Economic Implications of Policy Change in Rural Regions: Implications of Legalizing Cannabis in the Kootenay Region

How does policy created by the federal government impact local rural regions? What are the positive and negative implications of policy changes made in Ottawa? This research focuses on understanding the economic implications of changes in federal policies in rural areas. With better understanding, businesses and community serving organizations can better plan for economic implications […]

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The Developmental Health of Children and Youth participating in Out-of-School Programs

In order to grow into healthy, successful adults, children need environments that support their physical and mental health, engage them in learning, and help them to develop social skills. Out-of-school programs are one kind of support that can help shape children’s futures in a positive way. Out-of-school programs are provided outside of regular school hours […]

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Supporting Social Inclusion and Well-Being in Metro Vancouver

Social relationships are important for our physical and mental health. In 2012, the Vancouver Foundation conducted a survey to measure how connected and engaged residents are in Metro Vancouver. They found that 1 in 4 Metro Vancouver residents report being alone more often than they would like. Of even greater concern, 1 in 10 residents […]

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Study of Indian and Ukrainian legal frameworks regulating biofertilizers and biocontrol agents in reference to Canadian microbial products – year 2

This research aims at primarily analysing the legal frameworks regulating biofertilizers and biopesticides (also known as ‘biologicals’) in India and Ukraine. After studying and analysing the legal frameworks, and barriers in registration procedures for R&D, trial, transfer, trade, transport and storage of new molecules and microbial strains of agro-biologicals, a draft of alternative regulations will […]

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Indigenous engagement in wildfire management within Canada and New Zealand

The following research will explore how Indigenous peoples’ within Canada and New Zealand are engaged in the management of wildfire. Interviews will be conducted with senior government officials and senior Indigenous leaders during individual case study’s with Nova Scotia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Northwest Territories in Canada and within the country of New Zealand […]

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Testing nutrient profiling tools and portion size based initiatives (education, regulation and reformulation) for public health policy in Canada – Year two

Poor diet is one of the factors associated with obesity and overweight, which may increase the risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Two ways to improve the diets at the population level are to 1) establish public health initiatives (e.g. product labelling or advertising restrictions and 2) change the portion […]

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Community Land Trusts: Exploring civil society’s role in reconciliation and the housing crisis

This research project aims to explore how civil society organizations in Metro Vancouver might devise Community Land Trusts that allow their property interests to intersect with their social mission. Metro Vancouver Alliance, a broad-based community organizing alliance of faith, labour, community, and education sectors, previously conducted listening campaigns identifying reconciliation and affordable housing as common […]

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Finding Access to Social Services for Calgary’s Non-Status Migrants

This study 1) examines the lives of 3 to 5 non-status migrants in Calgary; 2) determines the challenges that these individuals face in accessing healthcare and social services; and 3) ascertains available services as well as the obstacles to services that are essential to these individuals’ social and economic integration. In general, my research answers […]

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Addressing homelessness in Prince Albert and surrounding community: A public policy and program evaluation approach

The proposed research project is a follow-up to the SSHRC funded Partnership Engage study entitled: “Addressing homelessness in Prince Albert: A multi-disciplinary, intersectoral approach. The purpose of the SSHRC study is to enhance the ability of PA to respond to homelessness by stimulating discussions and mutual collaboration between academic researchers, community leaders, social agencies, front-line […]

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Breaking the Barriers to Socially Conscious Business in Edmonton

Breaking Barriers to Social Conscious Business in Edmonton is a research project that aims to help the business community in the Edmonton downtown core and beyond better serve their community through socially-conscious business practices by shedding light on what barriers and facilitators business owners face in adopting socially conscious business practices in their day-to-day operations. […]

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ASD Specific Housing Supports Analysis

The proposed study will use a sequential exploratory mixed-method approach to conduct a needs assessment examining supportive housing requirements for adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The study first explore supportive housing and provincial, national and international solutions for supportive housing for adults with ASD found in policy, practice, government, and mass media publications. […]

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Parenting an adult child with autism spectrum disorder: A qualitative examination of the lived experience

Parenting an adult child with autism spectrum disorder and an intellectual disability (ASD-ID) presents unique challenges, which often leads to parental distress, anxiety, depression, and uncertainty of their child’s future. To date however, there has not been an intimate, authentic account of this parental experience. Moreover, this strength-based approach will provide an important addition to […]

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