Data Science: From Principle to Practice

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that combines statistics, computer science, and domain knowledge. The rise of data science has fundamentally changed how people solve problems in all kinds of industries. To fill the talent gap, SFU professional master’s program (PMP) was launched in 2014. In this Mitacs cluster project, SFU PMP will collaborate with […]

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Analysis and optimization of a novel thermal storage system for ground-source heat pumps

Researchers at Ontario Tech University are collaborating with McClymont and Rak geotechnical engineers to develop a new sustainable thermal storage technology that addresses the main challenges that have prevented geothermal heating and cooling systems from being adopted in a meaningful way in Ontario. An innovative storage medium, based on a construction slurry, will be developed […]

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Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning

The goal of the project is to improve upon the methodology behind goal conditioned learning. In this framework, similar to the setup in traditional reinforcement learning, an agent interacts with an environment. However, instead of training the agent to maximize return, the agent is trained to reach a given goal at the end of the […]

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Detection and Characterization of the Synovium in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Arthritis is a chronic disease that severely decreases the quality of life and affects almost 4.6 million Canadians, costing $33 billion for the Canadian economy every year. Affected individuals experience pain and disability through an extended period of time. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a common form of arthritis, is an autoimmune disease characterized by the inflammation […]

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Graduate Research Assistant for the TRANSFORM Project

The proposed internship will take place in the TRANSFORM Research Hub located at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. The TRANSFORM Project comprises a global network of researchers committed to building the capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in adopting truly sustainable business practices. The primary objective of this internship will be to […]

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AI in Ophthalmology triage automation

There are currently 18 retina specialists in the province of Alberta, approximately half in Calgary and half in Edmonton. Retinal diseases are common. For example, approximately 6.5 percent of people age 40 and older have some degree of macular degeneration. Diabetes retinopathy affects approximately 500,000 Canadians. Many retinal conditions are treatable when detected early, however […]

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Towards quantum?encoded optical communications over existing fiber networks

Two fundamental pillars of communications/communications networks are trust and truth; in particular, we must ensure that the message (or data) that a sender wishes to transmit does indeed reach the intended receiver without being altered or eavesdropped by an unwanted party. This project focuses on demonstrating one concept of the quantum internet. The quantum internet […]

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Development of ballistic/knife resistant composite panels for personal protective equipment (PPE)

In the wake of recent school shootings in U.S. and increasing gun crimes in Canada, parents consider taking additional measures to protect themselves and children safe. We aimed at the development/manufacture of affordable and flexible bullet/knife resistant backpacks for civilians. The backpacks could be used as a shield against bullets/knife to save life. Current available […]

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A Wide Bandgap Based Step-up Power Converter With Enhanced Self-Reconfigurability for Medium Voltage Renewable Power Network

Wind and solar photovoltaic energy are the fastest growing sources of electricity in Canada, targeting to reach 10% of Canada’s total generation by 2040. Aligned with Canada’s energy transition, this research aims at developing a novel, highly efficient, compact, and reliable power electronics interfaces for high power renewable energy resources. The use of power electronics […]

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Monitoring Vital Signs and Location for COVID-19 detection

COVID-19 has already infected more than 2.8 million people with close to 200 thousand death globally (as at 2020 April 25), while it is continuously spreading. Before a vaccine is discovered, the only way to slow down the spread and reduce the number of death is testing. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that someone recovered […]

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