A Study of the Modes of Gold Loss in the Calcium Thiosulfate Leaching of Preg-robbing Ores

The evermore increasing complexity of gold ores is forcing operations to seek alternative gold leaching reagents to the traditional use of cyanidation. At the Barrick Goldstrike mine, the implementation of a non-toxic thiosulfate leaching process is about to become an industrial reality. With modification to the existing infrastructure and leaching circuit, this new process allows […]

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A Study of Basic Iron Sulfate Formation and Control in the Autoclaving of Argentiferous Sulfide Gold Ore

Autoclave treatment of refractory sulfide gold ores oxidizes minerals, such as pyrite, containing gold that cannot be recovered through conventional cyanidation. Oxidation liberates the gold by putting iron into solution. At high temperature and pressure, the dissolved iron tends to precipitate. A problematic iron precipitate that may form is basic iron sulfate (BFS). In the […]

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Electromagnetic Modeling of Mineralogies

Remarkably, very little prior work exists in the narrowly defined area of electromagnetic modeling of rocks and minerals. It is admittedly a difficult problem that requires, by definition, a multidisciplinary team with representation from both the mining and minerals domain as well as the EM modeling and simulation domain. Such a collocation of resources and […]

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Pre-Oxidation of a Refractory Sulphide Gold Ore in Alkaline Media

The Eldorado Gold Corp. has developed a method of treating a hard-to-process ore from a mine in China in order to increase their recovery of gold. While this process has proven to be effective, more research is needed on the exact method in which this technique works on a very small-scale and detailed basis. The […]

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Metagenomics to assess impacts of the Mount Polley Mine tailings dam breach on associated ecosystems

The Mount Polley tailings impoundment failure released 24 million m3 of mine-influenced water and sediment into the surrounding watershed. The scale of this spill is unprecedented in BC history, and the effects on current and future ecosystems are unknown. Of paramount concern is the containment of toxic metal-containing compounds that threaten aquatic life. My research […]

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Socioeconomic benefits of the mineral exploration industry in BC

AME-BC as the voice of mineral exploration and development in BC is responsible for developing proper business climates for the mineral exploration industry. The purpose of this study is to support AME BC to achieve its goals through the provision of a clear picture of the socioeconomic benefits of the mineral exploration industry in British […]

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Electrorefining of Manganese

Manganese is an important industrial metal used as an additive for production of various steels, non-ferrous alloys, electronic components and special chemicals. In order to get high purity (99.999%) manganese for advanced applications the electrorefining of manganese will be investigated. Electrorefining will be studied in an ammonium halide salt solution to minimize contamination of the […]

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An Economic Evaluation of processing route options for two gold bearing feed materials: Saprolite and Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Tailings

The suggested research for the Mitacs Accelerate Program is directed to be the final step in a series of previous investigations for maximizing gold extraction from the ASGM tailings and saprolite materials, retrieved from the Eldorado Gold`s Tocantinzinho project (“TZ”), looking to improve its economic results. The TZ project is located in an extensive ASGM […]

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A Review on the Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry Conference Series

We propose to investigate the evolution of sustainable development in the mineral extraction industry over the past 12 years. In 2003 the first Sustainable Developing in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI) conference was held where attending engineers, government officials, researchers, technical experts and non-governmental organizations, adopted the “Milos Declaration” which stated they as a community would […]

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Thiosulphate Leaching of Silver Sulphide Ore in Cupric Medium

Most silver ore is present in form of silver sulphide in nature. Traditional method of silver leaching treats the ore using cyanide, similar to gold leaching. Cyanide leaching has raised more public concerns in the society, due to its potential hazard toward human as well as environment. Regions start to regulate or ban the usage […]

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Selenium removal from waste waters by electrochemical reduction

Because of the toxicity of selenium, its removal from waste water is a crucial treatment before discharging. Selenate (Se(VI)) and selenite (Se(IV)) are the most common species of Se in waste waters. There are many efficient methods for removal of selenite from wastewaters (e.g., ferrihydrite chemical co-precipitation, cementation, or adsorption) while the removal of selenate […]

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Mapping, geochemistry and mineralisation of the Laird Lake area, Red Lake, Ontario

Shear zone-hosted, or orogenic, gold deposits are a significant mineral resource in the Superior Province of Canada. This study will investigate the nature and genesis of gold mineralisation in the Red Lake area of the Uchi subprovince. Recent exploration by Bounty Gold Corp. has identified Au mineralisation in the Laird Lake area close to the […]

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