable polysaccharides from sugar maple bark
- Development of fisheries production metrics for offsets in Great Lakes wetlands
- Design, fabrication and production of high aspect ratio diamond AFM probes
- Energy Storage Based Electric Vehicle Charging System Integration to Grid
- Differences in neurophysiological activity induced by viewing live versus recorded opera performance
- Evaluation of a Sport for Development Program: The Case of the Pour 3 Points Organization in Montreal
- The Scleroderma Support group Leader EDucation (SSLED) Program
- Machine Learning for Digital Pathology
- Techno economic assessment of state-of-art innovative fast pyrolysis solutions in bio-economy processes
- Framework Creation of Compensation Strategies in the Social Enterprise Sector
- Evaluation of voclosporin treatment as a podocyte-sparing therapy in proteinuric kidney disease
- Molecular measures of yeast exhaustion in commercial brewing
- A Snow Water Equivalence Estimation Prediction (SWEEP) System to Improve Hydrologic Forecasts in British Columbia
- Development of a new comprehensive simulation tool for helicopter design The CORAL consortium
- Automated Generation and Integration of AUTOSAR Memory Configurations
- Thermally Compensated Fabry-Perot MEMS Pressure Sensor
- The effects of the dietary supplement Cardioflex on reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors in adults.
- Development of a Diagnostic Screening Platform for Quantitative Detection of Drugs in Saliva
- Developing the Microsoft HoloLens for cognitive-motor dual-tasking.
- A Conceptual Aerodynamic Design for a High-Lift Electric Hybrid Airship
- Blockchain based Software Validation
- Biomass estimation form footage of single camera by applying deep learning algorithms
- The design and fabrication of a novel mitral heart valve for catheter-based insertion
- Ultrasound Device for Superficial Targets
- Employing Data Mining Strategies for Intelligent Project Management
- Development of an Improved Airborne Cat Dander Dispersion System in a Cat Allergen (Fel d1) Exposure Chamber
- Enabling liquid and solid repellency for personal protective ensembles
- Decision Making Tool for Pipelines Risk Assessment with Multi-hazards (Corrosion and Geo-Hazard) Consideration
- Applying Machine Learning to Human Motion & Musculoskeletal Health: Predicting ACL Injury & Recovery from Monocular Video
- Blood product demand forecast modeling using clinical predictors
- Mammal Densities in a Restored Landscape, the Algar Habitat Restoration Program
- Experimental Evaluation of Surface and Deep Filtration Sand Control Solution
- Image-based Feature Engineering in Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): bridging the biology of ophthalmic imaging with advanced computer analytics for enhanced clinical trial design and personalized medicine in blinding eye disease.
- Formulation scale-up and characterization for a manganese-based contrast agent
- Applying Traditional Chinese Medicine to Osteoporosis
- Device-free healthcare approaches for human activity monitoring and positioning by using Wi-Fi signals
- Pipe Acoustical Characterization of Packaged Screw Compressors
- Developing novel varieties of canola, rice and alfalfa with improved cell wall characteristics
- Optimization of new hydrophobic pulp on conventional pulp moulding machines
- Development of Rapid Inverse Kinematics (IK) Modules for Integrated Robot Simulator
- A data driven estimating procedure for an accurate cost and labor assessment in mold manufacturing
- Student data and learning analytics: Anonymity, confidentiality, privacy
- Impact and blast resistance of bare and concrete-infilled FRP tubes
- Development and Optimization of Advanced High-Throughput Behavioural Testing Platforms for the Screening of Mouse Models of Schizophrenia
- Effects of a digital lifestyle change program on prediabetes indicators, health outcomes and cost effectiveness.
- Radiofrequency Treatment for Emphysema in Mouse Model
- A Novel Bone Anabolic Treatment in a Mouse Model of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Technology transfer of bioenergy systems for remote communities
- Evaluate effect of chemical compounds on plants using statistics and machine learning
- Characterization of a new ion source for mass spectrometry
- Establishment of gut microbiota and impact on host immune function with early-probiotic supplementation in neonate calves
- A Mitacs Applied Research Proposal for Teck Resources: Leveraging Non-Technical Risk (NTR) Evaluation Best Practices to Improve Decision Quality
- Toward a Cross-Cultural Ethics for Human-Caribou Engagement
- Characterization and Pelletization of Western Red Cedar Residue
- Technology innovations in Wheelchair Sport measurement and analysis
- Assessment of Climate Change-induced Geohazards for Ice-clad Canadian Volcanoes and Mountains
- Notification Mat
- WP 2.1.2: Advanced, Intelligent, Analytics Driven Apps for Software Defined and Functionally Virtualized Networks
- Advanced analytics and predictive statistics in continuous flow sports.
- Prototype testing of a liquid cooling system for electric vehicle inverters
- Testing of a Collar-Mounted Airbag to Protect Against Neck Injuries and Concussions
- Deploying electric vehicles in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area: Health and climate benefits and strategy development
- Sustaining Biodiversity Protection and Restoration Potential as the Foundation of Land Trust Business
- Efficacy of CB1R inverse agonists for enhancing insulin secretion in mouse and human islets, ex vivo, and for preventing cytokine-induced ?-cell death in human islets
- Process Intensification for Odor Removal in Composting Facilities
- Machine learning algorithms utilization for impairment screening using balance detection
- High-throughput phenotyping of plant health using machine learning and computer vision
- Global Dynamic Financial CGE Model
- Neutral and alkaline bio-heap oxidation of refractory gold ores with adaptive moderate-thermophilic and mesophilic microorganisms
- Financial and Economic Analysis for the Integration of Wind Generation into Electricity Grids
- The Value of Arts and Culture for Community Cohesion
- Transactive Electric Distribution System
- Development of a new compact configuration for enzyme-mediated carbon dioxide desorption unit based on detailed study of desorption kinetic mechanism and local-scale mass-transfer phenomena
- GIS-based Wildfire Catastrophic Risk Economic Capital Modelling
- Development of Persona Models for Banking Customers
- Benchmarking Indigenous/Non-Indigenous Employment, Business and Social Development Partnership Capacities in Major Resource Projects
- Augmented decision making capabilities for innovation management and continuous improvement by organizations
- Mathematical modelling of Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (RSOFCs) for the conversion of CO2 and H2O to syngas
- A new rapid method for clay, silt and sand-sized mineral particle size measurements of soils and soil products
- Evaluation of MRI-based estimation of cortical thickness
- Process Intensification approach for chemicals production from waste and biomass
- Strengthening capacity of Canadian civil society organizations and their partners in the Global South to address gender inequality: Engagements, perceptions and uses of feminist approaches in international development
- Photoacoustic remote sensing microscopy for pre-clinical and clinical applications
- AI-Based Automation of the Candidate Recruitment and Management System for TAS
- Effect of ROS on neurovascular decoupling in epilepsy
- Calibration-Free Continuous Pulse Oximeter Monitoring Using Deep Learning
- Accounting for uncertainties in dam safety assessment via machine learning techniques
- ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) as a novel anti-cancer drug target for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Automatic Tracking, Localization and Orientation of Hockey Players, Using Broadcast Videos
- Machine learning methods for automatic diagnosis, severity assessment, prognosis, and disease understanding of COPD
- Transcriptomics as an Adventitious Virus Detection Strategy
- Genomic resources for cannabis research
- Measurement of the physical and thermo-physical properties of molten salts and their interactions with materials of construction
- Effect of polymers on wettability of bitumen and on stability of bitumen emulsions.
- Addressing peer-related variables in failure to comply charges of youth
- Research, development and testing of an instrument that can monitor and detect internal failure in liquids pipelines
- Building a National Ocean Literacy Strategy
- Measuring investments performance using Artificial Intelligence in impact investing and socially responsible investing
- Platform development to assay immune cell chemotaxis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Evidence-Based Dietary Protein Intake in Canadian Hospitals
- Evaluation of Cycling Education Programs
- Material Point Method Modeling of Soil Liquefaction in Cyclic Loading
- 3D Printable conductive nanocomposite sensors for CRFID moisture, strain, and temperature sensing in composite pipes
- Faith-Based Discrimination and Mental Health: Gaps in Service for Muslim Women Seeking Mental Health Care Services
- The effects of a step-wise exercise regime and dietary soluble fiber intake on behaviour and welfare, gut health, and metabolism in mid-distance training sled dogs
- The Contribution of Invertebrates to the Seasonal Diets of Walleye in Lake St. Joseph year 2
- The use of machine learning tools to identify organisms and contaminants in lake ecosystems
- An information-theoretic framework for understanding generalization in neural networks
- Evaluating dining improvements in Schlegel Villages
- Applying Low-Field, Bench-Top NMR Technology for the Rapid, On-Site Analysis of Critical Metrics in Wine Grapes and Wine
- NLP Sales Assistant
- Advanced Signal Processing and Machine Learning for BLE-based Indoor Localization
- The design and fabrication of a novel and passive hand tremor attenuator
- Opportunities for Alleviating Indigenous Energy Poverty in BC
- Computer Lenses and Sex Influence on Shoulder-Neck Discomfort and Musculoskeletal Mechanisms in University Students Identifying as Laptop Users
- Mitigation of CO2 in the emissions of stand-alone electricity generators
- Enabling the next revolution in global food production through automatically labelled data sets and machine learning
- Structural controls and modification of the Big Bulk Cu-Au porphyry system, Stewart District (northwest BC): constraining the geologic environment during porphyry emplacement
- Developing intelligent self-propelled boom sprayer for variable rate plant protection product application
- Quality Improvement of BIM for Operation and Maintenance phase
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered Adaptive Flight Controller for Novel Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with Commercial and Humanitarian Applications
- Auto-configuration of an autonomous farming vehicle using Machine Learning
- Urban ecosystem service valuation: Exploring participatory greenspace planning processes that support more equitable outcomes for residents of the Greater Toronto Area
- An investigation of Ontario ESL teachers strategies and perceptions for teaching Chinese international students in Ontario public schools.
- Utilization of Agile Management in Construction Projects
- Development of machine learning and artificial intelligence toolbox to monitor data center risks and performance
- Improving 23Na Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging through RF Coil Development
- Application of Brain 23Na “Big Data” for Future Disease Classification
- Fractal-element based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Coils for Multi-nuclear Imaging
- Using a digital camera to monitor dust emissions at mine sites
- From incubator to money maker: An investigation of entrepreneurial founding teams
- Geophysical Prospecting for Antimony (and Chromite) in the Southern Quesnel Terrane, British Columbia, Canada
- Study of the Latent Space in NLP: Mathematical Foundation and Application to Disentanglement
- An Examination of Early Childhood Educators’ (ECEs) Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Risk Tolerance for Outdoor Play Among Young Children in Childcare
- Evaluation of light emitting diode arrays for shipping container plant factories
- Identifying and managing under-performing employees’ motivational barriers: Organizational factors, personality derailers, and mental health problems.
- An Evaluation of the Reliability of Forensic Case Formulation in the Risk Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence
- Characterization of Active Ingredient in Buckwheat – Part 2
- Fly-By-Wire INDI-Based Generic Control Laws for Flexible Civil Transport Aircraft
- Going On-line with Cognitive Rehabilitation: Testing and Implementing Web-based Goal Management Training at Clinical and Commercial Levels
- Online Business Model Prediction Service
- Exploring predictive analysis models to improve online sales performance
- Application of advance signal and image processing to develop objective diagnostic and monitoring technologies as well as predicting the response to treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
- THC and CBD ratios in cannabis grown in hydroponic or aquaponic systems
- Investigation of a fully biocompatible bio-electrolytic supercapacitor system
- Developing Smart Price Forecasting Service for Supply Chain Procurement of Agri-fresh Produce Using Machine Learning
- Prioritizing salmonid connectivity through the removal of barriers in a highly urbanized landscape
- A Cross-Cultural Study of Electromyography Input for Older Adults
- Micro Action Impact Measurement Index for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (aka Project MAI-MI)
- Personalizing gamification strategies to improve young adult life skills training
- Fluoride Removal from Brine Solutions
- Physiotherapy balls with pressure sensor
- Application of advanced analytics in PEM fuel cell development and engineering
- Learning Partnership for Community Development and MinoBimaadiziwin in Brokenhead Ojibway Nation
- Probiotics for Animal Health – neonatal and pre-weaned calf
- Visualization of lipid and protein deposition on contact lenses in a sophisticated in vitro eye-blink model
- CardiAI Point-of-Care Device for High-Caliber and Rapid Diagnosis of Biomarkers from Blood of Patients for Early Heart Failure Detection
- 3d density estimation using normalizing flows and its application to 3d reconstruction in cryo-EM
- Enhancing Water Balance Criteria to Protect Wetlands from Urban Stormwater and Climate Change
- Community Building for New Housing Co-operatives: Innovating to address scale, inclusion, and contemporary living
- Identifying species and planting conditions to revegetate mixed mine tailings at the Whabouchi site operated by Nemaska Lithium in Northern Québec
- Modelling And Experimental Measurement Of Solution Gas / Solvent Dissolution And Exsolution In Heavy Oil
- Productivity Tracking and Analysis of Earthmoving Operations
- Security protocols for cloud-based noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers (NISQ): development and implementation.
- Development of a novel plant biostimulant made of encapsulated Rhodopseudomonas palustris
- Lake Melville Oceanography Study
- Impact of Repeated Vaccination on 2017-2018 Influenza Vaccines Effectiveness – A Retrospective Study
- Automated Risk Identification in Modular and Offsite Construction
- Research and Experimental Testing of Liquid-Injection Thrust Vector Control Actuator (LITVC)
- Pure-sine GaN-based motor inverter
- Enhanced Techniques for History Matching and Forecasting of Petroleum Reservoir Data – Year Two
- Phase 1 of Enhanced Measurement-Based Care Effectiveness for Depression (EMBED): A Canada-China Implementation Project (Salary Support for Postdoctoral Research Fellow) – Year two
- Part of the water, part of the land’: Developing Indigenous water legislation for Carcross/Tagish First Nation – Year two
- Advancement of bio-processing technology for ginseng polysaccharides: a model for value-added medicinal plant polysaccharides development – Year two
- Molecular Characteristics of Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives – Year two
- Optimization of astaxanthin production in large-scale cultivation of microalgae by utilizing industrial CO2 emissions – Year two
- Adversarial Examples and Uncertainty
- Leveraging micro-sensors for minimally invasive neuromodulation device
- A capacity building initiative for rural community health research in Northern Newfoundland and coastal Labrador
- Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using VEMCO’s new high residency acoustic electronic tagging technology-Phase 2
- Examination of beneficial effects of copper fabric on cardiometabolic status, and mechanistic role of gut microbiome
- AI-powered operating system for buildings: new performance metrics
- Oil price prediction using dynamic multiresolution modeling
- “Virtually” connected: Can virtual reality technology foster closeness and intimacy in romantic relationships?
- The influence of cloud-technologies and other technological advance on the print industry
- Compressed Air Energy Storage in Cased Wells
- Human Body Capture and Prediction from Rehearsed Live Performances
- Validation of Novel, Tumor Microenvironment-based Targets for Biological Therapeutics
- Enabling next generation cardiac therapeutics with genetic engineering and novel in vivo models for cardiomyocyte transplantation
- Advanced Characterization of Zirconium Hydrides in Zr-2.5Nb Pressure Tube in CANDU Reactors
- Clinical Implementation of Contralateral Inhibition OAE Testing
- Safe and Smooth Path Planning for Autonomous Robot Navigation
- Mobilizing Ulukhaktok Traditional Knowledge of the Dolphin and Union Caribou Herd
- Hoy Creek Shared Equity Home Ownership Project: Models, Applicability, and Administration
- Forecasting Profitability of Real Estate Assets using Machine Learning
- Health Data Extraction Review Analysis Learning Device in Nephrology (HERALD-RENO)
- Facilitators and barriers to cycling uptake in London, Ontario
- Quantifying the Volume and Biomass of Logging Residue Piles using Drones
- An emerging aquatic invasive species in Saskatchewan: distribution and ecology of the Prussian carp
- Probabilistic Transitive Closure of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Algorithm Enhancement and Application to Work Integrated Learning
- Nitrogen use efficiency: How commercial crop inputs and wild oat (Avena fatua) competition can alter crop productivity
- Applied Research in Performance Enhancement for Quantum Annealing
- Breeding Waterfowl Use of Restored Wetlands in the Cariboo Region of British Columbia
- Cellulose Nanocrystals Reinforced Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) nanocomposite dipped products: Processing and Structural Properties
- Baseline Carbon Stocks in Nova Scotia Forests: Role of the Forest Floor
- Development of natural antioxidant formulation for improved Vitamin A soft gelatin capsules stability and shelf-life
- Integrated post-harvest wash systems for fruit and vegetable decontamination for reducing water usage and decrease emission of disinfectant byproducts in wastewater streams
- Behavioural finance profiling for financial advisors and clients
- Physically-Informed Vinyl Record Model for Real-Time Guitar Effect Processing
- Quantum Resources Required for GKP Qubits
- Assessment of the “Pathway to Resilience” program
- Detection, Management and Prevention of Malicious Traffic and Cyber Attacks using BYOS
- Passivity Guaranteed Frequency Selective Time Domain Simulation of Very Large Linear Electric Power Systems
- Investigating polysaccharide-protein conjugation: characterization and effects of glycation conditions
- Advancing Human Performance in the Canadian Football League
- Simultaneous Analysis of Endocannabinoids with Mass Spectrometry Methods in Human Serum using Point-of-care Collection Devices
- CO2-EOR in Devonian Reefs of Alberta: Reservoir Characterization and Screening
- Fostering Learning and Professional Development for Users of Feature-Rich Design Software
- Pan-Canadian Survey of Education Funding Structures and Processes
- An investigation into the motivations of individuals who volunteer and work at charitable and not-for-profit organizations
- Requirements for emulating inertia with voltage-source converters
- Flow Weaver Virtual Reality Research Project
- VR-based testing station for impairment screening
- Readmission AI: a predictive tool to assess patient risk of hospital readmission
- Time-series forecasting
- Speaker Diarization
- Super resolution for MRI scans
- Low data drug modeling
- Real-time object recognition on wearable devices
- Electrical Load Forecasting
- Simplification of long sentences
- Link predicting in court
- AI to predict emergency visits
- Power network transfer capability
- Satellite Solar Radiation Nowcasting
- Pathways for Deep Decarbonization in Cities: Mechanisms, tools and governance structures for transformative climate action
- Optimization of a calibration procedure for Mecademic’s Meca500 robot arm
- Autonomous structure detection and inspection using unmanned aerial systems
- Sensitivity Analysis of Gas and Particulate Matter Emissions from Future Power Generation in the Province of Alberta
- Pattern Recognition: The Exploration of Machine Learning Algorithms in Archaeological Site Prediction, Fraser River Valley, British Columbia
- Measurement-based Distribution System Models for Distributed Energy Resources Control
- Identifying SMEs’ Barriers to Electronic Payment Adoption
- Study Hot Cracking Susceptibility of Critical AA6111 Aluminum Alloys during Direct Chill Casting
- The History of the Quebec Common Gaol
- Volume Change Behaviour of Problematic Geomaterials
- Towards Automation of 3D Visualization & Analysis of Workspace Collisions on Construction Jobsites
- Development of a business model to plastic packaging waste management: the case of the Montreal Metropolitan Community (MMC)
- Techno-Economic Feasibility of Wastewater Heat Recovery for Cold Climates like Canada
- pH equilibrated water for pets
- Self-Adaptive Pattern Recognition with Deep Neural Networks
- Implementation of a Comprehensive Athlete Monitoring Program in Female and Male Varsity Ice Hockey Players
- Ultra-thin graphene oxide membranes for efficient humidity harvesting
- Improving reproductive performance and fur quality traits in Nova Scotia mink industry using genomics
- Improved transductive regression using interconnected data
- Electro-bioreactor (EBR) upgrading for high ammonium removal
- Thermal Performance Study of Switch Module Redesign
- Optimizing heuristics for spin-glass problems for diverse solutions
- Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning (RL) for a Production Robotics Application
- Visual attention in deep learning for detection and classification
- Express Scripting Technology: Scratch for SOTI SNAP and IoT
- Real VR Hands and Interaction with Virtual Objects
- Enabling Purchase of Residential Homes at Scale
- An investigation of consensus and performance in distributed systems
- Predicting Scleral Lens Rotation Based on Corneoscleral Toricity
- Neuroimaging biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease identified through brain, brainstem and spinal cord imaging
- Characterization of Boiler Fly Ash to Match Producers with Beneficial End Uses
- Toward Ore-Specific Sensor-Based Sorting Systems in Mining
- Use of temperature and activity monitoring system as predictor for parturition and estrus
- Robust project scheduling policies for naval refit operations at Thales Group
- Process modeling of compression moulding with sheet moulding compound (SMC) for automotive hollow parts
- Microcontroller development and integration for high voltage bushing condition monitoring through wireless communication
- Systematic evaluation and optimization of immune-targeting modalities for GBM and brain metastases.
- Understanding Wisdom and Teaching it at Scale
- Design of an Anthropomorphic Lower-Limb Exoskeleton System
- Stability and Functionality of Oleosome-Containing Mixtures
- Technology Advancement in existing AED
- Paper-Based Weather Resistant Membrane for Building Applications
- Improving Human Performance in Sport through Physical, Psychological, and Social Sciences.
- Study of DME Injection in Oil Sands Reservoirs
- Large-scale optimization algorithms for optical and fiber networks
- Development of Remedial Action Objectives for McKay River Watershed Impacted by Open Mines and Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainages
- Process Development of Atomic Layer Deposition Cobalt and Ruthenium Metal Films
- Brazing Metallurgies and Processes for Attaching Sintered Carbide Tiles
- Solar harvesting textiles for self-powered health monitoring and human-machine interactions
- Radon: Building a BC Based Response
- An Integrated Multi-Case Study Approach to Advancing Business-to-Business (B2B) Online Marketing Strategies
- Towards the Development of a Prognostic tool for Harmful Algal Blooms
- Development of Artificial Intelligence Powered Technologies in Computational Pathology to Enable Automated Slide Screening in Whole Slide Imaging
- Hearing aid sound quality optimization across different hearing aid styles
- Understanding Disengagement from Early Psychosis Intervention Services
- Interfacial Engineering of High Energy Density and Safe Solid-State Li Metal Batteries for Electric Vehicle Applications
- Interaction between cannabinoid drugs and sodium channels in diabetes/high glucose induced oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neurotoxicity
- Effect of Music on Interbrain Synchrony: A Close Look at Triad of Disabled Children, Parents and Music Therapist
- Nutrition, Genetics and Athletic Performance
- Development of Input and Evaluation Criteria for a Video-Based Occupational Risk Assessment Tool
- Translation of recent evidence on the effect of sugars on cardiometabolic health
- Development and Implementation of An Omic-Level Distributed Ledger Data Management Architecture
- Non-convex learning with stochastic algorithms
- Understanding Relationships between the BC Forest industry and Indigenous entities in BC
- Archival Research and Accessioning for the CSCE National History Committee
- Economic impact and feasibility analysis of public investments in broadband connectivity, and in other sectors
- Development of a new Electronic Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring for use in the Clinical Setting
- Characterizing the sources of methane, CO2, and hydrogen sulphide presence during thermal oil recovery operations
- Securing elastic radio access networks
- Driver behaviour in response to potential hazards in a simulated environment
- Improved pest management: diagnostics for management of pesticide resistance in greenhouse populations of the two-spotted spider mite, aphids, whiteflies and thrips
- The impact of an online remittance channel on the size and frequency of money transfers by international migrants in Canada
- Fibrostenotic Crohnâs disease: Regulation of Fibrosis and inflammation with Cannabigerol and other cannabinoids
- Earth Data Store â A one-stop shop for Earth Observation Data and Analytic Applications
- Net Zero Energy Design Trade-offs and Excel Tool for Assessing Net Zero Potential for Multiunit Residential Buildings (MURBs)
- Characterising and assessing seabird bycatch in expanding Arctic fisheries
- MEPOWSS Wastestream Analysis
- Soil productivity and soil health status following restoration of pipeline corridors on Agricultural Land Reserve cropland in northeastern British Columbia
- Effect of Leading-Edge Manufacturing Defects on Propeller Performance
- Understanding the Evolving Nature of Refugee sponsors in Canada
- Links between aquatic macrophytes, nutrient concentrations and deep-water oxygen in an Ontario lake
- Evaluation of New Technology in TechnipFMCâs Operations
- Training accounting and auditing professionals in blockchain technology
- Searching for Tasks: A Study on Online Searchability for Situated Action
- Mass Timber Floor Vibration Design Guide and Validation
- Molecular-Based Analytics for Prediction and Optimization of Performance
- Investigation of the role of CDK10 in pancreatic cancer growth and metastasis
- Modeling and optimisation of woven composite hydraulic tubes, to reduce in-service defects and failuresâPhase II
- Revegetation of disturbed areas in Northern Manitoba
- The âclassicalâ charango: applied cross-genre integrations in European Art Music
- Using Machine Learning for audio analysis and synthesize
- AI-Based Automated Methodologies for Supply Chains: High Precision Tabular Detection and Semantic Modeling of Electronic Components from Datasheets
- Housing First as Intervention and its Economic Impact
- Energy management and optimization of airport terminals with the focus on green and net-zero energy solutions
- Temporally consistent employee group labels
- Revitalizing Indigenous traditional management of salmon â evaluating risk, opportunities and needs for re-emergence of traditional terminal fisheries
- New Catalysts and Chemical Processes for the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Computational and Experimental Evaluation of Leading-Edge Droops for Performance Enhancement of Wind Turbine Rotors
- Interior Construction Progress Monitoring Using Computer Vision and BIM
- Development of a human immortalized FSHD cell line to study the epigenetic targeting of DUX4 to treat FSHD
- Validation of Cartilage Segmentation Accuracy using Deep Learning
- Value Engineering Feasibility Study for System Controller Chassis/Connector Redesign
- Development of a New Test Method to Evaluate the Impact of Curing on the Near-surface Chloride Penetration Resistance of Concrete
- Evaluation and optimization of a mine water treatment system
- Machine Learning Approach for Real-time Assessment of Voltage Stability Using Multiple Indicators Derived from Wide Area Synchrophasor Measurements
- Cathode Design for All-Solid-State Lithium-Tellurium Batteries
- Applied next generation AI accelerator algorithm hardware co-optimization: using quantization, sparsity and hardware constraints during neural net training
- Understanding Real-time Particle Systems for Health, Entertainment and VR
- Assessing and Addressing Health Disparities Related to Utilization of Preventive Care Services in Ontario
- Audience Allocation to Retail Geo-clusters
- Question-to-question semantic similarity for Question Answering System
- Understanding cell-cell interactions with deep learning-based profiling
- Ground-Based Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle (RPAV) Tracking System
- Improving the Performance and Convergence Rate of Transformer-Based Language Models
- Altering Plant Microbiomes for Flavour and Nutrition
- Tizen OS Support for SOTI MobiControl Interoperability
- Sentiment Analysis in Dialogue Systems
- Optimization and Development of Bombardier Data Based Engineering Design Tools
- Dynamic Pricing for Optimizing Demand and Profitability
- Adaptive Artificial Agent for Smart Home Thermostat
- Evaluating the effectiveness of a multimodal intensive episodic treatment centre for youth Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) victims: The Be Brave Ranch
- Automated Retail Area Cluster Detection
- Machine Learning Aided Detection of Brain Aneurysms
- SSL Offloading Prototype
- Fast Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Event Sequence Data in order to improve Customer Experience
- Application of Real-time Axis-based SLAM in Geotechnical Engineering
- Investigation of Bicycle Traffic Flow Parameters
- Examining the barriers and facilitators to trauma registry sustainability in the Global South
- Hydraulic Vortex Optimization of a Recessed Impeller Pump
- Evaluating Team Unbreakable: A learn-to-run program for adolescent mental health
- Play for Reality: Conveying Sustainability Challenges Through Game Mechanics
- Predicting Risk of Aggressive Responsive Behaviours among People Suffering from Dementia using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML).
- Technical Research on Unconventional Resources Development in Canada
- Creating a Predictive Vegetation Model to Guide Wetland Restoration in the South Arm Tidal Marshes
- Embedded sensor fusion network
- Multi-Channel User Linkage through Probabilistic Matching
- Be Yourself: How to be a Positive Influencer On and Offline
- Research into grid-forming methods for off-shore wind farms
- Statistical Learning for Financial Time Series
- Applying Machine Learning to Predict Demand Transference
- Multi-morbidity Characterization and Polypharmacy Side Effect Detection for designing Optimal Personalized Healthcare with Machine Learning
- LGBTQI2S Seniorsâ Safety in Public Services
- The Leisure, Sport, And Recreation Labor Market In Alberta: History And Current Trends
- Automated Fatty Liver Diagnosis
- Problem detection and aerial mapping for construction site management
- Floatability and washability characterization of difficult to process coal seams at Teck Greenhills coal mine
- Facial expression identification over a time series of images
- Quality and degradation assessments of polymer-lined thrust bearings by indentation and tribological testing
- Development and application of physiological markers of Grizzly Bear health
- Detecting Company-Specific Purchase Evidence from Twitter Posts
- Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR), Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and machine learning based corrections of data transcription from scanned business documents
- Advanced Analytics in Multiple Sclerosis Research
- Design of the next-generation of content-based, context-aware product recommender systems
- Tightly-coupled Visual-Inertial-LiDAR SLAM
- Modelling the Dependence between Loss Frequency and Loss Rate
- Reconstruction of Historic Phosphorus Loadings to Mara Lake: Evaluation of Changes in Trophic State
- Enhancements to Smart Disease and Pest Prediction System Through the Use of Machine Learning Techniques
- Analysis Tools for Automated Rehabilitation Assessment and Progress Tracking
- Development of the Parasocial Identifier for Social Media
- Extending artificial intelligence in the operating room
- At-a-station measurement and prediction of flow and sediment fluxes in rivers
- Improving Social Justice and Economic Stewardship along the Global Value Chain: The Effectiveness of Interventions within Fragile Environments
- WP 1.1.5 – Analog, RF, and SPIC Testing On a Low-Speed Tester
- Storying Access: Reconciling the Effects of Betterment Discourses in Southern Ontario’s Early 20th Century Domestic Science Education
- Modeling and control of CPP’s proprietary Mighty Dredge & Bypass Pump Technologies
- Improvement of pyrolytic oil quality by physical and chemical technologies for replacing fossil fuel in heating system
- Using technology to measure, map and magnify the impact of due diligence programs in artisanal mining communities in Eastern D.R Congo
- Intraoperative Assessment of Humeral Implant Stability
- Investigate sensors management and fusion algorithms to orchestrate data/information collection from different sensors (with various reliabilities) and in weather-challenging environments
- Optimization and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) translation of GLIDE (Guided Lymphocyte Immunopeptide Derived Expansion) manufacturing process
- Personalized Wealth Management Advisor based on the Analysis of Times Series Related to Financial Transactions
- Liquid biopsy for the discovery of new methods of cancer diagnosis and new treatment strategies
- Pratt & Whitney Canada Pre-Detailed Design System for Turbines
- Magnetorheological Fluid Actuators for various industries (part 2)
- Development of a knowledgebase to enable streamlined analysis and interpretation of NGS data from pediatric leukemia cohorts
- Integrated Configurable Power Input/Output Systems for Avionic Applications
- Unsupervised Learning of 3D Scenes from Images using a View-based Representation
- Mechanical characterization of phage-coated implants for the prevention and treatment of periprosthetic joint infections in high risk patients
- Reinforcement Learning for Aviation Training
- WP 3.2.2 – Automated Log Analysis
- Characterization of KPI Outliers from Logs Using Data Mining
- Predicting the Behavior of Loyalty Programs Customers Using Interpretable Patterns Based on Logical Analysis of Data
- Displacement-based Design of Hybrid Steel-timber Structures – Year two
- Technical and Economic Assessment of Implementing UV Treatment in Potable Reuse Process Trains – Year two
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Based Multi Agent System in Banking Environment – Year two
- Investigating the scope of dsRNAi in human cells
- Use of X-rays as an alternative for fungal and bacterial pathogen control in seeds and stored food
- Improving avalanche forecasts in data-sparse areas with physical snowpack modelling
- Wavefield Imaging for Stored Grain Monitoring and Biomedical Applications
- The Effect of Probiotic Intake on Intestinal Permeability of Healthy Adults
- Social Enterprise, Impact and Sustainability Using the Logic of Business Models
- Self-supervised learning for EEG signals
- Metabolic and biochemical characterization of terpenoid profiles in the high-value plants hop (Humulus lupulus), tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), and cannabis (Cannabis sativa)
- Preventing Risk for Metabolic Syndrome in Workaholics: An Intervention
- Development of an Unmanned Glider for Autonomous Soaring
- Creating an autonomous underwriting system for financing approval
- Development of Green Ceramic formulations, testing and manufacturing process from Alberta oil sands tailings
- Using beneficial microbes to mitigate the effects of climate change on plant nutrition, resistance to insects, and drought
- Impairment screening utilizing biophysiological measurements and machine learning algorithms
- Assessing the impact of STEM programming on children and youth.
