Better predictions of employee events II

Machine learning can be used to predict employee events around retention, promotion or movement. This project explores how to generate better predictions by exploring correlations and exploiting them through features that increase predictive strength. Furthermore, the project explores how to reliably fine-tune the predictive model to a particular data set in the presence of interdependence […]

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Detection of suspicious and/or abnormal real-time events from textual live data feeds

Social media and other real-time messaging applications represent valuable sources of real-time information that remain untapped by many service operators. The project is aimed at developing methodology for detecting suspicious and/or abnormal real-time events from textual live data feeds, based on predictive and/or anomaly detection algorithms applied to time series and text features. TRT Canada […]

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Next Generation User Product Documentation

Product documentation is an important information tool connecting any business to its end-users and customers. Comprehensive product documentation will likely result in positive evaluation of the products by the customers and may influence their future purchasing decisions. Many studies show product documentation remains an essential element of any new product even for modern electronic devices […]

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NLP sentiment analysis for contact and support centers

In today’s competitive market, customer service has become essential to any company willing to expand and increase its business. Companies cannot afford to fall short of consumer expectations. With the recent progress in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the impressive results in different industrial areas, companies are adopting AI techniques for customer service. Most of the […]

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Automating Configuration Management and Deployment in Large-scale Data Centers Augmented with Edge Data Centers

Data centers are now growing and expanding massively. They are large scale and heterogeneous. In addition, they rely more and more on emerging technologies such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) with “network softwarization” as their key feature. Moreover, they are now being augmented with edge data centers rooted in concepts […]

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Cultivating Ethos in the Tech Sector

The rapid development of technology and its ubiquitous integration with modern society has clarified for business and technology leaders the need for ethical conversations about the role technology can and should play in our lives. By interviewing primary stakeholders in the technology sector and putting their ideas in conversation with literature about the role of […]

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Optimization of group equivariant convolutional networks

The explosion of popularity of deep learning owes a lot to the success of convolutional neural networks, widely used in diverse fields including computer vision and natural language processing. Recently, the group equivariant convolutional neural network (G-CNN) was introduced, where equivariance of symmetries inherent in the data set is built in the architecture of the […]

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