Development of Smart Structural Control System for High-Rise Buildings Along the Coastline to cope with Extreme Loads

Civil infrastructures, particularly high-rise buildings, Along the Coastline are susceptible to damage when subjected to extreme loads like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. These loads are associated with the tragic loss of life and high structural repair costs. Current research trends focus on developing design techniques to mitigate the adverse effects earthquakes have on structures. However, […]

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Spatiotemporal influence of sea cage aquaculture on wild fish dietary habits and biological characteristics

Research will involve capturing of commercially valuable wild fish species aggregated around sea cage aquaculture sites in different parts of Newfoundland, including one previously sampled. These specimens will then have samples taken that will be evaluated for an ‘aquaculture signature’ that would indicate direct or indirect consumption of sea cage feed and waste that becomes […]

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Targeting a complement serine protease in vascular disease

In spite of major advances in our knowledge and better treatments, heart attacks, strokes and blood clots in the legs and lungs, continue to major causes of disability and death. Recent studies reveal that a protein (a so-called “serine protease”) in our blood, when increased, may heighten the risk of excess blood clot formation in […]

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Assessing the Market for the Finfish Vaccine

The aquaculture industry is growing rapidly worldwide and provides job opportunities as well as food for humans. However, diseases that are bacterial or viral, having a devastating effect on this sector. Every year huge economic losses are occurring due to bacterial diseases. Though there are several commercial vaccines available on the market, their efficacy is […]

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Investigating the effect of the Virtual Meditative Walk on brain in chronic pain conditions: A longitudinal fMRI study – Year two

The Virtual Meditative Walk (VMW) (1) is a well-developed therapeutic protocol that can be used alone or in combination with the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction techniques in an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) environment. It has been shown to be effective in reducing pain levels in patients with chronic pain (CP); however, little is known about how […]

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An integrated watershed-lake framework for water quality assessment in Toronto Harbour and Region Waterfront – Year two

This project aims to develop an integrated watershed-lake framework for Don River watershed draining into the Toronto Harbour to assess the best management practices towards improving the water quality in Toronto and Region Area of Concern (AOC). The framework will evaluate the impacts of suspended solids and bioavailable nutrients delivered by surface runoff and lake […]

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Anaerobic Bioaugmentation of a PHC Groundwater Plume: Pilot-Scale Experiment

Bacterial cultures are sometimes added to groundwater to increase the rate of degradation of contaminants. Three cultures that are able to completely biodegrade their primary compound to non-toxic end products in the absence of oxygen have been enriched from contaminated soils. The goal of this project is to demonstrate the efficacy of these cultures in […]

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Canada-Wide Study: Clinical and Economics Outcomes of Mental Health and Addictions

The annual economic impact of mental health illness and addiction on the Canadian economy is estimated to be around $50 billion, with projected increases in future years. Little research exists that has evaluated mental health illness and addictions in the Canadian workplace. The provision of counselling and therapy services helps to boost both mental health […]

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AAV Vectored Immunoprophylaxis for Prevention of Respiratory Infectious Diseases

This project aims to provide an alternative therapeutic for the prevention and treatment of the virus responsible for COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, as well as respiratory syncytial virus and influenza. Using a single viral vector platform, we will deliver antibodies from human survivors of these diseases to provide sustained levels of protection against the virus for all […]

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Development of optimized contact materials for interconnect layers in reversible solid oxide fuel cells for the conversion of CO2 and H2O to syngas

SeeO2 Energy has developed world-leading catalysts for reversible solid oxide fuel cell (RSOFC) systems with promising performance to produce syngas from H2O:CO2 feeds. The company has scaled-up the technology and has moved closer towards commercialization by building larger cells. However, assembling the RSOFC stack presents challenges due to issues associated with contact materials especially at […]

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Development of a new bioassay for adiponectin agonist action

This project will pair together a academic Canadian research group with a pharmaceutical company who have developed a novel therapeutic (ALY688) to the stage that it will soon begin phase 1 clinical trials for the treatment of metabolic disease, such as diabetes. Since the success, and safety, of clinical trials requires accurate dosing of the […]

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