Online Business Model Prediction Service

In the business, it is critical to understand and predict needs of customers in advance and in precision. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence make it possible to extract the desirable properties and predict the objective in the future. This project is interested in the implementation of this concept as a toolbox. The toolbox will consider […]

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Lake Melville Oceanography Study

The research will establish a hydrodynamic numerical model of the forces which exert influences on the circulation and the residence time (amount of time water spends in a given body of water) of Lake Melville, Labrador. The study seeks to understand the water properties in the lake, and how the development of nearby hydroelectric projects […]

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Security protocols for cloud-based noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers (NISQ): development and implementation.

AgnostiQ Labs is looking to develop immediately applicable encryption/obfuscation techniques for quantum computing. At present, encryption protocols developed in academia are unsuitable for real-world applications because they largely depend on quantum hardware that do not yet exist. Research into encryption techniques that will be useful on today’s (primarily cloud-based) quantum hardware will allow AgnostiQ Labs […]

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3d density estimation using normalizing flows and its application to 3d reconstruction in cryo-EM

Generative models enable the researchers to address multiple problems spanning from noise removal to generating novel samples with properties of the domain. Generative models are commonly studied for images and in this project the idea will be expanded to 3D structures or volumes. Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a technique to estimate accurate 3D structures […]

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Self-Adaptive Pattern Recognition with Deep Neural Networks

The purpose of this project is to investigate self-adaptive forecasting and anomaly prediction algorithms based on deep neural networks (DNNs). DNNs present a compelling technology due to their wide-spread availability through open-source projects (e.g. TensorFlow, MXNet). However, usability of DNNs in scenarios outside of image, speech or text pattern recognition is mostly unproven. This project […]

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Assessing the impact of an immersive VR gaming experience on navigation ability and spatial cognition in an elderly population

This project will investigate whether playing an immersive virtual reality (VR) game called DoVille is beneficial to older adults’ memory and navigation abilities. Spatial navigation is a fundamental skill that relies on our ability to make an accurate mental map of the space around us, be aware of our position in the environment, and remember […]

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Transparent and Trustworthy Deep Feature Learning for Cyber-Physical System Security

The latest artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have effectively leveraged the wealth of data from cyber-physical systems (CPSs) to automate intelligent decisions. However, for safety-critical CPS like smart grids and smart cities, the conversion of massive data into actionable information by the AI must be not only effective but also reliable. To this end, this project […]

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Intelligent Cyber-Physical Situational Awareness for Smart Infrastructures

The availability of big data in smart infrastructures have become a strategical asset for operators to understand the situation of the infrastructure and monitor potential threats. However, most of the data still have not circulated beyond traditional corporation and technological boundaries, which have limited the visibility that could have been provided by the abundant data. […]

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Machine Learning to Predict Temporomandibular Disorders Risk from Genotypes

The goal of this project is to develop new machine learning methods and computational strategies to mega-analyze data from well-characterized datasets on chronic pain conditions to develop a genetic predictive tool. This tool will be implemented in an online interactive dashboard and used by the Quebec Pain Research Network (QPRN) community. This collaboration with Plotly […]

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OFDM radio receiver with Deep Learning

This project involves research in applied artificial intelligence in the field of communications. Using AI, complex building blocks in communication systems are to be simplified and designed in a highly cost-effective manner. The use of AI will allow communications systems become more cognitive in nature and give access to affordable software defined radios. This program […]

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Wide-baseline Novel Scene Synthesis from a Single Image

Novel view synthesis is the process of generating new images from an unseen perspective, given at least one image of a scene. There may be more than one probable novel view associated with each unseen perspective, an assumption made by existing methods. This simplifying assumption prevents these methods from being applied to more difficult novel […]

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