COVID19 and Disclosure of Risk in Energy Exposed Sectors

COVID19 has accelerated shifts in the global energy market such that energy companies and banks may be impacted in the medium to long term. At the same time, the decarbonization of the world’s highest carbon sectors present opportunities for alternative energy carriers. For investors and policy makers it is important to understand the scope and […]

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Does Intervention Work? Assessing the Effectiveness of Business Innovation and Growth Support in Canada

Using the Business Innovation and Growth Support (BIGS) dataset in Statistics Canada’s Linked File Environment (LFE), the proposed research will evaluate the impact of federal business innovation supports on firm growth, innovation (e.g., patent behavior), and propensity to export within and across strategic industries. The findings will inform how the partner organization, and firms like […]

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Indigenous and Northern Centre for Innovation

The goal of this project is to support Indigenous economic development corporations in the establishment of technology-focused companies designed to introduce, test and market new and emerging technologies of potential application for Indigenous communities. At present, northern, remote and Indigenous communities are being left behind in the technological revolution. Companies do not reach out to […]

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Smart Work Zone Management – Year two

Construction zones are one of the leading contributors to Toronto’s ever-growing congestion. The aim of this study is to develop an integrated construction zone traffic management framework to minimize disruption of the traffic and reduce the effect in terms of congestion. This study leverages historical and real data collected from on-board construction trucks provided by […]

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Kitigay: Indigenous food systems research with Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, Manitoba

This research documents the social impact of an Indigenous food systems development and education program called Kitigay. Kitigay means to plant in Ojibway to describe planting food but also ideas and education. This proposed participatory research supports farm and wild rice paddy design, implementation, training, and food product marketing in the First Nation of Brokenhead […]

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Family Physician Work Force Projection in Saskatchewan

This project will examine the physician needs in Saskatchewan and will forecast the number of family physicians needed for each health region. Using health regions as a unit of analysis, supply of physician workforce will be estimated in a reduced form. Both demand and supply side factors such as income, demographic characteristics, physician migration and […]

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Examining the Relationship between Work Environments, Burnout and Nurse

The purpose of this internship is to identify the relationship between work environments and satisfaction in nurses at York Central Hospital (YCH) in the Emergency Department and Medical/Surgical unit. The intention of this study is to identify the variables proposed in current research, equate to healthy work environments at YCH and to examine other contributing […]

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Exploring the Role that Science and Technology Play in Regional Productivity Differences Using New Metrics

Problems associated with measuring scientific and technological advances make it difficult to determine the impact of R&D on scientific advancement, technical change and ultimately productivity and output. Our research uses new publication-based measures of technical and scientific change to: (1) quantify the importance of R&D and determine the strength of these relationships, (2) document differences […]

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Exploring regional productivity difference – Could differences in management be the cause?

This project explores the role that management techniques play in changes in productivity, economic fluctuations and growth over time for Canada and the U.S, as well as regional productivity differences. This information should help economists create better models and policies, as well as better inform Governments and businesses about the importance of proper management and […]

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Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Health and Safety Association’ Initiatives at WorkSafeBC

Worksafe BC (WSBC) is an organization dedicated to promoting workplace health and safety for workers and employers across the province through regulatory enforcement, education and by offering workers insurance and compensation services. On an ongoing basis, WSBC invests substantial funds in safety awareness and injurt prevention programs. Intuitively these programs result in improved safety performance […]

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Religion at Work: Impressions & experiences of young adults of immigrant background in Canada

Working from an existent database of focus groups and interviews conducted in Canadian cities, this project investigates how young adults from established immigrant populations view religious diversity in the workplace. The study is comparative, exploring the impressions and experiences of "religion at work" as they pertain to specific genders, ethnicities and religious backgrounds While participants […]

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