- Estimating Battery Key Performance Indicators and Forecasting Battery State-of-Health Using Machine Learning and Neural Networks Techniques
- Human Activity-based Cycle Time Analysis for Optimizing Repeatable Processes on Manufacturing Floors
- Electrical Material Characterization and Non-Destructive Diagnostics on Power Cable Dielectric Materials subjected to Thermal Aging – Phase II
- Pelletization of Forest Wildfire Fuels in Western Canada
- Automated Target Classification for Multi-Frequency Echosounders
- Reliability-based finite element analysis of pipeline dents interacting with corrosion features
- Advancing biological phosphorus removal from wastewater using applied genomics
- Data Analysis and Consolidation for Aircraft Parts Manufacturing
- WP 1.1.8 – Metro Reach Silicon Photonic Integrated Transceiver
- Implementation of computational intelligence algorithms for the automation of business workflow at BuildMapper
- Machine Learning for Network Management and Control
- A mixed-methods pilot pragmatic randomized controlled trial examining the real-world effectiveness of the MOVR mobile application
- Diversity Measures and Equal Opportunity Practices in the North American Corporate Labour Force and Global Diversity Management Practices
- Non-contact vital sign detection of the newborn – Year two
- Methodology development for the non-destructive quality assessment of joints in polyethylene pipes based on ultrasound technology
- Brown Builds: Optimizing Build Performance and Comprehension
- Integrating biodiversity functional guild responses to land use and climate change in natural heritage system update – Year two
- Analysis of techno-economic-environmental feasibility of zero emission buses on public transit routes in Canadian context – Year two
- Assessment and Genetics of Stress Resilience in Dairy Cattle – Year two
- Identification of heterotic gene pools to accelerate hybrid breeding in Brassica napus (canola) – Year two
- Improving Situation Awareness for a Collaborative Service Robot in Care Environment – Year two
- Model based optimisation of operational level harvest planning and integration with tactical level plans: Towards the improvement of planning process performance
- Redesign and Optimization of SmartRING Strander Facegear and Knife Clamping System
- Development of nanoscale and microscale delivery vehicles for plant immune aids using protein coacervation and spray drying
- Biocontrol potential of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) against selected key insect pests of canola, cereal and high value crops in Alberta.
- Spaces, People, Things: Entanglements within Congregate Living
- Integrating Digital Design + Prefabrication Processes into Calgary-based Architecture and Design Firms (continued)
- Measuring the Effects of a Cycling Program on Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care
- Developing surfactant–nanoparticle systems for enhanced oil recovery
- The Art of Small City Transformation: exploring a role for socially engaged public art institutes as leaders with municipal cultural sustainability agendas
- Agrégation et enlèvement des nano-microplastiques par l’entremise de sels métalliques préhydrolysés et de polymères organiques : impact d’une préoxydation par l’ozone et d’une préexposition aux rayons UV sur l’efficacité d’agrégation
- Cannabis used for medical purposes by children in Canada
- Radio-frequency Thermal Plasma Assisted Solid Waste Conversion to Energy using Thermochemical Process Technology
- Adopting Knowledge Management Practices in the Creation of a Tribal Archives in Rural Québec
- Creative Housing Options for Adults with Developmental Disabilities and High Complex Needs
- Addressing Energy Poverty in British Columbia’s Rural and Indigenous Communities
- Defining and Improving Accuracy, Precision, and Minimum Detection Levels, of Truck-based Gas Leak Surveys
- Benzodiazepine and Opioids Use in Alberta
- Sharing the Story of the Canaan-Washademoak Watershed: The Last 30 Years through Data
- Active Vision in Robotics for Optimal Mobile Camera Sensor Planning
- Molecular effects of novel high-CBD Cannabis cultivars: from mechanisms to novel applications and therapeutics
- Discovery of Antimicrobial Agents from Marine Microbes
- Improving Coded-wire tag sampling and submission adequacy through better understanding of barriers.
- Cannabis and Death-Anxiety
- Proximity Music System
- Intelligent Agent Based Computing for Auditing Financial Market Transactions
- Development of a multifunctional in situ-forming scaffold with antimicrobial activity for treatment of complex wounds
- Manufacturing and stabilization of nanocellulose in a scale up process using functional maleates as a colloidal dispersion
- The Next Generation Agriculture: Botanical extracts and essential oils as the new antimicrobials against microbial contaminants and diseases of Cannabis
- Structural and Hygrothermal Performance of Masonry Walls with Large Cavities
- Develop a reliability-based robust shoring design system using Excel
- Probiotics for improved carotenoid bioavailability: A double-blind, randomized, controlled trial
- Fabrication of High-resolution Perfluoro-polymer Imaging Fiber Bundle via Electrospinning and Stack-draw Technique
- Integrated Thermal Systems and Controls Modeling for AUTO Mode Simulation and Optimization
- Modelling the impact of water pressure on water main breaks using a spatially explicit Bayesian model
- Coupling the liquid pool and wellbore hydraulic module of the “Prediction and Optimization Software Package” – Part 2
- Development of an Autonomous Pipeline Control System
- Advanced sensor control implementations for energy optimization in commercial buildings using machine learning and data visualisation applied to building automation systems
- Developing clean dual-fuel natural gas engines for heavy-duty trucks
- Hey Neighbour Collective
- Sustainable Funding Models for Watershed Co-Governance
- Deep learning-based Image Style Transfer with Generative Adversarial Network
- Uncertainty Quantification for Deep Neural Networks
- Improving hygrothermal modeling as design tools using field measurements to achieve durable and energy efficient wood structures
- Emerging Clinical Speech Recognition Technologies in Canada: How to do it Right?
- Study the bond strength of adhered manufactured stone/thin brick veneer units and setting bed mortar at different temperatures and different cycles of freeze-thaw (Part 2)
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Primary and Secondary Production in the Salish Sea from a Coupled Model (SalishSeaCast with SMELT) – Part 2
- The effect of peer-to-peer video modeling (VM) on socialization and physical literacy in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Engaging More Men in Mentoring
- Joint Perception and Motion Prediction System for Autonomous Vehicles
- Developing Cannabis resources for the 21st century
- Arctic-Nesting Bird Monitoring and the Impacts of Mining Disturbances
- Optimizing Sea Cucumber Harvesting and Processing in Atlantic Canada
- Antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory bowel diseases effect of hemp seeds grown in Canada
- Using bioelectrochemical approaches to study microbes associated with oil and gas operations – Year two
- Development of Advanced Smart Medical Bandage Using Memory Polymeric Film/Yarn Actuator – Year two
- Development of a Borehole Muon Detector for Muon Tomography – Year two
- Treating the Untreatable: Targeting Paediatric Brain Tumours with Multi-omics and Drug Discovery – Year two
- Evaluation of Mazzaella Japonica as a Food Additive for Ruminants – Year two
- Exploring the Shared Kitchen Model as a Viable Option for Social/For Profit Enterprise Development in St. John’s, NL.
- Management and conservation of polar bears in Davis Strait: An integrated population modeling approach to estimating population size, growth rate and Total Allowable Harvest of a priority species in Nunavut, Canada.
- The control of pathogen infection in Cannabis sativa
- Biometric-enabled Sensing Technologies for Smart Cities
- Middle ear optical coherence tomography imaging system
- Safe and Low-cost Robot Grasping through Impedance Control and Deep Learning
- Delegation of Trust to Consumer Devices in Banking Applications
- Quantifying the spatial distribution of soil nutrient movement at the field scale
- Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Cannabis for processing into various forms
- Enhancing steady state processing of plant based ingredients for the food industry
- Feasibility Study to Determine the Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Aircraft Inspection
- Determination and characterization of plant fungi in greenhouse bell peppers
- Advanced Nystagmus System (ANSTM) as objective diagnostic tool for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and concussion: A validation study using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging
- The Epidemiology of Fabry Disease and Metabolic Acidosis in Manitoba
- An Integrated Interface for a Mixed Reality Based Medical Education System
- Trace Element & Nutrient Retention and Release from Ontario Greenhouse Retention Ponds
- The Safety, Efficacy, and Tolerability of Microbial Ecosystem Therapeutic-2 in People with Major Depression and/or Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Evaluating Skill Transfer Between Canadian and Global South Midwifery Associations
- ATCO Home of the Future and DSO Orchestration
- Beaver Hills Biosphere Communications: Advancing place-based heritage appreciation and stewardship
- Distributing Computing and Machine Learning Applications
- A Prototype for a Privacy-Aware Health Sharing App
- The role of certifications and traceability in supporting the Inuit seal harvest to deliver Inuit rights to food, culture, and economic opportunities
- Treated Drill Mud Residue Commercialization Research
- Curating Anti-Colonialism: Re-imagining the Institution through a Decolonial Lens
- Connecting ecological dots through striped bass diets by using DNA barcoding and stable isotopes
- Textual Analysis of Climate-Related Disclosures
- Implementation and strengthening of the community enhancement program to assess theneeds of different residents living at Brightside
- Modeling atmospheric gas dispersion using computational fluid dynamics – Part 2
- Mapping the experiences and struggles of un(der)employed Afro-Caribbean “Black” (ACB) young men in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa
- Feasibility Study of High Temperature Pyrolysis for Producing Drop in Diesel quality Fuel
- Enzyme-instructed siRNA release and functional self-assembly of peptide-based delivery system
- Probiotic lactic acid bacteria-derived secretome impact on intestinal epithelial and antigen-presenting cells: determining effects on immunometabolic and epigenetic reprogramming in the context of cell interactions
- Rapid Digital Twin and Ontology Builder for Buildings
- Requirements management and lab testing of optical breadboard hardware for satellite systems
- Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) embryo development and population assessment in the Tobique River Basin: potential for impacts from industry activities
- Evaluation of the mechanical properties of the bone-implant interface in lower limb amputees
- Detecting deception, disinformation, and crowd manipulation on social media through machine learning, natural language processing and artificial intelligence
- Use of remote sensing for eelgrass mapping in James Bay
- Measuring the contributions of non-crop areas to precision canola yield
- Application testing of onboard respooling and rope handling for use in ropeless fishing
- Study of vacuum-microwave drying (VMD) of late life fruits and vegetables
- Epigenetic effects of smolt-to-adult rearing in Atlantic Salmon
- Molecular characterization, autogenous vaccine manufacturing and vaccine potency studies of two pathogenic Avian Reovirus (ARV) field isolates from the Province of Alberta – Part 2
- Modeling Default Risk for a Small Lender using Machine Learning
- Developing Foodways and Gardening Strategies for the L.M. Montgomery Museum & Literary Centre
- Centre for Operations Excellence Industry Projects 2019
- Operationalizing Medical AI: Intelligent Health Support and Devices
- Development of a model for computational sea ice monitoring – Year Two
- Geometallurgical Simulation and Multicriteria Risk Evaluation
- Fish passage and the importance of sea-run brook trout in small coastal watersheds in Prince Edward Island
- Heavy Rare Earth Elements: New Insight into Mineralogical Parameters That Impact Mine Processing – Year two
- Understanding mixed-severity fire regimes, their dynamics and their resilience to climate change in the southern Alberta Foothills – Year two
- An Intelligent UAV System for Power Line and Utility Condition Assessment
- Perovskite Solar Cell Development
- Investigation of Microorganisms’ Co-culture System for Biomass/Biofuel Production
- Efficacy of Radiant Energy Veils in Multi-glazing Fenestration
- Characterizing the concentration and makeup of microplastics in wastewater effluent and stormwater overflows to the Ottawa and Rideau Rivers and evaluating microplastic removal in wastewater streams with a newly developed mesh sock.
- Selective recovery of Ni-Co-Mn in sulfate media, and graphite from spent Lithium Ion Batteries
- Arsenic solubility and its mechanism from DST glass arsenic product; an arsenic solubility study and comparison with other stable arsenic minerals (scorodite, encapsulated scorodite, and calcium arsenate)
- Cognitive and Computationally Intelligent Algorithms for the Detection of Cyber Threats
- Floating Wetland Treatments to Enhance Remediation (FLOWTER) Project
- Optimization of Wastewater Treatment anaerobic digestion processes.
- Analysis of the effects of a high-anxiety state on running mechanics and identifying relevant psychological predictors related to levels of emotions and mechanics
- Self-sovereign identity data of persons living with dementia at risk of getting lost: how can personal data be protected, owned by individuals, and used to keep dementia clients safe, and inform research and policy?
- Exergoeconomic Optimization of Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage Technology (A-CAES)
- As-built 4D Feedback Control For Fabrication and Assembly
- Calibration and modeling for an individual tree LiDAR forest resource inventory in boreal Ontario
- Development of testing & quality control methods for e-textiles
- Employers’ expectations of technological proficiency levels of university business graduates
- Weldability of Thermoplastic Materials for Automotive Applications
- Cryptographic filesystem for video integrity
- Combining deep learning neural networks and spatiotemporal models for prediction and inference of residential house prices for property assessment
- Identifying and validating rational combinatorial therapies for treatment-refractory Glioblastoma
- Diagenetic history porosity evolution of the sandstones and carbonates around the Labrador?Port au Port Group boundary, Belle Isle, Western Newfoundland
- CFD methodology for analysis of multiphase flow process
- Effects of Probio’Stick® and Diet on Health Outcomes after Chronic Stress Exposure
- Digital Youth Engagement Strategy Using a Critical Pedagogy of Place-based Perspective
- Probiotic treatment of mothers influences maternal care: Implications for postpartum hormone regulation and offspring stress resiliency
- Selective Ablation of Circulating Tumor Cells by Dynamic Photothermal Therapy
- Shipping Noise Characterization in Shallow Water Environment
- High Power Density DC-DC Converter for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations
- Equivariant Siamese Neural Networks
- Spatial and temporal trends in nesting habitat use and availability for cavity nesting waterfowl in the lower Saint John River floodplain
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of High Energy Incidents Inside and Above Buried Underground Vaults
- Quantification of Intra-Host Diversity of Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV-1) Infecting Atlantic and Chinook Salmon in BC
- BTRC and FBXW11 Ligand Discovery Toward Discovery of E3 Ligase Handles
- Modeling the Removal of Mine-impacted Water Species Using Freezing Technologies Focused on Frazil Ice Formation
- Virtual Model of Traction Control and Electronic Stability Control Systems
- Serum Protein and Antibody Interactions with Immunomagnetic Cell Isolation Particles
- Developing a High Throughput RNA Synthesis and Purification Microfluidic Platform
- Thermally Stable Bonding Materials for Flexible Displays
- Predictive tools for membrane durability in fuel cell applications
- Transfer of nutrients and contaminants from wetlands to rivers by water boatmen
- Evaluating Canadian Competency-based Specialty Medicine Training
- Exploration and Development of an Active Assisted Living Data Sharing Infrastructure Aimed at Supporting the Development of Standards, Guidelines, and Certification Programs – Blockchain for Consent Management
- Enhancing Compliance of Financial Service Industry Through Understanding and Predicting Employees’ Conduct Risk
- Recovery of rocky intertidal communities post-pollution disturbance
- Modeling and simulation methods for assessing casino player behaviour
- Multiscale Modelling of Crystallization in Stirred Tank Reactors
- Unsupervised dimension reduction for data clustering and improving signal-to-noise-ratio
- Succeed and Stay
- Design of Gallium-Nitride (GaN) Based Bridgeless Totem-Pole Power Factor Correction (PFC) Controller
- Magnesium Based Aerated Insulation Development and Analysis
- Innovative Business Strategies: Business development and marketing of drone technology in international development contexts and specialized professional development programs in domestic postsecondary environments
- Novel and efficient approaches of converting volatile fatty acids (VFAs) topolyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)
- Assessment of impacts of upstream developments and climate change on Carp River Watershed
- Handheld Histories: Collecting, Modding, and Playing the Portable Platform
- Novel Treatments for bladder inflammation and pain
- Determination of factors affecting Atlantic salmon hatching and recruitment in Prince Edward Island streams
- Cave to Mill: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach Linking Orebody Knowledge, Footprint Reliability and Sensor-Based Sorting to Improve Safety and Productivity
- Facilitating Service Network Navigation: Developing a Model for Individuals with Autism and/or Intellectual Disabilities and their Families – Year two
- “Advanced Manufacturing Automation, Digitization and Optimization – AMADO”
- Designing Criteria to Visualize Energy and Reduce Energy Consumptions
- Developing Intelligent Strategies for Factories of the Future – New approaches for high performance control, modelling, and inspection
- Innovative wastewater treatment flowsheet development for the high strength centrate from food waste processing facility
- Understanding the personalities of successful workers in customer-facing hourly roles
- Improvement of an all-on-chip assay for studying cell migration
- Development and validation of a pipeline for a clinical Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) test for detection of a rare genetic sterol disorder influencing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations
- Expanding SIKU across the Canadian Arctic: an Inuit-driven platform for climatechange resiliency and self-determination
- The Canadian Association for Graduate Studies Task Force on Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and Graduate Education
- Forestry Cloud App Project
- Piloting and Evaluating a DTES Community Steward Program
- Improving the magnetic properties of electrical steels
- A generic microgrid controller with rule-based dispatch
- Automatically Assessing Frailty from Medical Notes
- Microfluidics Study of Three-Phase Non-Equilibrium Phase Behavior
- A Web-Based Traffic Steering and Orchestration Platform for NFV Services
- An Examination and Case Study of Forest Management Activities in BC to Support Grizzly Bear Conservation
- Affect Recognition of Human Players in VR Games
- Development of Lightweight Aluminum-Rare Earth Specialty Alloys Reinforced with Nano and Micro composites
- Performance Analysis of a Network of Dual-Lane Roundabouts – Part 2
- Optimization of a Stochastic Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem for the Trucking Industry
- Improvement of the Robotic System for Stereotactic Neurosurgery in the MRI-guided process
- A randomized control trial comparing weight loss effects between the Keyto virtual “ketogenic diet” program compared to a standard-care weight loss app
- Designing a Driving Simulator in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment as an Engaging Driving Game for Older Adults
- Scale-up synthesis of novel amine-containing polymers and their initial application as materials for additive manufacturing and responsive coatings/adhesives
- Evaluating the Impact of Robotics Education on Young Children’s Cognitive Development and Self-efficacy
- Multi-sensor data fusion and quality evaluation in challenging weather environment
- Children’s Treatment Centre Design Standard
- Applications of Blockchain for Cross-Border Deposits in the Finance and Banking Sector
- Three dimensional (3D) ultrasound image analysis of the female pelvic floor
- Fabry-Perot Pressure Sensors for High Temperature Applications
- Improving the Accuracy of Data Loss Prevention Systems
- Investigating the effect of novel nutritional compounds on skeletal muscle protein synthesis and growth in vivo
- Assessing Perceptions Pertaining to Carbon Pricing in Kingston, Ontario
- Understanding Health and Life Sciences Research and Innovation Impact in British Columbia
- Examining Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policy development in early stage-venture capital firms.
- Idiomatic foreign function interface generation for user-specified target languages
- Retrieval and monitoring of water quality parameters based on hyperspectral remote sensing data and intelligent algorithms
- An Optimal Hybridized Design Methodology for a Solid-State Fermenter: Safe Pesticide Alternatives Using Microbes
- Sentiment Analysis for the Assessment of Financial Fitness (SAFF)
- Development of a stable and printable carbon nanotube based bioink for E.coli detection
- Data driven energy efficient base station sleep control for 5G systems
- Hydrogeochemical investigation of elevated geogenic uranium in a subarctic region
- Personalizing gamification strategies to improve young adult life skills training. Part 2; support worker needs analysis and design of clinical interface
- Cyclic Freeze-Thaw Behavior of Geocell-Reinforced Bases
- Understanding the Mechanism of Probiotics for Human Health
- A cloud?based, multi?modal, cognitive ophthalmic imaging platform for enhanced clinical trial design and personalized medicine in blinding eye disease
- Determination of emerging contaminants-loaded on sludge-based activated carbon: chemical leachability and stability
- Towards Developing Trust in Online Third-Party Reporting Systems for Survivors of Sexual Assault
- Restoration Opportunities for the Lost Creeks of South Etobicoke
- Conservation Planning for the Wells Barkerville Community Forest
- Assessing the impact of an immersive VR gaming experience on navigation ability and spatial cognition in an elderly population
- Evaluating and optimizing rural and urban lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQI2S) engagement with hospice and palliative care in the Island Health Region
- Automatic Classification of Security Events
- Hybrid and multi-device quantum machine learning models
- Straits Salish Plant Stewardship in the 21st Century:Cultivating Co-management Relationships in BC
- Use of a deep passive source extremely low frequency (ELF) conductivity mapping system to improve the definition of ore bodies at depth – Applications to Bathurst, NB
- Assessment of DNA Ministring technology in cell transfection and the treatment of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) – Year two
- Marine Icing Investigation
- Safety Labs User and Performance Validation
- Digital Platforms as an Enabler of Collective-Action for Community based Energy Efficiency Improvements
- New algal bioreactor design for clean food production with inland aquaculture
- Uptime Energy Control Procedure Using Machine Learning
- Promoting Positive Development: A Transformational Perspective
- Simplifying the chemistry of cosmetics for public use
- EcoSix : L’élevage d’insectes comestibles en économie circulaire urbaine pour lutter contre le gaspillage alimentaire et les changements climatiques
- Progress on Quantitative Analysis for OCT Angiography
- Ultrasonic Power Transmission and Data Communication through Metallic Barriers for Non-Destructive Testing in Hazardous Industrial Spaces
- An Investigation into the viability of Porcupine Crab-based Food Products
- A study of macrophage interactions with polymeric drug carriers
- Development of an IoT-enabled Controlled-environment Indoor Plant Growth Prototype
- Sub Synchronous Oscillations in Power Systems
- Frontiers in Continuous Variable Quantum Computation: From Theory to Practical Demonstration
- Design principles and clinical application of a wearable vibration device for individuals with proprioception deficiency
- Integration of Machine Learning with Distributed Temperature and Acoustic Sensing to Build Data-Driven Dynamic Reservoir Model
- Chipless RF Sensing for E-smart Composite Pipeline Integrity
- Implementation of the Engagement Score of Libro Credit Union’s Owners
- Field testing of selected salt tolerant screened balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) clones for use in reclamation around end-pit lakes associated with bitumen extraction in northern Alberta.
- An in vitro Platform of Antigen-Presenting Cells to Evaluate Critical Quality Attributes in Vaccine Formulations
- Production of synthesis gas via Dry Reforming of Methane: Fundamentals and Applications
- Microbial detection of hydrocarbon seeps offshore Nova Scotia
- Understanding the contribution of ??-tetrahydrocanabinol and cannabidiol isomers and related compounds to the therapeutic effects and safety of cannabinoids using zebrafish larvae
- OFDM radio receiver with Deep Learning
- Machine Learning to Predict Temporomandibular Disorders Risk from Genotypes
- Learning non-local features for 3D reconstruction of buildings
- Preliminary Fall Detection/Prediction Data Science Project
- Measuring the effectiveness of a novel treatment of Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis: the ArmLock sleeve.
- Intelligent Cyber-Physical Situational Awareness for Smart Infrastructures
- Transparent and Trustworthy Deep Feature Learning for Cyber-Physical System Security
- Rapid assessment of decision biases using reach-decision tasks in web-based applications
- Sodium Manganese Oxide Coated with Polymers as Zinc and Sodium Dual Ions Battery Cathode
- Bond Pricing AI Improvement
- Variational methods for pipeline safety and data analysis
- Research, analysis and development of business processes for innovation service delivery in the aerospace market
- Acceptability of Multimedia animations as preoperative multi-language guides for surgical patients in Montreal
- Development of Low Smoke Zero Halogen Smart Polymer Compounds/Nanocomposites for Wire and Cable Covering Material
- Conveyor throughput optimization at a distribution centre
- Design and manufacture flexible strain gauge for high reliable application
- Use of Recycled concrete Aggregate to Produce Concrete Masonry Blocks
- A methodological approach to the use of data-supported environmental factors in support of the introduction of autonomous air vehicles in a shared airspace
- A National Study of Trans Men and Non-Binary People’s Sexual Health and Wellness
- Counteracting habitat loss: Comparing the efficacy of major management practices in restoring and maintaining grassland habitats for at risk reptiles
- Evaluation of the performance of transcritical CO2 heat pump cycle in conjunction with wastewater energy transfer (WET) system for combined space heating, cooling, and water heating
- Measuring entanglement in quantum magnetic systems with strong long-range correlations
- Behavioral Clustering in Big Data with Application in Super Customer Networks
- Welding Assessment and Data Trending
- Implementing biological control of introduced Phragmites australis in Ontario
- Exterior finish coatings for building façade applications combined with phase change materials and thermochromic paint
- Evaluation of Pneumatic Massage in Automotive Seating
- Intelligent control of space cameras
- The potential for ground mustard seed to improve the environment in the farrowing room for sows and piglets
- The ParticipACTION App: Evidence Development, Content Enhancement and Knowledge Translation
- Improving Growth and Intestinal Health of Broiler Chickens Through the Use of Phytogenic Compounds
- Public Perceptions on Shared Micromobility
- A Machine Learning based approach for Portfolio Allocation
- Development and optimization of a food based delivery system for cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol
- Identification of a constitutive material model for an aircraft engine abradable rub strip material
- An Automatic Tool for Developing Transactive Energy Smart-Contracts: Development, Validation and Integration with the IEMS Blockchain Platform
- TEDS – Train Early Detection System
- Utilizing an evaluation of a community initiative to inform lessons for collaborative partnership and service delivery: All In for Youth Case Study
- Wide-baseline Novel Scene Synthesis from a Single Image
- Automated Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Classification for Hydrological Modelling and Physically-Based Inflow Forecasting
- The making of a woman feature filmmaker: Gender and cultural production in a Montreal-based film school – Year two
- An Integrated Co-Simulation-Data Analytics Platform for Smart Grid Modeling and Cybersecurity Analysis
- Assessing the effectiveness of customer management efforts on profitability in the insurance industry
- Simulation of the foamy oil flow during the solution gas drive production of heavy oils – Year two
- Making Stronger and Lighter Wallboard
- Assessing Harvest and Post Harvest Fruit Quality in Blueberry
- Designing Student Success: Building a Mobile Application to Improve Student Retention and Persistence
- Production Data Analysis From Mechanised Forest Operations
- Automatic Understanding of the Semantics of Source Code For IdentifyingSensitive Code Fragments
- Design and Prototype Validation of a Bioabsorbable Flow Diverting Stent
- Develop data analysis software for improving operation management in making drinking water for small and rural communities
- Shiga-toxigenic E. coli persistence mechanisms and surface biofilm detection using near-infrared spectroscopy on beef processing facilities
- Cultural Valuation of Innu Fisheries
- Designing a virtual gym with innovative grammar recognition to develop an individualized exercise platform for older adults
- Real Estate Information System User Experience Analysis
- Mitigating Ship Strike Risk in Southern Resident Killer Whale Habitat
- Workplace of the Future
- Instrumentation for Gauging Computational Thinking in Elementary Grades
- Using a dynamic moment of inertia to increase bat speed in baseball players using the “Pro-Impusle swing trainer”
- Development of clinical functional near-infrared spectroscopy device
- Pricing and Resource Allocation in Edge Computing
- Failure analysis on X-750 CANDU spacer material using bulk mechanical test and ion-irradiation
- Targeting platelet-neutrophil axis: a novel therapeutic approach for Scleroderma
- AccessiBelt – Car Seatbelt for Users with Limited Hand Dexterity
- Development of an NLP Sales Assistant using Machine Learning Techniques
- Masonry Construction as a Solution for Healthy and Resilient Buildings: A Life Cycle Thinking Based Evaluation
- Developing effective eDNA tools for environmental monitoring at MOWI salmon aquaculture sites in Atlantic Canada
- Supersingular Isogeny-Based Cryptography
- Collision-free Farm Field Coverage Path Planning using Autonomous DOT Vehicles
- Development of an Integrated sensor system for automated on-the-spot measurement of physical soil properties
- Internal Communication for Business Organizations
- Modelling the current and future (2025) state of travel demand in the Toronto-Waterloo Innovation Corridor
- Community Engagement and Ownership of Projects Emerging from Social Innovation Labs
- Validation of Selective Phytocannabinoids Using In Vitro Glaucoma Models
- Evidence based delivery of effective packages of health services in humanitarian, fragile and conflict affected settings
- Scalable Fault Detection, Diagnosis, and Situational Awareness for Modern High-volume Data Pipelines
- Development of a supervised and transparent prediction model for predicting bond credit rating migrations in real-time for short to moderate time frame
- Efficacy Assessment and Improvement of an Allergen Dispersion System in an Exposure Room
- Pore Pressure Prediction, Hydraulic Fracture Propagation and Huff-and-Puff Gas Injection in Multiple-Porosity Shale Reservoirs
- Machine Learning for Breath-Based Cancer Diagnosis
- Closing Skill Gaps in Under- and Unemployed Youth
- A Clean Energy Plan for CleanBC: Informing the development of BC’s clean energy future
- Improved Lateral Supports for Fresh Masonry Structures at Construction Site
- Improving Efficiency and Robustness of Model-based Reinforcement Learning
- Data-driven Assessment of Suicide Risk for Treatment Seeking Population
- A Clinical Proteomic Test for Patient Care
- Identification of blood-based biomarkers predictive of pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosis
- Blood flow within microfluidic conduits
- Understanding helmet design and performance based on size, fit, and component analysis
- Analysis of the Community Scholars Program for United Way of the Lower Mainland and Simon Fraser University Library
- Molecular signatures and predictive biomarkers for phenotyping allergic rhinitis responses
- TWN Cumulative Effects Monitoring Initiative: Ecosystem Modelling Framework
- Implementation of risk minimization measures and trends over time in the frequency of outcomes
- Investigation of mechanical and electrical properties of polymeric nanocomposites under erosion – Year two
- Development of a Novel Sustainable Adsorbent Unit for Indoor Air Purifiers – Year two
- Effects of low-dose radiation on immune parameters, antioxidant and metabolic signalling and implications in the development and progression of mammary cancer – Year two
- Opioid Use in Pediatric-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Year two
- Altitude & Heat – environmental synergies to optimize human performance – Year two
- Application of the Five Capitals Framework to the Mineral Resources Sectorof Mongolia to Support Sustainable Development
- Development of specific peptide antagonists of muscarinic receptors to repair the nervous system
- Privacy Guarantees and Risk Identification: Statistical Framework and Methodology
- Automated Credit Risk Assessment Systems in Small Business Lending Decisions
- Open Air Interface for 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks
- Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanner to access plant structure and tree volume at Gardens by the Bay – Singapore
- Development of high precision microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based vacuum encapsulated resonators
- Use of Jetti Catalysts in Waste Rock/Tailings Treatment
- Tungsten carbide-based coatings using recycled powders
- The Vape Mediascape: Youth, E-cigarettes, and Health Policy
- The effect of cultivation conditions on duckweed nutritional profiles, with applications for aquaculture and aquatic ecology
- Synthesis of CO2-Based Polymers for Carbon Capture
- Video Quality-of-Experience Assessment Based on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies
- High Energy, RAnge extending battery for Electrical Vehicles (HERA-EV)
- Using Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep to Enable and Enhance Clinical Epilepsy Surgery
- Edge-Twin based Framework for Real-Time AI Applications for Vehicular Scenarios
- Development of a highly accurate machine learning algorithm constrained by well-log data and its application in Lithological classification
- Redefining Recreational River Waves
- Competency-Based Education for Airside Professionals
- Self-Adaptive Penetration Tests with Deep-Reinforced Intelligent Agents
- Design and Refinement of a Colour-based Metabolomic Biosensor System
- Machine Learning and Data Mining Approaches for Smart Buildings
- Stable isotope measurements of vanadium and molybdenum as tracers for treated oil-sands process affected water
- Side-Stream Nitrogen Treatment using a Membrane Aerated Biofilm Bioreactor (MABR) System: A Pilot Scale Demonstration
- Enhancing data collection procedures for non-destructive chicken egg fertility determination using NIR hyperspectral imaging
- Design and development of techniques to characterize optical, mechanical and chemical properties of metallic and semiconductor thin films with applications in MEMS structures and their packaging
- Investigation of Innovative Methods, Tools and Processes on BC Housing’s First IPD Project
- Analysis and Prototype Development of a Drive System and Novel Control Algorithm for Direct Drive Brushless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
- D2K+: Deep Learning of System Crash and Failure Reports for DevOps
- Assessing the Efficacy of Empathetic Computing
- Redefining Fatigue: considerations for the calculation of critical power
- Climate volatility and its impact on baseline trends, natural variability, productivity, and disaster potential in the Canadian ecozones
- Phenotypic characterization of Martha cultivar and development of molecular markers for selection
- Usability evaluation of a runway testing device interface
- Industrial application of genomics derived biomarkers of salmon performance
- Investigation of Novel HPGR and Size Classification Comminution Circuit
- Integrating Inclusive Design into Project Workflows
- Private conservation in a changing landscape: a perspective on Land Trust Organizations in Canada
- Active Learning for Fish School Recognition in Echograms in the Bay of Fundy
- Machine learning classification for pump fault and failure detection
- Bacteriophage Endolysin Proteins Development
- Light Weighting Structural Injection Molded Parts for the Automotive Industry
- An Integrated model of Geomechanics and a Multiporosity Reservoir Simulator to Investigate Improved Recovery Techniques in Shale Reservoirs-Part 2
- Intelligent Chatbot Development for the Tourism Industry
- Feasibility of combining monolithically integrated silicon photonics with low cost, high performance, non-hermetic surface-mount technology (SMT) packaging
- Ultrafast laser nano-structuring in transparent glass: enabling 3D fibre-photonics packaging and assembly for high temperature sensing
- Finances of the Nation: Data-driven policy analysis for Canada
- Development of novel catalytic systems for green-house gas abatement
- RALI-DX: Rapid Diagnostic Tools for Acute Lung Injury
- Digital Marketing and Sales Decision Optimization
- Developing Leadership Competencies Through Elite Sport
- Modelling of inspection cycles for power distribution transformers
- Fatigue characterization of cane and synthetic reeds for alto saxophone
- Sulphur dioxide sensor for wine quality control
- Characterization of Natural Organic Matter from Various Sources
- Quantification and Improvement of Juvenile American Eel Passage Through Fishways and Wetland Water Control Infrastructure.
