Optimization methodologies for Net-Zero Energy Communities

The future of energy supply in Ontario is uncertain. We are faced with an aging nuclear fleet and pressure to avoid future energy generation near communities. Building demands are a strain on energy supplies. A solution is to reduce building energy needs while providing sufficient distributed energy generation on a community-scale. A net-zero energy (NZE) […]

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A Novel Design of High Temperature Ultrasonic Transducers, Manufacturing, and Testing

The project objective is to design and manufacture ultrasonic sensors capable of operating at temperatures up to 800 oC. Such transducers can be affixed to hot piping systems and pressure vessels in petrochemical plants, electrical power generating stations, and manufacturing plants. These sensors can then provide continuous information to the plant operator regarding the onset […]

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Anti-islanding detection for renewable energy systems in distribution system

Integration of renewable energy systems into grid is an effective solution to the electric energy shortage and environmental pollution. A number of technical challenges may arise with increased grid-connected renewable energy systems. One of the most important issues is how to achieve the islanding protection. Many anti-islanding detection methods have been reported for single renewable […]

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HVDC “Superline” for improved angular stabilityof AC-DC system

High Voltage DC Transmission (HVDC) is used for bulk power transfer over long distances. Manitoba Hydro system involves collection of AC power in the north where it is converted to DC and then transferred to southern Manitoba (approx 900km) where it is converted back to AC to feed consumers. Recently the problems of inter area […]

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Recherche de l’influence des paramètres de fabrication sur la performance lors du cyclage thermique des barres d’alternateurs hydrauliques

La durée de vie des équipements haute tension, comme les alternateurs de puissance, est généralement limitée par celle de son système d’isolation. Le revêtement isolant utilisé pour les barres en cuivre représente l’élément de ces machines dont la résistance thermique et mécanique est la plus faible. En plus, les matériaux impliqués dans la conception de […]

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Capacity Planning and Optimization of WiMAX for Smart Grid, Part 2

Smart grid (SG) aims at modernizing the current power grid which can better manage the electricity through the grid and react to the system faults quicker. To realize this goal, many sensors are attached to different points of the power grid infrastructure. These sensors collect data and can be used for controlling, protecting, and monitoring […]

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Dynamic Modeling with Empirical Data for Hydropower Decision Support

Long-term decision making strategic investment planning under the condition of great uncertainty is of great importance to power utilities such as Manitoba Hydro. A review of standard and existing planning methodologies will be the basis for identifying and testing new formal methods to support the definition of robust investment programme planning. This project will address […]

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3D CFD Investigation of biomass combustion of a commercial furnace

Biomass combustion, which is a growing business, is used to generate heat and power. It is a very attractive system because it provides energy at cheaper price compared to oil and gas fuels and also emits fewer pollutants into the atmosphere. As the name implies, the combustion system is fired using renewable fuels such as […]

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Model Development for Manitoba Hydro Regulating Reserve Management

The main objective of this research is to calculate Control performance standards in an interconnected power system without running the time domain simulation. Using a faster approach which requires probability distribution of load change. PSCAD and PSSE simulation tools will be used to carry out the research. System identification technique will be used to estimate […]

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Numerical Weather Forecast Advances for Clean Energy Production

The objective is to create new weather-forecast products to enable BC Hydro meteorologists to better support electric-power generation, power transmission, dispatch of emergency repair crews, anticipation of electric loads, and energy trading. The method is to use powerful computers to solve atmospheric equations for future weather (a method called Numerical Weather Prediction, NWP), and to […]

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