The International Centre for Northern Governance and Development Masters Degree Cluster 2012-2013

The Master in Northern Governance and Development (MNGD) is a project-based, interdisciplinary program meant to build capacity among northerners in northern Saskatchewan through a blended delivery model including face-to-face, videoconferencing, online and international field school instruction. The 2012-2013 internship research project will contribute to the MNGD graduate students’ research through the examination of community-based responses […]

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Mineralogy and isotopic signature of the Marshall lake VHMS deposit

The proposed research project will study processes which took place during formation of the copper-silver-gold deposit in the southern part of the Marshall Lake property, western Ontario. The study will focus on deciphering primary and metamorphic mineral assemblages and conditions of their origin. Studying mineral textures and their chemical and isotopic compositions will allow characterization […]

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Towards automating ore sorting with rich sensors

To make mining more efficient and environmentally friendly, transportation of rock should be minimized. Ideally we would only transport those rocks that contain economically extractable amounts of minerals. MineSense has developed sensors that can detect the level of minerals in rocks and, in particular, can detect very low levels with high accuracy. This proposal is […]

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A community-orientated “skills for success” research project

This research internship project with Ms. Birdsall shall investigate and develop a functional plan for a corporate social investment (CSI) model that integrates: (i) Douglas College’s Skills for Success recommendations with the industry partner’s current CSI program and future Social & Labour Plan [SLP] obligations; and (ii) the capabilities and potential resources of the South […]

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Strategic community investment – A tookit for junior exploration companies

After reviewing a plethora of toolkits published by industry organizations such as the ICMM and PDAC, a set of simple to use tools have been summarized in the toolkit. The aim of the toolkit is to help junior and mid-tier producers to understand the importance of sustainability programs and how to best engage with community […]

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Metal Mixtures – Data for Field-Relevant Soil Quality Criteria to Protect Plant Health

  Environmental quality criteria (EQCs) for soils are not designed to protect ecosystems from multiple contaminants that co-occur. EQCs are overwhelmingly based on dose-response studies of single contaminants, and lack mechanisms for scaling EQCs to accurately predict metal mixtures toxicity. The inability to predict risk for metal mixtures in soils at Canada's many current and […]

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Co-Ordination of Steel Production Operations for Increased Throughput

This project aims to improve the throughput of the production system at ArcelorMittal through better coordination between the production operations. The project proposes a sophisticated discrete-event simulation model to analyze the impact of all important parameters of the production system, such as steel temperature, furnace heat duration, ladle movements, and heat loss at ladle. Several […]

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Performance of cavity nesting birds breeding on reclaimed mine tailings

This study will assess the behaviour, physiology and reproduction of individual birds breeding on reclaimed mine tailings, and will provide a robust measure of the effectiveness of reclamation efforts on the Highland Valley Copper operating area. By examining a range of life-history traits in two ecologically distinct species, and comparing birds breeding on reclaimed mine […]

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Geomorphic changes in Russell Creek Experimental Watershed following a record rain on snow event

Movement of sediment through landslide activities dominates sediment transport in headwater channels, and exerts a strong control on downstream channel morphology and aquatic habitat. Landslide and debris flow activity in headwater channels is controlled in part by the intensity of precipitation events. At Russell Creek Experimental Watershed on northern Vancouver Island, high resolution, remotely sensed […]

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