Innovations in Municipal Bylaw Adjudication

This research will look at existing and possible innovations that would make municipal bylaw enforcement and adjudication in Saskatchewan more accessible, effective and efficient and would reduce the involvement of the formal court system. This may build on the example of regional co-operation offered by the Municipal Bylaw Court in Kindersley, and it may include […]

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A Review of Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Centre Frameworks for the Nshwaasnangong Child Care and Family Centre in the City of London, Canada

The Nshwaasnangong Child Care and Family Centre in partnership with Western University and CityStudio London provide an internship opportunity for a Western University graduate student to research, what the tensions and debates are when establishing an early learning and child care framework from an Indigenous perspective. Specifically, the intern will complete: 1) a literature review […]

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Catalysing Network Change: Exploring Practical Tools to Spark Food Network Action

Food systems organizations work brings together planners, community organizers, public health professionals, food producers, distributors and other food champions to transform food systems through direct action in communities, and collective action across organizations and regions. Many regions across Ontario have identified a fundamental challenge: moving from collaboration to action within their region. This includes the […]

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Effects of human and natural habitat factors on wolverine density and connectivity

In southern Canada, wolverines share their natural habitat with humans. Forestry, for example, alters local ecosystems and leaves behind road networks that give access to people, also including recreationalists. Finally, many valley bottoms contain human infrastructure. This research project examines if wolverine numbers are impacted more by human or natural factors, determines if population connectivity […]

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Developing secure platforms for sharing First Nations owned information

The development and advancement of web mapping technologies is opening the doors to new mapping platforms that are accessible, interactive and engaging. In a conservation and resource co-management setting, there is a large potential for these web mapping platforms to be used to empower local communities by supporting local monitoring, planning and management decisions. However, […]

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The Impacts of Roads and Farming on Raised Bog Hydrology

This project will investigate the impacts of historical land use on Langley Bog to better understand how these unique ecosystems are affected by cranberry farming and fill roads. Bogs require a high water table and high acidity to maintain conditions suitable for bog-specific vegetation to grow. To determine whether the site is moving away from […]

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Co-developing a Bio-cultural Framework for Fish Habitat and Water Assessment with Lower Fraser First Nations

In partnership with the First Nations Fisheries Legacy Fund and their partner First Nations, Katzie, Kwantlen, Kwikwetlem, Musqueam, Tsleil-Waututh, and Tsawwassen, the proposed interns aim to develop a framework of aquatic health indicators that are identified and shaped by cultural values and priorities laid out by the involved First Nations in the Lower Fraser River […]

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Her Own Boss! Bridging Settlement and Economic Security for Visible Minority Newcomer Women in BC

HOB! is a community-based action research project with the aim of supporting visible minority newcomer women (VMNW) in starting entrepreneurial businesses. The research objectives of the project include identifying challenges and opportunities that VMNW face in the business environment of Canada. Moreover, this research will provide suggestions for improvement of employment and self-employment services for […]

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Awechigewin: Developing a Virtual Approach to Community-Based Planning with Michipicoten First Nation

The proposed research project will use a combination of Participatory Action Research and Indigenous Research Methods to create an online engagement tool to gather Michipicoten First Nation (MFN) member’s perspectives on draft planning strategies and policies regarding six priority areas. Engagement is a challenge for MFN as a displaced and widely dispersed community, challenges which […]

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The Economic Transitions of Refugees Resettling in Rural Nova Scotia Since 2015: Learning from Refugee Newcomers, Sponsorship Groups, and Employers

The project explores the facilitators and barriers to the successful economic transitions of privately sponsored refugees resettled in rural areas of Nova Scotia since 2015. While acknowledging differences in pre-migration experiences, we seek to better understand 1) the post-migration factors shaping their economic transitions, such as gender, parental status, race, age and health; 2) how […]

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Assessing cumulative hydrological impacts from forest disturbance and climate change in Duteau Creek community watershed

There are growing concerns over the cumulative hydrological effects of forest disturbance on hydrology in the Duteau Creek community watershed. The objectives of this proposed study are: 1) to calibrate and validate the hydrological model SWAT; 2) to assess the cumulative hydrological effects of proposed forest harvesting under future climate change impacts; and 3) to […]

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