He said, she said: career histories of senior information communications technology leaders from Nova Scotia. Barriers and enablers to advancement for women and men

The study will contribute to a better understanding of Information Communications Technology (ICT) leadership development and in particular to executive career management for both men and women. Human resource management practices which contribute to advancement of senior women will be identified in an evidence-based fashion to encourage their application by decision makers. The study will […]

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Couling Inventory Validation

Cultural Planning encourages recognition of a community's network of interrelated assets, and maintains that it is beneficial to conserve built cultural heritage resources. Many municipalities, including the City of Guelph, have undertaken cultural mapping initiatives, which are considered an initial step and a defining feature of this vein of planning. Guelph’s mapping initiative identifies the […]

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From Management to Adaptation: An organizational learning approach to strategic renewal of the environmental management function at The City of Calgary

This study looks at how organizational learning can be applied to enhance the relationships between human organizations and the environment. A team of environmental management professionals at The City of Calgary will work with the intern/researcher to design and test the effectiveness of an organizational learning tool. The tool will be applied to explore principles […]

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Development of a public sector change management model

Change is a necessary part of an organization’s existence and its continued growth. Therefore, the ability to manage change effectively and efficiently contributes to organizational success. The intern, through an extensive review of change models and public sector change literature, will develop a change model suitable for the public sector environment. The model will be […]

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Strategic Planning for Cumulative Impact Assessment in Metlakatla Territory

The proposed research program is a planning process that will help to enable the Metlakatla Development Corporation to meaningfully participate in regional development. There are 29 major projects proposed in the traditional territory of the Metlakatla First Nation and these projects will have significant costs and benefits. The current project-based cumulative effects assessment as required […]

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Valuing Youth Voices after Disaster: Recovery & Resilience in Fort McMurray

When disasters strike, young people are often portrayed as victims with little to contribute to their recovery. This can lead to the absence of critical youth concerns in key decision-making processes despite growing evidence that strengthened community engagement and voice generates social, economic, and environmental benefits in short and long term recovery. The proposed research […]

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Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cardiac Arrhythmia Care Pathways Project

The interns will be engaged to to identify potential target patients and provide a cost-benefit analysis of various forms of CA care pathways, with a focus on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of implementing an e-health system compared to the current model of care.The target patient analysis will be conducted through the development and use […]

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Leisure Access Victoria: Recreation Accessibility Website, Apps and Tools

Recreation Integration Victoria and the School of Public Health and Social Policy (at UVic.) will address critical issues around the health, fitness and social integration of persons with disabilities in the Victoria Capital Regional District (CRD). Our goal is to promote and facilitate increased fitness, physical activity and healthy living across the entire disability spectrum. […]

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Testing nutrient profiling tools and portion size based initiatives (education, regulation and reformulation) for public health policy in Canada

Poor diet is one of the factors associated with obesity and overweight, which may increase the risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Two ways to improve the diets at the population level are to 1) establish public health initiatives (e.g. product labelling or advertising restrictions and 2) change the portion […]

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Real-time multi-class object recognition for municipal waste collection

The use of garbage trucks with “robot arms” for municipal waste collection is becoming more and more common in Ontario and across North America. However, these “robots” have very little capability. In our collaboration with Waterloo Controls, we are working to automate the process of garbage collection. Rather than requiring the operator to acquire the […]

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Digital tools for Ottawa’s Cultural Heritage Conservation: Ottawa New Edinburgh Club Boat-House (ONEC)

Heritage information plays an essential role in the adequate planning and monitoring of conservation strategies. Digital tools have revolutionized the speed and the accuracy in recording heritage places. This pilot project addresses how to integrate information gathered through digital technology into coherent graphic record (floor plans, section, and elevations) and how to understand the relationship […]

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