Zipstall – On-line and Off-line Parking Availability Prediction

Searching for parking has many terrible impacts, such as wasted time, fuel, and emissions, overpaying for parking etc. To ease the pain of parking, the goal of this project is to develop a method of collecting information from multiple sources (crowd-sourced information from parkers, active paid session information from managers/parking enforcement, and availability information from […]

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Applying Machine Learning Methods to Air Emission Monitoring

Alberta’s Oil and Gas (O&G) sector plays a critical role in Canada meeting its commitment to the Paris Climate Change Agreement. However, few studies published the actual operation data for extraction operations (schemes), especially fuel consumption data to accurately project greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for development and expansion of O&G projects. In this study, we […]

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Trusted Records in TAPESTRY Approach

New America’s Future of Property Rights program aims to create a solution for people all over the world to achieve their basic human right “to own, rent, or otherwise occupy property” (Panfil & Mellon, 2019). What is denying a large part of populations their basic human right is the “lack of proper documents” (Panfil & […]

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Determining the antidepressant effect of 2-bromo-LSD (TD-0148A)

We would like to determine whether a modified version of LSD (TD-0148A), which does not induce hallucinations, has antidepressant effects that can be applied to patients with depressive disorders. We will investigate whether TD-0148A can change the physical structure of neurons, as other antidepressants do. Furthermore, we will use an animal model to determine whether […]

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Positive pombe: engineering anti-depressant molecules in fission yeast

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased depression and anxiety in Canada, adding to the current opioid drug dependency crisis. Mental health supports can be used with drug options to relieve symptoms and promote better health. Some cases of depression are resistant to treatment, and alternatives are needed that bring patients relief. Psilocybin is a compound found […]

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Developing A Drug-Protein Interactome for Identifying Potential Drug Targets In-situ

Our method reveals the interaction landscape of a given drug. We will generate a two-part biosensor inside living cells. The first part involves a genetically encoded reactive ‘beacon’. The second part is the drug of interest, synthetically modified with complementary reactivity to the beacon. When present together in cells, both parts chemically combine to form […]

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The Implications of Blockchain Technology on Privacy, Regulation, and Public Policy

The goal of this research project is to understand how private, blockchain-based enterprises best engage and understand current Canadian regulation on data privacy. Policy is created at many different levels of government and it can be difficult for companies to be aware of the specific requirements needed to comply with regulation. This project will ask […]

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Machine Learning-Enhanced Anomaly Detection and Performance Optimization for Enterprise WiFi Networks

solutions for large-scale WiFi deployments where the performance of the network changes dynamically. The industry partner has an enterprise WiFi solution that collects Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), logs and WiFi configuration parameters in the cloud. There is an immediate need for automation platforms that can use these data to detect anomalies such as sudden performance […]

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Development of an integrated foundation for precision medicine for the Atlantic Region with a focus on Colorectal Cancer and Lung cancer

Atlantic Canada has the highest rate of CRC in Canada and NL has the highest incidence of familial CRC worldwide. This study is being undertaken primarily to reveal the underlying molecular mechanisms associated with the high rate of CRC in Atlantic Canada, particularly the well-documented familial CRC in NL. We expect to define novel genetic […]

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