Determining spatial and temporal overlap of migratory fishes with areas proposed for in-stream tidal turbine development to inform the tidal power Risk Assessment Program

The lack of scientific data on the potential effects of instream tidal power extraction on migratory fishes is delaying the decision-making process on a technology that shows promise for reducing carbon emissions, and for which Canada could become a global leader in the production of infrastructure. It remains unclear if fishes that occupy Canada’s leading […]

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Environmental Scan of Regulations for Autonomous Drones

Flying air vehicles, most commonly referred to as “drones” come in many different forms. The type of drone required to accomplish a task is dependent on the mission profile. Overcoming the barriers towards fully autonomous operations requires addressing the concerns and complying with the requirements of regulators. The objective of the research is to identify […]

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Design and fabrication of a power-efficient AI-Processor for Edge computing

This project will allow us to develop a microelectronic chip prototype of an energy-efficient AI processor. The AI processor exhibits a 1000 times reduction in power profile compared to standard cloud-based GPUs. Tasks that can be transferred from server GPUs to this solution and deploying our AI-Processor solution to EDGE can estimate substantial energy savings […]

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Ultra-low-power sensor interfaces for next generation IoE

This research project aims to improve the quality of life and facilitate the early detection of some health conditions by enabling wearabale devices that have a very small form factor, are highly reliable and provide continuous health tracking and monitoring. The ultra-low-energy consumption of the electronics designed in this project extends the battery longevity of […]

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Investigating the affect of chlorine carbides on fracture toughness in zirconium alloys used for nuclear applications – Year two

Zirconium alloys are used extensively in nuclear reactor cores for key components such as fuel assemblies and pressure tubes. It is extremely important that the in-service behavior of these components is well characterized to ensure they remain fit-for-service. This work will investigate the relationship between harmful impurity elements, specifically chlorine, and the fracture toughness of […]

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Smart Dashboard for Sustainable Destination Decision Making Part 2

Destinations have quickly become victims of their own success. Destination Management Organisations (DMO’s) worldwide are making a much needed shift towards the inclusion of management alongside their marketing priorities for destination management, but are often ill equipped. There is a current gap in the marketplace for useful, comprehensive and user-friendly tools to assist them. This […]

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Prediction of AL Amyloidosis Using Machine Learning

AL amyloidosis is a rare protein disorder that can be often fatal if it is not diagnosed and managed early. This disorder is caused by misfolding of proteins that clump together and form amyloid fibril deposits in major body organs. Diagnosis of AL amyloidosis is often not easy as the signs and symptoms can be […]

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Conservation of Plant-Pollinator Relationships in the Lower Columbia Region Program

The project proposes to enhance pollination networks and the diversity of interactions among both native plants and their native pollinator taking into account the changing climate and a history of habitat loss and degradation. The main goal is to increase the ecological connections among sites to work toward a more resilient landscape in the Lower […]

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Machine Learning Valuation of Quebec Housing Market

Most academic literature and practices in the real estate industry use traditional valuation models to predict house prices. While machine learning models have been used more heavily in the finance literature, it is less applied among real estate researchers. While traditional property valuation models rely on simple relationships between the price of a property and […]

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Optimization and automation of the imaging and analysis of Ananda Device’s high-throughput NeuroHTSTM microplate

Ananda Devices has developed an innovative technology to produce high-throughput organ-on-chip technology for commercialization in the pharma industry and cosmetic industry. For cost effective and fast commercializing the device, semi automation/automation is required for the high throughput data analysis. Further validation of the automation algorithm is required for data accuracy. So, our aim is to […]

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Quantum Proofs for Skeptical Verifiers

A verifier-prover — where a “prover” suggests an answer to a question, which is then checked by a “verifier” — is a powerful analytical tool in computer science. As an example, understanding the number of transactions required to answer a computational question in a prover-verifier setting offers insights into the difficulty of that computational problem. […]

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