Automatic Annotation of Vertebral Heart Score and Tibial Plateau Angle in X-ray Images

The proposed work combines artificial intelligence and diagnostic medicine. Using X-ray images, radiologists and veterinarians can perform an array of measurements to assess patient health. In a veterinary setting, standard measurements and annotations are performed on X-ray images to assess heart and knee health in canines, namely vertebral heart score (VHS) and tibial plateau angle […]

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Driver motion prediction using behaviour classifications of vehicles

A significant portion of decision making, path planning and navigation algorithms for Autonomous Vehicles (AV) rely heavily on accurate estimation of the current location as well as future trajectories of the surrounding road users. There are different kinds of drivers in urban environments, and an expert human driver will identify dangerous drivers and avoid them […]

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An AI-based climate impact assessment framework for infrastructure in northern Canada

The thawing of permafrost, due to climate change or alterations in the ground surface energy balance, poses significant threats to infrastructure and communities in northern Canada. A main step towards the design of resilient infrastructure is to assess the climate threat (exposure) and predict the response of the infrastructure (vulnerability). The stability of permafrost is […]

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Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation using the StimaWELL 120MTRS system on multifidus muscle morphology and function in patients with chronic low back pain

Chronic low-back pain (CLBP) is a significant health issue in North America. CLBP patients demonstrate structural changes to and reduced function of the multifidus muscle, which is important to low-back health. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a treatment used to improve pain and function in low-back pain patients, but is frequently painful. Our partner has […]

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Accelerated development of a recombinant protein vaccine against COVID-19 by integrating the SARS-CoV-2 S-protein antigen with a new delivery system

The objective of this proposal is to develop a new candidate recombinant protein vaccine for the new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) based on a novel protein delivery and adjuvant technology, iPDT. If successful, this research will advance another COVID-19 vaccine candidate(s) to the pipeline toward clinical use. The causative agent of COVID-19 is SARS coronavirus […]

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The use of a fast platform to design and develop anti-SARS-CoV-2 peptides for a therapeutic intervention of COVID-19

We are attempting to cure COVID-19! This is a very important initiative! Currently, no cure or vaccines are available to combat SARS-CoV-2. There is an immediate need to develop such therapies. The importance of developing a cure for COVID-19 cannot be overstated! Here, we propose an alternative approach to traditional drug development methods. Our approach […]

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Investigating the use of mixed reality technologies as a solution to help mitigate the challenges under the COVID-19 restrictions for artistic collaboration and education

Traditionally, artistic communities relied on face-to-face encounters to learn their skills, collaborate, and showcase their work. Due to COVID-19, performances in the arts have been abruptly halted and traditional music lessons take place at a studio has stopped. This project aims to examine and provide a prototype solution to mitigate the challenges in artistic collaboration […]

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Private Equity and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)

Financial institutions are under increased scrutiny for their role in environmental, social, governance (ESG) risks and impact. In November 2019, the European Parliament introduced the first ever legislation on ‘Sustainability Disclosure’ for financial institutions. Within financial institutions, the private equity industry stands out as an asset class which could have a significant impact on ESG […]

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Biogeographical modeling of coronavirus dispersal

The project will reformulate the coronavirus dispersal hypothesis to food web disturbance caused by ‘social mood’ of human behaviors. We will develop a dynamic system-theoretic model to capture the change pattern of such a “social mood” and identify early warning indictors. The approach will be an advance for understanding the pathogen dispersal risk among those […]

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Countermeasures for Hardening Embedded Security

The impact of attacks on Internet of Things (IoT) embedded devices range from threatening lives, such as attacks on wearable/implantable health devices, to threatening infrastructures in financial, transportation, and other sectors. In the IoT realm, hardware is distributed and embedded in our environment and must be hardened against malicious intentional and unintentional attack. Despite advances […]

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