- Cognitive and Physical Demands of Using Ergonomic Spinner Knobs
- Carbon Footprints of Agriculture Production in Atlantic Canada
- Effect of Convective vs. Freeze Drying on the Hemp Bioactive Compounds
- First Nations Philanthropy Engagement Research Project
- Finding graph minors in the D-Wave hardware graph
- Determining an effective management strategy for invasive exotic cattails (Typha spp.) in the Fraser River Estuary
- Electric mobility in Canada: public discourse in British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec
- Ecological risk assessment of tire wear particles in water bodies in Interior British Columbia
- Temperature Prediction using Machine Learning
- Data Mining and Statistical Analysis of Hydraulic Fracture Performance in the Eagle Ford Formation
- Simulation-Enabled Intelligent Decision Support for Planning Precast Concrete Production Operations
- Development of Novel Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
- Private SQL interface for encrypted data
- Development of see-through near-eye display using embedded concave micromirror array for augmented reality applications
- Colonoscopy Video Analysis Framework
- Real-time Modeling of Virtual Synchronous Generator Type VSC Converters for Power Supply to Offshore Platforms
- Accelerated detection and classification for surveillance applications
- Synthesis of Graphene Quantum Dots with Blue and Red Emissions from Albany Graphite
- Pneumatic Based Clean Powering Options for Buses
- Quantifying the contribution of physical contact to athlete training load and performance in women’s rugby sevens
- Optimizing the placement of Med-El’s BoneBridge implant: image-guided positioning and biomechanical efficiency – Year two
- Using Deep Learning to Leverage Data Transfer and AI in Smart Vehicles
- Objective Assessment of Suicide Ideation using Measures of Electrophysiology Data and Machine Learning
- Development of a UV-LED disinfection system for ice-machines.
- Developing a virtual reality simulator and an algorithm to assess visual-vestibular interaction (VVI)
- Design of a real-time on-site biosensor system to monitor harmful pathogens and protect canola production
- Assessing Quality of Life for Canadians with Mobility-Limiting Disabilities through use of Emitto Technology: Creation of Implementation and Knowledge Translation Frameworks
- Geographic mapping for small-diameter gas pipelines in a city
- Defining epigenetic drivers of primary and metastatic medulloblastoma
- Evaluation of Resiliency in Community Youth Empowerment Programs
- Design and impact assessment of hydrogen from waste as a transportation bridge fuel in heavy duty diesel vehicles
- Development and Applications of Cement Composites Made of Various Forms of Basalt Fibre
- Artificial Intelligence and Deterioration of Ocean Ecosystem
- Harnessing digital tools for Cultural Heritage Promotion and Conservation
- Fibre in IBD: Feeding Our Microbes vs. Fuelling Inflammation
- How does starch content in starter impact calf gastrointestinal health and development during weaning?
- Over-The-Air (OTA) Testing System For 5G Wireless Devices
- Zero-Power Sensors for Smart Homes
- Resistant Starch Prebiotic Effects in Chronic Kidney Disease (ReSPECKD) study
- Long-term effects of tillage, crop rotation, cover crop, and fertilizer nitrogen on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen storage
- A Reliable Lora based Tracking and Monitoring System for Underground Mines
- Diversity and Abundance of Beneficial and Pest Insects in Canadian Prairie Agroecosystems
- Translating behavioural science into effective hiring practices
- Childhood Healthy Weights Early Intervention Program: Scale-up
- Effect of topsoil replacement depth and amendments on wellsite reclamation success in northeastern Alberta
- Predictive Analytics for Charitable giving
- Development and evaluation of semi-passive biological water treatment processes for water impacted by resource extraction
- Analysis of the cryptocurrency market microstructure: role of smart order routing
- Cultural memory and diversity in Canadian film festival programming
- W?SÁNE? Law and Governance: Marine and Terrestrial Management in the Southern Gulf Islands
- The impact of residential displacement on health among people who use drugs living with HIV in Vancouver, Canada
- Improvisation and Dramaturgy: an adaptive and embodied approach to theory and research in dance
- Development of a tissue culture platform to investigate piscine orthoreovirus infectious cycle in-vitro
- Systematic development of novel peptide-derived therapeutics for the inhibition of lysine-modifying enzymes for the treatment of cancer
- Enhancing Hyperspectral Image Quality for Chicken Eggs Using Unmixing Approach
- Assessing the lice cleaning efficacy and diet of lumpfish in Canadian Atlantic salmon sea cages using metabarcoding and conventional diet analysis
- Impact of Wind Energy Turbines on Bat and Bird Mortality
- Micro-Histories of Transnational Humanitarian Aid: Co-Creation of Knowledge, Policy, and Education Materials
- Enhancement of Wearable Textiles by Living Biofilms
- Silicon-Modified British Columbia Natural Graphite for Use as High Energy Density Anodes for Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries
- DL-based commercial vehicle characteristics identification, detection, and classification system
- Pangnirtung Climate Change and Health Monitoring Program
- Mitigation of product degradation in anesthetic gas capture
- Siemens next generation land-based gas turbine engine combustors: Characterization and development of a newly-designed injection system
- Geometric Control Methodology for Modular Residential Construction Systems
- An optimization model for scheduling the efficient flow of waste material in an underground gold mine
- The Investigation of a Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic (LTCC) Fabrication Process for the Design of Advanced Millimeter-Wave Components for 5G Communication Technology
- A flexible non-enzymatic lactate sensor with long shelf life to detect anastomotic leaks post-surgery
- Catalyst Optimization for Solar-Driven GHG Conversion to Fuels
- Automated Diagnostic System for Remote Monitoring of a Concrete Dam
- Rural community sustainability research program at the Applied Research and Innovation Center – Selkirk College
- Automatic weld seam positioning on sheet metal enclosures by semi-supervised deep learning
- Morphological investigation of adhesive blends and its effect on multilayer coating performance
- Development of an Extensible Framework for Assessing Digital Health Innovation Hubs (DHI-HUB)
- Do existing lending products of credit unions meet the financing needs of co-operatives – The case of Libro Credit Union and Ontario’s Co-operative Sector
- Transitioning to adulthood: Implementing a modified CO-OP approach to improve the occupational performance of youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Water-based binders for the 3D printing and sintering of metals
- Quantum dots labelling technology to assess polysaccharides disposition profile and innate immune function
- Progressive Cybernetics Decentralized Autonomous Organization (PCDAO)
- UPnGO with ParticipACTION: Evaluating the evolution of a national workplace physical activity initiative – Part 2
- Multi-agent reinforcement learning for distributed edge caching
- Fabrication of Graphene Oxide/Polyurethane Nanocomposite Foams Featuring Enhanced Mechanical, Thermal, and Electrical Properties
- Printability of H13 tool steel by powder-fed laser additive manufacturing
- Optimized Design of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Sunshades
- Identifying probiotics that modulate mitophagy in models of mitochondrial dysfunction
- Developing octenyl succinic maltodextrins as replacements for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in molded fiber bowls
- Modelling spatial variability of rock mass structural heterogeneity for pit slope stability analysis using a large-scale discrete fracture network (DFN) model
- Improving Operational Resource Efficiencies through the Application of Model-Based Reinforcement Learning (MBRL)
- Machine Learning in Business Valuation Using Merger and Acquisition Data
- Evaluation of Cultural Change Interventions in the Workplace
- Development, implementation and validation of new anti-E6 therapeutics for the treatment of HPV-associated cancer
- Root associated microbiome of trees growing in a fractured bedrock toluene phytoremediation site
- Breeding and migratory habitat use in Eastern Whip-poor-will in relation to forest management
- Formulating a novel goat-whey based drink and studying its nutritional and health functions – Year two
- Municipal Energy Futures Project: A Case Study of Regina, Saskatchewan
- Evaluating community-based behavioural interventions for persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
- Development of a personalized in-vitro model for dystrophic muscle endogenous repair for drug discovery
- Program evaluation for JUMP Math: An empirical assessment of a resource for math education
- Exploring neuroimaging methods to assess the effects of music therapy
- Development of nanoparticle in vivo labeling contrast probes for tissue clearing 3D microscopy compatible with multi-modal imaging in fluorescence, dark field, MRI, CT and electron microscopy modalities.
- Multi-agent reinforcement learning for decentralized UAV/UGV cooperative exploration
- Harm reduction-based programming and services for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) in a novel clinical care setting: the opportunities and challenges for clinicians, clients, donors and fundraisers
- Complementary and competitive interactions between wild and managed bees
- Effects of a Virtual Reality Exercise Program on Sleep Quality in Assisted Living Residents
- Understanding the impact of changes to blood donation deferral screening and criteria for men who have sex with men
- Automated Multi-Factor Medium Optimization of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cell Expansion Using Design of Experiments
- Luminescent lanthanide nanoparticles-a new generation oligonucleotide fluorescentlabel
- Expanding the Applicability of Inductively Coupled Plasma Tandem Mass Spectrometry in Clinical and Semiconductor Industries
- Advancing biomonitoring eDNA practices. The case of PCR inhibition and implications on eDNA detections
- Nanocomposites as Multifunctional Structure for Space Radiation Shielding
- Masters Athlete Screening Study (MASS) – Part 2 (5-year evaluation)
- Connections Design in New Double Wythe Insulated Wall Panel Containing Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC)
- Investigating multi-task learning in semantic parsing
- Goal-oriented Safety-Guided Design and Assurance for FinTech
- Exploring Consumer and Restaurant Employee Perspectives Towards Food Allergy Risk Communication Strategies
- Determination of Structural Behavior of UHPC Decked-I-Beam
- Generalized framework for Prescriptive Machine Learning using IoT datastreams.
- Energy reduction in HVAC systems in a commercial building environment using data-driven approaches
- Advancement of Hyperimmune candidates against select pathogens from the Antibody Therapeutics Business Unit’s Lead Generation Program
- “Minimally invasive mechanical circulatory support scientific data acquisition”
- Against the Grain: The nutritional impact of dietary gluten avoidance in the Canadian population
- Preparatory research to enable the implementation of a multi-site research project: Getting it right – Pharmacist-led pharmacogenetic testing in community pharmacies
- 3D Active SLAM for Mobile Mapping of the Interior of Floating Roof Fuel Tanks
- Development of a comprehensive feminist performance evaluation framework for international Sexual-and-Reproductive-Health-and-Rights (SRHR) development programs: The case of Inter Pares
- Analytics on 5G – Topology through PM correlation
- Plant level implementation of a model for real time tracking and control of composition changes to steel, slag and inclusions during ladle processing – Part 2
- Formulation and Process Optimizations for the Manufacturing of Cannabinoid Nanoemulsions
- Non-Viral Approach to Immunotherapy with Engineered Polymers
- New Approaches to Mine Closure in Nunavik, Québec
- Antigen Tracking of the DPX-R9F immunotherapy using MRI – Part 2
- Realizing Large-Scale Production of High-Quality Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells through a Systematic Investigation on the Characterization and Protocol Optimization of Single-Use, Scalable, Vertical-Wheel Bioreactors
- Development of Metallurgical Silicon Based Anode for High-Energy Lithium-ion Batteries
- Semisynthetic Strategies for the Production of Cannabinoids from Cannabis Sativa
- High Throughput Phenotyping of Spectrally-Optimized Plant Growth
- Biodegradable fishing nets, prepared through a pH responsive moiety by reactive extrusion
- Summer-season streamflow prediction model for the Oldman River Basin
- Data-driven modeling and uncertainty quantification in infrastructure science and engineering
- Investigating the efficacy of GelDerm* in detection of wound infection in a rat model
- XFEM-based fatigue crack growth simulation and surrogate model development for probabilistic remaining fatigue life prediction of pipelines
- Closed-loop flow control for microfluidic 3D bioprinting
- Development and integration of feature detection algorithms for metal-based direct deposition processes
- Biogeocemenation of a Coal Mine Tailings Pond
- Full-scale testing of a liquid cooling system for electric vehicle inverters
- Investigation of the relationship between firefighting water additive formulation and environmental fate and toxicity
- Deep Fraud Detection
- Geosynthetic drainage for improved stability of fine-grained materials in slopes & embankments
- High Performance Computing (HPC) of Full Waveform Inversion and Reverse Time Migration (FWI/RTM)
- Application of Different Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms in the Detection of Financial Fraud
- A Dynamic Predictive Lead Scoring System for Inside Sales
- The potential of utilizing existing oil refineries to produce low carbon fuels via co-processing
- Further improvements of image analysis for multiplexed microarrays – Part 2
- Evaluation of Durable Hydrocarbon-Based Proton Exchange Membrane for Fuel Cell Applications
- Providing Resident Support: Incorporating lived experiences into the development process
- Development of Fungal-Specific Stress Response Inhibitors for the Treatment of Fungal Infections – Part 2
- A scalable FMI-compatible cosimulation platform for distribution grid cybersecurity studies using data analytics
- A Framework to Assess the Seismic Resilience of Hospital Infrastructure in Metro Vancouver
- Heat Transfer Analysis of an Electric Baseboard Heater using Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Smart Atlantic Buoy Redundancy Model
- Characterization and Modeling Inclusion Population during Secondary Steelmaking – Year two
- Detection of Mental Health Conditions from Textual Device Communication – Year two
- Quantifying the value and risk of restoring wetland habitats in agricultural landscapes – Year two
- Effectiveness of vegetation and habitat characteristics as predictors of insect parasitoid populations – Year two
- Development of a novel IPM strategy for brown marmorated stink bugs (Halyomorpha halys) using RNA interference (RNAi) technology – Year two
- Towards Clinical Use of Whole Genome Sequencing based Tests in a Clinical Setting – Year two
- Designing Soft+Stiff Haptic Interactions with Opensource Authoring Toolkits – Year two
- Development of climate sensitive growth functions for western North America’s boreal tree species – Year two
- Developing measuring techniques for online monitoring of ex-vivo organ support system (EVOSS)
- Analysis and Design of Fast Charging System with Flywheel Energy Storage Platform
- Computational Chemistry And Structural Biology Approaches To Tackle Huntington’s Disease
- Smart Work Zone Management
- Simeio: Anomaly Detection for Building Automation System
- Computer-vision Powered Smart Production Assistant
- Wireless Network Testbed for Network Slicing and Data-driven System Parameter Optimization
- Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Clearwater Formation in Marten Hills and Nipisi north-central Alberta
- Adding Value to Canola Oilseed Production
- Anticancer activities and drug-drug interaction of extracts from long pepper, rosemary, lemongrass and white tea with chemotherapeutics
- Wearable and High-Frequency Bias-Switchable Row-Column 2D Ultrasound Array Development
- Perception, Mapping and Planning for Autonomous Indoor Cart Pullers in Plant Nurseries and Greenhouses
- Gardyn Home Optimization and Testing for Home-Based Plant Growth Production
- Designing an urban analytics prototype for the measurement of temporary public space projects
- Advancing Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Design Optimization for Industrial Cases
- Evaluating the Quality of Special Olympics Canada’s Active Start and FUNdamentals Programs
- Hemodynamic Impacts of Combining Axial Pumps
- The Development of Novel Third Generation (3G) Advanced High Strength Steels Steels for Tank Car Applications
- Probiotics Counteract Gut Microbial Dysbiosis and Long-Term Neural degeneration in Male and Female CD1
- Deep Learning Method for Micromotion Detection and Mental Health Disease Diagnosis
- High Performance Clustered Secure Storage Solution
- Development of nano-colloid with gold nanoparticles to detect Legionella pneumophila using the principle of localized surface plasmon resonance
- Printing of Collagen microgels
- Near-Infrared Dyes for Next-Generation Motion detection technology
- Development of activated carbon from petroleum coke and electrolyte design for electrical double-layer supercapacitors – Part 3
- Design of autonomous robotic system for removal of Porcupine Crab spine
- Detecting Credit Transaction Fraudulent Behavior Using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Sustainability Analysis of the VOCs Abatement Solution Proposed by SunHub Inc. for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Furniture Industry in China
- Synchronous Collaboration in Augmented Reality Utilizing Individual and Collaborative Views
- Stories Incarnate: Using Body-tracking/Body-Sensing Technology to Create Interactive Narrative Experiences for Audiences
- IoT Big-data-based network performance analytics
- A Photovoice Study of Settlement Experiences and Needs of Recent Immigrant Men in Central Alberta
- Comparative assessment of Machine Learning methods for fraud detection and improving the interpretability of the best model
- Visual Inspection UAV in Harsh Environments and Confined Spaces
- Visualization of manufacturing complexity highlights on CAD file
- Experimental investigation and validation of flow control device (FCD) performance and design in thermal oil production
- Low Dose Computed Tomography Denoising Using Deep Learning
- Thermal design of electric wheel integrated with hybrid battery pack
- Optimization of rice and other protein based extrusion encapsulation
- Fast and Accurate Computation of Wasserstein Adversarial Examples
- Developing niosome-based vehicles to deliver plant immune aids
- Disentangling Effects of Multiple Stressors on Nuisance Benthic Algae (Cladophora) in Nearshore Regions of the Great Lakes
- Multiplexing detection of infectious diseases biomarkers using fluorescence-encoded microspheres
- Development of an IoT-based sleep monitoring system for optimal sleep quality
- Songs, Stories and Sacred Fire: Fostering Reconciliation Through Collaborative Research in Unama’ki
- Application of Data Analytics Approaches for Solvent-Assisted Bitumen Recovery Pilot Analysis
- Multivariable PID Controller for Search and Rescue UAV Operations Based on Static Output Feedback
- Characterizing the Immune Response to Novel Vaccine Candidates in a Human Whole Blood Assay Using High-Dimensional Single Cell Proteomics
- Effects of cell culture plastics on dendritic cells activated using ImmunyrTM
- Modeling of Pressurized Chemical Looping Combustion in a Novel Toroidal Fluidized Bed
- Affordability Dashboard – Vancouver
- Determining chocolate antioxidants by infrared spectroscopy and multivariate analysis
- Novel modeling and simulation algorithms of interconnected AC and multiterminal DC grids for power flow and transient stability analyses
- Nonlinear, Multivariate Computational Methods to Measure Complexity of Movement and Back Pain Recovery
- Intra-arterial therapeutic dissolution of plaques in coronary and peripheral arterial diseases
- Music As a Fundamental Element of Gameplay Interaction
- Ecosystem-based management research for Canada’s Sablefish fishery
- Modeling and Simulation of an aircraft environmental control system (part of the Integrated Cabin Comfort Analytical Tool)
- Design, Manufacture and Testing of a Thermoplastic Composite Guardrail: Modeling Phase
- Regenerative Neighbourhoods Project
- Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Core-Shell Pt Catalysts
- Tribological Effect and Honing Studies of PEO Coated Engine Cylinder Bores
- Development and testing of canine and human positioning devices for phase contrast CT imaging at the Canadian Light Source Synchrotron
- Strengthening Canadian Competitiveness by Strengthening Local Value Chains
- Further investigation of Paced Electrogram Fraction Analysis (PEFA)
- Influence of cryogenic treatment of microstructure evolution and mechanical properties enhancement of high strength AISI D2 tool steel
- An application for patient decision aid for musculoskeletal injuries in Mild Hemophilia
- Silicon photonic thermal phase shifter for on-chip spectrometer
- Fresh Properties of Rubberized Self-Consolidating Concrete
- Nonlinear adaptive neural controllers
- Drinking Water Treatment Infrastructure: Responding to Climate Change and Increasingly Variable Source Water Quality
- Safe Cities, Urban Politics and Social Policy in North America
- Dispersal in bromeliad macroivertebrate communities
- Measuring what matters in education
- Feasibility Study of a New Fully Flexible Hydraulic Variable Valve Actuation System for Engines
- Battery Rickshaws in New Delhi: Socio-Economics and Environmental Impact
- Assessment of Comprehensive Self-Care Programs in the Workplace: A Mixed Methods Study
- Preclinical characterization of medical marijuana cultivars with therapeutic efficacy and low side-effect liability
- A systems level optimization of the solar battery in a solar energy system
- F508-del CFTR rescue by mutated toxoids and evaluation of its functional efficacy in vivo
- Novaxe gesture toolkit
- Assessment of safety and efficacy of probiotics use in premature infants
- The Science of Body Sugaring
- Towards the commercialization of an infrared-heated sample introduction system and development of an argon recycling system for inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)
- Human Activity Analysis in Sports Videos
- Effective Simulation and Surface Reconstruction Approaches for Detailed Fluid Simulation Visual Effects
- Sensor Development for Intelligent Apiary
- Surface modification to reduce biofouling on water quality monitoring devices
- Green Strategies for the Urban Design and Development of a Public Square for The City of Kitchener’s Intermodal Transit Hub
- Characterization and application of multidimensional coherent imaging systems for monitoring and control of laser welding
- An Integrated framework for connecting innovation providers and innovation seekers: from database construction and population to knowledge discovery
- Development of an Intelligent Mobile Personal Emergency Response System for Elderly
- Diagnosing Security Risks in an Industrial Control System using a Novel Real-Time Device
- Salu – Cardiovascular System Monitor Prototyping
- Impact of a cognitive intervention program on brain structure and function in adults with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)
- Development of an Accurate Method for Predicting Heat Transfer in Screw Conveyors
- Progression du nouveau moteur de positionnement de Delmiabasé sur les intentions de l’usager
- Translating a Quantum Computing Actor-network through Controversy
- Mechanical design and improvement of modular Stable Vertical Lift Platform (SVLP)
- Sequential Pattern and Association Rule Mining with Big Sales data for Online Merchants
- Investigation and implementation of high performance passive and active building blocks of a silicon-based integrated millimeter-wave radar transceiver for automotive safety applications
- Towards interactive and adaptive visualizations for preferential choices and public engagement
- HTML5 Integrity and Performance
- From Data Collection, Cleaning, Integration and Management to Analytics, Prediction and Recommendation
- Color management for low light levels in OLED displays
- Development of novel fuel additives for internal combustion engines
- Optimisation of a charging system for small electric vehicles using lithium ion batteries
- Long term modelling of power prices
- Optimization of residual stress of Ti-6Al-4V for Liquid Impingement Erosion Mitigation
- Producing bioactive peptides from left-over proteins of egg yolk after IgY extraction
- Remote slit-lamp diagnostic tool
- Development of analytical methods to monitor Curcumin compounds from Dried blood spot (DBS) samples
- Exploration of the cloud programming paradigm applied to IMS
- Aerodynamic Noise of High-Lift Devices Year Two
- Using brain monitoring and video surveillance to reduce violent incidents in a care-facility environment
- Web-based Goal Management Training™ in older adults with cognitive impairment: a randomized-controlled trial examining feasibility and efficacy
- Tracking the fate of Tetrodotoxin bound sodium channels
- Measuring the Neural Responses to Auditory Rhythm and Beat in Nonhuman Primates
- Designing a culturally inclusive information system for Canadian universities to enhance international student recruitment
- Narratives of Canadian Teacher Candidates’ Cross-cultural Experience in China
- Optimizing medical marijuana: developing genetic and chemical resources to improve thequality and quantity of cannabinoid metabolites in Cannabis sativa L strains Year Two
- Development of a vigilance monitoring systems for drivers, using the electrical activities of the brain Year Two
- Effect of Mineralogy on the Application of Sensor-based Sorting Techniques Year Two
- Coherent Control of High-Q Devices Year Two
- Characterization and Improvement of Interfacial Properties of Cathode Materials forRechargeable Hybrid Aqueous Batteries Year Two
- Identification of transcription factors involved in cannabinoid biosynthesis and glandular trichome formation
- Effective Early Colorectal Cancer Detection at Endoscopy Using an Adjunct Device Based on Raman Spectroscopy: Translating Technology Advances into Clinical Practices
- An Examination of Social Space in Rural Nova Scotian Municipalities
- The relationship of sleep quality to recovery, training capacity and performance in elite athletes
- Automatic crack detection in stamped auto-parts
- Development of a Novel Twin-screw Extruder for Resource Recovery and Renewable Energy Production from Lignocellulose Biomass and Industrial Organic Wastes
- Identification of Blood Biomarkers for Diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Risk Analysis and Efficiency Measurement of Protocols for Missing Children in Saskatchewan
- Asian Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database
- Monitoring Health of Underground Mining Equipment
- Development of a Fuel Cell Test Protocol for defected GDL material and its statistical validation
- Pre-Oxidation of a Refractory Sulphide Gold Ore in Alkaline Media
- Data-driven approach to establish a design space for raw materials properties and manufacturing conditions for pharmaceutical drug stability assurance
- Digital Pre-Distortion for Concurrent Multiband and Multiple Antenna Transmission
- Electromagnetic Modeling of Mineralogies
- Can Learning Catalytics Replace Clickers?
- Reservoir Souring Work – Understanding the Cycling and Conversion of Sulfur in Offshore Petroleum Reservoirs
- A Study of Basic Iron Sulfate Formation and Control in the Autoclaving of Argentiferous Sulfide Gold Ore
- A wireless ring pulse oximeter with advanced signal processing
- A dual-band optogenetic headstage
- Impacts of Environmental Change on Subsistence Land Use
- Multiband phased antenna array feasibility study
- Characterization and acceleration of a global motion mapping system
- Peer to Peer Learning – See Me Series
- Transport phenomena inside and across membrane in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
- A Study of the Modes of Gold Loss in the Calcium Thiosulfate Leaching of Preg-robbing Ores
- Investigating the use of public food forests in urban food systems planning
- All Digital, Multi-Standard Highly Efficient Transmitter forMobile Communication Base Station Applications
- Visual Analytics for Financial Risk Year Two
- Development of Efficient Electrodes for an Electrosynthesis Process
- Metagenomics to assess impacts of the Mount Polley Mine tailings dam breach on associated ecosystems
- Hydrogen Storage in Two-Dimensional Layered Nanomaterials: Synthesis
- Hydrogen Storage in Two-Dimensional Layered Nanomaterials: Characterization
- Design of Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Nanomedicine Applications
- Low cost and durable catalysts for automotive fuel cells
- Energy Harvesting and Power Management Techniques for Hybrid-Powered Wearable Devices
- Prototype of a CHP system based on an upgraded gravity-feed wood-pellet furnaceintegrated with a steam-powered micro turbine for small- to mid-scale applications using CFD simulation…
- Teachers’ reciprocal learning in transnational professional communities between Ontario and Shanghai secondary schools
- Dental Resin Composites based on Bile Acid Monomers
- Invasion process of the nonindigenous golden mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, in the South to North Water Diversion Project, China, and its impact on associated aquatic ecosystem health
- Distributed hybrid simulation test of typical high-speed railway construction in China
- Estimating Design Loads for Energy Infrastructure due to High Intensity Wind
- An innovative biosurgical approach to osteoarthritis treatment
- Acute Impact of an Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Stimulus on Human Neurophysiological Function
- Health economics and modeling collaboration between sanofi Pasteur and York: pertussis study
- Exploring the potential synergistic cooperation between cellulase enzymes and lignin biocatalysts screened from a proprietary environmental DNA platform for deconstructing lignocellulosic biomass
- Investigating the Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms on Adiabatic Quantum Solvers
- Methods to improve high-resolution airborne thermal infrared (TIR) imagery in support ofurban waste heat mapping, monitoring and metrics
- Enzyme-aided Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching of Mechanical Pulp
- Metagenomics to assess impacts of the Mount Polley Mine tailings dam breach onassociated ecosystems
- Creating a Novel Framework: Managing a Tribal Park for Biocultural Conservation
- Towards adaptive radiation therapy using real-time USprobe
- Drying Fuel Alcohols and Natural Gas with Biosorbents Based on Agricultural By-products
- Imaging Biomarkers for Nanotherapeutics
- Understanding of key cognitive components of aviation training in the context of an e-learning environment
- Development of bio-based wood adhesives with low formaldehyde emission from liquefied crop residues
- Retention of Bioactives in Haskap Berry Powder Produced by Refractance Window Drying
- Tall buildings, reinforced concrete, wind, earthquakes,high-performance systems, resiliency, safety
- Slab Bands and Punching Shear
- Somatostatin Receptor Mediated Modulation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors Signaling
- Dynamic Bracing for Pectus Carinatum: A Quantitative Analysis
- Teachersâ reciprocal learning in transnational professional communities between Ontario and Shanghai secondary schools
- Language immersion in ESL and EFL classes
- The impact of social environment on mobility status and occurrenceof falls in older adults. International comparisons
- How Chinese IPO Affect Capital Flow in the Market and Its Historical Change over Changing IPO Regulations
- Écologie de la fission-fusion chez le singe araignée
- Capacity Building for Competitiveness in Aboriginal forestry Year Two
- Engaging stakeholders to evaluate alternatives in energy system planning through agentbased automated negotiation Year Two
- Microbial diversity around natural hydrocarbon seeps in relation to petroleum bioprospecting and oil spill bioremediation Year 1
- Development of Lipid Nanoparticle Reagents for Functional Genomics in Difficult-to-Transfect Cells In Vitro Year Two
- Keyword Search in Relational Databases for Business Users Year Two
- Transforming Learning Analytics Into Teaching and Learning: A Collaboration BetweenBitmaker Labs and Wilfrid Laurier University
- Synergistic actions of nutraceuticals on pain and inflammation in experimental arthritis Year Two
- Fall Detection and Activity Monitoring using a Wearable Wrist Device
- Synthesis & Development of Nano and Microsponge Formulations for Treatment of Osteoarthritis
- Graphene-like-carbon coatings for water purification
- Collaborative Research on A spectral method for Cahn-Hilliard Equation
- Feature-based 3D Robot Motion Programming
- The application of Dried Blood Spot samples to Nutraceutical Metabolomics studies and related applications using LCMS based detection
- Feasibility Study: Class E/F Amplifiers for driving therapeutic ultrasound transducers
- The Role of Cannabinoid Receptors in Craniofacial Pain
- Using Engaged Philosophical Inquiry in Drug Education
- Design and implementation of wideband and low-side-lobe-level antenna array in LTCC technology for automotive millimeter-wave radar sensor applications
- Atmospheric Acid Emissions, Climate Change, and Coastal Salmon Stream Ecosystems in British Columbia
- Ecology, Conservation and Welfare of Captive Wildlife
- Cloud based Big Data Processing Architecture for Internet of Things
- Monitoring System for Predictive Energy Management and Maintenance of PV Systems
- NaLnF4 nanoparticles as high-sensitivity reagents for mass cytometry immunoassays
- Brain changes after 1 year of treatment with an injectable antipsychotic in people with a first-episode psychosis.
