Multi-Service IPv6 Networking for Metering, Distribution Automation and Future Applications: Capacity Evaluation

This project studies network capacity and throughput for newly emerging MSGN infrastructure including mesh planning strategies and how the number of hops and end-devices affects the overall throughput. The work includes developing the analytical framework, and confirmation through simulation and physical experiment, of proof-of-concepts in the smart utility lab IPv6 RF mesh test bed. During […]

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Ozonation Treatment for Offshore Produced Water Effluents

To meet increasingly stringent guidelines for offshore wastewater disposal, new technologies are being considered by Canada’s petroleum industries for the treatment of produced water (PW) effluents. The purpose of the proposed project is to test the effectiveness of ozonation and enhanced approaches for treating PW effluents. Lab-scale, bench-top experiments using a specially designed bubble column […]

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Observations of atmospheric stability and three dimensional turbulence for wind energy development applications

In 2012, wind energy in Canada grew by nearly 20% and wind is expected to supply 20% of Canada's electricity by 2025. Accurate measurement of the wind resource is essential for future wind energy development but current wind resource assessment practices do not adequately measure atmospheric turbulence or stability. These variables affect average wind speeds, […]

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Multidimensional Energy Consumption Analysis in Large Organizations: An Information Visualization Design Study

The goal of this project is to improve the process by which professional energy managers and utility company personnel analyze large amounts of data related to energy consumption. This process is often exploratory, meaning that many analysis questions are open-ended and cannot be phrased as a directed query. Open-ended exploration can be supported by information […]

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Innovation to Commercialization Optimization Research Project: What knowledge based tools can help WADE Canada accelerate the suitable deployment of DE technologies?

This research project will address the following question: What knowledge-based tools can help WADE Canada accelerate the suitable deployment of decentralized energy (DE) technologies? The proposed research will contribute to WADE Canada’s mission by: Assessing the performance capabilities of DE technology providers, Developing a tool to assess the needs of end users (those that have […]

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Capacity Planning and Optimization of WiMAX for Smart Grid

There are many international efforts to modernizing the current aging power grid towards an efficient grid known as “smart grid” (SG). To implement SG, many sensors are attached to different points of the power grid infrastructure. These sensors collect data and can be used for controlling, protecting, and monitoring the status of the grid by […]

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Improving precision analysis of power line modeling and integrating data processing chains for automating 3D building rooftop modeling

The project consists of two independent segments. The first part, to be managed by PhD student Yoonseok Jwa, aims to develop and evaluate new photogrammetric computer vision algorithms for detecting and identifying POAs and insulator types attached to power lines (PL). The expected benefit to the partner can be summarized as: (a) Efficiency- automatic detection […]

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Fabrication, characterization and modeling of novel CMOS-compatible polymer-based redox memory structures

A cross-disciplinary collaboration between investigators in Electrical Engineering and Chemistry has lead to the discovery of a promising new material system for nanoelectronics. This material system is a conducting polymer / inorganic metal oxide heterojunction, electrochemically grown onto a crossbar structure. This heterojunction produces transient current-voltage characteristics that can be controlled by electric fields and […]

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Modeling and Optimization of roof based BIPV/T with air source heat pump

Incorporating the Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) into Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) system has the potential to reduce building heating and cooling costs and dependence on non-renewable heating fuels. ASHPs could boost the quality and quantity of heat output of a BIPV/T system by delivering a seasonal Coefficient of Performance (COP) of between 2.0 and […]

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