Optimal Bidding Strategy for Wind Power Generation in Day-ahead Market

Wind Power Generation is one of the major sources for clean energy around the world in the industrialized countries or regions.  It is well known that the WPG has the following characteristics: the input is uncertain; the volatility is high with jumps and lags; the correlation between its output and demand is most likely zero; […]

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3D Visualization of the Electric Power Transmission Systems

The primary goal of the proposed internship project is to develop advanced 3D visualization methods and techniques for displaying transmission lines and other components of a power system in relation to the land cover and elevation maps. A software application will be developed using modern visualization approaches and proposed algorithms. The new system will be […]

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Probabilistic Safety Analysis Methods for Application in Nuclear Technologies

  The ability to make safety-related decisions and to demonstrate compliance with regulatory or safety limits is of great importance in the nuclear industry. For example, we may be interested to assess whether a component (such as the pressure tube which carries fuel) has undergone physical changes that have exceeded its allowable limits (e.g., the […]

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  This proposal advances the development of effective power microconverters built in mainstream digital CMOS technologies without any modifications to the standard fabrication process. The study of high-voltage techniques for the co-integration of microconverters in low-voltage processes not only will avoid the fabrication complexity of high-voltage devices, it will also reduce the number of heterogeneous chips and discrete components. […]

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Qualification and Performance Analysis of 4.0 kV Motor Coils Subjected PWM Voltage

  The insulation system of medium voltage motors is traditionally designed for 50/60 Hz power frequency; however, because of application of motor speed drives, the insulation system is subjected to repetitive fast pulses such as PWM. These fast pulses produce elevated electrical and thermal stresses on the motor insulation that can eventually lead to premature […]

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Integrated Power-Management Solution for Class D Audio Amplifiers

  This proposal targets a fully-integrated power management circuit for a high efficiency class D audio amplifier in a standard CMOS process. The project will focus on optimizing efficiency, reducing cost, and enabling wide input voltage and load current handling well-suited for battery driven applications. The converter will operate directly from a battery to provide […]

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Dispersal and recovery of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in Human Altered Landscapes of Manitoba

  This research is designed to assess various factors related to the dispersal and recovery of the Peregrine Falcon in Manitoba. As the Peregrine Falcon continues to be designated “Endangered” in Manitoba and “Threatened” nationally, data regarding survivorship, mortality factors, habitat use, and movements are required to guide future management activities related to the provincial […]

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Wireless Energy Transfer for Low Power Charging Applications

  Wireless energy transfer is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electrical load without interconnecting wires. Wireless energy transmission has distinct advantages over the conventional energy transmission which uses wires and connectors.  The most common form of wireless power transmission is through inductive coupling in which the magnetic field generated by a primary coil […]

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Probabilistic Safety Analysis Methods for Applications in Nuclear Technologies

  The ability to correctly make safety-related decisions and to demonstrate compliance with existing limits is of great importance in the nuclear safety analysis industry. For example, we may be interested to assess whether or not a physical component (such as the pressure tube which carries fuel) has undergone physical changes that have exceeded its […]

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Study on the Frequency Response of Overhead Transmission Lines

The goal of this project is to research and develop a model that is suitable for BC Hydro’s application to predict the sag of a power transmission line from its induced frequency response. Transmission lines always elongate over time due to the temperature of the conductor. The ability to monitor and obtain the shape of […]

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Cretaceous Shallow Unconventional Shale Gas (SUSG), southwestern Manitoba

  Shale gas plays are becoming progressively more important in the energy market as gas production from these reservoirs is increasing. With the advances in exploitation technology gas production from shale has become more viable and economic. Based on previous studies southwestern Manitoba can be a good candidate for extracting gas from shale formations at […]

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