- Evaluation of Phostrol Uptake and Efficacy against Late Blight and Verticillium Wilt in Potato Cultivars Grown in Nova Scotia
- Makerbloks Kit Video Analysis using Computer Vision Techniques
- Characterization of probiotics anti-apoptotic activity
- Development of an ocular delivery system for controlled release of cannabinoids
- Analysis and Optimization of a New Direct Air Capture Technology
- The process of embedding sustainability throughout a global organization
- Integrated Harvesting Technologies to Improve Berry Recovery and Quality
- Seismic Risk Assessment of High-Speed Railway Bridge System in China
- Visualizing Cultural Reproduction In Sikkim: A Material Culture Approach
- Helping socially-withdrawn Chinese children: The protective role ofparents
- A Mixed Methods Cross-Cultural Investigation of Conversational Turn-Taking in Families of Children with Hearing Loss
- Comparisons: Learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) in a Dominantly Non-English vs. a Dominantly English Speaking Culture
- A new beetle species associated with honey bees (Vietnam)
- The management of socio-political risk arising from corporate transitions at mining projects
- Using the Arabidopis toolbox to evaluate the plant growth promoting activity of purified molecules from brown algal extracts
- Investigating QUBO-Compatible Algorithms for Trading and Scheduling Optimization Problems
- Electrorefining of Manganese
- A statistical analysis of customer satisfaction prediction and call volume forecasting
- A New Adaptive Antenna for RF Heating of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
- Development of lead-free solder alloys for electronic assembly Year Two
- Assessment of air quality using remote sensing technology for Albertas oil sands region Year Two
- Bioprocessing of microalgae for functional food applications
- Towards Production of Industrial Oils from Camelina Year Two
- Abrasive Waterjet Polishing of Large Hydraulic Turbine Blades Year Two
- Simulation of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) processusing HYSYS
- Carbon thin-films for cosmetic jewellery applications: Year 2
- Evaluating models for assessing organic chemicals for human health and ecological exposure and risk assessment
- Socioeconomic benefits of the mineral exploration industry in BC
- The Barriers and Opportunities for Private Developers Investing in Affordable Housing
- Economic Analysis to Determine Gaps and Challenges Experienced by Women Owned Businesses in York Region and Simcoe County
- Bonding of dissimilar polymer materials for fabrication of microscale devices
- Pipeline Strain Based Assessment of Geotechnical Hazards
- Defining SDN protocols to enable Orchestration of Service Provision across Multiple Optical Transport Networks
- Experimental Development and Design of Low Reynolds Number Airfoils for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Designing for complex IT environments based upon workflow analysis and managed field studies
- Building ecologically robust lakes for offsetting fisheries productivity
- Head Start Ottawa: review of program structure and implementation
- Compressed Sensing based Tomosynthesis Image Reconstruction
- A Flexible Next-Generation Network Platform
- A Virtualized Cloud-based Multi-Tenant Environment for Developing Software Defined Network Products
- The design, development and testing of a collaborative and adaptive root-cause analysis (CARCA) tool in a professional health, safety, environment, and regulatory department
- Design of a self-adapting project management application
- Transportation Infrastructure Improvements for Wildlife Protection and Economic Productivity
- Advancing Retail Analytics
- Improved method of donor kidney storage at subzero temperatures
- Measuring Indicators of Community Health and Holistic Well-Being Based on Future Land Use and Transportation Planning Scenarios using Geographic Information Systems
- Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin Therapy in Myasthenia Gravis Exacerbation
- Development of a slit die system for on-line rheological measurements of polymeric melts
- A Review on the Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry Conference Series
- Power Flow control in HVDC Grid and its effect on the underlying AC power system stability.
- An Economic Evaluation of processing route options for two gold bearing feed materials: Saprolite and Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Tailings
- Effective Pipeline Integrity Decision Making
- An Optimized Generic Model of Radio Propagation through Vegetation
- IoT/M2M Network Capacity Planning Analytics
- Incorporation of biosolids from municipal wastewater processing facilities into Lipid-to-Hydrocarbon (L TH) methodologies for production of biofuels
- Space-borne water quality assessment
- Social Impact Analysis and Program Evaluation of GEM Mentorship Program
- Swine feed efficiency improvement and meat quality co-selection using genome wide technologies Year Two
- Liver cancer detection using recent advances in deep learning
- Anishanaabe Maamwaye Aki Kiigayewin; Indigenous Inclusion
- Facilitating knowledge transfer by sharing experience before carriers disappear
- Husky Lloydminster Upgrader Water Risk Assessment
- Stepping Out. The impact of exercise on young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Experimental and Numerical Investigations of a Rice Husk Pyrolysis Reactor
- Interactive digital education for multilingual, multicultural, and transnational business practices: The framework for industrial EFL education in internationalism and glocalisaion
- Nonlinear Frequency Response Analysis for Fuel Cell Diagnostics
- The Academic Physician Retirement Project
- Climate change and genotype variations impacts on human health properties of wheat
- Bulk Data Transfer among Cloud Data Centers: Online Algorithms and SDN Implementation
- Production of bioactive peptides through high ydrostatic pressure assisted enzymatic digestion of egg white
- Comparative assessment of NH3 production and utilization in transportation systems for Ontario
- Design for Situation Awareness in Future Power Grid Operations
- Designing a healthy lifestyle platform : Investigating the use of gamification to promote enduring healthy lifestyle choices
- Social Privacy
- The characterization of therapeutic cells from umbilical cord tissue to determine patient-to-patient variation and correlationof phenotype with therapeutic ability
- Design and secure implementation of a new white-box transform based on permutation polynomials
- Development of Innovative Approaches to Assess Health Effects of Transportation Infrastructure Projects
- Methods for detecting Hardware Blu-ray player emulation, debugging or instrumentation
- Assessing the suitability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for data collection
- Multiple impacts of anthropogenic obstructions on the migrations of fishes
- High-efficiency DC-DC converter for TFT touch sensors
- Innovative Use of Compost at Brady Road Resource Management Facility
- Development of sustainable coating to prevent concrete corrosion
- Characterization, antibacterial mechanism and improvement of Kisolite Clay Year Two
- Optimization of haskap Juice manufacturing process
- Designing an Autonomous Manipulator Controller for Zero-G Repair Tasks Year Two
- Conversion of Petroleum Coke to More Valuable Products with Zero CO2 Emissions
- Supraspinal vs spinal contribution to the production of arm cycling at different relative intensities.
- Developing a Novel Physiologically Driven Life Optimization Engine
- Online price estimation and appointment booking services for laboratory analysis
- Transdermal delivery of peptide hormones to treat tibial bone stress fractures using DiffusiMax liposomal cream base
- Exploring the use of the Media Equation in childrens educational cybersecurity games
- Design and development of a domestic wood-pellet furnace for integrating with a steam-powered micro-turbine for large-scale CHP applications
- Assessing Social Cognition in Autistic Youths and Adults
- The impact of the physical and social environment on epigenetic modifications, telomere length and the development of breast cancer
- Development of lighting system optimized for photosynthetic plant and algae growth
- The benefits of hemp protein supplementation during resistance training
- Autonomous Modeling of High-Resolution X-ray Spectra Using Robust Global Optimization Methods
- Genetic variation in 9p21, dietary patterns and cardiovascular disease risk
- Caffeine, genetic variation and athletic performance
- Development of court booking module and algorithm
- PACTA: Automated text mining and analysis of business contracts
- The effect of footwear on running economy following exercise-induced fatigue.
- Thiosulphate Leaching of Silver Sulphide Ore in Cupric Medium
- Development and application of non metallic component strategies
- Adenovirus vaccination platform
- Development of Gesture-based interfaces for in-vehicle information systems
- Design of Cost-Effective Customizable Earphones: 1) Sleeve Design and 2) Curing Resin Optimization
- Supporting the scaling up of evidence based programs in schools: A Community catalyst Framework for Implementation.
- BC recreational fisheries: exploring potential for development of kokanee program Year Two
- A comparative analysis of good governance in Canada and Vietnam to enable civil society organizations to participate as a central development actor
- Porting Virtual Machine for running on Blackberry and Android Environments
- Determination of stress-induced modifications to vaccine proteins by mass spectrometry
- Business Intelligence and Recommendation for Samsung Knox Community Forum
- Lively Web of Things (LWoT)
- Community Economic Development in the Formalization of Small Scale Mining
- Improvements of in-situ sve remediation management using integrated simulation and risk assessment approaches at the cantuar site
- Anomaly Detection in SCADA Networks
- Design and development of helical pile testing apparatus
- Automated multi-target tracking in broadcast video cameras
- CommuterVis: Visually Understanding Commuter Behaviour in Canada
- Implementing a Sustainability Toolkit
- Time-aware Network Diffusion for Social Network Analytics
- Understanding behaviour change regarding a decrease in resource use in the Halifax Peninsula, Nova Scotia
- Tailoring few-cycle pulses: Terahertz time-domain differentiator
- Optimization of wood bison interspecific somatic cell nuclear transfer and embryo culture for species conservation
- Human umbilical cord perivascular cells as cell therapeutics for biodefense and immunomodulation
- Spelling Correction for Improved Detection of Malicious Chat Messages
- Methods to improve high-resolution airborne thermal infrared (TIR) imagery in support of urban waste heat mapping, monitoring and metrics
- Distributed Control Strategy Development for Demand-Side Energy Management in Commercial Buildings With Photo-Voltaic and Energy Storage
- Automatic Spam Alert System for Online Social Media
- The effect of dynamic information display on perception of public restroom cleanliness
- Pharmacological and phytochemical characterization of immunomodulatory polysaccharides from American ginseng
- Assessing Economic, Policy, and Institutional Barriers to Successful Forest Restoration in the Interior Douglas-fir Zone
- Xahive Expansion Project
- Development of a Patient Aid for Grading of Acne Severity and a Comprehensive Acne Quality of Life Instrument (CompAQ) for Acne Patients
- Ulkatcho integrated resource utilization and business planning
- Fluorescence Image Enhancement for Digital Pathology (DP) Scanners
- The Evolving Legal Services Research Project
- The Barriers to Entry of Digital Technology in the Real Estate Industry: An Exploration of Opportunities and Solutions
- Examining Health & Safety Risk Assessment in the Oil and Gas Industry
- Modelling default probabilities in a credit risk portfolio
- Urban Economic Innovation Lab – Phase 1
- The Avenues and Effects of Mould and Microbial Growth in Condominiums and Apartment Buildings
- Combining Structural and Behavioural Modelling of Software Product Lines
- Flows of Water, Flows of People in Lao Cai, Vietnam
- Yeast Mitochondrial Threonyl-tRNA Synthetase (MST1) as a Model Enzyme for Studying High Fidelity Information: a Multi-scale Computational Chemistry Study
- Evaluating the Impact of a Mobile Unit in a Cancer Screening Program Among Vulnerable Populations in Brazil
- Optimizing synergies in Eco-Industrial Parks: A multi-objective model to minimize effects of the uncertainty on sustainable design of EIP
- Synthesis and Testing of Industrial Catalysts for Carbon dioxide (CO2)Reforming of Methane (CH4) in Coal Delivered Gases.
- Effect of surface pretreatment and zinc coating on the corrosion behaviour of Mg alloys for biodegradable applications.
- optimization of Software Systems driven by the Wisdom of Crowds
- Modéliser les données multi-relationnelles comme des séquences / Modeling multi-relational data as sequences
- Biogas Production using Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion with Compressed Gas Mixing in a Mixed Plug Flow Digester
- Evaluation of Tristetraprolin in a Lipopolysaccharide-induced mouse model of fetal loss
- Computer Simulation of Geospatial Dynamics: How Do Cities Grow and Evolve?
- Data Mining of Urban Mobility Pattern Using Taxi Trajectory Data
- A case study on the influence of fuel quality on the concentration and chemical components of PM2.5 from vehicle emission
- Investigating Social Network Models in Knowledge Building Teacher Communities
- A Security and Privacy Model for M-Services in Toy Computing
- Development of agricultural machinery emission inventory of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei
- The Spice of Life: Cardamom cultivation, trade networks, and livelihoods in Yunnan, China
- Socio-cultural Impact Management in Mexicos Marine Protected Areas
- Factors Affecting Smallholder Farmers Decisions to AdoptAgroecology: the Case of Agri-Environmental Incentives in Brazil
- Bargaining with the state: street vending, urban resistance and thepolitics of everyday life and survival in Hanoi, Vietnam
- Oxidative Potential and Chemical Speciation of Particulate Matter from Solid Fuel Combustion: Baseline Associations for Health and Climate Studies
- The prevalence of lameness and associated risk factors on dairy farms in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil
- Water Privatization in India: The social, cultural and political implications of contemporary Indian water management
- Synthesis, Characterization, and Experimental Investigation of New Photoactive Materials for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production
- Survey on the Culture of Lawfuless
- Mexico-Cuba Bilateral Relations After El Bache: The Role of International Visual Art Exhibitions.
- Model Development and Experimental Investigation of Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Materials for H2 Production and Scale-up Design Considerations.
- A Mathematical Model of the Political Organization of a Classic Maya City based on Scale-Free Networks
- An assessment of womens abortion experiences in Istanbul, Turkey.
- Holistic Rangeland Management for Mitigating Desertification on the Grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China
- The Transnational Flow of Women, Sounds, and Activism: Women Making Music in and Between Brazil and Canada
- Artificial Cognition about Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle
- Battery Management System for Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles
- 3D Modeling of The Pancreas For Use in Preoperative Surgical Planning and Rehearsal
- Advanced combustion mode control for modern engines
- Hyperspectral image analysis of skin erythema after radiation therapy
- An analysis of aural and visual cross-modal recognition of paths of moving sources for authoring and editing trajectories in 3D audio composition and production.
- Pediatric brain atlas for segmentation of sub-cortical structures in MRI of children with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes
- Negotiating in the Shadows
- Deep Learning for Action Recognition, Localization and Parsing
- Dynamic Modelling of Be Stars Disks
- The Benevolent Hand of the Turkish State: Housing Development Agency (TOKI)), State Restructuring and Capital Accumulation in Turkey
- Experimental study of droplet generation and mixing inside droplet in droplet-based microreactors
- The effect of Cu dopant in zeolite on catalytic properties and deactivation incarbonylation of dimethyl ether
- Experimental and Computational Investigationson Catalytic Mechanism of Ethylene Polymerization over Ziegler-Natta Catalysts
- The luminescence of cavitation bubble generated by spark discharge in water
- First Principles Study of C2 Oxygenates Synthesis Directly from Syngas over Rh-MnOx Catalysts
- Synthesis of hierarchical porous Ti-ZSM-5 and its performances for alkylation of benzene
- Catalytic Reforming, Hydrogenation, and Decarboxylation of Unsaturated Fatty Acid Esters over Non-noble Metal Catalyst
- Determination of Solubilities of CO2 in Brines Under Geological Storage Conditions
- In situ synthesis and characterization of cellulose Ag/AgCl composite photocatalyst
- Nitrosation of dimethylformamide (DMF) wastewater in fluidized bed biological reactors
- Green and Controlled Synthesis of Chiral Compounds
- Cultural Capital and Return Migration to Turkey
- Source apportionment of black carbon in Calgary, Canada
- Generating Large-scale Schrödinger Cat States and Exploring the Quantum to Classical Boundary
- Reproducibility of Instruments to Measure School Performance and Cognitive Function in Brazilian Schoolchildren
- Narrative Form and Visual Sequence: The New Photography in 1970s American Practice and 1980s French Discourse
- Simultaneous analysis of amphetamine and derivatives in drug seizures and natural weight loss pills by capillary electrophoresis tandem mass spectrometry
- Housing inequality in China: patterns and processes
- The role of miRNA in the normal development of the brain and neuropathies
- Catalytic low cost carbon resources pyrolysis under natural gas for upgraded oil production
- Methods and Practices for Designing EOSID (Engine OutStandard Instrument Departure) in Terrain Airport
- First-principle study on effects of electric field on perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy
- Experimental research on the synthesis of metallic glass by means of magnetron sputtering and cold rolling
- Spatial Optimization Modelling for Chinas County-level Land Use Planning
- High Precision Turbulence Measurement using Micro-Turbulence Profiler
- Synthesis and self-assembly of bipyrimidine decorated porphyrins
- Culture and Nongovernmental Organizations in China
- Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy as a tool to study the transcription rate of Bicoid targets during Drosophila embryonic development
- Evaluating the use of OrthoEvidence as a Decision-Making Tool at an Orthopaedic Surgical Hospital in India
- Tuberculosis (TB) infection and risk factors among healthcaretrainees in South India
- Leveraging machine learning and Crowdsourcing for knowledge graph construction in term of learning with privilege information
- GEOIMPACT: Geophysical study of mid-size impact structures
- Developing 3D GIS Web Services and Applying It in Oil and Gas Pipeline Geographical Information System Year Two
- Eye Tracking as a functional biomarker in Neurological and Mental Health Disease
- Mitigating Hydrogen Production in the End Shield Cooling System of CANDU Reactors
- Spatio-Temporal Resolution Enhancement for HighFrame Rate Display
- Establishing Quality Assurance, Process Improvements and Pilot Plant Development for a Novel Nanotechnology Platform in Water Remediation
- Secure remote Web Proxy without the use of VPN
- Quantifying the stormwater management benefits of urban forests under various climate change scenarios in a Vancouver sub-catchment
- Eye Gaze Tracking for Surgical Robotics
- Establishing Anxiety Detection Algorithm using Smart Wearables
- Creation of Industrial Engineering strategies for Intelligent Manufacturing Cells
- Examining Mens Boating Safety Practices in Inuvik, Northwest Territories
- A parametric study of hydrodynamic forces on seabed resting pipeline and stability responses
- Increasing Visibility to Living Musqueam Histories Through Cultural Tourism
- Modeling User Behaviour Over Time from Chat Messages
- Generation of production data for highly variable manufacturing
- Education, Community Engagement and Unconventional Oil and Gas Development: North East British Columbia
- Developing a cold weather admixture system for low temperature masonry construction
- Asset Management Research & User Experience Prototyping
- Mapping, geochemistry and mineralisation of the Laird Lake area, Red Lake, Ontario
- Mathematics Mapping project
- An Integrated GPS/INS/Visual Positioning System for Head-Mounted
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat straw derived xylo-oligomers stream into monomeric sugars Phase II
- Enhanced Storage Systems in IOS and Analytics platforms
- 3D object detection and pose estimation using RGBD cameras
- IMMERSe- To and From the whiteboard: Supporting whiteboard transitions in a design workflow.
- Re-architecture of
- Treatment and Recovery Monitoring of Post Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Symptoms
- Strategic asset allocation from a Canadian investment perspective
- Barley Flour: Chemical Composition, Effect of Enzymatic Treatment on Flavor Interaction, and its Application in High Protein Food Products
- Supporting Sustainable Architectural Conservation Practices
- Selenium removal from waste waters by electrochemical reduction
- Estimating Loss Given Default by Mixture Beta Distribution Model
- Human behaviour analysis using affective computing
- Dimensionality, performance, and stress testing of multifactor equity models
- Investigating Nano-Media in Communications, the Arts and Creative Communities Year Two
- Stakeholder Issues for Canadian Building GHG & Energy Benchmarking Regulation
- Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Rumor Spreading
- Consumption of Luxury Brands at wedding functions of Punjabi Jat Sikh Community in India: A Study of Consumer Aspirations
- Investigation of Borohydride Oxidation by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) for the Application on Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells
- Malaria Detection using Optofluidics and Retinal Imaging
- Domestic dog population dynamics in Villa de Tezontepec, Hidalgo, Mexico:towards improved canine population and rabies control.
- China Green Powerhouse
- Monitoring water table depths at Bauru Aquifer System in a conservation reserve in Aguas de Santa Barbara, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Production of ODS steels
- Cultural Identity through the Urban and Architectural Space in Mexico City: The Case of La Villa de Guadalupe
- Development of novel electrospun nanofibrous membrane incorporating cellulose nanocrystals for wastewater treatment.
- Organo-Tellurium Supramolecular Building Blocks
- Action-driven 3D Indoor Scene Modeling
- Mise à l’échelle numérique de modèles hydrologiques pour les modèles de climat à grande échelle
- Sustainable production of xylitol from hemicellulose hydrolyzate of Lignocellulosic woody biomass and sugarcane bagasse.
- The study of action mechanism of indoles in Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer
- Human Performance of Finger Identification for Multitouch Input
- Provincial-Federal Relations: Limits and Possibilities in Petroleum Management in Alberta and the Kurdistan Region
- Tailoring the Anisotropy of First-Row Transition Metal and Their Interactions
- Thermal breakdown of analog lunar rocks
- Mexican Mining Policy and its Relationship with Canadian Investment
- The relation of distance and abstraction across cultures: variations in construal level theory.
- Fresh Water Geography in Sao Paolo
- Climate change and meltwater supply from debris covered Himalayan glaciers
- Multivariate polynomial interpolation: efficient algorithms and applications
- Exploring the Uptake and Impact of Using the LEADS in a Caring Environment Framework to Enhance Leadership Capacity in Health Systems Year Two
- Accelerate development of new technologies and applications for advanced water treatment.
- Developing the Community Partnership Network-Local Immigrant Partnership for enhanced community integration in the Capital Regional District
- Investigation and optimization of Avalon Alliance bio-mineral fertilizer technologies for agriculture / pollutant remediation applications
- Intelligent surveillance system for event detection
- A study of extraneous environmental factors that contribute to bird and bat mortalities caused by wind turbines in Nova Scotia
- RF Resonant Chemical Sensor System for Biomarker Detectionand Biomedical Applications
- Shared Platforms: Creating Sustainable Social Enterprise
- Benchmarking the Sustainability Performance of Clearwater Seafoods
- Role of 5alpha-Dihydrotestosterone and Androgen Receptor in Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer
- The Importance of Inuit Participation in the Development of an Offshore Oil and Gas Policy in Nunavut
- Smart Energy Network at residential to community levels: optimization of natural gas, electricity and heat with end-use devices
- Bridging Two Worlds: Culturally Responsive Career Development Programs and Services to Meet the Needs of Newcomer and Refugee Children in Canada
- Integration of INTERCONNECT and Cadence with an emphasison co-simulation of CMOS drivers and optical ring modulators
- Growth, characterization and performance evolution of nitridenanowire photocatalyst for energy conversion
- Research and test of the full waveform inversion method
- Efficient Prototyping of Linear Actuators Through Numerical Modeling
- Investigation of Driven FRP Reinforced Concrete Piles for Bridges, Tunnels, Marine, Lateral Support Applications
- Optimization Techniques for Automatic Assessment of Manually Drawn Diagrams in Educational Problem Sets
- Effects of Pre-Print Sterilization on the Material Properties of 3D Printed Products
- An Economic Analysis of Improving the Grain Export Capacity at the West Coast Terminals
- Wi-Fi Based Activity Recognition
- Development of a laser backscattering Raman gauge for online wood pulp process control
- Comparative study of approximate and rigorous approaches to lightning discharge through power system towers
- Recurrent Neural Networks for Video Similarity Metrics and Video Captioning.
- User Demographic and Interest Prediction
- Prototyping for Manufacturing Point-of-Care Instruments
- Improvements for automatic pushback generation
- Development and testing of crops demonstrating improved biomass hydrolysis for biofuel production
- Vehicle Model Emission Factor Enhancements
- Employer Demand-Driven Training (EDDT) Programs for Youth Employment
- Organic sorbent and nanotechnology-assisted bioremediation of industrial effluents
- Active ingredients and key antioxidants in natural skincare products
- Incorporation of Algonquin Traditional Ecological Values into Sustainable Forest Management for Ecosystem Service Benefits
- Leveraging unlabelled, off-task data to improve ASR for low-resource languages based on the transferability of acoustic features learned by deep neural networks
- Apelinergic system as a promising target for myocardialdysfunction and shock
- Gait analysis and training in older adults using Microsoft Kinect.
- Congestion Prediction in Energy Networks Using Machine Learning
- Assessing the impacts of fisheries, hydroelectric infrastructure, and temperature on Gates Creek sockeye salmon migration
- Lateral Load Carrying Capacity of Self-Tapping Screw Assembly
- Development of in vitro assays for identification of novel natural products that enhance muscle growth
- A Framework for Scheduling and Mapping of Image Signal Processing Pipeline on Heterogeneous Architectures Applied to Video Enhancement Algorithms
- Impact of Net Metered Solar Energy on Distribution Networks
- Supply chain metrics during the product lifecycle
- Centre for Operations Excellence Industry Projects 2015
- Increasing energy conservation through tenant engagement in high rise buildings in Toronto
- Interactive visualization tool for managing advertising campaigns
- Mobile Phone Based Ionizing Radiation Detector Optimization
- Static Voltage-Dependent Models and Conservation Voltage Reduction Factor for Load Reactive Power Component
- Development and Characterization of All-in-OneEthanol Based Diesel Fuel Additive
- Design and Prove RightsEnforcer Cross-Platform Development Strategy and SDE
- Stream Erosion Control Assessment for Ontario Low Impact Development Stormwater Management
- The Evolving Legal Services Research Project, Stage II
- High Voltage Indicators and Warning Systems
- Monitoring and Control System Design for Catalyst Manufac!uring Unit
- Leveraging Historical Development Data to Prioritize Software Testing Efforts
- Rich Recommendations
- Merging traditional and scientific knowledge in assessing wildlife health in relation to mining
- Naturally acquired immunity against important bacterial pathogens in Bruce County First Nations communities
- Mathematical Models of cell invasion types emerging from phenotypic and environmental heterogene
- The development of olfaction in Sepia officinalis
- Minimizing the Spread of Information in a Social Network by Blocking Links
- Spatial pattern of wildlife habitat across heterogeneous landscapes in Atlantic rainforest near São Paulo, Brazil
- Top Executive Emotions and Strategic Change Initiation in Philanthropic Organizations
- Ontology-based Middleware Services Facilitating Access to Data Sources
- Determining Optimal Strategies to operate Not-For Profit Health Organizations
- Development of High-Performance Energy-Efficient Hybrid Door Systems for the Canadian North
- Development of a precise and robust INS/GPS navigation system using low cost MEMS sensors dedicated to autonomous multirotor applications
- Pre-clinical testing of novel high-strength bioabsorbable bone adhesives
- Aerobic landfill treatment: reduction of greenhouse gas emission, leachate treatment and downstream processing
- Painting a Picture of the Alberta Energy System: Using Visual Tools for Scenario Planning and Prototyping Innovations with Stakeholders
- Development of novel MRI quantitative measures to correlate degenerative changes in the cervical spine with neurological dysfunction
- Development of a ‘Point of Care’ traumatic brain injury management device using electroencephalography to guide treatment and rehabilitation
- Parallel Electromagnetic Transients Simulation UsingExtended-Frequency Dynamic Phasors
- Emulsion Injection for Enhancing the Fast-and-Uniform SAGD Start-up Process
- Ultrafine Powder Coatings for Thin Film Applications
- Development of novel coating applications for the pharmaceutical industry
- Probabilistic Evaluation of Transient Stability of Power Systems Containing Renewable Energy Sources
- Investigation of high-capacity-seismic-hold downs for timber-based hybrid structures
- Spectroscopic optical coherence tomography for ageing assessmentof high voltage transformer insulation
- Direct Contact Steam Generator Flue Gas Subsurface Modeling and Application
- Modelling, simulation, field evaluation and feasibility study of gas heat pumps (GHPs) in cold climateCanada
- Usable Interface Design for Real Time Transaction Monitoring in a Diverse User Environment
- Quantitative Brain PET/MRI
- Analysis and optimization of the air contactor for a new direct air capture technology
- Injectable Chitosan Sponges as Viable Carriers for Cell encapsulation and Delivery
- Development and application of Additive Manufacturing component strategies
- Development of new approaches to promote proliferation of insulin producing pancreatic ?-cells in diabetic patients
- Using Visual Analytics to Support the Analysis of Environment Risk Indicators for Cancer
- Development of a organic infant food line using High Pressure Processing technology
- Production of Renewable Drop-In Fuel from Syngas Derived from an Ethanol Industry
- The Effects of Changing Sound Regimes in the Natural Environment on Marine Mammals in the Arctic: A Decision Support Tool
- Adaptive FOREX Geocoding System for Currency Market Monitoring
- A Condition Based Monitoring Pilot for the Baggage Handling System at the Pearson International Airport
- Modeling of Current Collapse and Gate Leakage Phenomena in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
- Recognition of Vehicles in Satellite Views
- Housing reconstruction cost model
- Prediction and optimal strategies in equity algorithmic trading
- Exposure at Default methodology enhancement and credit portfolio optimization
- Sketch3: A 3D Curve Sketching System
- Visualization of Facial Trajectories for Fast Adjudication in Watchlist Screening
- Terahertz “Teramometry” for Diverse Applications
- Fully-coherent Terahertz Detection via Biased Nonlinear Micro-slit
- Design and Testing of Innovative Precast Concrete Structures for Railway Infrastructures using FRP Reinforcement and Fibre-Reinforced Concrete
- Machine Vision Based System for the Recognition and Counting of Indian Coins
- Conductance detection using granular films
- The Phone Oximeter, a Simple Mobile Device to Screen for Sleep Apnea in Children Year Two
- Numerical simulations of global atmospheric composition for the purpose of improving air quality modelling
- Can cats protect people from Lyme disease?
- Environment and Health
- Consumption of patchy prey by commercially-valuable wildlife species to identify potential tourism hotspots; coupled humans-salmon-bear systems of coastal British Columbia
- Defining Age-Specific Heat Exposure Limits Forworkers: From Laboratory To Field
- Development of Micromirror for Portable Laser Marking Machine
- Development and Assessment of Modalities for Adult Science Engagement at Science World
- Elk River Flood Solutions Strategy
- DeepCity
- Towards the commercialization of a robotics-assisted rehabilitation platform for stroke therapy of upper limb
- Quality Assurance of Biosand Filters: Production and Distribution
- Identification of STAT3/5 Advanced Preclinical Candidates
- Green Codes: Alternative Means of Approval when Building Green in Non-Charter Municipalities
- Insight from the top 2 000 mobile games found in the Apple store
- Stochastic inversion of geophysical and petrophysical data to develop an integrated 5-8 Block Model
- Speaker Identification in a Collaborative Environment
- Developing a performance metric for suspension seats for marine vehicles
- Developing an Indigenous-led ‘conservation economy’: Ecosystem service synergies and trade-offs from shellfish aquaculture in British Columbias Great Bear Sea
- Resilience of modern skyscrapers subject to natural hazards
- Reduced-Complexity Radio Resource Management Algorithms for Heterogeneous MIMO Cellular Networks
- Development of silicon photonic chips for 100G/400G datacenter applications
- Non-Traditional Modulation Schemes
- Assessing Nutrient Retention in Sediments and Harmful Algal Blooms in the Bay of Quinte by Field, Laboratory and Modelling Studies
- Reliability Modeling and Assessment of Power Systems Containing HVdc Links
- Improvement in paper tissue production: Wet strength and stock preparation
- Big Data for Fraud Detection and Prevention
- Developing Guidelines for Building Information Modelling in theContext of Adaptive Reuse.
- Ethics in Long Term Care
- Treaties and Boundaries Project
- Eutrophication Risk Assessment and Adaptive Management Implementation in Lake Simcoe: Integration of the Watershed Processes with the Receiving Waterbody Year Two
- Aviation engine testing cell training simulator
- The Autism Family Navigator
- Educational Math Games For Developing Countries
- Winter ecology and movements of declining songbird species in Manitoba
- Enhancing Prosthetic Socket Performance
- Institutional Investor Preferences and Performance in Different Interest Rate Environments
- Coupling of DTI Imaging and Focused Ultrasound: Assessment of Targeting Accuracy and Effect of Treatment
- A learning mobile application dedicated to provide education to children in developing countries
- The health impacts of residential eviction among people who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada
- A lean model for improving predictive maintenance performance
- Spatial and Temporal Linear Induction Motor Harmonics
- Dehydrobenzooxepanes by Tandem Nicholas Reactions
- Long term trend of air quality in Canada
- Elderly monitoring
- Advanced Oxidation of Micropollutants in Water for Water Reuse
- Development of Visible Light Active Photocatalytic Nanomaterials for Enhancing Clean Hydrogen Production and Water Purification
- Testing of Flexible Plastic Solar Cells on Transparent Graphene Electrodes
- Microalgal cultivation on effluent from waste streams
- Changes in Fire Incidence and Area Burned Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Fracture Toughness of All-Ceramic Crowns Luted with Different Cements.
- Improving the reliability and accuracy of flood forecasting and warning systems
- A study of aerosol pollutants using micro-xray and ion beam methods
- Protesting Poverty: Mediated Global Protest and Images of Poverty
- Global Innovators: Broadcasting to Digital Technologies
- Self-Centering Concrete Structures
- Variation in Hospital Resource Use: Systemic Predictors and Implications on Quality and Value
- Smart Applications on Cloud
- Campus Public Health Emergency Simulations
- Characterization of the type IV pilin from Coxicella burnetii
- Crosstalk between the two visual streams
- Attentional Mechanisms
- Electronic System Design of 2-D Imaging Spectrometer for Balloon Flight Test
- Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures for Space Application
- Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership
- Implementing Solar PV Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles
- Data Analytics and Visualization for Social Media
- Field Robotics
- University International Collaborations as a Vehicle for Social Change and Public Diplomacy
- Organocatalysed pericyclic reactions: Combining old and new chemistry producing a powerful tool (New)
- Fuel efficient air-traffic management (New)
- Acute and Chronic Effects of Obesity
- Intelligent Matching Algorithm Design and Implementation for Internet Big Data
- Improve safety and productivity of construction projects using serious-game simulation
- Computational study into the stabilizing interactions in internal loops of oligonucleotides
- Chemogenomics of antifungal drugs
- Robust Design of Preventive Healthcare Facility Networks
- The cognitive neuroscience of indeterminate language interpretation
- Mechanism through which an anti-aging natural compound extends longevity of yeast by remodeling cellular lipid dynamics
- Analysis and Design of Authenticated Encryption Schemes
- Methods and Techniques for Security Assessment of Android Apps
- The Geography of News Project (Nouveau)
- New Models in Online Science Journalism
- Do certain aspects of national culture make corruption more prevalent in some countries?
- Monitoring and treatment of surface water
- Research Chair on Gambling
- Studies towards a Nickel-Mediated Decarboxylative Coupling
- Liquid simulation for visual effects
- Characterization of cold asphalt mixes containing recycled materials for pavement design
- Brain Connectivity Analysis Using Machine Learning
- Analysis and implementation of behavioral models for the development of advanced GaAs HBT/HEMT RFIC Power Amplifiers
- Tongue motion analysis using ultrasound images
- Real-Time multi-view rendering from 3D stereoscopic video
- Development of a simulation platform for soft and deformable human tissues
- Characterization of braided composite aircraft structural components
- Development of a Sensor Network for Pedestrian Data Collection
- Experimental validation of a novel medical device tracking technology
- 3D printing of polymer-based microelectromechanical systems
- A promising qubit for quantum computation: excitons bound to small molecules embedded in semiconductors.
