Rapid Health Impact Assessment On Introducing Permanent High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes and High Occupancy Tolls Lanes In the Greater Toronto Area

The WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The holistic nature of this definition provides the basis for an all-encompassing evaluation of health, which is the guiding principle behind health impact assessment (HIA). An emerging area of public concern in […]

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Construction and validation of the interRAI 0-3

The purpose of this study is the construction of the interRAI 0-3 to: 1) improve identification of developmental, behavioural and emotional problems in young children; 2) enhance evidence-informed care planning; and 3) facilitate access to early intervention and individualized, tailored treatment based on the needs of the child and the family. The expected benefit to […]

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Conserving the buzz: An interdisciplinary, multi-stakeholder approach to pollinator conservation in Ontario, Canada

Southern Ontario is one of the most critical regions in Canada in terms of wildlife-human conflict. It has one of the highest proportions of species at-risk but also dense human population and agricultural productivity. This project proposes to research whether habitat for at-risk pollinators can be adequately incorporated onto private farmland using methods from natural […]

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Developmental Disability, Independent Facilitation, and Citizenship

Increasingly, organizations supporting people with disabilities, like Facilitation Wellington Dufferin (FWD), describe their activities in terms of citizenship goals, e.g., promotion of social inclusion, control over one’s own life, and access to natural supports. Key concepts such as citizenship and inclusion are philosophically disputed, raising a “measurement problem”—what would even count as evidence of success? […]

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The Evolving Legal Services Research Project, Phase II, Stage 3

How can public legal education and information help Canadians get justice in our legal system? With the demand for publicly-funded or low-cost legal services far exceeding the supply, public legal education and information (PLEI) is filling an increasingly larger role in meeting the legal needs of people with modest means. Yet we know relatively little […]

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Amplifying the Developmental Impact of the Ernest C. Manning Youth Innovation Awards: An Evidence-Based Design for the First Canadian Youth Innovator Mentorship Network

By studying the key features of these top achieving youth innovators, we will gather evidence via research to learn more about what drives them, what supports they need and how mentors (anywhere) can be engaged well to support them. The result of the project will be an organization and process design for the development of […]

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Meander Belt Delineation Procedure: An evaluation of current practices in Southern Ontario

Meander belt delineation is required as part of planning and development policies and species at risk legislation. The ultimate goal of the delineation procedure is to reduce loss or damage of property, limit development encroachment, and protect natural areas or sensitive habitat along river systems. In partnership with Beacon Environmental Ltd., an environmental consulting company […]

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Is no news bad news? An investigation of local news poverty in Canada

Upheavals in the news industry have sparked concerns about the availability of local news, particularly in smaller cities, suburban municipalities and rural areas. This project will make it possible to launch/moderate a crowd-sourced national map that tracks local news outlet launches/losses/service cuts over time; analyze data from a survey that asked voters in eight Canadian […]

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Environmental Monitoring Protocols for Phosphorus Monitoring in the Georgian Bay Biosphere Re

The research project as suggested by Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO designated site) is to assess their current Nutrient Monitoring Protocols, with specific emphasis on Phosphorus Monitoring. Phosphorus plays a crucial role in water quality and ecosystem function, and therefore requires further research into methods of environmental monitoring. The aim is to identify what additional […]

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Development of a debris-flow risk reduction design tool

Steep creek hazards such as debris flows and debris floods pose a considerable risk to mountain communities and infrastructure. Relative to other geohazards, debris flows and debris floods are particularly hazardous because they travel rapidly, provide minimal warning and occur frequently. In Canada, professionals have little experience with debris-flow risk reduction due to limited development […]

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