Evaluating Sustainable Governance for Non-Profit Organizations in Rural Canada

Non-profit organizations play an increasingly important role in rural regions. Yet, these organizations are chronically lacking in capacity, including being both understaffed and underfinanced, as well as having high turnover rates and loss of institutional memory as a result. This research project aims to explore how non-profit organizations and charities in rural communities deliver their […]

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The Centralization of Social Need: what has been the impact on the affected populations of the centralization of social services into Windsor’s downtown core?

This study will explore how the centralization of social services and those who use them impact the environment of Downtown Windsor. The goal of the project is to understand how the location of social services effects the movement of people who are using these services. Stakeholders, businesses, and residents will be surveyed in order to […]

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An investigation of Canadian companies’ orientations towards modern slavery and extreme human exploitation in global supply chains

Slave labour continues to be used in business settings around the world and is often linked to society through the supply chains for consumer goods. Yet, the issue of slavery in modern society (“modern slavery”), despite its ties to business settings, has received very little attention in societies around the around. While countries such as […]

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Benchmarking Evidence Based Approaches to New Functional Regions

This research project will build a case and a new definition for contemporary functional economic regions based on fiscal and economic impact analysis and return on investment benchmarking. The project will expand the scope of ‘functional’ from the traditional commuter shed and labour market context of the past, to include contemporary collaborative and economic drivers […]

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The Value of Arts and Culture for Community Cohesion

Although the social, economic, and cultural importance of the arts is generally acknowledged, few studies have collected data on how community members (whether engaged in the arts or not) perceive the value of the arts within their community. This study examines public perceptions of the arts within Saskatchewan’s urban and rural communities. Using a mixed-methods […]

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Addressing peer-related variables in failure to comply charges of youth

In Canada, failures to comply with court-ordered conditions are one of the most common criminal charges faced by youth. Some evidence has identified factors that contribute to breaching conditions, such as the number of conditions and length of time under them, but there is currently no research addressing how peers and co-accused youth affect youths’ […]

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Strengthening capacity of Canadian civil society organizations and their partners in the Global South to address gender inequality: Engagements, perceptions and uses of feminist approaches in international development

The goal of this project is to strengthen the capacity of Canadian civil society organizations (CSOs) working around the world to combat gender inequality. The Mitacs post-doctoral candidate, working closely with the Canadian Council of International Co-operation, a coalition of over 80 CSOs in Canada, will examine how different feminist approaches are applied in international […]

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Identifying and managing under-performing employees’ motivational barriers: Organizational factors, personality derailers, and mental health problems.

One of the most complained about behaviours of employees in organizations is the problem of their lack of motivation or demotivation. The current literature on work motivation is mainly focused on organizational factors that lead to motivation (e.g., job autonomy). Unfortunately, other important contributors such as negative personality traits and mental health issues have not […]

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Part of the water, part of the land’: Developing Indigenous water legislation for Carcross/Tagish First Nation – Year two

The protection of water is a priority for Carcross/Tagish First Nation (C/TFN) and revitalizing Indigenous legal and governance systems is fundamental to advancing Indigenous approaches to water governance. While the citizens of C/TFN have governed the waters and lands within their traditional territory since time immemorial, their Tagish and Tlingit legal orders have been disrupted […]

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Assessment of the “Pathway to Resilience” program

The purpose of this research is to develop an assessment for the”Pathway to Resilience” program. The “Pathway to Resilience” program is a resilience training program for employees developed by Air Institute. The assessment created during this internship will be used to assess the program’s effectiveness. This assessment will be used to guide organizational reports delivered to client organizations […]

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Impacts of Environmental Change on Subsistence Land Use

My internship focuses on the creation of a weighted scale that ranks different types of environmental disturbances, both natural (i.e. wildfires) and anthropogenic (i.e. seismic activity), by the level of transformation they incur in arctic tundra ecosystems. Currently, there is a lack of a widely used ranking system to help understand which types of environmental […]

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