Improving Metallic Yield in a Steel Rolling Plant through Optimization

The objective of this project is to use optimization to improve metallic yield (the percentage of raw material that ends up as usable product) in an ArcelorMital Steel Rolling Plant. The metallic yield of the rolling operations depends upon the length of billets from which the final product is manufactured. Ideally, a single customer order […]

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Efficient Computational tools for Magnetic Reconstruction and Image Decomposition

  TerraNotes Ltd is a geoscience company based in Edmonton, Alberta. TerraNotes has developed or improved 75 proprietary geophysical techniques to extract important information from geophysical datasets. With the current advanced techniques in making use of airborne surveys, the exploration industry can rapidly and effectively obtain magnetic data which cover very large regions and remote […]

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Heat exposure limits for older workers in deep mechanized mining

We are conducting this study to determine to what extent air velocity affect sweating, skin blood flow and changes in core temperature in older workers during exercise performed in the heat (i.e., 30°C and 60% RH). Responses of older adults (55-65 years) will be compared to a younger group (20-25 years). Participants will perform four […]

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The development of a safety assessment model for spent nuclear fuel disposal with special emphasis on radiolytic corrosion of the copper fuel waste container

The project will involve a partnership between the Western University, where the intern is enrolled in the Chemistry PhD program, and the Surface Science Western (SSW). The SSW is a commercial organization which does contract research and problem-solving for industrial companies and is contracted to the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) to support the development […]

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A scalable solution for sensing and sorting ore in the mineral mining process

This project intends to research the building of scalable, low-cost and robust alternatives and improvements to existing systems for mineral sensing and sorting in order to achieve greater productivity and efficiency by means of improving speed and accuracy in the process of mining minerals from low grade rocks. The project will combine developments in embedded […]

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Sustainability Reporting: Lessons on initiating a sustainability report in a junior mining company

This project seeks to simplify and clarify the process of initiating a sustainability report using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). During Lindsay’s previous Mitacs Accelerate project, she identified the GRI as the best reporting framework for Junior and Mid-Tier miners. Further to this, Lindsay created a “Quick-Sheet” as a tool to help small companies understand […]

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Enabling community well-being monitoring: Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach (Quebec)

The Naskapi Nation is a small, isolated Aboriginal community located in northern Quebec. Accessible only by air and rail, the community has been affected by significant mineral development to date. Do to the rich mineral area surrounding the community extractive companies have implemented plans for further development. This has raised local concerns regarding the range […]

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