Potential Function Based Secondary Control of Microgrid

The new trend in electric power systems is to incorporate distributed energy resource (DER) units into the main grid. Such DER units can form a microgrid if they are in close proximity of each other and are connected to the main grid through a single point of common coupling (PCC). If for any reason the […]

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Natural gas development and grassland songbird abundance in Southwestern Saskatchewan: the impact of gas wells and cumulative effects

Native prairie is critical to the survival of avian grassland specialists. This internship will determine the extent to which recent natural gas development on native grasslands in Southwestern Saskatchewan influences grassland songbird abundance. Natural gas activity may negatively affect bird abundance via habitat degradation (well density, noise pollution, human disturbance, exotic species, soil compaction, gas […]

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Design and implementation of a plasma power source

This project calls for the design and implementation of a power source of 20 kW and 600 V. The power source will serve several functions in the labs at Atlantic Hydrogen Inc. (AHI), chief among which is to create thermal CC plasma with current control capability. The source will consist of a static converter that […]

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Digital modelling of DC plasma torches (Part 2)

The use of plasma torches for the gasification of waste products enables the transformation of waste into clean energy with no residual by-products. As a result of the extremely high temperatures generated by plasma torches (from 5,000°C to 20,000°C depending on the type of gas used), torch and reactor modelling represent a technological challenge for […]

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Lightning Electromagnetic Field Macromodeling

Concerns regarding the quality of the electric power are becoming a crucial factor in modern power systems. Historically, most electric/electronic system equipment has been able to operate successfully when electric power was disturbed. However, the emerge of sensitive electronic equipment and devices which require highly-reliable electric power has created whole new areas of power quality […]

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Use Experience Design and Interactive Interfaces to Support Energy Conservation

This multiple]internship project aims at three applications: BCHydro's continuing efforts to encourage energy conserving actions by its clients and customers through its PowerSmart program, the City of Vancouverfs sustainability program and Team Northfs entry to the 2009 Solar Decathlon competition. Each internship will produce a prototype and/or presentation with the intent to use these results, […]

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Development and Performance evaluation of 3D powerline reconstruction method using airborne LiDAR data

The North American electric power distribution network comprises a vast critical infrastructure of interconnected grids and power lines. Effective management of this system requires timely, accurate power line mapping and monitoring. Scene analysis for powerline change monitoring requires precise detection of all key corridor objects (i.e., powerlines, towers, insulators, splices, switches and other components as […]

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Live Line Maintenance and Inspection Robotics Manipulation

This research project aims at working closely with Manitoba Hydro, to examine existing techniques and further develop new tools that allow remote access to live transmission lines equipment that cannot be out of service. More specifically, we aim to employ robots to partially substitute for, and work cooperatively with, crew directed at service interruption free […]

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Characterization of the Fuel Injection Spray Within the Ignition Quality Tester (IQTTM)

Advanced Engine Technology Ltd. (AET) has developed a novel diesel fuel Ignition Quality Tester (IQTTM) that permits fast, precise and reliable measurements of the ignition delay and CN of diesel fuels. Precision and repeatability is paramount in the Cetane environment as refineries want the most precise instrument available in the market. More precise and repeatable […]

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