Design and optimization of low-frequency piezoelectric energy harvesters

Portable electronic applications are typically powered by batteries, which have limited lifespan and size constraints. Energy harvesting from the spatial environment is a promising solution to sustainable power supplies for low-power portable devices and sensor networks. Vibration-based energy harvesting has received much attention due to the recent advances in microfabrication of piezoceramic materials. These smart […]

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Sediment Budget of the Lower Fraser River

Sediment processes are regularly disrupted in large sand-bedded rivers and deltas as a result of human development. Development of the Fraser River delta and estuary, associated with sediment dredging, dykes, and flow diversions has been linked to reduced volumes of sediment delivered to the delta front and systematic channel degradation. As a result, the delta […]

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Bipolar Electrodialysis Flow Battery

Aqua-Cell Energy, the partner organization, is developing low cost batteries that utilize safe chemicals and have a unique design. The technology being developed can enable large amounts of energy to be stored at a low cost. When using lithium ion batteries, the current industry standard technology, it is expensive to store large amounts of energy […]

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Intelligent Autonomous Mobile Robots with Safe Navigation in Dynamic Environment

With the global pandemic effect, the market is experiencing a significant transformation, with robotics to adopt the roles of delivery vehicles and personal assistants. Atlantic Business Express is looking at bring the service robots to Canada, starting in Nova Scotia through working with Dalhousie University. The project is to develop intelligent path planner for mobile […]

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Development of Hormone At-Home Testing Kits

The ability of couples to conceive is highly dependent on hormonal levels. With age, conception becomes more challenging and there is a direct need for women to control their fertility by monitoring their hormone levels, mostly Estradiol. The purpose of this project is to develop an at-home testing kit for estradiol monitoring. By developing a […]

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Discovering causal variants controlling ripening period, phenolic content and softening during storage in apple (Malus domestica).

Apples are among Canada’s most valuable fruit crops, and the improvement of apple varieties is crucial for the success of the industry. Breeding apples is expensive and time consuming, requiring decades of investment. A better understanding of the relationship between genetics and fruit traits will allow for more efficient breeding. Current apple breeding techniques make […]

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Development of a textile-based sensor for measuring body fluid

Heart failure (HF) is the third most common reason for hospitalization in Canada, where, the direct health care costs of HF are $2.8 billion. HF affects 600,000 Canadians with median survival of only 1.5 years after diagnosis. HF patients stay longer at hospital. Even after discharge, 1 out of 5 of patients returns to the […]

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Development and preclinical evaluation of R-Sulforaphane-based therapeutics in treatment of chronic kidney disease

R-Sulforaphane (R-SFN) is a naturally occurring phytochemical that can be found in most of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and kale. R-SFN has been shown in many research studies holding therapeutic promise for many chronic diseases. We propose to develop more advanced methodologies to product, purify and formulate R-SFN. We also propose to evaluate the […]

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Synthesis and modeling of stimuli-responsive polymers for fracturing fluids use

Currently, the global warming alerts, oil prices fluctuations and clean energy have paved the way of investing in the producing wells by enhancing the recovery of hydrocarbons compared to exploration wells. Applying hydraulic fracturing from injected fluids is most common method used. These fluids create cracks in the bedrock and push the hydrocarbons to the […]

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Develop an AI-backed geospatial data collection and analysis platform as a marketable software package

The ubiquity of smartphones and their embedded technologies today can provide transportation agencies with affordable travel survey methods which place less burden on respondents and enables collection of continuous, high quality travel data. Such technologies, however, have not yet made the leap from speciality tools of academia to industry, primarily due to the specificity of […]

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Reliability evaluation of strain-based design for pipelines using probabilistic demand/capacity models. – Year two

Ground movement can impose excessive deformation violating pertinent pipeline limit states. Currently, the integrity assessment of pipelines subjected to soil movement is generally performed by analyzing the stresses and/or strains in pipelines using various engineering techniques, including finite element analysis (FEA). However, given the wide variability of the pipe and soil engineering properties, using deterministic […]

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Scalable Chatbot Framework for Multi Layered Chatbots and Memory.

The general objective of this research project is to develop a new natural and empathic chatbot by integrating the transformer and intent-based systems. The goal is to implement a system for expressive 3D interactive characters that can move between the structure of an intent-based system with specific Question and Answer pairs and the more open-ended […]

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