Microchannel Plate & Shell Heat Exchanger for Flue Gas Heat Recovery

Natural gas power generation is a cost-effective method of generating electricity. NG power generators have been successfully installed in a wide variety of energy intensive facilities in Canada, including district energy systems, wastewater treatment facilities, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, office buildings, and residential buildings. However, more than 60% of the energy is wasted in the […]

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Greenland shark bycatch mortality and mitigation in Canadian Arctic fisheries

Accidental fisheries catch ? or bycatch ? is a critical issue for conservation and fisheries management. Greenland sharks are a common bycatch in northern fisheries and are of concern because they are long-lived and may be vulnerable to overfishing. The proposed research addresses current data gaps related to Greenland shark bycatch through the following objectives: […]

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Evaluate the biodistribution of HyperMabs protein biologics therapeutics

HyperMabs is a biopharmaceutical company that designs and develops innovative therapeutics targeting lung diseases. HyperMabs is currently evaluating a drug candidate developed using in-silico methods to target lung disease. For this project, we aim to study the biodistribution of HyperMabs therapeutic, currently in its pre-clinical stage designed to treat several lung diseases. To achieve this, […]

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Data analytics in asset management of erosion control structures

The project aims to study the use of advanced machine learning algorithms to enhance the ability of TRCA to detect shoreline erosion. Accurate detection of shoreline erosion will have significant contribution to optimizing TRCA asset management plans. This will enable TRCA to work with local communities to reduce the impacts of climate change on shoreline […]

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Oblivious IDS using Homomorphic Encryption

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used to protect internal networks of companies and organizations against malicious activities and policy violations. These systems are typically under the full control of the local system administrator. In this project, we propose to use Homomorphic Encryption techniques to design and implement an Intrusion Detection System that can run as […]

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Canadian Optical Satellite Communications Consortium Technology Roadmapping

As part of the Optical Satellite Communications Consortium (OSC) and in partnership with Satellite Canada Innovation Network (SatCan), this two and a half year project will build towards developing a new Technology Roadmap for emerging optical technologies applicable for future satellite communications (SatCom) developed in Canada. Graduate students from the University of Ottawa will intern […]

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Designing a Great Slave Lake Fishery by Northerners for Resilient Futures in the NWT

The Great Slave Lake Fishery can enhance food security and food sovereignty for northern residents of the Northwest Territories as indicated in many Government of Northwest Territories strategic plans. The Arctic Research Foundation will work with a Post Doctoral Fellow based at the Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, to engage northern residents and governments […]

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Designing for better novice assembly: towards energy efficient novice building

This research is about technologies for ‘DIY’ or ‘novice’ home-construction. The research asks if high energy efficiency homes could be built by novice and non-expert builders. Energy efficient construction is an increasingly expert craft: with specialized knowledge, tools, and practices now required to achieve excellent building energy performance, this presents barriers to building efficiency for […]

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Testing the use of novel stable isotope tools to determine nutrient sources in an eastern Canadian watershed

Cultural eutrophication, the excess input of nutrients by humans to waterbodies, is one of the biggest global threats to aquatic ecosystem health. Effective management of eutrophication requires the identification of nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) sources and their relative contributions to an aquatic system. This is difficult, because there can be sources in a single watershed. […]

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Portrait des organisations économiques privées offrant des services de soins au Québec et impacts socioéconomiques de leurs transformations – Year two

Le projet porte sur trois types d’organisations économiques offrant des services de soins privés au Québec et dont la main-d’œuvre est largement féminisée: 1) les agences privées d’aide à domicile; 2) les chaînes de résidences privées pour aînés; 3) les groupes de médecine de famille. Il vise d’abord à dresser leur portrait économique : structure […]

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