UBCO-FortisBC collaborative research partnership: Rehabilitation options analysis for dewatering systems in power generation facilities

The dewatering systems in the FortisBC hydropower generation facilities need long-term rehabilitation solutions. The purpose of this project is to develop a risk assessment model for the dewatering systems of hydropower generation facilities, and to identify the best long-term rehabilitation solutions for such facilities. Recommendation on long-term maintenance and rehabilitation will be provided on the […]

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Inclusive and Accessible Energy Governance: Recommendations for the National Energy Board Modernization

A series of high-profile pipeline proposals and controversial changes to federal environmental legislative have created a “crisis of confidence” in the National Energy Board (NEB). As a result, the federal government has initiated a review and modernization of the NEB in conjunction with a broader review of federal environmental legislation. The purpose of this project […]

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Dam Seepage Monitoring using Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing

The safe operation of a dam, such as Mactaquac, necessitates regular integrity monitoring over the structure lifespan. Optical fiber temperature sensing can provide seepage monitoring throughout a dam structure providing the operator with location specific seepage rates. Since the monitoring will be continuous over time and potentially operate over the lifespan of the dam operators […]

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Design of an EV Charging Infrastructure: DC Grid for High Density Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging and other DC Loads-Phase II

West 5 community in London, Ontario, will pursue high penetration of electric vehicles, and is exploring an innovative marketing program of including them with the sale of each new condominium unit. The primary objective of this project is to determine an economical approach to create an acceptable infrastructure for these electric vehicles that will be […]

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Methodological Advance of Energy-Economy Climate Policy Models

The overall objective for this project is to support the research of two master’s students who would help advance the methods for modelling energy-climate policies, a field in which EMRG in the School of Resource and Environmental Management at SFU is one of the leading research units in the country and in which Navius Research […]

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Automated Condition Rating of Power Transmission Infrastructure

Increasing dependence on electricity has given an extra weight to the importance of power transmission line reliability. Service reliability can be improved with proper monitoring techniques and maintenance procedures. Improved condition assessment techniques can help avoid unexpected component failures of power transmission lines by assisting in assessment of current physical state of the system or […]

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Wide Area Measurement Based Robust Damping Controllers for Power Systems with Embedded Power Electronic Devices – Year two

This research will investigate Wide Area Measurement based controllers for improving stability in systems with HVDC and FACTS devices embedded in AC networks. The approach will extend the candidate’s Ph.D. research which introduced a new method that is always able to guarantee improved damping of all modes in the face wide changes in the network. […]

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Development of a Co-Simulation Platform for Electrical Systems

The proposed research aims to develop better computer simulation tools for the study of large electrical power systems. The premise of the research is based upon the concept of co-simulation, wherein two specialized computer simulation tools, each with unique features and strengths, are used in conjunction to solve a large electrical system. In the particular […]

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Next Generation PtM catalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

The production of optimised catalysts and catalyst layers for proton exchange membrane fuel cells is both labour intensive and time consuming. However, these materials and composites are of critical importance if proton exchange membrane fuel cells are to become commercially viable. Specifically, highly active catalysts are required in order to reduce platinum group metal content […]

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Development of in operando characterization methods for lithium ion battery materials – Year two

The successful commercialization of new cathode materials for lithium ion batteries requires an improved and detailed understanding of the correlations between their structure, properties, and performance. Such a correlation will provide a foundation for better understanding the degradation mechanisms and optimized operating conditions for these cathode materials; pairing new battery materials with ideal applications and […]

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