Modelling Population Dynamics of the Itcha-Ilgachuz Caribou Herd

This project will use computer modeling techniques to examine the population dynamics of the Itcha-Ilgachuz caribou herd in west central British Columbia. This large herd is a potential source, from which caribou could be transplanted to small endangered mountain caribou herds in Southern BC to help boost their numbers. Previously acquired data on the Itcha-Ilgachuz […]

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Identifying Suitable Sites for Multiple Focal Species using Multi-criteria Evaluation and Ecological Niche-factor Analysis in Toronto and Region

In response to the continued loss of biodiversity and natural cover in the landscape, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has developed the Terrestrial Natural Heritage System Strategy (TNHSS), which has been implemented since 2007. The Strategy, based on contemporary ecological principles, developed a set of models and tools that allowed for the development […]

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Access and Allocation in International Fisheries Jurisdictions

The intern is expected to conduct a comparative study of what modifications are warranted to access and allocation processes of Canadian fisheries policy and legislation. Looking at the policies in place in other countries the aim is to identify policies that can be viably implemented into the Canadian context. It appears that within jurisdictions around […]

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Cumulative effects of development on pronghorn distribution and movements in the Northern Sagebrush Steppe

In North America, the prairies of the Great Plains represent an important natural region and provide crucial ecological goods and services for both humans and wildlife. The intern's research looks to evaluate cumulative effects of development on multiĀ]scalar habitat and movement pathway selections of pronghorn, considered an indicator species for the overall health of prairie […]

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Effectiveness of different release strategies for adult Atlantic salmon in the restoration of endangered populations

Atlantic salmon populations throughout much of Atlantic Canada, including Newfoundland, have been in steady decline in recent decades. Many populations depend now on the conservation initiatives, whereby captive fish, reared in a hatchery from eggs to maturity, are released into rivers to supplement declining wild populations. However, concerns have been raised that the fish reared […]

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Using Natural History Collections to Shed Light on Long-term changes in colour, diet, and the effect of global climate change on seabirds

Global climate change threatens to drastically alter the behaviour and fitness of many species, and the ability to predict how Canadian wildlife will respond to these changes is imperative in planning management strategies. In this study, we will examine long-term changes in bill colouration, diet, and abundance of the Atlantic Puffin. We will collect feathers […]

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Effects of oil and gas development on density and reproductive success of grassland birds.

  Native grasslands in Alberta provide important breeding habitat for many grassland birds, including species at risk.  However, conservation agencies are concerned that the quantity and quality of remaining grasslands in southeastern Alberta may currently be threatened by expansion of energy development. The Antelope Creek Habitat Development Area (ACHDA) is composed largely of native grassland […]

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Occupational exposure assessment in fishing vessel holds

  Fisheries are dynamic, complex environments associated with high risk of occupational injury and fatality. A multitude of factors directly and indirectly mediate occupational risks in fisheries. This study addresses the area of air-related risks in enclosed spaces on board fishing vessels. In decked vessels, fishing vessel holds and sleeping and eating areas are enclosed […]

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Whitebark Pine and Grizzly Bear Research and Recovery in Southwest BC

Whitebark pine is an important high elevation species in BC’s coastal mountains, but it is vulnerable to extinction due to threats such as pest outbreaks and climate change. The species is therefore in dire need of restoration and research to both sustain future populations, and improve scientific knowledge of its ecological functions. The internship involves […]

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Survey of Lynde Creek Redside Dace Habitat and Stewardship Opportunities

  The purpose of the survey of the Upper Lynde Creek Watershed for redside dace habitat addresses the ability of current habitat measurements to accurately predict redside dace locations.  The survey will be completed in three phases.  The first phase identifies potential redside dace habitat by using GIS technology.  In addition, landowners are contacted to […]

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Assessing the performance of an in-river backwards run reconstruction of Fraser River sockeye under biological uncertainty.

  This project is the first to assess reliability of run reconstruction methods for estimating sockeye salmon abundance and exploitation rates in the Fraser River. Run reconstruction is a model-based approach to estimating fishery harvest rates and catch of up to 35 individual sockeye salmon stocks. Fishery managers typically require these estimates to design pre-season […]

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