Non-destructive Testing of Backfill Strength in Support of Continuous Mining

Underground mines generate significant volumes of crushed waste rock, called tailings, but almost half of these can be returned underground and used as value-added backfill. This research uses non-destructive sensors that monitor the backfill’s strength in real time and provides operators with information needed to safely place backfill as quickly as possible. The sensors will […]

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Dispersion and Deposition of Particulate Matter from Stacks

Teck Cominco Ltd. is a diversified mining, smelting and refining group, a world leader in the production of metallurgical coal and zinc and a major producer of copper and gold. The company was interested in investigating the dispersion of particulate matter from its Trail facility into the surrounding area under the influence of diffusion, advection […]

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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Technique for Autonomous Operation of Mining Robots

This project proposes an application of Fuzzy-Evolutionary Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm for autonomous navigation of mining robots in underground mines. This project aims to develop techniques that are useful for mining automation activities, particularly for infrastructureless navigation of load-haul-dump vehicles and drilling equipment. The intern will use current equipment facilities available with the […]

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Physical Properties and Geophysical Correlations of the Lac de Gras Kimberlites and Host Rocks at Diavik Diamond Mines

The Diavik Diamond Mine is located in Canada's remote North, 300 kilometres northeast of Yellowknife, NWT. In this project, the intern will collect and analyze samples of Kimberlite from the Diavik property to determine their physical properties. The data will then be carefully analyzed to look for trends regarding new information that could lead to […]

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Seismic Forward Numerical Modeling and Illumination Study

This project will use computer modelling to aid in building a geological model of the earth’s subsurface. The model is assumed to be accurate when seismic data from the model reasonably matches seismic data recorded on the surface of the earth. The movement of wave energy within the model will then be used to aid […]

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Separation Methods for Carbon Nanotubes and Amorphous Carbon

This internship project has been initiated to support an emerging technology for hydrogen production that is being developed by Atlantic Hydrogen, a Fredericton, NB-based company conducting research into a technology to produce hydrogen from natural gas without the generation of greenhouse gases. This emerging technology produces nanoscale carbon as a mixture of carbon nanotubes, Fullerenes […]

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Sampling Plans and Analysis Strategies for Environmental Assessment of Diamond Mine Impacts in Northern Canada

Rescan Environmental Services has conducted an extended aquatic effects monitoring survey as part of the environmental assessment of the diamond mine operations in northern Canada. Yearly water and sediment samples have been taken over the past 12 years at reference lakes (those not affected by mine operations) and impact lakes (lying in a downstream gradient […]

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Detrital Mineral Geochronology of the Wernecke Supergroup in the Yukon: Enhancing the Framework for Mineral Exploration

This project is designed to provide new information on the source of the sediment in the Wernecke Supergroup, a widespread geological formation in northern Yukon that was deposited approximately 1.8 billion years ago. This formation is important because it hosts numerous mineral occurrences that are attracting considerable mineral exploration activity. The source of the sediment […]

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Regional Mapping and Geochemistry of the Chilcotin Group Volcanic Rocks, South-central British Columbia

The intern will map, collect field geophysical data and sample the Tertiary Chilcotin Group (CG) volcanic rocks throughout its known extent in southern BC with the intent of creating a new regional geological map for the CG. The Tertiary Chilcotin Group covers approximately 36,500km2 of Mesozoic and Paleozoic basement rocks which are potentially highly prospective […]

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Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Provenance of the Upper Purcell Supergroup in Southeastern BC: Implications for Syn-depositional Tectonism

This proposal is for a focused study aimed at elucidating the depositional setting of the Upper Belt Purcell Supergroup. The goal of the study is to assess the potential of this Mesoproterozoic sequence for syngenetic mineralization, including SEDEX Pb-Zn and Cu deposits. Our aim is to identify periods of tectonic upheaval within the basin and […]

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Effect of Pore Pressure Migration on Slope Stability: A Case History

A 150m high mine slope has been subject to movement, requiring the mine to reduce the slope steepness while extensive investigation and analysis is undertaken. This reduction in ore production has major implications for the economical viability of the mine. Golder & Associates, the engineer for the mining company, has numerically modelled the slope using […]

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