Développement d’une caméra grand angle miniature

Parmi les systèmes optiques, les lentilles ayant un très grand champ de vue, dites panoramiques, sont des dispositifs extrêmement difficiles à miniaturiser, notamment à cause de leur nombre d’éléments optiques, leur forme et leur complexité. Les techniques actuelles de miniaturisation, utilisées avec succès pour les optiques de téléphones cellulaires, ne permettent pas de miniaturiser suffisamment […]

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Simulation thermomécanique des barres pour hydro alternateurs etcaractérisation des interfaces

Les courants très élevés circulant dans les enroulements des grandes machines tournantes utilisées dans les centrales hydro-électriques entraînent la génération d’une température élevée au niveau du cuivre ainsi que du ruban isolant. Ces températures élevées entraînent à leur tour des contraintes mécaniques dues aux contractions et dilations des matériaux lesquelles peuvent mener à des fissurations […]

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Efficacy and insect resistance management of new insecticidal proteins targeting western bean cutworm in Ontario, Canada – Year two

Western bean cutworm (WBC) is the most important corn pest in Ontario and lack of control can reduce grain yield and quality due to insect feeding and mycotoxin contamination. Unlike other primary corn pests, WBC are not controlled by most transgenic corn expressing Bt proteins. Monsanto has developed new insecticidal proteins to which WBC are […]

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Defining the Transmission Season and Determining the Gastropod Intermediate Hosts of Crenosoma vulpis, the Fox Lungworm

Crenosoma vulpis (Fox Lungworm) is a metastrongyloid nematode parasite infecting the lungs of wild and domestic canids. It is a frequent cause of chronic respiratory disease in dogs in Atlantic Canada. Dogs and foxes acquire the infection from ingesting terrestrial gastropods which contain the infective third larval stage (L3) of the parasite. Nothing is known […]

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Optimizations of AC/DC Converters for Powering 5G Network

The telecommunication industry is rapidly evolving towards providing faster services to accommodate the global surge in network demand. The next-generation (5G) network aims to increase the current network speed by more than twentyfold. This transition brings enormous benefits for the economy and society. A main challenge faced by network providers, however, is that the existing […]

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Photo-curable Polysiloxane Resins for Engineered Ferroelectret Films

Polymer ferroelectrets are light weight and flexible materials that display piezoelectric behaviour. These properties make them ideal for use as transducers in the aerospace industry. However, the traditional methods used to prepare high performance polymer ferroelectrets cannot be used for large scale manufacturing due to poor reproducibility or high cost. Furthermore, these manufacturing techniques rely […]

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Safety assessment and toxicity profile of a Manganese-based contrast agent

To design effective and patient-specific cancer therapy, sensitive detection of relapse and distant metastases by non-invasive medical imaging is essential, for which MRI offers tremendous potential due to wide availability of the equipment in clinic and avoidance of ionizing radiation. Although gadolinium-based contrast agents are the most frequently used for MRI, they are associated with […]

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Modeling and Optimization of the milling process of compressor rotors

Efficiency of rotary screw air compressors is highly dependent on the errors in the shape of their rotor profile caused by manufacturing errors. The current practice to determine these errors and compensate for them in the design stage involve an extensive amount of costly trials, which will not necessarily lead to an optimum design. In […]

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Design of Low-Loss Plastic Optical Fiber based on Fluorinated Polymer

This project will be with Vena Medical that focused on creating a forward viewing imaging microcatheter to provide a real-time navigational perspective for interventional physicians. The Vena Microcatheter will make interventional procedures faster, easier, and safer for both patients and physicians. This project will investigate the novel polymer optical fiber with high flexibility and high-quality […]

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Therapeutic Strategies for Restoring Palmitoylation and Autophagy in Neurodegeneration

The cellular clearance pathway autophagy is required for degrading toxic proteins and damaged organelles, but is disrupted in many neurodegenerative diseases. During induction many autophagy regulators quickly localise to membranes from the cytosol. The Martin lab has identified palmitoylation, which involves the addition of the fatty acid palmitate to cysteine residues, as a potential regulator […]

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High temperature wear of sand cast and die cast Al and Mg alloys for continuously variable transmission (CVT) and other applications

The project will determine sliding wear behaviour of lightweight Al and Mg alloys for the continuously variable transmission (CVT) bore application and other engine applications. High temperature lubricated wear tests that simulate the actual operating conditions of CVT bore will be carried out. In addition, tests will be conducted at room temperature and under the […]

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