Habitat Banking Feasibility Study

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) policy under the federal Fisheries Act requires industry to compensate for harmful alteration, disruption or destruction (HADD) of fish habitat. Manitoba Hydro has sometimes experienced difficulty in finding effective and worthwhile projects for compensation. Consequently, compensation projects completed in accordance with the preferences of DFO can sometimes be less effective […]

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Influence of nuclear cytoplasmic interactions on developmental competence of bison

Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a unique technology that allows the preservation of the entire genome from an individual, thereby avoiding dilution of valuable alleles. This is an important criterion in endangered species preservation. Our interest in the Canadian wood bison, a threatened species, has brought us to consider the application of SCNT as […]

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Ecological determinants of sustainable aquaculture in British Columbia

Aquaculture (the farming of marine and aquatic organisms) is the fastest growing agri‐food sector in the world and is regularly cited as a primary solution to addressing growing global food deficiency. In British Columbia the aquaculture industry is dominated by two species, Atlantic salmon and Pacific oyster. While the potential economic benefits of this industry […]

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Investigating Effects of UV Disinfection on Wastewater Estrogenic Activity

This project is in partnership with the Canadian Water Network. Endocrine disrupting compounds or chemicals (EDCs) generally refer to chemical substances with the capacity to disrupt the endocrine system of animals. Scientific studies on the impacts of EDCs on aquatic wildlife in Canada, particularity studies on fish in the Great Lakes, have brought the issue […]

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Estimating relative trends in cetacean abundance and distribution from data collected for an opportunistic sighting network (BCCSN)

British Columbia's coastline is home to eighteen species of cetaceans and three species of sea turtles. Nine of these are at risk of extinction. To conserve these species, it is crucial to learn more about their distribution/abundance and habitat use. The British Columbia Cetacean Sightings Network (BCCSN) was established to gather sightings of these species […]

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Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Harvest of Lake Sturgeon: The role of whole chain traceability

The intern will assist the Ontario Commercial Fisheries Association in determining potential entry points and methods of IUU (Illegal, Unregulated, Unreported) sturgeon and sturgeon products into the legal supply chain. Based on this, the intern will assess the effectiveness and efficiency of counter]measures based on whole supply chain traceability solutions. To achieve these two goals […]

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Potential of the Rynaxypyrine Insecticide – Cyazypyr™ as a Seed Treatment on Canola for the Control of Canola Flea Beetle and its Non-target Effect on Honey Bee Foragers

Two specifies of flea beetles attack canola. Overwintering adults feed on canola seedlings, 1st generation larvae on the roots and adults on the mature crop from August to October. There is one generation a year in western Canada, and one or two in southern Ontario. Crop losses in North America as a result of crucifer […]

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Identifying suitable sites for multiple focal species using multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) and ecological niche factor

In response to the continued loss of biodiversity and natural cover in the landscape the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has developed the Terrestrial Natural Heritage System Strategy (TNHSS), which has been implemented since 2007. The Strategy, based on contemporary ecological principles, developed a set of models and tools that allowed for the development […]

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PopModel toolkit extension of methodological and user-interface modules: from prototype to beta testing

This research internship expands a prototype of population modeling (PopModel) computer software that was designed to meet the needs of the Saugeen Ojibway – a pair of First Nations deploying and managing the largest Aboriginal commercial fishery on the Great Lakes. A transdisciplinary approach is taken among researchers with advanced expertis in mathematics/statistics, computer software […]

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Field Validation of C-PODTM (DNA Ident Inc.) Technology for Genetic Sample Collection Through Investigation of Large-scale Range Expansion of American White Pelicans in Ontario

Biologists – from field ecologists to epidemiologists to agricultural scientists ¨C are often faced with the daunting task of collecting hundreds or thousands of samples in the field for genetic analyses and tracking those samples from field collection through genetic analysis to final data analysis. DNA Ident Inc. recently developed C-PODTM genetic sample collection containers […]

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A Population Modelling Tookit for First Nations Commercial Fisheries Management

The goal of this research project is to develop a management toolkit that will enable First Nation fisheries managers to select and employ appropriate mathematical population models based on management objectives and available data. The primary societal contribution of this research program is the development of a toolkit that will immediately enable access to ecological […]

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