Pharmacy Care Health and Wellness Approaches in the Grocery Retail Environment

Health care systems in Canada and countries around the world are challenged by increasing demands for services, while providing those services within fixed health agency budgets. To address these challenges, the Ivey International Centre for Health Innovation, Loblaw Company Limited and Green Shield Canada has formed a collaborative partnership. The proposed research will engage academic […]

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Optimization and Control for Bioreactors used in Wastewater Treatment

The automation of wastewater treatment plants can lead to decreased energy usage and improved effluent quality. Current technology focuses on instrumentation and displays so that human operators can make decisions on the operating point of the plant, while relying on simple computer feedback controls to guide the plant. This research program aims at developing intelligent […]

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Ontario Water Asset Map Research Project

The purpose of this research project is to create an existing Asset Map of Ontario’s water technology sector – including innovators, suppliers, researchers, associations and others, in order better understand the networks of innovation and to support WaterTap’s efforts to facilitate the development of innovation networks and advance water technology in Ontario.

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Consolidation and transformation of administrative data into research dataset

Ontario Early Years Centres (OEYCs) offer programming for young children (0 to 6) and their families. In Hamilton, there are five different OEYCs. The City of Hamilton helps the OEYCs with their planning and with assessing how their programs are helping families. This is complicated, because each OEYC keeps its own data. This project will […]

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Preventing and Responding to Gendered Violence on Campus

The purpose of the research is to describe the nature of university policies and practices related to gendered violence at Canadian universities, in order to identify promising practices for preventing and responding to gendered violence. A description and analysis of university policies from across Canada will provide a useful context for evaluating the policies on […]

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Estimating Market Potential and Location-Allocation for Land-Use Modelling

As Lowe’s Companies Incorporated expands their organization across Canada they face tough decisions about where to locate new retail stores. These decisions take place at different scales and require choices to be made about what towns or cities would benefit from a new home improvement center and where within these towns or cities the center […]

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Monitoring & Assessment of Vegetation Management Techniques in BC and Alberta

This project will involve the monitoring and assessment of newly implemented vegetation management processes at Spectrum Resource Group. The efficacy and consistency of herbicide application in forestry and industrially-related environments will be observed, and notes and recommendations will be made on how new procedures compare to traditional methods. Specifically, the intern will: collect information about […]

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Recipient Perspectives on Private Aid in Tanzania

My research examines the role of private funding as it increasingly shapes international aid. Despite trillions of dollars spent worldwide on government funded official aid, poverty is anything but a thing of the past. From a recipient perspective, is private aid any better? More Canadians are setting up private family foundations, and globally more private […]

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Lean and Green: Developing Environmental Management Processes for Industry

The intern will be engaged in developing a Lean and Green road map that establishes the current environmental performance of the study facility, identifies opportunities for improvement, and provides a systematic process in order to achieve sustainability goals. By engaging in the development of Current and Future Value Stream maps, applying relevant process management tools, […]

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Building Equity and Inclusion through the Arts

Teaching through the arts has often been heralded as an effective way to engage marginalized students. As such, it would seem that an arts-infused approach to learning may promote equity and inclusion in schools. This research project endeavours to engage students as co-researchers to investigate how exactly the arts and creativity allow moments of equity […]

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From Hammers to Homes: a housing development report for Metro Vancouver

The From Hammers to Homes project seeks to engage one masters student intern for two semesters to work with the partners in order to design a new database and conduct a new annual survey to report on improving the quality and transparency of information on the residential development environment in regional Vancouver’s municipalities. The intern […]

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Evaluating the “Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation” framework: A case study of the Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable management plan

The Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable is collaboratively developing a watershed management plan for the lower Coquitlam River, using the “Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation” framework. Developed by the Conservation Measures Partnership (a group of international NGOs), this framework is intended to guide the design and implementation of conservation projects using an integrative approach […]

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