Detection of emamectin benzoate (SLICE) in non-target spot prawn (pandalus platyceros) and determination of biological effects

  Salmon farms use the crustacean neurotoxin emamectin benzoate (EMB, trade name SLICE) to treat for sea lice parasites on farmed salmon.  EMB can spread to the surrounding marine sediment and present an exposure risk to non-target species that inhabit areas proximal to salmon farms, such as spot prawn.  Spot prawns are a profitable commercial […]

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Pacific salmon population dynamics in relation to salmon aquaculture

  Pathogens from farmed salmon may impact adjacent wild salmon populations, but a lack of understanding of the dynamics of wild salmon populations in areas of intensive salmon aquaculture has precluded informed management decisions and fueled widespread public and scientific debate about the impact of pathogens from farmed fish. This ongoing, highly polarized debate highlights […]

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Traditional Knowledge: A Blueprint for Change

  This project is set in the Inuit community of Northwest River, Labrador and will focus on current and historic Inuit land and resource use of the region.  In involves training local Inuit youth to collect and document traditional knowledge on the location, importance and threats to fresh water, sea ice, sensitive habitats and species; […]

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Using Inuvialuit Observations to Monitor Environmental Conditions in the Mackenzie Delta Region of the Northwest Territories

  In collaboration with the Nigaluk, the intern will engage in the first phase of a 2-year project that will use Inuvialuit observations to monitor environmental change in the Mackenzie Delta Region of the Northwest Territories. Activities completed during the internship will help lay the groundwork for HTC and University of Victoria research initiatives to […]

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Ecological and Cultural Restoration of an iconic Plant Food (Fritillaria camschatcensis) in the Squamish River Estuary, British Columbia

I am a member of the Squamish Nation and my research focuses on restoring an important traditional plant food into the Squamish estuary. The title of my research is "Ecological and Cultural Restoration of an iconic Plant Food (Fritillaria camschatcensis) in the Squamish River Estuary, British Columbia." I will be working with Dr. Nancy Turner […]

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Effects of natural gas development on density and reproductive success of grassland birds in south-western Saskatchewan

  Native grasslands in Saskatchewan provide important breeding habitat for many grassland birds, including species at risk. However, conservation agencies are concerned that the quantity and quality of remaining grasslands in south-western Saskatchewan may currently be threatened by expansion of natural gas development. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada manages large grassland parcels and seeks to maintain a functioning prairie ecosystem […]

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Wild fish community composition and host-parasite infection rates relative to net-pen aquaculture facilities

The economically cost-effective methods of intensive open net-pen farming externalize the costs of waste treatment and clean water supply by drawing these critical ecosystem services from the nearshore marine environment. Salmon farms serve as point sources for organic nutrients (uneaten feed and salmon waste), parasites, and heavy metals. Salmon farms may have impacts on proximal […]

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Nanwakolas Council Society Seafood and Forestry Sector Research

  The Chief’s Pride Aquaculture Corporation (CPAC) and the Nanwakolas Council Society are undertaking Strategic research on behalf of 8 member Nations in support of a Regional Economic Development Strategy. This research is comprised of two studies (1) Seafood Industry Overview and Analysis And (2) Forestry Sector Economic Opportunity Analysis. With CPAC and the Nanwakolas Council moving […]

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Estimating the Impacts of Oil Tanker Spills on Indigenous Cultures: A Case Study of the Potential Effects from the Northern Gateway Project on Coastal First Nations

  The study will evaluate potential impacts of a catastrophic oil spill associated with tanker traffic from the proposed Northern Gateway Project on Coastal First Nations commercial and traditional activities. Main objectives of the study include determining and quantifying both economic initiatives and traditional activities of Coastal First Nations, evaluating environmental impacts of an oil […]

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