Cryptocurrency Index Research

Cryptocurrency markets exhibit highly chaotic behaviour, differing substantially from securities. This research project looks at the cryptocurrency markets for data–aiming to answer if it possible to create mathematical models which track the overall behaviour of the Cryptocurrency Market, while minimizing risks. Through this research we expect to reconcile the theory developed above with the real […]

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Developing Genomic Tools for Improved Oyster Production in Eastern Canada

This project aims to develop genomic tools to enhance Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) aquaculture in Canada. Genomic tools have the power to improve selective breeding programs by accelerating production, increasing profitability, and ensuring environmentally responsible practices. However, genomic tools are lacking for the Eastern oyster. This study will design and validate the first high-density panel […]

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Spatial and temporal trends in nesting habitat use and availability for cavity nesting waterfowl in the lower Saint John River floodplain

Cavity-nesting ducks, including the wood duck, common goldeneye, and hooded merganser, are of interest in wildlife management programs due to their value to hunters and conservation groups. The lower Saint John River floodplain (New Brunswick, Canada) is a major breeding region for these species in Atlantic Canada that has experienced significant changes in recent decades. […]

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Expanding SIKU across the Canadian Arctic: an Inuit-driven platform for climatechange resiliency and self-determination

For the Inuit communities that reside in the Canadian Arctic, climate change and regional development have impacted people’s access to essential resources and their preservation of Inuit knowledge. By partnering with the Arctic Eider Society (AES) and Ocean Wise Ikaarvik program, I will translate my primary research in phytoplankton remote sensing into relevant information for […]

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An Investigation into the viability of Porcupine Crab-based Food Products

Porcupine Crab (Neolithodes grimaldii) is harvested off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador and in the eastern Arctic as a by-catch in deep water during the turbot fishery. Its dark red color and long sharp spines make handling and processing very difficult. Preliminary experiments have shown that quality crab meat products can be produced from […]

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Implementing biological control of introduced Phragmites australis in Ontario

Introduced Phragmites australis (common reed) is considered one of the most invasive plants in North America. European genotypes spread widely and can form dense stands with undesirable ecological impacts. Conventional management approaches have proved largely ineffective, leaving classical biocontrol (i.e., introducing herbivores of the plant from its native range) as the most promising alternative. The […]

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Enhancing data collection procedures for non-destructive chicken egg fertility determination using NIR hyperspectral imaging

The hatchery industries are faced with huge economic losses in millions of dollars, resulting from incubating nonfertile eggs that will never become chickens. There is therefore an urgent need for non-destructive techniques to predict the fertility chicken eggs early enough (especially prior to incubation). The project seeks to solve the identified problem via optimizing modelling […]

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Industrial application of genomics derived biomarkers of salmon performance

The Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry is becoming a strategic economic sector for Canada. Aquaculture in Canada employs approximately 25,000 people with a total economic impact of over $5B. While farmed salmon is already Canada’s top aquaculture export, salmon aquaculture has significant capacity for growth in this country. Atlantic salmon farmed in sea cages on the […]

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Determining an effective management strategy for invasive exotic cattails (Typha spp.) in the Fraser River Estuary

Invasive species represent a major threat to global biodiversity, and are projected to increase in impact as globalization promotes the continued introduction of novel species. Proactive research that investigates the ecological, social, and economic threat of novel species prior to or early in their establishment is therefore critical to effective conservation planning. For our research […]

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Quantification and Improvement of Juvenile American Eel Passage Through Fishways and Wetland Water Control Infrastructure.

The American Eel is a species of significant ecological, social and commercial value and a species of conservation concern in part due to reduced habitat connectivity to both freshwater habitat as juveniles, commonly known as glass eels or elvers. During the proposed research period the intern will work to quantify passage of elvers through existing […]

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