- Optical transitions and selection rules in 2D semiconductors. (New)
- Modeling the thermodynamic and physical properties of ternary mixtures of ionic liquids (i.e. room temperature molten salts)
- Infrared-Visible video registration
- Studying Developer Coordination Patterns in OS Distributions
- A graphical interface for semi-automated road user tracking
- High Precision Mapping with Mobile Robots
- Genetic factors underlying the survival of Legionella in water
- Structural Investigation of an antibiotic-producing NRPS
- Enhanced Remote Viewing Capabilities from a Camera Array
- Design and Synthesis of Covalent Enzyme Inhibitors
- Perioperative use of opioids and risk of ovarian cancer recurrence and metastasis
- Energy-efficient thermal management in deep underground mines
- Developing new viscoelastic substrates for cell mechanics studies
- Regulating Innovation: Law and the Creative District
- Statistical challenges in individual patient data meta analysis
- Hydrogen trapping at nanoscale alloy carbides in high-strength steels
- Magnetometry with spin-based sensors
- Development of Biocompatible and bidegradable Mg alloy stents for cardiovascular implant applications
- The impact of climate change on maternal-child health in Canada
- Evaluation of a robotic orthosis for the rehabilitation of the locomotion in children suffering from cerebral palsy.
- Musculoskeletal modeling for estimating muscle force in human: C++ optimization strategies for real-time analysis
- Role of metabolic inflammation in depressive behavior
- Exploitation of second-order information in models estimation
- Sustainable development: Environment, Economy, Human Rights (English or Français) (New)
- Simulation of electrocardiograms in a computer model of the heart and torso
- Antibiofilm molecules active agains staphylococci / Molécules antibiofilm actives contre les staphylocoques (Nouveau)
- Rational design of opioid analgesics for treatment of chronic pain
- Photochemical water-splitting with transition metal complexes
- Redox-dependent mechanisms of the innate immune antiviral response
- Optimizing Production of Biomass Fly Ash
- Evaluating In-situ Testing Properties of New Alternative Cementing
- Comparison of in vitro vs. in vivo formation of cis-platin DNA adducts
- Contagion and contagions in financial markets: the application of network analysis in finance
- Quantum computation and quantum optics with circuit quantum electrodynamics
- A Simplified Life Cycle Approach for Assessing Environmental impact of Green Building
- Trainee position within the industrial Pfizer / UdeS Chair on process analysis (PAT) in pharmaceutical engineering technologies
- Aerodynamic measurements on airfoils in the wind tunnel
- Sustainable engineering / Développement durable pour l’ingénierie (Nouveau)
- 3D printers-oriented supply chain management paradigm
- Green supply chain management practices in small and medium-sized enterprises
- Role of caspase-7 in colorectal cancer
- Self-Optimization of service-oriented architectures for Mobile and Cloud Applications
- MEMS-based Optical Transceiver
- Low-Power and High-Sensitivity Interfaces for Integrated Sensors
- Influence of forest management on snags, cavity trees and cavity nesters in Northern hardwoods
- Thinking and Speaking Politics in the Everyday Life: The Experience of Ethic Communities in Montreal / La politisation au quotidien : l’exemple de groupes ethniques à Montréal (Nouveau)
- Information and communication technologies in mathematics education (New)
- Competences and curricula (New)
- Functional analysis of candidate genes in encephalitogenic T cell responses.
- Sustainable distribution management
- Integrated logistics optimization
- Production of gazoline range hydrocarbons from wastes (New)
- Production of biodiesel under ultrasounds (New)
- New mapping solutions based on hyperspectral images acquired from an unmanned aerial systems (drone)
- Seismic Behaviour of Multi-story Buildings with Asymmetric Setback
- Advanced modulation formats and coherent detection in optical communications
- Development of a smartphone-based acoustic environment tracker for speech enhancement applications
- Hacking an off-the-shelf EEG headset for a motor imagery brain-computer interface
- Application of solid catalysts to enhance degradation of emerging pollutants in water using ozone
- Application of advanced oxidation and catalytic ozonation in removing antibiotics from water
- Breast cancer detection using ultra-wideband technology
- The Political Economy of Public-Private Mixed Health Insurance
- Development of Pickering water-in-oil-in-water double emulsion delivery system for protection of labile bioactive compounds
- Exercise and a flax nutritional supplement for reducing blood pressure in older individuals
- Developmental genetics of the zebrafish skeleton
- Comparison of winter limnology between selected reservoirs in Saskatchewan
- Structural and Functional Investigation of Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1)
- Imaging Processing and Machine Learning in Clinical Microscopy
- Hydrotreating of heavy gas oil using mesoporous materials supported NiMo catalysts
- Customary International Law Norms on Indigenous Rights in Comparative Case Law
- Incidence, pathogenesis and control measures of Enterococcus infections in chicken embryos and neonatal broiler chickens (New)
- Harmful algal blooms: Links between lake ecology, chemistry, and drinking water treatment
- Mechanism of Failure of Pipeline Steels in Sour Environment
- Rational Design of Advanced Materials
- Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for high-resolution environmental remote sensing: a soil moisture case study.
- Direct georeferencing of unmanned aerial vehicle photography and radar imagery with a low-cost real-time kinematic GPS.
- Deep learning for natural language text and image analysis
- Traffic Flow Optimization
- Can educational systems help in motivating students?
- Quest Design for Web-based Multiplayer Online Game
- An integrated solid state fermentation approach for production of enzymes from agro-wastes / Une approche solide de fermentation à l’état intégré pour la production d’enzymes à partir de déchets agricoles (Nouveau)
- Chemical modification of biopolymers and cellulose nanocrystals for the development of bioactive films
- Language Technologies for Health Informatics (New)
- Novel Nanodevices for Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Optics
- Bio-hybrid material chemistry
- Development of (doped-)Graphene for Clean Energy Applications
- Hierarchically self-assembled nanomaterials for high efficiency excitonic solar cells
- Advanced Terahertz Spectroscopy
- Creating evidence to better support transitions from residential to community based locations of care
- Parallel Programming for Real-Time Applications on Multi-core Processors
- Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using metaheuritics algorithms
- Interaction Between Lantibiotics and beta-Lactoglobulin by MALDI-Mass Spectrometry
- Molecular mechanisms of obesity-induced cardiac dysfunction – role of lysophospholipase signaling
- Combinatorics and Algorithms for Video-on-Demand
- Geo+Social Analytics for Healthy Urban Environments
- Design and development of a submersible rope climbing robot
- Biological communities in a human modified coastal landscape
- Bioremediation with fungal mycelia
- Purple Martin Conservation in Central Alberta
- Lymphatic function in cancer metastasis
- Low Temperature Catalytic NOx Control under High Sulfur Environment
- MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
- Development of a next-generation biomanufacturing platform for the conversion of greenhouse gases to value-added chemicals
- Political Scandal and the evolution of political culture
- Human Rights, Drug-related Violence and Democracy in Mexico
- Delivering evidence-based health care to children with common health conditions and their families using technology
- Production of Apolipoprotein B Fragments for Structural Analysis
- Direct analysis of food by electrothermal vaporisation coupled to inductively coupled plama optical emission spectrometry
- Highway Runoff Treatment Systems
- Augmented Reality (AR) Toys Computing Management
- Video Analytics to Rescue: Privacy Preserving Video Surveillance
- Rational design of a red fluorescent protein displaying increased quantum yield
- Religion in the Media: Canada and Brazil
- 3D Printing and Domestic Use
- Design and Control of Bio-Inspired Micro-Swimming Robots
- Analysis and optimisation of aircraft ice protection system / Analyse et optimisation des systèmes de protection contre le givre pour avion (Nouveau)
- Physical and cognitive ergonomic of aircraft de-icing on ground and in-fligh
- Mutiphysics simulation for inelastic materials
- Champlain clay micropaleontology and micrography
- Proprioceptive control of a self-adaptive hand prosthesis / Commande proprioceptive d’une prothèse de main adaptative (Nouveau)
- Biomimetics of a Passively Morphing Wing
- Processing of conducting polymers for biologica applications
- Global Special Interest Group (SIG) on Early Identification and Intervention in Autism
- Climate change adaptation policy and practice: country case-study
- Molecular mechanisms of synapse remodelling
- Dynamics and Control of Quadrotor Vehicles
- The duty to vote
- Combustion at microscales
- Role of Nlrs in neurodegenerative diseases (New)
- Ontario Power Grid Modelling for Incorporation of Renewable Energy Sources
- Electrospun nanofibers for adsorption of pollutants from wastewaters
- The role of PML in anti-retroviral innate immunity (New)
- Biomedical applications of HIV-1 restriction factors
- Instrumentation and control of an internal combustion engine powered by ammonia.
- Cell survival and cell death regulation in gynecological cancers.
- Energy management of multi fuel cell vehicles
- omics’-based platform and synthetic biology for the elucidation, characterization and production of plant natural products.
- Classification automatique par ordinateur d’images de diatom?es (algues)
- A Knowledge Management System for Knowledge-Intensive SMEs
- Coating Development for Aerospace Parts
- Perception and Action interactions (New)
- Use of Predictive Analytics to Forecast Patient Recovery Through Chiropractic Care
- Assessing comprehensive life history and phenotypic impacts of radiation on a short-lived model of aging and free radical biology: linear versus hormetic dose responses
- Effects of forest harvest on population dynamics, distribution, and stoichiometry in lynx-hare-plant food webs in Newfoundland
- Exploration of Innovative Digital Consumer Research and Marketing Strategies
- Design and Control of a Reconfigurable Packaging System
- En Route to 5G: Long-term Evolution (LTE) Enhancements for the Internet of Things (IoT)
- Diversity and structure of coastal eelgrass communities and their importance for maintaining juvenile Pacific salmon
- Harnessing imaging spectroscopy for multivariate rock sorting in the mine environment
- Versatile applications of a safe and efficient peptide in gene/drug delivery
- Neural and autonomic correlates of post-traumatic stress disorder during processing of trauma-related stimuli
- Rechargeable Hybrid Aqueous Gel Batteries for Start-Stop Applications in Automobile Vehicles
- Validation of the Performance of an Embedded Sensor for Monitoring the In-situ Strength of Concrete at Low Temperatures
- Optimizing Fibre Flow in the Forest Products Industry
- Selective Laser Melting Process Simulation of a Nickel-Based Superalloy Gas Turbine Component
- Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Vaccine Manufacturing Process Applied to Cell-Culture Based Adenovirus Vaccine
- Signals of Opportunity-based Positioning Techniques for Challenging GNSS Environments Year Two
- Hybrid journalism in the context of antipsychotic treatments for neurodevelopmental disabilities
- Gasification of novel moisture-resistant fuel pellets to synthesis gas and comparison of their performance to those with commercial Power Pellets
- Robust identification of protected heath information in unstructured data
- Process Modeling for Ge-on-Si Photodetectors
- Assessing and modelling climate pollutant interactions in marine food webs in the Pacific and coastal British Columbia, Canada
- GPU Performance Auto-tuning Using Machine Learning
- Transient Production Decline Analysis of Unconventional Reservoirs with Realistic Heterogeneity and Fracture Morphology
- Evaluation of strength loss in heat affected zone of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy welded joints and its improvement by local post weld-heat treatment
- Network Function Virtualization (NFV) Driven Micro Service Architecture for Value Added Video Streaming Services in Content Delivery Networks
- An examination of the determinants of certification and licensure examination methods in Canada
- Development of peptide-based probes as imaging and targeting agents for glioblastoma therapy
- Training, engagement, and retention: a ?learning region? approach to rural youth
- Improved Automated Tracking of Workouts for Fitness Facilities
- Effect of Fluid, Rock, and Simulator Variables on Liquid Solvent Heavy Oil Extraction
- Enhancing Corrosion Resistance of Superheater Alloys
- Text Mining and Visual Analytics for MOOCs Conversations
- Penetration of diluted bitumen on shorelines in the event of a marine spill
- Architecture for a 3D-Vision FPGA-based System for Real-Time Object Tracking
- Developing Energy-Efficient HVAC-R Systems for Smart Buildings
- Machining process monitoring at PWC by using machine learning and advanced artificial intelligence techniques
- Getting to Groundbreaking (G2G) Year 3 Focus on Hi-Rise
- Development of novel biochemical and biophysical assays for the identification of inhibitors of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-2
- Physical and Virtual Simulation and Learning Management System
- Cannabis Access Regulations Study (CANARY)
- Methodology Research on Business Process Reengineering with a Neutral Information Model of ERPs
- Accumulation by Dispossession or Dispossessing Strategies of Accumulation in the Indian Periphery?
- Controller Development and Validation for Extreme Maneuvering of Agile Fixed-Wing UAVs
- Study on Alkylation of Benzene with Methanol over ZSM-5 Zeolite with controllable Internal and External Surface Acidity
- Study of the cure of CIR and FDR emulsion treated materials
- Identifying students’ thinking skills based on the pattern analysis of their interaction behaviours observed in virtual worlds
- Sleep quality and weaning from mechanical ventilation: a physiological clinical study
- Augmented Reality in Surgery
- Development of digital microfluidic based photonic nano-biosensor (Lab-on—chip) for the detection of E. coli
- Between free market and national regulation: Chinese telecommunications and Internet policy in post-WTO era
- Examining ecosystem service changes in the Miyun watershed, China through stakeholder-driven visions of the future
- Nepali Case Assignment
- “El Yerro Barroco / The Baroque Error”
- A Sense of Self: Examining the Relationship between Chinese Religion and Self-Identity
- Family Ties in Monastic’s Lives: A Study of Contemporary Monasticism in Beijing
- In Conversation with Contemporary Chinese Pure Land Buddhism: What It Means to Practice
- Secure Outsourcing of Storage and Computation
- Mathematical Modeling of Fetal Cardiovascular, Neurovascular, and Metabolic Response to Umbilical Cord Occlusions
- Simulation numérique de la chauffe surfacique de cylindres en superalliage pour modifier les microstructures et créer des gradients de propriétés
- Asset-Based Community Enterprise Development in Bolivia Year Two
- A hybrid brain-computer interface (BCI) using tactile stimulus and motor imagery
- A general population study of Brazilian lottery players who engage in ‘Jogo do Bicho’ (Brazilian Animal Game) and their motivations
- Sedimentation of petroleum coated particles in non-aqueous phase
- The Search for Earliest Triassic Refugia
- Broadband energy harvesting from tree-like mechanical structures
- Housing Boom and Bust in Resource-based Economy-the Case of Ordos City, China
- Exploring subliminal processing using instrumental hypnosis
- Reproducibility of diffusion MRI white matter structural connectome
- Scalability of a low-polluting semi-gasifiercookstove and fuel intervention in theTibetan Plateau
- Cumulative effects of air exposure and extended angling time after repeat capture on endangered mahseer (Tor khudree)
- Raman spectroscopic study on the solubility of CO2 in water in a fused silica capillary reactor
- Ammonia nitrogen removal from wastewater by anaerobic-aerobic fluidized bed
- Production of n-alkanes by In-situ Hydrogenation and Decarboxylation of Unsaturated Fatty Acid with hydrogen donor
- Youth Bullying and Cyberbullying in a Canadian and Indian context
- Achieving Climate ‘Justice:’ Indian climate justice narratives, and who’s being ‘left out in the cold’
- Catalysts for natural products epoxidation
- Understanding the Mechanisms of Serotype Replacement in Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
- Risk factors for poor fertility on free-stall farms with and without the use of automated activity monitors in southern Brazil
- Cyclodextrin-based ordered polymeric frameworks and investigation of their gas uptake properties and applications
- Cortical Changes Linked to Semantic Integration
- A New Method of Measuring Soot Compositions in Aerosols
- Enhanced Mechanical Properties and Lower Gas Permeability for Liner Polyethylene in Fiber Reinforced Pipes (FRPs) – Year two
- UTSC/MHS/RREES Inter-disciplinary Assessment & Rehabilitation Centre for Excellence
- New methods and applications for monitoring bacteria inwater
- Optimizing the use of blood flow restriction for pre-conditioning & recovery of human performance
- Building the cycling economy beyond the urban core
- The Relationship between Live Chemistry Show Characteristics and Their Effect on Science Museum Visitors Attitude to Chemistry
- Oxford Inclusive Design Standards
- Development of Monoclonal Antibodies and Rapid Lateral Flow Test Kit for the Specific Detection of Streptococcus agalactiae
- Scientific Validation of the CBI Workplace Solutions Pre-Placement Functional Assessment for Canada Post Delivery Agents
- Development of a novel processing method for stabilization, extraction and bio-refining of value-added functional ingredients from marine by-products for use in feed and food products.
- Evaluation of the Elder Abuse Prevention and Response Services Program (EAPRS) of Renfrew County
- Redevelopment of PHOPHLO as a tablet based screening tool forthe school environment
- Biomolecular Structure Analysis to Accelerate Develoment of New Vaccines and Monoclonal Antibodies
- White pine endophytes: improving tolerance to white pine blister rust
- Routing and Spectral Assignment in Mesh Optical Networks
- Development of Cold Spray Titanium Parts by Additive Manufacturing and Titanium Coated Composite Parts for the Aerospace Sector
- Improvements for Dione: An Integrated Software Analytics Solution
- Effects of Pulse Lighting Regimes on Microalgae Growth
- Structural, Vibrations and Aerodynamic Analysis of Composite Trailer Tail System
- Investigation and Implementation of Integrated Electronic Scanning Automotive Radar Sensor front-end module at 77/79GHz band for Short and Long Range, High Angle and Range Resolution detection
- Gaining Insight from Crash Reports and Bug Reports
- Exposing the Invisible ? Wind?s Potential in Architecture
- Evaluation of Systemic Implementation of Collaborative and Proactive Solutions for Improving the Well-being of Students at Risk and Their Teachers
- Development of an ATR-FTIR based method for detection of milk adulteration
- Investigation of Pore-scale Mechanisms of Applying CO2 Huff-and-Puff to Enhance Shale Gas Recovery with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Response of leaf vein pattern to environmental change
- Calibrating static errors in Adaptive Optics systems for Extremely Large Telescopes
- Application of Artificial Neural Network for the Optimization in Biodiesel Production
- Exploring the Utility of Physical Visualization Construction
- Functional and topological insights into plant triacylglycerol synthesis enzymes
- Simulation platform development for reserved car market
- SMART Technologies for the Classroom: Supporting Collaboration and Inquiry Year Two
- Sustainable Vertical Services using GSTC Clouds
- Characterization of infarct-sparing mechanisms of Celastrol and related compounds
- A rapid screening tool for multiple tick pathogens/Maritime tick bank
- Dynamic forces on non-symmetrical elastic elements
- Hollow Microneedle Manufacturing Process Development
- Characterization of the state of health and aging effects of Li Ion Batteries
- DFT calculation of H abstraction reactions of phenyl-?-naphtylamine with alkyperoxy radicals
- Democracy in Authoritarianism: Public Participation in Biosafety, Biodiversity, and Climate Change politics in China
- Value added monomers and polymers from renewable sources
- Large-Eddy-Simulation of Brain Aneurysms
- Evaluating the potential of supplemental irrigation to increase agricultural and water productivity in India with climate change
- Investigation of the protein-protein interaction network of an anti-oxidant protein TPxGl in the human malaria parasite P. falciparum
- Design of a gene network implementing an associative memory circuit
- Robust statistical damage assessment of infrastructures
- Chemical Analysis of Complex Samples with High Resolution Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry
- A Generalized Model Predictive Path Planning System for Autonomous Vehicles on Structured Roads
- Comparative analysis of merger control mechanisms in Canadian and Mexican competition law
- Brain Decoding Models for neurodegenerative disease aided diagnosis and classification
- Characterization of chemosensory proteins in exosomes
- Testing the response of sand samples to cyclic loading under different boundary conditions
- Manganese Salen Systems for C-H Functionalization
- Cross population study of white matter connectivity using dictionary learning and sparse coding
- Integrated underground mine planning using mathematical programing
- Imagining the Human Interior: Religious and Medical Perspectives on the Body in Present-Day China
- The Symbiosis between State and Church in Text and Practice of Esoteric Buddhism in 8th Century China
- Species tree inference from multi-labeled gene trees
- Accords de Partenariat Trans Pacifique et libéralisation du marché laitier: impacts économiques sur le secteur laitier canadien
- Aerobic Granulation for the Treatment of Domestic Wastewater
- “Strands of Resistance: Art for the Desaparecidos in Brazil, Argentina and Chile, 1965-1980”
- R&D of high-performance Fe-based Catalysts for direct synthesis of lower olefins from syngas
- Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin Polymerization: A Combined Computational and Experimental Approaches
- Size dependant catalytic behaviour of supported Cu nanoparticles on CeO2 in ethanol synthesis from methyl acetate
- Caking of crystal particles and the inhibition : Effect of adhesion free energy
- Beyond Climate Justice: Competing Narratives and Ambitious Climate Action in India – implications for Canadian policy makers
- Methane Tri-Reforming: Process Modeling,Thermodynamic Analysis and ProcessOptimization
- Universal surface modification method to encourage cell patterning
- Lab-on-a-chip device for blood filtration and separation
- Changes of people’s livelihood in nature reserve areas in China during a rapid transition period
- Bitan in China and Japan: their preservation, compilation and publication
- Concentration and Exposure to Short-Lived Seasonal Air Pollutants in Londrina, Brazil
- Examining the Mechanism of Interaction Between Solanum tuberosum Plant Specific Insert with Lipid Membranes Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Automatic Resizing Framework for Time-Varying Non-Space Filling Visualizations
- Co-liquefaction of lignin and lignite for aromatic fuels and chemicals
- Shanghai Teachers’ Experiences of Reciprocal Learning on a Shifting Shanghai-Toronto Interschool Landscape
- The social, political and material constitution of low-carbonenergy transitions in urban areas: a socio-technical and socio-spatial comparisonof Alberta (Canada) and Ile-de-France (France)
- The logic of violence in the Mexican Drug War
- Analysis of Big Data Implementation to Enhance Soccer in Brazil
- Learning Algorithm for Quantum Error Correction
- Temperature effects on geomaterials performance
- Voids of Speculation – The uncanny ruins of failed urbanism
- Faculty Attitudes towards the Internationalized Classroom in Chinese Universities
- Vocal and visual signal divergence in a Neotropical songbird
- Innovative Game-Based Rehabilitation Platform for children with motor and cognitive impairments due to neuro-developmental disorders and acquired brain injuries
- The role of forest governance in food and livelihood security: A case study of NIRMAN, Odisha, India
- Mapping and spatial modelling of bamboo in the Brazilian Amazon
- Envisioning an International Community: Proletarian Arts in East Asia
- The Neurobiology of Anorexia Nervosa: integrating cellular mechanisms into brain circuits
- Compromis entre efficacité énergétique et protection aux pannes dans les « Software Defined Networks ».
- Facilitators and Barriers to Knowledge Translation for Diabetes Management in Mexican Health Units
- La perception du Canada dans l’opinion publique française : une étude de la Gazette de France entre 1701 et 1763
- Design and Implementation of Bio-Inspired Student Clustering Approach Based on Students’ Annotations on Web-based Reading Materials
- Effect of super absorbent polymer on the water use efficiency of tomato in saline soils as affected by drought conditions
- National ID Systems and Techniques of Population Control: The development of surveillance-assisted political economy from colonial to neoliberal times in Japan
- Embodied Cognition: Poetry, Process, and Alternative Epistemologies
- Chemically Modified Graphene-Like Carbon for Water Purification and Charge Storage Applications
- A business case study of the automotive cluster around the city of Ahmedabad
- Transborder Food Systems: Prospects for Regional Coordination in the Paso Del Norte
- Multi-Axis Experimental Assessment of Prototype suspension for Heavy Commercial Vehicles
- Children’s Participation in Health-Related Decisions in a Pediatric Oncology Setting in New Delhi, India
- Social Lab on Poverty in South India
- Investigation of Quantitative Analysis for OCT Angiography
- Selling Awareness: Comparing Media Representations of Domestic Violence in France and Canada
- Designing a safe, non-intrusive game for children to potentially detect Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)
- A Culturally Inclusive AAC App for Autistic Children in China
- Improving bend gesture accuracy using simulated tactile properties
- Task-optimized parallel manipulators
- High efficiency CO2 electrochemical reduction to syngas and hydro-carbon fuels at elevated temperature
- Landscapes of Erasure: geographies of absence in Michoacan.
- Production of Bio-based Phenol Formaldehyde (BPF) Floral
- Explaining Discrepancies between De Jure and De Facto Exchange Rate Regimes: A Constructivist Approach
- Modelling of Surgical Workflows
- Synthesis of camelina biodiesel using heterogeneous catalysts
- wearable electric field sensor
- Strengthen Your Health: Interdisciplinary Intervention Program for Promoting an Active and Healthy Lifestyle Among Students
- The politics of state-facilitated gentrification in post-socialist China: ideological domination, consumerism and exclusionary redevelopment
- Brain dynamics in neurodegenerative
- Mechanism Studies on Soil Erosion around Defective Sewer Pipes
- Educational Reward Plug-In for Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) Platform
- Bridging the Gap Between CPUs and GPU with Out-of-Order SIMT
- A new method for educational assessment: measuring association via LOC index
- Broadband Internet Policy and Farmers Collective Agency in Vietnam
- Biomimetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: A New Quorum Sensing Capturing Agent to Prevent Bacterial Biofilm Formation
- Development of a Quantitative Lab and Field-Based Microbial Tool to Determine Arsenic Speciation in Seawater
- Evaluation of apoptosis and proliferation rates in juvenilerat tissues
- What is a farmed salmon? Understanding the life of a seafood commodity from ocean to table
- Optimizing track cycling performance through neuromechanical measurement and modelling
- Chromosome Engineering for Bioproducts from Methanotrophs
- Guide to Safer Streets near Schools
- Use of remote sensing data to define spatial-temporal salmon habitat status
- A Framework for Accelerating Radar Simulation on Heterogeneous Parallel Platforms
- Site-specific Immunomodulators for COPD
- Improvisational Training in the Workplace and Beyond
- Accurate Proximity Sensing for Avionic Systems
- Healthy Obesity through Fitness
- Structural Assessment of corroded reinforced concrete plates
- Prospecting mine and mineralogical sites for energy recovery and bioproducts
- Dopamine Receptor Imaging in Dementia Using Hybrid PET/MRI
- Experimental Study on Vectorbloc Connection Used in Modular Construction
- A new paradigm for the discovery of anti-cancer drugs based on tumour RNA disruption
- Photoredox Fluorination: Selectively Synthesize 2-fluoro-2-methyl-2-deoxyarabinolactone Derivatives via a Radical Pathway
- Behavioral Analysis of H1 Reconstruction in New Software Environments
- Identity Fraud Detection through Anomalous Login Patterns Mining
- Integrating Computational Linguistics into Game Analytics
- Development of twin-electrode electric arc furnace for resource recovery
- Developing Practical Tools for Increasing Health Literacy Related to HIV
- Optimization of pressing/ drying conditions and solid content of Maple kraft pulp for the production of paper tissue products
- Optimizing response prediction by an interactive tutoring system
- Generation of few photons and photon pairs with engineered beams carrying angular momentum
- Framework for dialogue and learning with parents and professionals in the Central Okanagan; an examination of learning (related to stigmatization) across relations of power.
- Mapping for Change: A Case Study of Enhancing Informational Exchange and Collaboration Through Geoweb Technology
- Understanding the facilitators and barriers to effective water and sanitation interventions for characterizing spatial trends of Shigella infections in Jiangsu, China
- The effects of culture on spontaneous use of spatial navigation strategies
- Investigating the involvement of sleep pathways in absence seizures
- Drift wave turbulence in the presence of neoclassical forces
- Ecology of sitatunga in Uganda
- Measurement Verification And Modelling of W-Band Imager and Harvester
- Evaluating options for the experimental design of an integrated green roof and rainwater cistern
- Controlled Passive Energy Management in Prosthetic Foot Components: Cosmetic Cover Design and Performance during Simulated Gait
- Moving towards a more socially sustainable dairy system: Public attitudes to dairy system in Brazil
- Doubly-resonant sum frequency generation studies of rhodamine 6G films
- Expert Gestures for Multi-touch Interaction
- Development of In-Situ Characterization tools for Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition System
- The use of drama in middle school classrooms to enhance learning
- Cross-cultural perspectives and experiences of food addiction
- China English and its Role in the Differentiated Education of English Language Learners in Canada
- The Pedagogies and Perceptions of English Language Teachers in China
- New statistical machine learning methods applied to high dimensional sensory input data from chemistry
- Exploring Differences and Similarities in the Geography Curriculum
- Experimental Validation of an Offshore Wind Turbine Control-Oriented Model and Advanced Contoller Implementation
- Ammonia nitrogen removal from melamine wastewater by biological fluidized bed
- Plurilingual Competence and Language Practice in English for Academic Purposes
- Investigation of LDPE/LLDPE blends foaming behavior based on the high-pressure rheology
- Surveillance of the antibiotic resistance genes in Vibrio parahemolyticus
- Sustainable Food Systems for Future Cities: The Potential of Urban Agriculture from a Case Study in Nanjing, China
- An Antarctic NO3 isotope record spanning the last millenium
- Coherence of discourse of individuals with mild cognitive impairment: Relationships between language and memory.
