Diagnostics and Explainable Machine Learning Models

Despite the advances of Machine Learning, the models are still being considered black-boxes that are difficult to diagnose and explain. The model performance diagnostic measures are critical to the assessment of the model’s relevance, accuracy and robustness. Good models’ performance is the primary enabler of their successful deployment in real-life applications. However, even if the […]

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Integrated Amino Analyzer

Develop and design a fully automated and simple to operate amino acid analyzer capable of detecting with high degree of sensitivity the broadest range of amino acid metabolites or molecular structures found in living cells and chemical compounds. Analyzing the makeup of these structures is often the core to understanding the cause of human health […]

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Studying the oxygenation of 3D printed pancreatic tissues

Most people with type 1 diabetes control their blood sugar levels through frequent blood glucose monitoring and insulin injections or infusion. Insulin therapy is life-saving but also life-altering and leads to decreased life expectancy. Instead, insulin-producing cells could be transplanted in devices which would prevent their rejection by the immune system. The design of these […]

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Fracture patterns and their control on erosion and geohazards on the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton, Ontario

The Niagara Escarpment is a dominant landform in southern Ontario and provides the region with exceptional sites of natural beauty including numerous waterfalls and exposed rocky cliffs. However, the escarpment is also a geomorphic feature formed by ongoing erosion processes that create many challenges for those living near or enjoying its natural beauty. Unfortunately, there […]

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Brazing Metallurgies and Processes for Attaching Sintered Carbide Tiles – Year two

A two-year study on brazing technologies used for sintered tungsten carbide tiles is proposed to address the following technical objectives: 1) brazing metallurgy for sintered tungsten carbide and substrate high strength steel, 2) adherence mechanisms between different braze compositions and carbide tiles, 3) brazing parameters for optimized brazed joint performance, and 4) the mechanical stresses […]

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Baseline inventory of key biophysical and geomorphological features along the Lulu Island foreshore and the potential effects of sea level rise on marsh vegetation communities and restoration efforts

This research focuses on creating and implementing a sampling methodology to collect information on vegetation communities and soils along the Lulu Island foreshore in Steveston, BC. This information will be used to examine how the plant communities of natural marsh areas in this area change based on certain environmental parameters (e.g. elevation, salinity, tidal inundation) […]

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COVID19 tools to enable contact free advanced microscopy, remote training and technical support while maintaining physical distancing

After complete shutdown, gradual return of research productivity needs to be maximized while still maintaining safe working conditions and minimizing the potential for transmission of the coronavirus. The gold standard of advanced microscopy is to provide access to key infrastructure which should also include advanced research support from microscopy specialists. In order to use the […]

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Testing Tile Drain Phosphorous Removal with a Novel Carboxymethylcellulose-iron Hydrogel Filtration Matrix

The objective of this research is to reduce the loss phosphate (P) used as fertilizer into waterways. Accumulation of phosphate in rivers and lakes leads to premature lake aging and high P-content allows growth and proliferation of algae, which degrade quality of drinking water, aquatic habitat, and recreational utilization of waterways. The environmentally friendly compound […]

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Hemp-based biodegradable polymer composite for cosmetic products packaging

One of the major challenges that human beings are currently facing is the mass production of polymers and lastics and their accumulation in the environment. Since most polymers are not biodegradable, plastic wastes wll stay in the environment, causing a myriad of ecological and health problems for living creatures. Biodegradable polymers such as polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) […]

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“Missed Connections: Encouraging social encounter, connection, andengagement through time- and location-sensitive playful interactionand games among users/players of public space.”

In this research project, research on cross-reality urban games that foster social engagement and interaction among city-dwellers with themselves and the urban spaces they inhabit will be furthered. Special attention will be paid to the shared experience of time and memory, as these two interface in Urbanoid’s cross-reality urban game x-ode. The knowledge gained will […]

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The paradigm of management: Investigating the link between Indigenous-led contemporary clam management systems and clam diversity in an industrialised ecosystem

The general objective of the proposed activity is to increase the future productivity of Burrard Inlet and the contribution of seafood to the diet of Tsleil-Waututh Nation (TWN) members in support of the TWN Cumulative Effects Monitoring Initiative. Specifically we propose to (1) quantify the ecological variables driving contemporary clam density, biomass and diversity; (2) […]

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