Detection of Human Presence/Activity through Radio Frequency Signals with Artificial Intelligence

The goal of this porject is to develop a prototype system for human presence/activity detection through radio frequency signals. There have een some recent promising results reported in the literature regarding such detections through WiFi signals using artificial intelligence-based approaches. The postdoc will focus on reproducing earlier results, then move on to enhance the system […]

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Turn-Key Robot Motion Planning Solutions

To increase the speed at which companies can develop robots we plan to create a package containing a number of key path-finding programs which can be easily connected with any robot. This will make it easier to produce both commercial and experimental robots without the need to create a path-finding program unique to the robot. […]

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Using drone and remote sensing technology to increase profitability and climate resilience of potato production

Potatoes are among the top five crops worldwide. With the rate of climate change accelerating, the pressures on potato production systems (e.g., heat stress, water stress, pest pressures) will intensify adaptation efforts. Although climate change is already happening, it is often seen as an abstract and distant problem that diverts resources from current production challenges. […]

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From pipeline inspection data to insight

To ensure oil and gas pipelines operate safely, instrumented inspections and assessments are completed on a recurring frequency. A common and valuable inspection method is In-line inspection (ILI). This form of inspection uses a measurement device (ILI tool) that is propelled through the pipeline by product flow and the tool identifies and sizes anomalous conditions […]

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Fast Awake OSA Screening and Characterization using Anthropometric and Sound Features

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the most common yet underdiagnosed sleep disorders. Undiagnosed OSA, in particular, increases the perioperative morbidity and mortality risks for OSA patients undergoing surgery requiring full anesthesia. OSA screening using the gold-standard Polysomnography (PSG) is expensive and time-consuming. This proposal presents four research projects/points to apply advanced signal processing […]

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Species traits as clues for who will win or lose: Large mammal responses to landscape change

Resource extraction has caused extensive landscape change that impacts wildlife. This is especially true in Alberta, Canada, where forestry, oil and gas and similar industries stretch across the province. While these industries are known to negatively affect some wildlife species, other species benefit from the features that these industries introduce, such as roads. In consequence, […]

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Effects of cannabinoids on ACE2-rich cells

The COVID-19 pandemic is caused by SARS-CoV2 coronavirus. This virus which infect cells that are vital in human organs leading to multiple diseases in need of timely medical treatment. There is a great need in search of inhibitors to block such viral infections as a means for disease prevention and/or treatment. Cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol […]

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Mass spectrometry analysis of beneficial compound profiles of medicinal mushrooms

Mushrooms represent a source of diverse medicinal compounds that have been exploited for centuries. Beneficial compounds have proven efficacy against disease, including anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-tumoral, anti-bacterial traits. These compounds, along with potential for new discoveries, drive the exploration of mushrooms as a powerful medicinal source and supports their application in the health sector to discover […]

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Applied Flood Modelling System for Flood Inundation Simulation

The team of interns will together build a complete framework for collecting quality data, building flood models, and visualizing the results in an understandable and comprehensive manner. The benefit to the partner organization will be the development of the services to communities at risk of flooding in British Columbia. The deliverable product developed by the […]

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Anatomy Detection of Cats and Dogs using Localization

The proposed work is an application of artificial intelligence and medical imaging. When positioning a dog to have an X-ray image taken of its paw, a neural network trained in canine anatomy can be configured to inform radiologists if the patient’s paw is improperly placed or even drive motorized hardware to automatically center the patient’s […]

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Advanced AI for Demand Forecast, Assortment Planning and Plan Monitoring in Fashion and Apparel Retailing

Retailers require reliable demand forecasts for their operations management and planning. Demand forecasting for fashion products is, however, an extremely challenging task. A good solution for this problem should address at least the following three questions: (i) high volatility of demand and its dependence on external factors (ii) forecasting flexibility for different spatio-tempo-hierarchical aggregation levels, […]

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Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 Isolation Policies on Public Wellness using IoT – A Public Health and Work from Home Perspective

Social isolation is having a significant impact on the quality of life, physical activity, and sleep patterns of our population. While self-isolation and social distancing provide the most successful method for limiting the progression and spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19, we often overlook the impact of these rules on our population. This impact is […]

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