Acute Impact of an Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Stimulus on Human Neurophysiological Function

Power-lines and electric appliances are the main sources of daily human exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields (MF, 60 Hz in North America). In order to protect the public and workers from potential adverse effects, international agencies publish MF exposure guidelines based on the “best estimate” available regarding the levels producing an acute biological effects in […]

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Towards Production of Industrial Oils from Camelina Year Two

In addition to food uses, vegetable oils are increasingly a source for renewable biomaterials and biofuels. Recent progress in the development of a biobased economy is focused on introduction and improvement of novel crop plants for non-food applications. The proposed project is part of an international collaborative effort to develop camelina as a new industrial […]

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Measuring Indicators of Community Health and Holistic Well-Being Based on Future Land Use and Transportation Planning Scenarios using Geographic Information Systems

Urban design and transportation investments may have a significant impact on the health and well-being of the people and environments; however, it is often difficult to measure these impacts or predict how long term growth may improve or disrupt a community. This project will begin with a literature review to identify built environment indicators that […]

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Head Start Ottawa: review of program structure and implementation

The objective of this project is to review the program structure, program delivery and client satisfaction for 10 Head Start early childhood education centres operating in Ottawa, ON. Through a mixed-methods approach that combines interviews, surveys, and drawing activities with children we will gain insights on the strengths and challenges experienced by families, children and […]

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A comparative analysis of good governance in Canada and Vietnam to enable civil society organizations to participate as a central development actor

The overall aim of the research is to increase the influence of citizens in governance activities in Vietnam through bilateral development assistance from Canada. The research will compare the Canadian and Vietnamese characterization of “governance” and “good governance,” notably how governance is conceptualized and measured. The research will document specific Canadian approaches to and international […]

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Community Economic Development in the Formalization of Small Scale Mining

This research project will include a thorough literature review pertaining to business models of potential benefit to the formalization of the small-scale mining sector. These models will be developed to this particular situation in order to improve efficiency, reduce pollution and increase community economic benefit. Working with SEF Canada will allow us to harmonize this […]

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Ulkatcho integrated resource utilization and business planning

The Ulkatcho First Nation is being empowered by the provincial government to take more control over its socio and economic affairs. One critical parts of the transitioning is for the Ulkatcho First Nation to manage their forest resources and operate forest related, manufacturing and energy businesses. The Yun Ka Whu’ten Development LP will be an […]

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Increasing Visibility to Living Musqueam Histories Through Cultural Tourism

The Musqueam Nation has lived in the territory encompassing Vancouver and surrounding areas for thousands of years. One of the largest ancient village and burial sites is c??sna?m. From relationships with neighboring First Nations to welcoming the first explorers, Musqueam has a rich history of intercultural engagement, including its connection to Chinese migrants from Southern […]

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Increasing energy conservation through tenant engagement in high rise buildings in Toronto

Residential high-rise buildings consume large amounts of energy for their cooling and heating needs. A large portion of this energy is wasted due to aging infrastructure, lack of proper maintenance, and occupants’ lack of awareness about energy conservation measures. While the economic and environmental benefits of physical retrofit of aging high-rises is well understood in […]

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Employer Demand-Driven Training (EDDT) Programs for Youth Employment

The proposed research project will research and evaluate the impact of Employer Demand-Driven Training (EDDT) programs undertaken in 5 pilot sites in Ontario. As a strategy, ‘demand-driven’ means putting businesses at the centre of workforce training development and using their workforce needs and challenges as the starting point to design effective programs. In this way, […]

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