Enhancement of power system security using synchrophasor data

This research project investigates how to improve the security of operation of a power system using measurements taken at several locations of the power system. In the past, there was no technology available to synchronize these measured data, and thus the applications were limited. Now, the technology has advanced and the measured data can be synchronized using Global […]

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Control of grid-connected converters for electric vehicle distributed generation application

A hi-directional converter is proposed to implement the integration of electric vehicle to the grid and household electric system. The proposed converter has two stages: a grid-connected convener. and a dc/de converter. The grid-connected converter can operate in three modes. The first of which is a battery charger. The grid-connected wi II control the power factor to unity […]

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Comprehensive study of tri-generation system based on ClimateWell technology for Canadian residential homes

A feasibility study will be conducted for a proposed tri-generation (generation of heat, electricity and cooling) using a Stirling engine and a ClimateWell heat activated chiller. The Stirling engine will provide simultaneous heat and electricity from burning natural gas. The heat from the engine will be transferred to either space heating, domestic hot water heating, […]

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Enabling maximum penetration of distributed generations without violating protection system coordination

Driven by economic, technical and environmental reasons, the energy sector is moving into an era where Distributed Generation (DG) will meet a large segment of increasing electrical energy demand. Local distribution companies are required to accept a given percentage of customer-owned renewable DG units in their system. Generally, DG introduces new possibilities such as shaving […]

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Production of bio-phenolic chemicals, green diesel fuels, and renewable hydrogen/methane gases from Kraft lignin and “Black Liquor”

The use of fossil fuels for energy and chemical production is not sustainable, and it leads to increased emissions of air pollutants (SO2 and NOx) and greenhouse gases. It is thus of strategic significance to explore alternatives to fossil resources for both energy and chemicals production. Among all the potential alternatives to fossil resources, biomass […]

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Developing forward curve models for power risk management

When a company has excess power generation at its disposal, a natural course of action will be to seek to market that power. However, power markets are notoriously volatile, and this makes the cash flows that result from selling the power unpredictable and hard to plan for. The aim of this project is to help […]

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Wide-area synchrophasor measurements based power system stability enhancement

The ability of observing the dynamics of an interconnected power system spread over a large geographical area in real time using synchrophasor technology enables the design of power system controllers against system wide disturbances which could lead to catastrophic failures. Currently, the synchrophasor technology is primarily used for monitoring applications and its potential for using […]

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Ensemble analysis of climate change impacts on Churchill River, Labrador hydrology

The goal of the proposed research project is to develop a robust and useful analysis of the effects of climate change on the hydrology of the Churchill River watershed in Labrador. The partner organization, Nalcor Energy, is planning a multi-billion dollar hydroelectric development on the Churchill River and has a strong interest on the impact […]

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Development of residential HVAC and air conditioning demand management and control systems

This project aims to leverage the TRCA Archetype Sustainable House facilities, the innovative HVAC, DHW and renewable energy equipment and on-site comprehensive monitoring system to identify opportunities for systems integration and optimization and, together with the manufacturing partner and utilities, demonstrate a control module that can both inform homeowners of their energy consumption via a […]

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Candu nuclear reactor: Civil and mechanical engineering analysis

CANDU 6 is a Canadian technology 700 MWe class nuclear power reactor. CANDU 6 reactors are performing well on four continents with over 150 reactor-years of excellent and safe operation. Candu Energy is a Canadian-based company that is enhancing this reactor design based on the experience and feedback that was gained in the development, design, […]

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Autonomous Energy System; Scalable, Flexible, Light and Low Cost – part 2

Nowadays the most rewarding aspect of engineering is to create solutions to the needs of society in a natural and resource efficient manner, therefore we must come up with more innovative and resource efficient solutions. One such solution can be a novel scalable autonomous energy system, which integrates Organic (polymer) based photovoltaics (OPVs), high density […]

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