Evaluating anthropogenic impacts on arctic breeding raptors

Peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) and rough-legged hawks (Buteo lagops) breed throughout the Canadian Arctic. Several monitoring programs were established in the 1970’s and 1980’s to evaluate the recovery of these and other raptors following the banning of DDT. DDT is a pesticide that was once widely used, but resulted in severe population declines in many […]

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Edge Streaming for 360-degree Videos

360-degree video streaming is one key element of many Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) applications. The computing and networking demands pose great challenges for mobile devices and mobile networks, especially if a mobile device is the video source. The deployment of mobile edge computing offloads computing and networking demands on mobile devices and alleviates […]

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The development of a smart, fast and reliable engineering design software package for applications in structural and geotechnical engineering design

This research proposes to develop and implement innovative algorithms required to build a software package that will help engineers achieve designs that properly balance reliability and cost. The resulting risk-based design is challenging because it is computationally very time consuming, involving both sophisticated numerical models of the structure being designed, and also Monte Carlo simulations […]

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Development of a handheld water quality monitoring platform incorporating a low-cost electrochemical sensors array

Multi-parameter monitoring of water quality parameters in resource-limited and sparsely populated areas is a major challenge. A fully-integrated sensing platform with high-accuracy, efficiency and lower cost is, thus, crucial for continued water safety. In this project, we will developed a handheld water quality monitoring system with pH, total chlorine; temperature, and water hardness sensors for […]

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Numerical modeling of a novel bucking coil for time-domain electromagnetic geophysics

Geophysical electromagnetic techniques are used to scan the Earth’s subsurface and can be used to help find buried materials of economic, environmental and societal importance. They are especially widely used in mineral exploration. DIAS Geophysical is developing a new geophysical electromagnetic system that will be flown under a helicopter that should be more effective than […]

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Coupling the liquid pool and wellbore hydraulic module of the “Prediction andOptimization Software Package” – Part 4

In the last decade optimization is expanded in many applications from food production to sophisticated applications such as engine fuel efficiency. In the proposed package, it is tried to apply optimization techniques along with physics based analytical and semi-analytical methodologies to create a compelling framework which can help thermal-process based oil industry to reduce their […]

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