Recognition of Vehicles in Satellite Views

The intern shall endeavour to develop a vehicle detection system for aerial satellite views with a reasonable accuracy and a reasonable execution time for a small urban area of 100 sq. km. The intern first will train, test, and evaluate a machine learning engine to automatically recognized the vehicles of interest in aerial satellite imagery. […]

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Modeling of Current Collapse and Gate Leakage Phenomena in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs

AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have emerged as promising candidates for high breakdown, high power output, and high operating temperature applications. However, there are several problems that hinder its practical use such as current collapse and high gate leakage current. Most of available studies use analytical formulas and only analyze a certain aspect. Physical […]

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Development of silicon photonic chips for 100G/400G datacenter applications

The ever-increasing demand for high-throughput links for datacenters applications forces module suppliers to develop optical transceivers that operate at higher bit rates. TeraXion is currently developing such transceivers in a silicon photonic chip for 100G/400G datacom applications. Among other components, the silicon photonic chip will comprise several modulators, necessary to encode the information into the […]

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Reduced-Complexity Radio Resource Management Algorithms for Heterogeneous MIMO Cellular Networks

Future broadband cellular systems will require very high throughput data transmission to satisfy ever increasing demands of mobile users for high speed multimedia services. Using innovative approaches to multiantenna transmission/reception and to cooperation of network nodes the achievable data rates can be greatly increased. Two significant obstacles to achieving very high data rates are interference […]

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Speaker Identification in a Collaborative Environment

At present, there is an increasing demand from industries for new generation of interactive technologies to support productivity and minimize time wasted for meeting room set up. In response to this demand, SMART technologies is investing into development of new UC&C technologies. The goal of this research will be the development of a software for […]

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A lean model for improving predictive maintenance performance

Now a days maintenance has turned into a management-related field, and is capable of being a support for benefit(Cost reduction ).Several fundamental questions are arising including the identification of the most appropriate performance metrics in predictive maintenance and the recognition of relationship between this metrics and lean definition in order to have a better maintenance […]

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A learning mobile application dedicated to provide education to children in developing countries

This research project with the industry partner DataWind inc. is an interdisciplinary project that joins together Education, Learning system engineering, and Human-machine interactions. The challenge is to combine these four disciplines contributions in order to create a learning system for mobile devices that will be adapted to the individual self-learning, particularly for children in developing countries. […]

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Educational Math Games For Developing Countries

Hundreds of millions of children in developing countries are unable to complete primary education. Mobile devices such as tablets are increasingly inexpensive and becoming accessible in large numbers in such developing countries. We propose developing educational software for such tablets to help children acquire arithmetic skills. To do this, we will develop new ways of […]

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The Autism Family Navigator

Autism is a growing public health challenge in Canada and internationally. Despite major scientific advances in autism research and improvements in practice, families still experience serious delays and complications in diagnosis and access to care. Moreover, community capacity, e.g., treatment and support programs, remains very limited relative to the needs of those affected. In turn, […]

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Non-Traditional Modulation Schemes

The need for more and more data rates is significantly increasing due to the newly introduced wireless/mobile applications and services. Traditional modulation schemes cannot provide satisfactory long-term solution to this problem. That said, non-traditional modulation (spiral-based modulation) comes into play as a strong candidate to solve the increasing data rate requirements problem. Spiral-based modulation exploits […]

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Process Modeling for Ge-on-Si Photodetectors

High-performance Ge-on-Si photodetectors are of lower cost and can be monolithically integrated with Si based integrated circuits for on-chip optical communications to increase computing speed. Process modeling is essential for structure and processing conditions design, but the current photonic design tools are too simplified for this task. This research is to implement process models in […]

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Robust identification of protected heath information in unstructured data

A large amount of health-related data is available only in unstructured form (“free-form text”). To share this data for secondary purposes, it is necessary to de-identify it to protect against inappropriate disclosure of personal health information (PHI). PARAT Text is Privacy Analytics’ de-identification software for unstructured data. It automatically discovers and marks PHI in a […]

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