Automated transaction classification using machine learning algorithm

The procurement process of an organization is key to understand company costs. Organizations gather large amounts of data coming from different sources (e.g. income statement, balance sheet, general ledger lines). This information is heterogeneous in nature as it is a mix of unstructured and structured data. Moreover, it needs to be cleaned and consolidated in […]

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Uplift models extension for smart marketing

Insurance companies heavily fund marketing campaigns such as, for instance, customer retention or cross-sell initiatives. Uplift modeling aims at predicting the causal effect of an action such as medical treatment or a marketing campaign on a particular individual by taking into consideration the response to an action. Typically, the result of an uplift model is […]

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Spatial analysis of changing climate and the climate rating of Saskatchewan’s arable agricultural land for property assessment purposes

This project uses a large amount of geographic information and advanced computing technology to re-evaluate the influence of climate on the productivity of Saskatchewan’s agricultural land, which represents about 40% of all the cropland Canada. The intern will combine digital maps of soil, land use, crop yield, elevation, and historical weather observations. By exploring the […]

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Advanced pricing methods for property and casualty isurance

Pricing risks is of pivotal importance for the insurer’s well-being. Indeed, inappropriately determined prices, whether too high or too low, may result in insolvency of insurance policies, failure of business lines, and even bankruptcy of entire insurance enterprises. This project will help Wawanesa Insurance to develop sophisticated pricing techniques that will take into account (a) […]

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Integration of planning and scheduling for an industrial-scale analytical services facility

The aim of this project is to develop a computer-based algorithm that will integrate a planning model with a scheduling model to improve operations management for analytical service facilities. An iterative decomposition algorithm that can provide optimal production scheduling sequences (in acceptable computational times) based on changes in the strategic planning decisions will be provided […]

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Deep Hashing and Clustering for Deduplication

Identifying and removing duplicated records by leveraging state-of-the-art AI and machine learning techniques (deep neural networks) from co-op banks’ customer databases, such as the one within the partner organization, Desjardins, will help the banks pay out the appropriate share of dividends to their customers.

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Classification of human activities and detection of behavioral anomalies using thermopile sensor and machine learning

Impending increase in senior population in developed countries is expected to overwhelm the health care system carry a significant social and economic cost. Number of solutions, that leverage ambient intelligence, have been proposed to help aging in place. HomeEXCEPT is working on a non-intrusive solution using a temperature sensor. The research will help in identification […]

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Risk Margin for Claims and Premium Liability in Accordance with IFRS 17

The Building Block Approach (BBA) is one of the liability measurement approaches proposed in the new insurance contract standards – International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 17. Of the three components under BBA, determining the risk margin is the most essential. This project will develop a model that would determine the risk margins and claim provisions, […]

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Securitized Tokens as a Service (STaaS)

This research study aims to investigate the potential and performance of a novel Securitized Tokens as a Service platform. Blockchain is the distributed ledger of verified transactions, and smart contract is the programmable part of the blockchain which can automate more complex transactions. We can define the tokens on top of the blockchain platform; and […]

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Uncovering Soft Information from Stock Market Conference Calls: Asset Management Perspectives

Investors, regulators, and the general public consume a wealth of textual information every day. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence make machine-reading of textual information plausible. We tackle text mining of financial conference call transcripts—calls of significant corporate events that are widely followed by investors and institutional investors. Our conference calls data include over 200,000 calls […]

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Portfolio optimization and risk analysis

In recent years, the use of Mathematics and Statistics in Finance has become increasingly important, with the arrival of new software and investment methods. The notion of market efficiency, particularly the assumption that assets are always correctly priced, suffers from market anomalies which lead to potential arbitrage strategies in the short run. Therefore, this project […]

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Investigating Existing and New Models of Distribution in Canadian Art Book Publishing

In early 2018, the UK-based publisher Black Dog declared bankruptcy. This headline wouldn’t have made a splash if not for numerous co-publishing partnerships held with Canadian art institutions. Black Dog’s liquidation left galleries and museums across the country with books stalled mid-production, resulting in delayed or cancelled exhibitions. Firstly, why were Canadian institutions partnering with […]

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