- Comparative analysis of reliability-surrogate measures using an ensemble of realistic water distribution networks
- Examining Higher-Order Cognition in Colombian Executives
- Automatic 3D reconstruction of Indoor Environments from Consumer-graded Cameras
- Impact of a rehabilitation program on EMG-EMG coherence in stroke patients
- Technology in Geography
- Free Electron Laser research on atoms, molecules, and clusters
- Internship to study mate-choice copying in sailfin mollies using computer animation
- Characterization of Smad4-deficiency in transgenic mouse models of pancreatic cancer
- Inertial Measurement of Human Motion for Realtime Applications
- Engineering of a Thermostable Aldehyde Dehydrogenase
- Our Home and Native Resources: Community planning and sustainable development to build prosperity in Wasagamack and Garden Hill First Nations
- Application of spent hen adhesive for engineered wood products
- The development of single-cell RNA-sequencing methods for identification of biomarkers and therapeutic targets in leukemic stem cells
- Statistical tools for quality control of aerospace structural parts made by Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) process
- Enhancement of a Pharmacogenomic Treatment Decision Support Tool for Schizophrenia – Year two
- Assessment of Urban Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Middle Grand River Watershed
- Social Enterprises as Revenue Generation for the Non-Profit Sector in Canada
- Using GIS Mapping to Understand the Burden of Trauma in East Africa
- PMU Based Load Modelling and Validation Methodology
- Energy-Efficient and Robust Wireless Sensor Networking for Marine Environments
- Numerical Investigation of Long-Term Settlement of Waba Dam
- Development of Novel Microparticle and Nanoparticle-Based Controlled Release Formulations for Agriculture
- Optimized Approach for Minimizing Oil and Gas Asset Remediation and Reclamation Liability Cost
- Injection molded bioprinter cartridges
- Switching frequency optimization and advanced current control techniques for an electric vehicle traction drive
- Learning from our Kogums (Grandmothers): Integrating Participatory Video as a Tool to Share Knowledge through OPCNs Ithinto Mechisowin Program
- Integrated hydrodynamic and water quality modelling tool for the Toronto Waterfront
- Validation of neurodegeneration screen hits in zebrafish: functional analysis of drug effects on neural activity
- Investigation of biomarkers of response to treatment with marizomib in GBM patients
- Investigation and optimization of Avalon Alliance bio-mineral composite products and pre-design of the manufacturing process
- Development of innovative thermal efficient steel studs
- Tensor network characterization of superconducting circuits
- Evaluation of viral sensitizer technology for improving influenza vaccine in an egg-basedmanufacturing process Year Two
- Terahertz metamaterial sensors for monitoring of the insulation material quality – Year Two
- Development of a diagnostic assay for first line detection and surveillance of bladder urothelial carcinoma using concurrent biomarker panels from non-invasive liquid biopsies
- Smart technology use with Public Safety and first responders
- Generation of rabbit monoclonal antibodies using a microfluidic-based screening platform – Year two
- Nonlinear adaptive neural controllers – Year two
- Performance evaluation of a Novel Displacement Buffering System for Buried Pipelines
- Shape Memory Alloy-based magnetorheological fluid core bracing System
- Processes Governing Hydrocarbon Movement in Heterogenous Soils
- Chemical Synthesis of Graphene-Based Nanomaterials from Value-Added Carbon Obtained by Catalytic Conversion of CO2
- Evaluation of an mHealth App: A Randomized Controlled Trial of DeStressify on Campus Staff and Student Mental Health
- Enhancing the abiotic and biotic oxidation of manganese for cold groundwater biofiltration
- Aiding Leak Detection in Pipelines Using System Identification – Year two
- Optimization of conformational epitopes against the NTS1 and P2Y6 receptors
- Sport-for-resilience: 4-H participation and youth lifeskill development
- Innovative design of a sound numerical model calibration process: from lab tests to input data
- Training in Virtual Environments on Mobile Devices
- Silicon Photonic Water Quality Sensor
- Deep Learning Analysis for Missing Tooth Detection in Mining Monitoring Systems
- Modified GLARE using GRIP Metal Technology
- Determination of peanut allergen in foods using a dual fluorescence-SERS immunoassay
- Physiological and environmental factors affecting the migratory behavior and survival of sockeye and steelhead salmon smolts
- Using brain monitoring and video surveillance to reduce violent incidents in a care-facility environment – Year two
- Enzyme immobilization to enhance the hydrolysis of soluble, biomass derived xylo-oligomers
- Automatic Image Filtering Using Deep Learning
- Identifying Fraudulent E-Commerce Behaviour via Robust Anomaly Detection
- An Advanced Machine Vision-Based System for the Recognition and Counting of Indian Coins
- Dreamcatcher Informatics: A Web-based/Mobile Information System for Aboriginal Land Management, Consultation, and Preservation of History, Culture, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge
- Flotation of high-organics fine phosphate particles
- Secondary cataract assessment in eyes implanted with different intraocular lenses
- Development of a Self-Regulatory App for Adults with Celiac Disease
- Development and Evaluation of a Rapid Diagnostic Assay for Avian Influenza to the Point of Care Setting
- Next Generation Selective Nanocomposite Fibrous Membrane for Energy Recovery Ventilators
- A Framework for Development of Rediscovered Wood Underwater Salvage Certification Standard
- Developing bacterial inoculant promoting crop growth and health
- Exploring cloud computing paradigm for Telecommunication Applications
- Examination of key nutrition, health, environmental, and welfare issues in swine to improve sustainability and societal acceptance of pork production
- Clinical and systems transformation: Identifying software testing approaches to identify best practices in interface design, customization and optimization
- Investigation of Non-Condensable Gas Behaviour in Thermal Exploitation of Grosmont Reservoir and Its Role and Effect on Reservoir Performance and Simulation History Matching of the Saleski Pilot
- Modeling and HIL Simulation of Modular Multilevel Converters
- Aurora Lighting
- Molecular mechanism of action of anti-fibrotic antibodies
- Strategic BC Salmon Health Initiative: Inventory and Assessment of Health Risk of Microbes in BCs Pacific Salmon
- Acoustically derived indicators of demersal and forage species productivity in the Strait of Georgia, and their link to the survival of juvenile salmon
- Investigation of Rock Penetration and Fragmentation Problems
- Lower Cost Forging Control
- CARIC MANU-710: Aerospace Additive Manufacturing Initiative
- A ubiquitous positioning solution for head-mounted sensors
- Cloud-based RealTime Energy Monitoring with Wireless Sensors
- Development of Integrated Energy and Organic Waste Treatment Model for Rooftop Solar Greenhouse and Grocery Store in a Smart Community
- Customer Lifetime Value Framework for the Banking Industry
- Photonic sensors for rapid and selective detection of bacteria in water
- Developing a method for determination of biochemical methane potential and rate of anaerobic degradation of landfill solid wastes
- Giving Voice to Aboriginal Families
- Daily Health Guide: Decision support for fitness/weight management using Personal Health Records
- Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater using Nanotechnologies
- Modularization and Standardization of Pipe Rack Infrastructure
- CryoVent – Low or zero carbon cryogenic ventilation for deep mines
- Formulation and Toxicology of Bone-Targeting Nanoparticles
- Leader competencies and character: A novel approach to leader development
- Development of rapid and accurate genomic techniques for ballast water UV treatment – Year two
- Ergonomic Design of an Automotive Material Sequencing Centre – Year two
- Investigation and creation of a hardware and software IP that can implement USB 2.0 Audio to I2S conversion
- Clinical development of avocado-derived lipids as modulators of fatty acid oxidation for the treatment and management of obesity and diabetes
- Optical and Electrochemical Corrosion Detection and Protection
- An Oral History of the St. George-Grosvenor-Piccadilly Neighbourhood
- Computer vision system for ice detection on power cables
- Developing Tools to Evaluate the Effectiveness of NGO WaSH Interventions in Low to Middle Income Countries
- Assessment of organizational behaviour modifications through the implementation of social media software to assess impact on best practices within work groups
- Accelerating grain hemp improvement with genomics
- Human Motion Inverse Optimal Control Constraint Learning and Inertial Measurement Unit Sensor Design for Rehabilitation
- Energy Efficient Subthreshold design for NVM circuits
- How to Say Spay: BC SPCA Rural and Semi-Rural Cat Spay/ Neuter Program Messaging Research Project
- Modeling and Analysis of access-control policies (SELinux and/or SMACK)
- High-rate anaerobic digestion of ozonated waste activated sludge at low temperature
- The use of improved antibody drug conjugates for targeted treatment of bladder cancer
- A big data approach to schedule optimization
- Development of Ex-situ Mechanical Durability Tools and Thermo-mechanical Design Curves for Fuel Cell Membranes
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Liquefied Natural Gas Refueling Stations and Onboard Fuel Storage Tanks for Mobile Applications
- Optical determination of membrane defects and correlation with fuel cell performance and durability
- Enhancing water stress tolerance in soybean through phytoglobin manipulations
- Implementing a novel infectious disease diagnosis assay to a microfluidic device
- Experimental and Mathematical Modeling of Flow Instability in Heavy Oil Recovery Processes
- Assessment of the neuroprotective effects of a novel natural product derived formulation for the treatment of Parkinsons disease
- Process and product development of NaquapureTM, a sustainable novel nanotechnology for the removal of heavy metals in industrial wastewater
- Feasibility Evaluation Study of LifeguardMobile (designed for supported self-management of patients with chronic and complex conditions)
- Benchmarking and improving the energy efficiency of water distribution systems
- Development of Combined Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) System for Net-Zero Energy Building Applications
- Linking microbiome to eco-industrial function: the in silico and metagenomic exploration of microbial dark matter and taxonomic blind spots
- Social and Environmental Impact of Co-operatives
- Expanding the capabilities of a neurosurgery software platform to provide clinical solutions for advanced spinal cord imaging and intra-operative guidance
- Modeling and Analytics for Big Data Applications
- Collaborative BIM for Change Management in Architectural, Engineering & Construction (AEC) Industry
- User Centric Resource Management for Coordinated Multi-point, with Heterogeneous Back-haul Links
- Design and validation of a novel peptide immunotherapeutic for the treatment of dog allergies
- High Bandwidth Biometrics Data Hosting and Analytics in Cloud-based Storage Systems
- Encapsulation strategies for the enhanced performance of active ingredients in foods and non-food products
- Development of fabrication, microstructure and performance relationships in inkjet printed polymer electrolyte fuel cell electrodes for automotive applications
- Improving Process and Product Performance through Innovative and cost effective solutions
- A Novel Approach to the Design of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Humanitarian Initiatives
- New Generation of Precast Sandwich Walls Using Ultra-High Performance (UHPC) Concrete and Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Connectors
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Training in Mobile Applications
- Improving Fishing Safety in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Novel Biomarker Identification for Human Cytomegalovirus Disease in Transplant Patients
- Mucoadhesive nanoparticle eye drop drug delivery
- Tailoring Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy to Rescue Marginal DCD Livers for Transplantation
- Production of Healthy DAG-Enriched Oil from Canola Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Media in Par-Baked Frozen Dough Products
- Determining Aboriginal and Treaty Right Impacts in Regulatory Processes
- Simulating heat transfer mechanisms for additive manufacturing processes
- Integrated Subsea Pipeline Integrity Management using Real-time Condition Monitoring Technique
- The Future of Mandatory Charging for Intimate Partner Violence: Status quo or alternative direction?
- Volunteer Retention and Engagement in the Boys & Girls Clubs and Big Brothers Big Sisters Edmonton (BCGBigs)
- Finite Element and Probabilistic-Based Analysis of Dents in Pipelines
- Combining telemetry and mark-recapture models to manage a mixed stock fishery
- Development of best strategies for the control of flowering rush in Alberta
- Optimization of Reserve Crew Open-Time Pairings at Jazz Aviation LP
- Stressless Gamification to Improve Workplace Health
- Glycoprofiling of Erythropoietin using High Resolution Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry
- Autonomic control of thermoregulation during exercise in spinal cord injury
- Testing of Offshore Wind Turbine Positional Controller
- Dolmen: Towards the programmatic assembly of large-scale distributed systems
- Nanostructured Nickel Materials for Clean and Renewable Energy
- Optimization of novel UV-LED flow-through reactor
- A statistical method for competing risk survival analysis with clustered big data
- Development of Morphing Skin
- Physical Modeling of Debris Load in Extreme Hydrodynamic Conditions
- The Odd Couple: Cancer and the Circadian Clock
- Crystal Orientation-Wetting Property Relationships for Cerium Oxide
- Proteome analysis of field versus chamber acclimated winter wheat and rye crowns
- Neuromorphic Computing with Stochastic Binary Weights Based on Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
- Investigation of Proteomic Changes Following Chilling Exposure in Resistant and Sensitive Zea Mays
- Investigating productive uncertainty in technological intelligence practices
- In Vivo Reprogramming of Spiral Ganglion Glial Cells into Primary Auditory Neurons
- Efficient Signal Processing and Radio Resource Management for High-Throughput and Low-Latency Massive MIMO Cellular Systems – Year two
- Screening of natural compounds for their anti-glycation activity on collagen fibrils using biochemical and biomechanical assays
- Light collection optimization with semiconductor photodetectors – Year two
- Mapping quantitative trait loci for disease resistance to Infectious salmon anemia in a commercial strain of Atlantic salmon
- Mental Health: Strategies for Resilience
- Development and Delivery of Inhibitors for Viral Pathogenic Deubiquitinases
- An economic evaluation of sulfonylurea medication, hypoglycemic episodes and falls in older adults with type 2 diabetes
- Roche Lake Eutrophication study
- Detection of salivary insulin following low versus high carbohydrate meals in humans
- Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) telomeric analysis in pre-treatment and post-treatment patients with prostatic adenocarcinoma; a look at prognostic variability and responsive elements
- Wintering Hills Reverse Auction
- Enhancing Software Lifecycle Visibility and Traceability
- Impact of a Year-Long Physical Literacy Structured Recreation Program on the Motor Proficiency of Kindergarten Students
- Intracellular growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: prospects for drug discovery
- Defining cell therapies using CNS tissue sources in living Parkinson’s Disease patients
- A Survey of Ergonomics Education Opportunities Available to Dental Hygienists in Ontario.
- Development of efficient and inexpensive thermal storage “on demand” for Dish/Stirling System
- Mining of population-based routinely collected health data to determine risk factors associated with pediatric morbidity in Ontario, Canada
- Development of Cell-Based Functional Assays to Accelerate Commercialization and Therapeutic Application of Recombinant Antibodies
- Discovering the mechanism of action of a novel immunotherapy, Cat-SPIRE, using a network analysis
- Exploring usability of an app environment to deliver transformative professional development
- Low-dose ionizing radiation and health
- Cannabinoid ligand in vitro drug screening
- Integration of INTERCONNECT and Cadence with an emphasis on co-simulation of CMOS drivers and optical ring modulators
- Optimizing Output Control of the MyndMove Functional Electrical Stimulator
- Innovative Ladder Design via Optimization and Design Methodology
- Information extraction from real-world business documents
- High Efficiency RFIC Power Amplifier
- REEs in brachiopods dwelling oxygen deficient habitats as proxies of paleoredox and potential source rocks
- Control of HVDC Links in Synchronous and Asynchronous AC Grids using Wide Area Phase Angle Measurement
- Development of Novel Power Take Off and Control Scheme for a Canadian Wave Energy Converter
- Development a Stabilized Computer Vision System for Infrared Aerial Fire Monitoring
- Exploring the lives of women with acne (acne and gender-based violence; acne inversa and sexual health)
- Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation for efficient sprinkler system
- Creating a platform to collect / publish / analyze / control communication data streams
- Mise au point d’un entraînement perceptivo-cognitif couplé à la reconnaissance tactique chez les athlètes
- Enhancing service quality in community health care through preference-based scheduling
- Characterizing fucoidan-degrading enzymes from marine bacterium
- Application of Machine Learning Methods in Vancouver Island Supply Capability Determination
- Best Practices in Aboriginal Mentorship for Entrepreneurs
- Nutrition for Two: development of interactive nutrition research tools and a pretrial for food and nutrition intake trend among the First Nation’s pregnant women
- The I-Score Study: The development and validation of a patient-reported measure of antiretroviral therapy’s interference with life.
- Validation of a microRNA signature prognostic of metastasis in soft-tissue sarcomas
- Development of a simulation-based tool to predict the aerodynamic loads on heavy duty trucks
- The development of DPIS and associated dopant chemistry for use in standalone IMS systems
- Hybrid Power Systems for Integrated Energy and Food Production in Autonomous Communities
- Sensory Characteristics and Metabolomics for Flavour Selection in Pork
- The role of hemoglobin-cytarabine in the selective death of acute myeloid leukemia cells
- Numerical modeling of interaction between soil and seabed infrastructure during submarine landslides
- Development of Sense and Avoid System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Unseen Enemy: Global Pandemic Knowledge Mobilization
- Minimizing potential induced degradation in crystalline-silicon based photovoltaic solar modules – Year 3
- Development and validation of the OmegaSTAT prototype:A diagnostic kit to rapidly assess omega-3 status
- Cross-sector partnerships for implementing sustainable community plans: comparison between a Canadian city and international communities to determine drivers for partners to remain in the partnerships
- Genomics profiling of peritoneal mesothelioma and patient-derived xenograft models for in vivo biomarker validation
- Development of negamycin, a novel class of antibiotic for Gram-negative bacterial infections
- Pelvic Floor Health and Sexual Well-Being in Women Across the Lifespan
- Characterization and Improvement of Interfacial Properties of Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Hybrid Aqueous Batteries
- Developing Strategic Planning Tools to Support Forest Industry Transformation
- Archaeological Data Management in Canada and the Comprehensive Heritage Research Information Platform
- Understanding collaborative community-based mental health services for adults 50 and over in the South Okanagan through an environmental scan and social network analysis
- Characterizing microflora composition during the spontaneous fermentation of cassava flour
- Investigation of heavy metal bioavailability and bioaccesibility in SierraSil® mineral complex and its impacts on inflammation and bioavailability of other medications and natural health products
- Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion: Innovating molecular methods for enhanced diagnostics and optimal treatment strategies
- Understanding the Impact of Fontan Circulatory Repair on Brain Blood Flow Health
- My Wellness Journey: A Health Promotion Study for Children and Youth with Disabilities
- Towards a sustainable anti-biofilm technology based on natural materials
- Sustainable production of engineered wood products in Northwestern Ontario: Developing harmonized decision models and standards for local materials
- Development of dual antibody therapies for cancer
- Portable diagnostic device for outpatient BNP detection
- Developing Tools to Track Vocalizing Marine Mammals with Long Baseline Hydrophone Arrays
- Development of in operando characterization methods for lithium ion battery materials
- Integration of GNSS Precise Point Positioning and Inertial Sensing Technologies for Lane-Level Car Navigation
- Predicting noise impact on fish communities in the western Canadian Arctic using Passive Acoustic Monitoring
- Integrating high resolution remote sensing of multi-scale hydrogeomorphology into long-term river management
- Implementation of a chip-based MDTMA platform for evaluating prostate cancer treatment response and mode of action.
- Evapotranspiration and Bioretention Performance in Stormwater Management
- Small scale high efficiency purification of compounds
- Enhancing exercise capacity and performance in elite Wheelchair Rugby athletes
- Acoustic detection of fish presence and depth distribution at the FORCE tidal energy test site in the Bay of Fundy: assessing risk of interaction with tidal turbines
- GCS (Ground Control Station) Ergonomic Research
- Minimizing crop stress with micronutrients: Agronomics
- Up-regulation of the antigen presentation machinery in metastatic cancer using small molecules
- Aircraft Piston Engine Detonation Measurements and Data Analysis
- SmogStop Barrier Field Study
- Development of Natural Antimicrobial Formulations for Food Safety
- Development of a Compact Muon Detector
- Towards an operational database of forest bird abundance in British Columbia
- Morphodynamic model development to better integrate the impact of riparian vegetation on bank erosion
- Efficient Implementation of IDA for Evaluating Seismic Response of Tall Buildings
- Automation of Natural Fibre Properties Analyses
- Social cartographies of initiatives of social transformation
- Machine Vision Yield Monitor for Vegetable Crops
- Optimization and compatibility study of a pH-responsive terpolymercomposite membrane for controlled release dosage forms
- Adsorption of tannins on copper surface
- Management of posttraumatic stress disorder: a multiple treatment comparison meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
- Synchrotron investigation of water distribution in fuel cells and correlation to properties and performance
- Identifying the drivers of polar bear-human interactions
- Context-Aware Advertising Language Analysis and Modeling in Internet Display Ads
- Exploring home range and habitat use during the breeding season of the Bicknells thrush (Catharus bicknelli) in New Brunswick Clear-cuts
- Mechanical and physical beneficiation of concentrates from printed circuit board processing
- Predator Reduction and Habitat Influences: Impacts on Upland Duck Nest Success in Alberta Parklands
- In-vivo translation of neuronal cell regeneration/reprogramming protein in mouse with chronic spinal cord injury
- Development and characterization of composites
- Building Prosperity / Building Communities: exploring the value of landscape level approaches to heritage and diversity
- Development and Evaluation of a Life Threatening Infections Point-of-Care Triage Test for the Fionet System
- iCity Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth
- Flow in business: Facilitating Flow in Virtual Reality trials and exploring the outcomes for product evaluations
- Computer Vision and Deep Learning for Moderating Visual Content
- Targeting the GAS6/AXL Pathway in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells with a Novel Combination Therapy
- Development of high value-added products: from crushed glass to zeolite and active filtration media
- Modeling Wind loading on Roof-mounted Solar Modules
- Microplastic pollution in coastal British Columbia: a baseline assessment of contamination in blue mussels
- Investigating Player Behaviour in Social Networking Games
- Pressure Ulcer Biobank from Spinal Cord Injury Patients
- Nsyilxcn Revitalization and Documentation (Year 2)
- Microgrid Protection Design Investigation using Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop
- Distributed Memory Management for Fast Data
- Managing the physical risk from avalanche in mechanized backcountry skiing operations: A quantitative examination of reoccurring patterns in terrain assessments and terrain use at the run scale
- Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Cedar Essential Oil
- Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Chromatography of Softwood Plants Oils
- KINARM Standard Testsâ Task Scores: towards a validated and effective tool for communicating to clinical communities KINARM measures of brain function
- Development of Feed Blocks for Livestock
- Non-intrusive assessment of vigilance in drivers based on eye movement and blinking
- Harrison River Watershed Salmon Habitat Restoration Assessment
- Data Centre Waste Heat Recovery for District Energy Systems
- Evaluation of the CACE Homecare Curriculum
- Education in the field; using behavioral wildlife research to inform the interpretive program of an eco-tourism operation – Year two
- Comparative effectiveness, and network meta-analysis of pre-insulin oral hypoglycemic drugs in the treatment of type II diabetes
- A novel scaffold for tympanic membrane repair – Year two
- Fundamental understanding of brewing phenomena and shelf-life extension of single-serve coffee – Year two
- Development of a simulation model for prediction of performance of an anesthesia circuit using a novel CO2 separation system
- Developing a newly tunable Phase-Mask Interferometer for Fiber Bragg Grating inscription – Year two
- Integration of social media tools into student-centred virtual learning management system
- Increase adoption of new hybrid telehealth delivery system for remote & marginalized BC communities
- Developing Vitamin D Therapies to Block Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Multiple shock dependencies with applications to insurance risks
- Predictive Models for the Manitoba Bio-Economy Atlas
- Identifying the molecular mechanisms of neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation and screening NETosis-suppressing drugs to treat cystic fibrosis lung disease
- Quantifying Visual Impairments using Robotics following Sport-Related Concussion
- Training response of elite athletes using heart rate variability and low-frequency fatigue
- Rapid Health Impact Assessment On Introducing Permanent High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes and High Occupancy Tolls Lanes In the Greater Toronto Area
- Feasibility of Pelletizing Sludge Product for Burning and Agricultural Uses from Paper Mill Process Effluent
- Pilot Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Different Potencies of Vaporized Marijuana Participants with Chronic, Treatment-Resistant Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Scale-up of Bioaugmentation Cultures and Development of Delivery Strategies and Monitoring Tools for Anaerobic Benzene and Alkylbenzene Bioremediation
- Learning Analytics Visualizations to Motivate Students in Online Discussion Activities
- Multi-Hazard Performance Based Design Guideline for Wood-Based High-Rise Buildings
- Effect of rumen protected vitamin B complex supplementation on ovarian dynamics and uterine gene expression on day 15 of the cycle or pregnancy
- Intestinal Inflammasomes: Defining Their Role in IBD
- Translating knowledge about mental health and addiction issues into a video game – Debris
- Analysis of Visual Language for a Novel Gesture-Based Interface that Supports Improved Cross-Functional Development
- High Impedance Fault Detection System
- Marine mammal behavioural responses to tidal turbine sound
- The effect of fire cycle and fire severity on the presence of black spruce, jack pine, and trembling aspen in the boreal forest of Canada in the context of climate change
- Research and Development of a Novel Demo-scale Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion Process for Renewable Energy Production and Treatment of High Strength Organic Industrial Streams
- Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Inside Sales Performance
- Analysis of a novel energy absorbing roof anchorage connector for fall protection in lower strength roof construction
- Blood biomarkers of asthma
- Developing spatial and participatory resolutions for the Canadian Aboriginal housing crisis
- The SAVI Smart Edge Deploying Massive Multiple In Multiple Out (MIMO) Distributed Antenna Architectures
- Intelligent control strategies for the Industrial Internet Phase II
- Reconstructing DoDAF (Department of Defense Architecture Framework) compliant high level views from information systems
- A Model-Driven Framework for Meta-Data Harmonization in Business Intelligence
- Upheaval buckling behavior of offshore oil pipeline
- Conversion of crude glycerol into higher value chemical products
- Kinetic and Reactor Models for Sugar-to-Glycol Conversion
- Modeling of jointed rock mass using Extended Finite Element Method
- Unaccounted for mobile phones in the province of British Columbia
- Monitoring, Tracking, and Reporting of Sustainability Impacts
- Thermal and fluid Flow Analysis of Innovative
- Building a geospatial database for assessing effects of multiple stressors on inland lakes
- Think-Move-Play: Towards personal health and rehabilitation monitoring using wearable devices
- Impacts of hydroelectricity production on aquatic ecosystems: Development of key environmental indicators for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach – Year two
- Low Pressure Cold Spray Technology-based Repair Process for Damaged Automotive Aluminum Alloys Panels
- Investigation and development of plasma-based cancer diagnostic
- Optimizing bakery performance: Developing new flour quality protocols for commercial bread making
- Characterization of the antifibrotic efficacy of PBI-4050 in AdTGF-?1 mediated pulmonary fibrosis
- iMALDI-based Assays for Protein Activity to Improve Patient Selection for Therapeutic Akt Inhibitors in Cancer Treatment
- Student Intentions and Perceptions Survey
- Cost Analysis of Smart Energy Network at residential to community levels: integration of natural gas, electricity and heat with end-use devices
- Desvenlafaxine in Opioid-Dependent Patients
- Construction and validation of the interRAI 0-3
- Budget impact analysis of Rapid Endovascular Treatment of Ischemic Stroke
- Understanding and Reducing Community-Based Personal Support Workers Risk of Occupational Injury
- Next Generation Engine
- Understanding Co-located Attendance with Technology in Classrooms
- Applying visual analytics to effect real-time decision making in manufacturing environments
- Real Time Monitoring of Water Content in Reclaimed Mine Waste using Cone Penetration Time Domain Reflectometry
- Predictive Model of Steel Prices for Decision-Making
- Recovery of minerals as value-added products from source-separated urine
- Iceberg and Ice Island Drift Modeling Tools and Techniques
- Thermoplastic injection molding of bioprinter cartridges using silicon inserts
- SIEMENS Perceived Value of Energy Consumers Project: Research and Development for Modeling the Perceived Value of Energy Consumers
- Exploring the benefits of the novel CRISPR endonuclease Cpf1 over Cas9 for genomic engineering
- Mapping temporal and spatial variations in air quality using real-time mobile mass spectrometry
- Advanced wearable inertial tracking system to monitor automotive assembly operator motion for human simulation applications
- Deconvolution of Whole Blood Transcriptome based on mRNA-Seq data
- Targeting clonal heterogeneity in treatment-refractory Glioblastoma with novel and empiric immunotherapies
- Efficacy of antibacterial/antifungal mouth rinses in the control of periodontal pathogens and behaviour of neutrophils under these conditions
- Investigation and Analysis of measurement & simulation-based Core-Follow systems for Nuclear Research Reactors
- The enhanced use of numerical methods for reservoir description using well test and production data
- Foundations for Geocontextualization
- Carbon thin-films for cosmetic jewellery applications: Year 3
- Conserving the buzz: An interdisciplinary, multi-stakeholder approach to pollinator conservation in Ontario, Canada
- Determining how differences between avid and lapsed anglers can improve license sales and angler satisfaction
- Validating dynamic system analysis mooring tools using a 25-kW surface mounted hydrokinetic turbine tested at the Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Testing Centre
- Cognitive Impairment Secondary to Depressive Symptomology and its Relationship with Functional Impairment
- Evaluation of a School Active Travel initiative
- Optimized Extraction of Onion and Garlic Oils Using Green Solvents
- Supply chain metrics during the product lifecycle (extension)
- Florasol Extraction Process Development of Essential Oil
- An Analysis of Flax Breeding Programs in Western Canada
- The effect of silica nanoparticles on colloidal stability of tannins
- Developmental Disability, Independent Facilitation, and Citizenship
- Power Flow control in HVDC Grid and its effect on the system stability of underlying AC network
- Evaluation of smart sprayer for spot-application of agrochemical in wild blueberry fields
- Proof of Concept: Real-Time Integrated Weld Analyzer in Aluminum Spot Welds
- Enhanced mine safety and productivity in burst prone ground using destress blasting
- Topology optimization of UAV components
- Optical Tracking of Log Rotation with Bulk Motion and Skewing
- Locally-Routed Clock Tree Synthesis for FPGAs
- Facilitating Discovery of Books Through Proactive User Cues
- Using Text Mining Techniques to Analyze Notes in Financial Statements
- Data Driven CRM Optimization for eReading
- Predicting Impact of Biological Research Manuscripts
- Development of an historical GIS for the Montreal area using Esri’s ArcGIS software
- Driving Down GHG in Toronto: Factors Shaping Electric Vehicle (EV) Ownership, Drive Patterns, and Behaviours
- Bow Valley Innovations Carbon Capture Technology
- Familiar Faces: Evaluating the Implementation and Effectiveness of a Diversion Support Program for People Who Are Heavy Users of Emergency Rooms and Hospitals
- GPN-EMV: Emulation and visualization of game private networks and game servers performance
- Building Community Capacity on Local Energy: Extending the Community Energy Explorer Web-tool
- Control of Imploding Metal Liners
- Study of mobile maintenance related asset utilization in mining operations at New Afton Mine Site
- The Evolving Legal Services Research Project, Phase II, Stage 3
- Can Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) developments in Northwestern BC contribute to social and financial sustainability in First Nations communities?
- Interactive Agent-based eLearning Environment
- Design and Implementation of Real-Time Platform for Beehive Monitoring and A Mite Extraction System
- Investigation of impact of technological advancement in positional MRI on measuring cerebrovascular reactivity
- Mitigation of concrete corrosion in potash mine and milling operations
- SmogStop Barrier Testing
- Integrating hydrological process science into watershed management for the Upper Athabasca
- Developing and Investigating of Glass FRP Composite Electrical and Telecommunication Towers, Poles, and H-frames
- Combined Physical Testing and Finite Element Modelling of Masonry Systems
- Integration and Application of Microlens Arrays within Heads-Up Displays
- Increasing harvestable berry yield using precision agriculture technologies
- Evaluation of Ion-Exchange and Nanofiltration as Effective Methods for the Removal of Trihalomethanes Pre-cursors at the Waterhen Water Treatment Plant
- Implementation of the parallel FDTD analysis for optical devices simulation
- High Speed Determination of Tulip Bulb Pose Using Computer Vision
- Process and product development of NaquaPureTM, a sustainable novel nano technology for the removal of heavy metals in industrial wastewater
- Understanding the Youth Volunteer Market: An Evaluation of Professional Skills Developed through Volunteering with World University Services of Canada
- Real Time Inverse Scattering for Optical Coherence Tomography
- Geological controls on strainburst risk in deep mining drifts
- End-User Understanding of Web Certificates
- Development of new generation of tool steels by modification in chemical composition, grain refinement, and cryogenic treatment
- Informing the Conservation and Management of Pacific Herring on Canadas West Coast
- Video Cloaking
- Smart public toilets using Internet of things
- Performance Metrics and Reporting Requirements for Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Spatial Sentiment Visualization for Text Data
- Multi-dimensional wellbeing: Examining how financial, social, health, and environmental factors interactively determine subjective wellbeing
- Improving the Performance of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Garbage Collection using Transactional Memory
- Optimization and Control of Ozone Use within Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
- Assessing the Marine Environment for Compensation after a Ship-source Oil Spill has Occurred
- Cost, Energy and Hygrothermal Performance Optimization of Building Envelope Systems for Net-Zero-Ready Buildings
- An antioxidant nutraceutical from apple peels
- Alberta Diversification and Organizational Resilience Project
- Multidisciplinary Framework for Optimization of a Wingbox
- Environmental Monitoring Protocols for Phosphorus Monitoring in the Georgian Bay Biosphere Re
- Geology and Geochemistry of the Laird Lake Property, Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario
- LearnCloud: Crowdsourcing Educational Content for Syrian Refugee Children
- Is no news bad news? An investigation of local news poverty in Canada
- Restoration Research on Kelp Forest Habitats in the Salish Sea
- Color management for ultra-bright conditions in OLED Displays
- Meander Belt Delineation Procedure: An evaluation of current practices in Southern Ontario
- Investigating the Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms on Adiabatic Quantum Solvers Year Two
- Création d’un modèle d’attribution des campagnes marketing en ligne
- Genomic and metabolomic approaches to improving new economically important traits in pigs
- Amplifying the Developmental Impact of the Ernest C. Manning Youth Innovation Awards: An Evidence-Based Design for the First Canadian Youth Innovator Mentorship Network
- Stabilization of Gravel Roads
- Minimum Velocity, Pressure-Balanced Flow Control in a Multi-Primary System
- Photonic sensors for rapid and selective detection of bacteria in water – Year two
- Structural design of aerospace composites with Hybrid Fibre Architectures
- A study on the reliability of quantitative measures of the visual system and their correlation with change in concussion-associated symptoms
- A study of the hydrogeotechnical behavior of in-pit tailings and their interaction with the contact structures
- NOWCASTING: Enhancing wind power forecasts using live observational data
- Acoustically derived indicators of demersal and forage species productivity in the Strait of Georgia, and their link to the survival of juvenile salmon – Year two
- Targeting CD36 cell surface receptor to treat macrophage-induced chronic inflammation
- The use of improved antibody drug conjugates for targeted treatment of bladder cancer – Year two
- Improving decision-making by reducing anxiety
- Advancing Unstructured Data Extraction and its Use in Geoscience
- Improving implementation of the intensive lifestyle intervention and accuracy of lifestyle data collection in the REMIT-Dapa trial.
