Moving the weakest links upstream: assessing passage of rainbow smelt and alewife at two Prince Edward Island fishways

Dams can be problematic for fishes, particularly those that migrate. In order to help fish move around dams, fisheries managers may construct fishways (aka “fish ladders”). However, these structures do not always function properly, often because they were built only to pass trout and salmon and are thus inappropriate for other species. This project aims […]

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Coupling event sampling to ColiMinder® high-frequency monitoring of E. coli for improved microbial risk assessment in source waters (COLIRISK)

Safe drinking water supply is a daily need but it can be seriously threatened by microbial hazards originating from fecal contamination of source water, especially following periods of intense rainfall. In order to assess drinking water intakes (DWIs) vulnerability to fecal pollution and to take cost-effective decisions in case of hazardous events, it is urgent […]

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Resource potential of the Post Creek Property, Sudbury, Ontario

Sudbury represents the site of a meteorite impact structure originally greater than 200 km in diameter and that formed 1.85 billion years ago. Despite the proven and potential economic benefits of resource development at Sudbury, there are still major outstanding questions concerning our understanding of the structure and its ore deposits. A series of objectives […]

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Portable Sensor for rapid, onsite detection of bacteria in water

Harmful bacteria in drinking water can be a great threat to humans, causing diseases and possibly death. This project is aimed at determining the safety of drinking water for consumers, especially in communities where access to sophisticated laboratory facilities is limited. This research project will help to further develop a portable bacteria sensor for water, […]

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Investigation of magma conduits and their relationships to Cu-Pd mineralization at W-Horizon of the Marathon deposit, ON, Canada

Copper and palladium (Cu-Pd) mineralization at the Marathon Deposit are associated with gabbro rocks. It is fundamentally important to be able to distinguish among the different types of gabbros, because only those of the Marathon Series are host to mineralization. This is accomplished through logging drill core, whole rock geochemistry and mineralogy. Mineralization at the […]

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Process optimization for extraction of compounds from natural sources

The proposed research project aims to optimize the conditions for Carbon dioxide eXpanded Liquid Extraction (CXLE) which uses liquefied Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and ethanol as co-solvents for extraction of compounds from natural sources. Design alterations will be implemented to a Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) unit at the partner organization (BioFoodTech) to perform CXLE and further […]

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Assessment of the Performance and Treatment Benefits of Primary Solids Microscreen Filtration with an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System

Onsite Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Reuse is emerging as a potential solution to the water shortages, eroding distribution infrastructure, and energy intensive treatment processes that are a fixture of the modern city. However, existing onsite treatment technologies fail to compactly treat water to a high enough quality for urban reuse without increasing per capita treatment […]

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Hydraulic Fracturing Process: Mechanics, Monitoring and Optimization

Hydraulic Fracturing or fracking has been extensively used in the extraction of hydrocarbon fuels in unconventional reservoirs. This process bears significant economic and environmental implications. The partner, ExGeo, has been providing professional services to the petroleum companies to monitor the fracking process using microseismic signals. To improve the precision of field monitoring and optimize the […]

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Three-dimensional simulation of Mississippi Lake for water quality management

Water quality concerns, such as algae blooms, are common in many aquatic systems across the country. Increasing development along waterfront properties and climate change are leading stressors causing poor water quality. In this project, an intern will apply a three-dimensional computer model to help understand how these stressors are contributing to poor water in Mississippi […]

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Evaluation and improvements to quantitative models for predicting en route loss in Fraser sockeye salmon

Fraser River sockeye have become more difficult to manage due to climate change and increasing high adult in-river mortality events. Currently, managers use the difference between estimated lower river sockeye abundance at Mission hydroacoustic station and estimates of abundance attained on the spawning grounds through stock assessment; referred to as difference between estimates (DBE’s). Fraser […]

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Geologically-constrained geophysical inversions for resource expansion of the diamondiferous Renard kimberlite property

Diamond-bearing kimberlites are enigmatic deposits due to their complex volcanic plumbing systems and variable preservation. Although geophysical methods are well established and effective exploration techniques, they require independent and costly constraints (e.g., drilling) to limit the number of plausible targets. There is thus a clear need to enhance interpretation of geophysical data to optimize target […]

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