Effects of Alternative Forest Management on Culturally-valued Plants and Understory Plant Communities in Mountain Pine Beetle-affected Montane Spruce Forests, Kamloops region, BC

This project will examine the ecological response of understory vegetation communities to alternative forest management practices, in the Montane spruce forests of the Interior, which have been disturbed by mountain pine beetle, fire and salvage logging. The research is within the Secwepemc Nation traditional territory and will focus on culturally valued plants and include applied […]

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Innovative Technology for Bioremediation/Composting of C&D Wood Waste

Manufactured and coated wood (MCW) is generated by the construction and demolition (C&D) industries. At present, some MCW is ground and utilized as daily landfill cover. However, the Province of Nova Scotia would prefer to see this move away from landfill and be utilized as a value added marketable product. Current estimates suggest that there […]

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Incorporating randomness into the PROMETHEUS Fire Growth Simulator

Forest fires are a natural feature of the Canadian landscape, but they pose a threat to individuals and property. Being able to predict the behaviour of a given forest fire is an important element in successfully managing fire suppression resources. Alberta Department of Sustainable Resource Development is responsible for PROMETHEUS, Canada's foremost fire growth modeling […]

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Verification, Validation and Expansion of the Business of Carbon Sequestration Through Land Reclamation and Afforestation

Fair Trade Carbon Limited (FTC) and its subsidiary Fair Trade Carbon Uganda are companies founded by UBC graduate students, Canadian tree planters and Ugandan educators in an effort to develop forest carbon markets in both countries based on a for-profit, community direct investment model. FTC Uganda currently manages eight tree plantations and with water scarcity […]

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Development of Tree Ring – C Climate Relationships in Boreal Forests

Mining operations in the Oil Sands area can affect extensive areas of boreal forest. Those forested areas affected by mining are expected to be reclaimed by mining companies to re-establish their natural conditions after the exploitation ends. The long©term success of reclamation plans can be assessed with ecological models that simulate how different environmental factors […]

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The preindustrial forest of the Mauricie, Quebec: what did it look like and how does the current forest differ? Providing guidance for ecosystem management

In light of the current crisis in our forests, there has been a general push towards ecosystem management, in which forests are managed for ecological as well as social and economic values. One way to accomplish this may be for management to emulate natural disturbance patterns, thus creating a forest similar to the natural forest. […]

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Modeling transpiration deficits after disturbances and evaluating the sensitivity of southwest Yukon forest ecosystems to climate change

Climate models project that summers in the southwest Yukon will become increasingly warmer and drier, leading to more forest fires, a longer fire season and slower tree growth. This raises the question of how to manage forest resources sustainably so that they will continue to provide long-term benefits to local communities. There is a current […]

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Identifying and measuring the ecosystem and their economic value in a shade grown Mate Plantation/Atlantic rain forest restoration venture.

Guayaki is an American tea company looking for areas to showcase their environmental restoration and conservation initiatives and attract potential investors. By assessing the ecosystem services they have been working to conserve, ecosystem marketplaces will be able interpret the economic value of Guayaki‟s environmental initiatives. The Canadian owned resource management group Spectrum Resource Group would […]

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Potential Tree Growth and Silvicultural Options for Maintaining Management Unit Productivity After Catastrophic Natural Disturbance

The central interior of British Columbia has experienced the largest mountain pine beetle epidemic in history and the government of BC is contemplating changes to silvicultural practices. As members of a collaborative group of government, industry and academia, the partner companies require research into two areas: forest productivity measures and economic performance measures. By analyzing […]

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Population Estimation of the Western Conifer Seed Bug by Mark Release Recapture, and Calibration of a Visual Monitoring Technique

The western conifer seed bug is an important seed orchard pest in southern interior British Columbia, where it is responsible for significant seed loss, particularly in lodge pole pine and Douglas‐fir. In order to develop an economic damage threshold, i.e., when it would be economically justifiable to apply a pesticide treatment to protect the seed […]

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Testing for thresholds and defining targets – using bird habitat relationships to improve forest management on traditional lands of the West Moberly First Nations

Tree species composition – in particular the ratio of coniferous to deciduous trees – is likely a major evolutionary force shaping biodiversity in the boreal ‘mixedwood’ forest. There are concerns that logging practices are resulting in declines in the amount of old mixedwood stands in Canada’s western boreal forest, which may be having a negative […]

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Electrokinetic Dewatering of Orr Dam Sediment

This project involves a technical evaluation of the use of electrokinetic (EK) technology to dewater sediments that built up behind the Orr Dam in Stratford, to facilitate their removal and the continuation of normal Dam activities. EK dewatering involves the use of an applied electric field to a mass of soil in order to facilitate […]

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