- Optimization of Euglena Fatty Acid Production: an Important Step towards the Commercialization of Euglena Oil
- Ciena OPn – WP 3.1.1 Supply Chain Agility, Life Cycle Management and Forecast Accuracy
- Advance Silicon-based lithium-ion batteries
- Leveraging genomic information to better understand the biological effect of major genes on reproduction and health traits in dairy cattle
- Biomolecular Quantitation and Structure Analysis to Accelerate Development of New Vaccines
- Understanding the Millennial Sports Fan
- Probiotics Alleviating Depressive Symptoms (PADS)
- Development of Tar Removal Technologies for Biomass Gasification
- Rail Bulb Replacement phase 2
- Mathematical Modelling of Carbon Dioxide Removal Using Micron-sized Water Droplets in C-3 Module Process
- Sulfur deportment in ferronickel production via Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace process
- Real-Time Modeling and Simulation of Alternative Modular Multilevel Converter Topologies
- Building Capacity in Health Care Providers to Effectively Communicate Health Risk Information related to HIV with Clients and Patients. Phases 2 and 3
- Calibration and characterization of micro-spectrometer
- Complex composite structure multifunction for aerospace COMP-1601
- Development of new methods for metabolomic screens
- Within Our Reach: Building Community Academic Partnerships in support of a National Food Policy
- Development of Li-Ion cells/batteries for low temperature applications
- Measuring Canadas Urban Forest Footprint
- Development of a debris-flow risk reduction design tool
- Application, efficacy and scale up of a novel extraction method for valorization of by-products of Ascophyllum nodosum extract processing
- Physiological Assessment and Analysis of the Physical Demand of Riding a Snowmobile
- High-Quality Urban Representation/iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth
- Understanding atmospheric peril risk across re/insurance portfolios
- Enhancing water stress tolerance in soybean through phytoglobin manipulations – Year two
- Design and validation of a novel peptide immunotherapeutic for the treatment of dog allergies – Year two
- Visualization of TBI Multimodal Brain Imaging Data
- Investigating the Health and Economic Benefits of Colostrum and Milk from Dairy Cattle Selected for Enhanced Immunity
- Using systems engineering as a framework to evaluate a Pre-residency program for international medical graduates
- The effects of unilateral dominant knee extensors fatigue on non-exercised contralateral and ipsilateral elbow flexors
- Building Scalable Business Transaction and Data Mining Systems For Insurance Workloads
- Sustainable Copper Extraction Using Synthetic Biology
- Impact of a pharmacist-led therapeutic nutritional intervention on medications and glucose control in type 2 diabetes
- Graphene-Based Drug/siRNA Nanocarriers for Cancer Treatment
- Time-Dependent Effects On Vertical Shafts Used In Micro-Tunneling applications In Queenston Shale
- Framework Design and Prototyping of a Personal Task and Time Management Mentor Package with A Dynamic, Multi-facet, Data-oriented and Associative Engineering Management Method
- Optimization of Hetnets for Urban and Built-up Environments
- Optimizing Natural Fibre Quality for Industrial Applications
- Ion Mobility Spectrometry for On-Site Detection of Cannabinoids in Oral Fluid
- Industrial application of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) for detection and monitoring of water pollutants
- Rhetorical foundations of procedurally generated game worlds
- Learning Depth from Transmissive Diffraction Mask based Sensor
- Provincial Criminalization, Health and Human Rights: Social Science Com-ponent
- Semantic question-answering systems for customer service automation
- Diagnostic Screening for Conscious Awareness in Brain Injury and Disease: Developing the Visual Component
- Using Mobile Augmented Reality for Customized STEM Education
- Investigating the feasibility of a sensor-based hip protector for automatically detecting falls and characterizing activities of daily living in frail older adults
- Mobility and Protection of Goaltender Upper Body Personal Protective Equipment
- Efficient Computations on Encrypted Data Stored in the Cloud
- Extension of Capabilities for the Measurement Radio Propagation Parameters in Cluttered 5G Coverage Scenarios
- Quantitative assessment of risks involved in mechanized skiing in Canada
- The Feasibility of Using Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) in Laying hen Diets
- Benefits of yeast derived mannan-oligosacchride supplementation on piglet gut microbial profiles and health
- Configuration Design, Modeling, and Simulation of the Smart Hybrid DC-AC Microgrid
- Policy implementation through Collective Decision-Making – a case study of a collaborative community-level strategic planning process on immigrant settlement and integration services
- Powder Morphology Effect Assessment on Cold Spray Process for Repair and Additive Manufacturing Applications
- Development of zero VOC solvents based on organic carbonate compounds
- Creating a Positive Safety Culture and Continuous Improvement in Albertas Construction Industry
- M.Sc. Master Thesis: The Dynamic of Incoterms Selection and Supply Chain Finance Performance
- Investigation of the Health Benefits of a Novel Sourdough Fermented Pasta
- Characterization of a novel personal aerosol measurement device
- Entrepreneurial Delegation
- Development of Standardized Laboratory and Semi-Field Methods for Assessing the Risk of Pesticide Exposure to Megachile rotundata F. – Year Two
- Encapsulation strategies for the enhanced performance of active ingredients in cosmetic products
- Water Monitoring: Instrumentation and Software Research Project
- Hydrogen Storage in Two-Dimensional Layered Nanomaterials: Synthesis – Year Two
- Advanced Methodology for Grid-to-Rod Fretting Modeling
- Using Engaged Philosophical Inquiry in Drug Education – Year Two
- Investigations in real-time spinal magnetometry using magnetoencephalography (MEG) for therapeutic biofeedback
- Casual Storytelling How theme, story and setting affect level of engagement in mobile games
- Imaging brain fuel metabolism in Alzheimers disease
- Heap leaching of refractory gold ore by integrating enhanced bio-oxidation of pyrite and chloride-based gold leaching
- Dynamic clustering of temporally incremental energy consumption patterns in a knowledge cloud
- Enhancing Operational Interoperability for Information Exchange in the Pork Industry
- Habitat selection by Common Nighthawks in Canadas boreal forest
- The Economic and Social Impact of Non-Motorized Outdoor Activity in Public Spaces in Alberta
- Estimating reservoir changes in a heavy oil reservoir through application of anelasticity and rock physics analysis to time-lapse seismic data
- Development and improvement of design manuals and analysis tools for Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs) in gas turbine engine applications
- Regional predictive mapping of paludification black spruce forests in the north eastern Canada using remote sensing and statistical modeling
- Advanced Earth Observation Technologies
- Quantifying the effects of the Green Energy Act and the determinants of resistance to wind turbine development in Ontario
- The Science of Body Sugaring Part 2
- Investigating the use of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Digital Content Creation with freehand 3D Sketching
- Hydrogen Storage in Two-Dimensional Layered Nanomaterials: Characterization – Year Two
- Atmospheric Acid Emissions, Climate Change, and Coastal Salmon Stream Ecosystems in British Columbia – Year Two
- Identification of copy number variation biomarkers in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
- Generating Insight for Continuing Care through Exploration of RAI-MDS Data with Data Analytics and Computational Mode
- Improving optics and illumination for smartphone-attached magnifier
- Efficient Security Provisioning in the Cloud Based on Network Security Defense Patterns Using Service Chaining
- Assessing the impacts of permafrost thaw driven changes to water resources in Canadas sub-Arctic using remote sensing and hydrological modelling
- Multi-dimensional and long-term reactive transport analysis of the geochemical stability of sedimentary basins
- Development of a renewable and small scaled heat and power generation system for remote location using woody biomass as fuel
- Controls on diagenetic evolution in Tithonian Jeanne dArc Formation, Terra Nova field: Implications for reservoir quality evolution
- Designing a Usable Software Lifecycle Traceability Language Part 2
- High Efficiency PFC Rectifier using Wide Band Gap Power Device
- Program Design and Evaluation of Conservation Messaging at Ducks Unlimited Canada Events and Centres
- Scenario optimization for robo-advisory analytics.
- Optical short reach interconnect
- Game private networks and game server performance emulation and evaluation
- Investigations into the stability of large power systems with embedded power electronic subsystems using frequency impedance scanning
- Implementing Community Climate Action Plans in Canada: The Relationship between Implementation Structure and Outcomes
- Measuring Knowledge Translation in Academic / Industry Collaborations
- Production Line Packaging Sensor Validation and Optimization
- Energy Harvesting and Power Management Techniques for Hybrid Powered Wearable Devices
- Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Relations in Canada
- Safety and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCAA) of a Network of Dual-Lane Multi-Modal Roundabouts
- Role of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on Gold Recovery from Sulphide Ores via Cyanidation and Thiosulphate Leaching Processes
- Respirable Crystalline Silica: A Risk Assessment Tool for the Construction Sector
- Developing a UAV-based camera for precision agriculture
- 100 Islands: Elucidating connections between land and ocean ecosystems
- Integrated photonic devices on silicon nitride for next-generation passive optical networks
- An Evaluation of the Sam Sullivan Disability Foundation
- Effects of feeding a yeast-derived microbial protein source on production, reproduction and behavioural parameters in transition dairy cows
- Legado Development: Net Zero Energy Capable Design Strategy
- Deterministic Decision Making Using All Geological Realizations
- Utilization of Machine Learning in an Automated Framework for Evaluation and Management of Information Security Risk
- Foundation design system for FortisBCs power poles
- Image matching for purposes of consumer recommendation
- Developing Prediction Models on London Stock Exchange (LSE) Equitiesand Indicies using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Applications of Neural Network Curve Fitting Methods for Least-squares Monte Carlo Simulations in Financial Risk Management
- Improving usage pattern quality by comparing different sequential pattern mining methods and the effect of considering additional user information
- Gearbox fault detection and failure prediction
- Investigation of cohesive-bed erodibility and water quality in semi-alluvial rivers
- Building Information Modeling Enabled Dependency Risk Analysis for Resilient Building Design and Operation
- Resilience of modern skyscrapers subject to natural hazards – Year two
- Sustainable Urban Development: Homebuyer Expectations and Implementation Challenges
- 3-D UAV Magnetometry for Improved Target Characterization in Mineral Exploration
- Testing Erosion Prediction Tools in the Simonette River Watershed, Northern Alberta
- In-silico identification of driver alterations and prediction of therapeutics targeting actionable drivers in prostate cancer
- Recovery of fish populations from environmental nanosilver release
- Low maintenance lawn with big climate footprint
- Web-based mobile mental health technology in an acute care setting
- Application and investigation of new material in tandem solar cells with enhancing IR spectral absorption
- Multi-Year Study of the Early Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Canada
- Bobolink and eastern meadowlark occupancy in different agricultural land cover types
- Large Consumer-Generated Data Optimization and Prediction
- Auditing in the cloud, Using OpenStack Congress
- Microbiota characterization and modulation through the use of generated probiotic strains to combat colitis-associated colon cancer
- Innovating in-field DNA acquisition for enhanced microbiologically influenced corrosion diagnostics
- Fostering Best Practice in Canadian Wastewater Systems
- How to improve eddy covariance data quality, model validation and user experience through the integration of soil gas flux measurements using Eosenses eosFD chamber
- Communication assisted hybrid overcurrent-transient directional protection scheme for active distribution networks
- Assessment of Tissue Viability in the Lower Extremity of Diabetic Patients
- Synchronicity between phytoplankton and zooplankton phenology in the Salish Sea
- Congestion Control for Ethernet Networks supporting ICN and 5G
- Pool-riffle design for river restora
- Innovative Financing for Energy Access The Role of Finance and Energy Service Companies in Promoting Energy Development
- Molecular characterization, autogenous vaccine manufacturing and vaccine potency studies of two pathogenic Avian Reovirus (ARV) field isolates from the Province of Alberta
- Credit Union Marketplace Lending Business Models
- Building Capacity in Health Care Providers to Effectively CommunicateHealth Risk Information related to HIV with Clients and Patients. Phase 1.
- Deciphering the role of the tumor suppressor p53 in regulating treatment-induced ovarian cancer cell fate decisions in vivo
- Adapting methods for assessing the impacts of innovation support programs for application to Canadas clean energy innovation ecosystem
- Development and validation of a tool for the measurement of hearing aid sound quality
- Software Framework for Smart Building Energy Audits
- Prediction of user intentions based on video captured interaction
- Modern tools for selecting disease-resistance traits in honey bees
- Rail Bulb Replacement
- Mushroom Harvesting System
- NGS-based estimation of quality of selective pre-amplification of bacterial RRN operon using Phi29
- Human Thermoregulation and Technical Apparel
- Multi-point shear-stress measurements on an impulsively started cylinder
- Formulation of Cationic Peptides by Hyperbranched Polyglycerols for the Treatment of Chronic Rhinosinusitis
- CryoDrive: The effects that implementation of cryogenic engines would have on underground mining processes
- Web-based Goal Management Training in older adults with cognitive impairment: a randomized-controlled trial examining feasibility and efficacy – Year two
- Drinking Water Treatment Infrastructure: Responding to Climate Change and Increasingly Variable Source Water Quality – Year two
- Prototype of a CHP system based on an upgraded gravity-feed wood-pellet furnaceintegrated with a steam-powered micro turbine for small- to mid-scale applications usingCFD simulation and experimental 2
- Embedding a Climate Change videogame in High Schools: Towards a Teacher’s Guide for Engaging Students with a Place-based Videogame Future Delta 2.0
- Sustainable Capacity Building in the North by the North
- Smart fusion of multi-sensors for UAVs Navigation
- Development and Validation of Software for the Three-dimensional Quantification and Visualization of Blood Flow Hemodynamics in Patients with Aortic Insufficiency using 4D flow MRI.
- Genetic evaluation of sow efficiency traits using single step genomic evaluation methods
- Statistical Modeling of Infarct Growth in Acute Ischemic Stroke
- A systems biology approach to investigate chemoresistance in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder.
- Predicting noise impact on fish communities in the western Canadian Arctic using Passive Acoustic Monitoring.
- Development and application of molecular tools to assess the acute and chronic impacts of petroleum hydrocarbons on birds
- Large-Area High-Performance Transparent Electrodes for Pen/Touch Sensor Research
- Maritime Domain Awareness: A Service-oriented Analytic Framework
- Optimization of novel drugs to treat cardiac arrhythmias
- GPU platforms for highly parallel EMT simulation
- Long-term response of boreal forest bird community to changes in habitat structure and configuration due to forestry and other land uses
- Development of new on-site sampling, high-throughput and high sensitive analysis for determination of small molecules in saliva
- Multi-Criteria Supply Chain Design and Management Tool for Food Convergent Innovation in Dairy Business
- An exploration of community-organised social enterprise in the development of local food system infrastructure
- Automatch
- Engineering Synthetic D-Proteins as Novel and Transformative Molecular Therapeutics Against Cancer Targets
- Definition of attributes of a TB vaccine critical to antigen uptake, processing and presentation
- Network Traffic Profiling for generating intrusion detection evaluation datasets
- Development of specific inhibitors and activators toassess the role of human Ephrin Receptors in health and disease
- Dual inhibition of CA9 and CA12 as effective novel anti-cancer therapy
- Computational Approaches for Characterizing Non-canonical Tandem Mass Spectra
- Towards the development of a Bayesian prognostic tool of air pollution in Ontario
- A fully customized image sensor for fluorescence imaging in biomedicine
- Developing a new magnetic sensor for application in biosensing and surveying
- Design and advancement of Graft Enabled Antibody Therapies (GrEAT)
- Operational analysis and optimization of the delivery of HIV treatment and care in Vancouver
- Activity recognition using physical layer information from wireless communications infrastructure
- Conversational Response Generation with Linguistic Context and Emotional Context
- Internet of Smarter Things: A Data-driven Perspective
- Characterization of the colloidal properties of concentrated casein micelles and improvement of the functionality of concentrated milk products using membrane filtration
- Development of Graphene Modified Cathode for Next Generation Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium Batteries
- Visual Analytics for Interactive Exploration and Monitoring of Consumer Health Data at Molecular You Corporation (MYCO)
- Optical liquid fingerprinting for dynamic process monitoring in nanofabrication
- Theoretical investigation of Asphaltene/Wax precipitation and deposition from crude oil: Study involving Nucleation kinetics and Bulk/Interfacial properties
- Framework for dialogue and learning with parents and professionals in the Central Okanagan; an examination of learning (related to stigmatization) across relations of power
- Fate of Salmonella during storage and brewing on tea blends
- Developing a Business Model for a Cleantech Accelerator
- Power transducer improvement for Etalim TAC heat engine
- Going beyond genomics: Applying gene editing to the bovine industry
- Development of a novel robust clone for the manufacturing of AVID100 biosimilar
- Develop integrated management of bacterial canker disease for greenhouse tomato
- Improving the calibration of a multi-camera system for accurate tool tracking
- Recommendations for Improving Wetland Compensation in Nova Scotia: Investigating Wetland Significance and Function for the Basis of Reclamation
- Stochastic Modelling of One Time Programmable Memory Bit Cell
- Evaluation of the potential benefits of the implementation of battery-powered electric LHD (load-haul-dump) machines in the conditions of a deep underground gold mine
- A Quality Assurance Framework for Care Process Management
- The SAVI Smart Edge Deploying D2D with Massive Multiple In Multiple Out (MIMO) Antenna Architectures
- Assessment and Development of Swaged Mechanical Splicing Systems
- Study of Ultra-High By-Pass Ratio turboengine integration and noise reduction with Large Eddy Simulations.
- A novel approach for new treatments for iron overload diseases
- Prioritizing decision-making for agriculture and conservation in North America’s prairies under climate change and land-use change
- Smart mutational exploration of the CalB lipase active site using a combination of virtual screening and iterative saturation mutagenesis
- Validation of a Machine Vision-based System for the Recognition of Indian Coins
- Evolved Radio Access for Wireless Cellular Communication Systems – Year Two
- Optimizing Numerical Weather Prediction for Clean Energy
- Study on Coal and Coke Mineralogy and Development of a Model to Predict Reactivity from Mineralogy of Coking Coals
- Monitoring the genetic health and structure of Grizzly bear populations in British Columbia to inform ecotourism and resource management
- Fast and robust real-time precise point positioning
- Biomarkers of Spinal Cord Injury
- Development of low-cost feeding strategies for group-housed gestating sows
- Synthetic Routes to ATA and Related Derivatives
- Improving government performance through pay-for-success and pay-for-performance approaches
- Radio Acoustical Virtual Environment: from Lab to Field
- Establishing baseline heart rate variability profiles for exercise prescription and health monitoring among Special Olympics athletes
- Duplicate detection for billing systems
- Development of colony-specific genetic markers for murres hunted off Newfoundland and Labrador
- Characterization of a senescence response that occurs during androgen-depletion therapy in prostate cancer ce
- Deep learning for tooth wear monitoring of mining shovels
- Agent-based scheduling in community health care
- Development of An Alternative Landfill Barrier Material From Treatment Plant Residual Solids
- Appreciating, Empowering, Motivating and Managing Workplace Diversity
- RF Characterization of High Frequency Channels for 5G Dense Indoor Small Cells
- Development of an advanced modeling platform for assessing chemical and mechanicalmembrane durability in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells – Year Two
- Development and Assessment of Vitamin-Enriched Granule Extracts from Egg Yolk
- Three-dimensional numerical simulation tool for the optimization of electromagnetic force feedback actuators
- Rethinking Seafood Production: Developing Sustainable Communities with Land-Raised Fish
- Increasing support for posthumous organ donation in Canada: Preaching to the Unconverted
- Integrated pathogen management of co-infection in Atlantic salmon
- Research on data collection and collaboration from multiple diverse sources in the pharmaceutical vertical
- Geologically-constrained geophysical inversions of a kimberlite pipe: A new approach to diamond exploration
- New methodology for seismic assessment and design of Non-Structural Components (NSCs) of building based on Ambient Vibration Measurements (AVM)
- Risk Alive Analytics
- Design and Application of a High Pressure Microwave Drop-In Biofuel Reactor System
- Potential clinical uses of glycopeptides
- A Review of Doctoral Dissertation and Comprehensive/Candidate Exam Models in Canada in Relation to Learning Outcomes Relevant to Both Academic and Non-Academic Careers
- Identification of medical marijuana cultivars with novel therapeutic potential
- Life Cycle Assessment of Diesel Fuel Production from Woody Biomass in Nova Scotia
- Flexible In-Home Caching for Video Streaming Services
- Investigation of electrochemical post-processing procedure for Ti-6Al-4V lattice structure manufactured by Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)
- Thermo-economic assessment and experimental investigation of renewable energy based NH3 production options for clean energy communities
- Torsional Effects on Structural Self-Tapping Screws in Canadian Douglas Fir
- Evaluation of a Multi-Factor Retirement Planning Tool: The Reliability and Validity of the Retireability Score (RS)
- A new flow cytometry platform to evaluate the efficacy of immunotherapies and vaccines
- Novel Approaches for Practical Machine Learning
- A life cycle impact assessment methodology based on planetary boundaries
- Long-Term Ecosystem Monitoring of the British Columbia Coast across a Gradient of Human Stressors – Year Two
- Testing efficacy of bird deterrents for use at wind energy facilities
- Rapid Access to CT to Streamline Emergency Care
- Predictive Analytics and Applications for Clinical Support in Orthopaedics
- Study the effect of magnetic liner on ball milling efficiency utilizing DEM modelling
- Searching for quantum speedup in quantum annealers
- Optimization of the stem/gate connection of industrial valves experimentation and modeling
- Investigation of possible surface contamination from a deep waste disposal injection well in Northeastern, British Columbia, Canada
- Examining salmon population dynamics on the Central Coast of British Columbia to inform conservation and management
- Robust and Automatic Knee Cartilage Segmentation on MRI Images Segmentation robuste et automatique du cartilage du genou sur des images d’IRM
- Development, application, and testing of an environmental fate model for assessing wastewater remediation capacity of treatment wetlands
- Evaluation and Identification of Gaps and Technical Challenges in Candidate Carbon Capture/CO2 Conversion Technologies
- Evaluating Performance of Polymer Membranes for Fuel Cell Humidifier Applications
- The use of assistive technology in school-aged children with learning disorders
- Surgical prehabilitation of cancer patients undergoing surgical resection. Modalities to mitigate the level of anxiety and depression prior to surgery
- External Cavity Laser Integrated with Silicon Photonic Systems
- Best Practice Models for Compliance to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the Alberta Business Environment
- Interaction-Indexed Search for Classroom Electronic Whiteboards
- Methods for constrained scheduling optimization
- Centre for Operations Excellence Industry Projects 2016
- Improving in-situ SVE remediation process through an integrated stochastic simulation-optimization system at the Cantuar sitea
- Instructor Implemented Positive Behaviour Support in a Fitness Program for Adolescents and Adults with Autism
- An Interdisciplinary Approach to Investigating Innovative Online and Blended Pedagogical Practices – Duplicated
- Refocusing and All-In-Focus Images for Angle-Sensitive Pixel Camera
- Modelling transient flow in a hydropower station
- Hardware in the loop simulation for model scale wave energy converters
- Constructing data-adaptive dictionaries for robust sparse feature selection in classification of noisy electro-dermal activity data
- Review of Effectiveness of Investments in Renewable Energy for Social and Affordable Housing
- Mortality rate modeling: applications to the pricing of longevity-linked financial derivative instruments and a study of the effectiveness of these hedging instruments in a pension risk management str
- Developing a novel solar cell incorporating graphene and collaborative technologies
- Integrated hydrodynamic and water quality modelling tool for the Toronto Waterfront – Year Two
- Impact of a cognitive intervention program for adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Early warning indicators as tools for freshwater monitoring
- Evaluation of Pre-Participation Screening and Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Masters Athletes in British Columbia
- Reddit Community Analysis
- Methods to assess botanical extracts for potential plant growth stimulating or pest growth inhibiting action on crops
- Surface Rights in the Dasiqox Tribal Park
- Enhanced and Conformation Specific G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) Expression for Autoimmune Diagnostics
- Real-time ultra-deep mining geotechnical hazard prediction using statistical algorithms
- Multiphysics Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems
- Evaluating the impact of the BC Dairy Association Food Explorers program on willingness to try new foods in children
- Development of a numerical wave uprush prediction tool for the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River shoreline Phase 2
- In-motion 3D Modeling and Image-based Metric Measurement of Vehicles using Laser Optics Technology
- Development of an Industrial Design Workflow to Incorporate 3D Scanning for Manufacturing Tooling Processes
- Underwater Acoustic Channel Characterization for Ultra-Sonic Communication Applications
- Plant infestation diagnosis using a high-resolution sensory system for detection of biogenic signals
- Optimization of parameters in Blade Element model for Helicopter Training Simulators
- X-ray Microtomography Imaging and Finite Element Modeling of Copper-Coated Steel Corrosion Processes for Long-Term Nuclear Waste Management
- Scaling Geocontextualization
- Accelerating Roll-out of Electric Vehicles in the GTA
- Evaluation and design of a novel CO2 methanation reactor integrated into a Biogas upgrading facility
- Extrusion of Metal Matrix Composite material: orientation of reinforcements and transfer of properties
- Understanding the social function of pre-trial detention: A comparative study between Canada and France
- Dynamic Control of Robotic Arm
- Real-time fault diagnosis and prediction in structures under earthquake excitation
- Ottan Thullal: A Vanishing Indian Preforming Art
- Pyrolysis of Rice Husks and Analysis of Biochar and Bio-oil
- Lattice Boltzmann modeling of moving boundaries
- Deployment of wireless sensor networks for air pollution monitoring
- Exploring livelihood change in upland rural Hmong villages in Maguan County, Yunnan, China
- High-frequency ultrasound and optical coherent tomography application for imaging, diagnosis, and measurements on samples of soft and hard tissues
- Scale Up of the Circulating Fluizied Bed Bioreactor for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
- Bounds on LDPC codes
- A Framework for Travelling Fires in Structural Design
- Deficit Irrigation and Crop Size Adjustment Strategies for Improving the Concentration of Aromatic Compounds in White Grapes in British Columbia Climates
- Development of wearable device for real time non-contact hydration monitoring
- Scaling up regional food systems in AB
- Detection and characterization of biodegradable polymeric biomaterials
- Inhibition of the fungal-specific histone deacetylase Hst3: a novel broad spectrum strategy to fight fungal pathogens
- Characterization of graphene-based composites
- Assessing soil parameters using reflectance spectroscopy
- Probabilistic Evaluation of Distribution Networks Containing Distributed Energy Sources, Energy Storage and Electric Vehicles
- Cyanide-Free Leaching of Gold Using Iodine/Iodide based lixivinat
- Generation Z: Understanding Canadas Newest Youth Generation
- Modulation of the apelinergic system in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH): cardiovascular impact of endogenous peptides and Apelin derivate compound with C-terminal modification
- Development of design methodology for customizable add-on products
- Developing advanced ore sorting sensing systems for gold deposits
- Evaluation of adsorbents properties and optimization of adsorption based processes for gas separations
- Profiling Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOCs); Progress Toward Detection of Various Mould Species via Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- Selective recovery of antimony and arsenic from copper sulphide concentrate
- Cisgenic AG704.10 potato cultivar with enhanced late blight resistance and mineral bioavailability
- Internet of things for rural and remote areas over TVWS backhaul
- Nutritional and exercise recovery strategies to improve sports performance in young athletes the need for protein
- Quini Data Changing the wine industry with sensory and behavior wine intelligence solutions
- Physical simulation of light sources for integrated photonics
- Feasibility Study of a TV-Based Video Chat Technology for Elderly with Dementia
- RF Resonant Chemical Sensor System for Biomarker Detection and Biomedical Applications
- Modeling of dynamic seat and backrest adjustments for manual wheelchairs
- Monitoring the Health of Vancouvers Waterfront Over Time Using Indicators of Sustainability
- Modelling wood quality and its implications for lumber recovery in variable retention stands
- Characterizing phytochemical content of bioactive coffee leaf materials for use in coffee tea leaf beverages
- Optimal Two-Dimensional Energy Management of Grid-Connected Thermal/Electrical Hybrid Energy System
- Stochastic optimization of a hydroelectric production system for the aluminium industry
- The Semaphorins, a role Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
- Point of Care Testing for Food Safety: Development of Rapid Assays for Salmonella and Campylobacter
- Haptic Trim Actuator Test Bench Qualification for Safety of Flight
- Magneto-Rheological Shimmy Damper
- En Route to 5G: Long-term Evolution (LTE) Enhancements for the Internet of Things (IoT) – Year Two
- Document Engineering via Semantic Correlations – Year Two
- Mathematical modeling of B-vitamin supply in dairy cows
- From trees to bluebirds: the communication of conservation on Vancouver Island
- Performance Based Seismic Design Guidelines for Sprayed-FRP Retrofitted Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
- Design of an Interface for the Intuitive Control of a Unmanned Air Vehicle fleet in Emergency Situations
- Declassification and valorization of char materials from biofuels production
- Improving signal processing in hearing aids to support music and emotional speech
- Feature extraction using 3D data acquired with a mobile scanning system designed for underground mining
- Design of Polar Codes for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Communication Systems: Constellation and Code Design
- Statistical analysis and interpretation of metabolite profiling results
- Enhancing performance in Canadian athletes: A novel and integrated approach to neurofeedback and heart rate variability biofeedback training in the daily training environment
- Evaluation of cyanide and thiosulphate lixiviant systems for KSM Seabridge gold circuit
- Mitigating the risks associated with radio-frequency cardiac ablation
- A remote sensing-based wetland inventory and classification framework for Newfoundland and Labrador using satellite optical and synthetic aperture radar data
- Designing multi-family housing to boost social capital and psychological well-being
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Western Basin of Lake Erie
- Recovery as a signal – understanding long term ecological change with discrete disturbances
- Complying With Privacy Legislation in a Globally Connected Technological World: Challenges and Solutions
- Social and informational strategies for reducing electricity and natural gas consumption in multi-unit residential buildings
- Resource Allocation for Cloud-Based Notary Service
- Evaluating The Microbial Function and Community Dynamics of BIOCORD Technology in a Full Scale waste water treatment Plant in Dundalk County
- Graphene Oxide membranes for acoustic drivers
- Technology to improve walking competency in seniors
- Development of improved condensing system for biomass pyrolysis process
- Kinetics of dispersion of fine phosphate particles associated with organic matter
- Exploratory study: modification of sludge based sorbents for nutrient removal from stormwater runoff
- Comparative Analysis of Milking Systems in Nova Scotia to improve efficiency and sustainability of water resource
- Structural colors on polymers by femtosecond laser irradiation
- Optimization and validation of carbon nanofiber catalyst supports in fuel cell stack
- Limb sparing in dogs using patient-specific endoprostheses and cutting guides: design, manufacture and validation
- University-to-Work Transition Project
- Advanced mapping techniques applied to wetland drone base information
- Enteroids and enteroid derived monolayer cultures: Using primary intestinal epithelial cell cultures to define the mechanisms underlying epithelial intrinsic innate defenses
- Precast Concrete Carbonation under Ambient Conditions
- Topological Network Analysis for Transportation and Water Management Systems
- Optimizing inter-device interaction in Drone-Aided Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (DA-MANET) for Humanitarian Mission deployment
- Comparing and Improving Approaches to Topic Modeling
- Evaluating the prospective benefits of physical demands description (PDD) data created from job simulations
- Mevalonate Cascade Inhibition Sensitizes human Glioblastoma Cells to Temozolomide via Modulation of Autophagy
- Passive optical remote sensing of channel bathymetry for monitoring of large river morphodynamics
- Development of Additives in Pellet Form For Asphalt Mixes Containing Recycled Asphalt
- Life-cycle cost analysis of compressed air energy storage systems
- Looking at the Physical and Psychosocial Outcomes of an After-School Physical Activity Intervention for Children with Congenital Heart Disease
- Development of an Equity Risk Score System and Interest Rate Shock Modelling for Value-at-Risk Computation
- Games as Analogical Scaffolds in Teaching and Learning
- Acoustics Modeling of ecoCUBE
- Leveraging data analytics in modern tax function
- Application of Variable Speed Drives for Improved Grinding Energy Efficiency
- A Sequential Model to Recognize Depression Acuity Using Social Media and Physical Activity
- Environmental and social risk assessment to support informed collaborative decision making for vegetation management of northern Rights-of-Way
- Mycobiota dysbiosis in colitis-associated colorectal cancer
- Fast predictive design of preforms, patterns, darts and ply book for non-structural aerospace composites
- Design and Development of a High-Resolution Sensory System for Detection of Biogenic Signals – Year Two
- Diversity of coastal eelgrass communities and their importance for maintaining juvenile Pacific salmon – Year Two
- Development and Delivery of Inhibitors for Viral Pathogenic Deubiquitinases – Year Two
- Versatile applications of a safe and efficient peptide in gene/drug delivery – Year Two
- Magneto-Rheological Actuator for Active Vehicle Suspensions – Year two
- Manitoba Rural Broadband: A Capitals Assessment in Rural Communities
- Vital signs monitoring at home using the pulse oximeter utilizing analog sensors on a mobile device
- Understanding the Relationship between Angel Investing Activity and Early-Stage Investing Ecosystem in Canada
- Development and application of a pollution biomonitoring tool for coastal British Columbia: A caged mussel health index
- Establishing Physiological Norms for Brain Activity using Portable Electroencephalography
- Graphene-Oxide Strengthened Separator to Suppress Zinc Dendrites
- The Future of Mandatory Charging for Intimate Partner Violence: Status quo or alternative direction? Phases II and III
- Impact of Lake Recovery on Agricultural Ecosystem Services
- Appropriate Neuromuscular Rolling Intensities and Applications
- Identification of transcription factors involved in cannabinoid biosynthesis and glandular trichome formation – Year two
- Design of seismic force resistant cross-laminated-timber walls and interior partition walls – year 2
- Chromosome Engineering for Bioproducts from Methanotrophs – Year Two
- Alternative management of pulp and paper mill sludge: a cost-effective solution to generate carbon offsets – Year Two
- Quantifying Erosional Processes to Inform Management Policy
- Development and proof-of-concept evaluation of 3D reconstruction molecular research tools
- Calibration of a Novel Orifice Plate Flow-meter
- Utilization of Asparaginase-expressing yeast for the treatment of leukemia
- Chemical foaming of glass fiber reinforced recycled PET (rPET) and the injection molding performance of the foamable compound
- Validation of Quality of Life Instruments for acne involving face and torso; and for hidradenitis suppurativa
- The Recess Project
- Immune modulation with checkpoint inhibitor antibodies targeting GITR or OX40 to improve cancer immune therapy with DepoVaxTM vaccine and metronomic cyclophosphamide
- Segment-based Fleet Management System for Semi Real-Time Analysis
- Controlling microbial processes in fracing fluids
- One-Way Degassing Valve Design, Function and Application in Coffee Packaging
- Advancing Visualization for Mobile E-Commerce Clickstream Data
- Utilization of Supersolidus Liquid Phase Sintering (SLPS) in Metal Injection Molding (MIM) for Superalloys in aerospace applications
- Oil and lipid improvements in field pea to develop a non-traditional oilseedcrop
- Models, algorithms and technologies for the treatment of atrial fibrillation caused by heart blockages
- Statistical and Physiological Beat Modelling of Seismocardiogram Signal
- Assessing the validity of virtual simulation as a learning tool in the medical field.
