Developing a standardized, commercially viable and scalable Software-as-a-Service model which can be customized for customer retention, acquisition, and monetization using predefined adaptation strategies

Apps, mobile games, cloud based services have become ubiquitous and integral to our daily lives. These apps, although free to use, can be expensive to produce and make money either through ads or in-app or program purchases. Companies developing these services have to make software that are not only easy to use and attractive, but […]

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Applications of ML/AI in Asset Management – part 2

ML/AI is widely used and deployed in many industries. Its deployment in Asset Management industry (and especially in Canadian pension fund sector) is significantly behind. Part of it is the fear of “black box” and what recommendation it gives. This sentiment is outdated as the recent advancements in ML/AI allow looking inside the “black box […]

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Applications of ML/AI in Asset Management – part 1

ML/AI is widely used and deployed in many industries. Its deployment in Asset Management industry (and especially in Canadian pension fund sector) is significantly behind. Part of it is the fear of “black box” and what recommendation it gives. This sentiment is outdated as the recent advancements in ML/AI allow looking inside the “black box […]

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Linear and non-linear replication factor models for Funds look-through

The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) is a set of regulations by the Basel committee, which is expected to be implemented by banks by 2022. The regulation targets market risk management in banking industry. The regulation targets market risk management in banking industry. According to FRTB, banks must decompose funds that can be […]

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Creating a Sustainability Reporting Framework for Pace Zero’s Sustainability Linked Loans (SLLs) Borrowers

Venture capital X (VCX) is about to launch a new product: Sustainability-Linked Loan (SLL). These new sustainability-linked financial products represent an interesting opportunity both for lenders and borrowers. To incentivize borrowers to achieve predetermined sustainability objectives, VCX offers reduced interest rates on loans; however, these SLL are contingent on borrowers meeting predetermined sustainability targets. Because […]

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Valuing Options in the Alberta Electricity Market

Like many companies in the energy business, Encana Power Corp. is interested in pricing options and future contracts related to the price of power and gas. The heat rate plays a role in related decisions and it is of importance to determine better estimates of swing and related options. The internship research will develop and […]

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Modelling and Computation of Credit Risk and Credit Derivatives

For the past 10 years, the credit derivative markets have experienced unprecedented growth. Combined with this expansion, credit risk modelling has become quite a challenging task for many financial institutions. The Royal Bank of Canada has substantial trading exposure in credit derivatives and is looking to further its modelling research and management process.

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Optimal Investment Strategies

A major challenge for portfolio managers is that it is hard for them to predict the future. In practice, they would settle for being able to identify which stocks are likely to perform well and which are likely to perform badly in the next month. This project will include the investigation of algorithms for using […]

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Hedging Property & Casualty Insurance Risk

The Property and Casualty Insurance Council of Canada (PACICC) is an umbrella body which insures Canadians against the risk that their providers of car and house insurance fail. It comprises many insurance companies, both large and small. The concern is that a local disaster might force the collapse of a locally concentrated insurance company, at […]

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Insolvency Prediction of Property and Casualty Insurers

The intern will study possible enhancements to insolvency prediction models of the partner company. Her study will extend the previous models by combining macroeconomic market information and firm-specific information to identify firms facing possible financial trouble. The results of the study will provide helpful information for the company’s surveillance efforts to prevent insolvency or reduce […]

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Feature Set Generation from Customer Transaction Data for Customer Classification

Verafin is an information technology company that specializes in customer intelligence solutions for small and midsize financial institutions. There is a high demand for automated fraud and money laundering detection and prevention systems since such activities cost millions to the financial industry every year. A key problem with detection techniques is the accurate and descriptive […]

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