Portrait des organisations économiques privées offrant des services de soins au Québec et impacts socioéconomiques de leurs transformations

Le projet porte sur trois types d’organisations économiques offrant des services de soins privés au Québec et dont la main-d’œuvre est largement féminisée: 1) les agences privées d’aide à domicile; 2) les chaînes de résidences privées pour aînés; 3) les groupes de médecine de famille. Il vise d’abord à dresser leur portrait économique : structure […]

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Experiences and perceptions of newcomer women navigating sexual and reproductive health in Metro Vancouver: Facilitators and barriers to access for screening, treatment and care of HIV & STI

As the number of im/migrant women in British Columbia (BC) continues to grow – the majority of whom are of reproductive age- there is a need to ensure that im/migrant women have adequate access to healthcare, including sexual health services. While BC is one of Canada’s top destinations for im/migrants, robust evidence regarding im/migrant women’s […]

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An integrated watershed-lake framework for water quality assessment in Toronto Harbour and Region Waterfront

This project aims to develop an integrated watershed-lake framework for Don River watershed draining into the Toronto Harbour to assess the best management practices towards improving the water quality in Toronto and Region Area of Concern (AOC). The framework will evaluate the impacts of suspended solids and bioavailable nutrients delivered by surface runoff and lake […]

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CO2-responsive agents for uses in protective coatings

Solvent-based coatings are used for protecting transportation vessels, buildings and infrastructures. They give glossy and durable coatings to protect materials, but their continued use is dangerous to workers and causes environmental damage. Environmentally friendly and safer water-based alternatives exist, but they are less durable and suffer from inferior performance. Unfortunately, the process used to make […]

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Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Effect of Manufacturing Defects on Propeller Cavitation and Efficiency Performance

The objective of the proposed research is to carry out numerical and experimental studies on the performance degradation of propeller blades in three different scales with leading-edge (LE) manufacturing tolerances. In the experimental studies, three single propeller blades in three scales (1:1, 1:2 and 3:4) will be tested in a cavitation tunnel. Flow velocities and […]

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Drug Safety and Effectiveness in Canadians During Viral Pandemics

The Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CSPT) is a national not-for-profit charitable organization. Our mission is to apply educational and research excellence to drug discovery and therapeutic choices. The project aim is to research and assess COVID-19 drug therapy clinical trial results as they are published. This research will allow the CSPT to respond […]

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Design Analytics Interface for Generative Design

Generative design involves creating a large number of design alternatives. It is emerging as a frequently used computational design paradigm in exploring alternative designs. The practical use of generative design demands evaluating the alternatives generated using their form and performance data. We propose to further develop DesignSense, a design (data) analytics tool from the Computational […]

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A Systemization of Knowledge on the Dual Nature of Technology in Providing Support to Sexual Assault Survivors

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in sexual assault incidents. Research shows that when there are disasters and economic meltdowns, there is usually a spike in sexual assaults. The world is experiencing both a pandemic and economic downturn. With self-isolation, social distancing, and the stay-at-home orders, the use of technology […]

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COVID19 viral genome sequence analysis to track viral transmission, to understand evolution of viral genome, to develop novel diagnostic tools as well as to identify novel therapeutic targets

A comprehensive genomic study for the virus SAR-Cov-2 itself and COVID-19 patient samples will be studies analyzed to understand the nature of the virus developments, and to find genomic biomarkers that helps in diagnosing and the treatment of the disease. We will try to understand the molecular network of the virus in the body and […]

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Remote Monitoring of Production Operations During COVID-19 using a Smart Gateway Device

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, social distancing became the most effective approach to guarantee safety. In manufacturing operations this has been achieved through a work from home policy for non-essential personnel and staggered shift operations for essential personnel. However, it is near impossible to track essential personnel compliance to social distancing as well as optimize production […]

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Discovery of natural products with activity against coronaviruses

The general aim of this proposal is to discover new natural products with antiviral activity against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which is responsible for the current COVID-19 global pandemic. Our lab has a collection of ~ 7,000 unique bacteria and fungi derived from marine sources that we will use to screen for the production of antiviral […]

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