- Implementation and Evaluation of an Integrated Chiropractic Service for Musculoskeletal Conditions into the Canadian Forces Health Service
- The use of inertial measurement units to quantify sport-specific movement patterns in elite sprint kayak athletes
- Improved Care for High Risk Arthritis Patients
- Development of Advanced In-Situ Recovery Technologies for Oil San
- An initial evaluation of the working memory impacts of a cognitive training program for children with learning disabilities
- Adaptive User Interfaces for Product Recommender Systems
- Seasonal operational model for water management within irrigation districts
- Study of the Catalytic Effect of MFD on CuFeS2 Leaching
- Crif1 : Protein expression, purification and crystallisation
- Enhancement of signal quality in Near Infra-Red (NIR) spontaneous Raman spectroscopy using coherent detection techniques for use in real-time cancer microsurgeries
- Improved Powder Production Processes: An Exploration of Atmospheric Spray Freeze Drying
- Evaluating the effectiveness of real time image filtering in multi-platform live broadcasting and interactive VR installations as means for artistic expression
- Preparation of a new formulation to prevent surgical adhesions
- Unmanned Air Vehicles: Conformal Antenna and Shape Sensing in Flexible Aeroservoelastic Flight Demonstrators
- Concussion Diagnosis: Improving clinical decision making in football
- An investigation on software quality measurement
- Resisted sprinting and ischemic preconditioning as ergogenic aids in high-level sprinters
- Intelligent Residential Energy Management Utility Controller
- Pelvic Floor Health and Sexual Well-Being in Men
- Developing Prediction Models on S&P 500 Index using Social Sentiment and News Events
- Developing Grassland Songbird Management Targets for Multi-Species Conservation on Mixed-grass Prairie Rangelands
- Recurrent Deep Architectures for Modeling Time Series Data
- Algae Wastewater Treatment Rosebud Pilot
- Soil Gas Field and Analytical Research at Tundra Sinclair Field
- Towards Detection of Subclinical Joint Bleeds in Hemophiliacs: Advanced Imaging
- Developing metabarcoding approaches to describe the fish diversity within a diversity of aquatic habitats
- Genomic methods for herbal supplement quality assurance
- Towards personalized surgical spine reconstruction post tumour resection
- Radiation Modulated Nanomedicine Delivery
- The Impact of Renovations in Long Term Care Living Spaces on Residents with Dementia, their Families and the Staff that Care for Them
- The role of humpback whale predation on commercial fish population dynamics in British Columbia
- Automated Generation of Software Tools to Support Data Ingestion for Environmental Modelling and Monitoring
- Multi-agent Quadrotor Control and Distributed Intelligence in GPS Denied Environments
- Statistical and Machine Learning with Applications to a Hybrid Recommender System for Retail Data
- Tumor engineering of biomaterial based cancer models for drug screening
- Freeze-drying of antibiotic vials: monitoring and optimizing process trajectories on an industrial scale
- Malicious Traffic Predictive Indicators in Content Delivery Networks: a Big Data Analytics Approach
- Development of new seaweed based plant biostimulant products and understanding their mode of action
- Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and New Forms ofPolitical Engagement in Canada
- Understanding changes in corticospinal excitability due to chronic resistance training and fatigue
- Development of a method using immuno-Raman for the simultaneous imaging of 15 biomarkers for immunotherapy of breast cancer.
- Metamaterial in Solar Energy Harvesting Devices
- Complex Continuing Care in a Rural Hospital: Optimizing community-based health care
- Early Childhood Education project
- Analysis of the implementation of a Model-Based Systems Engineering approach for the conceptual design of advanced aircraft high-lift system architectures
- Operation Strategies for Energy Storage Systems in a Wind Park
- Design and Implementation of a database driven website for IIBC Canada-based online Application
- Implicit Feedback Based Personalized Recommender System Using Collaborative Denoising Autoencoder
- Stand and stock table projection system for Interior Douglas-fir in the central interior of British Columbia
- Software Defined Security Orchestrator for Content Delivery Networks
- Expanding the concept of avalanche climate: Detailed insights into the nature and variability of avalanche hazard in Western Canada between 2009/10 and 2016/17
- Design of an EV Charging Infrastructure: DC Grid for High Density Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging and other DC Loads
- Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater using Nanotechnology
- Farming Diversity: Womens Past, Present, and Future in Canadian Egg Farming
- Transitional REM Sleep Brain Connectomes and Seizure Susceptibility
- Modelling excessive scour in river channels
- Annual survey of Ontarios publicly funded education system
- Upgrading of heavy and high-contaminant Hydrofaction™ Renewable Crude Oil, to transport fuel blendstock.
- Upgrading of heavy and high-contaminant Hydrofaction™ Oil, to fuels blendstock with the use of Catalytic Steam Cracking
- Upgrading of Hydrofaction™ Oil to transport fuel blendstock
- Is the financial contribution of the partner organization subject to taxes?
- Is my project eligible if it is not in one of the themes listed?
- I don’t have contacts at the institution where I want to develop a project; how do I get connected with them?
- I don’t see my institution in the list of participating international partners. Is there another program to which I could apply
- What language can I submit an application in?
- Can applicants travel to their host country before receiving the result of their application?
- Can Mitacs allow for virtual interaction with partner organizations and academic institutions?
- Can I extend my project?
- How and when will I receive the JSPS portions of the award?
- How will I receive my Mitacs funds?
- Will I receive my Mitacs funds before my departure?
- Can my outcome letter be issued before April?
- I applied for the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program. When will I receive my results?
- I am a student who is interested in taking part in the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program. Can Mitacs help me find a host academic supervisor?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during the course of a research project?
- What status will I have at my home academic institution while I am in my host country?
- Does JSPS provide funding for the host academic supervisor?
- Is a postdoctoral fellow eligible to support a Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program participant as a home academic supervisor?
- Can professors from any academic institution in Japan host a Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program participant?
- Can professors from any Canadian academic institution support a Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program participant?
- Which academic institutions and research institutions are eligible to host a project?
- Which disciplines are eligible for the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program?
- Does my Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program research project have to be a certain length?
- When can I conduct a Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program research project?
- Are postdoctoral fellows eligible for a Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program?
- I am an undergraduate student, am I eligible to participate in the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program?
- Do I need to apply through the RISE Germany application portal and to Mitacs?
- Can I receive both Mitacs and DAAD funding?
- Do I need to have a Canadian supervisor for the RISE-GRI program?
- Where can I learn about the DAAD’s RISE Germany program?
- What is the RISE-GRI program, and how does it relate to the DAAD’s RISE Germany program?
- I cannot submit my application. What should I do?
- Can I show up late to Mitacs Training instructor-led course?
- Can I attend part of a Mitacs Training course?
- How do I receive acknowledgement of participation in a workshop?
- How do I cancel my course registration(s)?
- I am unable to cancel my registration(s), what can I do?
- Where can I find a list of upcoming Mitacs Training courses at my institution or in my region?
- How do I register for an instructor-led course?
- How do I register for Mitacs Training courses?
- I am on the waitlist for a course. How and when will I be notified if/when I have been added to the course?
- Where can I find the pre-course materials?
- I was not born in Canada but attend a Canadian institution. Am I eligible to attend Mitacs Training courses?
- How do I know if I am registered or on the waiting list for a course?
- Who is eligible to participate in Mitacs Training courses?
- I am no longer a university student. Can I still attend Mitacs courses?
- Do your courses favour some disciplines over others?
- What kind of courses are offered?
- Where are Mitacs Training courses currently offered?
- How will Mitacs distribute the funds to students? Do I need to contribute any funds to the interns?
- How much are Globalink Research Internships worth? What amount can I put on my CV?
- I submitted a research project for the Globalink Research Internship program. What is its status?
- Can I nominate a specific international student to become a Globalink research intern and work on my research project?
- I submitted a project proposal and was not matched with a Globalink research intern. Why did this happen?
- Can postdoctoral fellows host a Globalink research intern?
- Can professors from any Canadian university apply for Globalink Research Internships?
- Does the Globalink Research Internship provide funding for professors who host Globalink research interns?
- Can I have more than one Globalink Research Intern placement per year?
- To which disciplines is a Globalink Research Internship open?
- Can applicants reapply for GGF?
- When will applicants receive their fellowship?
- When will applicants know that they have been awarded a GGF?
- What are the enrollment guidelines if my application is successful?
- How does Mitacs decide who is offered a fellowship?
- How long does it last?
- What is the value of the fellowship?
- What are the steps to apply for the fellowship?
- When is the deadline to apply?
- Which programs are eligible?
- Who is eligible for a Mitacs Globalink Graduate Fellowship?
- Does Mitacs provide funding for the host academic supervisor?
- Can Mitacs provide guidance to applicants regarding obtaining visas and work permits (either for Canada or abroad)?
- When will the Globalink Research Award funds be available?
- When will application results be provided?
- There will be two host supervisors on the project. What should be included in the application?
- When should applications be submitted?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during a research project?
- Do applicants need the Canadian institution endorsement for an application?
- Are alumni of the RISE-Globalink Research Internship eligible for a Mitacs Globalink Research Award?
- Can a home and/or host supervisor support concurrent Mitacs Globalink Research Awards?
- Can the home supervisor be a professor affiliated to an institution other than the intern’s home institution?
- Can applicants submit a project with multiple host and/or home institutions?
- Are postdoctoral fellows eligible for a Mitacs Globalink Research Award?
- Are undergraduate students eligible for a Mitacs Globalink Research Award?
- What is considered an eligible Canadian institution?
- Can Mitacs allow for virtual interaction with partner organizations and academic institutions?
- Does Mitacs require Form 300s / Statements of Account from the academic institutions at the end of each Elevate fellowship?
- If a fellow cannot complete the full term of their Mitacs Elevate fellowship, what is the procedure for returning the unused contribution funds to their academic supervisor/partner organization?
- Can fellows take Parental Leave while in the program?
- Can a fellow change their academic supervisor, academic institution and/or partner organization for the second year of the fellowship?
- Is the Elevate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?
- Can a partner organization submit payments of their contribution funds in installments?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- What does the professional development component for Elevate involve?
- When can students start the fellowship?
- How many fellowships will be awarded?
- How long does the fellowship last?
- Does the fellow need to be identified at the time of application?
- Can a student use their research costs to offset their relocation costs?
- If a project requires ethics/animal care/biohazard review, does the student have to submit the approval from the academic institution review committee with their application?
- Is there a template for the CV?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $30,000 per year?
- Are partner organization funds that are matched by other organizations eligible for Elevate?
- Is it OK if a student wishes to work with a very small company?
- If there’s no need for a student to go to the partner organization’s facilities, are they allowed to do all the research at their academic institution?
- Is an existing collaboration with a partner eligible?
- Can the partner organization be a not-for-profit?
- Is an academic supervisor who owns a spin-off company an eligible partner?
- Can an academic supervisor be an adjunct professor or an assistant professor?
- Is a student who currently holds an NSERC/CIHR/SSHRC or Mitacs Accelerate postdoctoral scholarship eligible?
- Is a student who received their PhD from an international academic institution still eligible for the program?
- If an academic supervisor must contribute funds, how is this administered?
- Why are some academic institutions required to contribute $5,000 per year?
- Which academic institutions are eligible for Mitacs Elevate?
- Can a fellow who has not yet defended their PhD by the application deadline still apply?
- Are part-time postdoctoral fellows eligible?
- Does a student need to be a recent PhD to apply?
- Is Mitacs Elevate open to fellows in any academic discipline?
- Are the professional training and networking events mandatory?
- Can applicants work remotely, or do they need to move to the physical location of their host office?
- Does Mitacs or the government host office cover the cost of relocation?
- Is it possible to start the fellowship in any other month besides September?
- Can applicants reapply for a fellowship if they are not matched?
- Will Mitacs provide feedback on applications once submitted?
- How does Mitacs evaluate applications?
- When will applicants receive notification of their application status, and whether they have made it to the semi-finalist list?
- What happens if one or both letters of reference arrive late or do not arrive at all?
- How will applicants know that Mitacs has received their application?
- Why is Mitacs collecting information about applicants’ gender or other diversity-related categories?
- How are host office locations selected?
- Why are there fewer fellowships than host applications in previous years of the program?
- How many fellowships are awarded per year?
- When will applicants get to see the available host position descriptions?
- How is a competitive fellow application prepared?
- Can students apply to the fellowship if they are finishing their degree after the application deadline but before the fellowship starts?
- Do applicants need to have a secured postdoc position to apply?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What needs to be done to complete a project?
- How can the flexible project funds be spent?
- Can academic supervisors and/or co-supervisors supervise more than one internship?
- What if an intern has applied for the program and started working, but hasn’t been paid?
- When should projects start?
- Is it possible to have multiple interns per proposal?
- What if the PDF download of the application in RAP doesn’t download correctly?
- What if an applicant can’t move forward in their RAP application?
- Are international students eligible?
- Which academic institutions can use the program?
- Are recent graduates eligible for this program?
- Can part-time students do this program?
- Can an intern or academic supervisor participate in the program if there is a conflict of interest (COI)?
- How do applicants apply to the program? Where can they access the Business Strategy Internship (BSI) application form?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- How can the flexible research funds be spent?
- What can be done if an internship proposal was not approved?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- How does the funding work?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- How can the flexible research funds be spent?
- What can be done if an internship proposal was not approved?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- How does the funding work?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- How can the flexible research funds be spent?
- What can be done if an internship proposal was not approved?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- How does the funding work?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- How can the flexible research funds be spent?
- What can be done if an internship proposal was not approved?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- How does the funding work?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- Can an applicant apply for a second travel grant while they’re abroad to extend my trip?
- What happens if an applicant’s trip changes shortly before they go, or while they’re abroad?
- If a Mitacs Entrepreneur International application has been approved, when will the travel grant be available?
- What can an applicant do if their application was not approved?
- Can an applicant participate in multiple Mitacs programs at the same time?
- Can Mitacs help an applicant get the necessary travel documents?
- If an applicant is interested in a Mitacs Entrepreneur International travel subsidy to support their company’s international-growth goals, can Mitacs help them find an international host incubator?
- Which Canadian incubators or accelerators are eligible as Home Incubators under the Mitacs Entrepreneur International initiative?
- Can the travel grant be retroactive for a recent business trip or eligible costs the applicant incurred?
- Why is Mitacs asking that the Home Incubator contact be a company mentor or advisor?
- Does it matter which sector the start-up is from?
- Is a consultant, contractor, or intern eligible for travel?
- Are applicants who are still students eligible?
- Are there any limits on the length of the trip?
- Can an applicant tack on personal travel to their business trip at no cost to Mitacs?
- Can an applicant have multiple growth goals for their planned business trip?
- How many travel grants can an applicant apply for?
- Can an applicant apply for multiple Mitacs Entrepreneur International travel grants at the same time?
- Can an applicant travel to multiple eligible target markets?
- What kinds of events and courses will interns be invited to attend?
- How long are students expected to stay in Canada for the Globalink Research Internship?
- What are a student’s responsibilities if they are accepted as a Globalink research intern?
- What can students do if they’re not accepted into the program?
- If a student is accepted for a Globalink Research Internship, when will they find out the details of their internship?
- What happens next after a student has completed their Globalink Research Internship application?
- What can a student do if they’re having technical difficulties completing my application?
- What can a student do if the deadline has passed but they made an error in their application?
- Can applications be submitted by email?
- When is the deadline for applications?
- Can students apply for a project that is not in their academic discipline?
- Do you have projects in the social sciences field?
- Can a student work with a Canadian professor who does not have a project on the list?
- How many research projects can a student apply for?
- If a student doesn’t have all their documents ready yet and starts an application now, can they log back in and finish it later?
- What should students include under the Research section of the application form?
- What if a student does not have a passport, or their passport is not valid up until January 2023?
- Can a student submit more than one transcript?
- What is considered a complete application?
- Can a student’s reference letter be written by an academic institution staff member?
- Can a student’s reference letter be written by any professor at their academic institution?
- Is a language proficiency score required for Globalink Research Internship?
- How does Mitacs assess the applications?
- There is no “Submit” button – how is an application submitted through the Student Platform?
- How does a student submit an application?
- Is Globalink Research Internship open to graduate students or postdoctoral fellows?
- What if a student’s home institution is not on the drop-down list of eligible universities?
- Where is the list of eligible universities?
- If a student is not enrolled full time at an academic institution in one of the countries or regions listed, what can they do?
- How does a student become a Globalink research intern?
- What does Globalink Research Internship offer to interns?
- What is a Globalink Research Internship?
- Do you have any additional questions?
- Can applicants reapply for GGF?
- When will applicants receive their fellowship?
- When will applicants know that they have been awarded a GGF?
- What are the enrollment guidelines if my application is successful?
- How does Mitacs decide who is offered a fellowship?
- How long does it last?
- What is the value of the fellowship?
- What are the steps to apply for the fellowship?
- When is the deadline to apply?
- Which programs are eligible?
- Who is eligible for a Mitacs Globalink Graduate Fellowship?
- Can Mitacs provide guidance to applicants regarding obtaining visas and work permits (either for Canada or abroad)?
- When will the Globalink Research Award funds be available?
- Can applicants travel to their host country before receiving the result of their application?
- When will application results be provided?
- There will be two host supervisors on the project. What should I include in my application?
- When should applications be submitted?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during a research project?
- What status will an applicant have at their home institution while they are in their host country?
- Does a Canadian institution need to co-fund my project?
- Do applicants need the Canadian institution endorsement for an application?
- Can Mitacs help applicants find a host professor?
- Can an applicant be eligible for GRA more than once?
- Can an applicant hold both a Mitacs Globalink Research Award and an internship or fellowship?
- Are alumni of the RISE-Globalink Research Internship eligible for a Mitacs Globalink Research Award?
- Can the home supervisor be a professor affiliated to an institution other than the intern’s home institution?
- Can applicants submit a project with multiple host and/or home institutions?
- Are postdoctoral fellows eligible for a Mitacs Globalink Research Award?
- Are undergraduate students eligible for a Mitacs Globalink Research Award?
- What is considered an eligible Canadian institution?
- Does Mitacs require Form 300s / Statements of Account from the academic institutions at the end of each Elevate fellowship?
- If a fellow cannot complete the full term of their Mitacs Elevate fellowship, what is the procedure for returning the unused contribution funds to their academic supervisor/partner organization?
- Can fellows take Parental Leave while in the program?
- Can a fellow change their academic supervisor, academic institution and/or partner organization for the second year of the fellowship?
- Is the Elevate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?
- Can a partner organization submit payments of their contribution funds in installments?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- What does the professional development component for Elevate involve?
- When can students start the fellowship?
- How many fellowships will be awarded?
- How long does the fellowship last?
- Does the fellow need to be identified at the time of application?
- Can a student use their research costs to offset their relocation costs?
- If a project requires ethics/animal care/biohazard review, does the student have to submit the approval from the academic institution review committee with their application?
- Is there a template for the CV?
- Are partner organization funds that are matched by other organizations eligible for Elevate?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $30,000 per year?
- Is it OK if a student wishes to work with a very small company?
- If there’s no need for a student to go to the partner organization’s facilities, are they allowed to do all the research at their academic institution?
- Is an existing collaboration with a partner eligible?
- Can the partner organization be a not-for-profit?
- Is an academic supervisor who owns a spin-off company an eligible partner?
- Can an academic supervisor be an adjunct professor or an assistant professor?
- Is a student who currently holds an NSERC/CIHR/SSHRC or Mitacs Accelerate postdoctoral scholarship eligible?
- Is a student who received their PhD from an international academic institution still eligible for the program?
- If an academic supervisor must contribute funds, how is this administered?
- Why are some academic institutions required to contribute $5,000 per year?
- Which academic institutions are eligible for Mitacs Elevate?
- Can a fellow who has not yet defended their PhD by the application deadline still apply?
- Are part-time postdoctoral fellows eligible?
- Does a student need to be a recent PhD to apply?
- Is Mitacs Elevate open to fellows in any academic discipline?
- Are the professional training and networking events mandatory?
- Can applicants work remotely, or do they need to move to the physical location of their host office?
- Does Mitacs or the government host office cover the cost of relocation?
- Is it possible to start the fellowship in any other month besides September?
- Can applicants reapply for a fellowship if they are not matched?
- Will Mitacs provide feedback on applications once submitted?
- How does Mitacs evaluate applications?
- When will applicants receive notification of their application status, and whether they have made it to the semi-finalist list?
- What happens if one or both letters of reference arrive late or do not arrive at all?
- How will applicants know that Mitacs has received their application?
- Why is Mitacs collecting information about applicants’ gender or other diversity-related categories?
- How are host office locations selected?
- Why are there fewer fellowships than host applications in previous years of the program?
- How many fellowships are awarded per year?
- When will applicants get to see the available host position descriptions?
- How is a competitive fellow application prepared?
- Can students apply to the fellowship if they are finishing their degree after the application deadline but before the fellowship starts?
- Do applicants need to have a secured postdoc position to apply?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What needs to be done to complete a project?
- How can the flexible project funds be spent?
- Can academic supervisors and/or co-supervisors supervise more than one internship?
- What if an intern has applied for the program and started working, but hasn’t been paid?
- When should projects start?
- Is it possible to have multiple interns per proposal?
- What if the PDF download of the application in RAP doesn’t download correctly?
- What if an applicant can’t move forward in their RAP application?
- Are international students eligible?
- Which academic institutions can use the program?
- Are recent graduates eligible for this program?
- Can part-time students do this program?
- Can interns do this program part-time?
- Can an intern or academic supervisor participate in the program if there is a conflict of interest (COI)?
- How do applicants apply to the program? Where can they access the Business Strategy Internship (BSI) application form?
- What should students do if it’s been more than 30 days and they have not received an invitation for the Exit Survey?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- How is the Certificate of Completion accessed?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- Are the EDGE Training Courses mandatory?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- Can students take parental leave while in the program?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- Is an Accelerate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?
- What can a student do if their internship proposal was not approved?
- How can the flexible research funds be spent?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $7,500 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- Can Mitacs help international students with immigration?
- Can a student do an Accelerate internship outside of Canada, and are foreign nationals permitted to do an Accelerate internship in Canada?
- Can a student hold concurrent or overlapping Mitacs internships?
- How many internships can a student do?
- Is Mitacs Accelerate open to candidates in any academic discipline?
- Can a student intern with a company for whom they previously worked?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- Can Mitacs help pay a student’s tuition fees?
- Who is eligible?
- What should interns do if it’s been more than 30 days and they have not received an invitation for the Exit Survey?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- How is the Certificate of Completion accessed?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- Are the EDGE Training Courses mandatory?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- Can students take parental leave while in the program?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- Is an Accelerate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?
- What can a student do if their internship proposal was not approved?
- How can the flexible research funds be spent?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $7,500 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- Can a student do an Accelerate internship outside of Canada?
- Can a student hold concurrent or overlapping Mitacs internships?
- How many internships can a student do?
- Is Mitacs Accelerate open to candidates in any academic discipline?
- Are Recent Graduates eligible?
- Can Mitacs help pay a student’s tuition fees?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- Can a student intern with a company for whom they previously worked?
- Are part-time students eligible?
- Who is eligible?
- What should students do if it’s been more than 30 days and they have not received an invitation for the Exit Survey?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- How is the Certificate of Completion accessed?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- Are the EDGE Training Courses mandatory?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- Can students take parental leave while in the program?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- Is an Accelerate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?
- What can a student do if their internship proposal was not approved?
- How can the flexible research funds be spent?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $6,000 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- Can a student do an Accelerate internship outside of Canada?
- Can a student hold concurrent or overlapping Mitacs internships?
- How many internships can a student do?
- Is Mitacs Accelerate open to candidates in any academic discipline?
- When can a student start their Accelerate Fellowship?
- Can a student intern with a company for whom they previously worked?
- Are part-time students eligible?
- Can Mitacs help pay a student’s tuition fees?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- Who is eligible?
- What should students do if it’s been more than 30 days and they have not received an invitation for the Exit Survey?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- How is the Certificate of Completion accessed?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- Are the EDGE Training Courses mandatory?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- Can students take parental leave while in the program?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- Is an Accelerate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?
- What can a student do if their internship proposal was not approved?
- How can the flexible research funds be spent?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Are partner organization funds that are matched by other organizations eligible for Accelerate?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $7,500 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- Which incubators are eligible hosts for internships under the Accelerate Entrepreneur initiative?
- Can a student do an Accelerate internship outside of Canada?
- Can a student hold concurrent or overlapping Mitacs internships?
- How many internships can a student do?
- Is Mitacs Accelerate open to candidates in any academic discipline?
- When can a student start their Accelerate internship?
- Can Mitacs help pay a student’s tuition fees?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- Can a student intern with a company for whom they previously worked?
- Are part-time students eligible?
- Who is eligible?
- What should students do if it’s been more than 30 days and they have not received an invitation for the Exit Survey?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- How is the Certificate of Completion accessed?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- Are the EDGE Training Courses mandatory?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- Can students take parental leave while in the program?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- Is an Accelerate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?
- What can a student do if their internship proposal was not approved?
- How can the flexible research funds be spent?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $7,500 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- Can a student do an Accelerate internship outside of Canada?
- Can a student hold concurrent or overlapping Mitacs internships?
- How many internships can a student do?
- Is Mitacs Accelerate open to candidates in any academic discipline?
- Are Recent Graduates eligible?
- Can Mitacs help pay a student’s tuition fees?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- Can a student intern with a company for whom they previously worked?
- Are part-time students eligible?
- Who is eligible?
- Are partner organization funds that are matched by other organizations eligible for Elevate?
- Does Mitacs require Form 300s / Statements of Account from the academic institutions at the end of each Elevate fellowship?
- If a fellow cannot complete the full term of their Mitacs Elevate fellowship, what is the procedure for returning the unused contribution funds to their academic supervisor/partner organization?
- Can fellows take Parental Leave while in the program?
- Can a fellow change their academic supervisor, academic institution and/or partner organization for the second year of the fellowship?
- Is the Elevate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?
- Can a partner organization submit payments of their contribution funds in installments?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- What does the professional development component for Elevate involve?
- When can students start the fellowship?
- How many fellowships will be awarded?
- How long does the fellowship last?
- Does the fellow need to be identified at the time of application?
- Can a student use their research costs to offset their relocation costs?
- If a project requires ethics/animal care/biohazard review, does the student have to submit the approval from the academic institution review committee with their application?
- Is there a template for the CV?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $30,000 per year?
- Are partner organization funds that are matched by other organizations eligible for Elevate?
- Is it OK if a student wishes to work with a very small company?
- If there’s no need for a student to go to the partner organization’s facilities, are they allowed to do all the research at their academic institution?
- Is an existing collaboration with a partner eligible?
- Can the partner organization be a not-for-profit?
- Is an academic supervisor who owns a spin-off company an eligible partner?
- Can an academic supervisor be an adjunct professor or an assistant professor?
- Is a student who currently holds an NSERC/CIHR/SSHRC or Mitacs Accelerate postdoctoral scholarship eligible?
- Is a student who received their PhD from an international academic institution still eligible for the program?
- If an academic supervisor must contribute funds, how is this administered?
- Why are some academic institutions required to contribute $5,000 per year?
- Which academic institutions are eligible for Mitacs Elevate?
- Can a fellow who has not yet defended their PhD by the application deadline still apply?
- Are part- time postdoctoral fellows eligible?
- Does a student need to be a recent PhD to apply?
- Is Mitacs Elevate open to fellows in any academic discipline?
- Are the professional training and networking events mandatory?
- Can applicants work remotely, or do they need to move to the physical location of their host office?
- Does Mitacs or the government host office cover the cost of relocation?
- Is it possible to start the fellowship in any other month besides September?
- Can applicants reapply for a fellowship if they are not matched?
- Will Mitacs provide feedback on applications once submitted?
- How does Mitacs evaluate applications?
- When will applicants receive notification of their application status, and whether they have made it to the semi-finalist list?
- What happens if one or both letters of reference arrive late or do not arrive at all?
- How will applicants know that Mitacs has received their application?
- Why is Mitacs collecting information about applicants’ gender or other diversity-related categories?
- How are host office locations selected?
- Why are there fewer fellowships than host applications in previous years of the program?
- How many fellowships are awarded per year?
- When will applicants get to see the available host position descriptions?
- How is a competitive fellow application prepared?
- Can students apply to the fellowship if they are finishing their degree after the application deadline but before the fellowship starts?
- Do applicants need to have a secured postdoc position to apply?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What needs to be done to complete a project?
- How can the flexible project funds be spent?
- Can academic supervisors and/or co-supervisors supervise more than one internship?
- What if an intern has applied for the program and started working, but hasn’t been paid?
- When should projects start?
- Is it possible to have multiple interns per proposal?
- What if the PDF download of the application in RAP doesn’t download correctly?
- What if an applicant can’t move forward in their RAP application?
- Are international students eligible?
- Which academic institutions can use the program?
- Are recent graduates eligible for this program?
- Can part-time students do this program?
- Can interns do this program part-time?
- Can an intern or academic supervisor participate in the program if there is a conflict of interest (COI)?
- How do applicants apply to the program? Where can they access the Business Strategy Internship (BSI) application form?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $7,500 per year?
- How does the funding work?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- What kinds of organizations can participate in Accelerate?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $6,000 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- What kinds of organizations can participate in Accelerate?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $7,500 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- What kinds of organizations can participate in Accelerate?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- Does Mitacs require Form 300s / Statements of Account from the academic institutions at the end of each Elevate fellowship?
- If a fellow cannot complete the full term of their Mitacs Elevate fellowship, what is the procedure for returning the unused contribution funds to their academic supervisor/partner organization?
- Can fellows take Parental Leave while in the program?
- Can a fellow change their academic supervisor, academic institution and/or partner organization for the second year of the fellowship?
- Is the Elevate award a stipend or a salary? Will benefits be deducted?
- Can a partner organization submit payments of their contribution funds in installments?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- What does the professional development component for Elevate involve?
- When can students start the fellowship?
- How many fellowships will be awarded?
- How long does the fellowship last?
- Does the fellow need to be identified at the time of application?
- Can a student use their research costs to offset their relocation costs?
- Are partner organization funds that are matched by other organizations eligible for Elevate?
- If a project requires ethics/animal care/biohazard review, does the student have to submit the approval from the academic institution review committee with their application?
- Is there a template for the CV?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $30,000 per year?
- Is it OK if a student wishes to work with a very small company?
- If there’s no need for a student to go to the partner organization’s facilities, are they allowed to do all the research at their academic institution?
- Is an existing collaboration with a partner eligible?
- Can the partner organization be a not-for-profit?
- Is an academic supervisor who owns a spin-off company an eligible partner?
- Can an academic supervisor be an adjunct professor or an assistant professor?
- Is a student who currently holds an NSERC/CIHR/SSHRC or Mitacs Accelerate postdoctoral scholarship eligible?
- Is a student who received their PhD from an international academic institution still eligible for the program?
- If an academic supervisor must contribute funds, how is this administered?
- Why are some academic institutions required to contribute $5,000 per year?
- Which academic institutions are eligible for Mitacs Elevate?
- Can a fellow who has not yet defended their PhD by the application deadline still apply?
- Are part-time postdoctoral fellows eligible?
- Does a student need to be a recent PhD to apply?
- Is Mitacs Elevate open to fellows in any academic discipline?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What needs to be done to complete a project?
- How can the flexible project funds be spent?
- Can academic supervisors and/or co-supervisors supervise more than one internship?
- What if an intern has applied for the program and started working, but hasn’t been paid?
- When should projects start?
- Is it possible to have multiple interns per proposal?
- What if the PDF download of the application in RAP doesn’t download correctly?
- What if an applicant can’t move forward in their RAP application?
- Are international students eligible?
- Which academic institutions can use the program?
- Are recent graduates eligible for this program?
- Can part-time students do this program?
- Can interns do this program part-time?
- Can an intern or academic supervisor participate in the program if there is a conflict of interest (COI)?
- How do applicants apply to the program? Where can they access the Business Strategy Internship (BSI) application form?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $7,500 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- Can Mitacs help with immigration?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $7,500 per year?
- How does the funding work?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- What kinds of organizations can participate in Accelerate?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $6,000 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- What kinds of organizations can participate in Accelerate?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
- What if it’s been more than 30 days and the invitation for the Exit Survey has not been received?
- When will the link to complete the Exit Survey be provided?
- What is the Mid-Term survey?
- What happens if a project needs to be cancelled?
- When must the partner contribution be received at Mitacs?
- If an Accelerate internship has been approved, when will the funds be available?
- Who owns any intellectual property generated during an internship?
- What constitutes a Conflict of Interest?
- Can I hold both an Accelerate and other grants at the same time?
- Can a partner organization contribute more than $7,500 per internship?
- How does the funding work?
- If a student is interested in doing an internship, can Mitacs help them find a partner organization?
- What kinds of organizations can participate in Accelerate?
- What is needed to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects?
Project Provinces
Project Sectors