Grown-in Defects Modeling of InSb Crystals and Computation

Semiconductor materials are essential for today’s fast growing electro-optic and computer industries and semiconductor crystal growth is a key stage in the manufacturing process. There is constant market pressure to increase the size and quality of crystals so that more and better devices can be put on a single wafer. The most widely used crystal […]

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Portfolio Management and Energy Options

The partner company, ENMAX Energy Corporation, is a leading electricity and natural gas supplier in Alberta. Modern techniques from stochastic processes and numerical analysis are widely used in energy risk management and trading. The intern research project involved the development of an optimal portfolio of products in the energy industry as well as the study […]

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Investigation of the Benefits of Resource Diversification with an Energy Portfolio Dominated by Storage Hydro

This project will investigate the relative financial benefit of adding different types of power generating resources to the BC Hydro energy portfolio over time. The analysis will consider various drivers of financial risk that influence this evaluation such as commodity prices, energy demand, and water inflows. Appropriate measures of risk will be considered to aid […]

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Modelling Energy Prices

Direct Energy is a leading retailer of energy and energy solutions for both residential and business customers in North America. In partnership with the company, the intern will work on energy data mining and analyses using gas and power data. The intern’s analyses will include analysis of natural gas storage and its impact (if any) […]

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Improved Models of Electric Machines for Real-Time Digital Simulations

Real-time digital simulators are valuable tools for non-destructively studying the transient behavior of electric machinery under stressed conditions. RTDS Technologies is a world-leader in the manufacturing of such simulators and is continually striving to improve its repertoire of available models of electrical equipment. The intern’s project will use special modeling methods to develop a new, […]

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High Voltage DC Transmission Using Voltage-Source Converters

Voltage-source converters (VSC) that use self-commutated valves have been used for such applications as electric motor drives. Recently with the development of switches with high voltage and current ratings, these converters have been considered for high-power transmission as well. This internship with Manitoba Hydro, Manitoba’s major energy utility, aims at developing accurate computer simulation models […]

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Prediction of Power Outage Locations Due to Weather and Tree Impacts on BC Transmission Corporation Transmission Lines

Trees uprooted or broken during severe wind events routinely cause power outages in BC. Some researchers believe that climate change will result in more storms in BC. We will investigate the weather conditions that lead to strong winds. Using BC Transmission Corporation’s power outage database, we will examine patterns of outages in space and time, […]

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An Improved Wide-Band Dynamic System Equivalent Technique for Real-Time Digital Simulators

Real-time simulators are increasingly important in power system studies and equipment tests by manufacturers, universities, research institutes and power system utilities. Yet their capability for accurately simulating some aspects of very large systems is limited by the burden of additional hardware requirements. Thus, the aim of this project is to develop an improved wide-band system […]

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Robust Efficient Estimation of Energy Use

Predicting hourly building energy use from environmental input variables can help to increase energy efficiency of buildings, and so contribute to global sustainability. Small Energy Group, a Vancouver-based energy management software company has been working on this challenging prediction problem. Small Energy Group has collected energy data on particular buildings so that the building owners […]

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Design Cycle for power electronic systems: from simulation to hardware implementation

Industrial Systems have become increasingly complex and hence their design requires extensive new tools and techniques. Computers and computer simulations play an important role in helping the design engineers in finding suitable solutions to the design of modern industrial systems. This Mitacs-Accelerate internship aims to improve the methods and techniques used in the computer aided […]

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Development of Solar Hot Water Heater Performance Monitoring Protocol and Equipment

The internship will entail the development of a flexible and robust data acquisition and monitoring system for the large‐scale long‐term performance evaluation of residential Solar DHW heating systems. The literature review will guide different alternative solar heating options. The expected result will provide flexible and portable hardware/software equipment and survey protocol for large scale monitoring […]

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