A Pilot Project to Assess the Pharmacoeconomic Feasibility ofSubcutaneous Immunoglobulin for Neuromuscular Diseases

For the management of neuromuscular disorders (NMD), subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) administration has become an alternate option, being a home-based alternative to conventional intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), with a comparable efficacy, minimum adverse effects and significant improvement to the quality of life. With the increased cost of healthcare management, it has become more challenging for clinicians and […]

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A survey of mental health in medical marijuana users in Vancouver, Canada.

The Canadian Mental Health Association states that all Canadians will indirectly be affected by mental health at some time in their lives through a family member, friend, or colleague and that 20% of Canadians will be affected personally. Most conditions are treated with pharmaceuticals that often come with unwanted side effects. Many patients have starting […]

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Preclinical proof of concept study evaluating PBI-4050 and analogs as potential treatments in the context of ischemic cardiomyopathy

The ability to impede/reduce complication of the damaged heart presents a major challenge in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Complications include heart failure, which has a high mortality even with current treatments. The use of a new drug to stimulate protection of the heart during an ongoing myocardial infarct and long term changes leading to […]

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Testing of Cannabinoid Oil Extracts in an Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)-Induced Neuropathic Pain (NPP)

The cannabinoid class of medications are widely used to treat disease or alleviate symptoms such as spasticity and pain associated with MS. However, the exact molecular mechanisms by which they exert their beneficial effects remain unknown. Recent research and clinical trials demonstrated that cannabinoids may not only alleviate the symptoms of MS, but may also […]

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Budget Impact Analysis guidelines for submissions to provincial drug plans in Canada (Update 2018- 2019)

In the health technology assessment (HTA) process, cost- effectiveness analysis gets more attention, however over last decade, the budget impact analysis (BIA) has certainly become more important to the subsequent steps, including the adoption decision. The first Canadian BIA Guidelines was published by Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) in 2007. According to the results […]

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ABHD6 as a novel drug target for obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH) and cardiovascular disease (CVD)

Obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2D) and heart diseases have skyrocketed. Controlling glucose usage and insulin balance can substantially decrease the morbidity and improve the quality of life in affected individuals. Dysfunctional insulin action and energy balance in the body is associated with excessive non-adipose fat storage, particularly in the liver, and elevated circulating lipids, which […]

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A novel therapeutic drug for selective treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer with MTAP deficiency

Chemotherapy is currently the most effective approach for treatment of advanced cancer. However, chemotherapeutics do not differentiate between malignant and normal cells, and lead to serious side effects. Recent findings indicate that a substantial proportion of cancers, as distinct from normal tissue, are deficient in an enzyme called methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP). This provides a unique […]

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Validation of small molecule inhibitors of PARG

Many types of cancer are currently untreatable. In Canada alone, 78,000 cancer-related deaths are seen annually, and obviously, new therapies are needed. We have identified the protein PARG as a potent stimulator of cancer growth and a valid target for anti-cancer therapy. However, specific, cell permeable inhibitors of PARG have historically been difficult to generate. […]

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Advanced differential mobility mass spectrometry with electron capture dissociation for the characterization of therapeutic proteins

Many new pharmaceuticals are based on large biomolecules like proteins. Even small differences in the protein structure can cause significant changes in the efficacy and safety of these drugs. Furthermore, these large molecules are difficult to characterize without advanced instrumentation and methods. Current technologies still struggle with robustness and reproducibility. This study aims to introduce […]

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