Participatory Cities Every One, Every Day: Toronto

This proposal details an approach for evaluating a planned project led by SII called Participatory Cities: a new inclusive, system-based approach to stimulating and supporting dense networks of practical ‘participation culture’ in cities around the world. With proof of concept developed and tested in London, UK, by the Participatory City Foundation, the model will now […]

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An Integrated Knowledge Approach to Communicating the Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Caregivers and Available Resources for Families Living with Autism

Families (i.e. siblings) with children and adolescents with autism often experience demanding stressors and distress associated with providing care to their family member with autism. Distancing requirements imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have halted many of the programs that parents rely on for respite and support (e.g. interventions, day programs, schools, adapted recreation and leisure, […]

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Towards disability inclusive COVID-19 policy

Youth with disabilities and their caregivers are disproportionately affected both by the COVID-19 pandemic and the policy measures that are adopted in response. Given the increased risk for this vulnerable population, intentionally planning and co-designing policy to meet the needs of youth with disabilities in emergency preparedness efforts is critical. Unfortunately, there is inadequate data […]

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Youth Engagement in Social Enterprise and Co-operative Development: Supporting Economic Adaptation in Rural Communities in Atlantic Canada in Context of Covid 19

Communities and regions throughout Canada have just been hit with a bomb that is a major threat multiplier: Covid 19. Across the country, rural municipalities that were already struggling economically are now struggling even more with how they should move forward, and support economic recovery and stabilization. This research project will focus on how to […]

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Passive acoustic monitoring as a tool to measure spatial and temporal distribution of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) and other marine mammals in the Western Canadian Arctic

The proposed research will aim on a better understanding of both temporal and spatial distribution of marine mammals in the Western Canadian Arctic, with a main focus on bowhead whales. Compared to other marine areas, the Arctic Ocean currently shows less noise disturbance due to the presence of sea ice throughout most times of the […]

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Participator Cities. Every one. Every day: Toronto

Participatory Cities: Every One. Every Day: Toronto seeks to strengthen neighbourhood communities in Regent Park and Alexandra Park in Toronto. This research internship contributes to the project by developing a comprehensive understanding of what supports social cohesion in these neighbourhoods, and what hinders it. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused new problems for neighbourhoods, […]

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Modelling Potential Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Fish Habitat Offsets

A computer model will be used to simulate the impacts of sea-level rise on a tidal wetland in the Fraser River that is yet to be constructed. This research will provide project stakeholders with a better understanding of how resilient the proposed tidal wetland may be, given different possible sea-level rise scenarios. Results will be […]

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Characterization of aerosols generated by various dental procedures

Dental procedures generate a large quantity of airborne droplets. With the concern that COVID-19 transmits through respiratory droplets, dental personnel are at high risk of being exposed to the virus if an asymptomatic patient comes to their clinic. However, limited studies have been performed on the characterization of aerosols generated during dental procedures, how far […]

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A Pilot Study: Integration of the skills of New Canadian farmers to improve functional food production and secondary product development in the agriculture sector in Newfoundland and Labrador

In the first year of this 2-year research project, we propose placing former refugee farmers with the requisite secondary processing skills on a farm in Newfoundland and Labrador to conduct research in order to diversify their production, as well as to increase their secondary product output. The second part of this project involves research of […]

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The Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) COVID-19 Cohort and COVID-19 Home-isolation Activities Together (SPIN-CHAT) Trial

People with the autoimmune disease scleroderma are vulnerable in COVID-19 due to frailty, lung involvement, and immunosuppression; they are representative of vulnerable groups in terms of COVID-19 mental health ramifications. No previous randomized controlled trials have tested mental health interventions during infectious disease outbreaks. We leveraged our existing ongoing cohort of over 2,000 people with […]

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Connected Communities in a time of Physical Distancing: Community-led responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the city of Toronto.

CCPD will explore the ways that 6 Toronto communities have responded to the health, psycho-social and economic stresses that are exacerbated, amplified or created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on interviews with grassroots leaders, social service agencies, NGOs, and City staff engaged in each of 6 Neighbourhood Improvement Areas in Toronto, CCPD will explore the […]

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An updated nutrient budget for the Lake of the Woods and options for management

The Lake of the Woods (LOW) is a large transboundary lake that frequently experiences toxic algal blooms that are caused by excessive nutrient inputs to the lake from its watershed. The objective of this research is to quantify nutrient delivery to the LOW from atmospheric deposition and rivers draining the Canadian portion of the basin […]

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