Peer to Peer Learning – See Me Series

In order to develop good physical skills, people need feedback on the performance of those skills. Analysis based on accurate observation is a key tool for improving future performance. Performance analysis is about creating a valid and reliable record of performance by means of systematic observations that can be analyzed with a view to facilitating […]

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Stepping Out. The impact of exercise on young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The overall research project undertaken by the University of Calgary graduate students will examine the effects of exercise on young adults 18-35 years of age with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Areas of investigation include cerebral blood flow changes, as well as sleep behavioral improvements. By doing research such as this, we will justify the use […]

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The effect of footwear on running economy following exercise-induced fatigue.

The research proposal is designed to examine the relationship between footwear, metabolic rate and lower limb muscle activity following exercise-educed fatigue. This randomized, controlled crossover design experiment will consist of three sessions. The first session is a familiarization session. The second and third sessions will be the same, except the exercise will be done wearing […]

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Automated multi-target tracking in broadcast video cameras

Automated object detection and tracking in videos is still one of the challenging problems in computer vision. Generally, it is a very challenging problem due to the loss of information caused by the projection of the 3D world on a 2D image, noise in images, cluttered background, complex object motion, partial or full occlusions, changes […]

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Examining Men’s Boating Safety Practices in Inuvik, Northwest Territories

This research will involve working alongside the community of Inuvik, NWT to develop culturally safe solutions to address men’s boating safety behaviours in the northern Canada. The intern will spend time in Inuvik to learn about men’s water safety practices in the community. Benefits to the research participants, communities, and NWT Recreation and Parks Association […]

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Incorporation of Algonquin Traditional Ecological Values into Sustainable Forest Management for Ecosystem Service Benefits

Throughout Canada, modern forestry practices have introduced rapid changes in Aboriginal livelihoods and natural ecosystems. This proposal is an effort to conserve and promote Algonquin traditional ecological values (TEV) within modern forest management practices with the objective of initiating new ‘social contracts’ and economies in co-existence. The research takes place in the context of recent […]

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Optimizing the use of blood flow restriction for pre-conditioning & recovery of human performance

I am exploring the use of restricting blood flow from muscles (using a tourniquet or blood pressure cuff) to better prepare an athlete’s body for competition. This technique, known as ischemic preconditioning (IPC), has demonstrated enormous potential for improving the performance of already well-trained athletes. Preliminary work has shown a 1-3% improvement in performance in […]

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Mise au point d’un entraînement perceptivo-cognitif couplé à la reconnaissance tactique chez les athlètes

Le but du projet de recherche sera de développer un nouvel entraînement cérébral (perceptivo-cognitif) de pointe pour améliorer la performance des sportifs de haut niveau. Cet outil virtuel multitâche (Figure 1) combinera un exercice de traitement de scènes visuelles dynamiques complexes (NeuroTrackerTM) et un exercice de reconnaissance tactique spécifique (ex : tir ou passe). Les […]

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Managing the physical risk from avalanche in mechanized backcountry skiing operations: A quantitative examination of reoccurring patterns in terrain assessments and terrain use at the run scale

In the backcountry, avalanche risk is managed by first assessing avalanche hazard and subsequently carefully choosing terrain and travel procedures accordingly to mitigate the identified hazard. What are suitable terrain choices under different types of avalanche conditions and how are choices made? With this project, we quantitatively examine large-scale terrain choices in two commercial backcountry […]

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