Relevance of security intelligence data for cyber insurance risk quantification

Cyber insurance is a relatively new and growing insurance product that provides companies with compensation following cybersecurity incidents involving data breaches, business interruption, digital asset loss and/or cyber extortion. The ever-changing nature of cyber technology combined with the lack of a large history of cyber insurance claims makes it challenging for insurance companies to rapidly […]

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Addressing Knowledge Gap in Sustainable Financing and Investment for Climate Conscious Canadian Investors

Sustainable investment is an expending sector of the mainstream financial market, yet there are few studies evaluating the trends, opportunities, impacts and knowledge gaps as they relate to Canadian investors. Understanding the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues related to business operations and investment are critical to understanding trends that are driving this shift towards […]

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Helping Servus Members Reach Financial Goals via Transfer Learning

In this self-contained project we will investigate how machine learning can be applied to help provide personalized financial advice. Machine learning is a term that designates types of artificial intelligence that rely on learning behaviors from data or experience. Specifically, the goal of this work is to apply machine learning to Servus Credit Union’s Noble […]

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Recommending Benefits Utilization to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Users on the League platform have access to a number of health and wellness benefits including massage, physiotherapy, personal trainers and a variety of other programs; however, not all of them fully utilize them to maximize their wellbeing. Utilizing the health and program utilization data we want to develop robust personalized predictions that will suggest […]

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Designing ‘Zero credit touch’ (ZCT) pre-approved credit underwriting program for retail customers

ICICI Bank has developed various ‘Zero credit touch’ (ZCT) strategies where without any credit intervention and additional information taken from customers, credit facilities can be provided. But there are several challenges in the expansion of ZCT strategies, namely, (i) current credit models which are a combination of business rules, scorecards and machine learning models, do […]

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Investor Behaviours, Canada’s investment suitability regulations, and Robo-advising

In Canada and around the world, investors hire financial advisors and dealers to manage, monitor, and guide their investment choices purchased from a financial dealer. Dealers and advisors are obligated by regulations–introduced in 2009 by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)–to ensure that their investment products and recommendations are “suitable”. As part of the regulations, advisors […]

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Climate Risk Valuation – Mapping climatology to macro-economic indicators

Climate change is one of the greatest challenge society has ever faced, with increasingly severe consequences for humanity. Climate change also creates risks to both the safety and soundness of the individual firms and to the stability of the financial system. This will be felt both in the cost of direct losses to climate events, […]

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Architectural and Design Modelling for Blockchain-Intensive Systems

Blockchain technologies are increasingly becoming integral parts of information systems in domains that exhibit an increased need for resilience and can make no assumption of trust between parties. However, properly adopting blockchain in an information system design remains difficult, unsystematic and requires thorough understanding of the technology. In this project we explore ways by which […]

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Interpretable Machine Learning for Predictive Analytics in Employee Benefits Insurance

In recent years, many machine learning methods have been developed for predictive analytics and automated decision making. However, the lack of explanation resulted in both practical and ethical issues. In this project, we will employ and advance interpretable machine learning methods for various predictive analytics tasks in employee benefit insurance. The proposed methods can be […]

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Innovating Technologies for Reducing Falls Risk in COVID-19 Healthcare Settings

One of the side effects of the COVI D-19 pandemic is that older people in institutional care tend to be more socially isolated and get less physical exercise. This is likely to increase falls risk both directly through reduced strength and balance because of insufficient exercise, and indirectly due to effects of depression leading to […]

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Assessing risky driving among Alberta teenagers: A developmental- and context-sensitive approach

Motor vehicle-involved accident is the leading cause of death among teenagers around the world. Death and injuries due to motor vehicle accidents among young drivers brings tremendous societal burden and economic cost to the Canadian society. To better address this major public health concern, better assessment tools are required to evaluate potential risky driving among […]

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