Smart Oceans: Instrumented, Interconnected, Intelligent Systems for Efficient Data Analysis and Querying

  This project intends to investigate new ways to make data collected through Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) underwater observatory provided by the NEPTUNE and VENUS projects  available to both scientists and the general public. The research will firstly focus on efficiency, experimenting with and comparing technologies as applied to the computationally intensive processing of the […]

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Business Planning for Social Enterprises

  As part of the research the intern will be involved in the development of a new business venture based on an operating pilot progamme related to fisheries tracking. There are two objectives. First, detailed research in specific sections of the project’s business plan and secondly, finalizing the business plan for the new venture. Among […]

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Regional heterogeneity in lake morphology in Ontario

  Lake size and shape are important factors determining the function and structure of lake ecosystems. Moreover, Lake morphology is important for both biotic and abiotic processes, including species richness of zooplankton, macrophytes, and fishes. In particular, Ontario has tens of thousands of natural ecosystems that make up a large part of Canada’s dominant share […]

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Plankton biomass estimation using multi-frequency sonar

The internship seeks to develop an acoustic classification algorithm that estimates the organism composition and density of plankton. A series of experiments have been conducted using trawl nets where a four-frequency sonar device was pointed across the net openings. The catch from each trawl survey is broken down into an estimate of the relative composition […]

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Long-term Monitoring Protocol and Analysis Template for American Eel (Anguilla rostrata)

In 2012, the American Eel were recommended by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada to be upgraded to Threatened from Special Concern. American Eel are important to Aboriginal people, and recreational and commercial fishers. Research from a four-year-study (2009-2012) occurring in a near pristine watershed, looked at habitat selection and population […]

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Resource assessment for wildlife based ecotourism:monitoring of black, Spirit and grizzly bears

Wildlife viewing-based ecotourism relies on accurate accounting and predictable presence of their target animal populations. Spirit Bear Lodge, a community owned company of the Kitasoo/Xai’xais First Nation, operates a bear viewing operation throughout their Traditional Territory on the central coast of British Columbia. Their business plan and investment strategy require research to: i) identify areas […]

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Characterization of Lepeophtheirus salmonis resistance to common therapeutants

The sea louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) is the most economically important parasite that affects salmon farming and it is a cause for major environmental concern due to the risk of transmission to wild salmon population. The development of drug resistance in a number of L. salmonis populations to the most effective sea lice therapy – SLICETM […]

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Effect of exposure to hydrocarbons on reproductive functions in select marine organisms

The partner organization, Oceans Ltd, offers diagnostic services to detect and monitor the effects of environmental contaminants on marine ecosystems, mainly using fish as biomonitoring tools. The company wishes to seize an opportunity for capacity building and diversification by exploring new bioindicator technologies based on the effects of hydrocarbons on the reproduction of marine invertebrates. […]

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The effects of stress during white sturgeon early life history on larval physiology, development and olfactory sensitivity

Elevated levels of stress hormones (i.e. cortisol) provide a potential mechanism by which substrate condition affects larval development and survival in the endangered white sturgeon. The possibility that stress hormones mediate larval response to substrate conditions will be investigated by artificially elevating cortisol levels and identifying effects on larval physiology. Cortisol levels of wild caught […]

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