Évaluation de différentes biomasses pour l’élevage pilote de larves de mouches

Le projet consiste à produire, à partir de résidus organiques, des larves d’insectes pour la transformation en farines riches en protéines et en lipides, destinées à l’alimentation des animaux d’élevage. L’efficacité de la production de larves d’insectes selon différents types d’alimentation (mélanges composés de différentes proportions de résidus d’épicerie et de drèches de microbrasserie) sera […]

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Analyse de la perception et de la gestion des risques dans l’industrie maricole québécoise

Le projet de recherche portera sur la gestion des risques dans l’industrie maricole québécoise. Les mariculteurs du Québec seront interrogés afin d’identifier et de classer les risques présents dans leur industrie. Des stratégies de gestion des risques et, si possible, des mesures d’atténuation seront par la suite proposées, en se basant notamment sur les stratégies […]

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Évaluation de communautés piscicoles par ADN environnemental

La capture au filet est utilisée pour documenter les communautés piscicoles. Cette approche comporte des coûts importants associés au déplacement d’équipes et de matériel sur le terrain et cause des mortalités indésirables. L’analyse de l’ADN environnemental (ADNe) consiste à documenter la présence d’espèces par filtration d’échantillons d’eau suivie de l’analyse d’ADN et représente une alternative […]

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Trends in Redfish Sebastes spp. Abundance in the Northwest Atlantic and the Relative Importance of Fisheries and Environmental Variables

While the collapse of Atlantic cod is the most well-known and studied, other less studied species, such as redfish Sebastes spp., have experienced comparable declines. These declines have resulted in the closure of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, northern and eastern Grand Bank and Labrador Shelf redfish fisheries since the mid-1990s, while reduced quotas are […]

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High-resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and its Application to Salt Marsh Restoration

Salt marshes are recognized as significant feeding grounds and refuges for wildlife and for their importance in flood mitigation, carbon sequestration and as filters for removing pollutants and suspended sediments. With growing interest in, and efforts towards, dyke removal and salt marsh restoration, there is a need for science-based management decisions to ensure appropriate site-specific […]

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Forest Habitat Requirements for Nesting Sandhill Cranes in Coastal British Columbia

The Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) is a tall, long-lived bird that uses isolated wetlands, estuaries and meadows in British Columbia for breeding and staging. The Sandhill Crane is “blue-listed” (a species of special concern) in British Columbia and requires specific management strategies, including Wildlife Habitat Areas, for forest and range activities. Sandhill Cranes found along […]

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Influence of Viruses on Marine Prokaryotes in Canada’s Arctic Waters

Viruses are an abundant and dynamic component of marine microbial communities. The project will use information encoded in the genomes of viruses and their bacterial hosts to obtain a measure of the number of different types of viruses and bacterial species in Canadian Arctic waters. Additionally, the project will focus on the relationship between viral […]

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Quantifying the Responses of Songbirds and Woodpeckers to Changes in Habitat at the Stand and Landscape Scales: Testing for Thresholds and Setting Management Targets

How do species respond to changes in habitat, and can their responses be used to set reliable management targets? The intern’s research is focused on determining whether forest birds respond non-linearly to the loss of forest habitat due to logging. For example, theoretical models show that the probability of finding forest birds within a given […]

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Investigating the Molecular and Physiological Controls on the Bio-geographical Distribution of Phytoplankton Taxa using General Circulation Models

Computer simulations of the complex physical and chemical composition of the oceans are used to study how the ocean affects, and is affected by, climate. These models are essential to understanding how Earth’s climate is likely to change in the next century. This internship project proposes, in partnership with Environmental Proteomics, a company which provides […]

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Optimizing Stocking Strategies for Rainbow Trout in Mixed Species Lakes

The goal of this project is to develop a method of estimating optimum stocking strategies in mixed species lakes in collaboration with the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC, a non-profit organization which works in partnership with the provincial government to deliver the fish stocking program as well as providing conservation fish culture services. The growth […]

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