Le casse-tête de la manutention des produits atypiques : contribution de l’ergonomie participative à la santé des travailleurs et à la qualité de la production

Dans les milieux industriels, bien que la plupart des opérations de transfert ou de transport de marchandises se fasse maintenant automatiquement ou avec l’aide d’équipement de levage, la manutention manuelle demeure une tâche encore fréquente et propice aux accidents de travail en raison de sa complexité et sa diversité. L’Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé […]

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Analyse et recommandations sur la mise en place d’une infrastructure d’innovation ouverte en cybersécurité

Les principaux défis de la cybersécurité sont la protection des données sensibles, des renseignements disponibles sur Internet, et la lutte contre les actions de piratage numérique. Pour une banque coopérative comme le Mouvement Desjardins, le risque lié à la cybersécurité est important, puisqu’il peut remettre en cause la relation de service basée sur la confiance […]

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La microfinance comme alternative pour l’accès aux services financiers pour les entreprises du milieu manquant. Deux perspectives au Québec et en Zambie

Ce projet de recherche consiste en une évaluation d’impact de deux nouveaux outils de financement du secteur privé mis en place au Québec (Microcrédit Desjardins aux Entrepreneurs) et en Zambie (Centre Financier aux Entreprises) par Développement International Desjardins (DID). L’objectif commun de ces 2 programmes est d’octroyer des prêts de taille moyenne aux entreprises qui […]

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Modeling Exfiltration Events in Sunlife Cybersecurity Data

Many governments and other organizations hold confidential data. Theft of that data can be extremely damaging both to the organization and to the people whose data has been stolen. Massive breaches each involving millions of people have been occurring on a regular basis in recent years. New Cyber Security tools are needed to help people […]

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A reconciliation of the top-down and bottom-up approaches to risk capital allocations

Two overarching approaches to allocate the aggregate risk capital stand out nowadays. These are the top-down approach that entails that the allocation exercise is imposed by the corporate centre, and the bottom-up approach that implies that the allocation of the aggregate risk to business units is informed by these units. Briefly, the top-down allocations start […]

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Identifying the Key Factors in Adopting Digital ID Service and Profiling the Early Adopters

Despite the digital transformation going on around us, the methods of proving our identity remain locked in a traditional physical mode, with paper or plastic documents, and the reliance on these traditional modes of proving identification and authentication is becoming a significant barrier to innovation. Therefore, creating a digital identity and authentication method that is […]

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Statistical machine learning methods applied to ATB data for debt collection optimization, small business lending decision modelling, and open banking initiatives

The intern will research new modelling technology to determine if the new models can make a significant improvement in servicing customers for loan approvals, debt collections, and open banking. The intern will work closely with the partner to understand the banking process and opportunity. The partner organization will receive several benefits from working with the […]

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Affine Multivariate GARCH Models

The objective of the proposed research program is to develop a flexible and unified multivariate framework for modeling the returns of financial assets. The program is innovative since it establishes closed-form formulas for an efficient and reliable calculation of risk measures and derivative prices. For financial institutions and government regulators, who are performing pricing and […]

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Dynamic Credit Scoring

Banks use a myriad of methodologies to inform their officers on credit extension decisions. One of the most employed approach is to summarize borrower creditworthiness by credit scores, which in turn depend on loan default probabilities. The probability of default depends both on borrower characteristic and on the overall state of the economy. The goal […]

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Forecasting Ability of Non-consumer Scorecards and their Ability to Predict Probability of Default

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for loss allowances are changing, and financial institutions are proactively adapting existing methodologies and developing new ones to remain compliant. The main ingredient in the myriad of evaluations that banks are required to perform for compliance is risk assessment. The first goal of this research project is to review best […]

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Scaling Security Architecture

Security has become increasingly important as cyberattacks are more prominent. Despite advances in security technologies there’s still a need for a new security architecture that is simply adaptable and scalable to different and evolving security requirements of various organizations. This project will study the latest technologies and solutions in the field of Cybersecurity that are […]

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Drivers of Time to Resolution, Application of LASSO Regression and Random Forest

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for loss allowances are changing, and financial institutions are proactively adapting existing methodologies and developing new ones to remain compliant. The main ingredient in the myriad of evaluations that banks are required to perform for compliance is risk assessment. The first goal of this research project is to review best […]

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